The easiest tricks with training cards. Card tricks for beginners in different versions. What tricks with cards can ordinary people do

Surely, many are amazed at the incredible performances of famous illusionists who are able to make certain objects disappear, balls or other elements fly in the air, or objects appear out of nowhere. This is not an easy job with the illusion of perception of the movement of objects by people.

We all dream of learning tricks with cards, coins, matches, cigarettes and other elements. If there is too little magic in your life, then after reading the material below, you will be able to create the most extraordinary miracles on your own, surprising and delighting your loved ones.

How to learn easy magic tricks?

If you want to learn how to show tricks, then the most important thing is to understand the fact that this is not just an ordinary skill or sleight of hand. Showing tricks, even the easiest ones, is a real art. Each individual trick implies two sides: the obvious, which the audience sees and the secret, which can only be guessed at. When will you finally learn how to perform tricks in such a way that the secret side is not visible, while convincing even the most skeptical viewer that you are creating the most real magic Only then will you be able to comprehend this art.

Collection for children: Your first tricks (Funkits).
An excellent guide with trick secrets and props is even included.

It is necessary to start gradually and from the simplest. You can read a couple of books, where everything is painted as accessible as possible. It takes a certain amount of time to train one focus. It is advisable to conduct training in front of a mirror and bring it to such a point that the focus turns out on its own, without thinking about each individual step. Try to add artistry, because you are the creator of real magic.

Magic tricks for kids

Now I will share with you a few simple tricks that any child will be delighted with. In addition, you yourself can teach him these tricks. It is worth noting that learning tricks will not only bring a lot of fun to the child, but will also have a positive impact on his logical and creative thinking.

Focus with clock

The magician removes the clock from one of his guests, after which he places it in an opaque bag. The music turns on, the young magician begins to conjure, after which he picks up a hammer and hits the same bag. After this procedure, he pours the watch parts directly out of the bag. The spectator is in a panic, because his watch has just been broken, but the little magician calms him down. Then all the details are put back into the bag, the magician makes a few magical movements and takes out a whole watch from there. The secret of the trick is to put spare parts from other watches in the bag in advance. This focus your child will definitely like his simple.


Everyone knows that if a balloon is punctured, it will burst. The little magician will take a knitting needle in his hands and begin to pierce Balloon, but to the surprise of all the guests, it will not burst. The secret lies in the fact that the ball will first be sealed on both sides with a piece of adhesive tape, which, in turn, will not be visible to the viewer.

Focus with chicken egg

You can put it out without a napkin - right on the salt on the table. Then you need to gently blow off the extra grains of salt.

The young magician puts his napkin on the table. Next, he takes the egg, puts it on a napkin directly with the narrow side. The egg does not fall, and the magician receives a well-deserved applause. The secret is to put a small layer of salt under the napkin. The egg will not fall, as it is stuck in salt.

Tricks with coins

Now let's try to consider tricks with coins. It is worth noting that training will require some patience from the performer. And directly perform the tricks themselves to automatism. So, consider the trick called "Unusual coin."

To perform the trick, we need the following: a coin, an assistant, a handkerchief measuring 30x30cm.

Coin trick secret

The coin lies on the table and is covered with a handkerchief. You can invite any guest to come up and make sure that the coin is really there. After that, you take a handkerchief and shift it from hand to hand, showing everyone that the coin has miraculously disappeared. Tell everyone that now the coin is concentrated in someone's pocket. Approach the spectator and take out a coin from his pocket.

The secret of the trick is very simple: a partner is required, who must be among the audience. When everyone comes up to make sure that the coin is under the handkerchief, he is the last one to come to collect it.

Tricks with matches

Now I will tell you about a trick called "Magic wand and matches."

For the trick, we need the following items: a plate of water, a small stick, matches, a piece of sugar and soap.

Match trick secret

We fill the plate about three-quarters with water. Next, matches are taken, broken into small pieces and placed directly in the water. Next, we take a magic wand, touch it with one end of the water and, voila, the matches approached it. We touch the other side of the stick of water - the matches blur to the sides.

The secret of the trick is to grease one end of the stick with soap, and attach a piece of sugar to the opposite end. Matches will be attracted to soap, and sail away from sugar.

Tricks with a cigarette

Now I will tell you how you can put out a cigarette on your finger. To do this painlessly, you need to know the true secrets of the Indian gods, while running on hot coals, as well as swallowing long swords. Seriously. Invisibly from everyone, we apply an ice cube between the fingers until the pad of the thumb is numb. Now we quickly extinguish the cigarette in front of all the surprised spectators. I want to note that you will not feel pain, because a burning cigarette will only have time to heat your finger without causing any harm to it.

Card tricks and their secrets

Now I will tell you about one interesting trick with cards. So, "Search for a mysterious map." We take a deck of cards. Next, we ask one of the spectators to choose any card, remember it and put it on top. After that, he moves the deck. The magician lays out all the cards on the table and shows which one was chosen.

