Walkthrough “The Battle of Kaer Morhen. Walkthrough of “The Battle of Kaer Morhen The Witcher 3 bypass friends

You wake up the next morning. Vesemir was unable to disenchant Uma. It's time to try Yennefer. Perform an operation aimed at turning a person into a witcher. You need to create “Herbal Extracts” in your inventory. Alternately pour 3 different types of liquid into Uma.

Then Uma will return to her usual form. It turns out that it was Ciri's enchanted ally. He will tell you where you can look for the girl. She hid from the Wild Hunt on the distant Island of Mists. It is impossible to get there in the usual way. As you progress through the game The Witcher: Wild Hunt, the elf will give you a magical firefly. He will act as a guide to the Island.

You can look for Ciri. However, this will automatically lead to conflict with the Wild Hunt. First you need to prepare the fortification for the battle against frost ghosts. You must gather as many allies as possible in the fortress. Then the chances of winning will be higher. Go around all the previous areas, communicate with all the familiar characters. Complete any additional tasks, don’t be lazy.

Brothers in Arms (level 22)

Brothers in Arms - Nilfgaard

Emhyr. Return to Vizima. Report to Emhyr that you have found Ciri. The Emperor agrees to provide assistance at Kaer Morhen. However, he has his own conditions - his general will command the defense. Naturally, Geralt will not accept these conditions. Leave empty-handed.

Brothers in Arms - Velen

Kaira Metz. You will need to go through a certain list of tasks. At the same time, you will have to improve your relationship with the girl to such an extent that in the final mission “For the benefit of science,” it would be possible to come to an amicable agreement with her.

Summer. You will need to complete the task “Ghosts of the Past” in such a way that Leto is alive. If you killed him in The Witcher 2, the task simply will not appear.

Take Arms - Novigrad

Triss. You need to complete additional tasks - “A Matter of Life and Death”, as well as “Now or Never”.

Dijkstra. To talk to him, you first need to complete the task “Deadly Plot” given to him. However, he still will not help in the fortress.

Roche. When playing The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, you will have to complete the “An Eye for an Eye” quest. Afterwards he will give his consent and arrive together with Bianca.

Zoltan. From him you will receive the task “Dangerous Game”. However, you can talk to him about Kaer Morhen only during the quest. He will agree.

Brothers in Arms - Skellige

Collapse. He himself cannot help. However, you will receive help from him - the Blade of Winter.

Mousefur. Find him at the top of the mountain on the main island. The druid will agree to provide assistance and will not give any tasks.

Cerys and Hjalmar. Ask him to perform three tasks for him. If you choose Keris as ruler of the islands, then she herself will remain, but will give Hjalmar to help.

Island of Mists (level 22)

When you gather enough allies, then sail to look for Ciri. Travel to the Skellige Islands. You need the large western island. Swim under the arch near the peninsula on which there is a large lighthouse tower.

In the fog, use the firefly and follow. Fight off harpies and echidnas. Land on the island, inspect the house, which is on a hill. Dwarves hide in it. However, they do not want to let you in until they are sure that they are safe.

Look for 3 dwarves - Ivo, Ference, Gaspar. One of them has already been killed. Only the third gnome from the lighthouse will be able to walk home. He needs to be woken up sometimes so that he continues to move.

Come inside. There are only 7 dwarves. Ciri, like Snow White, lies unconscious. Bring her to her senses, listen to a full story about all the adventures. Walkthrough of the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt continues.

Battle of Kaer Morhen (level 24)

You deliver Ciri to the fortress. Participate in the council. Choose what preparations to make before the battle.

The fight begins. Yennefer will defend the fortress with the help of a magical dome. For this reason, the Wild Hunt will decide to teleport not directly to Ciri, but in the forest. Three witchers, using invisibility, will go behind enemy lines.

Play the game as Geralt. Throw bombs at the 3 portals to make them closed. To avoid engaging in battle, run away from your enemies. Your invisibility will turn on again.

You play as Ciri. Walk along the fortress walls, chop down enemies. Help Triss against the frost knights. When Triss is safe, she will begin to cast fire rain.

Play as Geralt. Get on your horse and ride to the fortress. Dodge the falling fire. Help Lambert in the outer courtyard - he has a hard time there.

Play as Ciri. Save Eskel. He is attacked by the magician Caranthir with his frosty staff. The magician will run away. All that remains is to deal with the ordinary knights. When victory is achieved, turn the mechanism that opens the gate. Let the witchers into the courtyard.

Play as Geralt. Walk around the yard, close the portals with bombs. You don’t have to waste your attention on ordinary opponents. They will appear again and again. The walkthrough of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt continues.

The enemy's onslaught is strong. The magical power is slowly weakening. The Wild Hunt breaks through and begins to freeze nearby heroes. Only Vesemir and Ciri will remain. The first one will sacrifice himself so that the girl does not surrender to her enemy. Well, Ciri will drive away the Wild Hunt with the help of her magical cry.

