Solution of examples within 5 cards. Examples in mathematics for the first grade by week. Independent work in notebooks

Preparing for the game - settings

  1. Any parameters and settings can be changed at any time, even during the game.
  2. Initially the game is set up like this:
    • Calculation type - Add up to 10
    • Award 1- chocolate, premium 2- cookie
    • In game session 10 calculations (arithmetic examples)
    • Percentage of examples that need to be solved correctly to receive Prize 1 - 90%
    • Percentage of examples that need to be solved correctly to receive Prize 2 - 70%
  3. You can choose any other type of calculation - depending on what the child knows and what is happening at school in this moment. Types of calculations in the game:
    • Addition, subtraction, addition and subtraction (mixed):
      • To 10
      • up to 20 (with the transition through the ten)
      • Up to 20 (with and without the transition through the ten)
      • up to 30
      • Up to 100
    • Multiplication, division or any combination -by 1, -by 2, -by 3.......etc. up to 10
    • Number Comparison
  4. Set how many examples will be in the game session. It is better to start with a small number of attempts - 5 or 10, so as not to discourage the child from continuing the game. When the child increases milk production :) improves performance, you can move on to a serious game with 100-200 examples.
  5. Enter the percentage of correctly solved examples for which 1 and 2 awards are given. For starters, it is better to lower the percentage. For example, choose 70 and 50 percent for premiums 1 and 2, respectively. Later, the rates can be increased to 90 - 70. Or even up to 98% - 95% for absolutely terribly smart children :). Enter only numbers, without the % sign!
  6. Write down the prizes that the child will receive for 1st and 2nd place.
  7. The settings will be saved using a cookie (small script) and restored the next time you open the game page in your browser.

Now you can start the game!

  1. To start the game, press the START button
  2. When an example appears on the screen, the child must enter the answer after the "=" sign
  3. If we play "comparisons", you need to enter the appropriate sign: . To do this, it is most convenient to use the buttons that will appear next to the NEXT button.
  4. After the result is entered, you need to press the OK button (or ENTER on the keyboard) to check if the example was solved correctly.
  5. If the example was solved correctly, "Correct" will appear on the screen. If not, "Incorrect" and the correct answer. At the same time, the game will calculate the percentage of correctly solved examples
  6. To go to the next example, you need to click the NEXT button
  7. When the session ends, the screen will display the prize that the child won (or "won nothing") and the percentage of examples correctly solved for the session
  8. To start a new session, click the START OVER button.

Great expectations:)

What can you expect from this game? Great help in passing the school curriculum! As a rule, in 5-7 days, in which the child plays for 30-40 minutes, he firmly masters the next type of calculation (for example, addition to 20 with a transition through the ten). And practically ceases to make mistakes in the classroom.

So we move from the first class to the second. For some, learning was easy; for others, it was hard work. If there is no particular inclination for mathematics, then one school program will not be enough to work out the counting skill. And how to work it out? Solve and solve examples. Even the simplest, but not a day without a couple of examples of addition and subtraction. It is also desirable to remember the concepts of more or less, to do tasks for setting these signs. And, of course, a week should not pass without solving one or two tasks. At our 7 gurus, you can download and print examples and tasks for the first class course for free.

There are 12 sheets in total, 7 tasks on one sheet - to be completed within a week. Let the child learn to distribute when he does this or that task, this is also an important life skill. For example, on Monday you can solve one task with examples and a task to free Sunday from school.

Open the desired page from the list, click right click mouse, choose to save the picture as, save it to your computer. And how to print an image from your computer, you probably know.

Download and print tasks by week

Select trainer page: page list ↓↓↓ 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12

If you want to improve not only mathematics, but also the Russian language with your child, you can.

If there is no desire to check the examples solved by the child, you can use the online simulator. In it, choose examples for addition and subtraction, and we will check the answers for you and generate a report, how many correct solutions, how many errors and where, how many tips.

State budgetary special (correctional) educational institution of the city of Sevastopol for students and pupils with disabilities "Comprehensive boarding school No. 1 of the VIII type"

Abstract of an open lesson

on mathematical representations and design

Topic: " Solving addition examples within 5 »

Grade 2

Prepared and hosted:

teacher primary school

Cherkasova I.A.


Lesson summary

Subject: " Mathematical representations and design"

Date: 09.02.2016

Class: 2-B (correctional)

Number of students in the class: 5

Number of people present at the lesson: 5

Topic: "Solving addition examples within 5"

Lesson type: combined

The purpose of the lesson: to consolidate the skills of addition within 5.

