Guide and walkthrough for "S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat". Achievements in the game All achievements Call of Pripyat

In total, “S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat” has twenty-one achievements in the single-player mode. Each of them has its own influence on the main character, on the attitude of others towards him, on the success of finding artifacts, on receiving discounts from merchants and other little things that are not immediately noticeable. Some achievements are mutually exclusive, meaning you can only get one of them during a playthrough. For example, it is impossible to immediately please all groups - stalkers and bandits, “Freedom” and “Duty”.

List of achievements in “S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat”:

  1. - help the Sultan deal with Beard by completing most of his instructions. Owl, out of fear and respect, will reduce the prices of his goods, Beard will share part of his profits.
  2. Messenger of Justice- find the free stalker Soroka and punish him for his actions. Soroka's swag will end up in your personal box on Yanov.
  3. Diplomat- release the stalker-hostage Mitya peacefully, without a shootout, and pay Vano’s debt to the bandits.
  4. Friend of "Duty"- give Lieutenant Colonel Shulga the PDA of Morgan and Tachuk, tell about Soroka (Flint), convince him to accept the Tramp with his detachment of “Monoliths” in “Duty”. Nitrogen will lower prices while Hawaiian will raise them.
  5. Friend of Freedom- give Loki to the PDA of Morgan and Tachuk, talk about Soroka (Flint), convince him to accept the Tramp and his squad of “Monoliths” into “Freedom”. The Hawaiian will lower prices, while the Nitrogen will raise them.
  6. - support the stalkers in the fight against bandits at Skadovsk, help Gonta find Soroka, then kill the chimera and tell St. John’s Wort about the feat, free Mityai from bandit captivity and help Vano pay off his debt. Medical stalkers will start selling goods at cost.
  7. - find all types of artifacts known to science. Relations with stalkers will improve, bandits will more often follow the main character around the Zone.
  8. Leader- : Vano, Sokolov, Zulu, Tramp. Allies in the squad will have the opportunity to heal and restore health in battle.
  9. - Bring three sets of tools to Cardan. The gimbal will be able to install new servomotors on the exoskeleton, which will open up the possibility of fast movement by running.
  10. - Bring three sets of tools to Azoth. Nitrogen will be able to mount a target designator into a suitable helmet or install third-generation NVGs.
  11. Researcher- complete four or more tasks from professors German and Ozersky. The range of products increases and discounts appear.
  12. Experienced stalker- visit most of the known anomalies. Increases the chance of finding rare artifacts.
  13. - Survive an open-air release three times using the Anabiotic drug. The body's reaction to emissions will change, and there will be a chance to survive the emissions without the use of drugs, if your health is not undermined in any way.
  14. Mutant Hunter- complete all of St. John's wort's tasks. Ammo will sometimes appear in the personal box at Yanov station.
  15. Discoverer- give the scientists three artifacts: , and a plant from the anomalous grove. fulfill the scientists' contract to search for a kolobok and a piece of meat. .
  16. Your boyfriend- help Beard get rid of the Sultan by completing most of his instructions. Owl will make a discount, Beard will start buying artifacts at higher and more favorable prices.
  17. Wealthy client- accumulate 100,000 rubles. The range of goods at all merchants will expand.
  18. Balancer- sell to Sych


Whatever new appears in the Zone, you are ready to explore it first. By finding new, unexplored anomalous formations, you have advanced science in understanding the Zone.

The totality of new data allowed professors German and Ozersky to synthesize an experimental anabiotic under the conditions of the Zone.

How to get a? When gathering a group in Pripyat, you need to bring Ozersky a plant to get a suit for Sokolov.

Mutant Hunter

You are not trying to avoid dangerous mutants, you are hunting them, and succeeding in this. Good hunters are respected people among stalkers.

Stalkers have become better towards you. In order to somehow thank you, stalkers from time to time leave cartridges in your personal box at the Yanov station.

How to get a? You need to kill the second chimera, which is to blame for the death of Fox

Your boyfriend

Having repelled the bandits led by the Sultan, you gained popularity among stalkers. You are always welcome at Skadovsk.

Stalkers have become better towards you. At the request of the stalkers, merchant Sych made a discount for you. Beard offers you the best prices for artifacts.

How to get a? When tasked with bringing a compass to Beard, we take the artifact to the merchant, not the Sultan

You helped the Sultan seize the initiative from the stalkers and take control of Beard's affairs. Now on Zaton they fear and respect you.

The bandits began to treat you with respect. Merchant Sych, out of fear that he might become the next victim, made a discount for you. According to the agreement, Beard must pay you a percentage of his income.

How to get a? When tasked with bringing Beard a compass, we take the artifact not to the merchant, but to the Sultan, while telling Beard that I refuse to complete the task


You have revealed the mystery of the disappearance of stalkers from Skadovsk - it is not the mutants who are to blame for this, but a more dangerous enemy - humans. Your desire to find the truth has earned you the respect of stalkers.

Stalkers have become better towards you. Out of respect for you, stalkers from time to time leave medications in your personal box at Skadovsk.

How to get a? Complete a mission to find stalkers missing

Messenger of Justice

You did not let the scoundrel escape justice. Stalker Soroka more than once exposed others to attack and was not shy in his methods. Now he awaits a fair reckoning.

Soroki's swag, obtained through meanness and deception, will be given by stalkers to someone who deserves it more. His loot was placed in your personal box on the Yanov. And if you burn Magpie Freedom, you will receive the Wind of Freedom costume

How to get a? Find Magpie, complete the quest


Faced with the need to work in a team, you assembled a good team, which proved your leadership skills.

Your leadership skills improve your team's chances of survival. (In the Dungeons of Jupiter)

How to get a? Gather a group of 5 people, find a suit with a breathing system for Sokolov

Combat Systems Master

Now Cardan has tool sets for every occasion. This will allow him to make previously unavailable improvements.

The gimbal can make a unique modification that will allow you to move quickly in the exoskeleton: add hydraulic amplifiers to the servos.

How to get a? Bring Karadn all the tools (for rough work, for fine work, and for vibrating)

Master of High Technologies

Nitrogen received all the sets of tools that a technician in the Zone could dream of. Now he can do high-tech modifications.

Nitrogen can make a unique modification to the tactical helmet: an infrared scanner that allows you to record nearby people.

How to get a? Bring all the tools to Azoth (for rough work, for fine work, and for vibrating)


You know how to solve problems in a peaceful way. There is no need to use force if everything can be resolved through negotiations. However, you should beware of those who shoot first and ask later.

Respecting your ability to negotiate, “Freedom”, “Duty”, free stalkers and even bandits began to treat you better.

How to get a? ?
I hope users will add how to get this reward, I couldn’t get it myself...


You have found all types of artifacts known to the researchers of the Zone. Thus, you have earned the respect of stalkers and the close attention of bandits.

Stalkers have become better towards you, and Bandits will pursue you during forays into the Zone.

How to get a? Find all kinds of artifacts.


You have worked with scientists for so long that you fully deserve the title of research assistant. Now all the inhabitants of the research bunker treat you as one of their own.

Seeing you as a valuable assistant, Professor Herman offers you medicines and equipment intended only for bunker personnel, at cost.
Novikov is so used to you that, when making modifications, he demands payment only for consumables.

How to get a? Complete all missions for scientists, there are 5-6 of them.

Friend of Freedom

You helped the Svoboda group a lot and gained authority among its fighters and their friends. But we should not forget that not everyone sympathizes with Svoboda.

Your relationship with Svoboda has improved. If you get into trouble, Freedom fighters will try to come to your aid. A Hawaiian merchant who sympathizes with Freedom gave you a discount.
Your relationship with “Duty” has worsened. Technician Azot sympathizes with “Duty”, so he increased the prices for his services.

How to get a? 1) Bring Morgan (a mercenary) to the leader of the Liberty CCP, then bring the PDA of the founder of Debt, it will be on the corpse of the debtor, who falls out of the spatial anomaly.

Friend of "Duty"

You helped the Dolg group a lot and gained authority among its fighters and their friends. But we should not forget that not everyone sympathizes with “Duty”.

Your relationship with “Duty” has improved. If you get into trouble, the “Duty” fighters will try to come to your aid. Technician Azot sympathizes with “Duty”, so he made a discount for you.
Your relationship with Svoboda has deteriorated. A Hawaiian trader sympathetic to Liberty raised the prices of his goods.



You did not give preference to any group, and always acted as a free stalker. As a result, we didn’t make new enemies, but we didn’t make new friends either.

For stalkers on Yanov, the balance of the forces of “Duty” and “Freedom” is important, so the technician and the merchant gave you discounts.

How to get a? 1) Bring Morgan (a mercenary) to the leader of the Debt CCP, then bring the PDA of the founder of the Debt, it will be on the corpse of the debtor, who falls out of the spatial anomaly.

Experienced stalker

There are almost no accessible places left near the center of the Zone that have been overlooked by your attention. You have visited almost all local anomalies.

The accumulated experience allows you to find rare artifacts more often.

How to get a? Hmm... judging by the description, you need to visit all the anomalies, but I received this experience in a different way: I was probably in all the anomalies on the Zaton and on the Jupiter, but I wasn’t in all the places in Pripyat, well, so , went to the grocery store, there was a basement, there were jerboas, when I killed the jerboa, an achievement was given.

