Renegade Shepard face. Light and dark sides of the force. Morality as an aspect of game mechanics in Mass Effect. What's new and how it works

Just a continuation of the classic trilogy, according to the developers, it should bring the series to new level. And therefore, Andromeda will differ in many ways from the first parts of the series - for example, as it turned out, they will not add the proprietary morality scale “Hero/Renegade” to it, and the creative director of the game told why such a decision was made.

In an interview with Official Xbox Magazine, creative director Mass Effect Andromeda Mac Walters said that the Hero and Renegade system (familiar to many as the Paragon / Renegade system) will not be in Andromeda. This morale scale was decided to be abandoned primarily due to the fact that it seems to the developers to be too closely related to Shepard:

"This system feels very Shepardian, it's very closely tied to Shepard's character, and it didn't make sense for us to include it in a game where Shepard isn't the main protagonist."

In addition, BioWare considers the previous morality system not very successful, as it allowed the players not to think about the choice: you simply decided who you would play - the Hero or the Renegade, and based on this you chose all the dialogues and actions, without thinking about each specific situation. . New system is not burdened with such a boring binary: now the players will not have black and white, the choice between an angel and an outright asshole.

The developers decided to make such a system of dialogues that would motivate players to really think about what is happening, evaluate whether they agree with the characters or not, and on the basis of this, choose from several possible answers. BioWare hopes that in this way they will be able to push the players to create own heroes With unique systems values ​​that depend on the preferences of the players themselves, getting rid of two standard models: good guy and a bad boy antihero.

All this logically fits with the previous words of BioWare, which said that our new heroes are different from Shepard in that they are not yet heroes. They do not have a bright past, military merit and a very specific reputation, they are tabula rasa, blank sheets of paper, and only the players themselves will decide who exactly their characters will become, what name they will earn for themselves and what kind of heroes they will become. Read more Gmbox.

Actually, everything that was recommended here about the "reconciliation" of Miranda and Jack is not true or doubtful (the level of GG is not indicated.)
Well, except for the way. MacKlein a (but it is very inconvenient and (again) does not always work).
The whole point is that missions to gain loyalty and Miranda and Jack must be completed BEFORE THE CAPTAIN GET LEVEL 20.(That is, after completing both tasks, Shepard should reach a maximum of level 20.) The order does not matter. The required amount of Hero\Renegade Points is 50% or more (depending on the level).

And now, so that no one asks questions "And why is this?", I will explain where such infa comes from. There is a config file like COALESCED.INI . It contained lines that set the difficulty of the game depending on the level of development of Shepard. This applies to both the received "Points of the Squad" and the points of the Hero / Renegade, which are necessary for resolving conflict situations in a Peaceful / Daring way.
After level 20, the difficulty increases significantly.
(Maybe this is a bug, but after the 21st level of development, Mira and Jack cannot be reconciled, because according to the conditions, almost 150% of the points of the Hero / Renegade are required).

Helpful Observations:
1.First- The function "Import character from ME1" is screwed for a reason. It gives an additional +190 Hero/Renegade points. And this will play a significant (if not decisive) role in the conflict between Mira and Jack.
(to cheaters) If you want, you can change the amount of points given for importing. This is done as follows:
Look for the Coalesced.ini file (in the folder with installed game MassEffect 2\Biogame\Config\PC\Cooked\Coalesced.ini), open it with Notepad++ (since the file is binary), look for the section and the line ME1_ParagonRenegadeMaxBonus=190 in it. Change the value of "190" to anything, but not more than 999. Save the changes. WARNING: Don't forget to save the original file in some secluded place before you make changes, in order to avoid problems if something goes wrong.

2.Second- Each playable Class (Soldier, Adept and all others) has Passive skills/skills. Among other bonuses, the degree of their pumping allows Shepard to receive an additional + 20% to + 100% Hero / Renegade points each time they are accrued. It makes sense to first throw all the Squad Points on the development of these particular skills.
3.Third- the player chooses between Shepard's development branches - Hero or Renegade. In order not to be mistaken in what this or that remark is responsible for, remember the simple rule for choosing a replica in the dialogue circle (Even if it is not highlighted in the appropriate color) - "Hero - TOP Right\Left, Renegade - BOTTOM Right\Left". The middle line can be described as "Neither to us nor to you" - it can give both Hero points and Renegade points, or it can give nothing at all.

