Arena deck calculator. Select the desired card. Refusal to attack

Hello. I would like to tell you how to play in the Arena with all classes, and I will start from the most popular hero - Mage. Almost all players in Hearthstone, if they see a Mage in the choice of a character in the arena, they take it.

Deck building

I believe that deck building in the arena affects at least 75% of the result, so you need to choose your cards very carefully. The assembly of the arena itself is divided into 2 stages. The first stage is when you just choose the cards you like, and in the second you should already pay attention to the mana curve and the synergy of the cards.
Why is magic so loved? Of course, for his cool class cards, especially spells that surpass all other classes in terms of cost / power combination. A great example is , costs 4 mana and deals 6 damage. The warrior has the same card for 4 mana, but it deals 6 damage only if you have 12 hp or less.

1st part (1-15 cards)

In the first half of the cards, you should choose those cards that are simply strong without synergies and almost no attention to the mana curve. From ordinary cards, you should take without looking at the rest of the cards - , and . And of course, the "classics" -,. For late, take , and . Secrets are also a good choice, especially .
Ordinary cards are the basis of your deck, and rare ones will drop out infrequently, but if you still come across them, then take and . The mage is good even if you don't have secrets, but if you can play a secret as well, it will give you so much tempo that it will be very difficult for the opponent to get out of this situation. The community cards will help you a lot at the beginning of the game, so grab them with both hands. But still, most rare cards cost 4-5 mana, so they have a special value in the middle of the game. , is a list of great arena rares.
Epics will drop even less often, not even in every arena. But, oddly enough, you should not be especially happy about their appearance. You will find a lot more "junk" cards than really good ones. Of the class cards, only one can be distinguished, for me personally, she saved my life a bunch of times. From the common cards it will be good - he can pull you out of the game at the very beginning. A few more good epics have been brought to us by the latest additions - and .
Legendaries are those cards that you shouldn't really hope to drop. There are quite a few good arena legendaries, but they are very different from Constructed. For example, a super strong card in the ranking is completely unnecessary in the arena. Perfect cards in the arena for you will be , and . You can also take purely late cards, but they will not be as effective, since the middle game in the Arena decides almost everything.

2nd part (16-30 card)

It is from this moment that you need to think, not only about the cards themselves when choosing, but also about other factors. Let's start with the mana curve, you shouldn't make it very sharp, it should be smooth. For each mana, you need to have at least 2-3 creatures so as not to miss a turn and not lose momentum. The main mana peak should be at the fourth mana. Fortunately, there are a lot of good cards for 4 crystals.
Don't cast too many spells. 8-10 spells is the limit, otherwise you will simply have nothing to put on the table. But, when you count cards, or let's say a hunter, for you there should be creatures.
Synergy is an important aspect when choosing cards in the Arena. You should not take a card in the arena, hoping that then another card will come to you that will interact perfectly with it. However, if you still took it, then pay your attention to the dragons, in this case it will be more valuable than the yeti.
The last thing I would like to say is that in the arena, silence cards will help you a lot, they often save the whole situation. one of the strongest cards in the arena.

Arena game.

The game in the arena is very dependent on the built deck, so do not be too lazy to write down all your cards on a piece of paper, and cross them out when you get it in your hand. This will help a lot at the end of the game to understand which card will come to you next. There are some programs that will do this for you. You should play differently against each class.

Playing against the Mage

You should be afraid of his cheap spells, and don't go all out because he doesn't have . Always imagine the worst-case scenario for yourself so that you are prepared for anything. , you can get badly messed up in the beginning, so don't expect too much to "rush" the mage. Don't forget the secrets, but play against the most popular secret first.

Warrior game

Almost always, a warrior will have , so play against her. If you have in the deck, then keep it to the last. Also, don't forget about the other AoE spells of the warrior. Still, this is an unpopular and weak class in the arena, so rejoice if you see him against you.

Playing against a Druid

The druid is somewhat similar to the magician, due to his spells. He can get into the board quite early as a strong minion due to . Also be prepared for - the most popular druid spell. Many of them take 6 pieces in decks! Also remember about another strong card - , and be ready on turn 3 to get a 4/6 creature with taunt after .

Playing against the Warlock

The warlock is also one of the weakest classes, along with the warrior. However, be prepared for strong spells like or . Leave your removals on strong creatures - or .

Playing against a Paladin

In my opinion, the paladin is one of the strongest classes in the arena. This is a versatile class that has strong Aoe and weapons.

Hearthstone- unique computer collectible card game, inspired by the universe Warcraft, developed by Blizzard, and the distribution format is f2p. There are 9 unique classes in the game, with their own class ability, a huge number of different cards from which different decks are made. When playing in Wild or Ranked mode, you use your set of cards that you have, while playing in Arena, which is another game mode, you collect cards from randomly given to you, which brings some kind of balance when playing this mode. Experienced players do not experience problems when collecting cards in their deck in the arena, but beginners collect various cards that are very weak and irrelevant in the arena, so today I will teach you how to build your deck in the arena.

So, how to collect cards in the arena:
1) We choose the hero we need, it is best to choose exactly the class that does not need absolute synergy of its units, for example, a hunter will be a bad class in the arena, and a paladin or mage is pretty good.
2) After choosing a hero, we have to collect 30 cards in our deck. The basic principle is to choose a card that is stronger than the other two in terms of its characteristics and features. The rating will help us with this. game cards in the arena. There are many sites with a rating, but we will consider the most convenient of them.
So how does it work. For example, we play as a druid and we get cards: Sign of the Wild, Wild Roar and Elven Archer.

3) We go to the site and select our class, that is, the druid.

4) Next, alphabetically, we drive in 3 cards that we got, it will turn out like this:

5) Now with the help of LMB we select the card that has the most points, in our case it is the Sign of the Wild.

6) It hits our deck, now we can repeat the process further. The peculiarity of the service is that the second and following cards he will evaluate not only by characteristics but also by synergy, about which he will inform you and highlight the card in green.

7) Once you've built your deck, you can rate it by looking at its stats below. In principle, with the help of this service, we have assembled a good deck with good rating, decent synergy and independence from the race of creatures, which is pretty good for the arena.

8) That's basically all, using this method, you can easily collect a good deck for the arena and make 12 victories to get the coveted prizes and legendaries. I wish you all good luck in conquering this card game!

I am glad to present you my own development, the analogues of which I have not seen on the net.

Friends, I have finally completed the protracted move, so I can finally return to the usual schedule of all regular readers of “1-2 articles a day”. But now is not about that.

