Detailed walkthrough of dragon age inquisition side quests. Dragon Age: Inquisition - Walkthrough: Companions - Recruitment

Cassandra, Varric and Solas join you in the Prologue. You will not have the opportunity to refuse their company.

Unlike these three, you can refuse to recruit any of the following associates.


After the scene with Lord Seeker Lucius during the quest “The Danger Has Not Passed” in Val Royeaux at the Summer Market, an envoy from the Circle of Mages will appear who will give you an invitation to a party on behalf of a certain sorceress Vivienne. This will give you the quest "Imperial Enchantress". Go to the indicated location (you need to go to the world map for this). After you watch the video and decide what to do with your opponent, Vivien will offer you her services.

Iron Bull

The quest “Captain Bulls” will appear in your journal after returning from Val Royeaux and talking with your advisors. Leave the Church and talk to the mercenary messenger - Cream. He will invite you to a meeting with the leader of their group, Iron Bull. The Iron Bull is located on the Storm Coast, very close to your first camp. Talk to him and you can recruit him as an ally, and the rest of his mercenaries will join the Inquisition as an additional military unit.


After you witness a strange meeting between Lord Seeker Lucius and the Reverend Mother Evara, following the quest “The Danger Has Not Passed,” just a few minutes later, while exploring the Summer Market, an arrow with a mysterious message will pierce the ground under your nose. This will activate the quest "Red Jenny's Friend".

According to the message, look for "red clothes" in the market, on the pier and in the tavern. Go to the designated places and look for the red scarf on the floor - to do this you need to activate the search button. It's not as difficult as it seems - the right place is marked with a quest marker, so you'll always have an idea of ​​where exactly to start your search. In addition, the red scarf is quite bright and attracts attention. (But you still need to press the search button to activate it.) The tavern and pier are located on the same level, but the desired market is on the top - go to the map to be transported to the desired location (map levels can be changed in the upper right corner ). After you find all three messages, you will receive a key and a new location that you can visit by opening the world map. Go there, watch the video, kill the enemies that appear and make a decision whether or not to take an unexpected ally as your permanent companion.


After your return from Val Royeaux, Leliana will share with you her concerns about the strange disappearance of the Gray Wardens in Ferelden and Orlais. This will give you the Lone Guardian Quest. Go to the place marked on the map of the Inner Lands and help the Gray Guardian and his “recruits” fight off the attackers. After this, you will have the opportunity to get him as an ally.


You meet Cole during the quest "Defenders of Justice", although he will not join you during this stage of the quest. Cole himself will find you after completing the quest and you will have the opportunity to recruit him into your group.
If you did not follow the path of the templars and chose instead the quest “Tempting Whispers”, then Cole will find you when you start the next story quest, tell you what happened to the templars, and offer his services.


Recruiting Dorian is virtually the same as recruiting Cole, except that you must go the mage route and choose the Tempting Whispers quest to meet him. (Theoretically, you can meet him and still choose the templars, since you can visit Redcliffe and talk to the mages before you get to the "point of no return". The point of no return for these two quests is the moment they both become available on your map of military operations.)

If you chose the quest “Tempting Whispers”, then Dorian will accompany you during this quest, and after it you will have the opportunity to recruit him for good. If you chose the “Defenders of Justice” quest, then, like Cole, Dorian will appear in the Vault himself at the beginning of your next story quest, tell you what happened to the magicians in Redcliffe, and offer his services.

In the game Dragon Age: Inquisition, we will be given 3 more poor fellows to work with, who will get in our way throughout the game and have heartbreaking conversations. In fact, at the start it turns out that we are the ones who are adding load to an already balanced group. Judge for yourself: there is a shield mage, there is a tank, there is an archer and a damage dealer. We can only duplicate an existing type... Let's take a closer look at who we will have to be friends with throughout the game...

Cassandra Pentagast

Description: Cassandra was born into a noble family of Pentaghasts from Nevarra. This family is famous for its poaching habits, namely, hunting for dragons, is it a joke - Cassandra's brother Anthony was considered one of the best. Cassandra's relationship with magicians somehow did not work out initially - when the warrior was still walking under the table, to her house The blood mages appeared. They, you see, for some rituals urgently needed fresh blood of dragons, which they demanded from the Pentaghast family. Having received a refusal, the magicians did not stand on ceremony for a long time - they killed Cassandra’s brother and uncle. After this, Cassandra no longer distinguished magicians by party affiliation and began to hate everyone, without exception. In the second part of the game, she was seen torturing, on behalf of the Church, the dwarf Varric....