Lesson objectives:


1) to consolidate the skill of forward and backward counting within 5,

2) consolidate computing skills within 5,

3) continue to develop the ability to solve problems to find the sum,

4) develop the ability to name and distinguish between geometric shapes, colors


1)correction of visual perception based on exercises in comparison,

2) correction and development of memory, attention, fine motor skills, spatial perception, emotional-volitional sphere.


education of independence in work, interest in the surrounding reality.

Equipment: 5 balloons, number series 1-5, numbers, fairy-tale hero Dunno, number 5, notebooks, pens, counting material: apples, pears, individual task cards, geometric shapes.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

Psychological attitude

The bell rang - the lesson began

May your mood be wonderful

Easy and simple to learn!

Guys, today guests came to our math lesson. Let's say hello to them. Sit down please. Let's make each other smile. Well done!

Today we have an unusual lesson - another guest is in a hurry to us. Let's take a closer look, who is it? (Dunno).

Well done! Dunno has prepared a lot of different tasks for us. Today we will demonstrate to Dunno what we have learned in mathematics lessons.

What season? Day of the week? Lesson?

2.Knowledge update

Verbal counting

Look carefully what our guest brought us? (bouquet of balloons)

Let's all get together (5).

How many balls, Rostik?

Let's use our fingers to show how many balls there are

What color are the balls?

By form? Let's draw a circle in the air.

Now let's work near the blackboard (students take turns going to the blackboard and showing the ball according to the teacher's instructions).

Number series

Look at the board - the next task from our guest is a number series

Let's all count together from 1 to 5 in direct order.

Pasha, Rostik.

Artem in reverse order

We name the number that I show

Denis, come to the blackboard.

What is the next number after 2, 3

Name the neighbors of the number 3, 4

Well done! Now we have independent work. Everyone will make a number series from 1 to 5 on their desk.

Let's check, Rostik, Pasha. Denis, show me the number 1, 5.

Physical education minute

3. Announcement of the topic of the lesson

Guys, what's new on the board? (number 5)

Well done! You are very attentive. The number 5 was brought to us by Dunno

look at number 5

Hold each finger

Tell the number to your finger

The number five is written with a sign - 5

What is associated with the number 5? 5 fingers on the hand. 5 is the best grade in school.

Finger gymnastics

Now we will work in notebooks. Let's repeat the spelling of the number 5. Let's verbally repeat how we will write it ...

Well done! We open the notebooks, find the working line, where we will write the number 5. The backs are even.

Who coped, sat up straight.

Solution of examples

What is this sign? (+)

+ sign or add

Well done! Let's count how many pears are on the board? (one)

What if we add one more? (2)

Next task. Artem, how many pears are on the board now? (3)

What if we add 1 more? (four)

Well done! See? Dunno how our children count well.

And now Rostik will answer me, what kind of fruit? How much? (4 apples).

Anton, what are the apples in shape?

Pavel, by color? (red).

Add 1 more apple

How many apples now? (5)

Let's make an example (4+1=5)

Let's repeat the components of the addition examples (1 term, 2 term, sum).

Well done! Anton and Denis will receive their assignment, and we will continue to work on solving examples.

Solution of examples near the blackboard

Pavel, write the example on the board 1+1=2. Everyone else write an example in a notebook

Tell us this example.

Artem, 2+1=3

Rostik, 2+2=4

Artem, 2+3=5

Well done!

4. Fixing

Independent work in notebooks

Checking examples

Oral solution of examples: 1+3, 2+2, 1+4

Physical education minute

geometric material

Guys, Dunno has prepared another task for you. Let's look at the board. What can you name these figures? (geometric figures)

Repeat, Anton, Pavel.

That's right, these are geometric shapes.

Let's name these shapes (square, circle, triangle, rectangle, oval).

How many figures are there? (5)

Artem, name the figures again in order

Let's name the shapes by colors

Work near the blackboard


Good work! The stranger is very pleased. And the next task will be laying out geometric shapes on the desk as well as on the board. Be careful.

Who coped - we sit quietly

Job verification

5. Summing up the lesson

We completed all the tasks from Dunno! Well done!

Who came to visit us today?

What do we say to the Dunno?


Who liked the lesson?

What did we do in class today?

Worked well in class today....

A little worse… but he will try harder in the next lesson.