I promised to launch a unique feature by May 8, I did it a little ahead of schedule 🙂

I present to you

What to do with it? Just follow the link and enter the required data. It is clear that on this moment you don’t have these data, but you can play with numbers 🙂

What are you? I already said that in order to prepare meta reports, I created a convenient and powerful Meta calculator that allows you to quickly calculate the best decks for the current meta. And then I thought “what if we change it so that each player can calculate his own meta?”. No sooner said than done. Now you can simply enter into the calculator the opponents you meet and get in return best deck for your personal meta, as well as its average win rate.

Why is this needed? The main problem with all meta-reports is that the data becomes outdated very quickly. Just a few days after the release of the report, the meta can change dramatically and the information will no longer be useful. With the Meta Calculator, you'll always get the most up-to-date deck selection tips because the only relevant meta is your personal meta.

What else is “personal meta”? Have you ever met, for example, three Zooloks in a row, although in the meta they are at best 1%? I'm sure yes. “Personal meta” is a well-known concept, two players playing at the same rank can have very different opponents. Blizzard does not reveal all the details of the matchmaking system, however, the fact that the opponent is not randomly selected has been confirmed by the developers. In particular, they already mentioned that one of the factors is the hidden rating of each player. Based on this, many theories have already been built, for example, it is believed that players with a low hidden rating in opponents are more likely to come across decks with low requirement to the skill of the player, and for high-ranked players, decks that are difficult to master. And when you consider that the hidden rating is just one of many matchmaking factors, it becomes obvious that the concept of “personal meta” becomes more important than “general meta”.

Who needs it? First of all, the new feature will be useful for those who aim to take the Legend. It is known that the path from rank 5 to Legend is 3 times longer than the path from rank 20 to 5, so it is in this sector of the meta that the Calculator will be most useful. It is quite possible to use it at rank 20, however, with frequent changes in ranks, the meta changes quite a lot, so the data can be somewhat distorted.

How it works? The calculator asks for your data to create a picture of the meta, assigns an importance factor to each archetype entered, and then multiplies the winrate of the decks by the importance factor. I did it manually . The only thing you need start tracking the archetypes of rivals. Ideally, pen and paper, only hardcore 🙂 The alternative is Track-o-bot, it determines the archetypes playing against you, however, it will not determine some of them, for example, the Mage on secrets and the Aggressive Shaman. Decktracker, unfortunately, remembers only classes, it is not able to recognize archetypes. So again, if you want to get the most out of your calculator, grab a pen and paper and take notes after every match. Fortunately, this is the only drawback of the calculator. After you enter your personal meta data, you will get the most suitable deck.

How the calculator will evolve? Although the version is called 1.0, you need to understand that the project is at the very beginning of development. I plan to release major updates at least once a week. I understand that it requires a lot of improvements, so please be indulgent with the first growing pains 🙂 Plans for the next updates:

  • Analysis of the whole meta, not ~70% of the most popular decks.
  • Alternative calculator - you will only need to enter data about the classes of opponents, and the script will automatically divide them into archetypes. The accuracy of the results will decrease a little, but this will help you not to bother with pen and paper, it will be enough just to enter data from decktracker.
  • Reasonable design.

Plans for version 2.0

  • Integration with the global update site. Users will receive not only the best deck, but also deck description, technical replacements, description, gameplay video. It will be VERY cool 🙂

So I ask you to criticize the calculator in the comments, make suggestions, ask questions, clarify incomprehensible points, together we can make the most convenient and user-friendly meta analysis tool that will outshine any meta reports in its usefulness 🙂

The main goal of this stage is to find all possible bugs and shortcomings, here I simply cannot do without you.

Known Bugs(will be fixed soon)

  • There is no check for exceeding the limit of matches played.

Welcome site readers! If you're tired of playing Ranked, fun in casual, look into Free, then Hearthstone Arena - this is what should interest you. Many players dream of playing the eternal arena, getting 7+ wins in the arena, getting "free" boosters and some extra gold, but the biggest dream of the players is to get 12 wins in the arena. And they can be understood, because they will receive the maximum reward. Therefore, in the article we will talk about: How to get 12 wins in the Hearthstone arena?»

What will make your deck 12-0 in arena?

All cards can be divided into 5 main categories:

  • Removals(such as Master Hunter, Fireball)
  • AoE/strong cards that can turn the game around(Swing cards) (Elemental Devastation , Fire Wave , Mental Technician)
  • Card draw(Cult leader, Sacred Vigil)
  • Treatment(Servant of the Earth, Ancient Healer)
  • Legendary cards(Enemy Cutter 4000, Ragnaros)

Let's start with the removals. The average deck with 12 wins has more than 3 removal cards. Considering how difficult it is to get a removal in the arena and how easy it is to get a normal creature, we can definitely see the fact that getting them early in the draft is a good idea. Most removals can serve a variety of purposes. For example, Starfire can be used to destroy a creature, damage a creature, and draw an additional card.

The average number of AoE spells or strong cards that turn the game around (Swing cards) is 1.61. This category is very variable. Some decks don't have AoE at all, and some have as many as 5.

Analyzing 12 winning decks, the average number of cards to draw a card is somewhere around 2 (2.21), but there is an interesting trend that we'll talk about below.

The number of treatment cards is not surprising. At 1.24, we can sum up that the number of heal cards in decks is somewhere between 1 and 3.

The statistics of legendary cards may be unexpected for some players. Less than 30% of decks have some kind of legendary card. Which means that in order to create a strong winning deck, it does not mean that it has legendary cards.

Decks with a lot of cards in one category usually have far fewer cards in other categories, which makes sense. If you have three Fire Waves, two Polymorphs, two Frostbolts and a Fireball, then you don't even have to worry about how much bonus or healing you have.

But on the other hand, if you have a lot of healing and AoE, then you won't worry about removals and draws.

Types of victory decks

Knowing all these points, decks can be divided into main categories:

  1. Synergy decks.

This category is based on powerful combinations of cards that will be difficult for the enemy to defend against. For example, once such a combination was Force of nature + wild roar. Or for example decks on murlocs.

But it is worth noting that such decks make up only 4% of the analyzed winning decks with 12 wins.

2. "Powerful" decks

The most obvious item on this list. When people show their impressive set of cards, you can notice that at least 1 good legendary card and a sensible deck core help in this list. This type of deck wins with constant pressure with its threats on the board and on the opponent, which it is simply impossible for the enemy to cope with. Strong "carcasses" with equally powerful effects will help you win in the arena if you have the opportunity to play them.