She got into the Order of the Seekers of Truth by accident, but there she won respect for her military skills. During her training, Cassandra mastered a special fighting style, a kind of fusion of warrior and robber. She can fight with a long sword and shield or with two swords. They give us Kassandra at the very beginning of the game and she is guaranteed the role of a tank.

Varric Tetras

Race Dwarf
Floor Male
Class Robber
Activity Trader, spy
Title Trade Prince

Description: Varric's family, oddly enough, was of noble origin (he is the youngest son of the Tetras family) until the moment when they had to leave Orzammar for the surface. Varric himself bothered to be born in Kirkwall and had never been underground in his life. The cunning and insidious Varrick, before the events in the game, only pretends to be a slacker, but in fact, he leads a whole network of spies and informers, and his main task is to provide information to his family and, if possible, solve some of the family’s problems.

Among Varric’s special features is his favorite crossbow, Bianca, to which he is very attached and in the Inquisition he does not want to exchange it for a bow on principle. So far no one has been able to split the dwarf why he became so attached to this weapon... Varrick was born on the surface and does not particularly want to be like a warrior. His connections with his ancestors are limited to the Trade Guild, but even their intrigues are not to Varrick’s liking.

In Inquisition, we are given Varric almost at the start and in the early stages of the game he is a rather valuable participant if you develop him as a damage dealer, but then the power of his beloved Bianca fades away...


Description: We are also given this asshole at the beginning of the game, I would advise not to split hairs and immediately make him a shield warrior. Solus is an incomprehensible and mysterious comrade. In some incomprehensible way, he managed to be an apostate and did not encounter the forces of the Church. Again, without mentors, teachers and guidance, he managed to master magic and even explore, within certain limits, the world of spirits in the Shadow, and his knowledge in this area is very deep. A rift forces him onto the stage, and at a time when other magicians simply fled, Solas went on the warpath, even at the risk of being captured. As Solus himself states, he could not stand by when the lives of all living things are on the line.

Dorian Pavus

Description: But this comrade will be slipped to us a little later. Dorian is a Tevinter renegade mage. A gifted magician from birth, he also managed to be born into a rich family. Naturally, all this could not but affect Dorian’s character; this friend is arrogant, sometimes arrogant and independent. Because of this character, he decisively rejected all the plans and ideas of not only the family, but also the state and became a vagabond. He attached himself to the inquisitors, considering them an equal and promising force, hoping that he could introduce his ideas of equality and brotherhood...


Description: If nothing is clear with Solas (how he independently mastered magic and studied the Shadow), then with Cole nothing is clear at all. This comrade lived and lived on the lower tiers of the White Spire and at one fine moment he wanted to help the Inquisition, just like that.

Being essentially a ghost, he skillfully uses this - he walks unnoticed in the crowd, cuts enemies from the shadows and erases his memory after meeting them. Cole himself is not entirely sure who he is and where he came from, being stuck between worlds. What is more in him: a human or a demon is not clear to anyone. As for me, it’s just a poorly developed character in terms of plot...

In battle, Cole is supposed to be used as an invisible man with 2 blades, but I didn’t particularly like it, the character was too pale.


Race Human
Floor Female
Class Mage
Title Elder Sorceress
Activity Enchantress at the Imperial Court of Orlais

Description: Madame Vivienne is from the Free Marches and has Rivanian roots. This madam is the senior sorceress of the Orlesian Circle of Mages. Vivien was one of the main candidates for the post of First Sorcerer in Montsimmar, but the conflict between the magicians and the templars did not allow her to officially assume this position, and the civil war in Orlais did not contribute to this. Vivien is also often called the “iron lady” - “Madame de Fer”; this formidable sorceress achieved her position through cunning and skillful political play.

Vivien is proud and cannot stand it when something or someone tries to limit her. Having joined the Inquisition, Vivienne first of all tries to restore order to the world, not forgetting about her beloved self. The constant skirmishes with Solas, who took a completely opposite path and achieved results, are great fun, although in battle Vivienne constantly flies ahead of the tank and does not help the group in any way, unlike Solas.


