Passage of game fahrenheit. Passage of game Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy. Character control and gameplay


The game is controlled using the keyboard and mouse. The up, down, left, right arrows perform standard character movements. If you hold down the “Shift” button with the direction forward, the character will run. To look ahead, press the Spacebar. An alternative way to move the character forward is to hold down the left and right mouse buttons at the same time, plus turn the character using its movement. Absolutely all actions in “Fahrenheit” are performed in a specific way. For example, to open a door, you need to approach it, an icon should light up at the top of the screen, showing the repeated movements of the ball, which you must perform with the mouse, after holding the left mouse button (for example, up and down). With the key “Ctrl” you can open your PDA. On the first page, it displays: date and time (according to the plot), the name of the character you are playing for, the mental state of the character, the total time of the game, the level of health, the number of bonus points, the number of open bonuses in percentage terms, and by what percentage passed the game. Press the “Enter” key and the second page of the PDA will open. On it you can see the general task of this episode. There is no inventory in the game.

The game has episodes in which you need to control two characters. If this is possible, then a small icon lights up in the upper right corner of the screen, in the form of a portrait of the game's hero, which can also be controlled. Press the "Enter" key to switch.

In "Fahrenheit" all physical actions are performed with the help of mini-games. I'll tell you about them in order, depending on their frequency of appearance in the game.

Minigame #1

Two symmetrical figures appear on the screen, consisting of 4 panels of different colors, as shown in the picture on the right.

Panels in the left figure mean actions on the keyboard - up, down, left, right; the panels on the right figure show actions with the mouse.

Let's stop at the right circle. Actions shown

on this figure are performed using mouse movements while holding down its left button. For example, if the following panels are lit, shown in the picture on the left, it is necessary to simultaneously hold down the “left arrow” on the keyboard and move the mouse (previously holding the left mouse button) also to the left.

Minigame #2

This game looks like this: a scale appears at the bottom of the screen, on the sides of which there are left and right arrows. We need to alternately, as quickly as possible, click on these arrows until the scale is full. If you delay with this case, then the task will fail. Watch drawing on the right.

Minigame #3

This mini-game is somewhat similar to mini-game #2. The same scale at the bottom, it is also necessary to use the left and right keys. But here's the difference. This game appears at a time when Carla might panic. With the help of a mini-game, we breathe evenly, thus keeping Carla calm. It is necessary that the moving wand stay in the blue zone (as shown in the picture on the left). We can move it only from right to left by alternately pressing the arrows to the left and then to the right. Moreover, if you quickly press these buttons, then Carla will panic, but if you do nothing, then the outcome will be the same.

Minigame #4

Occurs once in the game ( drawing on the right), at the moment when Lucas needs to move to another platform to Tiffany (on a roller coaster). For me, this was perhaps the most difficult moment in the game. Here it is necessary to hold the cursor in the center of the scale using the same keys - left and right. The best option: press 2 times in one direction and 2 times in the other, but for this you need to choose the right time intervals.

Important! In the game, the character has a health scale and a psychological state scale. Depending on your actions, the scale of the psychological state either decreases or increases. The health scale is applied only in cases where the life of the hero depends on your actions (such situations only happen with Lucas).

I want to warn you right now. The choice of actions in the game can be varied. Starting from the choice of how to escape from the scene of the crime (by taxi or via the subway) and ending with the choice that will affect how exactly you get to the final battle. I describe the actions I chose when I played the game for the first time. I hope my tips help you.

Brutal Murder (Lucas)

In the introductory video, we witness a brutal murder. Lucas Kane, main character game, under the control of a mysterious cloaked sorcerer, stabs a man to death in the restroom of one of the eateries. The game starts. We need to get out of the crime scene before we're spotted - but we'll clean up after ourselves first. We approach the body and drag it into one of the toilet cubicles. We take a mop and wash the floor with it. Next, we approach the sink, open the faucet and Lucas will wash away the blood from himself. We go to the place where the corpse of an innocent person used to lie, and we select a knife. The character's condition after these actions will improve slightly. If you look at the window, then our character will be upset that it will not work to get out through this window, since there is a grate on it. Thus, we will lose 5 points from the scale of the psyche. We leave the restroom and go to the exit, because the policeman sitting at the counter is about to find the corpse. As soon as we went out the door of the diner, we go to the right - then at the corner of the diner we turn right again. We run forward and on the left side of the street we notice a descent into the subway - we go down.

Crime Scene (Carla and Tyler)

Other heroes of our game come to the crime scene, which we have to manage - these are Carla and Tyler. We enter Karla inside the diner, we talk with the policeman who discovered the body. We approach Carla to the waitress sitting at one of the tables on the left, and start a dialogue. After the end of the conversation, Martin will take the waitress home (funny, of course, it looks like a waitress in a sundress with short sleeves goes out into the 30-degree frost). We approach the next table, at which the killer was already sitting. We perform the action shown at the top of the screen (circle image). Carla remarks that ordering soda and coffee looks ridiculous. And there is no bill for coffee on the sheet of payment at all. We select a book called “The Tempest” (Shakespeare) under the table. We go to the end of the corridor and click on the phone. Carla will ask you to check all the calls made from him for the whole evening. We enter the restroom and examine the body. We look at the mop smeared with blood (why would the killer wash the floor?), And then at the traces of blood on the floor of the booth where Lucas was sitting. After these actions, Carla's mental state will increase somewhat. We switch to Tyler and approach the trash can standing to the left of the window. We perform the action at the top of the screen, as a result of which Tyler will find the murder weapon. We leave the restroom and ask Garrett to do some more tests. We switch to Carla, speak with Tyler and offer to leave. We leave the diner, look at the ground, where Carla will find blood. We get into the car.

1. Murder.

Lucas Kane (Doc's Lunch Diner) The video continues, we see a small diner, a toilet. A man stands at the urinals. Lucas is in a booth and is in a state of trance, in his hand is a knife, everything is covered in blood. The man in the hoodie forces Lucas to commit murder. The little girl stretches her hand towards him and the obsession disappears. Lucas doesn't know what to do and his mental health immediately deteriorates. Let's cover up the traces of the crime. Everything must be done quickly, until a policeman enters the toilet (the camera will show us behind the counter).
Approach the body and drag it into the booth. Then take a mop, it is to the left of the booths, and wipe the floor (movements must be performed smoothly). Pick up the knife from the floor and Lucas will hide it (we won't see where). Go to the sinks and wash your face and hands in the right sink. Look at your face in the mirror. Dry your hands. There is an automatic machine hanging on the wall near the door. Check if there is a coin in it, and then hit it continuously several times and get it. Get out of the toilet. Go to your table (it's second from the edge). You can sit at a table and continue your meal or pay the bill. In this situation, it is better to leave as soon as possible. Review the bill and pay. If time permits, go to the jukebox and toss a coin into it. Lucas will turn on the music and his mood will improve a little. Exit the cafe. Go right and get into a taxi. Second option: when exiting the toilet, turn right and exit through the back door. Cross the road and take the subway.

2. Investigation.

Carla Valenti (Doc's Lunch Diner) Carla and Tyler arrive at the cafe by car. You can click on the question icon and Carla will give her thoughts. Come into the cafe. Talk to the policeman who found the corpse. Ask him all questions. Go to the toilet and inspect the crime scene. On the way, talk to two more cops who came to pick up the body. Enter the booth and inspect the corpse. Then examine the bloodied mop. Examine the booth to the left of the booth with the corpse. Carla will find traces of blood on the floor. Bend down and look into the niche above the floor. Perhaps the crime weapon is hiding there.
Switch to Tyler. Examine the booth to the right of the corpse. Click on the toilet icon and Tyler will find a knife in the cistern. If it's not there, check the wastebasket near the sinks. Switch back to Carla and exit the toilet.
Approach the waitress and talk to her. Select the options: "Victim", "Object" and ask in detail about the suspect. The waitress will agree to come to the police and make an identikit. Now examine the table at which Lucas was sitting. Examine each item and find a book under the table. Then exit through the back door (next to the toilet, red sign "Exit") and talk to the drunk near the dumpsters. You can follow the trail of Lucas, and Carla will pay attention to the taxi. Now you can leave. Report this to Tyler and go to the car. Examine the blood on the snow as you exit the cafe, and Carla will conclude that the killer is wounded. Get in the car.

3. A day later.

Lucas Kane (Lucas' apartment). Get out of bed and cover it with a sheet to hide the blood on the sheet. Then take the medicine (it is to the left of the bed, on the table). Before dressing, you need to bandage bleeding wrists. Exit the bedroom. The phone will ring. This is Lucas' brother, Markus, he'll make an appointment in the park. Check the answering machine messages and listen to a message from Tiffany, Lucas' ex-girlfriend. Examine the bloody shirt on the floor, pick it up and take it to the bathroom (the door opposite the bedroom door). Put your shirt in the washing machine. Go to the toilet, take a shower, and then take a bandage from the cabinet above the sink and Lucas will bandage his wounds. If you close the locker, Lucas will see the person he killed in the mirror and his mental health will deteriorate. Get out of the bathroom. You can read the newspaper at the front door, but it will upset Lucas even more. Go to the bedroom. Lucas will have a vision of a policeman knocking on the door. If you press the keys correctly, you will see what evidence you need to hide (we have already hidden it). Go to the closet and get dressed. Exit the bedroom. To improve Lucas' condition, turn on the music and drink milk from the refrigerator. Open the left cabinet in the kitchen and take the bonus. Go out to the balcony, approach the bird and after a short cutscene, take the bonus there as well. After a while, Lucas' prediction will come true, and the policeman will actually knock on the door. Take the key on the table to the left of the bar in the kitchen. Open the door. When talking with a cop, a scale of suspicion will appear in the lower left corner. Let the policeman search your apartment, he will not find anything and leave. Get out of the apartment.
Now you can choose one of two characters: Lucas or Carla.

4. Remorse. Lucas Kane (park).

Lucas Kane (park). Go straight along the path until you reach the platform. Go left and approach the priest. Talk to Marcus.
Take the cross offered by Marcus. He will add life to you.
After meeting with his brother, Lucas will again have a vision. This time it's about a child who fell into ice water. This will happen almost immediately. But as luck would have it, two policemen are approaching this place, one of whom was sitting in a diner. Run forward and jump into the hole. Grab the boy and swim up. As soon as you get out of the water, get up, go back to the child and give him a heart massage (cardiogram icon). The cop recognizes Lucas but does not arrest him and Lucas leaves.

