Walkthrough of "To each his own" (quests). Walkthrough of the game "Corsairs: To each his own." Walkthrough of the game Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche Corsairs to each his own Gascon burden

Walkthrough of Corsairs To each his own. Stolen Jewel
From the magazine: I came across the corpse of either a pirate or a bandit in the jungle. On the body, among other things, I was able to find magnificent earrings. It’s worth asking around the city to see who they might belong to. I think I can get some good money for them.
From the magazine: It turns out that the earrings belonged to the governor’s wife. Jacques Dil Du Parquet was very glad that the jewelry returned to the family and gave me a map of the archipelago.
Walkthrough of Corsairs To each his own. Cannibals
From the magazine: At the port office, I learned that a man named Prosper Troubal needed help, and immediately. I'll hurry to find him. As I was told, he should be at the well, not far from the city gates.
Not far from the gate to the jungle there is a port authority house. Go inside and talk to Paul Gery. His friend was going to fight alone with the Indians in the jungle. He needs help. Exit the port office, go left and near the gate you will see Prosper Trubal - talk to him.
From the magazine: I don’t know how much I’ll be able to earn from this, or whether I’ll be able to earn it at all, but I couldn’t refuse a man whose daughter is in mortal danger. I go with Prosper Troubal into the jungle to eliminate a gang of Indians kidnapping the townspeople of Saint-Pierre. Go out through the gate, move along the forks like this - left, left, right (near the transition to the location with the cave, Prosper will stop you and tell you that you are already nearby). Go to the location, attack the Indians, trying to keep them away from Prosper, who will kill them with accurate shots. Talk to Prosper, enter the cave and rush at the Indians. The passage to the compartment on the left is narrow, you can stand behind it and repel the attack of the Indians one by one. After killing everyone, talk to Prosper - his daughter is alive!
From the magazine: Prosper and I successfully destroyed the red-skinned scoundrels, who actually turned out to be cannibals. We need to take another prisoner out of the cave and go back to the city.
In the far part of the cave, find Dilbert Coursey and talk to him. Leave the cave and talk to Prosper again. Return to the city and receive rewards from Prosper and Gilbert, 8000 pesos and 30 doubloons.
From the magazine: Everything ended well. Selina and her father returned to the city, and I received a worthy reward for my help.
Give the money to the shipyard and the ship is yours.
From the magazine: Well, Michel's wish came true: I became captain! Ha, if only Pula could see me now, proudly walking along the deck of this nutshell! I'm a captain... I just can't get used to this. Although, damn it, it's funny - who would have thought? OK. The time has come for the newly minted captain to start hiring a team. My brother said that the tavern owner could help me with this. Now I'm almost a real captain - I have my own team! I'm literally bursting with pride. Damn my brother... Now it's time to look for a navigator for my ship - I myself can hardly even get out to sea from the harbor, let alone get to Guadeloupe. Let me ask the bartender again - since he helped with the team, it means he will probably help with the navigator.
From the magazine: In the port I managed to find out about a certain navigator named Folke Delluc, who was imprisoned for debt. I have no other option - I have to try to get this man out from behind bars.
I'm going to the commandant. The commandant will advise you to contact a moneylender; if you have this amount, then you immediately pay off the debt, if not, you complete the money lender’s task.
From the magazine: As payment for Folke Delluc's debt, the moneylender offered me a rather dangerous task: to go to Le Marin Bay in the evening, recapture a Spanish captive from the pirates, intended to be handed over to the British, and deliver him to him. You should go to the rendezvous on foot through the jungle
Walkthrough of Corsairs To each his own. Scarce product
