Rules for playing carom billiards. Carom from the side. Kickoff in carom

Carom is a type of pocketless billiards and the definition of a shot in which the cue ball, after touching one object ball, hits another.
Carom games developed in France. The first mention of a three-ball carom game was in 1775: 2 white and one red balls (as now). If carom was first played on pocket tables, then with the improvement of cues and stickers, which made it possible to make unimaginable shots (in 1827, the Frenchman Mango offered his cue and a leather sticker), pockets on the tables disappeared. The ball could be launched along any trajectory. Side impacts (les effets) “French” received great importance.

§ 1. Billiard equipment.
- Tables: 4.5x9 feet; 5x10 feet (1382x2764 mm; 1536x3072 mm), height - 749 mm, heated;
- balls: weight 198 - 213 g, diameter - 62 mm;
- cues: weight - 480-520 g, length - 1350-1500 mm.
§ 2. Types of carom games.
- “open party”;
- “frame 41/1”;
- “frame 72/2”;
- “cannon from one side”;
- “cannon from three sides.”

General rules

§ 1. Balls used.
2 white balls (or white and yellow) and one red. Each player has his own white ball as a cue ball. One cue ball has 2 or 3 colored dots to distinguish it.
§ 2. Arrangement of balls.
The red ball is on the back mark. The opponent's cue ball is on the front mark. The player's cue ball is on the front line within 15 cm of the front mark.
§ 3. Initial blow.
When performing this shot, it is necessary that the cue ball first touches the red ball, and not the opponent's cue ball. On subsequent shots, the cue ball can touch white or red in any order.
§ 4. Wagering.
When wagering, it is necessary that after the cue ball hits the ball, either the cue ball or the object ball reaches the edge. Failure to comply with the condition is a foul (error). It is forbidden to win back 2 times in a row. If this happens, an error is also declared.
§ 5. Displaying balls.
The cue ball that has jumped out is placed on the front mark (if it is occupied, then on the back mark, if it is also occupied, then on the central mark). If a white object ball pops up, it is placed on the front dot (if it is occupied, then on the back dot, if it is also occupied, then on the central dot). The red ball that jumps out is placed on the back mark (if it is occupied, then on the front point, if it is also occupied, on the central point). If the cue ball and the object ball pop up at the same time, the cue ball is set first according to the specified rules, and then the object ball. If 2 object balls pop up at the same time, they are positioned as above. If the cue ball interferes with the placement of one of the balls, then the object ball, whose place is not occupied, is first placed, and then the other object ball. If 3 balls jump overboard at once, then they are placed as during the initial strike. If the cue ball does not jump overboard, then any successful shot is counted and after placing object balls the player continues the series. In all cases, after a violation, the opponent accepts the existing position on the table.
§ 6. The cue ball is close to the object ball.
In this case, the player has the right:
1. Place the touching balls: the red one on the back mark, your cue ball on the front mark and the opponent’s cue ball on the center mark;
2. Hit away from the object ball, i.e. The cue ball must touch the side or loose object ball and then touch the object ball it was close to. An incorrectly executed shot away from the ball is a mistake. If step 1 is selected, and the corresponding point is occupied, then the ball is placed on the point intended for the interfering object ball.
§ 7. The cue ball is close to the board.
If the cue ball is close to the board, then you can play from this side. However, if the rules of the game provide for a certain number of collisions with the boards, then the first collision with this board is not taken into account. If the collision occurs a second time, it is counted. Subsequent collisions with the same side are also counted.
§ 8. Conditions of the game.
Number of players - two or three. Balls used: white, white with dots (or yellow), red. The goal of the game is to be the first to score a given number of points - 30-60. Score - 1 point for each successful shot (successful shot - the cue ball touches 2 object balls without errors).


§ 1. Rules of the game.
A targeted effective strike gives the right to continue the streak. When making a shot, it is necessary that the cue ball either touches one or more boards before hitting an object ball, or touches one or more boards and then another object ball after hitting an object ball. Otherwise - a fine. For each mistake, one point is deducted from the current account.


