Walkthrough for the game Book of Unwritten Tales, The. The Book of Unwritten Tales: Walkthrough Walkthrough of the game unwritten tales 2

Chapter 4


Look at Buttercup.
Look at the snails (x2). They emit a purple dye.
Look at the broken jetty, into the abyss and at the flying ship.
Look at Mary.
Look at the frying pan
and take the pan(it"s at the back), also get a little heap of salt.
Go into town.

There"s a trial going on. Nate and Critter are in the stocks. Ivo talks to the Red Pirate. Ask about the oracle. It"s in the round building.
Look at the Red Pirate and talk to him. Ask him about cheating. Now you get to play pirate poker. You need to win three of five games (the achievement solution has some great tips - it is a bit luck based). You can talk to him as many times as you like to keep trying until you win, once you beat him you get a pirate's outfit.

Look at the observatory on the right.

Look at the device and the hatch on the wall. Ivo opens the hatch and the device flips to show the three things that Ivo needs to enter the building.
Look at the symbols: bottle (energy drink), potato crisps and toilet roll. Ivo takes an empty energy drink bottle from the hatch. The label says it contains water, sugar and colouring.
Go back.

Look at the water through, the door to the palace , the board and the building on the left.
Look at the key on the judge's table and the monkey.
Look at the useless prisoner(Nate) and Critter (x2).
Look at the statue.
Look at the cloth behind the Red Pirate (x2). It is the head of Medusa. So that is what happened to the pirates... they are statues.
Talk to the Red Pirate about the hatch and observatory. Learn about offerings and the trial.
Look at the rope. Take the rope from the ground by the building on the left.
Look at the shop on the left (x2). Get a from the box.
Open your inventory() and select the empty energy drink bottle. Fill the bottle with water from the trough. Get bottle with water.
Look at the plants under the tree at right corner. Harvest several plants to get shrivelledpotatoes.
Go to the harbour.

Take a purple snail. Ivo adds the coloring to the bottle.
Open your inventory() and combine the pirate's replacement hand (hook shaped) and thick rope to make a rope with pirate's hook.
Select the rope with pirate's hook and throw the rope with the hook to the Mary.
Go on board of the Mary.

The Mary:
Look at the cloth and take the headscarf from the wheel on the left.
Look at the knife in the deck and take it.
Look at the wheel, the cannon, the steam engine and the cage.
Look at the pot by the steam engine (x2) and take the fat.
Enter the Captain's cabin.

Captain's Cabin:
See and talk to Mary. Learn that Nate was going to propose to Ivo, and the reason Nate is here at Tugator.
Look at the sack of sugar and take a bit of sugar.
Look at the wardrobe, the desk, Mary and the make up mirror.
Look at the oven and see that it has coal.
Open your inventory() and combine the handful of sugar with the bottle with colored water. Get an energy drink of dubious origin.
Combine the blunt kitchen knife with the shriveled potatoes to get thin potato slices.
Combine the thin potato slices with the battered frying pan.
Combine the pan with potato slices with the pot with fat.
Select the pan with greasy potato slices, and fry the potato slices(in the oven).
Open your inventory() and combine the l little heap ofsalt with the pan with greasy potato slices to get salted crisps.
Go on deck, disembark the ship, go into town and go to the observatory.

Open your inventory() and select the energy drink of dubious origins, salted crisps and Nate's lucky headscarf, and put them into the hatch.
Ivo opens the door.

Talk to the Oracle. Ask about the Arch Mage.
- Ivo needs magic compass (to guide Alistair, from the Red Pirate), the Book of the Dead and spark of life to keep him alive.
- The Book of the Dead is in the City of Lorem Ipsum located in the Umzu desert.
- Ivo needs Nate and Critter to do this task. Ivo needs to win the court hearing. The right defense strategy is to make the judge believe that Nate is controlled by a higher power.
Look at the mirrors(left and right side of Oracle) (x2).
Leave the observatory.

Talk to the Red Pirate. Take over the defense.
- Prove that Nate is an imbecile. It is proven that Nate is an idiot.
- Prove that Nate is bad through and through. Proven.
- A higher power is responsible for his actions... and for all of us!
Move the jar.
Detach the coconut.(If you"re not quick enough you"ll have to start again)
- Three (or any number) fingers. Red Pirate gets scared and hides inside the palace.
Take the key from the table.
Open your inventory() and select the rusty key and free Nate. Nate and Ivo fight. Critter cries. Ivo tells Nate about the Arch mage and Wilbur. The spark of life is at the Elfburrow.

Confront Ivo's mother. She sent Nate away. Critter is caught by vines.


The Mary:
Look at the Elfburrow.
Look at the wheel
and the wooden plank. Take the wooden plank.
Look at the hippogriff.
She must be missing her rider or hungry or both.
Look at the cannon, the cage
and the steam engine.
Leave the ship.

Look at the captured Critter and try and release him.
Go left and look at the bee's nest and the flowers.
Look at the ball of string left by Arbor and take the string.
Go back to the pond and look at the weeping willow and the pond (x2).
Look at the reeds and take a reed.
Enter the library and go into Ivo's room.

Nate eavesdrops on the Queen telling a sleeping Ivo what she did to Nate and why. Nate now realize that Ivo doesn't know about why he left and also knows that leaving was a mistake.
Look at Ivo's mother, Cheep-cheep and Ivo.
Leave Ivo's bedroom.

Look at the books and swords
Look at the top hat on the right.
Go out into the garden and go up to the throne room.

Throne Room:
Look at the king. Talk to Bob.
- Fedora needs to come to the decision herself to wake up Ivo.
- Bob will give the spark of life to Ivo when she wakes up.
- The King tells Nate that Lorem Ipsum, the sunken town under the sands of the Umzu Desert, is west of Bhrem"Enn oasis.
- The vine holding Critter is ticklish under the arms.
Look at the Tree of Life, the Woodland Realm, the moon well and the desk. Nate reads the scroll about letting the Mary come and go in the woodland realm.
Go down into the garden.

Tickle the vine to release Critter.
Go on board of the Mary
and e nter the captain's cabin.

Captain's Cabin:
Look at theMary and talk to her.
Look at the writing desk. Look at the maps. Set a course.
See Elfburrow at the bottom of the left large island. Tugator is the small island right of this island. Seastone is left of the compass rosette in the centre. The Black Tower is at the bottom of the island at right.

Look at the Umzu desert in the top right of the right island. Nate pulls out a more detailed map.
Look at Bhrem"Enn. Nate wants to know more info how far west is the lost city.
Go back.
Look at the chest
to the right of the desk. Search the chest. Get a note book.
Open your inventory() and open() the note book.
Look at the text (x2), the script (x2)
and the drawing.
Go back.
Go on deck, leave the ship
and enter the library.

Look at the books on the right-hand book shelf.
Select the symbols seen on Nate's book: gem, desert, foot, three and mountain. The jewel of the desert lies at the foot of three mountains.
Go out into the garden, go on board of the Mary and enter the captain's cabin.

Captain's Cabin:
Set a course.
Look at the mountains
on the map of the Umzu Desert. Nate marks the place on the big map.
Fly to Lorem Ipsum.

Lorem Ipsum:
Look at the mummy and talk to them. The Book of the Dead is in the tomb of the last pharaoh - the mad Tut Tut.
Examine the hard-buried flagstone to the right of Critter to take it. It is covered in hieroglyphs.
Talk to the mummy. Show the flagstone to them. The mummy translates it. It is the pyramid manual in three languages.
- To open the pyramid: obelisk into the socket on the pedestal. At 3 o"clock in the afternoon, the shadow of the obelisk points to the stone that opens the secret entrance.
Look at the stone pedestal right of the mummy. Nate removes the rotten wood at center of the pedestal.
Look at the obelisks on the ground and the depression in the side of the stone pedestal.
Talk to the mummy again about a wooden pin. Ask about the ugly superbronze. For the good of Lorem Ipsum, let us examine the metal.
The mummy enters his sarcophagus and takes out the solid metal tube The depression is the sun clock.
Open your inventory() and select the solid metal tube. Put the reed into the opening.
Open your inventory() and select the thin reed. Put the shaft into the clock.

Change to Critter.


The Mary:
Climb up to the Mary.
Look at the rope, use the rope with... Throw the rope overboard.

Change to Nate.


Lauren Ipsum:
Use the rope with... Tie the rope to the obelisks. Mary raises the obelisk and the obelisk is placed on the pedestal.
Look at the obelisks. Read the time shown on the side of the pedestal.
At 3 o'clock, push the stone at tip of the obelisk's shadow. The secret entrance opens.
Try to enter the pyramid. The mummy warns of traps, lots of traps. The mummy know about the traps. Choose all dialogue options. Nate carries the mummy.

Look at the grave goods(statue) on the floor. Take a few of the grave goods. Get an ancient mirror. It is the first mirror ever made.
Look at the grave goods(canoe on the right). Nate takes shrivelledseeds from the sack.
Look at the oil press by the canoe.
Leave the pyramid. Nate leaves the mummy in the corner.
Open your inventory() and Travel to... Fly to Tugator.