One of the guards guarding the entrance to the French port asks Charles to bring him a bottle of European wine. The guard can be handed over to the commander of the fort for 1000 pesos, after which the quest closes. Wine can be purchased from any hawker for 700 pesos. The next morning we find the quest giver and hand over the wine, we get 1000 pesos. The guard asks Charles to get more wine, no less than 10 bottles, and no more than 60. For each bottle, 1000 pesos are offered, the wine must be brought within a week. We contact the shopkeeper and talk about wine. He replies that he does not have large quantities, but for a reward of 1000 pesos, he advises you to contact the store owner. The merchant is silent and does not talk about any wine. We return to the shopkeeper again. Don't be rude to him! We politely ask how this happened. For another 2000 pesos we receive a letter, with which we again go to the merchant. Now he agrees to sell us wine. Important! To purchase 60 bottles you need to collect 30,000 pesos, so it is better to complete this quest before going to the shipyard and buying a lugger.
Walkthrough of Corsairs To each his own. Spanish engineer
Ask what needs to be done - persuade the pirates to give up the Spanish engineer, who is a friend of the moneylender. Pirates must be waited in Le Marin Bay from 21-00 to 24-00. Follow the following path through the jungle - left, right, right, straight along the only path. Go to the water, there will be pirates with a Spanish engineer on the right. Talk to them, kill the two pirates, then fight the distrustful Spaniard. After defeating him, talk to him again.
From the magazine: The pirates really turned out to be intractable, and I had to deal with them. The Spaniard tried to get rid of me by removing the saber from the pirate's corpse and engaging in battle with me, but I quickly calmed him down. Strange, but the Spaniard claims that he does not know the moneylender... However, this does not concern me. Now you need to take the prisoner to Saint-Pierre.
In the city I should avoid meeting the guards until I take the Spaniard to the moneylender’s house, otherwise trouble will inevitably occur. You can’t go into the city until nightfall, because... There will be guards at the gate. Follow to the pirate town, go to the tavern and rent a room until nightfall. Or just wait until after midnight. Go to Saint Pierre, enter the city - the gate is not guarded. However, there are officers walking along the street - avoid meeting them, you will end up with a moneylender. Talk to him, get Folke's receipts. Go to the prison, show the commandant Folke’s receipts. Your navigator will be brought to you. Talk to him, leave the prison, in the hope of boarding a new ship. At the city gates you will be greeted by a certain funny guy - Walter Kutcher. He informed me that Cesare Craig, the owner of the pirate tavern Le Francois, wants to use the hold of my ship to transport a shipment of wine to Guadeloupe and is ready to pay ten thousand pesos for this. It would be stupid in my position to throw around such proposals. After equipping the ship for voyage, I will immediately go to Le Francois. Having agreed, go to the deck of the ship, press Enter and go to the cabin. Folke Delluc is on my team. I need to take him to my ship and hold a meeting in the cabin - perhaps Folke will tell me something useful. Talk to Folke, go ashore. It is necessary to purchase for my ship at least 100 pieces of cannonballs, nipples and bombs, 100 portions of buckshot and gunpowder for 200 shots. Having done this, go onto the deck of the ship. Enter the cabin, talk to Folke, he will tell you that you need to buy 50 weapons. Go to the same store and buy a weapon. Talk to Folke again, buy 10 barrels of rum and 100 portions of food from the store. Proceed to the port of Le Francois, disembark, go to another location and enter the pirate village. Talk to the innkeeper, he will say that he did not send anyone to you. Apparently you were lured into a trap. Go back to your ship and you will be attacked by pirates. Shoot them by clicking LMB. You can change projectiles using keys 1, 2, 3 and 4. Use the “TAB” key to aim the guns until the sight changes and shoot. To make the battle faster, press the R key and then the + key several times. Sooner or later, the pirates will board you - defeat them in battle. Having captured the ship, reload all the goods onto yours. The fight was not easy, but I managed to win it. I think what happened will serve as a good lesson for me. Well, now you can breathe easy and finally go to Guadeloupe.