Race Human
Floor Male
Class Warrior
Title Guardian Constable
Activity Gray Guardian

Description: Comrade Blackwall is the Warden-Constable of the Orlais city of Val Shevin. Blackwall is one of the few Guardians who voluntarily and enthusiastically chose his path. He fully believes in the noble goals of the Gray Wardens and would not trade this life for any other. However, in the game he doesn’t think for very long when the goals coincide with the goals of the Inquisition and joins our orderly ranks. As for me, there is no need for a second tank in the team; a shield mage has much more capabilities, although I could be wrong.

Iron Bull

Description: Iron Bull is a representative of the Qunari. Little is known about these same Qunari in Thedas; it is believed that they are stern, horned giants who sailed from the north to conquer the continent. They adhere to the ascetic philosophy of the Qun, and they put it into practice through the hands of their secret police and spy service - Ben-Hazrat. Iron Bull is one of the agents of this service, he successfully caught spies, rebels and deserters, until he suddenly felt that he could no longer do this. In order not to lose a good employee, his superiors sent him to Orlais for observation and reconnaissance. The scout, it must be said, is a mediocre Bull; at the first meeting he reveals all his cards. By and large, he doesn’t care who he fights with - the main thing is that they get paid.

It seems that Bull should have fit perfectly into the group - heavy armor and two-handed weapons provide protection and damage, but no matter how hard I tried, he turns out to be a strange warrior - not such a high damage and not such a good defense - this deer falls like a rag.


Race Elf
Floor Female
Class Robber

Description: This madam is an elf archer, an alternative to Varric. She is quite impulsive and lives in the moment. Sera is used to fighting for those who are caught between two fires, but she, like everyone else, needs order in the world. The world needs to become normal so she can live and have fun in it.

Dragon Age: Inquisition - Companions was last modified: December 23, 2014 by admin