22% of all winning decks can be described as a "Powerful" deck, but the most interesting thing is that only 11% of 12-0 decks are in this category!

3. Well built deck

Finally, the last category, which includes decks that are simply well-made in themselves. They make up the majority of these winning decks (74%). Well-built decks always have a little bit of everything. This does not mean that a deck must include cards from all 5 important categories in order to be considered well built. More importantly, what will be played on Turn 2, 3 and 4. The way to win is good exchanges and strengthening on the table. Remember this!

Frequently appearing cards

Most of the decks that we see have cards in them that appear all again and again. A whole galaxy of Defenders of the Vanguard, Jugglers with daggers, Flame Juggler and cheap weapons like the Storm Axe. Their strength lies in what they have
the ability to destroy an enemy creature without your own death, and all this for a low mana cost. Once you and your opponent have placed your 2-mana creatures, the "activating free trades" phase begins. or Sin'dorei Priest are perfect for this role. Not only do they save you from death during the trade, but they can also buff your creature to destroy a stronger threat.

Cheap weapons that appear in victory decks often include the Daring Raider.

The next time you build an arena deck, look for early/mid game creatures that will help you trade without losing the creatures themselves. This is essential for getting a good score in the arena.

12-0 vs 12-x

The most interesting thing that I noticed while researching is how different 12-0 decks are from other 12-win decks. Take a look at the infographic below and compare how many cards in each category are there.

So it turns out that all the "goodies" of the deck: more legendaries, more removals, more healing, AoE and strong cards - turn out not to have such a good effect on the final score. How did it happen?

We think that you noticed the fact that one of the categories was not included in the infographic, namely the average number of cards provided by the addition of cards in the deck.

The difference is obvious. 12-0 deck have almost 2 times more maps providing draw, which means that if you have fewer removals, AoE, heals, you can get all this thanks to the accelerated selection of the deck. This makes the deck more solid and flexible. And if you have smart cards in the deck, you may not even see them due to the fact that you do not draw additional cards. If you have enough cards to draw, then you will get your strong cards faster and reduce the number of “bad” cards in your hand. Your opponent with a weaker deck will have a hard time keeping up with your threats, the hand will deplete and you will steal the victory.

Best mana curve

Another point where the decks differ is the mana curve. It is worth noting that both types of decks practically do not differ in mana cost, however, in 12-0 it is slightly less.

Your mana curve should be built around 3 mana and 4 mana cards, because it is these moves that show how much you win this game. Keep that in mind as you build your next deck!

What did we learn from the article?

Our eyes are focused on exactly what deck you have adopted.
Try to build a deck that focuses on early game and board control. The most important moves are move 3 and move 4 .

Give your preference AoE cards and removals. When you get the key cards / strong cards of your deck, then focus on the draw. If you get a slow deck, then healing and AoE cards save you.

Take cards that let you "is free" exchange with other creatures. (Champion of the Vanguard or Sin'dorei Priest).

Cheap weapons and early removals are much more effective than big threats, because if you lose the table in the early game and mid game, then you will die before your big minions get on the table and do anything at all.

Designed Lillyfloria

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Greetings readers of the site. in front of you detailed guide on the game in the Arena in . Arena is one of Hearthstone's game modes. This guide is suitable for both beginners and more advanced players.

1. For Arena beginners

1.1. short information

Without mastery of advanced techniques, unlike the principles used in ranked battles, the experience of playing in the arena can be very frustrating. In this section, we'll go over the basics of arena play to help you understand the key principles you need to succeed.

Of course, there is a natural element of randomness involved in designing and playing an arena deck. With the help of this guide, you will be able to make informed decisions, consciously influencing the final result. We don't expect your game skills to improve instantly, but we hope that our tips will help you find the right path.

1.1.1. Where to begin

When playing in the arena, you have the opportunity to build a deck of random cards and test your skills, luck and knowledge of game mechanics in combat with other players. The first entrance to the arena is free, each subsequent one will cost 150 gold or 66 rubles. The cards you play with are not added to your collection, and the collection, in turn, does not affect the choices you make. This means that all participants are on an equal footing.

1.1.2. Hero choice

Once in the arena, you can choose one of the three proposed classes. A hero's class defines a set of cards, including random neutral and class cards, to choose from when building a deck.

1.1.3. Choosing cards for the deck

By choosing a hero, you will have access to 30 sets of random cards, 3 cards in each set. Cards from each set have the same quality. By choosing one of them, you put it in your deck. By repeating the procedure 30 times, you will form a deck ready to play. Sets 1, 10, 20, and 30 are always Rare and higher quality cards, but these cards are sometimes found in other sets.

1.1.4. Arena game

After building a deck, you can start a match with other players. After you press the Play button, you will be matched with an opponent of equal strength. Equality is determined by the current rating and the ratio of wins and losses. Arena fights end if you win 12 matches, lose 3 matches, or leave the arena.

1.1.5. Hearthstone Arena win rewards

With each win, you upgrade the key that opens the chest with rewards after the end of the arena. For each played arena, you can get 2-5 rewards. The first of these is always a set of cards that almost completely covers the cost of the pass, others are randomly determined and can be gold, arcane dust, an additional set of cards, or individual cards (often gold). The more matches you win, the better the reward will be. We offer you an approximate calculation of rewards (in addition to the mandatory set of cards), however, please note that they may change slightly.

  • For 0 wins you can get 20-25 gold and arcane dust.
  • For 1-3 wins you will receive dust and gold, roughly offsetting the difference between the cost of a set of cards and an arena pass.
  • For 4-6 wins you will receive about 100 dust and gold and will remain a clear winner by working off the amount spent on the pass.
  • For 7-9 wins you will be able to buy another pass, and will most likely get another set of cards and/or an additional card (possibly a gold one).
  • For 10-12 wins you will get a lot of gold (up to 500) and additional card sets, but the dust at this level is not often found.

1.2. When to start fights?

The results of the game in the arena, like many things in Hearthstone, largely depend on luck, chosen tactics, knowledge game mechanics and player experience. Since the arena pass costs a game or real money, before the game, you need to properly prepare - understand the key mechanics and study the features of the classes.

1.3. Hero choice

Each class has the potential to win if the player is familiar with its intricacies and knows how to use specific cards. It should be remembered that regardless of the choice, the goal remains the same. You need to make the most of your cards, create an advantage, and establish or maintain control of the table. Choosing a hero also determines your deck building strategy, which requires deep knowledge of the class.

