Show card tricks. Some simple but effective tricks with cards. Guess any conceived

Quite common among magicians, the trick of guessing the card belongs to the category of medium in terms of the complexity of execution. It is difficult to perform it without certain skills. Be sure to master the skills of cutting, skillful shuffling and ways to divert the attention of the public. Consider two main options for doing this trick along with secrets.

Guessing one of 12 spread out in a fan or ribbon

The bottom line is this. Of the 12 pieces you selected in advance, the participant guesses any one, and you effectively guess which one. The secret is in the drawings. You choose in advance from a deck of 12 cards of an odd order, that is, threes, fives, sevens, and so on. Lay them face down in front of you and look carefully. Most of the drawings on each are equally directed either up or down.

Now take one and turn it over. In the figure, this is 9 crosses.

That is, before starting the trick, unnoticed by the public, you need to lay out the cards with the pattern in one direction. Then you invite the person to choose any, let him pull it out of your layout. He remembers, and in the meantime, you quietly collect all 11 pieces and, folding them into a small deck, turn the entire stack upside down. The spectator gives his, and you insert it into the general deck, restoring 12 pieces. And now the most spectacular moment. You sort through the cards one by one slowly, as if thinking, and name the one you need. After all, it has a drawing in a different direction. For example, if the guess was 7 crosses, then it will look something like this.

As you can see, learning to guess the card is not at all difficult, you need to be able to perform some manipulations unnoticed by others.

It is important! To focus, take 12 images of all stripes, except for diamonds, otherwise the trick will not work.

Guess the card in a simpler version

You count 21 pieces from the deck in front of the public and, having laid them out in a beautiful semicircle, offer to name any number from 6 to 21. Then you count all the cards in front of you and on the number called by the person, take them out, call them correctly and demonstrate to everyone as proof. From the outside, it seems that it is impossible to guess, but the trick is quite simple. You can learn this trick here:

Guess any conceived

You shuffle the pack and invite the viewer to choose any picture and keep it for now. You yourself shuffle the deck again and quietly memorize the last card in the pile. Then lay out the entire stack into 5 piles, and ask the spectator to put his card on any of them. Then you cover the stack with your chosen main deck (one part of 5, only with the card that you remember at the beginning).

Thus, it turns out that the participant's picture lies in front of the one that you remember. The whole deck gathers together, unfolds like a fan, and the magician calls the picture made by the person. After all, it lies to the right of the one that you remembered. If your card was 7 of hearts, then the spectator would have, say, 10 of spades.

Incredible focus on just three pieces from the deck

One of the brightest and most entertaining tricks that makes the brain just explode. It is most commonly referred to as the "3 Card Monte". Only three pieces are in the hands of the magician, who demonstrates each of them to the viewer. The trickster asks to remember one of them and follow it throughout the performance. The man watches closely, but every time the magician asks where she is, the eyewitness fails. There is no way to guess the card!

In general, the trick with three cards is remarkable precisely because it seems to be easy to follow, but there are only three cards. However, no matter how many attempts the participant has, he will not be able to guess the right one. But the magician determines its place unmistakably and accurately.

To master the skills for such a trick, we suggest going through a thematic training: guess one of the three cards. In addition to learning how to master this trick, you can preview it in action. To do this, follow the link:

To show such tricks with cards you will need special. cards with special coated. You can order these

It is important! Before you start learning given focus, make sure you are fully proficient in card manipulation such as double raise and flip. This is the basis of this trick.

There are several varieties of this focus. Either the performer moves the cards in his hands, or this is done on the table, but always in front of the public.

- the dream of most children and many adults. The ability to perform tricks will help you attract the attention of the public, envelop your person with a certain halo of mystery - after all, not everyone knows how to deceive the human imagination.

Attributes of a magician

Many children, teenagers and even adults are wondering how to learn how to do magic tricks. To do this, they buy thematic books, read detailed instructions in the Internet. But perhaps the most optimal and frequently used training option is watching video tutorials .