Why do you need hero / renegade points in the game mass effect(1-2) and how can they be used? and got the best answer

Answer from Shade[guru]
In some dialogues there are lines written in red or blue, more often there are both at once. If there are not enough hero/renegade points, these lines will not be available. If there are enough points, the corresponding replica can be selected. Having hero/renegade points helps to solve certain situations in other (compared to neutral options) ways, often the most beneficial for the player (reconcile someone, convince someone to sell something at a discount, threaten to force someone to do something or not do something). do, etc.) . And in some moments to get optimal a good option possible only by choosing a red or blue replica (the result will be the same, but you can get it either through persuasion or through threat) .
The first part of Mass Effect also has two side missions, one of which is given only to the hero (more than 75% of the hero bar is filled), the other is only given to the renegade (more than 75% of the renegade bar is filled).
In addition, there are some more bonuses in Mass Effect.
25% - the "First Aid" skill recharges 10% faster;
50% - health increases by 10%;
75% - 5% faster recharge of all skills.
25% - weapons cool down and skills reload 10% faster;
50% - regeneration of 1 hit point per second;
75% - Increases damage/duration from all weapons and skills by 5%.
And in Mass Effect 2, the hero / renegade will affect the state of the scars on Shepard's face. The hero's scars will gradually heal and disappear completely, and the apostate's scars, on the contrary, will worsen, in the end, red eyes may also be added to this, something a la Terminator will turn out.


Frankly, in the past series of the game, I was often annoyed that in order to gain the hero reputation points I needed, I had to choose lines that I did not like. Moreover, the moral interpretations of the Biovarians sometimes seemed very strange to me. In a personal mission with Jack, I didn’t get my hero’s influence points due to the fact that I simply couldn’t let go of the criminal who caused me a fierce rage (the dude who was going to continue those inhuman experiments on children that Jack suffered so much). As a result, I could not reconcile Jack and Miranda, and Jack died in the final mission. The Biovarians believe that the hero should let him go, and here we had a big disagreement with them...

Here's my introduction. Some players are complaining that they are now forced to choose friendly lines when they don't like those lines. In particular, some guys "sweat" in conversations with an engineer who "lost her husband." Or, on the contrary, playing the "evil" Shepard, someone suddenly realizes that for the third time to hit an impudent journalist in the jaw is fraught with losing the war, and they don't like it either. And why does the "hero" have to be such a bore to refuse to treat ordinary Alliance paratroopers having fun in the bar at his own expense? Why on earth is it the "apostate" who knows the correct ritual "let's drink to us", and the hero cannot give the right answer ("Who is cooler than us? -" If they were, they are already dead!"?) :)

I want to reassure those who do not know yet. The reputation system in Mass Effect 3 is not at all what we saw in previous parts. Now everything is easier and more democratic!

What's new and how it works

The scale grows as a whole. When you add reputation points, the scale is recalculated and a percentage graph is created. Your persuasion or intimidation parameters are affected by the entire scale. It looks like this:

Reputation in Mass Effect 3 (guide)

Reputation in Mass Effect 3 (guide)
The blue part of the scale shows the points of the hero, the red part shows the renegade.

This is achieved due to the fact that a "neutral" reputation was introduced into the game. Neutral reputation points on the scale are not indicated in any way, but simply increase it, while maintaining the percentage ratio of the hero / renegade.

Visually, the accrual of neutral points is indicated by an icon that combines the hero's wing and the renegade's star:

Reputation in Mass Effect 3 (guide)

Reputation in Mass Effect 3 (guide)

Hero or Renegade points are awarded only in certain quests, but in most cases, either only neutral points or neutral points + hero / apostate are awarded. It looks like this:

Reputation in Mass Effect 3 (guide)

Reputation in Mass Effect 3 (guide)
Finding out what was what, I replayed the first conversation with Vega on Normandy eight times. As a result, no matter what lines, no matter what gender or class of hero I chose, I received only 2 points of neutral reputation.

And so with all satellites: 2 points - and that's it. This allowed me to choose the style of speaking and playing that I liked, choosing both friendly and angry lines at the same time (for example, I don't understand why on earth a "hero" should allow himself to get hit in the jaw ^^).