Walkthrough Corsairs To Each His Own Burden of the State End
From the magazine: October 1, 1654 11:14 Your deeds are inscrutable, Lord! Gascon's Burden
Who would have imagined six months ago that the gallant Maltese knight Michel de Montpey, hero of Barcelona and others, would cast a dirty shadow on the glorious name of the noble Henri de Montpey, and I, his “prodigal son”, “rake” and “Gigalo” would be offered to wipe away the traces of the stormy life of my “infallible” brother. And so I, like a mad Don Quixote, rush with full sail to the ends of the World, leaving behind Paris and the unfinished portrait of Pula in the form of Aphrodite emerging from the foam. By the way, I must admit that, in contrast to the charms of this devil, sea foam actually looks a little different than it seemed to me until now. I'll have to take this into account when I return... I hope my adventure will not last beyond Christmas, and Lulu's hubby will disappear on the eastern borders, leaving her alone with his baboon jealousy. Because of him, the air in Paris has recently become truly deadly for me. It will be necessary to make inquiries about the mission of the Order and my disgraced brother. I believe that Governor Jacques Deal du Parquet is aware of what is happening in his domain. Although de Brignier’s servant once again verbally warned me to be careful and not look for direct paths, which are not always the shortest. It's good that I still have a couple of trinkets left from Pulu's bounty, and some silver. I’ll have something to live on for the first time and come back as soon as I find out what our restless Michel could have done.
We go into the residence, the governor is sitting on a chair, talk to him, after that you will be arrested.
Before I even had time to ask properly about my brother, I was immediately arrested and put in prison. Brrr, I will remember these days in the company of rats and bedbugs for a long time. However, everything ended well - some pompous dandy, who introduced himself as Philippe de Poincy and turned out to be the governor-general of the French colonies, visited me in the casemates and ordered my release. It turns out that our brave Michel has done some very dubious things here! According to this de Poincy, my brother is suspected of almost all mortal sins. However, I won’t waste time and rush to him - let him tell me how he managed to make such a mess that even the mere mention of his name can put a person behind bars.
I'm going to the underground base of the Order of Malta in Saint-Pierre.
The meeting with my dear brother took place. Gee! I still can't come to my senses. Michel is accused of embezzling the Order's money, and owes Philippe de Poincy, the Governor General of the French Colonies, a million pesos! Incredible! But even more incredible is that his debt will have to be paid to me! Looks like my stay here is going to be a little longer and poor Lulu will have to find a new favorite. However, knowing her habits, this won’t be the case. And a “brilliant” prospect, according to Michel, opened up before me - to become a sailor and captain of my own ship. This is just what I needed! But I have no choice - I will have to come to terms with such an unexpected turn of fate. Michel said that there was a good ship in the local shipyard, a lugger as he called it, for which a deposit had been paid. You should visit the local shipwright and talk to him about buying back the ship. But where to get the money to buy? Michel put down 5,000 pesos for the ship as collateral, leaving only 15,000 pesos. Where can I get them?
First of all, go to the residence and pick up your sword, pistol, and light leather corset. Let's start earning money for the ship.
Walkthrough of Corsairs To each his own. Rum for the bartender
You take this task from the bartender.
From the magazine: Looks like I'll have to learn the trade of a smuggler. Tonight the lugger "Ghost" will anchor off Lamentin Beach, on the northern tip of the island. I need to get to this lugger on the longboat, go up on deck, tell the captain the password and get several boxes of expensive bottled rum. Then the longboat must be taken to the bay of the pirate settlement of Le Francois. If everything goes well, I will receive five thousand pesos for the work. So, at 19-00 you need to be on that very left pier, go on a longboat with five sailors to the Lamentin beach area, find the Ghost ship and board. Say the code phrase and wait for the rum to be loaded onto the longboat. Next you need to sail to the bay of the pirate settlement of Francois. But this task will need to start at 19-00, which is still far from that time. When 19-05 arrives, the entry “The longboat is at the pier” will be updated in the log. You can hit the road."
Go to the left pier, proceed to the longboat. You can use the tack of the ship, get out of the bay as far as possible, taking it a little to the right, then a landmark, the farthest rock on the right and swim to it, the shore should be on the right, going around it, press Enter, the Ghost ship icon should appear in the list at the top left - click on it. Now reopen the menu and select the boat - sail aboard the Ghost. The captain of the ship will approach you - tell him the password. Passwords in the game are randomly generated. If you suddenly forgot it and didn’t write it down, here are some of them:
The boards and tow will be there in the morning
Don't wait for the south wind
Old Thomas was waiting for beer
Camels go north
The bay is ready for landing
In my case it was the last option. At the same time, write in the same transcription as the innkeeper gave you - no need to put a period at the end! Rum is loaded onto my longboat. Now - to Le Francois Bay. Land at the port, talk to the smugglers and go to the tavern. The bartender paid me according to the agreement - he paid me five thousand pesos. In addition, he left me a telescope as a gift and presented me with three bottles of rum.
Walkthrough of Corsairs To each his own. Call girl
From the magazine: On the streets of the city, a certain nobleman named Apollinaire Sizois approached me and asked me for one unusual service: to go into a brothel and negotiate with the owner, Angelique, so that she would provide one of her girls named Lutisse “to take away.” Arthur gives us 6000 pesos, saying that we will need to pay 3000-3500 pesos per night. Agree!
Having agreed, you will learn the name - Lutiss. You will need to bring the girl no earlier than 23-00. The girl will need to be taken to the nobleman's barn, a two-story mansion with a red roof near the residence, after eleven in the evening. Follow to the brothel, talk in the room with Aurora, the local pimp. Say that you need Lutiss. Pay 2500 pesos. Aurora will say that Lutiss will be free at 11 pm and you need to pick her up before midnight. At 23-00 to 24-00 go to the brothel, to the common room. Where are several girls. Start a conversation with the blonde Lutiss. Tell her to follow you. Leave the brothel, go towards the residence and, facing it, approach the house on the right side - with a red roof and two floors. The girl herself should ask if you are there. Answer yes, wait for her to go inside, and thereby complete the task. You don’t have to come for Lutiss that same night, you can do it the next day. It is important to show up between 23-00 and 24-00! The girl was delivered to the customer's house. Well then. I think everyone was satisfied: me too. both the nobleman and Lutiss...