§ 1. Purpose of the game.
Be the first to score a certain number of points (30-60). For each correct successful hit, 1 point is awarded.
§ 2. Effective blow.
- if the cue ball touches the object ball, then 3 or more sides and hits the second object ball;
- if the cue ball touches 3 or more boards and then two object balls;
- if the cue ball touches a board, then an object ball, then 2 or more boards and hits another object ball;
- if the cue ball touches 2 or more boards, then an object ball, then one or more boards and hits another object ball.
§ 3. Initial blow.
Performed in accordance with general rules. For a strike made in violation, a penalty is declared, the right to strike passes to the opponent and no points are counted.
§ 4. Rules of the game.
1. Each successful strike gives the right to continue the series;
2. An error (foul) is declared for jumping balls;
3. If the object ball is close to the board, then when performing a deliberate play, it is necessary that after the cue ball hits the object ball, either the cue ball touches any side, or the object ball reaches the other side.
§ 5. Penalty for violations.
The series ends and no points are counted (but not deducted).


§ 1. Rules of the game.
The game is played up to 400-500 points. When the balls collide, it is not necessary for the cue ball to touch the sides. Each carom is worth 1 point. The red ball is placed on point 3, the opponent's cue ball is placed on point 1. The initial shot is made according to the general rules. The carom can be made from the ball and from the sides.
§ 2. Features.
Triangular zones are outlined in the corners of the table, within which only one carom can be made, and then it is necessary to make a shot, after which the partner’s red ball or cue ball must leave this zone to further continue the series of shots. If the ball does not leave the zone, then the blow goes to the partner, but no penalty is taken.

"KADRE 47/1"

§ 1. Features.
9 zones are marked on the table: 6 squares near the short sides with a side of 470 mm (47 cm) and 3 rectangular zones.
§ 2. Rules of the game.
In each zone, only 1 carom is made with the balls collected there, after which one of the balls must leave the zone (red or the opponent’s cue ball). Then the ball that left the zone can be returned to the same zone to continue the next (again, only 1) carom.

"KADRE 74/2"

§ 1. Features.
The table is marked into 6 zones: one line divides the table in half, the other 2 are parallel to the short sides at a distance of 74 cm. In each zone, you can perform not one, but two caroms in a row.

Carom is a French form of billiard game. The main feature of carom tables is the absence of pockets. Only three balls are used. A hit is considered successful when the cue ball alternately touches two other balls. Each successful hit earns the player one point.


The term "cannon" in billiards, not only a group of games is designated, but also a shot in which the cue ball touches two object balls in succession. Games in which such blows were used received special development in France. The first documentary mention of a game of carom dates back to 1775.

At first, carom was played on ordinary billiard tables with pockets. However, subsequently the cues were improved to such an extent that it became possible to deliver blows of the highest complexity. Therefore, carom pockets were abandoned.


For carom, tables measuring 10x5 feet, 9x4.5 feet or 2840x1420 mm are used. There are no pockets on these tables. The height of the rubber sides is approximately 37 mm. The tables are covered with green cloth made from pure wool.

The game is played with only three balls. One of them is painted dark red and serves only as an object ball. The other two balls are white and alternate between the cue ball and the object ball, depending on which player is hitting. In order to distinguish these balls, black or red dots are applied to one of them. The diameter of the ball is 61 - 62 mm, weight - 198 - 213 g.


The player uses the same white ball as the cue ball throughout the game. The other two balls are aim balls for him. During the game, the participant strives to make as many effective strikes (caroms) as possible. For each such strike he is awarded one point. The game ends when one of the players scores a certain number of points.

When wagering, it is necessary that after the cue ball hits the object ball, at least one of these balls touches the side. After playing back, the participant must strike a successful blow. Wrong wagering and second wagering in a row are considered a violation.


To the most popular varieties of carom include the open party, frame 47/1 and frame 74/2. For each of these games, special zones are marked on the table. In frame 74/2, it is allowed to make no more than two caroms in a row within one zone, in frame 47/1 and an open game - only one carom. The player must then knock any object ball out of the zone to continue the streak. Single-breasted and triple-breasted caroms are also known, in which only the one in which the cue ball touches not only both object balls, but also the sides is considered a successful shot.