Wealthy client

Although you are familiar with the lack of money firsthand, you cannot always be called strapped for funds. On the contrary, sometimes your financial savings can be envied. Such clients are a great joy for a merchant.

Merchants often offer you the rarest and most expensive goods.

How to get a? You need to save 100,000 rubles. (one hundred pieces)

Marked by Zone

You were able to survive the ejection without hiding in shelter - you were saved by anabiotic pills. This had an ambiguous effect on your psyche - a strange silence fell in your head. You no longer seem to hear a constant stream of thoughts.

Even without taking medications, you have a chance to survive the release outside the shelter, if your health is not compromised.

How to get a? You need to take a special pill to prevent the release, I personally couldn’t get this Achievement...

Information Trader

Whatever information fell into your hands, you always found a buyer for it. Without missing the opportunity to provide information to those interested, you, naturally, did not forget about your benefits.

Trader Sych gave you a discount as the best informant and colleague in the profession.

How to get a? Here's how I got it: I took Sych all the documents and PDAs that I found, except for: Strelok's notes, Sokolov's notes, and Morgan's PDA.

Friend of stalkers

When you met stalkers in trouble, you always helped them. Stalkers are not very united, but in the unspoken stalker brotherhood you have allies who can help you in battle and after it.

Your relationship with stalkers has improved. If you get into trouble, stalkers will try to come to your aid. Medical stalkers have agreed to sell you medicines at cost.

How to get a? I received this achievement when I was investigating the case of missing stalkers, and after completing several other quests.


Dear stalkers! If you find an error, or simply want to add to the article, please write in this topic and I will add your entries.

P.S. You can express gratitude in + or in a reward
P.S.S. Description and pictures taken from

Hello new recruits and seasoned stalkers. Today we will provide you with what achievements you can achieve in Stalker Call of Pripyat. As you might have already guessed, we will not only tell you about the achievements in Call of Pripyat, but also explain how to get them. We believe that in Stalker Call of Pripyat, achievements play a big role in progressing through the game. What would we do without them? Interesting wars, tasks, groups - all of this gives us achievements with the help of which we can convert one of the groups to us or glorify ourselves in the Zone as a diplomat Stalker or become an authority among the Bandits. All this can be achieved by obtaining one of the achievements below.

Your boyfriend
Having repelled the bandits led by the Sultan, you gained popularity among stalkers. You are always welcome at Skadovsk.
Stalkers have become better towards you. At the request of the stalkers, merchant Sych made a discount for you. Beard offers you the best prices for artifacts.
Take the side of the stalkers in the conflict with the Sultan's bandits.

You helped the Sultan seize the initiative from the stalkers and take control of Beard's affairs. Now on Zaton they fear and respect you.
The bandits began to treat you with respect. Merchant Sych, out of fear that he might become the next victim, made a discount for you. According to the agreement, Beard must pay you a percentage of his income.
Help the Sultan deal with Beard.

You have revealed the mystery of the disappearance of stalkers from Skadovsk - it is not the mutants who are to blame for this, but a more dangerous enemy - humans. Your desire to find the truth has earned you the respect of stalkers.
Stalkers have become better towards you. Out of respect for you, stalkers from time to time leave medications in your personal box at Skadovsk.
Find out who is responsible for the deaths of stalkers on Zaton and destroy the lair of bloodsuckers.

Whatever new appears in the Zone, you are ready to explore it first. By finding new, unexplored anomalous formations, you have advanced science in understanding the Zone.
The totality of new data allowed professors German and Ozersky to synthesize an experimental anabiotic under the conditions of the Zone.
Give the scientists three artifacts: from the dredge on Zaton, an alternating psi-field generator and a plant from an anomalous grove.

Mutant Hunter
You are not trying to avoid dangerous mutants, you are hunting them, and succeeding in this. Good hunters are respected people among stalkers.
Stalkers have become better towards you. In order to somehow thank you, stalkers from time to time leave cartridges in your personal box at the Yanov station.
Complete all of St. John's Wort's quests.

You have found all types of artifacts known to the researchers of the Zone. Thus, you have earned the respect of stalkers and the close attention of bandits.
Stalkers have become better towards you. Bandits will chase you during forays into the Zone.
Find all types of artifacts known to science.

Messenger of Justice
You did not let the scoundrel escape justice. Stalker Soroka more than once exposed others to attack and was not shy in his methods. Now he awaits a fair reckoning.
Soroki's swag, obtained through meanness and deception, will be given by stalkers to someone who deserves it more. His loot was placed in your personal box on the Yanov.
Find a stalker named Soroka and punish him.

Master of High Technologies
Nitrogen received all the sets of tools that a technician in the Zone could dream of. Now he can do high-tech modifications.
Khabar Azot can make a unique modification to a tactical helmet: an infrared scanner that allows you to record nearby people.
Bring three sets of tools to Azoth.

Combat Systems Master
Now Cardan has tool sets for every occasion. This will allow him to make previously unavailable improvements.
The gimbal can make a unique modification that will allow you to move quickly in the exoskeleton: add hydraulic amplifiers to the servos.
Bring three sets of tools to Cardan.

Faced with the need to work in a team, you assembled a good team, which proved your leadership skills.
Your leadership skills improve your team's chances of survival.
Gather a detachment of Zulu, Sokolov, Vano and Tramp for a trip to Pripyat.

You know how to solve problems in a peaceful way. There is no need to use force if everything can be resolved through negotiations. However, you should beware of those who shoot first and ask later.
Respecting your ability to negotiate, “Freedom”, “Duty”, free stalkers and even bandits began to treat you better.
Free the stalker-hostage without a fight and return Vano's debt to the bandits.

Friend of "Duty"
You helped the Dolg group a lot and gained authority among its fighters and their friends. But we should not forget that not everyone sympathizes with “Duty”.
Your relationship with “Duty” has improved. If you get into trouble, the “Duty” fighters will try to come to your aid. Technician Azot sympathizes with “Duty”, so he made a discount for you. Your relationship with Svoboda has deteriorated. A Hawaiian trader sympathetic to Liberty raised the prices of his goods.
Give Shulga the PDA of Morgan and Tachuk, tell Shulga about Soroka-Flint, the Tramp and his squad must join “Duty”.

Friend of Freedom
You helped the Svoboda group a lot and gained authority among its fighters and their friends. But we should not forget that not everyone sympathizes with Svoboda.
Your relationship with Svoboda has improved. If you get into trouble, Freedom fighters will try to come to your aid. A Hawaiian merchant who sympathizes with Freedom gave you a discount. Your relationship with “Duty” has deteriorated. Technician Azot sympathizes with Debt, so he increased the prices for his services.
Give Loki the PDA of Morgan and Tachuk, tell him about Magpie-Flint, the Tramp and his squad must join Freedom.

You have worked with scientists for so long that you fully deserve the title of research assistant. Now all the inhabitants of the research bunker treat you as one of their own.
Seeing you as a valuable assistant, Professor Herman offers you medicines and equipment intended only for bunker personnel, at cost. Novikov is so used to you that, when making modifications, he demands payment only for consumables.
Complete four or more tasks from Professors Herman and Ozersky.

You did not give preference to any group, and always acted as a free stalker. As a result, we didn’t make new enemies, but we didn’t make new friends either.
For stalkers on Yanov, the balance of the forces of “Duty” and “Freedom” is important, so the technician and the merchant gave you discounts.
Sell ​​Morgan and Tachuk's PDA to Sych, tell Gonta about Soroka.

Friend of stalkers
When you met stalkers in trouble, you always helped them. Stalkers are not very united, but in the unspoken stalker brotherhood you have allies who can help you in battle and after it.
Your relationship with stalkers has improved. If you get into trouble, stalkers will try to come to your aid. Medical stalkers have agreed to sell you medicines at cost.
Support the stalkers in the fight against bandits at Skadovsk, help Gonta find Soroka, and then kill the chimera with him, tell St. John's Wort about it, free Mityai in any way, solve Vano's problem with the bandits.

Information Trader
Whatever information fell into your hands, you always found a buyer for it. Without missing the opportunity to provide information to those interested, you, naturally, did not forget about your benefits.
Trader Sych gave you a discount as the best informant and colleague in the profession.
Sell ​​Sych ten documents or PDAs containing valuable information.

Keeper of Secrets
You cannot be denied foresight - having found notes in the caches of Strelka’s group, you did not part with them until you found the person to whom they belonged.
Having received the notes, Strelok found a new reason to survive and reach the intended goal at any cost.
Give Strelok three notes from his group's caches.

Experienced stalker
There are almost no accessible places left near the center of the Zone that have been overlooked by your attention. You have visited almost all local anomalies.
The accumulated experience allows you to find rare artifacts more often.
Visit known anomalies.

Wealthy client
Although you are familiar with the lack of money firsthand, you cannot always be called strapped for funds. On the contrary, sometimes your financial savings can be envied. Such clients are a great joy for a merchant.
Merchants often offer you the rarest and most expensive goods.
Accumulate one hundred thousand rubles.