More for example:

    If you help refugees, you get reputation as a hero.

    If you decide to orbital strike a colony that the Reapers have taken over to prevent a million new Husks from spawning, you will receive renegade glasses.

    In the case of military assistance to allies, for example, when clearing the territory of a turian location, you will receive reputation neutral, since this act is beneficial and characteristic of any side of Shepard's personality.


Now let's look at the scale again. The divisions on it are not for beauty. They denote qualitative leaps in persuasion/intimidation parameters. What do these divisions do?

"Key dialogue options at important game points are initially disabled," writes Patrick Wicks at - You can choose them only when you have enough reputation points. Each division represents a checkpoint. If you see that you are a little short of the next space, and someone says to you like, "Let's go to [the character's home world] and end this once and for all", it will not be out of place to first complete a couple of side quests and try to reach a new checkpoint on the reputation scale.

So now there are no penalties for mixing paths. In the previous parts, if we wanted to max out the Persuasion skill, you had to play the hero regardless of whether it was pleasant or not, thus you personally became a pure pragmatist.

In the third part, the quality of persuasion and intimidation is determined by Shepard's fame in the galaxy, whichever sign this fame may be, that is, the TOTAL score, which is the sum of the points of both the hero and the renegade.

So now we don’t have to worry too much about which answer is heroic and which is pragmatic, and we don’t have to play an angelically heroic or downright evil person.

Important Points

However, there are a couple of important points worth mentioning.

First, in a conversation with Jalyssa, the choice of the Paragon line draws her to Shepard's side, and you get a military resource (in the form of Jalyssa's journalistic talent and donations from various humanoids). Otherwise, you do not receive this resource. It's the same with Diana - no matter how negative feelings Shepard (in your opinion) has for the journalistic fraternity, it's better to take this nice girl to the Normandy: her programs are also a military resource that increases the chances of humanity winning.

Secondly, at the very end of the game there will be a dialogue with the Ghost. Whether Hero/Renegade phrases will be available depends not so much on reputation, but on whether you have chosen Hero/Renegade phrases in conversations with the Ghost throughout the game. Selecting answers for the Renegade gives the opening of the renegade dialogue option, choosing all the answers for the Hero - accordingly opens the hero branch.

In general, reputation points in ME3 are more of a reward for being thorough and doing more quests. Alas, this removes Mass Effect even further from the RPG category. However, given the combat, which became much more interesting and intense in the third part, although I am an avid rpg player, I can forgive that... :)

Reputation in Mass Effect 3 (guide)

Reputation in Mass Effect 3 (guide)

Dialogues, first of all, the possibility of choosing different lines of behavior, are built on a morality scoring system. So how does the foundation of one of the most compelling aspects of Mass Effect work?

Supplemented with information on ME3.

In Mass Effect, morale is measured in terms of the points scored by the "Hero" and "Renegade". Unlike many other RPGs such as Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, created by Bioware itself, Mass Effect features two independent scales rather than one resulting scale. Those. having committed a "heroic" act, the apostate character will not lose his reputation as a bully and murderer, but the act of the apostate will not cause significant damage to the reputation of the "hero" - there is no motivation for adhering to only one line of behavior.

But the points of the "Hero" and "Renegade" affect the availability of special dialogue options of the respective branches. In ME1, earned points open up special skill trees - "Charm" and "Intimidation", developing which, Shepard gets additional features choices in dialogs. In ME2, the scoring system has been slightly reworked: the Charm and Intimidate skills have been removed, and now new dialogue options become available automatically as you gain points.

Hero Points

"Hero" points are scored for heroic actions, compassion, when Shepard asks about the feelings and motives of the characters. The "Hero" score bar and "heroic" options in dialogue are highlighted in blue.

"Heroic" lines tend to put characters towards Shepard and sometimes avoid fighting.

Mass Effect 1

At the start of the game, Shepard has 3 available ranks in the Charm skill. The scoring of the "Hero" affects the "Charm" skill as follows:

10% - unlocks 2 more ranks, Shepard automatically gets 1 point of "Charm";

25% - 2 more ranks, 1 point automatically, bonus - the cooldown time of the "First Aid" skill is reduced by 10%;

50% - no influence on "Charm", bonus - maximum hit points increase by 10%;

75% - Shepard gets 2 more ranks and 1 point automatically, bonus - the cooldown time of all skills is reduced by 5%. The player receives an achievement ("Hero" - 75% of the Hero's points are scored).