You ask how to learn this famous trick? Everything is simple. Just before the focus remember bottom card. As a result, the card chosen by the spectator will be in front of the one you memorized.


How Joshua Jay teaches simple but very effective magic tricks.

Finally, I want to note three important rules that every magician must know about: under no circumstances should you tell the secret of the trick; each individual trick is very carefully rehearsed so that it is performed automatically; you never have to say what will happen in the next moment. All these rules are the true code of every professional magician. Only by strictly observing them, you can achieve the desired effect, remaining a true magician for the viewer.

To be able to skillfully and beautifully perform card tricks is the dream of many boys, and sometimes even girls. This makes it possible to attract the attention of the public, make your person a mysterious center of events, envelop yourself in some kind of mystery. Therefore, from childhood, teenagers who are interested in this craft are in a hurry to master this skill as best as possible. Sometimes the desire to learn how to use a deck comes later, already at a completely mature age. However, it is never too late.

We will try to consider the simplest tricks with cards, with the development of which you should start your work. This will help any hardworking, diligent and diligently training person to become a real magician in the future.

Basic skills you need to have

Even the simplest card tricks require the ability to disguise some of their actions. And the best way for that are:

  • various flourishes;
  • false shuffles in various ways;
  • false and true folds.

Therefore, first of all, you need to make the deck become obedient in your hands. Learn, without hesitation and instantly, to perform at least one type of each of the listed techniques. Some of them can be trained here:

To master at least one method of false shuffling is necessary for almost any card trick. Therefore, special attention should be paid to this.

Examples of simple card tricks

The first elements are based, as a rule, on working with an accomplice from the audience or mathematics. Knowing the basic simple calculations will help you to carry out more than one spectacular card trick with guessing the intended card. And if you agree in advance with a friend, you can impress those present even more.

The viewer will be interested in such a mathematical trick.

The bottom line: you guess the card made by the viewer. To do this, the technique for conducting the trick should be as follows: a person shifts the deck towards himself as he wants and takes one of the halves for himself. You ask him to count the number of cards and add the resulting numbers in the number to each other (for example, having counted, he received 12). This means that when adding these numbers, he will receive 3. Now he must count the third card from the bottom in his part of the deck and remember it. Put your half on yours and give the whole pack of cards to you. At the same time, he can keep all his calculations in mind, not voice them. You effectively turn over the deck with the magic phrase “Amazing trick” and turn the hidden picture over on the last letter of this phrase. Secret: this card will always be 19, such are the laws of mathematics!

A video tutorial on math card tricks can be found here:

To show such tricks with cards you will need special. cards with special coated. You can order these

In these tricks, it is important to be able to count quickly and correctly. It is better not to make mistakes, this will undermine your authority as a magician.

Spectacular tricks

Simple but beautiful card tricks for beginners, always winning. An example is the Four Aces trick. The bottom line: according to any number in the range from 10 to 20 called by the viewer, you do several card shifts and effectively put aside exactly four aces from the deck.

Secret: from the entire pack, count the number of cards that the viewer named. It turns out a small pack. From it you remove from above such a number of cards, which will be obtained by adding the components of the audience number (for example, if it is 12, then remove 3). The rest of the cards are returned to the deck. Of the three, lay the top aside with the outer side up. The rest to the general pile, but strictly on top of the deck. So repeat four times. Then turn over all four pending cards - these are aces. The whole main trick is to put aces in the deck in 9,10,11,12 places before starting.

Such simple tricks with cards will help you jump-start yourselves into a more challenging stunt future.

And here are 4 simple tricks with cards for you, along with training:

To show such tricks with cards you will need special. cards with special coated. You can order these

Any of the listed options requires great skill and the use of special deck management techniques. Relentless training will help you achieve the desired result.

If you want to surprise your friends, then card tricks are what you need. Almost everyone likes such “magic”, although there is nothing magical about them. All it takes to master a few moves is a bit of practice, some artistry, and sometimes special equipment. The simplest tricks can be learned literally in the evening.


For a successful performance, you need master basic mechanics (replacing one card with another, shuffling in a certain order). The secret to most tricks is sleight of hand. Therefore, until you bring your actions to automatism, do not demonstrate to the audience.

The second important aspect of a successful number is manipulation of the mind of the viewer . Your goal is to distract the observer so that he does not concentrate on important details, to make him believe in a miracle. The real focus is a performance in which every little thing counts: your clothes, every look and every word must be prepared in advance. All transitions between actions should be clear and fast so that no one notices the catch.

IMPORTANT! 4 top tips for a magician:

  • Do not reveal the essence of the trick.
  • Do not show the focus to the audience twice in a row.
  • Do not show a "raw" number.
  • Speak only the speech prepared in advance.

Simple tricks

If you haven't done tricks before, it's best to start with something simple. Watch the video and master these three tricks, and at the next meeting with your friends you will have something to surprise them with.

Three cards

Focus "3 cards of Monte"

This trick is very popular among both illusionists and ordinary scammers (you probably saw how on the street they offer to guess where the ace is for money). One of its names is3 Monte cards, learn it is quite easy for him.