5. Police work.

Carla Valenti (police). Go straight. Carla will talk to the policeman at the counter. Go through the scanner and up the stairs. Then select the right stairs and go through the door into the area. The camera immediately pans to Carla and Tyler's office. Go there. A bespectacled detective will stop you at the door and tell you about Tyler's debt. Approach the door again. Now one of the cops in the diner will stop you and invite you to look at the tests. Finally, go into the office and go to Carla's desk (it's opposite the door). To cheer up Carla, you can play yo-yo. Then sit down at the table and use the computer. View mail. Carla will receive a strange message with the name Kirsten. Get up from the table and take the phone. Carla will call Tyler. He overslept after a sleepless night. Switch to Tyler.
Tyler Miles (Tyler's apartment). Get out of bed and go to the bathroom (door in the same room, opposite the bed). Take the bonus in front of the shower stall, and then go into the stall. While Tyler is taking a shower, his girlfriend, Samantha (Sam), will get up and walk out into the living room. Get out of the bathroom, go to the closet and get dressed. Exit to the living room. Take coffee on the table near the girl. Tyler will talk to Samantha. Choose the option "Understanding" or "Weasel", and then "Consultation". Go to the front door and put on your jacket. Kiss Sam and leave the apartment.
Police. Go to the counter and the cop will chat with Tyler. Climb up to the area. A cop with glasses will stop Tyler and remind him of his duty. Select the Friendship and Proposal options. Now Tyler needs to beat Geoffrey at basketball so he doesn't have to hand over the money. Come into the office. Take off your jacket. You can go to Tyler's desk and play with the basketball. You can also view your mail and receive a message from Sam. Leave the office and approach Carla and the policeman.
Carla Valenti. Ask questions to the cop. You can take turns or randomly.

6. Change of reality.

Lucas Kane (Nasser-Jones Bank). Lucas is sick. Exit the booth, go to the washbasins on the left and wash yourself. Go around the washbasins and exit through the door. Go to the door marked with a red dot on the small map in the upper left corner (Lucas is marked with a blue dot). This is the office of Lucas and his collaborator. Sit down at the table on the left. If you press the keys correctly, Lucas will read his partner's mind. Open the left drawer and look at the photo. Open the right drawer and place the cross. The phone will ring. Pick up the phone and talk to Tiffany. Select the "Yes" option. Once again try to press the buttons for a new vision.
Start working on your computer. Your employee will get a call, and Lucas will want to work for him in the gym himself. Get up and leave the office. Follow the map to the red dot. Turn on the computer in the booth. Scary bugs suddenly attack Lucas. To escape from them you need to quickly press the keys. The number of lives will appear at the top. One failure takes one life. If there are no lives left, then you have lost. Lucas wakes up among the puzzled employees and leaves the place of work.

7. Reconstruction.

Carla Valenti (mortuary). You will have to attend the autopsy with Carla. If you press the keys correctly, then with each action of the pathologist, Carla will come up with ideas. Ask the pathologist questions. Select the "Coincidence" option and it will tell you about Kirsten's case. Carla will remember this name in the letter.

8. Tyler and Kate.

Tyler Miles (police). A waiter from a diner came to Tyler's house to draw up a sketch of the suspect. You will have to compose it. An approximate identikit looks like this (50-75%) similarity.

9. Loss of love.

Lucas Kane (Lucas' apartment). Listen to Lucas' thoughts and get off the couch. You can turn on the TV and listen to the message about the rescued boy and the identikit. You can turn on the volume and play the guitar (practice, it will come in handy later). Cheer up Lucas (toilet, music, milk). Beat the pear (practice the keys, and Lucas will learn something new about himself). Go to the bedroom and put Lucas to sleep. He will wake up from the ringing at the door. It's Tiffany here to get some things. Get out of bed, go into the living room and open the door. If you do not want to build a relationship with Tiffany, then choose any replica options. If you want to fix it, then first select "Glass" and Lucas will offer Tiffany a drink. Go to the counter in the kitchen and take the bottle. Pour the gin into a glass and take it to Tiffany. Select the "News" option and she will tell you a little about herself. Then Lucas will offer to find her things, and she will say that they are marked with the initials "TN" (Tiffany Harper). One box will be in the bedroom, to the left of the table, and the second in the living room, to the right of the refrigerator. Take them and put them next to Tiffany. Then choose the options: "Calm", "Sentiment", "One". Tiffany will ask Lucas to play her guitar. If you press the keys correctly, then select "Cem". Lucas and Tiffany kiss and bond.
Lucas will wake up from an incomprehensible sound. Get out of bed and go into the living room. The front door will be ajar. Exit to the corridor. Lucas will see the girl again. Then he wakes up in his bed. It was just a dream.

10. Hide and seek.

Lucas Kane (cemetery). Lucas came to the cemetery to visit his parents' grave. Follow the path, turn right and take the bonus. Follow the path again and take the next turn. Approach Marcus. Then go to the grave and put flowers. Lucas will visit a childhood memory.
Little Lucas (Vichita military base). Go forward. Lucas will have a vision that something terrible will happen to Marcus and his friends. If you press the keys correctly, you can see how to get to the desired hangar. In the upper left corner, there is a map. Lucas is marked with a green circle, and the soldiers are blue (their field of view is also indicated). You need to get to the red cross. Run to the right from the hangar to the fence, past the barriers, run up to the very edge and climb up. Cross the road (watch out for the soldiers, otherwise you will have to start all over again), run up to the very fence. Then run to the left along the groove in the ground (it will hide you from the soldiers) until you reach the stone. Opposite him there will be a hole in the barrier. Get into it. Hide behind the crates and carefully approach the road. When a car leaves the hangar and hides the soldier from you, run out and run after the car until it passes exactly between the two hangars. Then run around her from behind and run straight to the place marked with a red cross. Open the passage and climb into it. Lucas will talk to Marcus. Now you need to find the other three boys in a limited time. Go left to a row of boxes, run into the passage behind them and on the right in the box you will find the first boy. To find the second one, go straight and to the right, climb the stairs to the upper tier and run forward. You will find it behind the board, next to which there are three boxes. The third boy is in the destroyed plane (go down the stairs and run a little to the right). He won't want to leave, so choose the "Lie" option. After that, Lucas himself will get out of the hangar and talk to Markus. The memory will pass and the adult Marcus will give Lucas the address of a woman with supernatural powers.
Then choose Carla or Tyler, as you like, there is only one location for them.

11. Friendly fight (gym).

Train the selected character on the simulators (they are slightly different for Carla and Tyler, so go to each and see if the icon appears). Two simulators are enough to warm up before the fight. Then switch to another character and train him. Come to the ring and the fight will begin. Fight until your character wins or loses. Then you can fight again or refuse. Carla and Tyler will talk about the murder.

12. Discussion (police).

Carla Valenti and Tyler Miles. Carla and Tyler discuss the case with their superior, Captain Jones. Optimal replica options:
Tyler: "Psychopath."
Carla. "Not sure".
Next, Carla goes to the archives to find out more about the Kirsten case.
Carla Valenti. Carla in the archive. Go left into a small passage and take the bonus. Then go straight to the iron grate with a door. Carla is claustrophobic, so you'll have to keep her breathing so she doesn't get scared. Hold the slider in the middle position using the left-right arrows. Each failure and Carla's escape from the archive takes a large amount of mental health points.
Turn on the light with the switch to the right of the gate. Enter the iron door. Approach the wheel on the right rack and turn it. Come into the passage. In the next row of shelving, first turn the wheel on the left and then on the right to clear the path to the computer terminal. Go to your computer and try turning it on. Carla will say that the power is off and the camera will show where the switch is located. Walk to the left between the racks and in their second row turn the wheel first on the right and then on the left. There will be a switch in front of you. Turn it on and the computer will work. Go to the computer. Approach the racks on the right and turn the wheel on the left. Go between the shelves and go to the next row. Again turn the wheel to the left and go back. Turn the right wheel now. Go to the second row and also turn the right wheel. Enter the row marked "1990-2000" and take the cassette on the right. Go to the computer and use the cassette. Carla will find Kirsten's case and the name of the detective who handled it.
Tyler Miles (Takeo Bookstore). Tyler came to the bookstore to inquire about a book found at the crime scene. Go down the stairs and approach the Chinese near the table. Select the "Press" option and talk to him. Pressing the keys correctly will tell Tyler how to get Takeo to talk. But the cunning Chinese will give Tyler the task of finding the book he needs, and only then answer the questions. Go under the stairs and approach the table. It has a magnifying glass on it. Use it to look at a Chinese book and remember the name of the author "De Gruttola". Then examine Lucas's book by moving the magnifying glass with the arrows. Turn two pages in Lucas's book and in the upper left corner you will find a gift inscription marked with the initials "M.K." Remove the book, and when Tyler hides it, a piece of paper will fall out of the book. Pick it up.
Go to the table next to the Chinese and examine the book on it. This is a magazine in which all books are divided into colored sections alphabetically and by year. The author's name starts with "D", so you need to look in the "A-F" zone, which is marked in white.
Climb up to the second floor (the same stairs you came down here) and go to the table to the right of the door. There is another magazine in which the years of publishing books are written. Opposite the name "De Gruttola" stands the year 1796. So, you need to search on the third floor. Go to the end of the second floor corridor and take the bonus. Climb to the third floor and go to the right side of the library. Go to the shelves marked with a white card and take a book from the shelf. Take it to the Chinese and ask him questions about Lucas's book. Take the bonus near the stairs and leave the store.