I accompanied the merchant to Tortuga, or rather to his lighthouse, and he gave me the plans of his competitor, another merchant, whose hold was filled with mahogany. He said that in two weeks he would have to appear on Cayman Island to replenish drinking water supplies. I thanked for the information and did not bear a grudge against my former companion, instead I moved to the port of Tortuga and exchanged my Lugger for a Sloop, which was slightly better than mine and could accommodate 15 more people, not to mention a more capacious hold, additional guns more high caliber. I did not load my ship, because my sailors were not very good gunners, and I myself, not very accurate, so I took 6-pound guns (3-pound on the Lugger), loaded the ship with gunpowder and shells, provisions I took enough for the voyage to the Caymans and more for the days of waiting for the ship. I didn’t load the ship too much and relied on speed and maneuverability, because the battle lay ahead of me against Flute, whose hold was supposed to be bursting with mahogany, therefore, there would be a battle against a clumsy heavyweight.

Cherishing dreams of a mountain of gold and glory, I set my ship towards Cayman. Along the way there were pirates and Spanish patrols, but they would never catch up with my swallow. Arriving on the island, three days earlier than expected, I decided to inspect it for profit and other hunters, like me. As soon as he landed on the shore, the sailors immediately ran up. It was clear from them that they had not eaten for several days and were very happy to see my ship. They asked to join me in my service, but I recruited sailors at the Tortuga tavern and I did not have room for them. Well, I didn’t leave them there on the island with empty hands and stomach. He ordered his sailors to provide them with a boat, medicines and provisions. This would be enough for them to reach the crowded shores of Cuba, and he himself headed into the interior of the island. After several hours of searching, I discovered the entrance to the cave. There was an empty chest in it, and in the cave itself there was a disgusting atmosphere - it smelled like a curse, so my bodyguard and I hurried to leave it quickly. Having examined the entire island, I returned back to the ship. There is no trace of those sailors, apparently they decided to try their luck and try to swim to the mainland or to Cuba. Good luck to them with that.

I ordered the ship to be camouflaged and began to wait for that merchant. Three days later he appeared on his flute under the French flag. His “friend” forgot to mention this, so I ordered to change my French flag to the Jolly Roger and headed to meet the flute. My sloop cut through the waves like a hot knife through butter and half an hour later you could already see the merchant’s surprised face through my cheap binoculars. On the deck of the flute, sailors began to run around, disturbing each other. Newbies, I thought.

The battle went on for several hours. My sloop seemed to be dancing near a large and clumsy elephant and stinging its most vulnerable parts. I didn’t have much gunpowder, because I didn’t want to overload my ship, so the first thing I did was fire at the ship’s crew. They may be newcomers, but there were three, or maybe even four, more of them than us. It's not worth the risk. So the reserves of buckshot ran out, and the crew of the flute was noticeably reduced, and its sails were also damaged, now it was even more clumsy. I did not allow this unfortunate captain to turn his ship sideways towards me, I constantly adjusted my side to his stern and fired from all five 6-foot cannons. Well, the gunpowder ran out in the hold.