Final missions

Landscape after the battle (lvl. 20)

Take part in the burial process of Vesemir. Eskel will leave the fortress. You can talk to your allies one-on-one.

Talk to the elf Avallakh, who has come to his senses. He wants to continue training Ciri so that she can control her magical powers. Yennefer wants to gather her lodge of sorceresses to attack the Wild Hunt.

After some time, you need to talk with Ciri.

A day later, the girl will call you along with her to attack the general of the Wild Hunt named Imerich. He will be at the witches' Sabbath on Bald Mountain in Velen. Choose an answer.

Bald Mountain (level 26)

Go to Velena on the southern shore. Climb the highest mountain in the area. The Sabbath is celebrated there. You can sit near the fire with the locals. You will learn how to get to the top through the closed gate.

When further progressing through the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, go to the blind old woman. She will only allow Ciri to pass. In order for you to go along with her, you need to pass a test - jump into the lake for a coin. Underwater, fight off the drowners with a crossbow. You will find the coin in the deepest place. She will be next to the entrance to the cave.

Go back and go through the gate to the witches. Meet the demon Land mine. When he sees the coin, he will immediately begin to attack. After defeating him, split up: Ciri will go to the witches, Geralt will go to Imerlich.

Boss - Witches of the Crooked-Ear Marshes

So, all the witches will move around the arena using their magical method. You can hide from them behind a bowler hat. Restore your health there. From this location you can also safely use instant strikes. One witch will survive and fly away like a crow.

Boss - Imerlich

During the fight, use the sign of protection. You can destroy your opponent's shield if you hit him for too long. However, it is better to attack from behind. Dodge his blows, roll over him, hit him.

When the shield is destroyed, your enemy will grab the sledgehammer. He will hold it with both hands. Attack tactics will change. It will be easier for you to hit him. After the victory, together with Ciri, follow to Novigrad.

Final preparations

In the city, go to Buttercup's cabaret. Your entire squad is there. It is necessary to assist allies to complete the task - “Talk to Avallackh”, “Help Triss in freeing Philippa”, “Help Yennefer in freeing Margarita”, “Help Ciri”. Walkthrough of the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

Reckoning (level 28)

Ciri wants to go around the whole city and express gratitude to all her friends, as well as punish her enemies. Accompany her.

Visit Bastard Junior. If you didn't kill him, the girl will finish him off. If he has already been killed, then Doppler Dudu will be in his place.

Visit the girl who sheltered Ciri. Save her from the bandits.

Go to the outskirts of the city. Approach a group of traveling circus performers, commanded by Waldo. Ciri also owes her salvation to them. The circus performers want to leave, but no one wants to sell their horses. You can take part in horse theft.

At night, climb the boxes to the second floor. Enter the stable through the window. Fight the guard with your fists. Take the key. It will be on the table on the left side. Open the gate. Use a magic sign to calm the horses. Ride to the camp.

Through Time and Space (Lv. 26)

Avallakh will tell you about the Wild Hunt. This army is the army of the elves Aen Elle from another world. When playing through the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, you will find out that in addition to ordinary knights, there are a couple of generals left there, as well as a leader. The elf will offer to lure one commander to your side.

In Novigrad, go to the haunted house. In the basement, enter the portal that leads to other worlds. Go through the desert world. Fight off the bugs and enter the portal.

You find yourself in a world where there are rock columns and poisonous red moss. Quickly run through the poisonous fields. Get some air in open areas.

Next world. You fall under water. Swim quickly to the teleport.

So you'll get ready for the frosty world. You can quickly freeze outside. For this reason, hide in houses. You have to quickly run between them. Fight off the hounds. Run to the lighthouse. Avallakh is waiting for you there.

Shooting Range on Lia, Residence of Geels. You appear in the building. Communicate with the enemy commander. Persuade him to visit the oneiromancer and find out the truth about the leader of the Wild Hunt.

Return to Novigrad. The Dreamer will show you and Geels how Eredin dealt with the previous leader of the elves. Geels promises to take your side at the first opportunity.

It's darkest under the lantern (level 28)

Walkthrough of the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. You and Triss are searching for Philippa. Use hydromancy to look at the fountain. You will recognize from the image on the water that Philippa, having turned into an owl, is now with Dijkstra.

Go to Dijkstra Baths. There the sorceress has already been freed from the trap. She's in human form again. She created a pogrom around her.

Run after Philippa, dodging or fighting enchanted enemies. You can come to an agreement with the giant without a fight. Catch up with the girl, but it will be already in the dungeon. Take her to the exit to Triss.

In order for Dijkstra to let you go, tell him about Ciri, as well as Emhyr’s plans for her. Philippa will hear a conversation about the assassination attempt on Radovit and will want to help. Access to the next task will open. Walkthrough of the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt continues.