Leave the ship.
Talk to Lady van Buren.
Nate as an insurance agent wants to get in the palace. Van Buren can"t get in because of the head of Medusa. Nate sweet talks Lady Van Buren.
Enter the palace.

Inside the Palace:
Talk to the Red Pirate. The statues, the parrot and the monkey are in here with the pirate. Nate will get rid of the Van Burens in exchange for the usage of the spirit compass.
Go out.

Look at the little girl and talk to her. She got her ideas from her book.
- Chantal's guests are the mad hatter and white rabbit. She will get presents from them.
- Her mommy will join them when her guests arrive.
- The mad hatter wears a top hat and a colorful neckerchief.
Look at the flower below the mushrooms, and take the bloom.
Look at the hammer on the table and take it.
Look at the brightly colored cloths on the post and take one of them.
Look at the transformed buildings and the treats.
Look at the laid table.

Leave the ship and enter the library.
Take the top hat from the stand on the right.
Go out into the garden, go on board the Mary and enter the captain's Cabin.

Captain's Cabin:
Look at the dressing table. Take something from the dressing table (x2). Get white powder and then empty atomiser.
Look at the mealbox left of wardrobe. Take something to eat. Get empty tin cans.
Look at the wardrobe and then search it. Get a small bunny costume.
Open your inventory (), put the top hat and the neckerchief on.

Leave the ship.
Talk to the little girl.
About presents.
Open your inventory () combine the empty tin cans and the strong string to make a home-made telephone.
Talk to the little girl again about the speaking telegraph. She changes it to a wireless telephone. She doesn't like this present.
Use your map. Travel to... Fly to Lorem Ipsum.

Leave the ship and enter the pyramid.
Open your inventory() and select the huge bloom. Press out the bloom.
Leave the pyramid and the mummy.
Use your map. Travel to... Fly to the Elfburrow.

Leave the ship.
Open your inventory() and combine the scented oil with the empty atomiser.
Select the atomiser filled with fragrance. Fill the atomizer with water. Get sweet perfume.
Use your map. Travel to... Fly to Tugator.

Leave the ship.
You may need to reapply your Mat Hatter disguise.
Talk to the little girl. Give her the perfume. She likes it.
Enter the palace.

Inside the Palace:
Look at the parrot. Speak on behalf of the parrot. That didn't work.
Open your inventory() and select the telephone transformed. Use the can telephone with the statue(on the left). The parrot sits on the statue and Nate insults the Red Pirate by mimicking the parrot's voice.
Go out.

Open your inventory() and select the shrivelled seeds. Lure the parrot closer with seeds.(It's on the mushroom). Get an imprisoned pirate's parrot.
Go to the Mary.

The Mary:
Open your inventory() and select the small bunny costume. Give Critter the bunny costume. Nate automatically uses the white powder with Critter. They go to the tea party. Nate gives the parrot to Chantal. Chantal demands a present from her mother and throws a tantrum. They return to Seastone.
Enter the palace.

Inside the Palace:
Talk to the Red Pirate.

Enter the observatory and talk to the Oracle. Offer him the mirror from the tomb.
Look at the mirror. Look at the happy children.
Leave the observatory.

Try one of the treats to get a handful of treats.
Go to the Mary.

The Mary:
Open your inventory() and select handful of treats. Feed the hippo with the treats.
Talk to the hippo. Tell Buttercup about the pile of treats by the palace.
Leave the ship.

Buttercup ate nearly half of the pile of treats. Look at the hippogriff.
Look at the dung heap. What a dung heap! Take two good handfuls of dung.
Use your map. Travel to... Fly to the Elfburrow.

Leave the ship, enter thelibrary and go into Ivo's room.
Look at the mirror and take Ivo's mirror.
Use your map. Travel to... Fly to Tugator.

Leave the ship and enter the observatory..
Open your inventory() and select Ivo"s mirror. Put Ivo"s mirror in front of the mirror with the children.
Use your map. Travel to... Fly to the Elfburrow.

Leave the ship, enter thelibrary and go into Ivo's room.
Open your inventory() and select the magical receiver mirrors. Show Ivo's mother the future. She relents. The Queen awakens Ivo.

The Mary:
Ivo arrives at the ship after getting the mighty spark of life from her father. (Change to Ivo to check her inventory.)

Fly to Lorem Ipsum

Leave the ship and enter the pyramid.
Look at the hole on the wall. The mummy says that there could be a lever or a trap that will cut the arm off.
Push yourself along the wall. The column will push you onto the spikes. Look at the piece of wall.
Look at the pitfall. The pitfall has spikes and some scarab beetles.
Look at the stone ball. There is a large ball at the end blocking the entrance to the pharaoh's tomb. Mortimer must have triggered it the last time he was here.
Stare into the pitch black. The right room is pitch black.
Put an arm into the hole. Nate pulls the lever. The door is broken and opens only slightly.

Change to Critter.


Machine Room:
Slip under the door.
Look at the little hole in the wall.
Look at the holes in the wall
(on the left).
Look at the lever. Push the lever to the side. Balls shoot out of the holes on the columns.
Look at the chisel and take it from the table at bottom right.
Look at the stone chest in the bottom left. Try and open it. The lock is made up of musical buttons.
Look at the big wheel on the left.
Leave the machine room.

Change to Nate.


Let the lever go.

Change to Critter.


Open your inventory() and select the sharp chisel. Give Nate the chisel.

Change to Nate.


Open your inventory() and select the sharp chisel. Jam the piece of wall in(the central column that pushes you in to the pit).
Look at the pitfall and the stone ball.
Throw the lever in the hole.

Change to Critter.


Machine Room:
Slip underneath the door.
Run in the large wheel to turn it.

Change to Nate .


Let the lever go.
Go to the right-hand side room. There is now light. Look at the dung beetle.
Look at the statues. See a wheel on the wall. See the dung beetles go in and out from the square entrance on the left wall to be at the pitfall trap at alcove.
Open your inventory() and select the two handfuls of hippo dung. Throw a bit of hippo dung to the dung beetles. They really like it.
Open your inventory() and select the two handfuls of hippo dung. Smear the hippogriff dung onto the ball in the center hall. The dung beetles concentrate on the entrance to the pitfall trying to get to the ball.
Open your inventory() and select the heavy wooden plank. Put the plants into the pit at an angle. The dung beetles congregate on the ball and rolls it on the pitfall. The way to the door is now unblocked.
Look at the stone gate (x2). See that two pins prevent the disc that opens the door from turning.
Enter the room you just cleared of beetles.
IMPORTANT(for the Eyecatcher achievement). Try opening the board. No joy...yet.

Look at the enclosure and see the basilisk skeletons.
Look at the wheel to the right of the enclosure and take it.
Push the lever to the side(left of the enclosure). Something happened.
Exit the room and throw the lever in the hole to let Critter out.

Change to Critter.


Machine Room:
Leave the machine room.

Change to Nate.


Let the lever go.
Open your inventory() and select the ancient hand wheel. Give Critter the hand wheel.
Throw the lever in the hole.

Change to Critter.


Machine Room:
Slip underneath the door.
Open your inventory() and select the ancient hand wheel.Use the wheel with the hole by the door.

Change to Nate.


Machine Room:
Let the lever go and go into the machine room.
Look at the stone chest. Open the stone chest. The mummy gives the code to open it: yellow, red, red, blue and green. Get a practical time-turner.
Look at the lever. Try to push the lever to the side and the trap is triggered.
Open your inventory() and select the practical time-turner. Freeze time for the marbles. The poisoned marbles are held in place. Access to the lever is blocked.
Open your inventory() and select the practical time-turner. Freeze time for Critter, lol. Then give Critter the time manipulator.

Change to Critter.


Machine Room:
Open your inventory() and select the practical time-turner. Freeze time for the marbles. The poisoned marbles are held in place. Access to the lever is blocked. Critter moves to the other side of the poisoned marbles.
Push the lever to the side.

Change toIvo.


Go down into the right room. Push the lever to the side.

Switch to Nate.


Leave the machine room.
Go to the stone gate of the burial chamber. Turn the stone disk now that both levers are held. That's it.
Enter the tomb.

Nate tries to grab the book, the golem of King Tut-Tut stops him. Apparently the mummy is the King.
IMPORTANT: Leave the burial chamber.

IMPORTANT: Try opening the board in the right-hand room now the mummy has gone.

>Solution : From the starting position, move Up, Up, Right, Right, Up, Down, Down, Left, Left, Down, Left, Left, Left, Up, Up, Up, Right, Right, Right, Up, Up, Right, Right.

Get the Exotic Dancer Outfit.

Go on deck, leave the ship, enter the pyramid and enter the tomb to resume.

Look at the wall paintings.
Look at the tunnel made by Mortimer to exit the pyramid. Climb into the tunnel to check where it leads.
Re enter the tomb(by the entrance on the bottom right).
Look at the board with marbles.
Look at the big Pharoah Tut-Tut
and talk to him. The Nim-game is Tut-Tut"s favorite game. The wall painting has the rules of the game. Remove any number of marbles from one row. Whoever takes the last marble loses.
- To play the game: select one or more balls in a row. Then select the check mark. Repeat.
- You can play to win or cheat. But as you need to win properly for the achievement you should just not cheat (and I won"t tell you how to:))
- Get him to start the game. You can win in six moves.
- Take all the balls from row #1.
- Take all the balls from row #2.
- Take the left-most ball from row #4.
- Take the left-most ball from row #4.
- Take the remaining two balls from row #4. Here we lose.