But it should be remembered that in some cases, excessive striving leads only to negative consequences - if you rush, learn to perform tricks the wrong way, that is, there is a risk that you will not be able to relearn.

Simple tricks with cards

H fading classics are magic tricks with cards.By using our video training you will learn the basics, learn how to independently perform the most spectacular of simple card tricks:

It is from watching video lessons that beginners, both children and adults, should learn. Correct, unhurried, thoughtful perception of information is a guarantee that in the future you will be able to surprise an excited audience or your acquaintances with the spectacular skill of visual deception. And exactly video training will help you achieve the desired result.

To perform tricks based primarily on mathematics . Knowledge of the basics of this powerful science will help you in them, as well as the ability to practically apply the basic calculation formulas. All this is the key to success in demonstrating a bunch of spectacular card tricks. For example, a trick where you need to guess the intended card. And not only.

Math-based card trick

This trick is suitable for those who can count well in their minds.

It's called "Instant settlement". To complete it, you need to be able to count well in your mind. You are trying to guess the card that the spectator, being behind you, took from the deck.

What's the point?

  • The sum of the numbers from all the cards is three hundred and twelve.
  • King, in this counting system - zero, queen - 12, jack - 11.
  • Summing up all the values ​​​​from the deck (from the 51st card), you will receive the required amount.
  • Then - subtract this number from the total - this is the card drawn.
  • If the result is 312, then the King was taken from the deck.

Spectacular card trick

Simple but effective magic tricks always impress the viewer

Easy to perform, but beautiful and effective tricks with cards, amenable even to a beginner, always make a good impression. Take, for example, focus "Four Aces".


  • The spectator calls a random number from ten to twenty, you do card shifts, and then put aside four aces from the deck being shown.
  • The trick is that from the whole pack you count the number named by the viewer. The pack is extremely small.
  • You remove from it the cards, the sum of which is the numbers named by the viewer, the rest remain in place.
  • After that, turn over the set aside cards.
  • They miraculously turn out to be those very aces.

The main scam is this: in a card deck, aces fit exactly in places from the ninth to the twelfth. Thus, the magician can always easily find them in a common pile.

That's all! Just two simple tricks that can become the basis of your subsequent training in this direction. Everything is like in mathematics: the trick will turn out if you thoroughly calibrate each action, calculate all possible options.

Learning tricks with cards it is knowing the secret of focus and training before the real performance. You can practice doing tricks in front of a mirror. Bring the show to the audience to automatism. Then you can perform a card trick in any setting. Practice doing some simple card tricks that even kids can do.

How to guess one card out of five

To show focus you will need:

  • Card deck
  • table.

Announce to your viewers that you are a mind reader and will be able to easily guess the card conceived by the audience from your magic deck. Call four volunteers (assistants) from the hall, seat them at the table and give them cards (5 each).

Ask everyone to guess one of the cards in their hand. Now collect all the cards (one at a time, in a circle), arrange them into five piles. During this procedure, say some magic words.

Invite the assistants to choose the stack of cards they like and give it to you. Spread the cards in a fan and turn the picture towards the audience. Ask the assistants which of them noticed their card. As soon as someone answers, you will immediately pull out the hidden card. If the chosen pile does not contain the desired card, draw another pile. She, too, must be chosen by assistants.

The most interesting thing is that in any case you guess desired card, even if there are several hidden cards in the pile.

Learning this card trick.

In this room, only you know the secret of the trick. The thing is that you take the "five cards" clockwise: first from the first assistant to your left, then further in a circle. At this time, you hold the cards face down, your stack of cards will be the last one, it will also be on top of the pack. After that, you will lay out the cards again, five in each pile.

In each pile, the cards will lie in the order in which you collected them from those sitting at the table. For example, if the fourth assistant sees his card, then this means that his card is the fourth from the top of the pile; if the first, then the card is the first. Your task is to collect the cards in such a way that the audience does not guess about the specific order of "card collection".