Marked by Zone
You were able to survive the ejection without hiding in shelter - you were saved by anabiotic pills. This had an ambiguous effect on your psyche - a strange silence fell in your head. You no longer seem to hear a constant stream of thoughts.
Even without taking medications, you have a chance to survive the release outside the shelter, if your health is not compromised.
Survive an open-air release three times using an anabiotic.

We told you about the achievements in the ZP and now, armed with the entire arsenal of knowledge, you can go to conquer the vastness of Stalker while receiving many achievements that will give you many pleasant bonuses and will not let you get bored in the war with factions.


Whatever new appears in the Zone, you are ready to explore it first. By finding new, unexplored anomalous formations, you have advanced science in understanding the Zone.

The totality of new data allowed professors German and Ozersky to synthesize an experimental anabiotic under the conditions of the Zone.

1. Bring the modified steering wheel from the dredger to Beard.

3. Bring the scientists an anomalous plant.

Reward: nothing found.

Mutant Hunter

You are not trying to avoid dangerous mutants, you are hunting them, and succeeding in this. Good hunters are respected people among stalkers.

Stalkers have become better towards you. In order to somehow thank you, stalkers from time to time leave cartridges in your personal box at the Yanov station.

1. Destroy the burers on the instructions of St. John's wort.

2. Destroy the bloodsuckers on the instructions of St. John's wort.

3. Destroy the chimera on Jupiter on the instructions of St. John's wort.

Reward: cartridges 5.45x39 (AR), 5.56x45 (AR) - 2 pieces, 9x39 (AR), zhekan 12x76 are placed in the box on Jupiter every 12 hours.

You have revealed the mystery of the disappearance of stalkers from Skadovsk - it is not the mutants who are to blame for this, but a more dangerous enemy - humans. Your desire to find the truth has earned you the respect of stalkers.

Stalkers have become better towards you. Out of respect for you, stalkers from time to time leave medications in your personal box at Skadovsk.

Uncover the mystery of the disappearance of stalkers (starts with Capercaillie).

Reward: every 12 hours a first aid kit, bandages and 4 antiradicals are placed in a box on Zaton.


Having repelled the bandits led by the Sultan, you gained popularity among stalkers. You are always welcome at Skadovsk.

Stalkers have become better towards you. At the request of the stalkers, merchant Sych made a discount for you. Beard offers you the best prices for artifacts.

1. Bring the artifact Compass to Beard.

2. Warn the stalkers on Shevchenko about the attack by bandits and help them fight them off.

Reward: The assortment of Beard and Owl changes, Owl makes a 10% discount (if there is no “Information Merchant” achievement, otherwise 20%).

You helped the Sultan seize the initiative from the stalkers and take control of Beard's affairs. Now on Zaton they fear and respect you.

The bandits began to treat you with respect. Merchant Sych, out of fear that he might become the next victim, made a discount for you. According to the agreement, Beard must pay you a percentage of his income.

1. Bring the Compass artifact to the Sultan.

2. Help the bandits kill the stalkers at Shevchenko.

Reward: Beard pays 500-2500 rubles daily (issued randomly). The assortment of Beard and Owl changes, Owl gives a 10% discount (if there is no “Information Merchant” achievement, otherwise 20%).

Messenger of Justice

You did not let the scoundrel escape justice. Stalker Soroka more than once exposed others to attack and was not shy in his methods. Now he awaits a fair reckoning.

Soroki's swag, obtained through meanness and deception, will be given by stalkers to someone who deserves it more. His loot was placed in your personal box on the Yanov.

Surrender Magpie-Flint to Debt, Freedom or Gaunt.

Reward: Magpie swag.


You have found all types of artifacts known to the researchers of the Zone. Thus, you have earned the respect of stalkers and the close attention of bandits.

Stalkers have become better towards you. Bandits will chase you during forays into the Zone.

Find all types of artifacts in the Zone.

Reward: the reputation of stalkers will increase by 200, bandits simulatedly pursue the player more.

Combat Systems Master

Now Cardan has tool sets for every occasion. This will allow him to make previously unavailable improvements.

Bring all three sets of tools to Cardan.

Reward: begins to install hydraulic amplifiers in the servos of the exoskeleton - you can run in it.

Master of High Technologies

Nitrogen received all the sets of tools that a technician in the Zone could dream of. Now he can do high-tech modifications.

Bring all three sets of tools to Azoth.

Reward: Begins to install an infrared scanner on the helmet, which allows you to record nearby people.

Faced with the need to work in a team, you assembled a good team, which proved your leadership skills.

Your leadership skills improve your team's chances of survival.

Assemble Vano, Lieutenant Sokolov and the leader of the former Monoliths, Tramp, in the detachment for the march to Pripyat.

Reward: This is shrouded in mystery. Judging by the scripts, at certain point(s) in time your team will be healed automatically.


You know how to solve problems in a peaceful way. There is no need to use force if everything can be resolved through negotiations. However, you should beware of those who shoot first and ask later.

Respecting your ability to negotiate, “Freedom”, “Duty”, free stalkers and even bandits began to treat you better.

1) Solve the Vano problem bloodlessly.

2) Solve the quest with Mityai without bloodshed.

Reward: GG's reputation with bandits, stalkers, Duty and Freedom increases by 200.


You have worked with scientists for so long that you fully deserve the title of research assistant. Now all the inhabitants of the research bunker treat you as one of their own.

Seeing you as a valuable assistant, Professor Herman offers you medicines and equipment intended only for bunker personnel, at cost.

Novikov is so used to you that, when making modifications, he demands payment only for consumables.

Complete at least 4 of 8 quests for scientists:

1. Bring the Oasis to the scientists.

2. Bring the scientists an artifact from the tunnel that generates an alternating psi field.

3. Investigate anomalous activity in the area of ​​the cooling tower with an improved detector.

4. Give Herman documents from the Jupiter plant on the latest developments and PDA of Cherny.

5. Install scanners in anomalies for scientists (three are enough to fulfill this condition).

6. Explore anomalies together with a research group of stalkers.

7. Bring the scientists an anomalous plant.

8. Check Ozersky’s hypothesis.

Reward: Novikov makes upgrades 25% cheaper. Herman begins selling anabiotics, various tablets, and detectors. The reduction in the price of medicines is not associated with achievements, but with completing quests for scientists. For three quests there is a 25% discount, for six – 40%.

Friend of "Duty"

You helped the Dolg group a lot and gained authority among its fighters and their friends. But we should not forget that not everyone sympathizes with “Duty”.

Your relationship with “Duty” has improved. If you get into trouble, the “Duty” fighters will try to come to your aid. Technician Azot sympathizes with “Duty”, so he made a discount for you.

Your relationship with Svoboda has deteriorated. A Hawaiian trader sympathetic to Liberty raised the prices of his goods.

1. Place a detachment of former Monoliths in Dolg.

2. Sell the PDA of the founder of Debt to Debt.

3. Sell Morgan's PDA to Debt.

4. Surrender Magpie-Flint to Debt.

Reward: Azoth makes repairs and upgrades at a discount (up to 35% - depends on the amount of materials brought to him), Hawaiian sells (and buys) 10% more expensive. It also has a decreasing assortment.

Friend of Freedom

You helped the Svoboda group a lot and gained authority among its fighters and their friends. But we should not forget that not everyone sympathizes with Svoboda.

Your relationship with Svoboda has improved. If you get into trouble, Freedom fighters will try to come to your aid. A Hawaiian merchant who sympathizes with Freedom gave you a discount.

Your relationship with “Duty” has deteriorated. Technician Azot sympathizes with Debt, so he increased the prices for his services.

1. Place a detachment of former Monoliths in Freedom.

2. Sell the PDA of the founder of Debt to Freedom.

3. Sell Morgan's PDA to Liberty.

4. Surrender Magpie-Flint to Freedom.

Reward: Azoth makes repairs and upgrades more expensive (up to 13% - depends on the amount of materials brought to him), Hawaiian gives a 20% discount. It also has an increasing range of products.


You did not give preference to any group, and always acted as a free stalker. As a result, we didn’t make new enemies, but we didn’t make new friends either.

For stalkers on Yanov, the balance of the forces of “Duty” and “Freedom” is important, so the technician and the merchant gave you discounts.

1. Sell the PDA of the founder of Debt Sych.

2. Sell Morgan's PDA to Sych.

3. Surrender Magpie-Flint to Gonta, not to Debt or Freedom.

Reward: Azoth makes repairs and upgrades at a discount (up to 35% - depends on the amount of materials brought to him), Hawaiian makes a 15% discount. In the current version of the game this achievement cannot be obtained due to a bug.

Keeper of Secrets

You cannot be denied foresight - having found notes in the caches of Strelka’s group, you did not part with them until you found the person to whom they belonged.

Having received the notes, Strelok found a new reason to survive and reach the intended goal at any cost.

Give Strelok all 3 notes about his group.

Reward: This is shrouded in mystery. Judging by the scripts, at a certain point(s) in time the Shooter will be treated automatically. The entire team will also be treated in the tunnel.

Experienced stalker

There are almost no accessible places left near the center of the Zone that have been overlooked by your attention. You have visited almost all local anomalies.

The accumulated experience allows you to find rare artifacts more often.

Visit 18 anomalies.

Reward: Increases the likelihood of finding some artifacts in anomalies. At the moment, the reward is not working. Apparently it's a bug.