There are only 30 of my 59 sailors left, what a pity that not all of them will be able to see the gold that I will receive for the goods that lie in the flute’s hold, if it really is there. But there was nowhere to retreat, and it was stupid - we took up arms and went to board. For each of our sailors there were three enemy sailors, and this is taking into account the fact that we fired at them with grapeshot for so long that it would have been enough to cast a large bell.

How many deaths? Of all the sailors, only four were squeezed out, and even then, three of them were seriously wounded. It was impossible to allow the death of the others to be in vain and, armed, my Indian friend and I went down into the hold, where ten more French sailors were waiting for us. Their numbers are against our skill. I made the right choice to save this Indian from the gallows. Victory was ours, and I had a meeting with their captain. The merchant turned out to be not accommodating, but I wanted to invite him to surrender and sail on, with his surviving sailors or those taken prisoner. He thought he could defeat me and doomed his people to slavery - well, that would be on his conscience.

But the merchant did not deceive. The hold of the flute was completely filled with mahogany. We spent several hours reloading the goods into the hold of our ship, and then headed back to Tortuga. The way back turned out to be quite calm, and the wind was glorious. The risk paid off and I earned fifty thousand pesos, ten thousand of which were spent on repairing my swallow, recruiting a new team and replenishing supplies. Aarrrghhh, what a nice day it was!

In just a few seconds, a calm breeze turns into a destructive squall. The clear sky becomes menacing due to many clouds. Torrents of rain and lightning erupt. Suddenly, from behind the horizon, a chilling horror appears on torn sails, a nightmare on the waves. It brings death to all living things. This is a ghost ship.

In the empty labyrinths of the abandoned temple there are many creepy guards who are summoned by the angry god of death Yum Simil. A powerful ancient artifact must be returned to the Dead Kingdom. Then the Caribbean archipelago will get rid of the evil spirits that want war.

  • The mystical macroquest will take at least 6 in-game hours;
  • The newest unique military galleon is a 1st class ship;
  • New unique melee weapon – katana;
  • A new unique firearm – a two-shot pistol;
  • New unique armor – Lamport suit.

Don't be afraid of the undead. The brave can overcome anything! You will have to find three artifacts and return the jade skull to its place.

Attention! This quest is only available if you purchase the DLC in the Steam store!

Conditions for receiving the quest: The Dutch Gambit must be successfully completed. If you completed the “Dutch Gambit” for GVIC, or the Secret Organization, then you need to sell the skull to the Portuguese. Time must pass - approximately 4 months after the completion of Gambit. Game version - 1.1.3 and higher. Otherwise, you may experience all sorts of glitches.

Reward: military galleon “Flying Heart”, double-shot pistol, Lamport costume, potion from the shaman, katana.

How can I get the quest? There are three ways to do this:

  1. Buy a strange amulet from a beggar in town
  2. Remove a strange amulet from the body of a murdered Indian in the jungle
  3. Find a strange amulet in the chest in the captain's cabin of the aborted ship.

To begin the passage of Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche in one profile can be obtained “Strange Amulet” in any way. It will end up in your hands anyway.

So, you have a “Strange Amulet” in your hands. It is necessary to find out what its purpose is. Who can give a hint? Naturally - lighthouse keepers. You can also give orders for amulets to them. Visit three lighthouses - Santiago, Guadeloupe, Cartagena. In any case, one caretaker will tell you how the amulet appeared in the Caribbean and that Charles is already the third person to show this thing.

However, only one person can know how to use the amulet. This is a shaman of the Carib Indians. The tribe lives in Dominica. Make no mistake, the Indian doesn’t talk to anyone. In order for him to start communicating with you, you need to give him an offering. And he only accepts firearms. This is not a simple pistol, but a real combat musket or naval carbine.

When you get something useful, go to Dominica. Find a Carib village deep in the jungle. In one house you will find a shaman, talk to him. When he recognizes his amulet, he has to find the other two. Passage of Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche continues.

Don't think it will be easy for you! As soon as you enter the island's waters, a strong storm will begin. A ghost ship will rush towards your ship! By the way, he won't shoot. As soon as your ships get close, the ghost will begin boarding. You need to deal with the skeletons on the ghost's quarterdeck and go to the captain's cabin.