Here's a distraction for this - magic words. You can think of something else to distract the viewers. For example, let them count down from 20 to 0.

Another trick with cards called - Four aces.

For focus you will need:

  • Card deck

Announce to your viewers that you know one secret card trick - drawing aces. It was given to you by one well-known card player, the same one that is mentioned in the “Queen of Spades” by A. S. Pushkin, Count Saint-Germain (this can be said if you have adults among the audience).

You will succeed, without digging in a deck of cards, to pull out four aces. Call anyone from the hall, let him name any number between 10 and 20. Now take the same number of cards from the deck and set aside a separate pile. Add together the numbers of this number (for example, 12 \u003d 1 + 2) and remove the same number of cards from the top of the pile. Now you can put them back in place.

Set the very first card from the top to another place face down, and return all other cards to their place. Again ask the audience to name any number from ten to twenty and do the same operation as at the beginning of the trick. This whole procedure must be repeated 4 times so that you have 4 cards set aside. Now you say the magic words: “Cribble-crable-booms”, unfold the cards with a fan of pictures towards you, wave them and turn the pattern towards the audience. You have four aces in your hand.

Learning to show this trick.

  • Put aces in advance on 9, 10, 11 and 12 places at the top of the deck, then everything will go by itself.
  • The main thing - do not let the cards shuffle at the beginning of the trick.

So, no training is needed - the focus will turn out by itself. You will need: a deck of cards, a table.

With a deft movement, pull out the deck, unfold and fan it in front of the audience. Then select 10 cards from the top. Put the rest aside. Lay out the cards in front of the audience: the first on top - face up, the second on top - under the bottom of the pile (do not turn the card over), then again one - face up, the second - under the bottom of the pile, until all 10 cards from the pile have been in your hands and will not be on the table.

All movements must be done quickly and clearly, without hesitation. In a moment, a row of red and black cards will appear on the table in front of your spectators.

Everyone loves miracles! Card tricks are a spectacular way to entertain guests or amuse children. Who doesn't want to become a magician for a short time? Having learned a few simple tricks, you will be able to impress your audience with your telepathic abilities. Tricks with cards are not at all a difficult task, to make sure of this, we offer a few simple tricks. You will need a deck of 36 cards.

1. “Guessing the cards” is a very simple trick with which you can name the cards. Two people will choose these cards from the deck.

You will need a deck of cards marked in Latin letters. To show this trick, divide the deck into two types of cards: one should consist of cards with numbers or letters with a flat or sharp top (ace (A), king (K), jack (J), 3, 4, 5, 7, and the second is from cards with numbers or letters with a round top (queen (Q), 2, 6, 8, 9, 10. With practice, you can sort the cards quickly, right in front of the audience.

Call two volunteers and, dividing the deck into two parts of different types, give each one of the parts. Ask each of the two participants in the trick to draw one card from the deck of the other. Now each assistant must look at the card he has chosen, show it to the audience and remember. At this time, you can turn away or close your eyes. Next, each participant must put the chosen card in his half of the deck and mix the cards thoroughly.

Ask the assistants to arrange the cards from their halves of the deck face up on the table. You can easily guess the cards chosen by the assistants, because they will be of a different type.

2. The next trick is based on arithmetic. Remember the number 27 - you will need it. After that, ask the spectator to take the cards and shuffle them, choose a card and put it on top of the deck. Then ask to remove any number of cards and count them, let's say 15 cards.

Next, let the spectator count the number of red cards among them, for example, 6. Next, let him take the second part of the deck and, turning it upside down, count and remember the sixth black card. Then the spectator must put this part of the deck on those cards that he took off at the beginning and all the cards must be given to you.

The deck is turned face down, and you lay out one card from the bottom, mentally counting the black cards, 27-15 = 12 - the twelfth card will be the card chosen by the spectator.