Additional task – Matters of national importance

Meeting with Dijkstra. Decide to lure out King Radovid by telling him where his main opponent, Philippa, is located. Philippa herself will give Vizimir's ring as proof.

Go to Radovid's ship. It stands in the port of Novigrad. Together with the king and the army, land in a dark alley. Radodvid will order you to be killed. However, Roche's squad arrives to help. Fight off enemies with any weapon. Talk to Roche so you can return the weapon. Move along the alley and systematically kill the king's guards.

Radovid disappeared behind the barricades. You won't be able to get it there. But here Philip is already waiting for the king. She blinds him and kills him. That's it, Philippa avenged the blindness and deaths of the wizards.

Celebrate your victory at the spy camp. However, there will be a conflict of interest here. The fact is that Dijkstra does not want to fulfill Roche's conditions. You can help one of the parties. This will greatly change the global political situation.

Great Escape (Lv. 28)

As you continue through The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, help Yennefer free the sorceress Margarita from prison. Set up an ambush in a port brothel. When you see the person you need, run after him. Strike one blow with your hand and it will stop. You learn from a former prisoner that there is a secret tunnel under the prison.

Before starting the operation, you can distract the guards with wine. Go to Zoltan to tell him about your plan. However, he will refuse.

Meet Yennefer at midnight on the bridge. Go to the well, jump into it. Swim along the underground lake to the elf catacombs under the prison. Find the switch on the south wall. Take the handle from him, open the door you need.

Infiltrate the prison. Go up to a higher floor. In one cell you will find a sorceress. To open the chamber, you need to rise to the surface, deal with a large number of guards, get into the commander's tower and take the key.

Return to the cell with the key. Yennefer and Margarita teleport to safety. You can climb out through the fence at the top. However, it is easier and better to go through the sewer tunnel. The first guardhouse. Take the key here and open the door opposite the entrance to the prison. The remaining free prisoners are waiting for you there. Together with them, exit through the tunnel and continue the passage of the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

When you get together, the sorceresses will hold a meeting to determine Ciri's future fate. You can decide whether to support the girl or not.

As for Yennefer, he will try to eavesdrop on the entire conversation through the door.

Preparing for battle (level 28)

Your squad leaves Novigrad and heads to Skellige. Go to the ship at the port and talk to Avallackh. You can go with everyone on the ship, or stay and catch up with them later.

On Skellige, plan to set a trap for the Wild Hunt flying ship. To do this, you will need a good bait, as well as help from the Nilfgaardian fleet. Solve these problems in separate tasks:

Sunstone (lvl. 28)

Avallakh will tell you about the stone, which is capable of sending a message to the world of the elves. Start looking for the stone. Go to Mousevoor, it is now in the southern part of the central island of Ard Skellig. You will find him in the Caer Muir fortress.

This fortress is the patrimony of another Skellige clan. Take part in the dispute together with Mouseur. In any case, all this will lead to conflict. A war breaks out between clans. Kill the leader of Logus, leave the fortress. Along the way you will have to fight off ordinary warriors.

The walkthrough of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt continues. After the battles in Caer Muir, Mousewur will name a couple of people who can help you:

First. Go to the druid Skald. He is well versed in ancient ruins. In a conversation with him you will see a white whale in the sea. You find out that the cave you need is located on the northern coast on the central island.

Second. Go to the pearl diver. His nickname is Fish Gills. Walk to the peninsula north of the village of Arinbjorn. Find the boat of hunters, but there are no owners. You will have to dive and search for them underwater. You need to stay close to the shore with the lighthouse. You will find a cave entrance at the depths. In it you will see hunters who are engaged in a vile business. Promise them to remain silent. For this they will tell you where to look for the ruins.

Return to the sorcerer's camp. Give the coordinates of the cave. Then Philippa will quickly go there. You first need to take part in the mission “Child of the Elder Blood”, then catch up with Philippa.

She will open the door to the ruins for you. Follow her. Jump over all sorts of cracks along the way. Fight off local monsters, as well as security golems. The last room. Here, turn all three mirrors. Then the beam will be directed towards the Sun Stone. Take it, get out of the cave the same way.

Child of the Elder Blood (Lv. 31)

Walkthrough of the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt continues. Together with Ciria Yen, travel to the discovered secret laboratory of Avallakh. There you will find a lot of collected information regarding Ciri - family tree, various portraits. You will also find an elven girl there. She will insult Ciri.

It turns out that for Avallackh, Ciri is only a source of amazing power. He pledged to protect this source from evil forces. And most of all, he protects him from his relatives from the Wild Hunt. However, it was initially his research that led the Wild Hunt to the girl. Decide what to say to Ciri.

When you complete the raid on the laboratory, Ciri will want to go to the village where Skall lived. It was he who saved her life once. You can go together.

Veni Vidi Vigo (level 28)

The Nilfgaardian fleet is located near the Skellige Islands. Travel to the western island, to the village on the northern coast. From there, at night, swim to a cluster of ships.