13. Agatha.

Lucas Kane (Agatha's house). Lucas came to the address that Marcus gave him. Walk forward to the next house (number 36). This is the home of Agatha, a woman with unusual abilities. Ring the doorbell but no one will answer. So open the door and go inside. Enter the door on the right. It's a kitchen. Take the bonus. You can consider the situation, and then go out. Go through the door opposite. Crow cages are everywhere in this room. Exit the room and go through the door opposite the front door. You can see the unusual furnishings of the room, and then go through the door on the left wall. Lucas will meet with Agatha, a blind and disabled woman. Choose any option in the conversation. Agatha will ask you to take her to the bird room. Take the cross on the bedside table near the bed (+1 life). Go to the bathroom (door on the left) and take the bonus.
Stand behind the wheelchair and roll it out into the hallway. Take Agatha to the bird room (she will now be on the right). Talk to Agatha. Then she will ask Lucas to feed the birds. Go to a small bedside table (it's in the corner, to the left of the door) and take the bag of food from the bottom shelf. Go to each cage and feed the birds. Talk to Agatha again. Take her to the living room. Agatha will want to perform the ritual and will ask Lucas to bring candles and light them. Go to the locker to the left of the door and open the top shelf. Take the candles and place them in the candlesticks on the table, going around the table to place all three in turn. Go to the kitchen and take matches from the table. Return to the living room and light all the candles. Approach Agatha. She will ask you to turn off the lights and close the curtains. Go to the switch to the right of the door and turn off the light. Go to each window and close the curtains. Then sit down on a chair near Agatha. She wants to get into Lucas' subconscious and make him remember that evening at the diner. If you press the keys correctly, Lucas will see that before the murder, a strange man sat next to him in the diner and bewitched him. Agatha will not want to tell Lucas anything else and will ask him to come the next day.

14. Questions and bullets.

Carla Valenti (Police University). Carla came to talk to Sergeant Mitchell about the Kirsten case. Go to the man at the end of the row and talk to him. Mitchell will offer Carla to shoot at the shooting range. Go to the next booth, take the glasses. Then take the pistol. Shoot with the left mouse button. Right button- recharge. You can only kill terrorists (figure with a gun). In between shooting, ask Mitchell questions. Ask about the murders and the killer. He will tell you about Janos, who is in a psychiatric hospital.

15. Double or split.

Tyler Miles (Police Yard). Play basketball by pressing the keys. The game will continue until Tyler wins or loses. Accordingly, his mental health will improve or worsen.

16. Storm (Lucas' apartment).

Lucas Kane. Come to the phone. A strange voice will begin to whisper incomprehensible words. After that, the door to the balcony will open, and all of his things will start flying at Lucas. Dodge them with keystrokes. This episode is quite difficult, so you have to try.
Marcus Kane. Go straight until you see a door. Examine it and ring the bell. At this time, Lucas is hanging, clinging to the side of the balcony, and you have limited time to save him. Marcus will listen to the door, and then you will have to help him kick it. Go straight to the balcony and take out Lucas. The brothers will talk.

17. Black sign.

Carla Valenti (Carla's apartment). Carla at heart. When she leaves, the phone will ring. Exit the bathroom, then out of the bedroom and take the phone to the right of the door. Carla will talk to Tyler. He will ask you to help him with a piece of paper from Lucas's book. Switch to Tyler.
Tyler Miles (police). Get up from the table, take a piece of paper (it's on the edge of the table) and go to the fax machine (it's to the left of Carla's desk). Send out the paper. Switch to Carla.
Carla Valenti (Carla's apartment). Examine the sent paper (Karla's fax is to the right of the front doors, next to the computer). Go to the bedroom and get dressed (go to the closet to the left of the bed). After a while, the doorbell will ring. Open. It's Tommy, Carla's neighbor, coming to drink wine with her. Open the top cabinet in the middle of the kitchen and take the glasses. Put the glasses on the table in front of Tommy. Drink from a glass and start a conversation. After a few phrases, Tommy will offer Carla to tell fortunes on Tarot cards. Take the deck, shuffle it and put it on the table. Then select two cards using the arrows and the Enter key to select. After each Tommy's prediction, choose two more cards. His predictions will not be good. When Tommy is about to leave, he will notice the paper in the fax and say that it is a piece of a bank document. Call Tyler. Switch to it after the conversation.
Tyler Miles (police). Sit at the table, turn on the lamp, take a piece of paper and examine it under the light, moving it with the arrows. Find watermarks. Tyler will call Carla.
Carla Valenti (Carla's apartment). Agree or refuse for Tyler to go to the bank.

18. Without a face.

Lucas Kane (Nasser-Jones Bank). Lucas will have a vision that a policeman has come to him. Get up from the table and take the paper with the corner torn off from its right edge. Then go to the computer on the left and take the book of Shakespeare. After a while, Carla/Tyler is taken to Lucas's office. You need to answer questions as truthfully as possible and have time to press the keys to read the detective's thoughts. Damn bugs won't give Lucas any confidence either. Answer options:
Answer “True” to questions about bank papers.
To the question about the identikit - "Joke".
When asked about a seizure - "Illness".
When asked about the wrists - "Lie."
When asked about the photo with Markus - "True."
Then Lucas wants to leave, and the detective will be left alone in the office.
Carla Valenti Tyler Miles. Go to the table and take the pen. Then look at the photo. Open the drawer on the right side of the table and take the paper with the corner torn off.
Lucas will return, but the detective won't arrest him.

19. To Agatha.

Lucas Kane (Agatha's house). Go straight to the living room. Lucas will see that Agatha is killed and someone jumped out the window. Approach the body of Agatha and examine it. Lucas will assume that Agatha left him some clue. Go to the bird room. Everything must be done quickly, as the police are already on their way to the house. Examine the large cage in the middle. Lucas will notice a sheet of paper, but the cage is locked. Go to the bedside table in the corner and take the bag of food from the bottom drawer. It will contain the key. Open the cage and take the paper. This is a piece of an old newspaper, which describes the same murder as in the case of Lucas. Exit to the corridor and go to the living room. If you have time, then go to Agatha's bedroom and take the bonus. Then escape through the window.

20. Happy anniversary.

Tyler Miles (Tyler's apartment). Fulfill Samantha's request: turn on the oven, remove the champagne from the refrigerator and pour it into glasses. Once you have done all this, Sam will come out of the bedroom in an evening dress. Tyler and Sam are celebrating their two year anniversary. Turn on the music on the player on the right (not on the tape recorder). Press the keys to help you dance.
Carla Valenti (police). Carla decided to put all the evidence together in order to catch the killer. Her desk has all the materials from the bank, and Tyler's desk has all the supplies from the diner. Take the paper from the bank on the left and select the "Remember" option. The paper image will appear on the right side of the screen. Go to Tyler's desk and take the piece of paper. Select the Compose option and Carla will find the first piece of evidence. The phone will ring. Go to Carla's desk and pick up the phone. Inspector Garrett will call and say that he sent the fingerprints from Lucas's pen by e-mail, as well as a faxed list of called taxis on the day of the murder (only if you got into a taxi at the beginning of the game). Approach Tyler's table and take the fingerprints from the diner. Select "Remember" and go to Carla's desk. Sit down at your computer and select Compose. Now Carla has not the slightest doubt that Lucas Kane committed the murder (the list of taxis was not useful, but if you want, you can go to him before the prints). There will be a knock on the door and Police Officer Martin McCarthy (the one at the diner and in the park) will come in. He will want to talk to Carla and tell her about the incident in the park. After the conversation, call Tyler.
Tyler Miles (Tyler's apartment). Get off the couch and go to the phone (it's near the player). Tyler leaves despite Sam's protest.

21. Blood shower.

Lucas Kane (near Agatha's house) Lucas will have a vision. He will see the man who bewitched him, and the little girl.

22. Confrontation.

Carla Valenti (Lucas' apartment). Carla and Tyler are here to arrest Lucas. Follow Tyler. Open the door of the apartment, and then check the bedroom and bathroom. Someone was performing some kind of ritual in Lucas's apartment. Return to Tyler. The police will report that they saw Lucas on the street.
Lucas Kane (near Lucas' house). Lucas go to your house and he will have a vision about what is happening in his apartment. The police will surround him. It's time to use your supernatural powers. Press the keys to help Lucas run.

23. Captain Jones is very upset.

Carla Valenti and Tyler Miles (police). The chief is not happy with the work of Carla and Tyler. Responsible for any character. When the partners leave the captain's office, the policeman will inform them that Lucas's prints were found in Agatha's house, and that another murder was committed in the laundry room.

24. Fallen angels.

Lucas Kane (St. Paul's Church). Lucas will be called by an old voice. Wake up Lucas and get up from the bench. Lucas will see the ghost of Agatha. Ask her questions. Select "Who?" and she will tell you about the Oracle. After a few questions, Agatha will disappear and the scene with the angels will begin. This is one of the most exciting and most challenging episodes in the game. After that, Lucas will be awakened by Markus. It was another vision. Talk to Marcus. Then choose the character whose thoughts you want to hear.
Lucas will want to know about the Mayan civilization.

25. Soap, blood and evidence.

Carla Valenti (laundry). Go to the laundry (it's across the street). Carla will send Tyler inside. Go to the doors and Garrett will speak to Carla. Choose any two questions. Examine the body to the left of the door. Consider the symbol on the man's hand - a two-headed snake. Walk forward and examine the blood on the floor. Approach the second corpse - a woman, and inspect it. Go to the other side of the washing machines and take the bonus in the basket. Switch to Tyler.
Tyler Miles (laundry). Walk on the right (from the door) side and look at the laundry in the machine. Examine both bodies and note the telephone handset next to the woman's body. Then return to the doors and pay attention to the key in the lock. Tell Carla to leave.

26. Runaway.

Lucas Kane (Tiffany's). Turn around the corner of the house and go to the yellow sign that the camera will show. Lucas will have a vision that the police will grab him near the house. Step back a little and go behind the house (next to the dumpsters). Climb the net. Then go forward and climb again. You will find yourself near a long wooden fence. Approach the crow that is sitting on the fence and Lucas will see two policemen around the corner. The camera will show them in the window on the right. Wait for the policeman to turn away and run forward. Approach the corner of the house and climb up the pipe. You will be on a ledge. Press the "left" arrow first, and when you get to the corner - the "up" arrow. You will need to press the keys so as not to attract the attention of the police when Lucas passes over them. You have limited time to get to the right place. When you get to the end of the ledge, go down the pipe, and then go right and climb onto the net. When you climb over, go straight and approach the second window in the house on the right. This is Tiffany's house. Open the window and climb inside. Approach the bed and Lucas will have a vision. If you're on the keys correctly, you'll see Tyler peeking under the bed. Lie down on the bed and rest. Then exit the bedroom. Open the refrigerator (it is to the left of the door) and eat a sandwich, washed down with yogurt. You can climb on the cabinets in the kitchen and eat something else. Go to the last locker, open the right door and take the bonus. Exit the kitchen into the living room. The TV will turn on and Lucas will hear the name of a professor who specializes in the Mayan civilization. Go forward. Tiffany will come home. After the conversation, the police will call the door. You have limited time to hide and a few places: bedroom closet, bathroom, or climb out the bedroom window (which you came through). It's best to climb out the window. When you hide, choose the "Stop" option and Tiffany will open the door. Tiffany will talk to the cops, and then Tyler will search the apartment. Press the keys so that he does not find Lucas.