Wealthy client

Although you are familiar with the lack of money firsthand, you cannot always be called strapped for funds. On the contrary, sometimes your financial savings can be envied. Such clients are a great joy for a merchant.

Merchants often offer you the rarest and most expensive goods.

Earn more than 100,000.

Reward: Hawaiian, Beard and Owl now have more expensive weapons, body armor, etc. on sale. The specific assortment depends not only on this achievement, but also on the situation in the game (reputation for Duty and Freedom - Hawaiian, solution to the quest with the Compass - Beard, solution to the quest with the Compass and friendliness of bandits or stalkers to the player - Sych).

Marked by Zone

You were able to survive the ejection without hiding in shelter - you were saved by anabiotic pills. This had an ambiguous effect on your psyche - a strange silence fell in your head. You no longer seem to hear a constant stream of thoughts.

Even without taking medications, you have a chance to survive the release outside the shelter, if your health is not compromised.

Survive 3 bursts using anabiotics.

Reward: Now you can survive the ejection without using anabiotics.

Information Trader

Whatever information fell into your hands, you always found a buyer for it. Without missing the opportunity to provide information to those interested, you, naturally, did not forget about your benefits.

Trader Sych gave you a discount as the best informant and colleague in the profession.

1. PDA of the mercenary Hook.

2. PDA of the Ridge mercenary.

3. PDA of the founder of Debt.

4. PDA of a mercenary with a contract from Morgan with the task of killing Degtyarev.

5. Morgan's PDA.

6. Documents from the Jupiter plant, a folder with an order for general evacuation.

7. Documents from the Jupiter plant, notebook sheet with notes.

8. Documents from the Jupiter plant, delivery schedule.

9. Documents from the Jupiter plant, a letter about the decision to supply “product No. 62” only through an overpass.

10. Order No. 562.

11. Order No. 423 – copy 1.

12. Order No. 423 – copy 2.

13. Mercenary laptop.

14. PDA Driftwood.

15. PDA of the leader of the bandits waiting for the GG at the port cranes.

16. Unlocked memory module from the drone.

Reward: Owl starts selling things 15% cheaper (if you just received the achievement) or 20% (if you also brought the Compass to the Sultan or Beard).

Friend of stalkers

When you met stalkers in trouble, you always helped them. Stalkers are not very united, but in the unspoken stalker brotherhood you have allies who can help you in battle and after it.

Your relationship with stalkers has improved. If you get into trouble, stalkers will try to come to your aid. Medical stalkers have agreed to sell you medicines at cost.

1. Kill the chimera on Zaton following the St. John's wort quest.

2. Help Mityai in any way.

3. Help Vano with his debt.

4. Finish the quest with forestry for the stalkers, and the leader of the detachment - Spartak - must remain alive.

5. Help the stalkers on Shevchenko.

Reward: improvement in the attitude of stalkers by 100, the doctor at the Zaton location sells medicines 10% cheaper, honey

A bullet in the eye is fatal, regardless of the level of armor protection.

“100 Tips for Surviving in the Zone”, tip No. 16

I sat by a crashed helicopter and watched as a pack of flesh chased a pair of wild boars, tempted by the seemingly easily accessible meat of these stupid creatures. The enraged mutant pigs squealed wildly and proved to their no less mutated wild relatives that the pork has now become evil and can stand up for itself. However, what gave the spectacle a special piquancy was not this at all, but the fact that the animals chose a minefield as a place for entertainment.

The side of the helicopter, illuminated by the bright sun, pleasantly warmed my back, a light wind carried leaves past me... It’s strange, for some reason I thought that we, people, in the Zone are exactly the same as animals - we run back and forth, stalkers for artifacts, bandits behind stalkers, “Debt” behind “Freedom”, “Freedom” behind “Debt”... And all around are mine-anomalies. No, we are no better than stupid flesh, nothing...

“Call of Pripyat” begins with the story that after the “Brain Burner” was turned off, a more or less safe path to the center of the Zone opened up. Naturally, the government and military decided not to miss their chance and take control of the situation at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. To do this, they compiled detailed maps of anomalies, protected the helicopters from emissions as best they could, and sent them to the Zone.

Not a single one reached the target.

Why, even knowing the safe way through the anomalies, the helicopters did not reach the center of the Zone and what was happening there in general, they entrusted Major Degtyarev of the Security Service of Ukraine, whose role we will get used to, to find out.

Performance technique

Released two years ago, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadows of Chernobyl was highly anticipated and in many ways one of a kind. And, naturally, the people's love was guaranteed to him: the story of Marked was repeated again and again, then they installed some of the amateur modifications and went through it again. The official supplement “Clear Sky”, which was released next, could no longer boast of such success: the interesting ideas that appeared in it simply drowned, littered with bugs of various sizes, no worse than Bullseye - with nuts in one of the “false endings” of “Shadows of Chernobyl”.

When information about the release of the second addition appeared, at first they did not believe it, then they scratched their heads and began to wonder what they would offer us this time. The options were different, but most often they included “new weapons”, “new factions”, “renewed faction war”... What happened in the end?

First, about what many fear after the release of the previous addition, that is, about errors. You might be surprised, but during the time spent completing the game, it only managed to freeze twice. Both times after emissions, and both times the issue was resolved by loading an autosave and choosing another shelter from the raging elements of the Zone. The game did not create any more problems: the allies came to the meeting place, tasks were given out and, best of all, things that were necessary for the plot were received regularly and people did not disappear. Naturally, there were some minor dirty tricks - for example, a stalker periodically stopping in the doorway and preventing anyone from entering the base. But this is not fatal: after a while the NPC “died away”, remembered who he was and what he was doing here, and cheerfully ran on in search of artifacts.

The game interface did not remain unchanged. A “visibility indicator” has been added to the indicator of the noise emitted by the hero. The green bar fills up if they pay attention to you - and if it reaches the end, it means that the enemy’s finger is already pressing the trigger, fangs are about to click at your soft parts, and tentacles are reaching for your neck...

The mini-map has become noticeably rounded and begins to take up less space on the screen, but you can still see the dots on it that mark the position of human beings around the hero. But they only appear if you see or hear the person the dot represents - a mercenary with a shotgun hiding under the stairs can be a complete surprise if you rely only on the “radar”.

Finally it appears on the screen all useful and necessary information. Near the map there is a small clock and indicators of radiation, chemical, thermal or psi effects; in the lower right corner of the monitor there are health and fatigue scales, under which there is information about the number and type of cartridges used, shots for an under-barrel grenade launcher, as well as the current fire mode . If necessary, icons appear above the scales, warning about breakdowns of a weapon, body armor or helmet, bleeding or radiation exposure.

Another innovation in the game control mechanism is “quick cells”, into which first aid kits, medicines and food can be transferred from the inventory. By pressing the “F1”-“F4” buttons, you can instantly use an item from the “cell” with the corresponding number. Just don’t hope that now it will be possible to “seize” any wounds with first aid kits - after using medications, health is restored gradually, and not instantly, as before.

We can’t help but praise the local autosave system, which records the game on disk. before how any important event or transition between locations will occur. It is especially convenient when, in the process of completing a mission, you suddenly realize that you had to take a completely different set of weapons with you. In addition, in “Call of Pripyat” the “space for a pistol” has disappeared from the inventory - now you are allowed to carry any set of weapons with you. Do you want an assault rifle and a shotgun, or do you want an SVD and Vintorez. But pistols have not lost their importance, they are simply now light and quite lethal weapons against weakly protected opponents. And some models, which can be modified for automatic fire or shooting with a cut-off of three rounds, are simply excellent weapons for forays for artifacts. It’s a pleasure to shoot mutants with such submachine guns, and it’s also a pleasure to shoot zombified stalkers. They weigh relatively little, which means more stuff for sale will fit into your backpack.

Human factor

But this is still no reason to rejoice. It is not the improved “technique” that attracts “Call of Pripyat”. The main thing about it is the plot and the characters you will meet on your way through it. If from “Shadows of Chernobyl” I was able to remember offhand only Sidorovich and the long-time worker in Bar, who constantly said: “Come on in, don’t linger!”, then in “Call of Pripyat” the partners are not “dummies” whom you met by chance, walked with them a little, and then completely forgot about their existence. They feel like living people: each has their own reason for being here, their own character. The cautious and pessimistic Lieutenant Sokolov, the cheerful but too trusting stalker Vano to live in the Zone, Colonel Kovalsky, who powerlessly clenches his teeth after learning that several more of his soldiers have died... Merchants and technicians, guides and free stalkers - their you can't confuse each other. Even if they do the same job, the “techie” Cardan and the “electronics engineer” Azot can only be confused by a person who did not even try to read the text of conversations with them and never asked them anything.

It's been a long time since I've seen a game where I was so worried about the death of secondary story characters. Precisely secondary ones, and not those whose death causes missions to fail or an inscription appears on the screen about the impossibility of moving further along the storyline. And I'm not talking about beautifully staged and carefully choreographed scenes of self-sacrifice or executions. I'm talking about computer-controlled partners who sometimes find themselves next to the hero and help him in battle. And they die in “Call of Pripyat” solely because it just so happened: for example, someone was alone against five, or was simply hit by a stray bullet. And their fate is not important for the development of the plot - the player will still be able to move forward, only his life is important for the game. And yet, a sediment remains in my soul - after all, it was possible to make sure that they survived! Only it was necessary to shoot more accurately, not to leave someone alone, breaking forward, maybe to cover in time.