Nate convinces him to give him the book as a bribe.
Take the "Book of the Dead".

Climb through the tunnel out the other side.

Change to Critter.


Open your inventory() and select the practical time-turner. Give Nate the time manipulator.

Change to Nate.


Use your map. Travel to... Fly to Tugator.
Look at the guard.
Open your inventory() and select the practical time-turner. Stop time. Take the key from the guard. Nate scares the monkey with magic talk.
Enter the palace.

Inside the Palace:
Look at the statue.
Open your inventory
() and select the practical time-turner. Stop time for the Red Pirate. Move the statue bit by bit. Start with William on the left.
Do this three times and Nate will automatically do the rest.
The statues fall on Red Pirate. They demand that you give me the compass that you promised to me!
Take the spirit compass on the right of the sofa. Now they have everything to bring back the Arch mage.

Ivo recites the spell.
Open your inventory() and select the glowing spark of life. Use the spark of life on the frog. He's alive, but still a frog.
Kiss the Arch-Mage frog. Apparently the Artefact of Divine fate made her pregnant! Well at least it wasn't a curse. Talk to the Arch-Mage.

This walkthrough is the property of the site. This walkthrough and any content included may not be reproduced without written permission. site and its users have no affiliation with any of this game"s creators or copyright holders and any trademarks used herein belong to their respective owners.

The walkthrough is written for English STEAM -versions of the game with Russifier


To move a character, simply click on the place on the screen where we want to move the character. If you click on an object with the left mouse button, the character will perform an action determined by the context. If you right-click on an item, the character will examine the item. Sometimes the game provides several actions on one object. For example, first we look at an object, and then we perform an action with it. Items that we collect in the game world go into the inventory, indicated by the backpack icon in the lower right corner of the screen. To open or close the inventory, simply click on the image of the backpack with the left mouse button. To use an item from the inventory, left-click on it, and then click on the item on which we want to use it. We can more carefully examine the items in the inventory; to do this, we need to right-click on the item. Sometimes, several items can appear in the inventory from one item. For example, we examine a drawer and take out several tools from it. Items in your inventory can be combined with each other. We first click on the first item, and then, when the first item is on our cursor, left-click on the second item. When you press the Space key, all interesting (active) objects are indicated on the screen. The STEAM version of the game has 51 achievements. The discovery of all achievements is described in this walkthrough.

Main menu

The main menu is called up by pressing the " ESC" The main menu consists of commands such as: continue game, new game, load game, credits and settings:

Continue game- the game starts from the last save game

A new game– the game starts from the beginning

Download game– starting the game from any previously saved progress

Captions- a list of people who took part in development, testing, etc.

Settings– manage game settings, which include: graphics quality, screen resolution, full-screen mode on/off, speech volume, sound volume, music volume, character voice language and subtitle language.

Saves(save) are located at:

C:\Users\Your name\Documents\bout2\savegames


War swept across Aventasia. An alliance of humans, elves and dwarves fought the dark Army of Shadows. The war devastated the country year after year, but no one was able to gain an advantage in the battle. During these times of deep despair, the Archaeologist discovered the location of the Artifact of Divine Destiny. This Artifact fulfills a wish that could decide the outcome of the war in one direction. The Shadows, led by the sorcerer Munkus, were hunting for the Artifact and would have found it first if not for a group of heroes opposing them. The group included: the young gnome Wilbur, the elven princess Ivo, the human Nate Bonnet and his faithful furry companion from the server - the Beast.

EpisodeI. Nate


We are floating in the air, or rather, falling down, and it would be nice to cling to something before we land. We fly up to the huge rock on the left and, clicking on it again, climb up the rock. Nate automatically moves to the broken pier. We examine the pier, and then follow it to the right to the rope. Click on the rope and climb up it. When the rope ends, then Nate jumps onto the log on his own. There is an oil lamp floating in the upper left corner of the screen - take it. Having called the genie Benny from the lamp, we talk to him about all topics and try to persuade the genie to help us. After a previous unsuccessful attempt, Benny is very afraid to cast spells again, and when Nate shouts at him, then the genie generally hides in his lamp. From the log, Nate moves to the second part of the broken pier, to the right side of which there is a carpet nailed. We take the carpet, call the genie Benny again and persuade him to turn an ordinary carpet into a flying carpet. At the very last second, the genie completes the task, and Nate remains alive. Having flown to the city on a carpet, we get hit on the head - it’s our companion, the Beast, who hits us on the head with a board.

Achievement STEAM : Having survived the fall, we open achievement "Stop the drop" .

Management training

We are greeted by the tutorial, the Guardian of the Game and the Interpreter of Control. First he explains some action, and after that he asks to perform it. The first task will be to move the character - click on any part of the location and see how the robot tutorial moves. Then click on the big lever on the right - it counts! Next, click on the lever with the right mouse button, as a result, we inspect it. Click on the hatch to the left of the lever with the left mouse button and examine it. Click on the hatch again with the left mouse button and this time we repair the mechanism hiding under the hatch. Click on the lever again with the left mouse button. Having moved to another location, we examine the car and see how two gears fly out of it. We select large and small gears. Open the inventory by clicking on the backpack icon in the lower right corner of the screen with the left mouse button. Take one of the gears and click it on the broken car. In a similar way, we return the second gear to the broken car. Now that all the machine parts are in place, they need to be lubricated. We take out the dented oil can from the inventory and use it on the car. Close the inventory by left-clicking on the backpack. There is a lever to the right of the machine, pull it and thereby start the machine. The robot moves to a new location and ends up at a machine shaped like a lock. We select a damaged figure from the car. We examine the old toolbox, and then take it. We open the inventory, click on the damaged figure with the left mouse button and see that it appears on our cursor. Next, press on the very adhesive tape and get the corrected figure. We take the corrected figure and use it on the castle, as a result we place the figure on the castle balcony. We move to the left side of the screen, pull the lever and start the car. This is where the training ends.

Achievement STEAM : After completing the training, we open achievement "Master Mechanic".

Princess Ivo

Ivo's bedroom

We communicate with our mother – the Queen. Mom is unhappy that we are chubby and eat away our frustrations. It turns out that mother has already agreed on our wedding and Prince Lalilos is coming next week. The queen gives us the portrait of the prince, and she leaves, having previously locked us in the room. We communicate with the parrot Chip-Cheep on all the proposed topics. It turns out that the princess is not feeling well, and she decides to go to the library to study a treatise on medicine. Open your inventory and right-click on the portrait of Prince Lalilos. We look around our room. We click on the portrait of the Beast and reminisce. Next, Ivo will independently view a couple more paintings and leave comments on them. On the bed we notice and double-examine Wilbur’s gift for our birthday - a knitted hat, which he knitted with his crooked hands. Click on the jug on the table on the right and the bowl next to it. We take a look at the flower on the table, and after that we take a closer look at the music box in the lower right corner of the location. Open the music box and listen to the melody being played. To the right of the box we notice a figure and examine it. Examine the bed on the left twice. We head to the mirror, in front of which there is a parrot. We study the mirror and try to take it, but Cheep-Cheep does not allow us to do this, so we decide to get rid of the bird. We glance at the parrot, and then at the box of jewelry. Chip-Cheep uses the box as his podium in front of the mirror. We follow to the right and go out onto the balcony. We inspect it twice sunflower and take sunflower seeds. We take a couple of steps to the left and look through the telescope three times. We return to the bedroom. On cup Sprinkle sunflower seeds on the table and invite the parrot to eat. We look into the box of jewelry and then take it away mirror. The parrot flies onto a box of jewelry and, discovering the absence of a mirror, flies away to its perch. We return to the music box, lean the mirror against the figure behind it and see how Chip-Chip sits on the music box and again admires his image. Open the box, place the parrot in it and close the box. That's how we temporarily got rid of my mother's spy. We go out onto the balcony and take a few more sunflower seeds. We go to the right side of the balcony and, by clicking on lower right corner screen, we go out into the garden.

Elven Garden

We go two steps to the right and explore twice aquatic plants– we get a reed and a reed head. We examine the pond and waterfall. To the left of the waterfall we notice a lucky willow and examine the tree twice. We go a little more to the right and examine the entrance to the throne room. We take a couple of steps to the left and stop under the balcony, under which we notice a bird pool and look into it. To the left of the bird pool we find bansai tree, and click on it. The tree turned out to be not a tree at all, but a gardener named Arbor. We exhaust the dialogue with the gardener and go with him to look at the withered flower. We examine the withered flower, and then take a quick look at the bee’s nest on the tree and the bench under it. Next, we examine the flat bowl to the right of the tree and find out that when the bowl is filled with water, the mother uses it as a mirror. We look at the large bush on the right and find out that most of the plants were named by our grandmother more than a thousand years ago. We return to the pot on which the gardener originally sat. We inspect and then select stone and go right under the balcony, from where we head to the library.