In the captain's cabin "Kaleuche"

Don't try to hammer the undead captain. He doesn't care! After a while he will stop and start a conversation. The captain will say that he and his crew are immortal. He attacked because he needs a strange amulet that you possess.

Well, start fighting him again. As a result, you will fall unconscious. You will come to your senses on the shores of Dominica. As for health, he is in the red. A sailor from your ship will run up to you, or a girl if you managed to complete the Pirate Saga. From the conversation you will learn that your team was able to drag your body from the ship. But your ship was sunk in just one salvo.

Passage of Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche continues. By the way, the sailors also managed to take your chest from the cabin, so your little things remained intact. Talk, go back to the shaman and find out how “Kaleuche” showed up in the Caribbean, why he needs amulets and how you can fight him.

As for the fight, it’s not difficult - you need to find the two missing amulets, as well as the jade skull of Yum Simil. It is now with Joaquim Merriman. Well, we'll have to take it away. But first you need to find the remaining amulets before the undead captain. The shaman will give advice to find a fast ship that will get away from the Kaleuche.

Hint: Ships such as Mirage, Meifeng, Valkyrie can escape from the ghost ship. However, you feel sorry for them, or for some reason you will not be able to access them. Pay attention to small class ships, but not commercial ones.

Walkthrough of Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche. Return to the lighthouse keeper who told you about the amulet. Ask him about the other two amulets. Or rather, who can own them.

So, you need a hunter from Belize, Fergus Hooper, Jack-Jackson from Barbados. All that is known about him is that his ship is called “half-woman, half-bird.” In fact, the title is "Harpy"!


You need to ask the port department about Jack-Jackson. When asked what the name of his shebek is, answer “Harpy.” You will be told that this captain is now in the service of the Dutch West India Company. That's where you need to look for him. Travel to Curacao. At the GVIK office, you will find out from the one who sells trade licenses that your Jackson operates regular flights between Port Royal and Phillipsburg. Find the desired ship on this route, send a boat to the xebec.

You learn that Jackson keeps the amulet in a chest in a lighthouse in Barbados. So that’s why the undead captain couldn’t get him! However, Jackson cannot travel to Barbados with you. He has a contract. Therefore, to complete Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche buy the key for the chest from him. It costs 500 doubloons. Return to Barbados and disembark at the lighthouse. In the chest you will find a strange amulet, as well as a two-shot pistol and other small items. Deliver the amulet to the shaman, as “Kaleuche” is now hunting for you.


In Belize you will find out that your hunter will arrive no earlier than in three days. In addition, it will be between 6 and 9 pm. Wait for him. It may appear in a week. Ask, in general, about the amulet.

He would gladly give the amulet, but local bandits robbed him. Long story short, the amulet was stolen along with Hooper's other belongings. Go to the prison commandant, but there you will not learn anything except that the bandits have assistants in the city. We'll have to tackle the white stuff ourselves.

Rumble around the houses. So in one you will find a suspicious type. Kill him, search the body and find an interesting note. Wait for midnight, blow into the jungle. In the next location you will meet bandits outside the city gates. Give the note and receive an invitation to the case. This is a merchant robbery.

To complete Corsairs: To Each His Own - Kaleuche, you must agree and help them. At the next dialogue, you will receive another invitation to the case. It will happen in three days. You will also learn that the gang is located nearby in a cave. The next day, also at midnight, go into the cave, there will be a cache there. Find the amulet, Lamport's suit and other rubbish. Two bandits will discover you. You'll have to kill them and go to the shaman, running away from "Kaleuche" along the way.

Hint: if you hand over two bandits to the commandant, then three days later you will receive a reward for capturing the scoundrels.

Jade Skull

So, you need through Yum Simila. At the moment he is with Joaquim Merriman. Blow to Willemstad. The Portuguese rented a room there. Don't rush anywhere at the pier. A monk will run up to you and tell you that Merriman has disappeared. The owner of the house in which he rented also disappeared. Plus, strange things happen there at night. However, the soldiers found nothing.