Upon reaching 80% of the "Hero" score bar (90% if 80% of the "Renegade" points were scored first), Admiral Hackett will contact Shepard and entrust him with the "Besieged Base" mission to free the medical base from biotics (Gamma Aida / Cacus / Chokhe / Sirte Foundation Research Laboratory).

When you play the game again, all previously obtained ranks of "Charm" will immediately be available for activation.

Becoming Specter, Shepard will gain 3 ranks and automatically gain 1 point in Charm (similar to Intimidate).

Mass Effect 2

In ME2, the separate skill "Charm" was dropped; the success and availability of "heroic" dialogue options directly depend on the number of "Hero" points.

Gaining Hero Points helps heal and fade the scars on Shepard's face.

By performing "heroic" active actions ("interruptions") during dialogue, Shepard can save innocent lives, support, and sometimes provoke characters into immoral actions.

Renegade Points

Shepard earns Renegade points for acts that are cruel or indifferent or irresponsible. The Renegade's score bar and dialogue options are colored red. Most of Shepard's sarcastic and ironic remarks are attributed to the actions of the Renegade. Characters begin to dislike, even fear, Shepard if he acts as a "Renegade", but sometimes threats encourage others to be more outspoken.

Renegade voices, like Hero voices, sometimes allow you to avoid combat.

Mass Effect 1

At the start of the game, Shepard has 3 available ranks in the Intimidate skill. Renegade scoring affects the Intimidate skill as follows:

10% - unlocks 2 more ranks, Shepard gets 1 point automatically;

25% - 2 more ranks, 1 point automatically, bonus - cooldown time for "weapon" skills is reduced by 10%;

50% - bonus - regeneration of 1 unit of life per second;

75% - Shepard gets 2 more ranks and 1 point automatically, bonus - 5% increase in damage from weapons and all skills. The player receives an achievement ("Renegade" - 75% of Renegade points scored ").

Upon reaching 80% of the Renegade score bar (90% if 80% of the Hero points were scored first), Shepard will be contacted by Admiral Hackett and tasked with the mission "The Negotiation", during which Shepard will have to conclude a deal to transfer the rights for the extraction of the zero element on one of the asteroids to the Alliance with a man named Darius (Gamma Aida / Plutos / Nonuel / Commander's Outpost).

When playing again, all previously received Intimidation ranks will be immediately available for activation.

Becoming Specter, Shepard will gain 3 ranks and automatically gain 1 point in Intimidate (similar to Charm).

Mass Effect 2

In ME2, the separate skill "Intimidate" was dropped; the success and availability of Renegade dialogue options are directly dependent on the number of Renegade points.

Performing Renegade actions causes Shepard's implants to be rejected.

When choosing active actions ("interruptions") of the "Renegade", Shepard shows aggression towards others; they can be used to gain an advantage in combat; Shepard's sarcastic remarks refer to the actions of the "Renegade".

Mass Effect 3

In ME3, the morale point system was replaced with a reputation point system. If in ME1 and ME2 there were two separate scales for "Hero" and "Renegade", then in ME3 there is a single Reputation scale, which displays both "Hero" and "Renegade" points at once.

So, Reputation is a system that determines the relationship between Shepard and other characters. As the scale fills up, the characters who would have previously ignored the captain will agree to start a dialogue with him. Reputation points are gained by completing story and side missions, unlike Morale points - they were affected only by the decisions made. Earned points can either change the "Hero" - "Renegade" ratio within the scale, or simply increase the total number of points, without changing the ratio, opening up new missions, dialogues, etc.

It is interesting

In the course of the game, I never had to deal with a lack of points "Hero" - "Apostate" or a reaction to their ratio, for example - at the end of the mission on Rannok (I, with your permission, I will write it like this - in the voice acting, the name of the planet is clearly ends in "k" and not "Rannoch", although it's more convenient to read), you can choose the "Hero" option - to convince the quarians not to fight with the geth, or the continuation of "The Renegade" - to warn the quarians that the geth will suddenly "get smarter", so - the ratio of "Hero" - "Apostate" was as follows - somewhere around 4/5 for the "Hero", but I could easily choose the option of "apostate"; in other cases, when there was a choice, it was the same, just this one was more vividly remembered; saving comes from ME1.