Elven library

First, we inspect all active objects. In the center of the library we notice the swords and examine them twice. After inspection, we turn the swords and study them. Next, we take a double look at the cubes floating in the air near the bookshelves. In the left corner we notice a stuffed monster and examine it. Above the stuffed monster we examine the dragon’s head, under which is the entrance to our bedroom. On bookshelf At the bottom of the screen we find and take a treatise on elven medicine. The book turns out to be talking. We start a conversation with her and exhaust all the topics of dialogue. To correctly determine the diagnosis, you need to mix the potion and drink it. To prepare the potion, you need to mix the green methus fruit, a spoonful of honey and smoked herring, and then dilute it all in water to a viscous solution. We pass to the right and in the lower right corner we find and examine flower. We examine the flower twice and take it for ourselves. We go out into the garden.

Elven Garden

We head left to Arbor and start a conversation with him. We learn from the gardener that the large bush with red fruits next to which we are standing is a methus bush. Only to prepare the potion we need the green methus fruit, and in front of us is a bush with red fruits. It turns out that the bush changes the color of the fruit to green on its own if it senses danger - such a defense mechanism. When extracting honey, Arbor advises us to wear a beekeeper's suit to prevent the bees from biting us, and to use smoke, which has a calming effect on the bees. We ask the gardener for a fishing rod and receive it. Let's approach Methus bush and use the flower from your inventory on it. Having scared the bush, we see how the red fruits turn green, and we pick one green fruit of the methus. We found one ingredient for the potion, we just need to find two more. We go to the right to the pond and, having examined it several times, throw a fishing rod into the pond. Our skill level appears at the top of the screen, which at this stage is zero. We use the fishing rod on the pond again and see how the skill level has risen to one. Let's go to the library.

Elven library

Let's go to the one closest to us bookshelf on the left and find the manual on it “ Fishing for dummies" After reading the book a little, we come to the conclusion that we have too little fishing skill and the advice from the book is not yet clear to us. We return to the garden.

Elven Garden

We step left to Arbor's pot, examine it and remove several worms from the pot. Now that worms have appeared in the inventory, Ivo will independently thread the bait onto the hook before each cast of the fishing rod. We cast the fishing rod three more times, thereby increasing our skill to the fourth level. Maybe now the fishing guide will become clearer to us? We're heading to the library.

Elven library

Again we take out a book about fishing and read it. Once the guide is read, the skill automatically rises to level 14. Let's hurry to the pond.

Elven Garden

We throw the fishing rod into the pond several more times and finally catch a red herring. The second ingredient for the potion is in our backpack. As we remember from a previous conversation with Arbor, smoke has a calming effect on bees. We can get smoke from Arbor's cigarette, but he will only light it when he cures the big red flower. We're heading to the library.

Elven library

Let's look at the one closest to us bookshelf and we find a book about plants on it. We open the book and see an image of a flower from the garden - it is located in the lower left corner of the page and is called love lily. Click on the image of the love lily and read the description. It turns out that at a very early stage of life, the love lily enters into a long-term relationship with another plant, which can often last a lifetime. If the partner plant dies, then lubolilia usually does not survive the break. Close the book by clicking on the area to the right of it. We go up to the bedroom along the stairs to the left of the blue stuffed monster.

Ivo's bedroom

We approach the round table, examine the vase and take a vase with a love lily. We go down to the garden.

Elven Garden

Use the flower from the bedroom on the drooping flower near the Arbor. We watch how the flowers recognize each other and hug, and Ivo, looking at them, even burst into tears. Satisfied, Arbor sits down on a bench and lights a cigarette, while the smoke rises to the hive and calms the bees. We examine the bees' nest and use the reed from the inventory on it. We get a green leaf with sweet honey. We share honey with the gardener, and after that we inspect and take it away shovel. We go up to the bedroom.

Ivo's bedroom

We again approach the round table, on which there used to be a vase with a love lily. We put the ingredients into an empty bowl on the table: green methus fruit, red herring and a leaf with honey. Next, take a jug of water standing next to the bowl and pour water from it into the bowl. We take out a fist-sized stone from our inventory and grind all the ingredients in the bowl with it. Ivo pours the finished potion into a glass and places it in his backpack. We go down to the library.

Aventasia is the world of the game “The Book of Unwritten Tales 2: Almanac Edition”, in which four protagonists have already settled with their destinies in different places. Since the characters were mired in their problems, they did not immediately notice how the environment around them was changing. Monsters turn into plush baby animals, but huge ancient buildings suddenly turn into small toy houses. In short, magic is once again infiltrating the hidden corners of society, and Wilbur, Evie, and their friends Miracle and Nate must stop the invasion. That is, you can’t just attack the enemy without knowing his position, and therefore you have to investigate the situation, which is not particularly pleasant for the characters.

They were never detectives, and while Wilbur has problems with politics, he cannot really deal with the invasion of dark forces. Evie is currently imprisoned by her own mother. Caged because this crazy old woman is willing to enslave her children for pleasure. The sadist is so seasoned and unyielding that she can really harm the girl, but the heroine is not so weak. Her friends will release her, and they will unite again to protect Aventasia, because evil forces are capable of influencing the minds of citizens, and this poses an even greater danger.

Release date: February 20, 2015 Platform: Windows - PC / PC Developer: KING Art Publisher: Nordic Games Version: v Publication type: Steam-Rip Torrent from: Let's Play Weight: 5.94 GB Crack: Present Interface language: Russian , English Voice language: English Country: Sweden Genre: Adventure,

Following the advice, we cling to the leather strap to move closer to the dragon’s paw. We use the rope - we find ourselves on the bridge with a cage in which the gremlin is locked. We talk with Professor MacGuffin. We inspect the mount on the cage, and then the wooden beam on top. We turn to the gremlin, he will give us the whip. We use it on the beam and climb up. We take the pole on which the flag is attached, and from the old box we take a rope with a fishing hook. By combining the rope and the shaft in the inventory, we get a fishing rod with which we will get the sword. We go down and talk with the gremlin on all topics, after which, using a sword, we cut the rope on the cage.


We talk with the manager. We need to catch the rat and we are free. We examine the box, try to open it - it’s useless. We take a crowbar from the rack and use it on the box. We pick up the instructions for the robot and read. In order for the robot to start hunting a rat, it needs to be fed garbage waste and something with rat DNA. We go to the back of the brewery and go into the kitchen. We examine the barrel of garbage and take some with us. We take the net from the bag, food waste from the table, and a coffee pot from the stove. On the table with dirty dishes, we inspect the pan, try to take it, but as long as there is mucus in the pan, you can forget about it. We leave the kitchen and approach the counter. We examine the rat hole and find some wool. We feed the robot garbage taken from the barrel and wool. The hunt has begun. The robot manages to shoo away the rat and our day is over.

We go outside, where the conversation with the gremlin takes place. He will give us a ring - this is the key to ending the war. You need to take it to the archmage in the city of people.

Bilbur's House

We look at the family photo and find out that Bilbur currently lives with his grandfather. We go down on the lift and come face to face with my grandfather. Password? Hmm... "Nuclear strike." We show grandfather the ring. We take the elven rope from the post and take the box with my father’s tools. In a pile of rubbish we find an object grabber - nothing else of interest. We talk to my grandfather, for our expedition we need to find the following: a map of the area, a parachute and a helmet, and in the meantime he will prepare the transport. Let's go upstairs. We examine the flying fish, click on it. We approach the gate, near which there is a device with 4 levers. We pull the lever responsible for the gnome's room. We take the backpack and racket. Now we pull the kitchen lever. We take a bottle of detergent, scissors from the knife stand, and a flask with super fertilizer from the drawer. We examine the mill and take a handful of barley from the funnel. In the inventory we connect the net with the racket, we get a net with which we can catch a flying fish.

We leave the house, and, approaching the brewery, we pick up an icicle from the scaffolding. We examine the rolled roll - this is a canopy, let's take it. We connect the backpack with the elven rope, and then tie the canopy to it. The parachute is ready. We go into the brewery and talk to the manager. We go into the kitchen and, having placed the detergent in the grabber, use it on the pan with the mucus. We take the pan - why not a helmet? We leave the kitchen and above the manager sleeping in the chair we see a map of the area attached to the wall. We need to find a way to wake him up. Nothing could be easier! We do the following: we examine the manager’s beard and use scissors to cut off a piece of hair. Now we approach the robot and feed it waste and beard hair. We talk with the manager about the card. He doesn’t want to give it to us, but we are impudent and, while the manager is loading up on beer, we take the card.

Let's return to grandfather. We receive a new task - to get strong beer and a 5/8 inch gear. We place the flying fish in a vice and use the tools to pick up the gear. We go to the brewery and talk to the manager. To make beer he will need: clean water, barley and hop cones. We find out that the rat dragged several cones into its hole, we take one out of it - we need more. We go into the house and examine the table with plants. We plant a hop cone in an empty pot and water it with super fertilizer. We collect 10 cones and go to the brewery. Let's deal with clean water. Going to the kitchen, we place an icicle in the coffee pot and place it on the hearth. We take a coffee pot with water. We give the water, cones and barley to the manager, and take a mug of strong beer. We go into the house and give grandfather the gear and beer. Have a nice flight, grandsons!!!