The guards will shine with him. It is necessary to make sure that you do not get into the light spots that are on the water. Sail under normal boats. Get to the king's ship. Climb the anchor rope onto the deck.

Talk to Emperor Emhyr. Convey Yen's request for the release of the last sorceress named Fringilla. Teleport with her to the camp. Continue playing The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

On thin ice (level 30)

That's it, the preparations are complete. Begin the call of the Wild Hunt. First, a ghost ship will appear and freeze the sea. The ship will immediately fall into a trap - under the influence of the magic dome of the sorceresses. Now you need to defeat the enemy in close combat.

Get out onto the ice from the ships and get to the Wild Hunt ship. Along the way, destroy the frost knights.

Boss – Caranthir

Play as Ciri. Get to the mage with the frosty staff. He teleports all the time and also attacks from behind. You can also quickly move and get behind him and then hit him. When you take away 30 percent of his health, Ciri will be able to destroy his staff.

Play as Gerelt. Caranthir must be completely destroyed. Geralt does not chase the magician as quickly as Ciri. Caranthir will shoot ice balls at you. Will also summon three Ice Golems. Use rolls, get to the enemy and deliver a couple of blows. After that he will move. Thus, constantly run after him, finish him to the end.

Boss – Eredin

Now only the leader of the Wild Hunt remains. To complete the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, climb onto the ship. You'll see Eredin dealing with Crahoman Krayt. Engage in battle with him yourself.

This boss often teleports. He fires a projectile, unleashes a wave of force. It's better if you're next to him all the time. Then you will not fall under the influence of his magic. Do everything approximately the same as in the battle against Imerlich. Roll towards the enemy, get behind him, hit him and move away.

Eredin will decide to take you to a clearing in the world of the elves. When the boss has spent all his strength, he will again transport you to the ship. Finish off the main enemy.

Hour of the end (level 30)

That's it, the Wild Hunt has been defeated. However, the open portal between different worlds is still open. Moreover, it is starting to expand. Monsters from different worlds appear around. In addition, Ciri and Avallakh disappeared somewhere.

Together with Yen, go in search of the elf and the girl. Get to the tower on a lonely rock. Yennefer will push you through the narrow magical tower barrier. She herself will remain outside.

In the tower ruins you will find Avallakh. He increasingly opens a portal between different worlds. Don't attack. Start to find out the reason for this behavior. Avallakh reveals the path to the world of White Frost. Ciri of her own free will wants to go there. Let her go. The walkthrough of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is coming to an end.

Something ends, something begins (lvl. 30)

Well, that's all, the main plot is over. The final mission remains - the epilogue. What will happen to you in this mission depends on what you did before and how you acted.

Final video

Hooray! You have finished the game! In the last video you will see the consequences of all your decisions. Politics have changed, people began to live differently, Ciri’s life developed in a special way, and Gerelt’s fate may also be different.

When you finish the main story, you can continue playing. Then you will complete all remaining additional missions, orders. However, in this case, plot-related tasks that are related to the hero’s friends and politics will become unavailable. Walkthrough of the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is completed.

This quest will become available for completion immediately after you complete the task, and it is also worth completing it before you begin the quest “Island of Fogs”. Having learned about Ciri's whereabouts, the witchers and the sorceress came to the conclusion that Kaer Morhen is the most reliable place to organize defense against the attack of the Wild Hunt, which will try to kidnap Ciri as soon as Geralt manages to find her. You will have to gather all allies who are able to provide worthy resistance to the Wild Hunt. There are 4 places in total where you can find support.

Brothers in Arms: Nilfgaard.

In order to find out if you are ready to help in the upcoming battle Emhyr, looking for your daughter, you will have to go to Vizima. In a conversation with the emperor, you will have to fill him in on the matter regarding what you managed to find out about Ciri’s whereabouts, as well as the fact that she will be pursued by the Wild Hunt. Despite the threat of attack, the emperor will still order Ciri to be brought to him, since he believes that he can protect her, you will have two answer options: “I have no doubt” and “I’d rather do it myself,” regardless of your answer, Geralt I will have to talk about the danger that the emperor will expose Vizima if Ciri is here. Having agreed that the death of innocent people is not the best option, Emhyr will still decide to give you the banner, provided that General Voorhis becomes responsible for military operations in Kaer Morhen. Geralt will refuse such an offer, deciding that he can cope without his help (this will happen in any case, you will not be able to convince the emperor to help you)

Brothers in Arms: Velen.

In Velen you can only find one ally, and that’s if you haven’t killed him. Keira Metz will fight against the Wild Hunt, taking your side, only if you were able to complete absolutely all the tasks associated with the sorceress - where you will have to help the sorceress find the relic, you will have to figure out what happened in the tower and drive out the ghost from there, Keira will have a request to Geralt, you will have to decide Keira's fate. But that's not all, you will still need to persuade the sorceress to go to Kaer Morhen in the last task.