27. Janos.

Carla Valenti ( mental hospital Bellevue). After the cutscene, go straight to the open doors. Then you can go straight again to the end of the corridor to take the bonus. Then go right again to open doors. The orderly is waiting for you and will open the ward. Come into the ward, go to the table and talk to the prisoner. On his first remark, it is better to choose the option “Not crazy”, and then ask any questions. Examine the symbols on the walls, and then exit the room. The orderly will want to see Carla off, but the lights will go out. The generator will turn off and all chambers will open. The patients will grab the orderly and Carla will be left alone. Walk forward helping Carla breathe. If you see a patient, stop and do not breathe. Walk forward, then left. The light will turn on and the patients will surround Carla. Run forward to the doors. The orderly will open for you.

28. Kuryakin.

Lucas Kane (museum). Take the bonus in the corner of the room. Approach the professor and talk to him. It is better to choose the option: "Independent" for the first question and "Joke" for the second, so as not to arouse suspicion. Then follow the professor, listen to what he will talk about Maya, and ask questions. When the professor guesses that Lucas is not a journalist, you will have the choice to lie or tell the truth. It is better to tell the truth and then the professor will help Lucas. Select the "Hands" option and Lucas will show the professor the symbol on his hands to prove his point. Follow the professor through the door on the right. Lucas and Kuryakin will go down to the garage. A car will follow them. Press the keys to dodge him. Then the professor will tell Lucas that the Oracle is looking for a child prophet and therefore makes sacrifices.

29. Secrets of the Maya.

Lucas Kane (strange place). Lucas will talk to the Oracle. You can ask him a few questions, after which he will leave, and Lucas will be attacked by a panther. Press the keys to run away from her. Agatha will then appear to Lucas again and tell him that he needs to find the little girl before the Oracle does.

Lucas Kane \ Oracle (location unknown). Lucas is asleep, but can see through the Oracle's eyes. Press the keys to eavesdrop on the Oracle's conversation with his clan.

31. The omnipresence of danger.

Lucas Kane (dirty hotel). Lucas woke up and had a vision that the Oracle was heading to the cathedral to see Marcus. At this time, Carla and Tyler go up to Lucas' room. You have limited time to warn Marcus, so let's do it quickly. Get out of bed and go to the phone (on the nightstand on the right side of the bed). Pick up the phone and Lucas will call the cathedral. At this time, Marcus is praying.
Marcus Kane (St. Paul's Cathedral). The Oracle will turn to you, select the "Phone" option and go straight through the door. Go to the phone on the table and pick up the handset.
Lucas Kane (dirty hotel). If you want Marcus to survive, select the "Once" option when talking to him.
Marcus Kane (St. Paul's Cathedral). Listen to Lucas and lock the door you entered. Go back to the phone. You saved Marcus.
Carla Valenti (hotel). Walk forward and approach the door near which Tyler is standing (you need number 369). Open the door, but it's not the right number. The number "6" fell off and became similar to the number "9". Go back to the end of the corridor and exit through the iron door. Carla will kick down the door to Lucas's room, but he is not there.
Lucas Kane (dirty hotel). After the cops leave, Lucas will return to the room. The phone will ring, come on. This is Tiffany, the Oracle has captured her and is threatening to kill her if Lucas doesn't come to the amusement park. Little Lucas (Vichita military base). Get out of bed and jump down. Wake up Marcus and get out through the window. Move so that you are not spotted by searchlights. The approximate route is shown on the map in yellow, and the destination is a red cross. Run around the corner of the house and hide near the stairs. The camera will show two soldiers. Wait until the soldier turns around twice, and then turns away, and run straight to the next house. Then once again run across to the house near which there is a car. Look around the corner and the boys will see a soldier coming towards them. Run back and hide behind the car. When the soldier passes by, run out and turn around the corner of the house. The boys will notice the soldier again and decide that one of them should distract him (a second red cross will appear on the map). You can choose Marcus.
Little Marcus. Run back to the corner of the house (there is a big pile of garbage). Take a pebble and throw it. The soldier will come towards you, run to Lucas, and then hide behind the pedestal of the tower and run to the other side, along the route indicated on the map. When you get to the place between the houses, Marcus will want to wait for Lucas.
Little Lucas. Do everything the same as Marcus. Run further along the route. The boys will notice another soldier, and Lucas will offer to climb the pole to get to the right place. Markus will offer to distract the soldier so Lucas can move on.
Little Marcus. Get to the red cross near the house (go around the house you are near on the other side and approach the container). Kick it and the soldier will come running. While Marcus tricks the soldier, Lucas has time to climb the pole.
Little Lucas. Climb up the pole and crawl along the wires avoiding the spotlights. Then go down. Go right, run forward under the fence to the median road, and then run along the road to the hangar. Turn right and run around the right corner of the hangar. There you will find a passage (place marked with a cross). Open the door and go inside. Enter the elevator and then open the gate. Lucas will freeze with his mouth open.

37. Chilled to the bone (police).

Carla Valenti and Tyler Miles. Carla and Tyler listen to a message about a cold snap. Tyler will ask Carla if she is hiding anything about Lucas. You can tell the truth or lie. It's better to tell the truth. The door to the precinct will open and Samantha will enter.
Tyler Miles. Approach Sam and talk to her. She will offer Tyler to go with her to Florida. You will have a choice. If you choose "Stop", then Tyler's mental health will drop by 85 points. It is better to choose "Leave", this will be a good ending for Tyler. Then go to Carla and talk to her.

38. Where is Jade?

Lucas Kane (orphanage). Lucas and Carla come to an orphanage to find an Indigo child. Get out of the car and go forward. Open the door. Lucas will ignore the nun sitting in the vestibule and walk past. Now you have limited time to find the baby. Go to the end of the corridor and open the last door on the left. Walk forward to the second bed where the girl is sitting. You can read her file on the bedside table and find out that her name is Jade, her parents are unknown and she has autism, that is, she does not speak. Pick up Jade and leave the room. The oracle will meet Lucas and demand to give him the child. While the Oracle is walking towards Lucas, run out through the iron door with the red sign onto the fire escape. Lucas will come out onto the roof, but the Oracle is waiting for him there. There will be a battle between Lucas and the Oracle. If you press the keys correctly, Lucas will win and run away with the girl from the Oracle and the police. Lucas and Jade hide in a room in an abandoned house. Agatha will appear. If the Oracle is a representative of the Orange clan, who uses magic and rituals for his own purposes, then “Agatha” (but not the one that was in the house, but only the one that appeared after the death of the real one) is a representative of the Purple clan, artificial intelligence who considers humans to be inferior beings. They were the ones who revived Lucas after he died at the amusement park. You can agree or refuse to give the child to Agatha. This will not particularly affect the ending, it only depends on whether or not Jade will be with you further. Agatha will disappear and the cyborg will appear. Resist the cyborg and Lucas (with or without Jade) will jump out the window. Carla is waiting for him there. Some unknown person will open the hatch and call Lucas.

Little Lucas (Vichita military base). Get out of bed, exit the room and go straight down the hall to the door. Listen to the parents' conversation. Lucas' mother will say that he was exposed to a mysterious "artifact" even before he was born.

41. Last countdown (Vishita military base).

Lucas Kane. Go against the wind, helping Lucas with arrows. When he reaches the door, open it and go inside, then go into the elevator and close the door behind you. Come into the hangar.
Ending 1. Good.
If Jade is with you.
Soldiers are everywhere in the hangar and the Oracle is already waiting for Lucas. The final battle with the Oracle will take place. If you could not defeat him, then do not rush to start the episode again. Carla will help you. Switch to her and help her get to the door. The oracle at this time will begin to perform a ceremony on Jade. Go to the entrance to the hangar and take the crowbar on the floor. Stun the soldier with his back to you with it. Take the pistol and shoot the Oracle. The cyborg is coming. Defeat him with Lucas. Then take Jade and take her to the source of Chrome (the lake that the camera will show). Put it on the big rock. Jade will give Lucas her message. Carla will come running and hug Lucas. Watch the video. After the credits, you will receive a +200 bonus.
If Jade is not with you.
A cyborg with Jade will fly into the hangar. Defeat him and pick up Jade. The Oracle will appear, who has taken Carla hostage. He will offer Lucas life in his new world. Select the "Reject" option. Carla will break free and kill the Oracle. Take Jade to the source.
Ending 2. Orange clan.
If Jade is with you.
Lose to the Oracle and don't switch to Carla. The oracle will take Jade to the source and receive her message. The cyborg will not appear. Watch the video.
If Jade is not with you.
Defeat the cyborg and choose the "Take" option in the conversation with the Oracle.
Ending 3. Purple clan.
If Jade is with you.
Lucas or Carla defeat the Oracle. Lucas loses to the cyborg. Cyborg will take Jade to Chrome and she will give him a message. Watch the video. This is the worst ending ever.
If Jade is not with you.
Lose to the cyborg and the Oracle will not appear.
Game completed.

The brainchild of one of the most specific French studios, Quantic Dream, was released in 2005. It should be said that at that time similar games were perceived in a special way, because interactive cinema and many options for getting out of the situation to some extent expanded the idea of ​​​​the gameplay. Therefore, Fahrenheit, the passage of which is exciting from the very beginning, received the highest ratings from critics and consumers. On the this moment Quantic Dream studio has released a couple of similar, intriguing projects: heavy rain and Beyond: Two Souls. All of these games are sheer sensations with a unique atmosphere and gameplay.