Ending notes

Mass Effect 1

In Shepard's final dialogue with the Council, morale points will affect the surrounding environment. If "Hero" points prevail, then the Presidium will be brightly lit, and the background music will be "Vigil's theme". If Renegade points dominate, the lighting will be darker and the soundtrack will be "Sovereign's theme".

There will always be Shepard in the final frame, but morale points affect some details. So, if there are more points of "Hero", then Sheprad will stand unarmed against the background of an unknown blue planet with a station in orbit; if there are more points of "Renegade", then behind Sheprad's back with assault rifle in the hands will be the silhouette of the planet against the background of the red nebula.

Mass Effect 2

In Shepard's final dialogue with the Illusive Man, the color of the star in the background depends on the choice made at the end of the mission at the Collector's Base. If Shepard destroyed the base, the choice of "Hero", then the star will be blue, if Shepard saves the base, then the star will be red. If Shepard dies, then the color of the star will depend on the number of morale points scored, and not on the decision to blow up the station or not.

Possibilities for obtaining infinite points of "Hero" and "Renegade"

Mass Effect 1

1. On Noveria. During the quest to bring Anoleus's administrator to justice for corrupt activities, Shepad will have to convince the turian Lorik Kiin to testify in court. In dialogue with him, it will be possible to use the actions of both the "Hero" and the "Renegade" - Shepard can get 24 or 25 points, respectively. After completing the dialogue about the testimony, the opportunity to talk with Kiin will remain. Ask him about something, for example, about matriarch Benezia, and then select "another question" - the possibilities of persuasion will appear again. Repeat for infinite "Hero"/"Renegade" points. This "bug" works on consoles and PC version (it was tested on English and German versions 1.02, maybe it will work on Russian too).

Note: using this glitch can corrupt save files - some of the solutions in ME 1 are incorrectly labeled, and therefore some characters do not appear, as a result - in ME 2, some letters do not reach Shepard in the mail. When migrating a save to ME 2, it is recommended to refrain from exploiting this vulnerability.

2. During the Lost Module mission on Eletania. After finding and searching the monkey with the module, save, load the save and search the monkey again. Shepard will gain Hero points, despite the fact that the module has already been found.

Note: the only thing you need to do is "save-load" after each search. Hero points will only be added if no monkeys have been killed. If you hold down the "A" button on the Xbox 60 controller while searching a monkey, the hero points will be accumulated until the button is released.

Mass Effect 2

1. During the escape from the Lazar station. After Shepard heals Wilson and blows up the crates with Overload, Jacob tells Shepard that Cerberus is behind Project Lazarus. During the dialogue, you can select items - "That sounds familiar ..." and "I will never work for Cerberus!" for scoring "Hero" or "You lied to me" and "What are you trying to achieve?" for a set of points "Renegade". After completing the dialogue, take cover behind the crates on the left, save. After loading, Shepard should be standing in the same place, but no longer in cover. As soon as Shepard moves on, the dialogue with Jacob will begin again. This method will allow you to fill the scales of both the "Hero" and the "Renegade". You can repeat it endlessly (it didn’t work out - maybe I’m hiding in the wrong place; maybe it works on consoles).

Note: Since Shepard only gets 4 points per dialogue, it will take 250 reloads to fill just one gauge. It is also impossible to see the number of points scored in the scales - the opportunity to see them will appear only before talking with the Ghost. You can determine the filling of the scales by the scars on Shepard's face - when you get "Hero" points, they will disappear, when you get "Apostate" points, they will appear.

2. At the end of the Samara mission, after the death of Morinth, ask Samara how she is, and then, that you are not ready to leave the location yet - get 2 “Hero” points. Repeat the cycle of these 2nd phrases are endless.

Note: this "cheat" is quite tedious to use - Samara must speak her dialogue in full to use it - to speed up the application, on the PC version, scroll through the dialogue using the spacebar, X button on Xbox 360 or the square button on PS3.