Brothers in Arms: Novigrad.

In Novigrad you can recruit as many as 4 allies

The first sorceress on this list is named Triss Merigold. In order for her to be on your side, you, in principle, do not need to do anything, since she will in any case end up in Kaer Morhen at Yennefer’s invitation. But if at the end of the quest you confessed your love to the sorceress and spent the night with her, then she will be in Kaer Morhen of her own free will, in order to support Geralt.

Second on the list will be Zoltan- your faithful friend and ally. As soon as he learns that you have found Ciri, he will immediately say that he is ready to go with you after her. Geralt himself will be able to find Ciri, but the dwarf can go to Kaer Morhen right now in order to help the others prepare their defense against the attack of the Wild Hunt. Zoltan will not object and will immediately hit the road. Before asking Zoltan for help, complete the task, otherwise it will go into the failed category.

The third one on the list will be Dijkstra. When talking with a spy, the witcher will doubt that he will help. Unfortunately, Kaer Morhen is not in his jurisdiction and he is not able to participate in the battle. But if you were able to help Sigi Reuven find his treasury in the task, Dijkstra will help you financially, giving you 100 crowns, as well as several runes.

The fourth will be Roche. Once you find yourself in the lair of the Temerian partisans, you will have to ask him for help. And if you helped him in difficult times by completing a task, then Roche will gladly support you in the upcoming battle, and not alone, but with Bianca.

Brothers in Arms: Skellige

There are as many as four allies waiting for you on the islands, who will one way or another be able to provide you with support in Kaer Morhen, but in order to talk with them, you will have to complete the entire chain of tasks related to the an Craites - - where you will learn about the problems of the children of Collapse, here you you will have to help Cerys in ridding the earl of the curse, Hjalmar went on a journey to kill the giant, you will have to help the warrior - here you will have to take part in the investigation of the massacre and.

The first thing you should do is talk to Crahom an Craite, having learned that you have found Ciri, he will invite you to bring her to Kaer Trolde, where his troops are located, Geralt will not agree to this. Krach cannot send troops to Kaer Morhen and leave his lands undefended, so he will offer other help. In gratitude for the deeds of Geralt, an Crait gave the witcher the legendary sword of Winter, which in his opinion will help in the battle with the Wild Hunt.

You can get confused about where to find Keris or Hjalmar, their chambers are on the second floor, which can be reached by using the stairs in front of the hall.

Next you should talk to Keris, she will be in her chambers, but in any case, regardless of whether she became queen or not, she will not be able to help you, although she is very happy with the fact that you were able to find Ciri. The only thing she can do is send you to Hjalmar.

Hjalmar, in gratitude for your help, will immediately agree to support you in the battle and depending on how many people you managed to save in the task, he will arrive either alone or in the company of a comrade/companions.

The last person you should ask for help in protecting Ciri and Kaer Morhen is Mousehole, which is located next to the tree where the coronation took place. Mousefur is not only an old acquaintance of Geralt, but also a teacher and teacher of Ciri. It is for this reason that he will immediately go to Kaer Morhen, without the slightest doubt in his decision.

By collecting all the allies described in this article, you will receive the achievement "In full force."

Who we have from the start

After a complex magical ritual, we learn that Uma is our old friend from the books of Avalakh, who was bewitched. Next, we are given tasks to find Ciri and gather allies.
Actually, Yennefer, Vesemir, Lambert and Eskel will help us without any default quests.

Zoltan Chivay

You can meet in Novigrad, next to the brothel Sage and Rosemary or the Chameleon cabaret, if you completed the quest of the same name Buttercup. We just ask him to help in the battle with the Wild Hunt, he immediately agrees.

Zoltan is one of the key characters in the battle with the Wild Hunt. Firstly, you can repair things from him before the battle and purchase armor and crossbow bolts. Secondly, he brings with him the Mahakam mixture - exploding barrels, which will stand in Kaeer Morhen

Triss Merigold

We find her in Novigrad, in her house. Before going to her house, don’t forget to complete the quest “A Favor for Radovid.” Next, we complete her quests “A Matter of Life and Death.” Next, another subquest of hers opens, in which she tries to take all the sorcerers out of the city. After completing it, a cutscene occurs in which you can ask her to stay and confess your love, or let her go (In both the first and second cases, she will appear in Kaer Morhen, there is nothing to worry about)

Triss will give Ciri an activator that summons a fireball to a specific location. She will also destroy some Wild Hunt units with fireballs when you close the portals.