The same feeling of liveliness is left behind by tasks - both plot and secondary. Indeed, there are almost none of the same type among them - Beard’s repeated tasks to search for artifacts do not count. And don’t expect everything to be explained to you in detail! On the one hand, the disappearance of complete information on the task from the PDA - only a short hint remains - this is not very convenient, but on the other hand, it makes you use your brain, and, to be honest, the pleasure from finally solving the problem is much greater .

The reward for completing tasks itself is usually small - a modest amount of money in most cases. But, firstly, it cannot be said that several thousand rubles will be superfluous for Degtyarev, given how much it costs to modify weapons and body armor, and secondly, in the process of completing tasks you will either find interesting information about the world of “Stalker” or make friends with someone -something from the inhabitants of the Zone, which may later affect the development of events, or you will receive some kind of “achievement”.

The “achievements” system that unexpectedly made its way into “Call of Pripyat” differs from what is usual in other games in that these are not just “stripes” that you can show off to your friends. Each of them is, albeit small, a plus that makes your life easier. Unravel the mystery of the disappearance of stalkers on Skadovsk - the grateful inhabitants of the “swamp icebreaker” will from time to time throw a first aid kit or two into your personal box. Convince merchants that you are a paying customer and you will see rare goods on sale more often.

Tell me, do you like games that allow you to choose? What about games where the ending depends directly on what you did in the first place, rather than on last-minute choices? And maybe you like to think of your computer-controlled teammates as real people? If you answered yes to all three questions, feel free to sit down and play “Call of Pripyat”, you will probably like it!

In fact, completing the Call of Pripyat storyline takes very little time. And if you decide to complete additional tasks, your journey to the Zone will last more than one week. We'll start with the plot, and then we'll analyze each location of the game in detail to see what else you can do there...

Special task


Upon arrival in the Zone, Major Degtyarev’s first task is to investigate the crash sites of five helicopters from the Skat group. Three of them fell on Zaton, and two in the vicinity of the Jupiter plant. Well, it’s a long way to the factory, and it wouldn’t hurt to look around before you climb into the bloodsucker’s tentacles.

The places where the “turntables” fell are indicated on the map in the PDA, but before you start examining them, it would be a good idea to talk with local stalkers. Still, the Zone is a dangerous place, and it is better to know in advance what awaits where you are going.

From conversations with a stalker wandering nearby, it turns out that, firstly, almost all the inhabitants of Zaton saw the helicopters fall, and secondly, one of the helicopters fell on the southern plateau. And thirdly, only the half-mad stalker Noah, who lives alone on an abandoned barge, knows the way there. In addition, from questioning it becomes clear that the only more or less safe place in these parts is the dry cargo ship Skadovsk, where a stalker can take him for a modest reward of 350 rubles.

In general, you don’t have to pay at all - you can go for a run on your own, breathe in the local air and look around the surroundings. I can’t say that Zaton amazes with its beauty, but the main thing here is to get used to the thickets of sedge that are constantly in your eyes and the water squelching under your feet. Fortunately, local puddles are not radioactive or toxic - at least most of them.

"Skadovsk" - a "swamp icebreaker" in the words of its "owner" Boroda - is a quiet place shared by stalkers and bandits. From time to time they will replace each other at the tables - and the good news is that the bandits near the center of the Zone are unusually non-aggressive and in no hurry to attack. Sometimes they fight with stalkers, but nothing more. Either the major has “state security officer” written on his forehead, or something else, but the fact remains that until he starts shooting first, “criminal elements” will not attack him.

After looking around “Skadovsk” and getting to know its inhabitants, you can go to visit Noah. There's definitely something wrong with the lone stalker's head - if he greets everyone who opens the door to his barge with a shotgun blast. True, he rarely gets it - and for that he should be thanked. Be that as it may, he saw a falling helicopter, spoke with the military, and agreed to take it to the plateau. Went? Let's go. Lead.

The “path to the plateau” is not difficult, but not pleasant. All you need to do is roughly repeat Noah’s actions - that is, run through the field of anomalies along the same route as him. The road is not too winding and ends with a jump into the abyss... that is, into a teleport anomaly hanging in the air.

Coming out of the anomaly, the major will find himself on a plateau surrounded by trees and snorks. Shooting the second ones, we get to the helicopter and find out the coordinates of three evacuation points to which the military could presumably go after the crash. What's most offensive is that one of them - B2 - is Skadovsk. Oh well, anyway, we had to go back - get repairs and sleep...

But neither at Skadovsk, nor at the Volkhov air defense missile system - also known as the "B205 evacuation point" - will there be any military personnel. Where did they go? Is it really to point B28 - Pripyat? But you still need to get there... In the meantime, it’s worth exploring two more places - the Skat-2 and Skat-5 helicopters.

No useful data will be found in the computer of a rotorcraft that crashes in the swamps. And not at all because the major does not know how to handle equipment - it’s just that all the electronics of the helicopter burned out to the burer’s grandmother. But "Scat-2", which lies near the "Iron Forest", will present an unexpected gift - a detailed map of the area. Naturally, a stalker guide named Pilot will be very interested in her and, in exchange for a card, will take you from Zaton to Yanov and back for just a thousand rubles.

Surroundings of the Jupiter plant

The Yanov station is an interesting place where somehow a tense neutrality has been established between the Debtors and the Svobodists sharing the same building. Moreover, the “division of responsibilities” is peculiar: the doctor and the merchant live on half of the “Freedom”, and the technician and a place to relax are in the debt part. But silence only lasts inside - outside the walls of the station, both groups are conducting fierce firefights.

Two helicopters crashed in this part of the Zone. "Scat-4", which tried to land on the roof of the Jupiter plant, suffered the same fate as the helicopter in the swamps on Zaton. Completely burned electronics turned the car into an iron coffin that fell down. Unfortunately, no useful information can be extracted from it.

"Scat-1", which somehow hobbled to the helipads, is a completely different matter. The information from the on-board computer was deleted - apparently, the military principle “so that the enemy does not get it” worked - but the “black box” survived. And even though its contents are encrypted, but for a moderate reward - only 2,100 rubles - the “duty” technician Azot will extract from the “box’s” memory a short record that the military was evacuated to point B28. Not to say that this was an extremely useful discovery - after the search on Zaton, it is already clear that this is the only possible evacuation point - but this information gives complete confidence that survivors need to be looked for in Pripyat. But how to get there?

The guide Pilot says that he himself does not know the way to the abandoned city, but one of his friends once said that under the plant there is a tunnel all the way to Pripyat. And if he had looked for it himself, he would have started with the administrative building of Jupiter.

Searches in the dilapidated buildings of the plant will sooner or later lead the major to documents about the now mothballed Pripyat-1 overpass. And the problem is not even that the entrance to it is closed - Azoth is quite capable of figuring out how to control the doors. The main danger is that gas was pumped into the overpass and to go down inside you will need a suit with a closed breathing system. The SEVA overalls, which can be bought at Yanov from the Hawaiian for thirty thousand rubles, are quite suitable. If the merchant doesn’t have a suit, you have a direct route to Shustrom at Skadovsk. This swindler will probably have what he needs.

But Azoth does not agree to go to the overpass without a solid escort and advises taking a stalker named Zulu who lives in a tower near the station for company. A conversation with this hermit will hit the major’s liver hard - after almost every phrase the “long-time man” concludes: “You need a drink for this!”, so prepare a snack. When you wake up, you will need it.

The main thing that the major will take away from this conversation is that Zulu can leave even now, but he wouldn’t mind at all if you took a couple more people with you. In fact, there, on the overpass, not a single trunk will be superfluous.

The first person to go to Pripyat without question is Lieutenant Sokolov, the co-pilot of one of the crashed helicopters and the only survivor of its crew. After the crash, the lieutenant made it to the scientists' bunker and is now bored there. Sokolov is especially noteworthy for his fatalistic-pessimistic attitude and corresponding comments on what is happening. He will go, but a suit with a closed breathing system for him needs to be begged from scientists - and the professor will not just give it away. The major will have to climb into an unexplored anomaly and get a sample of the altered plant from there. When you return, give the loot to the scientists and send Sokolov to the Zulu.

The second companion on the hike can be the stalker Vano. Naturally, only after Degtyarev helps him solve the problem of paying off his debt to the bandits. The gullible stalker was “put on the counter” and now they are extracting money from him - so much so that Vano had to sell almost all of his equipment... Why not help a good person?

The team is ready to go to Pripyat.

Naturally, the bandits do not want to take from Degtyarev the five thousand that the stalker gave him. They don’t want to, because they already need seven thousand. Of course, they could have been paid, but the gang leader has such a wonderful shotgun in his hands, and the barrel of the AK is already resting on the back of his head... And in general, with what kind of anomaly will these gopniks rip off our brother stalker like a stick?