1.4. Card selection

When choosing cards, it is necessary to give preference to the one that provides the maximum value for its value. However, it is impossible to consider each card separately. Take into account the mana curve of the entire deck. The curve must be balanced and smooth, i.e. it should not have "failures" (absence of cards of a certain value).

It should be borne in mind that there should be more creatures and spells worth 2-4 crystals, because. in the first stage of the game, opponents fight for control and repel enemy attacks that affect the further course of the game. Cards worth 6 or more crystals may be slightly less.

1.4.1. Choice of Creatures

When choosing a creature, it is necessary to correctly assess its impact on the game situation. In general, the cost of an effective creature must be less than or equal to the sum of its health and attack power. For example, it costs 4 crystals, and the sum of the characteristics is 9, which makes this creature effective. In addition, other factors must be taken into account. Creatures with additional effects usually have lower stats or a higher cost. Sometimes the effect compensates for this deficiency (for example,), sometimes not (for example,).

For the most accurate assessment of creatures, you will need gaming experience, because only during the game you can understand their strengths and weaknesses. The following are examples demonstrating some of the important features of the creatures.

In the arena, creatures with a large supply of health and less attack power have priority, because. it will be more difficult for the opponent to remove them from the table. Creatures with high attack power do a lot of damage, but their low health pool often prevents them from surviving the first attack of the enemy, and therefore they have less impact on the game situation. For example, it looks extremely attractive, because. He has 5 attack power. and costs only 3 crystals, but this creature's health tells us that it will die from any spell, hero power, or attack from another creature (including those that cost 1 crystal). Another example is . The stock of his health is 4 units, i.е. most 4-crystal creatures can be traded for it, and even some cheaper spells ( , 3 crystals).

The exception is creatures with an attack power of 3 or less. At a crystal cost of 3 or more, all creatures must have an attack power of 3 or more. The reason is simple: creatures with an attack power of 2 or less cannot kill enemy creatures with retaliatory strikes or direct strikes, i.e. In any case, the exchange will not be in your favor.

The same rule applies to class cards. Some of them have outstanding effects (for example,), while others cannot justify their cost.

1.4.2. Choosing Class Cards

Each arena deck, regardless of the class chosen, should contain several spells that allow you to seize or maintain control. If the rest of the cards in the set do not allow you to draw an unusually strong creature into the deck (see the previous section), it is better to choose a spell that gives a card advantage or allows you to slow down the development of the enemy.

In any case, you will need spells for the early game (i.e. those that cost 1-4 crystals). With them, you can maintain pressure on the enemy (provided that a creature is present in your half of the field and you do not have to trade it) or take control by eliminating the threat (even if the trade is equivalent).

Strong class cards include paladin and warrior weapons, as well as AoE spells (for example, and ). In addition, class cards are valuable, with the help of which you can get additional resources that are valuable in the middle of the match.

1.4.3. Synergy

In general, the synergy of the cards in the deck plays into your hands, because. it increases the value of each individual card and allows you to play great combinations. However, an arena deck should not have combo-only cards if you don't already have other pieces of that combo. It is possible that you will not come across the necessary components, and if they do, competitive options may turn out to be even better. That is why we advise you to make a choice based on the individual value of the cards. If in subsequent sets you come across other cards for the combination, you can use them.

2.2. Mage

The main advantage of the mage is that the strongest class cards are basic or have a normal quality, which means that you will most likely come across when building a deck.

However, it should be noted that with the advent of new cards, the key spells (Fireball, Frostbolt and Wave of Fire) come across less and less. That is why, when selecting cards for a mage, we recommend taking any, even non-optimal spells (for example,) into the deck.

2.3. Rogue

Due to their Hero Power and a large number of tempo cards that allow them to gain a tangible advantage, most Rogues prefer outright aggression to control. The Hero Power allows the Rogue to outright win some matches, especially against Paladins, where you can profitably trade a weapon that costs two crystals for two recruits that cost a total of four crystals. Rogues often sacrifice their own health to clear the board, so he needs cards to heal. Even if you don't have these cards, you should be aggressive, using your health as an additional resource. Card advantage is achieved through spells such as , and combo cards and allow you to maintain a high pace of the game and put a lot of pressure on the enemy.

Rogue's main drawback is its predictability. If you don't manage to beat your opponent in the first few moves, you will most likely lose the match.

2.4. Druid

The Druid has a great hero power that can be used defensively by slowly building up armor, and offensively by effectively trading armor for enemy creatures. In addition, the druid has access to cards such as , and , which have a huge impact on the game situation at the beginning or middle of the battle.

With the release of the expansion big tournament Druids have received a significant buff. fulfills the same role as , but the Fighter does not slow down the development rate, and you do not have to catch up, as in the case of Wild Growth. In addition, the Darnassus Fighter can be used for an effective trade. Another new and extremely effective card that allows you to strengthen your position on the 4th or 6th turn or lure an important spell from the enemy.

The main drawback of the druid is his predictability. As a rule, all druids tend to drag out the match as long as possible, setting up expensive creatures and provocateurs. In rating battles, aggressive druids are very rare, because. there are almost no cards that match this style of play.

2.5. Shaman

Unfortunately, the shaman's hero power triggers randomly, and most of the totems do not pose a threat to the enemy. To effectively use the hero power, it is necessary to completely control the board, which is not always achievable. Shamans have several powerful spells that work in any situation (like and ), while using other spells ( , and ) requires careful planning. The power of shamans lies mainly in rare cards (for example, and ), which cannot be relied upon when compiling a deck for the arena.

With the release of the Grand Tournament add-on, shamans received a number of new features - in particular, and . These creatures allow you to ensure the presence on the board on initial stage games. - Another valuable rare card that serves as a replacement for Bloodlust and, unlike this spell, rarely hangs like a dead weight in the hand.

When compiling a deck for a shaman, it is necessary to give preference to a variety of amplifications. So, for example, they can turn useless totems into a tool for effective exchange and create an advantage at any stage of the game. Creatures that strengthen the entire board are distinguished by special power (for example,).

2.6. Warlock

It can be argued that the warlock has the most powerful hero power in the game. He has the ability to draw an extra card at any time by replenishing the stock. valuable resource. Due to this feature, Warlock decks have a very low curve and are designed to gain a speed advantage. This tactic was developed quite well and is still a success to this day.