Carom from the side

The “one” is placed at the long side not far from the corner pocket, and the “two” is placed in the opening of the opposite corner pocket. The cue ball is also located at the long side next to the corner pocket, opposite the “one”. It is necessary to drive the “ace” into the upper middle pocket, and the “deuce” into the corner.

In order to perform the trick, you need to carry out a carom strike according to the pattern shown in the figure.

Carom from the side

The author of this spectacular and beautiful trick belongs to the famous player - Captain Mengo. The billiard trick was first demonstrated to spectators almost 150 years ago, in the middle of the 19th century. At that time, unvulcanized rubber was used to equip tables, which made it difficult to perform many shots (including the carom from the sides described above).

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Increase game size

French billiards

The online game French billiards is the simplest version of the beloved carom. As it should be in this type of billiards, the game takes place on a pocketless table, on which there are three balls - a white cue ball, as well as two multi-colored ones - red and yellow, which will act as “targeting” balls. The player’s task is to make a “carom”, that is, a shot after which white touches both object balls. However, there is one subtlety: before touching the second, the cue ball must first hit at least one side. This is called a "simple carom" and is worth three points. Do you want to try Russian billiards online?

In this version of the game French Billiards, when the cue ball bounces off two boards before touching the second object ball, five points are awarded, three boards - nine, four - ten points. The player is given ten hits in total. Controlling a virtual cue is quite traditional. Using guides that tell you where the cue ball will hit the first object ball and where they will both roll, the impact point is selected and the left button is pressed and held. Then, by moving the mouse back, the force of the blow is selected, which is performed by releasing the left button. Carom is not a game for everyone, but those who appreciate its elegance will become lifelong fans.

Cannon is a type of billiards game. This is the definition of a shot when the cue ball (the ball being hit) hits two object balls in succession.
The game of Carom billiards and the following rules (for tables, balls and equipment) correspond to those described in the equipment specifications. BCA standards.
The balls used in the game Carom are one red ball and two white balls. Each player has his own white ball, which is used when the game is completed. hitting the cue ball. The red ball cannot be full.
The distinctive marks for the cue balls are marked on each of them: two or three dots.
The 4-ball carom game uses 4 balls.
A hit on the cue ball will be considered correct if it is struck with a cue stick. Player performing blow is selected as follows:
1. The rolling procedure (only rolling is used in official competitions).
2. By lot.
The player who wins the toss or roll makes the initial move himself. blow or yields it to the opponent.

Rolling, i.e. initial draw strike in the game "Carom".

A red ball is placed on the back mark (the exception is the game Carom with 4 balls). The blow is carried out from behind the front line “from the hand”. One player becomes to the left, another to the right in relation to the front mark. The blows are made simultaneously, directed towards the rear. board and back to the front board. The first one wins. The player whose cue ball stops closest to the front board is hit. The ball must touch the back wall at least once. Other side impacts are not taken into account. A roll is considered automatically lost if:
1. The ball ends up on the opponent's half of the table.
2. The ball did not touch the back. boards never.
3. The ball jumped out of the table.
4. Ball dotron. to the red ball.

The rolling procedure is repeated again if both players have violations (see above) or it is difficult for the judge to determine which ball is closer. When rolling, players hit at the same time (there may not be absolute synchronization).

Choosing a cue ball in the game "Carom".

The one who wins the roll has the right to choose. cue ball (marked or solid white). He will use this cue ball throughout the game. When there are an odd number of players, a ball is used as a cue ball that was not the “cue ball” in the previous shot (an exception is the game “Carom with 4 balls”, in which the balls are placed according to a different pattern).

The first object ball in the game

The kicker must first touch the red ball and then the opponent's cue ball. It is considered an error if the cue ball first touches the opponent’s cue ball. In this case, the series ends for the player, but the point scored is not counted (the game “Carom with four balls” will be an exception). The sequence of contact with the red (and in the game "Carom with four balls") and white balls is unimportant for all subsequent shots. In the next shots, you can choose the first object ball to be the red ball (pink in the game “Four-Ball Carom”), as well as the opponent’s cue ball. "Red Ball" is an exception.

Foot on the floor when playing Carom.

During the contact of the cue ball and the sticker (i.e. at the moment of the strike), one of the player’s feet must be on the floor, otherwise the strike will be considered a foul. The size, shape and way of wearing shoes should be optimal.