Where and how?

The main character of Fahrenheit, whose passage is built in the form of an investigation, is a certain Lucas Kane, a simple employee of an ordinary bank. He lives an ordinary life without much adventure and worries: he goes to work, reads newspapers and books, has his own goals and dreams. Probably, everything would have remained in place if Lucas had not come on a winter evening in 2009 to that ill-fated eatery ...

What happens next is something that changes his life forever. In a trance, Kane kills an unknown man. Waking up in the restroom on a rugged corpse, he realizes that he has seriously messed up. An unintentional murder causes him to flee the scene of the crime. Further, the main character begins to suffer from various visions showing him the events of the near future. With the help of them, Lucas manages to avoid suspicion in a timely manner. But that's not all. The passage of the game Fahrenheit will be shown from several angles, or rather, from the side of several actors. And this means that the user will have to manage two more characters: detectives Tyler Miles and Carla Valenti. This approach to game mechanics allows you to fully feel and understand the current situation. Another interesting and important point - during the game Fahrenheit, the passage of which will reveal the secret of inexplicable events, the temperature around the world will rapidly drop down to -76 degrees Fahrenheit.

Event Hurricane

Well, now let's look at some specific moments of the Fahrenheit game. The passage of the entire story will be accompanied by small cut-scenes in the form of in-game videos, in which the user will need to press the appropriate keys as quickly as possible in order to avoid pain and despair. Such a highlight does not allow you to relax for a second (after watching one such video, the rest will be perceived with increased attention). The second very important point is that interactive world events never stop! After the first, the second will surely follow, then the third, and after the fourth. Detective elements are successfully intertwined with mystical ones, making the plot of the game unpredictable and fascinating. The main characters are depicted as believably as possible in the sense that everyone has an individual character, behavior, emotions and thinking. This allows you to get used to the shoes of the protagonist, while being in the thick of things. In a word, the game turned out to be extremely unique and indescribable! The only pity is that there will be no Fahrenheit-2 - this was reported by the developers themselves.

Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy

In the walkthrough, only those actions are indicated that bring positive points and contribute to the successful completion of the game. When two circles appear on the screen, you will need to press those keys that will be highlighted. The left circle corresponds to the arrow keys. The right circle corresponds to the arrow keys on the numeric keypad (numpad).

Murder (Lucas)
Get rid of the many clues you left in the closet after the murder. Drag the corpse to the central booth by quickly flipping the left and right arrow keys. With a mop, remove the blood on the floor by moving the mouse up and down. Pick up the knife from the floor near the urinal and get rid of it (Lucas will hide it himself). Then wash up. Approach the machine near the exit from the toilet. Examine it to notice that it is broken, then tap on it. Take a coin. Get out of the toilet. Come to your table and have a seat. Eat, drink, then look at the bill presented to you and pay it. Use the coin on the jukebox to listen to the music. Then exit the cafe to the street. Using the subway or taxi, leave the area adjacent to the crime scene.

Investigation (Police)
Let Carla talk to the cop who found the body. Then talk to the two guys at the counter and the waitress Kate. Be kind to her in order to get as much information from her as possible. Go behind the counter, pour yourself a coffee and drink it. Do the same for the second police officer Tylor. While driving it, examine the table at which the suspect was sitting and talk to the guys at the counter. Then examine the desk by Carla, she will find more clues than Tylor. Go to the toilet. Carla, look at the corpse, the mop, the booth where Lucas was sitting. Find a knife whose location is random. It could be hidden in a niche in the stall where Lucas sat, or in the window frame, or in the cistern in the cubicle closest to the urinals. Use Tylor to also examine the corpse and the shell.

Talk to the experts at the counter again, then talk to Carla. Tell her it's time to leave and get in the car you came here in.

One day later (Lucas)
You wake up and realize that what happened the day before is not a dream at all, but a real reality. The bed is covered in blood, his hands are scratched. Get up and take the pills from the table. Throw a blanket over the bed to hide the bloody footprints. Go to the living room. Answer your brother's phone and make an appointment with him. After that, pick up the shirt from the floor and throw it into the washing machine in the bathroom. Take a shower, use the toilet. Take a bandage from the first aid kit above the sink and bandage your hands with it. Return to your room. Take clothes out of the closet and put them on. In the living room in one of the cabinets in the kitchen, find a bonus, you will find another one on the balcony. Drink milk from the refrigerator and wait for the arrival of the policeman. Pick up the key from the table and unlock the front door. Let the policeman into the apartment and tell him that you cut yourself. He'll be gone soon enough, after he's inspected the apartment. Then leave and you meet with your brother.

Confession (Lucas)
In the park, go forward to find Brother Marcos. Explain to him what happened. Convince him without aggression that you did not commit the murder. At the end of the conversation, he will offer you to take the cross. Please accept this gift as it is an extra life. Marcos will go home, and you will have a vision in which a child falls into the water. Later, he really will fall, the vision did not fail. Jump into the water after him and save him by pressing the arrow keys. When the child is on the ground, ventilate the lungs. This is how you save him. One of the policemen who patrolled the park recognizes you but does not arrest you. Today is clearly your day.

Police work (Policemen)
Control Carla up the stairs and go through the double doors. Walk to your office, which is located in the upper right corner. Call Tylor from your phone, then switch control to him. Go to the bathroom, where you will find the bonus. Take a shower and use the toilet. Take some clothes from the closet in the room. In the living room, drink coffee and talk to your friend. She is not happy that you go to such a dangerous job every day, so encourage her. Put on a jacket, kiss her and go to work. Go to Carla's office. Before you enter, the guy will ask you to return the debt. Make him an offer he can't refuse. If he wins basketball, then you will return him twice as much, if not, then the debt is forgiven. Now go to the office. Hang the jacket on the hanger, then catch up with Carla. Listen to Garrett's report, then, while driving Carla, go to the office, where you check your email.

Change of reality (Lucas)
Despite the fact that Lucas committed the murder, he decides to forget about it and return to normal life. Find a bonus in the toilet, wash your hands and go to your office (marked with a red dot on the map). Take a job. Take the cross from the drawer on the right. You can see visions by pressing the highlighted keys. Answer the call from Tiffany and let her come to your house in the evening. Dig into the computer. After your partner is informed about the malfunction of one node, advance to the place of breakdown. Next, you will find a mini-game where you will need to press the highlighted buttons.

Reconstruction (Karla)
Listen to the coroner's autopsy report and press the correct buttons to try and reconstruct the murder scene.

Tylor and Kate (Tylor)
Tylor, with the help of waitress Kate, must create a sketch of the killer.

Lost love (Lucas)
Play the guitar before turning on the amp. Turn on the music center, go to the toilet. In the cabinet in the kitchen, find the bonus. Go to the room where you take the pills. And finally, go to bed before Tiffany arrives. All these activities will help you achieve good health. When Tiffany arrives, let her in. Ask her about the news, offer to drink. The drink is in a niche in the counter. Bring her two boxes of her things, one from the room, the other from the living room. Next, speak sincerely, then sentimentally. Ask if she is alone now. Play her guitar, then kiss her. And finally, have sex with her.

Hide and Seek (Lucas)
Go to the grave of Lucas' mother, where you will talk to Markus. Put flowers on the grave. At this point, Lucas will be transported back in time to his childhood. Marcus will call Lucas to play in an abandoned hangar, but he will refuse. Later, Lucas will see a vision of a fire in the hangar where Marcus and his friends went to play. He decides to save them. Go to the northeastern part of the map (we will consider the red cross on the map as north). Climb over the fence, then go forward to the trench. Move along it to the west until you notice a hole in the fence. Get through it. Hide behind the crates and wait for the truck to come. Next, walk parallel to the truck, thus hiding from the guards, and then quickly slip to the place marked in red on the map. Enter the hangar. Inside, Lucas will tell Marcus to leave, and he will go look for the rest of the guys. There are three of them in total. One is at the top, the other is in the plane down the stairs (he still has to be convinced), the third is in the opposite part of the hangar from the plane.

Friendly Fight (Policemen)
It's time to take some rest and unwind. Let Carla drink water from a bottle, then work out on two apparatuses. Do the same for Tylor. Get in the ring and fight. You will fight by controlling Carla. Make sure you win and then you can either continue or stop.

Questioning (Karla)
Talk to your boss. Report to him on the progress of the café murder mystery. When control passes to Karla, find the bonus in front of you and then go to the gate. Turn on the light first and then move on. Here it is worth saying that Carla suffers from claustrophobia, and therefore you must control her condition. Keep the mark on the bar at the bottom of the screen in the center position using the left and right arrows on the keyboard. If the mark touches the edge of the strip, then you will have to start over this level. Don't be afraid, everything you make won't have to be redone. So go straight ahead. There will be large shelves in front of you. With the valve you can move them. Find a computer that is turned off. To your left, behind the shelves, there will be a knife switch. If you move it to another position, then the computer will work. Now go to the other side of the room. Open the path to the left side, turn the valve at the end, and then move along the right side to the shelving with archives from 1990 - 2000. Take the film from the rack and watch it on the computer.

Inquiry (Tylor)
Tylor was taken to a bookstore in order to get some information about the book found at the crime scene. Climb down and go under the stairs. Look at the book of Shakespeare with a magnifying glass. On one of the pages in the upper left corner you will find a barely noticeable inscription. When you pick up the book, a piece of paper with some numbers will fall out of it. Talk to an old man who looks like a Chinese. He will not help you in any way if you do not help him first (this will happen when you are about to leave the store). He will give you a book and ask you to find a similar one. First, look at the book under a magnifying glass. You will see the inscription " De Gruttola ". Climb up the stairs and look at the book there. You will learn that "De Gruttola" is numbered 1796. Now look at the book behind the old man. Book number 1796 is located on the third floor in the white area. Go there and take the book from the shelf. Give it to the old man. After the conversation, get a bonus and exit the store.