I liked the game "Dragon Age 2". After it, I became interested in the series, read comics and books (even in English!). I was looking forward to the third game. After all, if Bioware managed to make a great thing in a year and a half, then what masterpiece will they create in three and a half? Eighteenth of November. Driver update. Launch. Dragon Age: Inquisition is beautiful. I'll say this once so I don't come back again. Beautiful in everything, starting from the start menu. I was not attracted to either the light brown color scheme of DAO or the black and burgundy color scheme of DA2. "Inquisition" fascinates at the first glance at the endless rows of wandering magicians and templars. Further more. Even those locations that are supposed to evoke melancholy and disgust are beautiful, like the Swamp of Sorrows and the Whistling Wastes. Yes, they are scary, frightening - and fascinating. What can we say about the Emerald Graves or Emprise du Lyon. DAI is beautiful. Let's note this and move on. At the first launch, I said... Strictly speaking, at the second: the game presented a serious trick by confusing the gender of the character. Well, yes, Mital is with him, with a bug, what else can you expect from the game on release day? When I first started the game I said "Wow!" And I thought: “This is it.” The Mark and the Breach, Cassandra and Varric, Leliana and Cullen, Solas and m!Lavellan. And lyrium, huge druses of red lyrium, one single piece of which drove Meridith crazy. This world could clearly use some salvation. The first hours were spent running around the Shelter, talking with everyone we met and admiring the views. It was beautiful even in the first part, but here... rarely in any game have I simply climbed to the highest point of a location and enjoyed the view that opened up. Then there was the Hinterlands, and it was great. A terrible, devastating war in such a peaceful and paradisiacal place seemed extremely absurd and terribly realistic. The scale of the map was frightening: how much interesting stuff is there? The first day was pure delight. The second one too. True, the bells rang, but I ignored them. On the third day I came to the Crossroads. Uh... so what? Completed a few basic quests - that's all? Time to go to Val Royeaux? What about the rest of the Hinterlands? The bells turned into a piano, cheerfully playing Oginsky's Polonaise. Maybe I don't understand something? Maybe this is the only location like this, and the others are much better and of higher quality? Well, I was given a quest for a fragment. For a mad messenger, a thousand miles is not a detour; you can run to the Forbidden Oasis! A? What? What is this 3D puzzle? Where, Fen "Harel, take it, are the normal quests?! So, okay, It's okay. It's okay, I said! The most relish, the most interesting thing will be when I open all the doors. A Monstrous Monster is definitely waiting for me there, guarding the Main Secret of the Universe! Otherwise, why were these fragments introduced into the game? The piano turned into an alarm bell, telling everyone who wanted to escape from this game. Then there was the Stormy Coast. And the Swamp of Sorrows. The pace of the plot development was lost - forever. I spat, remembered the unfinished fanfic, took my soul away on the forum and continued to play. Just said the word, recruited the rest of the companions into the squad. I visited Redcliffe in secret, I was impressed. The idea of ​​time travel is brilliant. True. I worked as a counterweight, met an old acquaintance. On a tip from Solas, I settled in Skyhold. And I got access to Crestwood, the Western Reach, the Sacred Plains, the Emerald Graves, Emriz-du-Lyon and the Whistling Wastes. Paragraph. Finish. Repin's painting "They have sailed." Hmm. Let's start, perhaps. Point one. Dear biovars, you are not making an MMO. I will repeat in capital letters: YOU ARE NOT DOING mmo. Why, oh why, in a single player game do you need to respawn enemies? Always and everywhere in an RPG, territory has been covered = safe territory. Whoever clears it: Revan, the Exile, Kalak Cha, the Monk of the Spirit, Commander Shepard, the Hero of Ferelden, Hawk... Yes, in the cleared territory there may appear beeches, beeches and other evil heffalumps and ominous topoelephants. But their appearance is always plot-based. Yes, areas with infinite respawn are possible, but they are plot-driven and mean MAJOR TROUBLES. And so, on an ongoing basis... biovars, you are not making an MMO. Someone may object to me: in the game, any respawn can be stopped. But, firstly, for this, any respawn must be stopped. Get another, excuse the definition, quest, visit the lair and kill everyone. While you are wandering around the location, be so kind as to transfer the endless hordes of enemies to humus. Secondly: not just anyone. Try to leave Valamar and return to it. Try it, try it, return to the cleared area. Or better yet, stay in Waterfall Cave on the Storm Coast. You don't even have to run anywhere, just turn the enemies from respawning. Yeah, anyone. It may be objected to me: biovars created a Living World Living According to the Living Laws of Life. The realism of such a living world, in my opinion, is assessed by a purely negative number. DA2 was once criticized for hordes of enemies “appearing out of thin air.” Although reinforcements almost always jumped from rooftops/came running from doors, etc. And it was fun, great, exciting and adrenaline-filled. It was cool. Apparently, one of the biovars was offended by the fans and gave us real endless hordes of enemies. So: it was in vain that he did it. Point two. Endless hordes of enemies are annoying even at high character levels. Simply because you have to be distracted by the underdogs that you have already