However, with the introduction of the game, Warlocks began to use control decks with a lot of expensive demons (for example, and ), relying on the deathrattle of the Summoner. Even if you didn't manage to get the Summoner, you can still use Control Tactics by relying on the mid to high cost cards introduced in recent expansions.

Since Warlocks often use Hero Power and deal damage to themselves, it is of great value to them. This creature restores a total of 8 points. health, which is equivalent to drawing 4 cards.

2.7. Hunter

Hunters usually perform well in the arena, but they are very predictable, because. forced to use aggressive or tempo decks. The reason lies in the straightforward nature of the Hero Power, which only deals damage to the enemy Hero. Even though the hunter has access to crowd control ( , ) and high cost minions (), even the most patient hunters will eventually switch to aggression and punch the enemy in the face.

2.8. Priest

2.9. Warrior

A warrior's hero power has no effect on the state of the board, so he needs weapons and strong creatures, such as and/or , to gain an advantage. Without them, you are unlikely to win. A Mage without a Fireball or Waves of Fire might well win 12 matches, but a Warrior without a weapon probably won't.

3. Card selection

In order to help you a little in choosing cards for the Arena, we have prepared tables for you with card ratings for each class:

How to use card rating tables

The links above provide card ratings for playing in the arena by all 9 classes of Hearthstone. These ratings allow players to make the right decisions when building decks from random cards. The cards are sorted by cost, which allows you to quickly check the list if necessary and make the right choice.

Selecting the desired card

Since the player always has to choose one of three cards of the same quality in the arena, we divided all the cards into 6 different categories, depending on the value for a particular class. It should be noted that within the category, the cards are presented in random order. General rule sounds like this: if you have a choice between three cards belonging to different categories, you must choose the one that is higher than the rest in the priority list. For example, if you're building a Druid deck and choosing between Talon Druid (Tier 1), Scarlet Crusader (Tier 3), and Goblin Bodyguard (Tier 6), you'll want to stick with the first option, because aside from the other cards in the deck, claw druid is the most valuable to you.

When having two or three cards that belong to the same category, you need to make a decision based on secondary factors (mana curve, deck type, personal preference, etc.) It will be shown below that secondary factors sometimes play a role when considering cards belonging to to different categories.


Since the spreadsheets cannot know what cards are already in your deck, you should not blindly follow their advice. In addition to the usual cost of cards, the choice is also influenced by:

  • mana curve;
  • deck type (aggro, control, combo);
  • having multiple copies of the same card.

mana curve

When designing an arena deck, keep in mind that it should have a smooth curve (i.e., cards with different costs should be distributed evenly), with cheap cards taking precedence over expensive ones. Ideally, your deck should have strong creatures for any stage of the game (beginner, intermediate, and end). Choosing cards without considering the overall mana curve can lead to unpredictable results. For example, if you make a deck clearly according to the tables, it will consist of 3/4 cards worth 2 crystals. Individually, each of these cards will be of great value, but you are unlikely to win with such a deck.

Thus, when choosing cards, one must take into account their ability to fit into the curve. The ideal curve depends on the deck type. For example, an aggressive deck designed for quick matches should contain more cheap cards and fewer expensive ones, while a "heavy" control deck should have the opposite. Consider the cards as a whole and maintain a reasonable balance.

Let's say that in the 25th selection step, you are offered two cards worth 2 crystals belonging to category 1 and a card worth 4 crystals belonging to category 4, but currently your deck has 7 cards worth 2 crystals and no cards worth 4 crystal. In this case, you should choose the last option, even if according to the tables this card is inferior to the other two.

As a general rule, you can choose 15-20 maps without taking into account the curve, and use the remaining 10-15 maps for "smoothing". However, this rule is not strict, and "smoothing" can be started much earlier, especially if the first 10 cards have a very high cost.

It is unlikely that anyone can describe all the possible scenarios for the development of events, so we hope that we managed to convey a general idea to the reader.

deck type

When "smoothing" the curve, you need to take into account the type of deck you're trying to build. Let's say that in the first stage of deck building, you managed to get some excellent aggressive cards, and you decided to stick to the tactics of fast combat. In this case, all other cards should be just as aggressive (low cost, deal a lot of damage or buff existing creatures) and not defensive (provocate, creatures with high health and low attack power, healing spells), even if they are higher on the priority list.

Likewise, if you want to make certain combinations (such as beasts or murlocs), cards of that type will take precedence over all others. However, it should be remembered that an attempt to build an arena combo deck is rarely successful.

Copies of maps

With each new copy, the value of a single card decreases. For some cards, this rule only partially works, because. they are so good that their value practically does not decrease. Suppose card A belongs to category 1, but you already have two copies of it in your deck, and the value of the third copy will be significantly lower. This is especially true for situational cards - for example, Experienced Hunter or Mental Technician. Despite the fact that these creatures have excellent characteristics for their cost, their war cries they don't always work. The same goes for some spells (like Cleave, which only works if there are 2 or more targets on the enemy half of the board). In other words, the third or fourth spell will most likely be dead weight in the hand, because. the game situation is unlikely to allow it to be used.

This is because arena games are usually played proactively, and every card in the deck must match this tactic. Even though a deck with three or more Master Hunters can be incredibly powerful in some cases, with each new copy you limit your options, i.e. you get new wagering options, not an active move. The same goes for spells. A spell deck can be very effective, but multiple copies of the same card forces you to wait for certain actions from your opponent, limiting your freedom of decision.

Another good example- weapon. As a rule, weapons allow you to kill several creatures at once, organizing a profitable trade, which increases your presence on the board and gives you a card advantage. At the same time, clearing the table with a weapon costs health points, so adding 4 or more copies of Fireaxe to your deck is far from best idea. In addition, it will take 2 or more turns to spend weapon charges, which means that you will not be able to immediately use other similar cards.

As mentioned above, this rule does not apply to some cards. Examples are Frostbolt, Pet, and Eviscerate. These are very flexible spells that can be used in any situation. In fact, their value starts to drop after adding 6 or more copies to the deck.

The same goes for strong mid-cost minions such as Frost Yeti, Piloted Shredder, or Ghost Knight, as they are quite strong and have an impact on the game situation at any stage of the match.

Practical application and results

Once you understand the purpose and use of the leaderboards, and learn the exceptions to the rules, you will be able to put our tips into practice effectively.

If you have been playing in the arena for a long time, the tables are unlikely to reveal anything new to you, because. you probably imagine the value of each card. However, with their help you will be able to make some difficult decisions.

For less experienced players, tables will help speed up the process of learning cards. As a result, you will be able to form your own opinion about them and make decisions based on your reflections.