Agatha (Lucas)
Find Agatha's house, which is a little ahead on the left. Ring the bell and then go inside. Go forward into the living room, from there into the bedroom, where Agatha will be. Take an extra life from the bedside table, and find a bonus in the bathroom. Agatha is blind and chained to wheelchair. Take her to the living room. She wants to feed her birds, so take her to the room located along the corridor to the right. Take the seeds from the chest of drawers and feed all the birds. Then talk to Agatha. Take her back to the living room. Before you can begin the trance, you will need candles and matches. You will find candles here in the drawer of one of the chest of drawers, and matches in the kitchen (along the corridor to the left, there will also be a bonus). Place three candles in candlesticks and light them. Then close all the curtains and turn off the lights in the room. Agatha will take you back to the moment you killed the man. After the session, she will ask you to come again tomorrow.

Questions and Bullets (Karla)
Talk to Mitchell at the far end of the range. Put on goggles, headphones and hit targets. Your task is to shoot and ask Mitchell questions from time to time.

Double up or leave (Taylor)
It's time to play basketball with a work colleague. Win and forget about debt once and for all.

Storm (Lucas, Marcos)
Answer the phone. Everything around you will start acting supernaturally. A strong wind will blow and your apartment will begin to collapse. Dodge flying objects, run, etc. As a result, you will find yourself hanging on the balcony railing. Management will pass to Marcos. Ring the doorbell where Lucas lives. Next, break into the apartment and save Lucas.

Dark Omen (Cops)
Use the toilet (the bathroom is also a bonus) and watch TV to make Carla happy. Dress her up and wait for Tommy's neighbor to arrive. He will bring wine with him. Take the glasses in the kitchen in the cupboard and put them on the table. After drinking a glass of wine, Tommy will take out divination cards. Choose a couple of cards each time, and Tommy will tell you what to expect next. After Tommy leaves, switch to Tylor. Let him use the computer. Check the Internet and look at the "World" tab. He will realize that a piece of paper found in Shakespeare's book has stock quotes written on it. Call Carla and tell her about it. Take a piece of paper from the table and fax it to Carla. Switch back to Carla. Check the fax and then go to the neighbor. Ask him if you can find out which bank this paper belongs to. He will say that watermarks should be visible on paper. Get on the phone with Tylor and tell him about it. While controlling Tylor, sit at your desk. Take the paper and view it under the lamp. You will find on it the watermark of the bank where it was printed. Tylor will ask Carla who will go to this bank. I chose Carla as a more tactful and detail-oriented employee.

No Face (Lucas, Carla)
Lucas at work. He will get a vision of Carla walking towards his workplace. Until Carla arrives, hide the quote paper and Shakespeare's book. Sit on a chair and check the right drawer for a bonus. Carla will come in and ask a few questions. Throughout the interrogation, you can read Carla's mind and, based on this, answer questions with minimal risk of being suspected. Soon Lucas will go to the toilet, and you, driving Carla, look for evidence. Take out the paper with quotes from the box to the right of the table, and take the pen from the table. That's enough to charge Lucas with murder. Wait for Lucas to come and leave.

Back to Agatha (Lucas)
Enter the house, then go to the living room where you will find Agatha's corpse. Someone called the police and they're on their way here, so you don't have much time. Go to the bird room. Get the key from the chest of drawers and unlock one of the cages with it. Inside you will find an old newspaper clipping. Also, you could open the cage with a knife that you could find in the kitchen. Return to the living room and leave the house through the window.

Happy Anniversary! (Policemen)
When Tylor comes home, Sam will ask you to turn on the oven and pour champagne into glasses. You will find champagne in the fridge. Having done this, Sam will enter. She would like to dance, so turn on the music and dance with her. Carla works while Tylor rests. You must link the evidence found at the crime scene and at Lucas's work together. Study the quote sheet and memorize it. Match it with a piece of paper and you will find that they fit perfectly. Next, answer the phone. Check the fingerprints on the pen that were emailed to you and match them with the fingerprints found on the knife. 100% match. Carla found the killer. Report this to Tylor by phone, and he will immediately go to work.

Bloody Shower (Lucas)
Nothing you could do here. Just watch.

Confrontation (Karla, Lucas)
Carla and Tylor are going to arrest Lucas. Knock down the front door to Lucas's apartment. There is not anyone. Now check the bathroom and bedroom. Also empty. You will be informed that Lucas is crossing the street and is about to enter the house where he lives. The police will try to arrest him, but to no avail. Lucas will run fantastically avoiding obstacles. You will help him with this.

Captain Jones is very upset (Policemen)
Captain Jones is furious. Just let Carla and Tylor justify themselves.

Fallen Angels (Lucas)
Get up from the bench and talk to Agatha. She will explain some things to you. All this is not reality and therefore soon enough you will be attacked by statues. Avoid their attacks by quickly pressing the highlighted buttons. This nightmare will end when Marcos wakes you up. Explain to him what has happened lately.

Soap, blood and evidence (Cops)
Carla and Tylor will arrive at the laundry where the double murder took place. Approach the laundry room. Carla will tell Tylor to go inside while she talks to Garrett. Find out the details from him and go inside. Let Carla examine the dead man and the blood in the corner near the case, as well as the bloody footprints between the corpse of a man and a woman. Switch to Tylor and inspect the corpse of a man, a woman and a phone. You can leave before talking to your partner.

Fugitive (Lucas)
Go around the corner and move forward (on the opposite side of the street bonus) until Lucas anticipates the police who are watching Tiffany's apartment, where we are now going actually. Turn around, find a nearby fence and climb over it. Then through another. Two policemen were stationed nearby. As long as they don't look in your direction, run forward. Climb up the drainpipe and move along the ledge to the next drainpipe, along which you will go down. Open the window to Tiffany's bedroom (you will have to sweat a little for this). Then climb into the apartment. You will be able to see a vision of Tylor looking under the bed. Lie down a bit and go to the living room. Refresh yourself with food from the refrigerator and cupboard (you will find a bonus in one cupboard). Watch TV. In the bathroom on the shelf, find an extra life. Tiffany will come sooner or later. Talk to her and explain what's what. When the police call at the door, you will need to hide. Climb outside through the bedroom window and wait by pressing the buttons until Tylor looks around the house.

Hanos (Karla)
In the asylum, Barney will tell you that you can visit Hanos. Go straight along the corridor, then turn right through one corridor. Find a guy who will show you the cell of Hanos. Inside, talk to him to get valuable information about the murders. Once you're done, talk to the hospital employee outside. At that moment, electricity will be cut off in the building, and all cells with patients will open. The psycho will kill the guy, and you move to the exit (straight and to the right). All you have to do is walk when there is no danger, stop when a mental patient passes by, and watch Carla's breathing. When the electricity is restored, Carla will be surrounded by maniacs. Run to the glass door and knock for Barney to let you in.

Meeting with Kurakin (Lucas)
You introduced yourself as a journalist who has an appointment with a professor. Before you talk to him, look for a bonus in the corner of the room. Tell the professor you're writing for the New York Times. Ask him about what interests you the most. Then the professor will ask who you really are. Tell him the whole truth and then exit through the service entrance. When you get to the parking lot, several cars will try to run you over. Play with the keyboard to avoid death.

Maya Secrets (Lucas)
Maya's boyfriend will tell you it's time to die and will summon an animal that will try to kill you. Run away from him using the button game. Agatha will reappear here and tell you that you must find the little girl before they find her.

Clan (Oracle)
Watch the vision of the clan meeting by slowly pressing the buttons.

The Omnipresent Danger (Lucas, Carla, Marcos)
You will wake up in a bed of some hotel. You will see Carla and Tylor going up the stairs. You will see three screens: one for Lucas, another for Marcos, and a third for the cops. While controlling Lucas, get up and call Marcos on the phone. Controlling Marcos, select the phone from two points and then follow to the room from which the phone rings. Answer it. Controlling Lucas again, say there is no time for explanations. Then, while driving Marcos, lock the door and then call the police. Management will pass to Carla and Tylor. Approach Tylor, who will stand near the room supposedly belonging to Lucas. Knock down the door: e: not that: At the end of the corridor, find the right room with the number 369. Breaking in, Lucas will no longer be there. When the police leave, Lucas will appear from the window. Answer the phone to find out that Tiffany has been kidnapped.

Rollercoaster Fate (Lucas)
Raven will show you the way. Follow him and you'll reach the roller coaster control booth. Climb into the arrived trailer and in a moment you will be on top. Exit and head towards Tiffany. You must keep your balance by climbing over the beam by pressing the left and right arrows on your keyboard. After moving to the other side, free Tiffany. An oracle will appear and you and Tiffany will fall down.

Children's games (Lucas, Marcos)
Get out of bed, then wake up Marcos. Get out of the house through the window. Follow the path shown on the map, passing the searchlights. Run from house to house without the guards noticing you. After you pass the car, a soldier will appear in your path. Hide behind the car and wait until it passes you. Continue moving along the path until Lucas and Marcos pay attention to the guard. Controlling Lucas, go back a little to the red cross drawn on the map. Throw the bottle to the side so that the guard turns around, and you can go further, first Marcos then Lucas. When you reach the next red cross, go around the house with Markas and hit the barrel to get the guard's attention. Control Lucas to climb the pole and cross the wire to the other side without getting hit by the spotlight. Next, follow to the final destination to enter the hangar.

Checkmate (Oracle)
Just press the buttons at the right time to listen to the conversation between the Oracle and other clan members.

Treaty (Karla)
Walk to the flower grave where Tiffany was buried. Suddenly, Lucas shows up. Let him talk to Carla and convince her to help him.

Jed (Lucas)
Just press the buttons to find out where the girl is.

Chilled to the bone (Policemen)
Confess to Tylor that you saw Lucas and are helping him. Next, Sam will come to the police station, and Tylor will be in your hands. Approach her and she will ask you to choose between going with her and quitting your job as a police officer, or staying here and breaking up with Sam. Make your choice.

Where is Jed? (Lucas)
Carla will bring Lucas to the shelter. Get out of the car and go inside. Go through the door on the left at the end of the corridor. There in the room you will find a girl. Throw it over your shoulder and leave the room. At this time, the Oracle will arrive at the shelter. Climb up the fire escape to the roof, where you will have to fight him. You will end up fighting in a small room where you will meet Agatha, who in fact is not. Don't give her the baby and protect yourself from the attack.