Have you ever wondered how you perceive the outside world? First of all, you must start with yourself and understand yourself in this world.

Hitting while the balls are moving

If any other ball on the table moves while the stroke is being played, the stroke being made is considered a foul. A ball rotating in place is considered to be moving.

Completion of the strike.

Until then, the blow is considered incomplete (and therefore not counted) until the balls on the table stop (all of them, even those rotating in place).

Foul on contact. balls.

A shot will not count (i.e. will be a violation) if the cue ball in play and any object ball comes into contact with anything (clothing, chalk, body, etc.) other than the cue stick that came into contact with the cue ball during the stroke. a correct strike is allowed only once.

Foul on a double shot in Carom.

It is considered a violation if the cue stick touches the cue ball more than once during the stroke. The referee's decision that the cue stick came into contact with the cue ball while it was touching the object ball is considered a foul.
If, in the judge’s opinion (and he proceeds from the nature of the position of the balls, their behavior, and the sound during the strike, there were two separate contacts between the cue ball and the cue stick), then such a strike is considered a violation.

Passing foul

If during the strike the cue ball is pushed through by the sticker of the cue so that the contact continues for more than an instant, which corresponds to a normal strike, then such a strike is considered a violation. A shot will be considered a foul if the player pushes or pushes the cue stick with the cue stick during the shot.

A popped cue ball.

If after a hit the cue ball jumps off the playing surface of the table, then this is a violation.

General rules for fouls.

Penalties for violations vary from game to game. However, a number of general rules still exist:
-For the one who breaks the rules, the series ends.
-Previously scored points do not count.

Incorrect jump in the game "Carom".

It is regarded as a violation when a player, when striking below the center of the cue ball (“tossing” or “picking up” the cue ball), lifts it off the table in order to bypass the interfering ball. Such a jump is caused by accident and is not always considered a foul, but when during the stroke the tip or shaft touches the cue ball, it is still considered a foul.

Penalty for intentional foul.

Strikes to the cue ball that is in play are made only with the cue stick (tip, shaft, etc.) and nothing more. According to the rules, such blows are a violation.
If the blow is struck intentionally, the referee cautions the player and warns that by repeating a similar violation, he will lose and will be counted as a forfeit.

Spontaneously moving balls in the game "Carom".

A ball that rolls, turns, shifts or otherwise moves spontaneously must be left in its current position. Then the game continues.

Player's responsibility for violating the rules of the game

If the player brought chalk, cars, tools for straightening the cue sticker, or uses other items near the table, then he is responsible for them. It happens that a player knocks off the tip of the machine or drops the chalk. If such an object touches any ball that is in play, the player is also responsible.

Popped out balls.

Balls that, after impact, go beyond the table surface (side, floor) are considered to have jumped out. During the game, balls sometimes pop up onto the surface of the board. If they return to the playing surface on their own, without touching any object that is not part of the table, then they will not be considered to have jumped out.
And if the balls touched, for example, the fastening of a lamp, chalk on the side, etc., that is, they touched something that is not the surface of the table, they are considered to have jumped out, although they independently returned to the surface of the table. After the balls on the table stop, the popped up balls are placed (see section “Placement of popped up balls”).

Interference that is not caused by the player.

If during a match there is a movement of balls that is not caused by the players (even if a player is pushed, causing the position of the balls to change), then the previous position is restored as accurately as possible. No fine will be imposed. Game continues. In an official competition, the referee himself restores the position of the balls. In case of any impact of the elements (hurricanes, earthquakes, power outages), this rule is also valid.

Determining the correct wagering in the game Carom.

If, after the cue ball touches the object ball, at least one ball is brought to the side, the wager will be completed correctly. However, according to the rules of the game “Triple-breasted carom”, deliberate wagering is prohibited (according to the United States Association (USBA).

Limit on the number of wagerings.

You cannot perform several deliberate wagerings in a row. If the last series ends with the replay, the player must attempt a scoring strike at the beginning of the next game approach. It would be a violation not to follow this rule. (The requirements of this paragraph do not apply to the rules of the game “Three-breasted carom.”)