MacGuffin House

We inspect the well, turn the handle - there is no bucket. We approach the house. We take the watering can and a bundle of firewood from the woodpile. We find flint under the flower pot. Returning to the well, we tie a watering can to a rope and fill it with water. We approach the fireplace, hang a watering can on a tripod, put firewood and try to set it on fire using flint. It doesn’t work, you need to find something for kindling. We go into the house. There is a figurine of a warrior on the fireplace; we take the silver shield for ourselves. We approach the stand in the form of a stone head and examine the small box standing on it. We take several unnecessary documents from Professor MacGuffin’s desk and read the diary. We take a sieve from the bag with tools and approach the stone chest, opening it, we sift the sand. Using the found key, we open the small box and take away a piece of paper with a description of a certain machine that knows everything. We also take a hexagonal key from the box, which we use on the stone - the pedestal. We talk to the car, take the beans and leave the house. We go to the fireplace, put the documents - ideal for kindling. We light a fire in the fireplace using flint, click on the mount with a hanging watering can, and then take the watering can with hot water. We put the beans in the mill and add the resulting powder to the watering can - the fuel for the car is ready. Returning to the house, we pour a drink into the cup of the car.

We go down the spiral staircase to the basement. We take the shaft and a pruning shear from the box. We study the drawing on the wall, according to which a diamond should be placed in the shaft. We approach the grate, behind which is the book we need, and examine the figures with precious stones in place of the eyes. We go upstairs, and before leaving the house, we install a silver shield in the frame, which is located to the left of the door. On the street we inspect the wooden shutter above the front door. We use the shaft on it. We go to the gravestone and, using pruning shears, remove the bushes and find out whose grave it is. We return to the house and, opening the sarcophagus, communicate with the mummy. You will have to answer several questions to get your hands on the diamond. Answers to questions: red linen, Kinski, 234. We go down to the basement and install the shaft in the hole on the floor, fix the diamond. We examine the stone figurine holding a mirror in its hands. We rotate it so that the light beam falls on the diamond. We take the book.
Book of Unwritten Tales

City "Sea Rock"

We talk with the guard and after he leaves, we will look around. Let's try to catch a rabbit - failure. We lift the stone, but there is nowhere to put the beetles yet. We go into the city.
We are near the school of magic. Closed. We approach the “Dancing Boar's Head” hotel (what a name), we go inside, where we meet Marcus, a teacher of magic, and Jorge, a traveling merchant. They are carried away by a stupid role-playing game, and can think and talk about little other than it. We take a jar from the counter, and a saw from the box that is located behind the teacher’s chair. We examine the door behind which the server room is located, “No entry!” We leave the hotel and go right, we find ourselves in the upper part of the city. We talk with the guard. To get to the archmage, you must have either an invitation or a magician's diploma. We have neither one nor the other. We go to the city gates, collect beetles in a jar and return to the hotel.

We go to the server room. The server is a monkey (a hairy demon, as our hero calls it). We look into the box - a card index of all items from the game, arranged in alphabetical order. An attempt to mix up the records ended in complete failure, and what a speed this monkey has. We urgently need to get rid of the Server, otherwise the role-playing game will never end. We examine the chair on which the monkey is sitting, then go to another chair, which is in the upper left corner, and use the saw on it. Again we mix up the entries in the card index and, while the monkey is putting everything in its place, we replace the chair. There is one complaint! We leave the hotel and go to the guard who is eating a banana. We talk to him all the way until we get a banana. We return to the hotel, give the banana to the monkey - the second complaint in the basket. And finally, we release beetles from a jar onto the Server. Finally, the merchant and the teacher interrupted the game.

We go out into the street, where we talk with the merchant. If we kill the rat King of Thieves and bring Jorge the mask, we can take any three things from him completely free of charge. We go to the school of magic and talk to Marcus. In order to become a magician, you must have a robe, a magic wand and gold. To sew a robe, you need magic fabric, a magic needle and thread, and a pattern. From the teacher we receive a map of the area, with which we can now quickly move. We examine the mirror - this is a passage to the world of the dead. With the permission of the teacher, we take a crystal ball from the chest of drawers and, just before leaving, we look into the box, from which we take a magic needle and thread and 3 flasks with potions.

On the street we watch the battle that takes place between the King of Thieves and the merchant (Jorge clearly loses). Not far from the front door of the hotel, we examine the entrance to the sewer. We drink all three potions (in what order it doesn’t matter) and shrink, but not enough to get into the sewer. We talk with the merchant, it turns out he has a reduction ring. To pay? What more! We take the ring and, returning to the entrance to the sewer, put it on our finger, and then drink the potion from the flask.

We go into the sewer, where we talk with the King of Thieves. If we bring food for the rats, we will receive the King’s mask and all possible help in training to become a magician. We take some moldy mucus and go out into the fresh air. Remember the big sandwich in the guard's basket? Let's go to him. We talk to the guard, he will give the sandwich if we win against him at cards. We agree to the game and... we lose. We go to Marcus, we get half of a particularly good card. Leaving the school, we approach the sewer and shrink down. We talk with the King of Thieves about the map, he has already seen this somewhere. Once outside, we will walk outside the city gates and return to the school of magic. Hearing the King of Thieves calling us, we shrink down and get the second half of the map. We go into the hotel and on the panel of the gaming machine we find a roll of adhesive tape. We go into the server room and, since the monkey is missing, we take away the bottle of ink. We go outside, connect the two halves of the card with adhesive tape and go play with the guard. We show him the restored card, but he refuses to play. We go to Marcus, talk with him about the guard and get a book with the rules of the game. We take the book to the guard, who has no choice but to play with us. Hurray, victory! The guard demands revenge, we promise that no one will know about our win. We take the sandwich and take it to the King of Thieves (without shrinking, we push it through the entrance to the sewer). Then we shrink down to talk to the King of Thieves. We take the mask and give it to the merchant, in return we receive a roll of magic fabric. We also go through all the magic wands that the merchant has, but none of them suits us. We go down into the sewer again and ask the King of Thieves to look for a magic wand and a pattern for us. If they find something for us, a white flag will be hung near the entrance. Let's go somewhere for now, at least to the school of magic, and return to the entrance, near which a white flag is already hanging. We take the magic wand and the pattern. In the inventory, click on the pattern, the mantle is ready. All that remains is to get the gold. We go to the fortuneteller's van.

Fortune Teller's Van

We talk with the predictor Francis the Incredible. To get gold, you need to win at roulette. We look at the cells: in one there lives an invisible squirrel (a rare species), the other cell is empty, in it we find a pigeon feather. We talk to the fortuneteller again and ask him to tell us about our future. Yes, my friend, you are a charlatan! We examine the crystal ball, distract the fortuneteller by talking about the squirrel and, when he goes to the cage, we change his ball to a crystal ball from the school of magic. Let's listen to a real prediction of the future. Now let's look at the roulette wheel, the point of the game is to guess three times in a row which color will come up. We put the fortuneteller into a trance again and ask about roulette. We ask questions about the colors that should fall out, but in this way we can only find out two colors, but the third color, according to my observations, coincides with the second dropped color. Having won at roulette, we take the gold and go to the school of magic.

City "Sea Rock"

We talk with Marcus. Now Bilbur is a magician's apprentice. To obtain a magician's diploma, you must pass three tests: brew a magic potion, obtain an artifact, and cast a spell. We examine the bookshelf, take out a book in which we find a recipe for making an elixir of acceleration. We approach the table with various ingredients, open the saucepan - peppermint is needed. We take a crystal flask, because the future potion needs to be poured into something, and from a small box - an asthmatic larva. Next to the table we examine the large saucepan, it is in it that we will brew the potion. We leave the school and talk with the merchant. We shrink down and show the recipe to the King of Thieves, he promises to get us the antlers of a deer beetle. We go outside and go to the fortuneteller.

Fortune Teller's Van

We talk with Francis. If we get the rabbit and the top hat, he will teach us a spell. Great, and you don’t have to wait a whole month. We approach the hamster and take away the carrot tied to his side. We go to the swamp of Death.

Swamp of Death

We approach a tree, red sweat grows on it on the left side - we take it. We examine the skeleton of the animal and find a bone worm. We go inside the ship and talk to the skeleton. To get into the world of spirits (namely, there is an artifact that needs to be obtained), we need to write our name in the book of the dead. We ask Death to borrow the cylinder for a while - the request is rejected. Greedy! Near the shelf on which the cylinder lies on top, we take the rope. On the wall, just below the hanging fish skeleton, bluish spirit mushrooms grow, let's take one with us. We return to the city.