killed. But at low levels it’s even worse: you have to waste your health. Although it’s okay, it is restored over time. What?! Not recovering? Hardcore, however. Although it's okay, you can stock up on enough potions. What?! Is the number of potions limited? Strictly limited? The Herald can lift at least fifty heavy armors, but cannot lift more than thirteen (8+5) bubbles? Kisa, this is congenial. Although it's okay, you can always be cured with magic. What?! Doesn't magic heal? Completely, that is, completely? Spirit Wynn looks at the developers with a feeling of deep and painful bewilderment, and Anders is clearly thinking about new sources of saltpeter. Healers don’t heal, my Elgarkhan... Although it’s okay, you can just return to the camp for potions and still close the obsessive rift... Stop! I have already defeated this bear! Where did it materialize from?.. general, see point 1. No, I even believe that the developers did not want to do it, like Chernomyrdin. They wanted the best. Link area exploration to camps. But it turned out what happened. And you can do it differently, you can! A great example is The Pillars of Eternity. I mean, "Pillars of Eternity". A limited number of spell uses, instant stamina recovery and no health regeneration, accumulation of the fatigue parameter (and fatigue can be influenced by “Athletics”). Sweetie. It is difficult to describe in censorship terms what the biovars achieved. Point two and a half (I’ll tell you why and a half later). Fights. They are too simple. It may seem that there are mutually exclusive paragraphs here. How is it so “simple” when I just complained about the lack of treatment? And like this. Moving around the map causes nothing but irritation. Small wounds and joints tend to accumulate. And every single battle is simple. Sometimes it’s simple to the point of disgrace. I remember how things were in DA2. Every fight there was a feat. Even the initial ogre let him have a light there. There, surviving a fight with any thugs is not easy in itself. There, some battles were replayed dozens of times and polished to a shine. And if you come to the lair of the false guards (the first act, the Upper City)... Candy! True hardcore! I dream of completing DA2 for the fourth time, without any free DLC items. Already tried it. I finished one of the battles in Danarius’s mansion on the last crumbs of the GG’s health... probably after the fifth time. This is really interesting. And DAI... We shoot, they shoot. Sometimes we control it, depending on the mood. Sometimes the enemy is thick, and then you have to shoot more. Sometimes it breaks through, you have to drink a regeneration potion. That's all. Sometimes the gaps are pleasing with difficult battles, but even they are... simple-minded, honestly. That's all. Boring. Oh yes, I play on "Nightmare", if anyone is interested. Why "and a half"? But because there is one exception. Dragons. These are not simple creatures at all. You can’t stand under the muzzle - you’ll be scorched by your breath. You can’t stand by the tail or under your feet - he’ll trample you. Well, these are standard abilities for dragons from any worlds, but the whirlwind... it defies logic. Well, with what force does the dragon flap its wings that attracts heroes from the other end of the site? How can he do so much damage? So you have to stand close... but not under the muzzle, legs and tail. Now keep in mind that the beast spits on the laws of inertia, flutters from one end of the arena to the other and spins like a propeller - and you can feel the full depth of the fun. Flight, runes, dragons, spitting, and defense are classified under the “other problems” category. No, I'm not complaining, not at all. Really interesting fights. The Fereldan hellebore drank a fair amount of blood. I especially remember the wipe at 15 thousand HP. It was easier with the others; I came to them pumped up and ready. He defeated the Nagorny Destroyer on the first try. Dragons are cool, yes. But they are too... chaotic, that's the right word. I was expecting bosses like the Stone Spirit, Corypheus, and Duke of Montfort from DA2. With such advanced tactics. It's a shame the biovars introduced dragons instead. Apart from the dragons... yes, there was only one memorable fight. Around level 16, I came to the Emerald Graves and, following Cullen’s quest, cleared out a group of smugglers in the north of the location. More precisely, a couple of giants cleared them out before me. And I ran into the winners. At level 16. It was cool, yes. That's all. Point three. Much despised biovars, you are not making an MMO. I will repeat in capital letters: YOU ARE NOT DOING mmo. Why did you introduce resource respawn into the game? Well, why? Collected means collected. That's it, we've passed, the location is clean, nothing else rings under our feet! No, this nonsense is being reborn, distracting from really interesting things, filling up the backpack. Yes, in this case the mechanics of potions would have to be reworked. Let's say, you can only improve them for herbs, and order them for gold, as was the case in the second part. With metals and leather it’s even simpler: spent means spent. Fortunately, the improvements are being removed. But nooo... Always ring, ring everywhere, until the last days! This point also includes the idiotic, endless and unnecessary tasks of the quartermaster. No, if all tasks were repeated once, that would be normal. But they go on forever. Nonsense. However, I quickly gave up on them. Point four. Biovars, if you decide to make Tomb Raider, then please make jumping physics like in Tomb Raider. What's in the game now... meh. When I couldn’t get one fragment on the Sacred Plains for about twenty minutes, I wanted to delete the