Sigi Reuven (Sigismund Dijkstra)

It is no coincidence that Dijkstra stands after Triss; it is after completing her quest that he approaches us at the port and asks us to come to Passionflower for an important matter. We arrive there, he gives us a quest to Murder of Radovid. We complete it, then look for Dijkstra in his baths.
Dijkstra will agree to help you only if you take certain actions during the quest “Treasures of Count Reuven” (during the search for Ciri in Novigrad). So that he agrees to help us, we go to Caleb Menge with Triss, give her to the guards (no signs or fights) and go to Menge. When he asks what we want for information about Philip Eilhart, we answer that we want to know where a certain treasury is located in Kovir bank. Next, we ask about Buttercup, kill Menge and take the key. On the way out we give it to Dijkstra and tell him where the treasury is.
If you haven't met the condition above, Dijkstra says he can't help.
If the condition is met, then he explains that he is a bad warrior and Kaer Morhen is not in his “zone of control,” but for help he gives 1000 crowns and several runes. It's a small thing, but it's nice :)

Vernon Roche/Bianca

We go to the shelter of the Temerian partisans, which is east of the estate where the quest from Triss took place. There we meet Vernon, he says that he has problems with Bianca (the only woman from the Blue Stripes). We are given the quest "An Eye for an Eye". We accompany Roche to the village, where Bianca and her squad went to attack the Nilfgaardians, killing all the Nilfs.
Bianca must survive the quest, otherwise don't count on help. After this, we go back to the partisan camp and ask Roche for help, he goes to Kaer Morhen along with Bianca.

Arriving at Kaer Morhen, Roche makes wolf pits in front of the castle itself (as a result of the Wild Hunt warriors in the castle there are a fifth less)

Keira Metz

We come to her house, she asks us to go to Kolomnitsa and find out the cause of the anomalies. After completing this quest, we go back to her house, she gives another quest to find objects. Then we go for a walk with her we can have sex with her if we want. Then, waking up, we go to Kolomnitsa and find her there.
It is important to choose the right dialogue options so that he agrees to help you. We don’t shout at her and ask her to go to Kaer Morhen.

While there, you can purchase ingredients for alchemy from her.

Summer from Guleta

Oooh yes, our old friend the Kingslayer.
A secret character who can also be obtained under certain conditions.
If you transferred saves from The Witcher 2, you should not have killed Leto and not talked about him during interrogation.
If you did not transfer saves and turned on the “Simulation of decisions from The Witcher 2” mode before starting the game, then during your first visit to Emhyr in Vizima, during interrogation you had to say that you did not kill Leto.
If all these conditions have been met, then Jon Snow Leto is alive and appears in the game. Finding it is quite difficult, it usually happens by accident.
In the village of Zalipye we meet a crying old woman who says that monsters have settled on her estate. We agree to help her, they give us the quest “The Fall of House Reardon”. We go to the indicated estate. We don’t find any monsters there, but we see traps placed everywhere. We neutralize them and find Summer. He tells us his story and asks for help. We agree, then we kill the robbers who drove up to the estate, help him deal with his old “friends”, then we tell him to go to Kaer Morhen.
The dialogue between Roche (if he also agrees to help you) and Summer in Kaer Morhen is gorgeous!

If you send him to Kaer Morhen, he will go with Lambert and you on a sabotage mission to close the portals, which makes the task much easier.

Collapse of An Craite

We go to Krakh and ask him for help. He refuses to go to Kaer Morhen, but gives you Frostmourne Winter's Blade - a silver sword, because of which you will become the Lich King has very good parameters.

We find him in a Druid cave, ask him to help, he immediately agrees.

Being in the fortress, he will call on the force of nature on your side - namely, flammable gas will be located in the outer and inner courtyards.

Hjalmar An Craite

We go through the quests “Chosen of the Gods”, “Lord of Undvik”.
Next, we go to Kaer Trolde and complete the quest "The Queen's Gambit". Based on its results, the quest will change slightly.
If you went with Hjalmar after the Red Wedding feast in Kaer Trolde, then we contact him directly.
If you stay with Keris, then go first to her, and then to him.

In any case, Hjalmar will agree to help you.


This task will become available for completion immediately after completing the previous quest. Ciri, in order to escape pursuit, will move Geralt and herself to the Kaer Morhen fortress using a portal, which Geralt cannot stand. Once in the fortress, she will begin to feel nostalgic, and when she sees Vesemir, she will immediately run to him to hug her mentor. Yennefer, surprised by the appearance of Ciri, will immediately go to her and also hug her motherly, marveling at how prettier she has become since the last meeting. Vesemir and Ciri will go to the fortress. You will also have the opportunity to take part in a love triangle, where, depending on the decisions you make in the tasks (Triss) and (Yennefer), you will have the opportunity show feelings for one of the sorceresses:

1. If you confessed your love to Triss, then you will have the opportunity to receive a kiss from her, which will cause Yen's obvious jealousy.

2. If you preferred Yennefer, then she will kiss you in front of the other sorceress.

3. Having confessed your love to two sorceresses, they will ignore you and start talking to each other.

In any case, you will need to go to the main hall of the fortress in order to hold a meeting with everyone present. Which of the allies you managed to invite to Kaer Morhen to participate in the battle determines their presence not only in the fortress, on the way to the main hall, but also the participation of the allies in the battle. Full list of allies, which you will be able to collect, as well as familiarize yourself with how and what to do so that they participate in the battle, you can find in the article entitled.