Another character who can keep you company, quite unexpected, is the commander of a detachment of Monoliths, nicknamed Tramp. Yes, many are accustomed to seeing Monolith fighters only through an optical sight, but the squad that can be found behind the bridge north of the container warehouse is a little different. After turning off the Brain Burner, it was as if a veil had been lifted from them - and they again remembered who they were. Having hastened to get away from Pripyat, they were “stuck” near the Jupiter, not knowing where to go without being shot at. Naturally, you can help them - and at the same time help “Freedom” or “Duty” find new fighters. It is only necessary that the major has already established warm relations with the group where we are going to place the refugees, otherwise they will refuse to take our word for it and will not accept the fugitive Monoliths. After the fate of the detachment is decided, the Tramp will not refuse to go with us to Pripyat, perhaps there he will be lucky enough to learn something about what happened to him and his friends?

When the whole team has gathered in the Zulu tower, we take Azoth and go to the overpass. And there, poison gas, anomalies, jerboas, snorks and monoliths await the major and the stalkers who have joined him - and in exactly that order. It is difficult to keep companions alive in these conditions, but, by and large, this is not required. It is quite enough if only Degtyarev gets to Pripyat. However, if you hold out until the exit together with Vano and Sokolov, then they will help the major more than once...

Be that as it may, the overpass will end and the survivors will emerge into the sunlight to meet Colonel Kowalski’s people - a group of military men who survived the crash of the Skat group helicopters. And Degtyarev will finally show everyone the identity of an SBU major, to which Sokolov, with his characteristic doom, will say: “I immediately knew that there was something fishy here...”, and Vano will instantly spill into stories: “Wah, my friend and I We went through major...we went through...We went through so much together, right?!”

In general, welcome to Pripyat, comrade major.


The first thing you need to do is discuss with Colonel Kowalski the reasons for the helicopter crashes. The colonel does not hide the information, and according to him, it turns out that the “turntables” were shot down by the Monoliths from a chimera he knows what kind of weapon. And the military is preparing to capture just a group with such weapons. Will you participate, Major? When you are ready, report to Captain Tarasov.

Before you go on a mission, you should get acquainted with a local technician who repairs any weapon and armored suits completely free of charge, that is, for nothing - and then the stalker’s nose already smells the opportunity to make money. In addition to repairs, a repairman can select from his reserves cartridges of any caliber, a couple of grenades and - though only once - a set of body armor and a helmet. And the military medic will not only treat Degtyarev for free if the need arises, but will also provide him with first aid kits, medicines for everything and canned food.

Having replenished supplies, we report to Tarasov that we are ready and set off with his group to intercept the Monoliths. We take places in the building, wait until the “targets” approach, shoot... And then it turns out that all this is a “Monolith” ambush. Fanatics are crawling out of all the holes and cracks, and their leader is standing on the roof and watering the surrounding area with a selective sermon about how “The Monolith will punish its enemies.” But preaching, alas, is not the worst thing, we could stand it... So he also has a “Gauss” in his hands, from which he methodically plants on the windows of the house where the soldiers are sitting, and on the yard in front of him.

Here everything will depend on how quickly and accurately Major Degtyarev can shoot. Well, just a little bit depends on what weapon he took with him. If he has SVD in his reserves - obtained, for example, while crossing the overpass to Pripyat, then the monolith’s preaching will end very quickly. This is the only way to save the life of at least one of the military - which, again, is not necessary, but you really want to.

When the fanatics run out, you can breathe easier, pick up the Gauss - unfortunately, badly damaged and almost faulty - and go back to the laundry, to the colonel.

Kovalsky has a problem - the reconnaissance group did not get in touch in time. Naturally, it is not just anyone but Major Degtyarev who is sent to find the missing. It’s clear that the colonel feels sorry for his people, but this one from the SBU... Well, he’ll die, so what?

There are several bodies lying at the point marked in the CCP as the last known location of the reconnaissance team. Dead. Someone shot the guys without leaving any traces. Kovalsky believes that this is the work of fanatics, and says that the scouts discovered a gathering place for Monoliths - the Books store. Let's go to take revenge... Only we meet two more soldiers whom the colonel sent to help - and we go.

The clearing of the “Books” building from the “Monolith” fighters holed up inside would not be worth special mention, if not for the fact that it was inside it that Degtyarev first saw the prayer of the “Monolithians” around a pile of garbage. Naturally, the major has no idea that this heap is actually a makeshift “copy” of that same Monolith from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant sarcophagus, which was also called the “wish granter”...

Having freed the former bookstore from the “prayers”, you can go look for a person who will undertake to repair the “Gauss”. Fortunately, a stalker-guide named Garik made his way to Pripyat from the scientists’ bunker in the vicinity of Jupiter. To save time, you can walk with him all the way to Skadovsk. A technician named Cardan lives and drinks bitters on this “swamp icebreaker.” Seeing the “Gauss”, he will mutter something incomprehensible and “pass out” for about a day - it will not be possible to bring him to his senses earlier.

When he comes to his senses and is able to express himself more or less consciously, it turns out that the drunken repairman is not just a stalker-vagrant, but one of those who developed “product No. 62,” that is, the Gauss gun. It was a long time ago, and many of the details had already disappeared from his mind, but if someone had brought him documentation from the secret testing workshop... There was an access card to this workshop.

Major Degtyarev did not refuse the opportunity to learn more about what was happening and what happened before in the Zone and does not intend to. The state security worker will have to go down into the underground premises, fight off zombie stalkers walking in a column one at a time and deal with the pseudo-giant. And then - into the ventilation and through the pipe into the room with one of the first prototypes of the “Gauss gun”. It's a shame you can't shoot with it...

In addition to design documents and diagrams, in the room there is also a “tip” to the secret laboratory “X-8” along with a yellow access card. But it’s still a long way from visiting that laboratory, but for now you need to take the documents to Cardan, wait until he fixes the Gauss, and rejoice at the new superweapon. The issue with batteries for him is resolved right away - Cardan is ready to make batteries for the “Gauss”, as they say, on his knee for two thousand rubles. They are not as powerful, but still better than nothing.

As soon as the major gets to Pripyat, Kovalsky will appear - again, someone has not contacted the colonel. This time it’s not a whole group, but just one sentry. If necessary, you can go check, but just remember: it’s all the fault of the controller, who will be waiting for the major near the body of the dead sentry.

At the entrance to the laundry Degtyarev will be stopped “for a few words” by conductor Garik and will tell him that he recently led a group of mercenaries to Pripyat. Naturally, for a hefty sum, but as a result, everything turned out in such a way that they were going to waste the guide, and he barely escaped alive. In general, the mercenaries are planning something: Garik heard a conversation about an upcoming meeting with a certain “customer” in the courtyard of a Pripyat hostel.

After a conversation with the conductor, Degtyarev will dump a whole heap of information on the colonel: about the controller, the “Gauss gun” and the mercenaries who made their way to Pripyat. The latter will be of particular interest to Kowalski: a military man does not need unnecessary opponents. The solution will be simple: monitor the meeting through an optical sight and, if possible, eliminate the leader of the mercenaries and the representative of the mysterious customer.

As soon as the major agrees, he will immediately find himself at the window of the house overlooking the dormitory courtyard, where the meeting is about to take place, and he will have an SVD in his hands. Now all he has to do is wait for both “delegations” to appear and eliminate their leaders with a few well-placed shots to the head. To do this for sure, before talking with Kowalski, you can first arm yourself with a “Gauss gun” - after all, it is much more accurate than the SVD. After the task is completed and the necessary people die, and their “retinue” disappears in an unknown direction, you can pick up the red key card for access to the X-8 laboratory from the body of the “customer’s” representative. Moreover, Degtyarev’s path now lies precisely there.

The entrance to the laboratory is located in the Yubileiny KBO. But besides him, there are zombies and a non-working generator in the building. You will have to fight off the first ones, and launch the second one in order to go down the elevator to the entrance to the secret facility. The laboratory itself is an unpleasant and dangerous place for health. If you feel like you smell kerosene and your first aid kits are running low, grab the first folder with documents you come across and take the elevator up. You need to bring at least one folder from underground - you don’t have to collect everything.

As soon as the elevator doors open, Kowalsky will contact Degtyarev and ask for a face-to-face conversation. Why not?

The Colonel is unhappy, and he is quite understandable. The operation he was assigned to failed. The helicopters that were supposed to evacuate the military do not arrive, and just a little longer, and there will be no one to evacuate... There is also no normal connection with the “center” - something is jamming the signal. A group of soldiers who were sent to search for the jammer disappeared without a trace. “In general, Major, it’s in your best interests to help us. Find my guys, will you?” - “We’ll look, Comrade Colonel...”

Quite expectedly, instead of a group of military men, Degtyarev will discover their corpses. The former commander had an explosive charge with him, which the major would still need, especially since Kovalsky’s radio operator had already determined the exact location of the source of radio interference - the kindergarten building.

To get inside, you will have to place explosives on the door and run away to a safe distance while the five-second timer ticks. In the building, the major will be given a “warm” welcome by several poltergeists, but the most interesting thing, for which Degtyarev came here, will be on the top floor - a pile of metal, one in one similar to the Monolithic “altar”, only unlike it, it works as a “radio jammer”. You can turn it off in a barbaric way - by shooting the floorboards on which it stands.