Bogart (Lucas, Carla)
Follow the bum to the subway, where the homeless have made a shelter. Among them you will see your brother Markos. Talk to the homeless guy who is sitting near the fire. He will tell you a lot of interesting things. After the conversation, Lucas will go to sleep, and you will get control of Carla. Get up and walk to the radio at the end of the tunnel. You will need batteries and an antenna to fix the radio. Go to the nearest train car to find life and batteries. Walk back to where you came from. Find a bonus and tear off a twig from a metal plate, which will make an ideal antenna. Use the found items on the radio and listen last news. Enter the first train and lie down on the bed next to Lucas.

Discovery (Lucas)
Get out of bed and open the door. Walk down the corridor to the next door and listen to the conversation of the parents, from which you will learn about the supernatural radiation that Lucas received while in the womb.

Last Report (Lucas, Carla)
Controlling Lucas, go to the hangar. There are good and bad endings to the game. The good ending is to defeat the orange and purple clans. Then put the girl in the center of the chrome. The bad ending is to get defeated by the orange or purple clans.

In the walkthrough, only those actions are indicated that bring positive points and contribute to the successful completion of the game. When two circles appear on the screen, you will need to press those keys that will be highlighted. The left circle corresponds to the arrow keys. The right circle corresponds to the arrow keys on the numeric keypad (numpad).

Murder (Lucas)
Get rid of the many clues you left in the closet after the murder. Drag the corpse to the central booth by quickly flipping the left and right arrow keys. With a mop, remove the blood on the floor by moving the mouse up and down. Pick up the knife from the floor near the urinal and get rid of it (Lucas will hide it himself). Then wash up. Approach the machine near the exit from the toilet. Examine it to notice that it is broken, then tap on it. Take a coin. Get out of the toilet. Come to your table and have a seat. Eat, drink, then look at the bill presented to you and pay it. Use the coin on the jukebox to listen to the music. Then exit the cafe to the street. Using the subway or taxi, leave the area adjacent to the crime scene.

Investigation (Police)
Let Carla talk to the cop who found the body. Then talk to the two guys at the counter and the waitress Kate. Be kind to her in order to get as much information from her as possible. Go behind the counter, pour yourself a coffee and drink it. Do the same for the second police officer Tylor. While driving it, examine the table at which the suspect was sitting and talk to the guys at the counter. Then examine the desk by Carla, she will find more clues than Tylor. Go to the toilet. Carla, look at the corpse, the mop, the booth where Lucas was sitting. Find a knife whose location is random. It could be hidden in a niche in the stall where Lucas sat, or in the window frame, or in the cistern in the cubicle closest to the urinals. Use Tylor to also examine the corpse and the shell.

Talk to the experts at the counter again, then talk to Carla. Tell her it's time to leave and get in the car you came here in.

One day later (Lucas)

You wake up and realize that what happened the day before is not a dream at all, but a real reality. The bed is covered in blood, his hands are scratched. Get up and take the pills from the table. Throw a blanket over the bed to hide the bloody footprints. Go to the living room. Answer your brother's phone and make an appointment with him. After that, pick up the shirt from the floor and throw it into the washing machine in the bathroom. Take a shower, use the toilet. Take a bandage from the first aid kit above the sink and bandage your hands with it. Return to your room. Take clothes out of the closet and put them on. In the living room in one of the cabinets in the kitchen, find a bonus, you will find another one on the balcony. Drink milk from the refrigerator and wait for the arrival of the policeman. Pick up the key from the table and unlock the front door. Let the policeman into the apartment and tell him that you cut yourself. He'll be gone soon enough, after he's inspected the apartment. Then leave and you meet with your brother.

Confession (Lucas)
In the park, go forward to find Brother Marcos. Explain to him what happened. Convince him without aggression that you did not commit the murder. At the end of the conversation, he will offer you to take the cross. Please accept this gift as it is an extra life. Marcos will go home, and you will have a vision in which a child falls into the water. Later, he really will fall, the vision did not fail. Jump into the water after him and save him by pressing the arrow keys. When the child is on the ground, ventilate the lungs. This is how you save him. One of the policemen who patrolled the park recognizes you but does not arrest you. Today is clearly your day.

Police work (Policemen)

Control Carla up the stairs and go through the double doors. Walk to your office, which is located in the upper right corner. Call Tylor from your phone, then switch control to him. Go to the bathroom, where you will find the bonus. Take a shower and use the toilet. Take some clothes from the closet in the room. In the living room, drink coffee and talk to your friend. She is not happy that you go to such a dangerous job every day, so encourage her. Put on a jacket, kiss her and go to work. Go to Carla's office. Before you enter, the guy will ask you to return the debt. Make him an offer he can't refuse. If he wins basketball, then you will return him twice as much, if not, then the debt is forgiven. Now go to the office. Hang the jacket on the hanger, then catch up with Carla. Listen to Garrett's report, then, while driving Carla, go to the office, where you check your email.

Change of reality (Lucas)
Despite the fact that Lucas committed the murder, he decides to forget about it and return to normal life. Find a bonus in the toilet, wash your hands and go to your office (marked with a red dot on the map). Take a job. Take the cross from the drawer on the right. You can see visions by pressing the highlighted keys. Answer the call from Tiffany and let her come to your house in the evening. Dig into the computer. After your partner is informed about the malfunction of one node, advance to the place of breakdown. Next, you will find a mini-game where you will need to press the highlighted buttons.

Reconstruction (Karla)

Listen to the coroner's autopsy report and press the correct buttons to try and reconstruct the murder scene.

Tylor and Kate (Tylor)
Tylor, with the help of waitress Kate, must create a sketch of the killer. An approximate sketch is shown in the figure,

but this is not an exact photo (the game gave a percentage of 50 - 75%).

Lost love (Lucas)
Play the guitar before turning on the amp. Turn on the music center, go to the toilet. In the cabinet in the kitchen, find the bonus. Go to the room where you take the pills. And finally, go to bed before Tiffany arrives. All these activities will help you achieve good health. When Tiffany arrives, let her in. Ask her about the news, offer to drink. The drink is in a niche in the counter. Bring her two boxes of her things, one from the room, the other from the living room. Next, speak sincerely, then sentimentally. Ask if she is alone now. Play her guitar, then kiss her. And finally, have sex with her.

Hide and Seek (Lucas)
Go to the grave of Lucas' mother, where you will talk to Markus. Put flowers on the grave. At this point, Lucas will be transported back in time to his childhood. Marcus will call Lucas to play in an abandoned hangar, but he will refuse. Later, Lucas will see a vision of a fire in the hangar where Marcus and his friends went to play. He decides to save them. Go to the northeastern part of the map (we will consider the red cross on the map as north). Climb over the fence, then go forward to the trench. Move along it to the west until you notice a hole in the fence. Get through it. Hide behind the crates and wait for the truck to come. Next, walk parallel to the truck, thus hiding from the guards, and then quickly slip to the place marked in red on the map. Enter the hangar. Inside, Lucas will tell Marcus to leave, and he will go look for the rest of the guys. There are three of them in total. One is at the top, the other is in the plane down the stairs (he still has to be convinced), the third is in the opposite part of the hangar from the plane.

Friendly Fight (Policemen)
It's time to take some rest and unwind. Let Carla drink water from a bottle, then work out on two apparatuses. Do the same for Tylor. Get in the ring and fight. You will fight by controlling Carla. Make sure you win and then you can either continue or stop.

Questioning (Karla)
Talk to your boss. Report to him on the progress of the café murder mystery. When control passes to Karla, find the bonus in front of you and then go to the gate. Turn on the light first and then move on. Here it is worth saying that Carla suffers from claustrophobia, and therefore you must control her condition. Keep the mark on the bar at the bottom of the screen in the center position using the left and right arrows on the keyboard. If the mark touches the edge of the strip, then you will have to start over this level. Don't be afraid, everything you make won't have to be redone. So go straight ahead. There will be large shelves in front of you. With the valve you can move them. Find a computer that is turned off. To your left, behind the shelves, there will be a knife switch. If you move it to another position, then the computer will work. Now go to the other side of the room. Open the path to the left side, turn the valve at the end, and then move along the right side to the shelving with archives from 1990 - 2000. Take the film from the rack and watch it on the computer.

Inquiry (Tylor)
Tylor was taken to a bookstore in order to get some information about the book found at the crime scene. Climb down and go under the stairs. Look at the book of Shakespeare with a magnifying glass. On one of the pages in the upper left corner you will find a barely noticeable inscription. When you pick up the book, a piece of paper with some numbers will fall out of it. Talk to an old man who looks like a Chinese. He will not help you in any way if you do not help him first (this will happen when you are about to leave the store). He will give you a book and ask you to find a similar one. First, look at the book under a magnifying glass. You will see the inscription " De Gruttola ". Climb up the stairs and look at the book there. You will learn that "De Gruttola" is numbered 1796. Now look at the book behind the old man. Book number 1796 is located on the third floor in the white area. Go there and take the book from the shelf. Give it to the old man. After the conversation, get a bonus and exit the store.

Agatha (Lucas)
Find Agatha's house, which is a little ahead on the left. Ring the bell and then go inside. Go forward into the living room, from there into the bedroom, where Agatha will be. Take an extra life from the bedside table, and find a bonus in the bathroom. Agatha is blind and confined to a wheelchair. Take her to the living room. She wants to feed her birds, so take her to the room located along the corridor to the right. Take the seeds from the chest of drawers and feed all the birds. Then talk to Agatha. Take her back to the living room. Before you can begin the trance, you will need candles and matches. You will find candles here in the drawer of one of the chest of drawers, and matches in the kitchen (along the corridor to the left, there will also be a bonus). Place three candles in candlesticks and light them. Then close all the curtains and turn off the lights in the room. Agatha will take you back to the moment you killed the man. After the session, she will ask you to come again tomorrow.

Questions and Bullets (Karla)
Talk to Mitchell at the far end of the range. Put on goggles, headphones and hit targets. Your task is to shoot and ask Mitchell questions from time to time.

Double up or leave (Taylor)
It's time to play basketball with a work colleague. Win and forget about debt once and for all.