3. Another simple but very effective trick.

Shuffle the deck and memorize the bottom or top card, such as the ace of diamonds. Ask any spectator to give you an ace of diamonds from the deck. The spectator draws any card from the deck and, without looking at it, gives it to you. For example, the queen of hearts.

Ask the same spectator to draw the queen of hearts from the deck, the spectator will draw another card and give it back to you. For example, he pulled out 6 clubs. Then you say: “Now I will draw 6 clubs from the deck myself,” after which you quietly take the card that you remembered at the beginning of the trick from the deck.

You now have all 3 announced cards in your hand: Ace of Diamonds, Queen of Hearts and 6 of Clubs. Show these cards to the audience.

It so happened that at any age, regardless of whether it is a student party or an office corporate party, a person who knows how to show at least one trick with cards will always become the highlight of the program. All viewers understand that they were deceived somewhere, but hardly anyone can prove, and even more so show how this happens. Therefore, you should not immediately reveal your secrets of tricks with cards, because the longer the audience remains in the dark, the more attention will go to the lucky fakir. And the girls will gladly give the hero their kiss in exchange for revealing the secret of mysterious manipulations.

Easy trick - four aces

The simplest trick with cards is when the spectator is asked to divide the deck into four arbitrary piles, after which he shuffles them, and at the end he finds that an ace lies at the top of each pile. There is no limit to surprise and puzzlement. After all, a voluntary participant in the show knows that he himself divided the deck, shuffled it himself, took out the cards himself, and therefore what happened can only be explained by mysticism. Although there is nothing simpler than the fact that the person who volunteered to help will do all the necessary work himself, exactly following the instructions of a homegrown magician. To perform easy tricks with cards, no training is required, it is enough to have a confident look and know a few secrets.

Preparation and execution

So, for the successful execution of this number, you need a deck of cards, a table and a volunteer, and, of course, precise instructions. The first step is to place all four aces at the top of the deck. Naturally, neither the guest nor the assistant should see this. Having asked the spectator (or assistant) to divide the deck into four parts, you need to note for yourself where the stack with aces lies. Usually it is on the extreme left or right.

After that, you need your assistant to remove the top three cards from the pile without aces and put them in the base, and then spread three more on adjacent decks. The same must be done with the rest of the packs (without the 4 pictures we need). At the end, there will be a turn and decks with aces. The assistant will shift the top three cards that fell into this pile from neighboring ones to the base, and the freed aces will put them in their places on top of the decks. Now you can ask one of the guests, or, again, an assistant assistant, to turn over the cards that are on top, and the whole audience with bated breath will see with delight that these are really four aces.

The self-ordering deck is another easy math trick.

This trick with cards can be performed both by yourself, and again entrust the deck to one of the spectators and only guide his actions. But let's imagine that the corporate magician decided to do everything himself. Then the deck must be prepared in advance. All cards must be sorted by suit into four sets. The first will be an ace, then a two, a three, a four, and so on until the king. Having stacked all the packs on top of each other, you can show the deck to guests.

After counting exactly 21 cards, so as not to knock down the sequence of their arrangement (of course, no one should notice that they were divided by count), the top pack must be placed at the bottom of the entire deck. Now you need to split the deck 9 times anywhere. Again, you can do this yourself, or you can invite one of the guests. After these manipulations, it is necessary to decompose the pack into thirteen piles, sequentially one after the other. Everything, the focus is ready! Now you can invite spectators to make sure that the whole deck is packaged according to its value: aces, twos, threes, and so on.

I won! Pay with a kiss

The meaning of the whole trick is that a man bets on a kiss that he will guess the card chosen by his companion. This trick with cards is not only simple, but also very easy to perform. It is enough, having divided the deck into two parts, ask the girl to put the chosen card on the bottom pile and see which card will be at the base of the top one. After that, you can safely cut the deck several times and begin to remove and turn over the cards one at a time. As soon as the card that was peeped appears, you can announce that the next one will be hidden ... and tear a kiss from the lips of the surprised beauty.