It’s worth going down into the resulting hole, especially since some strange sounds are coming from there. These sounds are made by a military medic locked in a closet. How he got there is unclear, but he is extremely happy about his release, thanks him in every possible way and offers to return to the base without delay.

In the laundry, Kovalsky catches the major and reports that communication with headquarters has been established, Degtyarev can communicate with his superiors. But the lieutenant interrupts the conversation - he has detected a strange encrypted transmission, the source of which is moving towards the military base. This time the major volunteers to check what this signal is, himself, without Kowalski’s reminders. After unsuccessful attempts to find the source of the transmission, the colonel commands: “If you would come back, Degtyarev, it’s probably the fanatics who went on the attack again...”

But instead of an armed detachment of Monoliths, a lone stalker approaches the military base. “Don’t shoot,” he says, “I am the Shooter.”

The man who disabled the Brain Burner wanted to destroy the Zone, but everything turned out to be more complicated than he imagined. All his affairs were almost in vain - except that the path to Pripyat opened, but the Zone itself did not go away. And now Strelok wants to transfer some information that he has into the hands of the government. In addition, he knows why Operation Fairway failed and what shot down the helicopters... But the ejection begins, and it is impossible to contact the Center before it ends. Well, we'll wait it out, not for the first time.

When the shaking stops and the red veil of the ejection subsides, the headquarters will get in touch. The good news will be that helicopters will still be sent for the Skat group, Major Degtyarev and Strelok. The bad news is that the turntables will arrive at point B28 - the Prometheus cinema. You will have to get there on your own, and this walk will not be fun and easy.

Before going out, repair all your equipment and think carefully about what to arm yourself with. The remnants of your group will be attacked alternately by zombies, snorks and monoliths, and there will be many fanatics. If you want to save people - and the colonel especially asks you to cover Strelok, then the main danger will be the Monolith snipers, perched on the roofs in front of the cinema. You can’t do without a sniper rifle, or better yet, a Gauss rifle. Select the second barrel at your discretion, but taking into account the fact that the battle will take place at night and mainly at medium distances - that is, in conditions where the usefulness of a shotgun is questionable. Don’t take anything extra with you - let it be possible to make one or two quick sprint throws to cover or to help soldiers stuck in battle.

When the helicopters do take off, the game will ask you: do you want to leave the Zone? Answer “yes” - watch the end credits and return to the main menu. If you say no, the helicopters will fly away without you. All that remains is to finish off the remnants of the Monoliths and return to the laundry, where Garik has already led a whole detachment of stalkers. Now you can continue to explore the Zone and complete tasks that for some reason remained unfulfilled. And when you get tired of it, just go up to any of the conductors and say: “Take me out of the Zone.”

Single Player Achievements
AchievementConditions of receiptEffect
DiscovererGive the scientists three artifacts: from the dredge on Zaton, an alternating psi-field generator and a plant from an anomalous grove.Absent
Mutant HunterComplete all of St. John's Wort's quests.Ammunition will sometimes be placed in the personal box at the Yanov station.
DetectiveFind out who is responsible for the deaths of stalkers on Zaton and destroy the lair of bloodsuckers.Medicines will be placed in the personal box at Skadovsk from time to time.
Your boyfriendTake the side of the stalkers in the conflict with the Sultan's bandits.Owl will give you a discount, Beard will buy artifacts at higher prices.
AuthorityHelp the Sultan deal with Beard.Owl, out of fear, will lower the prices of his goods for you, Beard will give away part of his profit.
Messenger of JusticeFind a stalker named Soroka and punish him.Soroki's swag will end up in your personal mailbox on Yanov.
SeekerFind all types of artifacts known to science.Relations with stalkers will improve, bandits will follow you around the Zone more often.
Combat Systems MasterBring three sets of tools to Cardan.Cardan will be able to install new servos on the exoskeleton, which will allow you to run in this “suit”.
Master of High TechnologiesBring three sets of tools to Azoth.Nitrogen will be able to mount a target designator into a tactical helmet.
Experienced stalkerVisit known anomalies.Increases the chance of discovering rare artifacts.
LeaderGather a detachment of Zulu, Sokolov, Vano and Tramp for a trip to Pripyat.Allies in your squad are constantly healed, which means they are less likely to die in battle.
DiplomatFree the stalker-hostage without a fight and return Vano's debt to the bandits.Improves relations with all factions present in the game.
ResearcherComplete four or more tasks from Professors Herman and Ozersky.Herman's product range is increasing. German and Novikov give you discounts.
Friend of "Duty"Give Shulga the PDA of Morgan and Tachuk, tell Shulga about Soroka-Flint, the Tramp and his squad must join “Duty”.Nitrogen will give you a discount, and the Hawaiian, on the contrary, will ask more for his goods.
Friend of FreedomGive Loki the PDA of Morgan and Tachuk, tell him about Magpie-Flint, the Tramp and his squad must join Freedom.The Hawaiian will lower prices, and Azoth will charge more for equipment repairs and modifications.
BalancerSell ​​Morgan and Tachuk's PDA to Sych, tell Gonta about Soroka.Both Azot and Hawaiian offer discounts.
Wealthy clientAccumulate one hundred thousand rubles.The assortment of all traders is expanding.
Keeper of SecretsGive Strelok three notes from his group's caches.The Strelok will have a better chance of surviving in the final game.
Marked by ZoneSurvive an open-air release three times using an anabiotic.Even without taking medications, you have a chance to survive the release outside the shelter, if your health is not compromised.
Information TraderSell ​​Sych ten documents or PDAs containing valuable information.Owl will give you a discount as a colleague.
Friend of stalkersSupport the stalkers in the fight against bandits at Skadovsk, help Gonta find Soroka, and then kill the chimera with him, tell St. John's Wort about it, free Mityai in any way, solve Vano's problem with the bandits.Medical stalkers will sell you medicines at cost.

Personal interests

"Swamp Icebreaker" needs help

On the rusty bulk carrier "Skadovsk" live several notable personalities who will be useful to any stalker, regardless of whether he is new to the Zone or a seasoned artifact seeker. Local bartender Beard is engaged in obtaining rare anomalous formations for customers. Naturally, he does not do this himself, but hires stalkers - so if you need money and want to find a “fry” or “soda” for your butt, contact us. But Beard won’t give any information about where to find what you need. And you shouldn’t search for too long - your competitors may well get ahead of you, because the cunning bartender always gives the same order to several stalkers, so to speak, to maintain healthy competition.

The Sultan is a local crime boss who has already become overwhelmed by Beard’s business activities. Moreover, the stubborn bartender refuses to take the bandit as a share. If you wish, you can contribute to the establishment of the law of thieves at Skadovsk. But you can do something more cunning - come to an agreement with the Sultan, and then “surrender” his plans to Beard and at the last moment suddenly go over to the side of the stalkers. Depending on the chosen side of the conflict, upon its completion you will be awarded the “Your Guy” or “Authority” achievement. For helping the stalkers, Beard will offer you to buy rare artifacts from him, and the stalkers will convince the arms dealer Sych to give you a discount. For those who have won the respect of the local “lads”, Sych will make a discount himself... so as not to inadvertently offend. And it will be possible to periodically collect a portion of his proceeds from Beard.

Merchant Owl is also a fruit. Its main product is not weapons and body armor, as one might think, but a much rarer and ephemeral entity. Sych sells and buys information: any documents, personal PDAs, laptops and anything that might be even a little interesting. If you often use his services in this area and supply the merchant with valuable data, you will receive the “information merchant” achievement and a discount from Sych, who recognized you as almost a colleague and a valuable comrade. In addition, from this merchant you will receive several tasks that will ultimately allow you to obtain the experimental anomaly detector “Svarog” - for this you will need to take three “Veles” detectors to Novikov in the scientists’ bunker. Sych doesn’t say where to get them - get out as you want. A little hint: with the “wealthy client” achievement, Sych himself almost always has Veles on sale. In any case, it’s worth getting “Svarog” - it’s much more convenient, and only a stalker armed with it can complete the task of scientists to study “strange anomalous activity” at the old cooling tower. After you get your hands on a rare detector, relations between Beard and Sultan will become strained at Skadovsk. The bartender needs a rare artifact called the “Compass” - and, naturally, the crime boss is also not averse to getting it. The only person in the area who knows where to get such a rarity is Noah, a stalker from an old barge. The joke is that he actually has two"Compass". Therefore, you can take tasks from both Beard and the Sultan - and then give one artifact to one of them, and keep the second for your collection. Just don’t ask Noah for the third time for “Compass” - he’ll get angry and attack.

Another useful person on Zaton is a stalker named Shustry, from whom you can get rare and unique weapons or good protection, the same exoskeleton. True, his prices are absolutely exorbitant, especially at first, but what do you want - an exclusive product...

The Skadovsk technician, Cardan, needs to be handled especially carefully, because if handled carelessly - drinking the third bottle of Cossacks is considered “careless” - he tends to fall asleep right at his workplace and not wake up for about a day... But here are the first two It’s worth pouring bottles into Cardan. Without them, he will not make weapon modifications for you. After the second half-liter of “deactivator” is given, it’s worth asking the technician about his missing friends - Barge and Joker - and promise to convey an apology to them. It’s just a pity that nothing can be conveyed: the body of the Barge lies in the snorkel tunnels under the burnt out farm, and the skeleton of the Joker is not far from the “pine oak tree.” Bring their PDA to Skadovsk and give it to the equipment - they will not give any achievements for this, but the ending of the game will be happier for Cardan.