Storm (Lucas, Marcos)
Answer the phone. Everything around you will start acting supernaturally. A strong wind will blow and your apartment will begin to collapse. Dodge flying objects, run, etc. As a result, you will find yourself hanging on the balcony railing. Management will pass to Marcos. Ring the doorbell where Lucas lives. Next, break into the apartment and save Lucas.

Dark Omen (Cops)
Use the toilet (the bathroom is also a bonus) and watch TV to make Carla happy. Dress her up and wait for Tommy's neighbor to arrive. He will bring wine with him. Take the glasses in the kitchen in the cupboard and put them on the table. After drinking a glass of wine, Tommy will take out divination cards. Choose a couple of cards each time, and Tommy will tell you what to expect next. After Tommy leaves, switch to Tylor. Let him use the computer. Check the Internet and look at the "World" tab. He will realize that a piece of paper found in Shakespeare's book has stock quotes written on it. Call Carla and tell her about it. Take a piece of paper from the table and fax it to Carla. Switch back to Carla. Check the fax and then go to the neighbor. Ask him if you can find out which bank this paper belongs to. He will say that watermarks should be visible on paper. Get on the phone with Tylor and tell him about it. While controlling Tylor, sit at your desk. Take the paper and view it under the lamp. You will find on it the watermark of the bank where it was printed. Tylor will ask Carla who will go to this bank. I chose Carla as a more tactful and detail-oriented employee.

No Face (Lucas, Carla)
Lucas at work. He will get a vision of Carla walking towards his workplace. Until Carla arrives, hide the quote paper and Shakespeare's book. Sit on a chair and check the right drawer for a bonus. Carla will come in and ask a few questions. Throughout the interrogation, you can read Carla's mind and, based on this, answer questions with minimal risk of being suspected. Soon Lucas will go to the toilet, and you, driving Carla, look for evidence. Take out the paper with quotes from the box to the right of the table, and take the pen from the table. That's enough to charge Lucas with murder. Wait for Lucas to come and leave.

Back to Agatha (Lucas)
Enter the house, then go to the living room where you will find Agatha's corpse. Someone called the police and they're on their way here, so you don't have much time. Go to the bird room. Get the key from the chest of drawers and unlock one of the cages with it. Inside you will find an old newspaper clipping. Also, you could open the cage with a knife that you could find in the kitchen. Return to the living room and leave the house through the window.

Happy Anniversary! (Policemen)
When Tylor comes home, Sam will ask you to turn on the oven and pour champagne into glasses. You will find champagne in the fridge. Having done this, Sam will enter. She would like to dance, so turn on the music and dance with her. Carla works while Tylor rests. You must link the evidence found at the crime scene and at Lucas's work together. Study the quote sheet and memorize it. Match it with a piece of paper and you will find that they fit perfectly. Next, answer the phone. Check the fingerprints on the pen that were emailed to you and match them with the fingerprints found on the knife. 100% match. Carla found the killer. Report this to Tylor by phone, and he will immediately go to work.

Bloody Shower (Lucas)
Nothing you could do here. Just watch.

Confrontation (Karla, Lucas)
Carla and Tylor are going to arrest Lucas. Knock down the front door to Lucas's apartment. There is not anyone. Now check the bathroom and bedroom. Also empty. You will be informed that Lucas is crossing the street and is about to enter the house where he lives. The police will try to arrest him, but to no avail. Lucas will run fantastically avoiding obstacles. You will help him with this.

Captain Jones is very upset (Policemen)
Captain Jones is furious. Just let Carla and Tylor justify themselves.

Fallen Angels (Lucas)
Get up from the bench and talk to Agatha. She will explain some things to you. All this is not reality and therefore soon enough you will be attacked by statues. Avoid their attacks by quickly pressing the highlighted buttons. This nightmare will end when Marcos wakes you up. Explain to him what has happened lately.

Soap, blood and evidence (Cops)
Carla and Tylor will arrive at the laundry where the double murder took place. Approach the laundry room. Carla will tell Tylor to go inside while she talks to Garrett. Find out the details from him and go inside. Let Carla examine the dead man and the blood in the corner near the case, as well as the bloody footprints between the trail of the man and the woman. Switch to Tylor and inspect the corpse of a man, a woman and a phone. You can leave before talking to your partner.

Fugitive (Lucas)
Go around the corner and move forward (on the opposite side of the street bonus) until Lucas anticipates the police who are watching Tiffany's apartment, where we are now going actually. Turn around, find a nearby fence and climb over it. Then through another. Two policemen were stationed nearby. As long as they don't look in your direction, run forward. Climb up the drainpipe and move along the ledge to the next drainpipe, along which you will go down. Open the window to Tiffany's bedroom (you will have to sweat a little for this). Then climb into the apartment. You will be able to see a vision of Tylor looking under the bed. Lie down a bit and go to the living room. Refresh yourself with food from the refrigerator and cupboard (you will find a bonus in one cupboard). Watch TV. In the bathroom on the shelf, find an extra life. Tiffany will come sooner or later. Talk to her and explain what's what. When the police call at the door, you will need to hide. Climb outside through the bedroom window and wait by pressing the buttons until Tylor looks around the house.

Hanos (Karla)
In the asylum, Barney will tell you that you can visit Hanos. Go straight along the corridor, then turn right through one corridor. Find a guy who will show you the cell of Hanos. Inside, talk to him to get valuable information about the murders. Once you're done, talk to the hospital employee outside. At that moment, electricity will be cut off in the building, and all cells with patients will open. The psycho will kill the guy, and you move to the exit (straight and to the right). All you have to do is walk when there is no danger, stop when a mental patient passes by, and watch Carla's breathing. When the electricity is restored, Carla will be surrounded by maniacs. Run to the glass door and knock for Barney to let you in.

Meeting with Kurakin (Lucas)
You introduced yourself as a journalist who has an appointment with a professor. Before you talk to him, look for a bonus in the corner of the room. Tell the professor you're writing for the New York Times. Ask him about what interests you the most. Then the professor will ask who you really are. Tell him the whole truth and then exit through the service entrance. When you get to the parking lot, several cars will try to run you over. Play with the keyboard to avoid death.

Maya Secrets (Lucas)
Maya's boyfriend will tell you it's time to die and will summon an animal that will try to kill you. Run away from him using the button game. Agatha will reappear here and tell you that you must find the little girl before they find her.

Clan (Oracle)
Watch the vision of the clan meeting by slowly pressing the buttons.

The Omnipresent Danger (Lucas, Carla, Marcos)
You will wake up in a bed of some hotel. You will see Carla and Tylor going up the stairs. You will see three screens: one for Lucas, another for Marcos, and a third for the cops. While controlling Lucas, get up and call Marcos on the phone. Controlling Marcos, select the phone from two points and then follow to the room from which the phone rings. Answer it. Controlling Lucas again, say there is no time for explanations. Then, while driving Marcos, lock the door and then call the police. Management will pass to Carla and Tylor. Approach Tylor, who will stand near the room supposedly belonging to Lucas. Knock down the door ... er ... not that ... At the end of the corridor, find the right room with the number 369. Breaking in, Lucas will no longer be there. When the police leave, Lucas will appear from the window. Answer the phone to find out that Tiffany has been kidnapped.

Rollercoaster Fate (Lucas)
Raven will show you the way. Follow him and you'll reach the roller coaster control booth. Climb into the arrived trailer and in a moment you will be on top. Exit and head towards Tiffany. You must keep your balance by climbing over the beam by pressing the left and right arrows on your keyboard. After moving to the other side, free Tiffany. An oracle will appear and you and Tiffany will fall down.

Children's games (Lucas, Marcos)
Get out of bed, then wake up Marcos. Get out of the house through the window. Follow the path shown on the map, passing the searchlights. Run from house to house without the guards noticing you. After you pass the car, a soldier will appear in your path. Hide behind the car and wait until it passes you. Continue moving along the path until Lucas and Marcos pay attention to the guard. Controlling Lucas, go back a little to the red cross drawn on the map. Throw the bottle to the side so that the guard turns around, and you can go further, first Marcos then Lucas. When you reach the next red cross, go around the house with Markas and hit the barrel to get the guard's attention. Control Lucas to climb the pole and cross the wire to the other side without getting hit by the spotlight. Next, follow to the final destination to enter the hangar.

Checkmate (Oracle)
Just press the buttons at the right time to listen to the conversation between the Oracle and other clan members.

Treaty (Karla)
Walk to the flower grave where Tiffany was buried. Suddenly, Lucas shows up. Let him talk to Carla and convince her to help him.

Jed (Lucas)
Just press the buttons to find out where the girl is.

Chilled to the bone (Policemen)
Confess to Tylor that you saw Lucas and are helping him. Next, Sam will come to the police station, and Tylor will be in your hands. Approach her and she will ask you to choose between going with her and quitting your job as a police officer, or staying here and breaking up with Sam. Make your choice.

Where is Jed? (Lucas)
Carla will bring Lucas to the shelter. Get out of the car and go inside. Go through the door on the left at the end of the corridor. There in the room you will find a girl. Throw it over your shoulder and leave the room. At this time, the Oracle will arrive at the shelter. Climb up the fire escape to the roof, where you will have to fight him. You will end up fighting in a small room where you will meet Agatha, who in fact is not. Don't give her the baby and protect yourself from the attack.

Bogart (Lucas, Carla)
Follow the bum to the subway, where the homeless have made a shelter. Among them you will see your brother Markos. Talk to the homeless guy who is sitting near the fire. He will tell you a lot of interesting things. After the conversation, Lucas will go to sleep, and you will get control of Carla. Get up and walk to the radio at the end of the tunnel. You will need batteries and an antenna to fix the radio. Go to the nearest train car to find life and batteries. Walk back to where you came from. Find a bonus and tear off a twig from a metal plate, which will make an ideal antenna. Use the found items on the radio and listen to the latest news. Enter the first train and lie down on the bed next to Lucas.

Discovery (Lucas)
Get out of bed and open the door. Walk down the corridor to the next door and listen to the conversation of the parents, from which you will learn about the supernatural radiation that Lucas received while in the womb.

Last Report (Lucas, Carla)
Controlling Lucas, go to the hangar. There are good and bad endings to the game. The good ending is to defeat the orange and purple clans. Then put the girl in the center of the chrome. The bad ending is to get defeated by the orange or purple clans.

Article copied from here.