Will I be able to make the perfect deck if I strictly follow all the rules?

Not! When assembling a deck for the arena, the random factor plays a huge role, i.e. even if you don't make a single mistake, victory in every match is not guaranteed. Losses happen to every player, it is inevitable.

Can I win X times based solely on these lists?

Not! Winning or losing in the arena depends not only on the deck, but also on the decisions that the player makes on each turn (not to mention luck).

Please note that the distribution of cards by category is not the only correct one. The lists only reflect the opinion of the author, a professional player who has been able to achieve an all-time high percentage of wins in arena games. In addition, the maximum beneficial effect of each card is achieved only if it is used in the optimal way.

The choice of class has a lot to do with the style of play based on common class cards and hero power. Starting selection cards, as a rule, determines the pace of the deck, because it is carried out on the basis of their value and degree of influence on the state of the board. Toward the end of the procedure, the choice depends more on the state of the mana curve.

The first cards must be chosen based on their value, regardless of the cost. By using the card rankings to play in the arena, you can make a decent choice in the first stage, but towards the end, the value of copies of the same cards, as well as cards with the same cost, drops sharply.

For example, if you decide to play as a priest and choose , and as your first five cards. We can assume that you provided successful game in the final phase of the match, so you need to pay attention to cheaper cards, regardless of their value, otherwise you simply won’t get the opportunity to win back on the first turns. Of course, you would need a second Mind Control or Temple Fighter, but if there are 10 or more in the deck expensive cards, you will have to skip moves, and the enemy will get a huge advantage. Additionally, Mind Control can go into the starting hand and be useless for 10 turns.

3.1. mana curve

The mana curve describes the distribution of cards by cost. When choosing cards for the arena, it is always necessary to think over the first moves and answers to possible actions enemy throughout the game. There are no definite recommendations on the number of cards of one value or another, but it must be remembered that the first moves are very important for any class. You should not skip them using only the power of the hero, because. during this time, the enemy will have time to create a serious threat.

Below are the most viable arena deck curves.

3.1.1. End Game Emphasis Curve (Control)

Such a deck should have enough small creatures and cheap spells to survive to the desired stage. The main task is to seize control and slowly build up the advantage.

This curve is suitable for Priest, Druid, Mage, and Warlock control decks.

3.1.2. Early Game Emphasis Curve (aggro)

The alternate version of the curve focuses on early aggression and very short matches. These decks require a special finisher condition (such as Fireball "to the face" or the ability to break through a large enemy provocateur).

This curve is suitable for aggro decks of Mages, Hunters, Warlocks, Warriors, and Rogues.

3.1.3. Curve with emphasis on middle rounds (mid)

In such a deck, there are a large number of cards worth 4 crystals, because. most classes have powerful spells and creatures in this category, allowing you to seize the initiative and effectively control the board.

This curve can be used to build a deck for any class.

4. How to play against a particular class in the Arena

Knowledge of the strong and weaknesses significantly influences the decision-making process. Success in arena battles largely depends on the ability to predict the actions of the enemy before he takes them, and minimize their impact. Next, we will talk about how to deal with opponents belonging to a particular class.

4.1. Druid

Druids have an aggressive hero power that is especially important if you have creatures with 1 in your deck. health. Even though it seems like a bad decision to expose your minion and see it die with a Hero Power, most of the time it's not. Success in the arena requires taking the initiative, creating a threat to the opponent and coaxing answers out of him.

The most powerful card in a druid's arsenal is . Be sure that the druid will sweep your creatures off the table with it at the first opportunity, so if the druid has 4 mana crystals, do not put 2 or more creatures. If you have a creature on the board with 1. health, but the opponent ignores him - be sure that Swipe is on the way. Trade this creature as soon as possible so as not to waste it. The exception is situations in which Swipe will consume all of the druid's mana crystals, and he will not be able to seize the initiative by exposing a new threat.

In general, a druid deck will always have powerful provocateurs and other expensive creatures, which allows you to effectively use silence and direct spells. Silence is especially effective at the end of the game when you are trying to punch the enemy in the face. Save the silence, or for when you have the opportunity to trade this card for two enemy cards and get an instant advantage in the current stage of the game.

4.2. Hunter

Hunters tend to play very aggressively, and when planning your moves, you should always take into account the effect of a Hero Power that deals a lot of damage. When fighting a hunter, try to seize control as early as possible and show retaliatory aggression.

The secrets of the hunter have a huge impact on the game situation. Secrets must be bypassed so that this influence is minimal. Attacking with a creature triggers or , attacking an enemy hero triggers or , and is triggered when the creature is cast. By analyzing the actions of the enemy, you will be able to predict the type of trap.

Suppose the hunter played a secret with no minions on the board while you have or . You should attack him with Rookie Engineer. There are several options for the development of events.

If the secret is revealed, and it turns out to be the Frost Trap, you will win. You will be able to re-play the engineer, getting one more card and keeping the presence on the board, and the enemy will lose the secret.

If the secret is revealed and it turns out to be Explosive Trap, both of your creatures will die, but since you didn't play an extra creature before attacking, the damage is minimal. So you've lost creatures, but since the Engineer gave you a card when you played it, the Explosive Trap actually only took the Juggler, and the trade was equal.

If the secret is revealed, and it turns out to be , you can kill the bear with the Juggler or remove it from the board in another way.

If the secret is revealed and it turns out to be Redirection, the Novice Engineer will deal 1 damage. damage to your hero (in comparison, Dagger Juggler would deal 3 damage to you) or Dagger Juggler who survives. Either way, you'll get card advantage and your hero won't take too much damage.

If the secret is not revealed, then it is a Sniper Shot or a Snake Trap. At this point, you should play a cheap minion to make an equivalent trade with Sniper Shot (it should be Novice Engineer or , if possible), and then use the remaining mana on the hero power. If you play a creature with 4. health, it will die, and you will waste your turn.

If there is a secret on the field, try various ways checks one by one so that your losses are minimal. Analyze the possible consequences before taking any action. If you think your opponent is using Explosive Trap, never play minions before attacking.

The following mage secrets are currently in the game:

  • triggers when casting spells.
  • also triggers when a creature is killed.
  • triggers when casting spells on creatures.
  • triggers when a creature is killed.
  • and are triggered when trying to attack an enemy hero.
  • triggers when an enemy takes fatal damage.