Naturally, you will have to figure out what's what. Passage of Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche continues. When midnight comes, go to the house opposite the residence. You need to go up to the second floor. The monk did not deceive! Quite thick smoke will rise above the chest near the bed. After this, a skeleton holding an ax will appear in the room! When you've dealt with the undead, search the corpse. You will understand that this is what a housewife is. Yes, after all, Merriman is a very dangerous guy!

Go to the church, talk to the priests. From him you will learn that Joaquim is a former nobleman. Now he is a terrible sorcerer. In Havana, missing citizens were noticed, as well as attacks from the undead. Well, go to Cuba. Here you need to go to church. From the local monk you will learn that all sorts of undead are in the jungle in a cave. The passage to this place is guarded by a musketeer.

Blow into the jungle. In the location in front of the cave, talk to the musketeer. He will let you through. During the further passage of the Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche must kill all the skeletons both at the entrance and in the cave itself. As soon as the last cave skeleton falls to the floor, smoke will begin to pour out of her corner. This is where the Chavinavi comes in. Those who pass as Richard Gambit will immediately recognize the creature. Kill him, go back to the monk. He will express gratitude. This is all great, but you still haven't found Merriman. By the way, he is somewhere nearby!

Nobody saw him in the city. We'll have to look for him. At the cemetery, approach the caretaker. Press on him, then you will find out that Joakim is sitting in the crypt and quietly stealing corpses from the cemetery. Take the key and go for the skull. Go into the crypt, walk past the coffins, go through the door.

You find yourself in a cave with a series of grottoes. We need to clear out skeletons everywhere and find Merriman. You will find him in the room with the throne. Talk to him, watch the transformation from a human into a nasty undead. First, fight off the summoned Chavinavi, then the jaguar warrior, as well as Joaquim, who joined him. When Marriman falls, the Chavinawi himself will die. Search the corpse of a Portuguese subject. Take the jade skull from him. Don't forget to also search the cave and take the Easter chest. Continue with Corsairs: To Each His Own - Kaleuche.

It's time to head to Dominica. Now there is a strange thing - if the amulets attracted the ghost ship so much, then the jade skull is not interesting to him at all. When you come to the shaman, listen to the story. You must listen carefully, as this is important! Then take two amulets. Regardless of whether the amulets are worn or not, they are only good for a month. Within this period, you must find the island with the Yum Simil temple. Leave the skull there.

Hint: If you have completed the Pirate Saga, then you will learn the coordinates of the island from Nathaniel Hawk. Well, if not, then you need the center of the notorious Bermuda Triangle. Its peaks are St. Maarten, Antigua, St. Christopher. Get ready to fight serious battles, both on land and at sea.

So, you have found Hael Roa. You must leave the skull of Yum Simil on it. Go to the depths of the island, where the temple is visible. Climb to the top, come in. When you get to three passes, you need to choose the middle one. Go up the stairs. Next, you need to navigate by the “skull-sun” sign. Focus on the sun, killing skeletons and Chavins along the way. When, during the passage of Corsairs: To Each His Own - Kaleuche, you open the door, you will find yourself in a room with teleporters. Go to the right one. Further there will be only one road. All teleports are correct. After entering the last teleporter, you will find yourself in the sanctuary. The Chavinavi leader will approach you there.

Hint: the leader will start bombarding you with questions. The answers to them were in the shaman’s story, which you had to listen to carefully! If the answers are incorrect, at least one of them, then the leader will attack you. If you do not make mistakes, you will receive the skin of a leopard warrior.

After finishing the conversation with the leader, go to the statue on the other side of the sanctuary. Place the jade skull. When you leave the temple, you need to go out to sea. The military galleon “Flying Heart” is already waiting for you in the water area. It already has a mortal crew led by a captain. Take the former ghost on board, mow down everyone who comes across. Along the way, you need to search the skeletons, which may contain interesting amulets. There will be a battle with the captain in the cabin. Afterwards - conversation. At the end of the conversation, kill him. Remove the first strange amulet from the body. In one of the chests you will find a katana. The other will contain 5,000 doubloons. You won't be able to carry them away, so don't try in vain.

Here it is, the chilling “Kaleuche”... ours!