City "Sea Rock"

We approach the entrance to the sewer and, having taken the stag beetle's antlers, we go to the school of magic. We use the mortar that is on the teacher's table to obtain powder from the stag beetle's antlers. It remains to obtain the last ingredient for our potion - mold mucus extract. To do this, we place the moldy mucus under a press, which is located on the table with the bottles. Let's start preparing the potion (instructions are included):

Step 1: add the mushroom and stir the potion (make circular movements with the mouse) until it turns green,
Step 2: add mucus extract and stir to the left until pink,
Step 3: add red sweat and as soon as red bubbles appear, start stirring quickly,
Step 4: add stag beetle horn powder, wait for the potion to become 3 times blue, add bone worms,
Step 5: add asthmatic larvae and stir 4 times to the right, 2 times to the left and finally 2 times to the right,
Step 6: add mint and stir until the potion turns golden.

The potion is ready. We leave the school and go outside the city gates. We tie a rope to the tree, and then put a carrot in the loop of the resulting snare. We take the rabbit and return to the city. The merchant is packing his things, let's talk to him - after all, he owes us two more things for the service rendered. Jorge will give us a bag, opening which we take away the fireworks.

Swamp of Death

We go inside the ship and put the fireworks in the oven. While Death is watching what is happening in the oven, we quickly write ourselves into the book of the dead using ink. We speak with Death.

World of the dead. We go to the school of magic and try to talk to Marcus. It's no use, he doesn't see us. We pass through the mirror - our amulet. We return to the swamp, talk with Death, after which we erase our name from the book of the dead.

We talk to Death again, suggesting that we find something else to do. Death will have an idea to open an agency for burying people alive, and they will make us a “tempting” offer to become a partner in this business. We go to the fortuneteller, he agrees to invest in the cause of Death. We return to the swamp. Wow, our “partner” didn’t waste any time and has already dug a grave. We talk with Death, offer him to become the first client, so to speak, to try it out. Having buried it, we take the cylinder and go to the fortuneteller.

Fortune Teller's Van

We give Francis the rabbit and the cylinder, look at the trick that the fortuneteller shows. We say goodbye and go to the school of magic.

City "Sea Rock"

We talk to Marcus, show him the trick (I don’t know how, but we manage to turn the rabbit into a sheep) and the artifact. We take the diploma and, presenting it to the guard, go to the upper part of the city.

We show the false archmage the ring. The gremlin hologram will tell you about the artifact of Fate, which is hidden on the island of Sordia. You need to find 2 companions before setting off. We leave the archmage's tower.

We talk with the orc woman (bounty hunter) MaZaz. We talk with the prisoner. Nat is the captain of the ship Maria, a treasure hunter. He is an ideal candidate for our expedition, we need to free him. We take the fishing net, but we won’t be able to take the rope while MaZaz is watching us, but as soon as she turns away to talk with Nat, the rope is ours. We go to the right, inspect the halberd and the beam that supports the roof. We go out to the lower part of the city and witness a skirmish between the elf Ivo and the guard. We talk with Ivo, after which we go to the school of magic, but we no longer find Marcus. We read the note left for us on the table and take the magic glasses. We return to the upper part of the city, tie a rope to the beam under the roof and wait for Ivo to climb up it.

We go to the archmage’s tower, where we talk with the elf. We use glasses on the book “Encyclopedia of Science Fiction”. There is too little information on how to get to Sordia Island. There are papers on the bookcase, perhaps there are maps among them, but we can’t reach them. Therefore, we switch to Ivo.

We play for Ivo. We take out a map from the cabinet, which is a smaller copy of the map from the wall. We read the book of the gremlin, the starting point of departure to the island of Sordia is the city of KrunPak. We study the map on the wall, but it is old, and KrunPak is the new name of the city. We need to find out what it was called before.

We play as Bilbur. We study the entries in the book “Encyclopedia of Fiction” and learn that KrunPak was previously called Rotkisselburg.

We play for Ivo. On the map we find the city of Rotkisselburg and from there we pave the way to the island of Sordia:
Book of Unwritten Tales

We leave the tower. We talk with MaZaz, offer her an arm wrestling competition - we lose.

We play as Bilbur. We give Ivo the elixir of Strength, and then untie the rope from the beam.

We play for Ivo. We drink the elixir and again invite MaZaz to fight.

We play as Bilbur. While the ladies find out which of them is stronger, we put the fishing net on the boards and throw the rope through the pipe above the cage. We tie one end of the rope to the net, and the other to the transport bale. After MaZaz stands on the fishing net, we push the bale. We talk to Nat about the expedition to the island, he agrees to take us with the condition that 30% of what is found is his. Well, let's go.

Sordia Island

We play for Ivo. We select a branch that is lying next to Bilbur, examine the skeleton of the fish and take the fish bone. We take the rope and bucket, connect the stick with the rope in the inventory, and then with the bone - we get a fishing rod. We examine the hive, we need to find a container to take some honey. We talk with Nat (move the cursor to the upper right corner), he will drop us a jar with the remains of marmalade. We turn to Tsip-tsip and ask to distract the bees, while we collect honey into the jar. We examine the temple gates, then a small plot of land near the log. Pour water from the bucket onto the ground and collect worms. We bait the worm on the hook of the fishing rod, approach the cliff and ask Bilbur to catch the fish. Well...the gnome is a fisherman. Place the caught fish in a bucket of water. In the sea we see a fire fairy; in order to catch her, we place a jar of honey on a stone ledge. We approach the gate and examine the niches. We place worms in the “Essence of the Earth” niche, a jar with a fairy in the “Essence of Fire”, a bucket of fish in the “Essence of Water”, and Chick-chick in the “Essence of Air” (we just turn to the bird). The gate is open.

We play for Ivo. We examine the column with 4 rings, they can be rotated, but we don’t know the combination yet. We go deep into the temple and pick up a machete near the skeleton. We study stone masks and crystal. We return to the collapse and use the machete on the roots. Clinging to the root, we move to the other side, go outside and take the jar and bucket from the niches. We go deep into the temple, lower the jar into the water and catch the light jellyfish. Now we attach a bucket to the fishing rod, into which we place a jar of jellyfish and go to the collapse. Letting go of the jellyfish Bilbura

We play as Bilbur. We examine the door, the following symbols are carved on it: a long spiral, a fish without a head, a branch and a star.

We play for Ivo. We approach the column and display the symbols:
Book of Unwritten Tales

Then press the button on the right side of the column.

We play as Bilbur. We go through the opened door, inspect the hatch in the wall - it cannot be turned. We get up on the platform and go down to Nat. Having examined the roots, which we cannot reach, we ask Nat to help. There is a stone near the right platform, we can move it. Great. We go down on the left platform, and then climb up again along the roots. We switch to Nat and stand on the platform, after which, switching to Bilbur, we move the stone onto the platform and stand on it.

Let's play as Nat. We open the hatch and that’s it, nothing more can be done. We switch to the gnome and stand on the platform, now switch to Nat and also stand on the platform.
We play as Bilbur. We crawl through the hatch and climb up the stairs to the very top. We give the crystal to Ivo, select the stone tablet. We go down to Ivo to give her the tablet.

We play for Ivo. We examine the board, after which we approach a column with rotating rings. First, we set the symbols that are located in a row on the left edge, and press the button. Then we set the symbols from the 2nd row of the board, press the button in the same way, and then the symbols from the 3rd row (it didn’t work).

Let's play as Nat. Click on the stone head and activate the platform mechanism. We go to the wheel, turn it to close the door. Switching to Ivo, we place the symbols from the 3rd row of the board on the column and press the button. We switch to Nat and go up the stairs.

We play as Bilbur. We go into the shaft and go down, crawling through the small passage that has opened in the wall. We give the crystal to Ivo and go back upstairs.

We play for Ivo. We go deep into the temple and insert the crystals into the holes on the masks. Switch to Nat and click on the leftmost crystal. Then switch to Bilbur and click on the crystal on the far right. Well, in conclusion, switch to Ivo and click on the crystal in the center. The passage opens only when all three crystals are pressed, so one person must pass through. And it will be Ivo.

Temple car

We examine the boat with the skeleton, select the oar. Let's go further, take a few stones, on a round platform with 2 mounts for crystals, from a bowl we take a can of sardines in oil and a stone disk. Behind the gate in the shape of a monster's mouth is the Artifact of Fate. We approach the door and climb into the hole above the door. We're in the machine room. We rotate the wheel near the door to open it. We study the car, open the box - we find the 2nd stone disk. We select the mail cylinder from the floor.

Now we approach the device with 2 stone disks, put two more that we found. We need to solve a small problem - select 4 symbols so that the machine works. So let's get started. First, click on the button on top of the disks. Below, under the circles, we see 4 red fields, they can change color to yellow and green. If the field is red, then the symbol is set incorrectly. If the field is green, the symbol is set correctly. The yellow color of the field indicates that the disk remains to be turned only once to the correct symbol. After each rotation of the disk, press the button on top and see how the color of the field changes. Thus, we select 4 symbols and do this until they are all in the correct position. The correct combination is:
Book of Unwritten Tales

The car started working. We press the red button on the panel and leave the computer room, follow Bilbur and Nat. But there are none. We take two crystals and go to the cliff. The dwarf and the captain are in trouble, Munch is already here. We return to the computer room and begin preparations for the operation to eliminate the sorcerer. We inspect the rotating part of the machine, insert the oar into the hole. Pour the oil from the can of sardines onto the floor near the car and open the box. We leave the computer room and throw a pebble at Munch to attract his attention. We wait until the sorcerer receives a portion of slaps, and as soon as control returns to us, we insert the mail cylinder into the hole in the pipe that is near the wall. We close Munch in the machine room.