So, in this case, the worst thing you can do is to use Windup on the Sun Serve. You can stumble upon Anti-Magic or Spellweaver, create multiple copies of Sunwalker with Fork, or another strong creature with Effigy. That is why it is necessary to check the secret before using spells. Play Backstab on the Lizard. If the secret works, you can eliminate the Acolyte and finish off the Lizard with the Bluegill Warrior. If the Spellweaver is revealed as a result, you can kill the spawned 1/1 hero power minion.

If the secret does not work when using the spell, a Bluegill Warrior should be deployed. Once you get Reflected Essence, you can trade minions or kill an enemy minion with hero power.

If the secret didn't work again, attack the enemy with the Bluegill Warrior and see if Turn to Steam appears, as this is the last secret that can harm you on your turn. If the secret did not work (or the Ice Barrier worked, which does not pose a particular threat), then the magician used the Ice Block.

Spawning can be devastating early in the game, so you should always trade minions on your second turn, even if it's not profitable.

Be aware of strong class cards that cost 4 crystals ( , and ). If you manage to gain advantage on the board, it can be assumed that on turn 4 the paladin will cast Sanctify. This means that on the third turn, you should not put an additional creature with 2 units. health. Instead, you must use a creature that can survive an attack from the Hammer of Wrath or the Silver Blade (or with 4 health).

Since paladins have weapons, it is necessary to keep in starting hand(or its equivalents).

The secrets of the paladin usually have less impact on the game situation than the secrets of the mage or hunter, but they also need to be checked and tried to turn the situation in your favor.

  • is the most popular secret used in the arena. It is quite difficult to deal with him, however, in some cases, Vengeance creates opportunities for effective trade.
  • triggers on any damage, so if both sides are low on health but have an aggressive hero power, try to make sure that the first attack is not too strong.
  • - The second most common secret of a paladin. If you have an aggressive hero power (such as a rogue or druid), first try to unlock the secret with it and gain card advantage.
  • - a very powerful secret, but a self-respecting paladin would never play it in the presence of a recruit or other weak creatures. However, before the main exchange, you must try to reveal the secret with the weakest creature. Redemption is especially effective when combined with Deathrattles (like the Harvesting Golem) and Divine Shields, as the new creature receives all additional effects.
  • - another good secret, the presence of which is checked last. If an enemy secret didn't trigger on an attack, just play the minion with the lowest health.

In the early stages of a match it is very important to control the table, because. the paladin is able to significantly strengthen small creatures. Also, don't play too many minions that are vulnerable to Sanctification.

4.5. Priest

The Priest's Hero Power is of no use if there are no creatures on his board. That is why in a match with a priest, you need to constantly clean the board. With the release of the Goblins & Gnomes expansion, this rule has taken on a special meaning, because. members of this class have access to a powerful buff that helps them save their creatures.

In most cases, in a fight with a priest, the priority target is . Many players underestimate the importance of this creature, focusing on other, larger targets. If you have a creature on your board that the priest can use to damage his Cleric and then heal him, kill the Cleric as quickly as possible.

In a fight with a priest, creatures with an attack power of 4 are very effective, because. they are resistant to Shadow Word: Pain, and . When buffing creatures with 3 attack power, use or C to make them safe. Remember that buffing a creature with 4 attack power. makes it a suitable target for Shadow Word: Pain.

When playing with a priest, try to put maximum pressure on him, but remember that on the fifth turn he can clear the board. Do not put too many creatures on the field with 2 units. health.

If the fight drags on, your opponent is probably planning to use Mind Control. Try to bait this spell with creatures you can deal with, and then play your highest value card.

Priests usually win by killing the enemy with multiple blows from their creatures. This takes quite a bit of time, so your goal is to be as aggressive as possible early in the game. The main source of card advantage is hero power. Don't let the priest heal your creatures by constantly clearing the board.

5.6. Rogue

At the first stage of the game, the robbers can play extremely aggressively. In addition, they know how to quickly turn the situation in their favor. If the rogue has a Coin, he will definitely use it for combos.

Rogues often sacrifice their health in an attempt to build card advantage with Hero Power. You can use this circumstance to your advantage by finishing off the enemy with creatures and spells.

Toward the end of the game, rogues often use , which must be lured out before being played. the best card. Let the rogue take out a large but non-key target.

When playing against a Rogue, use aggressive tactics so that he uses his Hero Power carefully.

4.7. Shaman

The Shaman needs full board control and card advantage to win, so you should eliminate his totems if there are no more dangerous targets on the board. At first glance, the monotonous destruction of totems may seem like a hopeless task, however, shaman decks often contain spells for strengthening that can create a powerful threat from even the smallest creature.

Fire elemental. Don't give your opponent a chance to finish off one of your creatures with an Elemental warcry. Despite the fact that this creature has a huge impact on the game situation in any scenario, its effectiveness can be reduced by forcing the enemy to refuse to play along the curve.

Always pay attention to the total number of mana crystals your opponent has. If you have an overload effect, you can influence its next turn. Using this advantage often brings tangible benefits.

The key to victory in a fight with a shaman is an advantage on the board. Don't let the enemy set up multiple totems at once. his deck might have .

4.8. Warlock

Warlocks are dangerous opponents. Regardless of deck type, Hero Power helps them gain card advantage.

If the warlock has 4 mana and no minions on the board, he is most likely using . Keep this in mind and don't push too many creatures to have an advantage on the board. Press on the enemy with what you have.

In a battle with a warlock, the main problem is . It must be killed on your turn, even if you don't have Silence. Otherwise, the warlock will be able to control the death rattle of this creature, and the result will be unpredictable. In addition, there is a possibility that the opponent is just bluffing, and he does not have other demons in his hand at all.

Warlocks often finish off opponents using cards such as , and . If there is not much health left, play carefully, fight for control and do not try to finish off your opponent as quickly as possible.

If your opponent is free to use your Hero Power, you're not pushing hard enough and they're taking advantage of the opportunity to gain card advantage. Expose your creatures, make the warlock recoup so that he does not have extra crystals and health units.

4.9. Warrior

As a rule, in the arena, warriors do not have a large number of cards that allow them to play at the final stage of the match, so they tend to end the battle as early as possible, actively using weapons and strong class creatures. Weapons allow warriors to create card advantage and strengthen their position on the board.

When playing with aggressive opponents, you must act even more aggressively. Most likely, the warrior will try to field as many creatures as possible, effectively trading them and spending health to clear your board with weapons.

Don't forget that weapons can be destroyed.