game. When in Empriza I couldn’t get to a chest stuck somewhere at the top, I quit the game for several months. Never got there, by the way. Oh yeah, the game doesn't keep the character's vertical position. Wrong? Jump again. And again. And again. Nasty. In a word: IMHO, the introduction of the third dimension did not benefit the game. It only did harm. It delays the passage and generates a bunch of negative emotions. Point five. Biovars, your religion doesn’t allow you to save an auto-attack? I suppose they've joined the pantheon of the Forgotten, right? Well, here it is: the entertainment “call your enemies to death” is very doubtful. Very, very. However, as far as I understand, I was lucky: I played as an archer. As far as I understand, everything is completely sour with hand-to-hand combat. And it’s easier to do this. But no, nooo... Point six. Tactical camera. Yes, in DA2 there was sometimes a lack of it. So, occasionally, until they introduced the “shift” key to cast AOE spells. In DAI, the expressions “tactical camera” and “convenience” are antonyms. And you can only send a character to a given point using a tactical camera, yes. Point seven. Maybe this will be a revelation for biovars, but in games, vehicles are needed for fast movement. Well, also as an indicator of status, yes (mainly in MMOs). In DAI, horses cope with the latter task. But not with the first one. To “move quickly” you have to constantly spam the shift key. Constantly. Otherwise, he will not go into a gallop, he will begin to deflate with a sedate Estonian step. And the Gauls scream disgustingly, get stuck wherever possible, and to jump you need to show a strong stretch of your fingers. Eh, it would be better if I returned to WoW instead of “Inquisition”... And they’re constantly getting carried away, yes. I understand, realism. But horses are needed not for realism, but for fast movement! Point eight. Approval of fellow party members. The fact that biovars took a step back after taking a step forward in DA2 is not so bad. The friendship/rivalry system is too good for such a disgusting game. But they took two steps back: now you can’t see the level of approval in the game. At all. This is the level of the game "Neverwinter Nights 2". Moreover, the original one, before the addition “Mask of Betrayal”. In 2006, you couldn't look at approval levels. In 2014 the situation returned to its original point. No, this is forgivable for Obsidians. In the end, they introduced this system (in the second KOTOR, it seems). Obsidians in 2006 are forgivable. Biovars in 2014 - no. It may be objected: looking at the level of relationships is terribly unrealistic! Yeah, I agree. Completely. Unrealistic. As well as character levels, health scales, abilities, characteristics... Let's remove them too, shall we? Point nine. Map. Biowares and maps are needed for one single purpose: to navigate the terrain. Not for admiration. Not for exclamations of “Wow, what a masterpiece of abstract art we have sculpted here!” For orientation on the terrain. In DAI they fulfill their role with great difficulty. Eh, how many more times will I sigh sadly over the second part? Point nine point one. In the first days I had to constantly solve the problem “in which ear is my ringing?” Oh yes, don't forget about point three! Then they introduced radar. Why couldn't this be done in the release? There was some sediment left. Point nine point two. Storage of things. The Hero of Ferelden had it, Hawke had it. The Herald (for a moment, the head of the most powerful organization in Thedas) has a blast. Marasmus. Then they introduced it. Why couldn't this be done in the release? There was some sediment left. Point ten. The softest. Yes, the gameplay is crooked and glitchy, yes, playing is pure torture. But still, still, still. The main thing is the plot! Bioware games have always been famous for their plot! They didn't make a mistake, right? Yes? Set up n camps. Close m gaps. Collect l fragments. Visit j landmarks and i regions. Collect h mosaic pieces. Oh yes, the most important thing. Don't forget about g bottles. Uh... where's the plot? Where's the plot? So. By force of will, we threw out all of the above. They threw it away, I said! It's all tinsel, nothing more! The main thing is in the quests! That's true, right? Yes? Well, let's go over the main quests of the locations. Briefly. Inner Lands: help the residents of Crossroads and Redcliffe. Kill the mages, kill the templars, kill the smugglers and representatives of the Charter. Make an agreement with the driver, to do this, check several points. Variability is at the level of “who to invite to be an agent” after acquiring the necessary skills. Eh? Where are there a bunch of options for resolving the same situation, where are the moral dilemmas, where are the interesting stories, finally? Storm Coast. Run through the Gray Guardian sites and collect codex pages. For what purpose is unclear; as I collected them, I didn’t come up with anything worthwhile for myself. On the way, destroy or recruit the Blades of Ghissarian, you yourself understand which option is more profitable. Much later - clear the fortress of the Red Templars. E-2? Where are there a bunch of options for resolving the same situation, where are the moral dilemmas, where are the interesting stories, finally? Swamp of sadness. Free the soldiers of the Inquisition from Avvar captivity. There are no options at all. On the way, clear out several lighthouses and, it seems, deal with the legacy of some hermit. E-3? Where are there a bunch of options for resolving the same situation, where are the moral dilemmas, where are the interesting stories, finally? Crestwood. Here it is done! - we will finally be given an interesting story. Well, more