Hit after winning

If a player makes a deliberate play-back or commits a foul, that player must make a "take-out shot" at the start of the next series, i.e. strive for a successful shot. A foul is called on the player, who starts playing again. The declaration of a foul in this case does not depend on whether the conditions for correct play were met or not. (The requirements of this paragraph do not apply to the rules of the game “Triple-breasted carom according to the version of the United States Billiard Association”).

Displaying popped balls.

The cue ball is placed on the front mark if it has popped up.
If the front mark is occupied, then the rear mark is set, and if it is also occupied, then the middle mark is set.
If the white object ball pops up, it is placed on the front mark. (If it is busy, then the cue ball is placed on the back mark; if it is also busy, the cue ball is placed on the middle mark).
If the red object ball pops up, it is placed on the back mark. (If it is occupied, the ball is placed on the front mark; if it is also occupied, then on the middle one).
If both the object ball and the cue ball pop up, the cue ball is placed first, followed by the object ball (according to the rules described above).
When both object balls pop up, they are set according to the rules described above.
If a mark is intended for placing an object ball, and it is occupied by the cue ball, then the object ball whose mark is not occupied is placed first. The next one is set according to the rules described above.

Types of carom.

1. Single breasted.

The goal of the game is to score a certain number of points before your opponent.
a) the cue ball touched at least one side, and then successively two object balls.
b) the cue ball touches an object ball, then a board, and then another object ball.
In case of an error, one point is deducted from the player's account. It is allowed to continue the approach after a successful strike.

2. Three-breasted.

The purpose is similar to that of a single-breasted carom.
A blow is considered effective if
a) the cue ball touched three sides (at least), and then successively touched two object balls.
b) the cue ball touches an object ball, then three boards, and then another object ball.
c) the cue ball touched a board, then an object ball, then two more boards, and then another object ball.
d) the cue ball touches two boards, then an object ball, then another board, and then another object ball.
A foul is declared if, after a hit, several balls (or one) go off the table. When performing deliberate wagering (provided that the object ball is close to the board), it is necessary that after the collision of the object ball and the cue ball, each of them touches the side (the cue ball touches any side, and the object ball reaches the other side).
You can continue the approach after a successful strike. The right to strike passes to the opponent if the player makes a mistake. In this case, points are not debited from the account.

3. Open game.

Features of an open party.
It is not necessary for the cue ball to touch the sides when the balls collide. One point is awarded for a successful hit. In the triangular zones outlined in the corners of the table, only one carom can be made, after which a blow must be made, after which the partner’s cue ball or the red ball must leave this zone to continue the series of shots. The blow goes to the opponent if the ball has not left the zone. There is no penalty for this.

4. Frame 47/1.

There are 9 zones on the table: three zones are rectangular and at the short sides (side 47 cm) there are six squares. With the balls gathered in each zone, only one carom is made, then the opponent’s cue ball or red ball must leave the zone. A ball that has left the zone has the right to return to continue the next carom (one) into the same zone.

5. Frame 74/2.

There are 6 zones on the table: the table is divided in half along the long sides by one line. Two more lines run parallel to the short sides (at a distance of 74cm). It is allowed to perform two caroms in a row in each zone.

6. Artistic carom.

This game requires that the number and sequence of collisions between the cue ball and the boards and object balls be strictly determined for a particular case. The position of the balls for each shot is determined. You can (in some positions) place one or more chips on the table to determine the trajectory of the balls.
The player is allowed three attempts to make a shot. If the ball is successful, then 4 to 11 points are awarded (the number of points depends on the degree of difficulty). A random selection of the 76 required positions determines the positions for any competition. The shot will fail (even though all the conditions are met) if after the shot one of the balls leaves the table.

The success of strikes in many positions is explained by the use of rare techniques (mass strikes, extreme cuts). They are just not used in other billiard games, in other types of carom. These strikes are like tricks. They are very artistic. That's why they called carom artistic.
World championships have been held for this game since 1986. The Belgian scored the maximum number of points (447) in 2006. In 2008, the championship took place in Belgium. In the final, Khasi Arap Yaman (Türkiye) defeated the titled Javier Fonellosa in a five-set match. (Spain).