Warriors have great potential for finishing off an opponent. Unexpected final combinations can include the Arcanite Reaper, so try to hold your ground while eliminating all possible threats. Do not try to finish off the enemy as quickly as possible, because the warrior always wins such races.

Keep in mind that the warrior hero power has no effect on the state of the board, so in the early and intermediate stages of the game, the presence of creatures on the board will greatly facilitate the fight.

5. Receptions and techniques of combat in the Arena

When making decisions in arena combat, you need to consider different options and choose the best one. Below we analyze hypothetical game situations and give advice on how to deal with them.

5.1. Creature exchange

Regardless of the degree of aggressiveness of the deck, you should make the most profitable exchange, and not hit the enemy "in the face", giving him the opportunity to make decisions about the exchange. Constantly clearing the board will help you avoid some of the pitfalls your opponent is counting on. For example, he can strengthen his creature (then the exchange will be even less profitable) or use an AoE spell.

However, if there are no opportunities for a profitable trade, you can hit the enemy hero directly, forcing him to win back. In order to make sure this decision is correct, imagine that you have already hit the enemy, and then think about what punishment might follow. If the prospect doesn't look too good, trade, and if you can't think of a viable scheme, attack the enemy hero. The ability to predict possible scenarios comes with experience. Moreover, even the most experienced players often fail to appreciate all the consequences. As examples, let's look at some cards and their impact on the game situation.

  • increases the characteristics of an enemy creature from 2/3 to 3/4, it kills your creature, the enemy gains card and board advantage.
  • The Vanguard Protector always gives the opponent card and board advantage if they have a creature that can gain a divine shield. Don't leave any good targets on the board.
  • can turn a 2-crystal minion into an effective trade tool, especially if the priest gains the ability to use a hero power.
  • A weapon (such as ) eliminates your creatures. If you ignored an enemy creature that was on the table before the weapon spawned, your opponent has advantage.
  • destroys several creatures at once, and the enemy gains an advantage on the board. If you think he can use Sanctify, try to keep his board as short as possible. The same goes for other AoE spells (Nova of Light, Blizzard, Waves of Fire).

5.2. Finishing strategy

If you have evaluated your hand and come to the conclusion that you have what it takes to end the match, take your time. For example, if you're playing a mage, holding two and see that the enemy has less than 20 points left. health, you can throw both balls "in the face", ignoring the creatures present on the table. In some cases, this tactic is considered rational and bears fruit, however, before rushing into battle, it is necessary to assess the possible risks.

By giving your opponent the initiative to trade, you risk losing the advantage that was earned in the previous phase of the game. The results of the exchange can be unpredictable, the opponent will turn the situation in his favor, and you will find yourself in the cold.

When deciding on finishing off an opponent, several factors must be taken into account.

The composition and curve of your deck. Very aggressive decks are designed for quick matches, i.e. in fact, they do not have expensive cards. As a result, every large creature played by the enemy will only aggravate the situation. If you think that your opponent has more expensive cards than you, try to finish him off as quickly as possible.

The class of the enemy and the AoE spells available to him. If the enemy can have decent AoE spells, it is necessary to remember the decisions that he made before. If he has not previously used, or in situations suitable for this, most likely he simply does not have these cards. Of course, there is a possibility that he just drew the right card, but it is quite small.

your hand. If you have cards in your hand for a decent response to a possible threat, hit the enemy "in the face." Cards such as silence, strong spells for dealing direct damage, weapons and creatures with dashes add confidence. Deserves special mention, because. To trigger the effect of this card, you need to lower the opponent's health below 15 units as quickly as possible.

Board condition. If you're far behind your opponent and you know your deck doesn't have any decent tools to fix the situation, hit "in the face", leaving the opponent the opportunity to deal with your creatures, and hope to get the right spell or creature to finish off.

5.3. Fight ahead of the curve

If you are unable to finish off the opponent, and he has chosen an aggressive tactic and attacks your hero without trying to trade creatures, there are several possible reasons:

  • The opponent has a strong last hitting spell or minion and is trying to create a situation in which to use it.
  • The enemy does not consider it necessary to spend an AoE spell, because. it provides an unfavorable exchange.
  • The opponent doesn't have any decent move options, and he hopes that the right card will come into his hand at the start of his next turn.

In most cases, it will be wise to minimize the risks and engage in an exchange, but if it seems to you that your next move will be fatal for the enemy, and nothing threatens your life, feel free to attack the enemy hero.

5.4. Refusal to attack

In rare cases, it may be advantageous to not attack, but this is a rather risky move, which implies that you have an advantage or reliable ways to protect yourself.

Let's say that you put on the field, and your opponent (mage) played a secret. After confirming that the secret is not (i.e. putting a weak creature on the field), you can refuse to attack in order to check for the presence of Parallel on the next turn by attacking the opponent with a weak creature, not a yeti.

Another example: Let's say you're playing against a paladin, setting up a Juggler with Coin Daggers, and your opponent has played a Secret. Most likely, this secret is , and if you have no way to check it (with a hero power, a weapon, a creature with a dash), you need to skip the turn and make a more effective check on the next turn.

Some paladins use on enemy creatures to try and get extra cards. As a rule, such a move indicates the desperate situation of your opponent. If the stock of his health is close to critical, you should not refuse attacks. If you just have early or intermediate board advantage, chances are your opponent is trying to lure important spells away from you, so you should hold off attacking until you have an opportunity to make a profitable trade and get rid of the Seal creature.

6. Conclusion

Guides and recordings of matches with other players will no doubt teach you how to play better, but real success in the arena is unthinkable without the right mindset, allowing you to choose from all options the only true move.

Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of each class is key when designing an arena deck. Pay attention to the mana curve and plan your first moves in advance. This will positively affect the quality of the deck. Remember that a decent deck can be made even from random cards. Sometimes the game will offer you cards of excellent and even legendary quality, sometimes you will have to be content with only rare and regular cards. Do not reproach fate. Study the card ratings for the arena to develop your own strategy for determining their value and building a deck.

With each match played, you will acquire new knowledge and sooner or later learn to predict the actions of the enemy, paving the way to new heights. Do not believe those who claim that in Hearthstone everything is decided by luck. Experience shows that in the end it all comes down to the skill of the player.

P.S. Don't be too harsh on this guide. The purpose of the guide is not to give you any clear recommendations, but to give you some helpful tips and direct your thoughts in the right direction. I will try to supplement and update the information in this article. If you notice any inaccuracies, you can - write about it in the comments. Also, you can offer any other information regarding the Arena in Hearthstone, which is not in this guide. Good luck!