Who else on the “swamp icebreaker” can help with finding work and troubles? Capercaillie is trying to investigate the mass disappearances of stalkers - if you help him, you will receive the “Detective” achievement. Gonta really wants to find the stalker Soroka, because of whom one of his comrades fell into the claws of the chimera. Later, when you find the fugitive, Gonta will offer to hunt the chimera with him and his group. You will need to report the victory over the beast to St. John's Wort at the Yanov station - this is one of the conditions for receiving the “friend of stalkers” achievement.

Jupiter, which is the plant

An unheard-of phenomenon by the standards of the Zone: fighters from warring factions - “Freedom” and “Duty” - coexist relatively peacefully in the same building. Most tasks in this area can be solved in two ways, that is, in favor of one of the factions. Naturally, after this, the attitude towards you on both sides will change - only some have a positive attitude, while others have the opposite. Although you can try to find a “third way” - and then (surprise!) both groups will make concessions, apparently only because they did not help their enemy. For example, if at “Zaton” the conflict between Beard and Sultan is brought to a complete resolution, then in your hands will be the CCP of the debtor Morgan, who sold government weapons to the left. You can give it to the leader of “Svoboda” - and the information contained in the device will allow you to organize an attack on the “Duty” cache, you can make Shulga, the commander of the red-blacks, happy with the news that “something is rotten in “Duty” - and then the attack will have to be reflected on the cache. In any case, the contents of the cache are at your disposal. What about the “third way”? And it consists of selling Morgan’s PDA to Sych - let the merchant figure out what to do with it, and you seem to have nothing to do with it.

But “Yanov” does not live in single groups. In the basement of the station there is a mutant hunter named St. John's Wort. He himself no longer hunts, but he can place an order for the destruction of a group of mutants. After completing all his tasks, you will receive the “mutant hunter” achievement and the eternal gratitude of the stalkers, which they express by periodically placing cartridges in your personal box.

If you talk with the stalkers standing in the building, sooner or later you will find two comrades who are discussing how best to rescue the third, whom the bandits took hostage. The choice of decision - to fulfill the demands of the bandits, storm them, or something else - is yours, but remember that only a bloodless decision will be taken into account when checking for the “Diplomat” achievement.

Halfway through "Freedom" there is a stalker already familiar from "Clear Sky" - Uncle Yar, who abandoned his equipment and is now doing what the rest of the stalkers do. That is, he is looking for trouble. The guy asks to help him with “one simple matter”... Why not help a good person? To do this, you will have to walk with him to Kopachi, carefully and without attracting attention, pass its zombified inhabitants, and then shoot a little at the mercenaries from the attic of a lonely house. "A little bit" because Yar has SVD and he's not afraid to use it at all - so you just need to help him a little. The main thing is, then don’t forget to ask the guy about the mercenaries’ interest in his person.

When you go to Yanov, listen carefully, especially if during your absence you completed some non-plot task. Sooner or later you will hear a guy in Svoboda uniform named Flint talking about your exploits... But in his presentation that’s all his merit! This, you see, he single-handedly cleared out the lair of bloodsuckers on Zaton... The desire to shoot the monster with a PM (he simply does not deserve expensive cartridges) is limited only by the fact that this Flint does not go beyond the walls of “Yanov”. But there is a method to deal with it. In the old quarry you can find a dying stalker named Sliver. Before he dies, he will tell you about how some Svoboda member abandoned him in a soda fountain. Return to Yanov and listen to another story from Flint about how he “pulled artifacts in his quarry.” Now you can press him against the wall and insinuatingly ask: “Maybe we should go to the quarry? At the same time, I’ll show you where the Sliver lies...”

But Flint won’t give up so easily - after all, you don’t have any serious evidence. Apparently, after this the liar considers himself completely safe and tells another story, which is suspiciously reminiscent of what Gonta told you about at Skadovsk... Yes... Soroka has changed a lot... Now it all depends on you: hand over Flint-Magpie to Freedom, Debt or Gonta. In any case, nothing good is expected for him - and this is the best reward.

Not far from the train station there is a bunker in which scientists work. They won’t refuse help in research, so why not push science forward a little, especially since they themselves have difficulty doing this... First of all, let’s go study a certain “variable psi-field.” The eastern train tunnel is dark, a little damp, and hides the controller. There is little hope for the group of stalkers that is coming with us - most likely, the guys will immediately “get their brains in.” We'll have to do it ourselves. Kill the monster and take the unexplored artifact.

Afterwards, the scientists will have two more similar tasks for you - to cover a group of stalkers while they take measurements in the anomalies. When you choose which anomaly to go to, remember that near the “ash pit” you will be attacked by slow and clumsy zombie stalkers, hobbling right away from the diggers, and measurements in the “mellows” will have to be taken to the accompaniment of non-musical grunting and squealing of flesh and boars. And just in the floodplains you will have to sweat quite a bit. If everything went very badly and the stalkers died without completing the work, you can try to involve in the scientific work one of those whom you helped earlier: Gonta’s group or those guys from Yanov, whose comrade was taken hostage by bandits.

When the measurements are completed, one of the scientists will put forward a far from brilliant hypothesis that mutants react to the radiation of devices and try to destroy them - and ask to check it. All you need to do is get to the center of the anomaly, leave the “scanner” there and withstand the attack of the snorks.

Two more tasks from scientists will be related to the study of anomalies. You will be given special scanners and asked to place them in the right places. It’s not particularly difficult - but if you do it without “Svarog”, you’ll have to pretty much “chatter” the area, sneaking past anomalies. However, the prize will be the display on the map in your PDA of information about the presence of artifacts in those places where scanners are installed.

Checking for unusual anomalous activity at an old cooling tower can be a difficult task - unless you have an experimental detector. The fact is that without it, the necessary anomaly simply does not manifest itself, and you will continue to hear phantom calls for help. If you approach the edge of the iron platform with “Svarog” in your hands, a spatial “bubble” will appear in the air in front of you and burst, from which several dead debtors will fall out. One of them will have a PDA with him with some interesting information about “Debt”, which can be given to Colonel Shulga. Or the leader of Svoboda. Or Sych - depending on who you sympathize with more.

When you collect some research data, the professor will say that he has long been interested in what the Jupiter plant was doing and will ask you to bring at least some documents from its buildings. This in itself is simple, but only after you take the required folder, out of nowhere a detachment of angry mercenaries will appear, who previously pretended to be guarding the scientists’ bunker. Leave fighting, return to the professors, give the folder and promise to find them new security. There are three options: fighters of “Freedom”, “Duty” and a group of Spartak stalkers living on Zaton.

And finally, the most terrible task that you will receive from scientists is to check the legend about the “Oasis”, a strange place where all wounds, regardless of their severity, heal instantly... It is useless to ask stalkers about it - everyone considers this place just a legend . Although some people will tell you that “Oasis” is located in Pripyat under the “Ferris wheel” - don’t even think about believing it! Yes, this very wheel can be seen. But you can’t get to it - it’s located outside the territory accessible in the game. Everything is a little simpler: “Oasis” is located in the vicinity of the Jupiter plant under an old ventilation complex. There is no direct path there, but the “curve” begins to the north of the complex, from the railway tracks and a small stop, not marked on the map as a separate location. There are always five zombified heels and a dozen jerboas wandering around there - but I don’t think that they will become a serious obstacle to the dream.

Having found the entrance, you need to climb around the pipes a little until you find yourself in a corridor that leads to a spacious room with four rows of “columns” supporting the ceiling. If you just run further, the invisible teleporter at the end of the corridor will work and throw you back to the very beginning, to the entrance to the “hall”.

The catch is that I couldn’t find any hints on how to get through this place in the game, and when the path to the treasured “Oasis” did open, the sensations were similar to those of a monkey who accidentally typed “Eugene Onegin” on the place he found “Underwood”. If you want, try it yourself, if not, read, I’ll tell you.

To go through the teleport at the end of the tunnel, you must first make four “gates” appear. This can only be achieved by a simple brute force method: we select a passage between the “columns” and run along it without turning, and then all the way to the teleport. You will be thrown back, but if you are lucky, a “gate” will appear in the passage along which you were running - white sparks falling from above. Using exactly the same barbaric method we find the second, third and fourth. Just remember that “gates” appear strictly in the amount of one at a time, and there can be several of them in one passage - so do not exclude from the search those passages where there are already “gates”. When all four “gates” are found, all that remains is to run to the doors, crossing the rows of “columns” only through them. That’s it, the teleport is disabled - go to the “Oasis”, grab his heart and leave this suddenly inhospitable place.

Another stalker's story, which turned out to be true when tested, is a UFO flying over Yanov. It was actually a drone reconnaissance aircraft, which can be found in the upper left corner of the map. The memory block extracted from it must be given to Azot or Novikov for decryption - the result will be the coordinates of three caches that belong not to anyone, but to Strelok and his comrades.

Let me complete the story about what is happening around Pripyat. Good luck to you, and happy to find your “Oasis”, stalkers!

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