or less interesting. I have serious questions about hardware, but when did game makers care about hardware? Moral dilemmas and a bunch of options for the development of the same situation, however, still were not introduced. What can you do, hyphen. Western Reach. Occupy the Griffin Wings fortress, deal with the thief master and complete quests for the dragon. Lo and behold, the story continues to remain... well, good, or something. At least related to the main plot. This is not DA2 or PoE, this situation is already an achievement! Here. Sacred Plains. Burn the dead in Gaspard's camp, repeat. Burn the dead in Selina's camp, repeat. Along the way, find out that Corypheus is to blame for this. Well, who would have thought! In the game with the Chief Villain Corypheus, Corypheus is to blame for the plight of the armies! Tell us about a bunch of options for resolving the same situation, about moral dilemmas and interesting stories, or can you guess it yourself? E-4. Oh, I completely forgot! After all, there is an elven clan there with a whole pack of elven quests in the give-and-fetch style and the opportunity to recruit a Dalish agent! And also - mysterious runes that even the Guardian doesn’t know about! Come on, come on, what's there? The Forgotten Temple of Dirthamen? Wow. Really wow. A temple from an era when the elven gods had just left. Now they will tell us... well, at least something. This is the god of secrets, after all! They told me. That the chief priest was planning something bad, and the younger priests decided to dismember him and imprison him. And having collected the remains, we... that’s right, we’ll fight this priest! And then we’ll get... well, at least we’ll get something, after all, this is the god of secrets! Well, at least tell me some secret, huh? Are you daydreaming? Get over it. Take an epic that no one needs and shut up. It's not "eh?" anymore. This, pardon the expression, is an epic fail. Emerald Graves. It is necessary to help the refugees cope with the free citizens of Dolov, behind whom stand, who would have thought, the Red Templars. Even the Moral Dilemma appeared: whether to tell the City and the World about the noble origin of Fairbanks. But guess what? Somehow this “dilemma” doesn’t seem worth a damn to me. "E-5", full "e-5". Emprise du Lyon. Another location, somehow connected with the main plot. Another story in which there are at least some plot twists and at least some choices. OK. By the standards of the Inquisition, it will do. By the standards of the Inquisition. The Whistling Wastes. Stop the activities of the Venatori who are looking for... what? The Tomb of the Perfect One, that's what! Perfect, who lived on the surface! Well he lived, so what? You never know who was expelled to where. If it turned out that the gnomes originally lived on the surface, it would be a bomb. And so... Stop? Why was he expelled? What was it that he was researching that was special? Why do the Venatori dig sand with their noses like scalded ones? After all, there must be something unusual lying there. Must! Well, please, please, please... A drawing of an excellent rune against demons. Drawing. Excellent. Runes. Against. Demons. Which you can buy in the store. E-6? About the many decisions and moral choices... I won’t say anything, okay? It seems that everything... No, not everything! There is also a Forbidden Oasis! A kind of three-dimensional puzzle. Even if there is, in fact, no main quest (shouldn’t we consider a mining company that has closed its activities as such)? Well, it's nothing, it's nothing! There, inside, there is such a creature imprisoned, SUCH a creature... After all, otherwise why all this collection of fragments? Collected. We've arrived. There, inside is the demon of pride. An ordinary demon of pride. Do not misunderstand me. Demons of pride are funny guys. In the DAO, one of these has set an entire tower of magicians on edge. In DA2, the possessed Meretari was epic (although she was killed quite easily). In the prologue of DAI, the demon of pride at least pretended to be epic. And here... Slag. OK. Even if the battle was simple, but... But at least there should be an exciting story here!!! A figure bound in chains is carved on the stone with shallow strokes. The other two figures are depicted turning away from the central one. The inscription under the image is ancient, however Solas can partially translate it:"Pride is in our accomplishments and in our hearts. The same pride (the word used means "distorted" or "changed") in it. He decided to demand (untranslatable), lost favor and was bound.INDeath lurks within, hidden from mortal eyes." For it. We picked up the pieces for this. Untranslatable. Epic fail 2. Yes, in reality everything is not so bad. It's even worse. After all, these are only the main quests... Bottom line: six locations evoke a feeling of deep and painful bewilderment and are garbage that only spoils the game. Two places are even worse: “What’s left is to just swear!” (C) And only three are “okay, that’ll do.” You can say - I didn’t understand, didn’t appreciate the depth of the plan, didn’t go through everything, didn’t collect everything, etc. Nope. All quests, all regions, all landmarks, all mosaics, all bottles, "Stargazer", "Keymaster", Dragonslayer, "Inquisitor". If I'm not mistaken, 216 hours. I declare responsibly: the game is disgusting. You can say - why go through this if everything is so disgusting? Well, no, I complete games completely or not at all. In addition, I hoped that the complete passage would affect the ending. Well, why did they start all this?!! You could say the main plot, the characters. Well, yes: the main plot is good, the characters are good. How long does it take to complete the main