Do you think that the walkthrough of Corsairs: To Each His Own - Kaleuche is complete? Not so! We need to return to the shaman and give him the amulets. You will receive a task - deliver 15 mangaros. From them he will prepare a potion for you. You can bring everything to him at once. You can, as you find it, in fives. As a result, you will receive three potions: a stamina potion, a reaction potion, and a potion of your choice. As soon as you receive the potions, say goodbye to the shaman, who will go to comprehend the wisdom of his ancestors.

Go to the prison, show the commandant Folke’s receipts. Your navigator will be brought to you. Talk to him, leave the prison, hoping to board the new ship, but Walter Kutcher will stop you. He was sent by the tavern owner of the pirate village Le Francois. He knows that you are going to Guadeloupe and wants to offer a way to make money. No need to refuse! Having agreed, go to the deck of the ship, press Enter and go to the cabin. Talk to Folke, go ashore and wait for the store to open, sleeping in the tavern until the morning. You need to buy goods in the store so that in the holds of the ship there are 100 portions of bombs, cannonballs, nipples, buckshot, as well as 200 portions of gunpowder. Having done this, go onto the deck of the ship. Enter the cabin, talk to Folke, he will tell you that you need to buy 50 weapons. Go to the same store and buy a weapon. Talk to Folke again, buy 10 barrels of rum and 100 portions of food from the store. I didn’t have enough money - I had to sell my leather corset. I hope it doesn't come to this for you.

Proceed to the port of Le Francois, disembark, go to another location and enter the city. Talk to the innkeeper, he will say that he did not send anyone to you. Apparently you were lured into a trap. Go back to your ship and you will be attacked by pirates. Shoot them by clicking LMB. You can change projectiles using keys 1, 2, 3 and 4. To make the battle faster, press the R key and then the + key several times. Sooner or later the pirates will board you - defeat them in battle. Having captured the ship, reload all the goods onto yours. Most likely, you won't be able to assign a captain, so close the menu and answer affirmatively when asked whether to sink the ship.


Press Enter, go to the world map and sail up from the island, north, to Guadeloupe. Moor near the city, next to the church find Fadey’s house - that’s what it will be called when you approach the door. Talk to the man, say that you are from Michel. He has no money, but he will give us some kind of expensive saber. Ask about the thieves, find out about the captured Indian and the stolen collection of sabers, which, if found among merchants on the islands, will need to be ransomed. Go to the prison, talk to the commandant so that he will let you see the Indian. Go deeper through the entire corridor and talk with the Indian standing behind bars. Return to the commandant and ask what needs to be done to free the Indian - you need Fadey's consent. Go to Fadey, talk to him. He asks you for a penalty of 150 doubloons. Say that the man fell out of his mind to ask for that kind of money. The amount is now 100 doubloons. Go to the moneylender, buy doubloons from him in the gems section. He will have a maximum of 98 doubloons and if you sold the ones you had, then sail to Martinique and buy two more doubloons from the local moneylender. One way or another, don’t free the Indian yet, sail to Martinique and talk to Michel. He will say that Fadey slipped us a cheap saber, and he will also say that you should ask Fadey to find some work for you. Go to the tavern and hire a new team if you have money (by the way, you can borrow money from loan sharks, they can give you 12,000 pesos for 3 months at 37% per month). Return to Guadeloupe, give Fadey 100 doubloons, go to the prison and give the note from Fadey to the commandant. Follow to Tichingit's cell and report that the Indian is free. In a conversation with him outside the city, agree to accept the Indian into your team. Return to Fadey and ask him to find a job for you.

The quest will be called Caribbean Morals. But I previously completed another task - go to the church in Guadeloupe, talk to the Holy Father. The church was robbed. Offer to help.

Bas-Tera Church Robbery (Unfinished)

Go to the tavern, ask the innkeeper if he knows anything about the robbery. He will advise you to contact local regulars. Find a drunkard at a table (if he’s not there, come here after a while, at a different time of day), sit down, listen to the story about the robbery. He will say that local bandits are involved in the robbery and they are most likely hiding in the jungle, outside the city. A new log entry should appear. Go outside the city, follow the following roads - at the fork to the left, at the fork to the right. There will be 3 people walking around in the middle of the jungle - talk to one of them. Usually such people demand money, and then suddenly they offer to buy some things for cheap. The quest may be issued on another island, in another church, but have a similar progression structure.