We approach the bowl and look at what Munch put in it - we take the mirror. We go to the exit from the temple, near the collapse we pick up a fishing rod. We use a mirror on the troll to temporarily blind him, but this is not enough. We examine the club that lies near the troll, we give a sign to Nat so that he distracts the troll with conversation. We use the fishing rod on the club and repeat the trick with the mirror. The troll, tripping over a fishing rod, falls into the sea. We free Nat and Bilbur, leave the captain to prepare the ship, and we ourselves go after the artifact.

Artifact of Doom

We play as Bilbur. Since the cave is very dark, we will move by touch. We examine something near the right wall - it’s a cardboard box. We open it in the inventory, it contains a box with dried light jellyfish. In the center of the cave we find a helmet, fill it with liquid (acid), and then place a jellyfish in it. Let there be light! We examine the barrel, it can be used as a boat, but there is no oar.

We play for Ivo. The elf does not need an oar; even without it, she can easily cross the magical acid on a barrel. We select the board and examine the chest. We return to the gnome and give him the oar.
We play as Bilbur. We cross on a barrel, using the board as an oar. We take the scratcher from the gramophone and insert its horn. We go down into the hole and, a little later, come back with a wooden circle and a rope. We cross on the barrel to Ivo, give her the rope, and then use the wooden circle on the barrel.

We play for Ivo. We tie the rope to the handle of the chest and pull it. We open the chest, from which we take a box with an artifact and a megaphone - we give it to Bilbur.

We play as Bilbur. Place the horn in the scratcher and blow the horn. We communicate with the monster and, in the end, we are released... Nat and Bilbur manage to escape from Munch, but not Ivo.

We communicate with the zombies and learn that Bilbur was kidnapped by orcs. We talk with the drowned woman, she is waiting for news from her beloved, to whom she was engaged. From the sarcophagus, which is located to the left of the drowned woman, we take a piece of skin. We exit to the front of the tomb. We talk with Gulliver (he has the body of a woman, Esther), and examine the mechanical monster that the zombie is working on. We take a spool of thread and a tube of yellow paint from the table, and a jar of glue from the chair. We talk with the head of the undead and leave the tomb. We pick up a red stone near the gate, pick a mushroom at the foot of the tree and go up to examine the head on the post. This is Esther’s head, we try to talk to her, but the paladin forbids talking to the prisoner. We take a map of the area from the box, and a pink pompom from the travel chest. We speak with the paladin, after which we go to the tipi (a tipi is the dwelling of Indian hunting tribes).

We talk with the Tauren shaman, after which we look around. We take the copper cup and black mascara from the chest with cosmetics. We take the bellows that serve to fan the fire, they are broken. We use glue on the fur and close the hole with a piece of leather. We take one feather from the feather headdress and return to the tomb. Now let's go towards the orc camp.

Orc camp

We select several rotten boards, examine the pile of garbage - the press is still in working order. We pick the blue flowers and, approaching the gate, remove the sheet of paper on the right side. We try to go to the orc camp, talk with the leader. Bilbur is a prize that will be given to one of the warriors who wins the competition.

We talk with the paladin, offer him to take part in the orc competition - he refuses. We go to the tomb and talk with Gulliver. There are two ways to win the competition: either become a first-class warrior, or collect a warrior kit, which consists of a sword of strength, a shield and a helmet. Gulliver will help in finding the sword if we bring him the lungs and heart for the monster, the head of Esther and we can call lightning, with the help of which we can revive the zombie creation. We have the lungs - we give the repaired furs to Gulliver. We talk with the king of the undead, he knows where the helmet is, but will only tell us if the paladin forgives him. We go to the back of the tomb and talk with the drowned woman about the warrior’s kit. She knows where the shield is and will tell us as soon as word comes from Maximilian. Okay, let's write a letter on a piece of paper with a pen: “Darling!..voices! Terrible voices!..fate was harsh!..deep in the sea...a disastrous curse connected me with the water...” We give the letter to the drowned woman. Our attempt to deceive failed - the letter was not sealed. We go to the front of the tomb, and drip wax from a burning candle onto the letter. We return to the drowned woman, examine the sarcophagus, which is to the right of the weeping maiden, and use the letter on the signet ring. We give the sealed letter to the drowned woman - the shield is with the two-headed ogre that lives in the cave. We leave the tomb.

Shaman. Sleepwalking Potion

We talk with the shaman, he will brew a potion of sleepwalking so that we can subjugate the paladin to our will. Let's start collecting the components included in the potion. We approach the paladin and place the copper cup in the place where the knight spits after each zombie word spoken out loud. We talk to the paladin, take the cup with saliva. We talk to the paladin again, this time about his hair - he will give us the comb. We go to the back of the tomb and take the ashes of the paladin's ancestor from the urn. We return to the shaman, give him everything we have collected (we offer a pompom as a piece of clothing - the shaman will take a thread from it). We take the sleepwalking potion. We take a sip ourselves and go to the paladin.

We give the paladin a sleepwalking potion to drink, move into his body and go to the tomb. The show begins! After we become Nat again, we take Esther’s head and go talk to the king of the undead. The helmet is located in the Kobold Mine. We return Esther's head to Gulliver and talk to him. Phew, at least you don’t have to look for your heart - Esther will generously give hers. All that remains is to revive the monster and, if we succeed, Gulliver will not only tell us where the sword is, but will also give us armor.

Shaman. Spirit mushrooms

The shaman has run out of spirit mushrooms, which look like this: purple with green spots. Grind in a mortar: red stone - we get red powder, flowers - we get blue paint. We go into the tomb, near the sarcophagus there is a puddle of resin on the stone slabs - we use powder on it, we get red paint. We talk with the king of the undead about spirit mushrooms. The mushrooms ran out 5 days ago, and new ones will grow only in two months. But we can’t wait that long, we have to create. To get purple paint, mix red and blue paints, and green - blue and yellow. In the inventory, paint the mushroom with purple paint, and then apply green spots. We take the mushroom to the shaman. It didn’t work, it turns out that the mushroom should have a special smell. Let's do it. We go to Gulliver, give him the mushroom - just rub it under your arm and a unique smell is guaranteed. We return to the shaman and give the mushroom.

We leave the tipi, and after taking a walk somewhere (no matter where), we go to the shaman again. After talking with him about calling a thunderstorm, we get a piece of paper with a rain dance. We go to Gulliver, stand as close as possible to the tree on which the antenna is fixed and click on the piece of paper with the dance (you need to click on the buttons when they are in the area of ​​green brackets, we can also make a mistake three times). Having danced enough and received a bolt of lightning, we go to the tomb. We talk to Gulliver, take out the armor and find out that the sword is in the Fire Mountain.

Kobold mine. Helmet

We talk to the helmet. Yes, it was a short conversation. We go back to the mine. We examine the trough with water, go into the right tunnel, where two kobolds are working - we take the teddy bear from the chair and transfer it to another chair. We watch the kobolds squabble. Now we go up, there is a fork in front of us - we turn left. We take the flask and go right. We take the key from the table, and dynamite from the box. We go back and fill the flask with water from the trough, then we go to the right and go into the nook where there is a chest. We open it with the key and take away the magnetic stone. We return to the fork and go straight. We examine the torch on the wall, after which we throw a flask filled with water into it. We take the extinguished torch and move on. We put dynamite on the pile of garbage and go to where we took the flask, and light a torch from the fire. We use the lit torch on the dynamite. We examine the cart, take the handle and go into the kobold sanctuary. We look down, in the inventory we connect the magnet with a spool of thread and use this design on the helmet. We wait for the kobold to throw his helmet out into the street, just like he once did for us, and go down. It won't be possible to collect donations, and the kobold isn't very talkative. We make our way back, leave the mine and pick up the helmet.

Ogre cave. Shield

We talk with the two-headed ogre - Zloff and Grump. We examine Grump's favorite plate - this is the shield that we need so much. We talk to Grump, he is very hungry, but until Zloff stops reading, there will be no lunch. You need to make a strong ogre cocktail to distract Zloff from reading. We agree to help, and we are allowed to look around. We take the hose, a bag of rotten apples and go to the closet, in which we find an umbrella for cocktails, and at the top of the closet there is a glass. We go to the orc camp and pour the apples into the press, by clicking on it, we get fermented apple juice. Now we go to the shaman’s tipi, attach a hose to the lid of the pan and pour the juice into it. We get a weak alcoholic drink. Pour the drink into the pan again, and then again - take the resulting strong cocktail for the ogre. We combine a glass and an umbrella in our inventory and pour a cocktail into it. We return to the cave and, before giving the drink to the ogre, we close the gap between the stones with rotten boards. We treat Zloff. So, one brother went blind, and the other was not satisfied. We talk to Grump, after which we connect the pom-pom with a spool of thread and use it on the ogre. We take the shield and go to the Fire Mountain.