story? I think about twenty hours will be enough if you don’t get too stuck. But other? One might say - courts, command headquarters. I could answer: yes, the courts and quests of the command headquarters are good, but not enough. But I won't answer. Point eleven. Our dear Inquisition. In Mass Effect 3 the system was very clear. Commander Shepard roamed the galaxy and collected all the resources he could get his hands on. All resources were displayed on a special terminal. The result influenced the ending. Or it didn’t, it doesn’t matter at all. The main thing is that the player had motivation. It was clear why he was tearing his veins. This is not the case in Inquisition. Absolutely. There is the level of the Inquisition, there is the number of power points, or influence, or whatever they call them. This is all good, and it’s all completely, absolutely unnecessary. Yes, points are needed to discover new areas and advance through the plot. By the end I had a little less than three hundred of them. A little less than three hundred, piss off the developers of Fen "Harel! Why should I salt them, or what? The level is even worse. Apart from a couple of tasks of the command headquarters, it does not affect anything at all. No, the first 4 levels influence - they give the necessary perks. Here the following ones do not give. Yes, you can buy some gameplay improvements for them, but they do not affect the plot in any way. And the influence that the completion of tasks brings... interesting tasks, I admit, with tricks and the ability to choose... it is in this emptiness and leaves. Well, it could have been done differently. It was possible. You don’t need super-duper-super-resources for this. Just a small window, with the simplest, stylized design. And there it is described in detail who exactly supports the Inquisition, who does not support it, who is hostile. And let it change as the game progresses. Did you close the gaps and stop the magicians and templars? Get more recruits! Have you chosen the right Hunter's Hill beauty? Get Hunter's Hill. Sent a goat thrower to the border with Tevinter? Get the support of the Avvars and lose your influence in Tevinter. Completed the quest "Shadows over Denerim"? Get Denerim's support. Captured the fortress? Generally great, plus five hundred to the number of troops. Etc. and so on. The idea, I think, is clear. Reduce the amount of grind to reasonable limits. Depending on the collected resources, you can organize an assault on the Admant fortress and the Arbor Wasteland in different ways. That's all. There is no need to even make different variations of the plot (although it would be better, of course, to do so, but God bless them) - just Cullen will sadly talk about huge losses / joyfully report on a crushing victory. The experience of the game is completely different. The idea is on the surface. Did religion not allow its biovars to be introduced? So there is no need to pray to the Forgotten. The true Gods are elven. Yes, and influence points could be spent not only to open areas, but also in dialogues. Or to perform the tasks of advisers. Eh, dreams, dreams... Point twelve. I calmly accepted the plot about the Chosen One and “saving the world” (C). Fortunately, the world would really be in trouble - see the quest “In Secret”. But if you’re going to save, then save. To the limit, to the point of erased calluses, to a bloody nose. Don't run to victory - crawl, pulling yourself up on your hands and dragging your broken legs. Only such a victory is true. The main plot, as I said, is not bad. And there are difficult elections. In the Mital temple and further on, we are bombarded with information. In my version of the story, Kieran appeared with the soul of Urthemiel, and Flemeth’s confession was epic (the second luxurious moment of DAI, the first was time travel). Then there was the ending. “This is not a fish. Not a jellied fish. This is some kind of strychnine.” What do you expect from the ending of such a game? But what is described above. Checking the hero's achievements for fracture and stretching. Devastation of Skyhold. Bravely sacrificing party members left and right (and it is absolutely not necessary that at least someone die... if, of course, the player made the right decisions. See KotOR, NWN2, ME2, DA2 and so on). I expected Corypheus to "pull the dragon out of his ass", pardon my gnomish. He will grin and say, “It was a minor trouble.” Will thank the hero for the impeccable execution of his plans. Whether a carefully cultivated army of demons, or creatures of darkness, or Tal-Vashoths, or alien bats will be unleashed on us - it doesn’t matter. I got...anyone guess what I got? Many players (by the way, I was not one of them) criticized the ending of ME3 for being a “traffic light”. They say that three possible solutions are not cool. Here we also have three options: go and defeat Corypheus, go and defeat Corypheus, go and defeat Corypheus. There is no other option. In the end, I truly felt sorry for Corypheus. And further. During the final battle, I kept finding myself thinking that the fight in Legacy was... no, not more difficult: they're both easy. More epic. At least there was some kind of tactics there. The resulting fun seems fake and forced. The final slideshow is a scanty scrap (they could at least put some consequences in there! Bummer, sir). The final post-credit twist can no longer improve or change anything. I bought "Jaws of Hakkon" purely out of inertia. I'll go and evaluate it. I'll read the reviews about the next DLC. Maybe I'll buy it. May be. After DA2 I even bought sets of items. The overall rating of the game "Dragon Age: Inquisition" on a scale of one hundred is thirty-five points, no more. Failure of the year.