Allies you will meet along the way.

1. Hjalmar, Whigs And Folan, busy preparing for battle, preparing weapons.

2. Zoltan, having heard that he would have to defend himself in the fortress, he decided to prepare barrels with the Mahakam mixture (You can use them on the battlefield).

3. Mousehole, once in Kaer Morhen, he first began to study the available defense options and, inside the ground, discovered pockets with explosive gas, which he managed to open (You can use them during the battle, with the help of Igni you will get a good explosion).

4. Roche And Bianca, they will be able to build traps with stakes outside the fortress. (Be careful not to fall into them during the hidden mission)

5. Keira Metz, preening in an illusory room, will be able to provide magical support.

Planning. Laboratory and Workshop.

Once in the main hall, Geralt, taking on the most responsible role of leader, will begin to draw up an action plan for the defense of the Fortress and Ciri.

In this conversation, you will learn what your allies are capable of, and you will also have to make two choices that will affect the development of events in the battle, as well as make the battle easier. When choosing, you should adhere to your personal style (Before the dialogue is completed, you can change your choice):

1. Laboratory. (You can only select one option.)

- Elixirs- Vesemir can prepare for you several useful elixirs Swallow and Thunder, as well as a rune stone.

- Traps- Eskel, capable of preparing traps. They will be very useful in battle; if the enemy steps on one of them, it will explode. If you took Zoltan and Mousefur into your team, then the usefulness of traps will be minimal, since you can use Barrels and gas to explode opponents.

2. Workshop.(You can only select one option).

- Seal the wall- This option will save you from unnecessary enemies entering the fortress, which will make the battle easier.

- Clear out the arsenal- With this choice, you will have the opportunity to get the relic weapon Rose from Shaerrawedd, which is not anything special, and also increase the damage of your allies in battle.

The battle begins.

And so, having made a choice and finished preparing, after some time, Lambert will approach Geralt, from whom you can learn about what they managed to do. After which you will have the last opportunity for preparation, in which you can use your personal chest and take some equipment there, as well as use a whetstone and improve the battle, which will be very useful in the upcoming battle. Once you decide you're ready, use the main entrance. Everyone is busy preparing for the battle; Geralt will be the first to notice the approach of the enemy, as he will notice a change in the ambient temperature. A frosty wind will begin to blow, and everyone will suffer from it until Yennefer manages to create a barrier over the Fortress.

Hidden foray behind the walls of the fortress. Destroying portals.

Geralt and Lambert will go beyond the walls in order to quietly destroy the portals that summon hounds and warriors of the Wild Hunt. The amulets issued by Triss will help you get through unnoticed, which will make you invisible to enemies; there are several features here. The first is that the hounds can smell you, so you should not approach them. Second - If you start a battle, the disguise will disappear.

Also, you should know that in order to close portals, you need to use one of two methods:

1. Dimerite bombs- They can destroy a portal from afar without attracting too much attention. This will allow you to get rid of extra enemies that arrive through the portal. Once the portal is closed, you will need to kill the remaining hounds and Wild Hunt warriors.

2. Irden sign- Closes the portal, but only if you approach it point blank. This can be difficult, since hounds are constantly hovering near the portal, and they can easily reveal your disguise.

Under no circumstances go beyond the barrier that Yennefer has created, otherwise the witcher will die from frostbite. In total, you will have to close three such portals, after which the action will switch to Ciri.

Ciri intervenes in the battle.

Ciri noticed a signal that should have notified Triss to provide “Fire Support,” but did not notice the sorceress take any action, so she decided to check what had happened to her. The girl will be stopped by Vesemir, in dialogue with him you can choose any phrase, there's no way will not affect the development of the plot. On the way to the sorceress, Zoltan will cover you; if you need an ally, then first you need to help him, and only then go to the sorceress. She was attacked by Warriors of the Wild Hunt, which is why she cannot help Geralt. You will have to destroy all the enemies, after which Triss will finally be able to strike.

Retreat to the Fortress. How to close the gate to the fortress?

Triss received help from Ciri and can now cover the battlefield with fireballs. You will have to retreat to the fortress, as the barrier caused by Yennefer begins to narrow, which is why you should hurry. Sometimes a bug occurs in which a roach, after being hit by a fireball, can get stuck in the textures, in this case, just run to the fortress on foot.

Once you find yourself in the fortress, you will need to close the main gate, this will help protect yourself from the advancing Wild Hunt troops.

How to close the gate to the fortress:

And so, you will find yourself inside the fortress, surrounded by warriors and hounds of the wild hunt. In order to close the gate, you will have to climb the wall, passing (you can simply run past the warriors using rolls) or destroying opponents. On the far tower near the lever, you will have to fight a wild hunt, or just run past, if you took Mousefur into your team. The lever you need located to the right of the druid on the wall.