Fire Mountain. Sword of Power

We talk with the dragon, he will give us the sword if we bring a gold coin. We look around everything. We take pliers and a blacksmith's hammer, and select a stone near the entrance. We place the stone on the anvil and use the hammer, taking away the stone with the crystal. We go to the kobold mine. We go into the shrine and give the kobold the stone with the crystal. When he leaves, we will take the dragon's head and a nugget of gold, after which we will return to Fire Mountain.

Near the smelting furnace we take a stone bowl and put gold in it. Now we attach the head to the body of the iron dragon - perfect. We examine the hatch on the dragon's neck, pull the chain. We open the furnace damper, put the bowl of gold in the furnace and, after a little while, take it out with the help of pliers. Now pour the molten gold into the coin minting device and press it. We take the coin and give it to the dragon, in return we get a broken sword. We read the blacksmith's book, we need copper. We go to the mine again.

We go to the part of the mine where they blew up a bunch of garbage. There is a deposit of copper in the wall, we connect the top of the pickaxe with the handle and use the pickaxe to extract copper. We return to the mountain. We fill the bowl with copper rock and put it in the oven, take it out using pliers. Now we lower the bowl of molten copper into a trough of water and place a piece of copper on the anvil. Having trained on copper pots, we begin to repair the sword. We turn to the dragon and ask him to blow flame onto the sword. Need to make you angry? Oh, we can do this. We build a dialogue on the following phrases: - you are stupid, - such a dragon cannot become a monster, - help me. Thanks to the dragon's breath, we now have a magical sword.

We go to the orc camp, where we talk with the leader. They let us through.

We play for Ivo. We talk with Captain Nat's beast, We ask him to help us free ourselves.

We play as a werewolf. We select a stick. We examine the skeleton, take a piece of fabric, which we connect to a stick. We pass through the door - the entrance to the prison is guarded by a troll. We take the chicken from the wall near him, we notice a bunch of keys on the floor, but we won’t be able to take them. We pass to the right, examine the banner on the wall and go up the stairs. We take a pillow from the chest and go to the barrel, take out pictures from it until we get a still life. We approach a pile of cannonballs, pick one up and see what happens. I see. We lower a stick with a cloth into a cart with a black substance (tar most likely) - we get a torch. We go down and put a pillow on the board from which the cannonball bounced off. We go up again and throw off another core. Eat! We go down, approach the fire dog's bowl and lower the torch into it, after which we set fire to the troll's pants. We take the bunch of keys and go into the prison. We use the keys on the chain that binds Ivo’s legs. We go outside. We inspect the chimney and, having overturned it, turn it so that the hole farthest from us is as close as possible to the prison window. Now we approach the cannonball and push it. We return to the prison, give Ivo the chicken, still life and torch.
We play for Ivo. We select the core and approach the chamber grate. Hey, who's that snoring there? Wow - Professor MacGuffin, let's talk to him. The lock on the grate is sealed with magic and cannot be opened; we must figure out how to free the gremlin. We approach the torture device, use the chicken on it - we get something like a mini catapult. We go to the door and attach a still life to the viewing window. Now we load the cannonball into the catapult and, switching to the werewolf, we go to get the troll (we just try to talk to him). Let's run!!!

We examine the troll locked in a cage. We leave the prison and in the nook where the troll was sitting, we take the blacksmith's hammer.

We play as a werewolf. We go up the stairs and hide in a vase.

We play for Ivo. We examine the banner on the wall, set it on fire using a torch. The smoke distracts the black guard and he leaves his post.

We play as a werewolf. From the stand with documents we take the document with the “Freeze” spell and again hide in the vase. When the black guard returns, we get out of the vase and go downstairs. We go into the prison and use the document with the spell on the bars.

We play for Ivo. We use the hammer on the frozen grate and free the MacGuffin. We talk with the professor, ask him to give us a master key and read the inscriptions in the booth. It turns out that this is a teleportation device and all you need to do is find the gold one and find out the number you can call to teleport. We leave the prison and go upstairs, use the master key on the chest - we take several gold coins. We return to the prison and pull the torch near the door, and ask for the other one, which is on the wall near the window, to pull the MacGuffin. From the opened cache we take the telephone directory. We give the gremlin the gold and the reference book and head outside the city.

Orc camp. Competition

We will pass all the tests while competing with our old friend MaZaz. We talk with the leader; we fail the first “Strength” test of moving the wooden “Gnome”. MaZaz carried the Gnome a distance of 12 steps, but we couldn’t even take one. Let's leave "Gnome" alone for now. We approach the termite mound and communicate with its inhabitants, asking them to hollow out the “Gnome” from the inside so that it becomes lighter. In exchange, the termites want a tree from 1784, grown in the Chateau. Behind the “Gnome” lies a log from which we take a branch. We go to the back of the camp. We talk with Jorge, a merchant whom we have already met in the city of people, playing for Bilbur. We go into the tent and encounter a stranger in a black hood. From the sofa cushion we take a board from 1784, made in the Chateau (all this is suspicious). Before leaving the tent, we examine the skeleton and pick up the arrowhead. We go to the front of the camp and give the board to the termites. We approach the “Gnome” and place a board with termites on it, after which we pick up the “Gnome” and throw it 12.5 steps. Victory!

The next “Dexterity” competition is archery. We follow the leader and watch how MaZaz scores 10 points. But first we need to get a bow and arrows. In the inventory we connect the tip, branch and feather - the arrow is ready. We go to the front of the camp, talk to the merchant, and then to the stranger in the black hood. We'll get onions if we tell the merchant about the pots. It’s strange, but we have no choice, so we talk to the merchant. He doesn't have 98 bowlers. We talk with the stranger again, after which we go to the upper part of the camp and, returning back, we get a bow. We talk to the leader, shoot and miss. We do the following: place the non-magical shield in the 2nd position, the frying pan from the east in the 1st position (counting from left to right), the shield from the shelled toad in the 2nd position, and the frying pan in the 1st position. We shoot and hit the bull's eye, like MaZaz, but we are not satisfied with a draw. We go to the merchant, he has a magnet. Jorge offers to play a game, the task is to guess 3 numbers (from 1 to 100), which he will wish for. Let's guess - the magnet is ours, and if not, then we will lose the warrior's kit. We talk with a stranger, he gives us a piece of paper with the numbers 42, 79 and 2 ½ written on it. Well, another thing, now you can play. We take the magnet, attach it to the target and talk to the orc. Hooray!

The last competition left is “Running”. MaZaz did not return, and we win (it seems that there was a mysterious stranger here too).

We play as Bilbur. We inspect the circle of protection, take a ball of thread from the box and leave the tent. We take the magnet from the target, talk with the orc leader, who will give us the packaging from the protection kit. Having opened it, we take out the instructions for the circle of protection, as well as mithril foil. We read the instructions, which say that for safe passage into the circle of protection, you need a device made of foil and wire. We go to the front of the camp and notice a wire attached to the roof of the hut. In the inventory, we connect the threads with the magnet, take out the wire and return to the tent. We connect the foil and wire, go into the circle and take the box with the artifact. You can’t just take the box out - the leader will notice. We go to the front of the camp, where we talk with the termites. We return to the tent again. What is it with our reflection in the mirror? Oh well, never mind! We leave the camp, they are already waiting for us!!!
Back to the past.

We examine the pile of garbage and find a balloon. We go into the camp, talk with the leader of the orcs - they consider us a spy of the witch. Very good! From the board behind the leader, we take the tape measure from the socks. We go to the back of the camp, talk to Jorge and go into the tent. We inspect everything and leave the camp.

We go to the cemetery gates and talk with the ghost. We look at the graves through the fence and talk to the ghost again, he will advise you to take a simple board. Well, that's what we'll do. We go to the shaman, he has deer antlers, which are perfect for making a bow, but in return he wants to get fire water. We inspect the pan; the water is almost boiling. We put a tape measure of socks into it - it sat down.

We go to the Fire Mountain, talk to the dragon and take all the copper pots. We go to the cave, look into the hole and, introducing ourselves as MaZaz, tell the ogre that we have come for their heads. We talk with the ogre and agree to help him get out. We approach the fire and use the ball on it in order to fill it with hot air. The ogre was too heavy to lift in the balloon. In the closet we find Zloff's dental floss - perfect as a bowstring.

We return to the orc camp, hang up the shrunken tape measure in its original place and, going into the tent, place the board on the pillow. We go outside and talk to the merchant. We offer to exchange fire water for 97 cauldrons, but he does not agree, and we have nothing more to offer. We go to the front of the camp, where we watch the first competition. We talk with Nat, give him a piece of paper with written numbers. We talk with the merchant, now he agrees to the exchange.

We take the bottle of fire water to the shaman and take the horns. We connect the horns and the bowstring, we get a bow, which we give to Nat. We are watching the second competition. We talk with the merchant again, take away the reduction ring. We go to the cave and give the ring to the ogre, after which we return to the orc camp.

Playing as Bilbur, we replace the box with the artifact. Let's watch the video. After which, all we have to do is save Nat and Bilbur and watch the final video to the end.