Essence: the host shuffles and lays them face down three cards (1 figured, two ordinary), and the viewer must guess where the Ace lies.

The secret may be different. Someone uses pre-prepared gaff cards. For example, one of them may have a corner from the other (when the magician shows all three, he holds them in a “fan” so that this is not visible). Experienced illusionists use only sleight of hand. In total, there are dozens of variants of this trick.

call a friend

Essence: you ask the spectator to choose a card and show it to everyone around.Now we call a friend and pass the phone to the viewer. We clarify that the person's name is Michael. And he really calls correctly!

The trick is that all cards in the deck will get their own name. You and your assistant only need to memorize this code. When you pretend to give a person's name, you are actually giving a hint.


This trick involves two people and a magician.

Essence: guess two cards guessed by two different people.

How to do it: collect all red suits in the upper part of the deck, and black ones in the lower part. Have the first person remove any card from the top, memorize it, and put it down. The second will need to do the opposite.

Then you quickly flip through the deck to see and remember the hidden ones (they will differ in suit from the rest), mix well, flip through again and take them out.

A real magician always keeps the audience in silent admiration and expectation of new miracles. It takes a lot of practice to become such a magician. Of course, anyone who sets himself such a goal can impress the public with simple tricks. But to fully master the complex tricks with cards is possible only for real professionals who, without turning or retreating, are moving steadily towards the intended goal, sweeping away all obstacles in their path.

It is possible to become such a master. To do this, you need to study a lot of literature and watch more than one video lesson, but the result fully justifies the means. The basic rules for complex card tricks are as follows:

  • you need to have clear skills in performing simple tricks;
  • double lifts should occur at the level of instinct;
  • mastering the flourish technique and shuffling different levels will be very useful.

Once you master these rules, you can start training on complex and mysterious tricks that will allow you to move into the category of stunt pros.

To show such tricks with cards you will need special. cards with special coated. You can order these

Some of the most exciting hard stunts

This selection of difficult magic tricks will help you decide which magic tricks are the best to start your difficult journey with.

Trick "Triumph"

The magician gives the viewer to shuffle the deck, and then choose any card and write something on it with a marker so that it does not get lost and substitution is excluded. Then the trickster picks up the deck and, having made several “magic” movements, lays out a ribbon in front of the audience, in which everyone sees with amazement the cards coming in the factory order and in order by suit. And he pulls out exactly the one chosen by the viewer, which turns out to be in a place of strict chronological order. For example, if the chosen card was 6 clubs, then it will lie between 5 clubs and 7 clubs. Focus is simply stormy delight and amazement. You can learn this trick here:

Focus "Illusion"

The spectator selects a card from the deck and memorizes it. The magician puts it in the middle, and then, after shuffling the deck, asks the spectator to choose any three cards from the top six. The spectator chooses and in front of his eyes the magician lays out these three cards in front of him, turns them over, and there ... the card chosen by the spectator for the first time and two jokers and not a trace of the three that should have been on top! You can learn this beautiful illusion here:

Trick "Best Card Trick"

It is made from 4 black cards and 4 aces. Before the eyes of the viewer, the magician lays out 4 aces in the corners of the table and, in an absolutely incredible way, with the help of 4 black cards and magical movements with his hands, he collects a fan of aces in one corner. Seen, it seems simply unreal. Detailed description trick techniques here.

Hello again my dear followers!

Sergey Kulikov is in direct contact with you again, he is your obedient servant - Sailor!

Our today's article is called "Cool trick" Do not be a magician. Tricks for beginners learning with cards. She will be dedicated to one really very cool trick which I love to show. And I show it very often, because I love simple and spectacular tricks. I think you've noticed that in magic tricks, I primarily appreciate the simplicity of the method.

Here everything is so simple that even a child or a beginner can show this trick. But if you are already average level or even higher, then still do not pass by, as this focus is very effective! If you want to learn a couple more simple and effective tricks, then you are here: "" and "".

Well, in the meantime, we'll move on to our trick! Before the trick, we mix the deck well, let the viewer mix it. In general, we do everything with it that only we and the viewer want :) Then we offer the viewer to choose a card, he chooses, we put it in the deck and again mix the deck well.

But then, we begin to interfere with the deck in an absolutely strange way - we interfere with its shirts to the faces! We interfere with this several times and lift as much as you like! We lay out the cards with a ribbon, and what we see with the viewer is complete chaos!

All, it would seem, the map can not be found. BUT! Remember the name of the trick! “Don’t be a magician” :) We snap a finger and .... we take out one card from all this mess, which lies face down.

And it really is a spectator card! We remember the surprised and uncomprehending face of the viewer, and then we go into the sunset to thunderous applause .. 🙂

Demonstrating and learning this wonderful trick

Well, on this beautiful note, I will be forced to leave you!

Sergei Kulikov was with you, he is a Sailor!

See you soon, dear subscribers!