As soon as the gate is closed, Lambert, who remains at the main entrance, will be attacked by warriors of the Wild Hunt; if you took Keira Metz into your team, then she will be the one who will protect Lambert. If she is not among your allies, then you will have to save Lambert yourself.

Lambert's HP bar will appear, which means that he may die if you do not have time to kill all the enemies. So Lambert may die in this battle, about which a diary entry will appear.

There are more and more enemies, it was decided to retreat into the courtyard. Follow to the marked area and deal with the enemies, here Mousefur, Vesemir and Roche and Bianca will help you, shooting enemies from the wall. It would also be a good idea to blow up gas from the ground and a couple of Zoltan’s barrels. For some reason the main gate is closed, so the witcher decides to first find Triss. It is located on the left side of the gate, you will have to deal with the enemies. After a short dialogue in which Vesemir will bring the sorceress up to date, Triss will notice Ciri on the wall of the fortress and ask her about what is happening inside, Ciri, in turn, will say that trouble has happened to Eskel and she will go to his aid.

Second battle for Ciri. Open the gate to the main courtyard.

Caranthir, the chief navigator of the Wild Hunt, entered the fortress through a portal to prevent Eskel from opening the gates. He turned out to be a very serious opponent for the witcher, as he has the ability to teleport. Ciri also has it, so she manages to save Eskel. Caranthir receives an order not to interfere in the battle.

You will have to fight wild hunt warriors and hounds to pave the way to the wheel that opens the gate.

The last battle and death of Vesemir.

After a short dialogue with Ciri, you will have to close two more portals, opened in the main courtyard of the fortress, for this use Dimerite bombs and Yrden sign. Once the portals are closed, you will need to help Triss in the battle. (Indications of boxes with bombs will appear on the minimap, from which you can pick them up).

Once you reach Triss, the barrier created by Yennefer will fall, allowing frosty air to enter the fortress and open the gate. Geralt will suffer frostbite and will not be able to participate in further events.

Then the plot will begin to develop even more rapidly. I’ll say right away that it’s fate Vesemira cannot be influenced in any way, he will die anyway, protecting Ciri. (You may think that he did such an act in vain, but on the other hand, his decision caused strong emotions in Ciri, which allowed her to take full advantage of the magic of the Higher Blood and thereby save the others and herself).

We arrived in Kaer Morhen.
Our army against the Wild Hunt consists of: Geralt, Vessimir, Lambert, Eskel, Yennefer, Ciri, Tris, Roche, Bianca, Zoltan, Keira Metz

The alliance turned out to be not bad. Let's go hold a council in the fortress.
We are discussing how we will fight the Wild Hunt. The question arose, who needs the laboratory, we give it to Eskel, for witcher traps (Vessimir suggested making elixirs). Next is the choice, we clear the rubble, where you can find a bunch of swords or repair a hole in the wall. I chose to repair the hole in the wall. Everyone went to work.

A wild hunt ensues. The guys got worried.

The invasion has begun. So far everything is going as planned. We play as Geralt, run around, throw bombs at portals so that the knights of the wild hunt cannot penetrate Yen’s defenses. If you get too close to the portals, invisibility disappears. The portals are closed, Geralt gives a signal. No reaction from Tris. Something went wrong.

Then this naughty girl Ciri runs out, she doesn’t want to sit idly by. Vessimir sends her to Tris to find out what’s wrong with her. We play as Ciri. We run to Tris and along the way we bring down the Cerberus that the hunt releases. Tris had a portal open nearby, so she brushed off the same Cerberus and Knights of the Wild Hunt. We, in the role of Ciri, help her.

By this time, Geralt and Lambert in the forest were already tired of fighting off this Wild Hunt, and then Triss came to their aid.

Let's gallop to the fortress. Some of the knights had already broken through there. We close the gate so that the other part does not arrive in time. Let's run to help Tris. They helped.

We learn that Eskel is in trouble, Ciri runs to help him. Playing as Ciri. We cut down all the soldiers who attacked Eskel, open the gate to the courtyard for Geralt, Vessimir, Lambert, Roche, Bianca.

These creatures begin to pass through gaps-portals that need to be closed with bombs. We play as Geralt. The cracks can also be closed with the Yrden sign, if you are too lazy to look for bombs (Geralt has very few of them with him). We close the portals and again run to help Tris (she seems to be smeared with honey there).

Here's what happens. The main boss of the Wild Hunt broke through the gate and froze some of our fighters, including Geralt. Vessimir managed to cover Ciri, but they were surrounded. The massacre began. It's better to watch, it's a beautiful scene. In the end, it all ended thanks to Ciri’s abilities (apparently the poet was the one who was hunting for her), but there were no casualties. Vessimir died.