Balloon games. Balloon games A game where you need to draw to make the balloon roll

Elizaveta Sklyarova
Games and contests with balloons

Multi-colored balloons are not only a bright decoration for the holidays, but also funny Games! Ordinary balls have many options for using in the organization of children's leisure. Today I want to bring to your attention a selection of games with balloons. These fun games are suitable for summer activities in kindergarten, themed mornings, fun starts, camp events and birthdays.

Ball games give a sea of ​​positive emotions that remain in the memory of children for a long time. And besides - it is the safest and most exciting activity for kids of all ages both indoors and outdoors.


Each participant receives three to five balls. Task: keep them flying in the air by throwing them up with your hands. Whoever has at least one ball touching the floor is out of the game.

Do not snooze!

The number of participants is from 4 people, but the more participants, the more fun. Children stand in a circle, balloons are placed in the center of this circle - one less than children. After that, turn on the music. While the music is playing, the guys are dancing. As soon as the music stops, the children should grab one balloon. The one who did not have enough ball is out.

Mosquitoes on a balloon

All children - distribute a ball and quality marker for glass and plastic. Task: paint the balloon with insects in the allotted time. You can draw: butterflies, dragonflies, caterpillars, ladybugs, flies and so on. At the end, we count the insects and determine the winner.

Relay "Centipede"

It is necessary to divide the children into two teams. Children stand one after another, the ball is clamped between the back of the previous and the stomach of the next child. Hands down. And now - let's go! You need to walk 5-7 meters to the chair in this way, take the “strawberry” (the first player takes the small red ball, go around the chair and return to the beginning of the distance. The centipede, which does not crumble along the way, won!

air hockey

There may be options here. You need to drive the balls into the gate (we do it yourself) in the following ways:

Badminton racket acting like a club

Another inflatable ball (long and thin, they are called "sausage")

Is not team game. It's just that two players stand side by side on the same line, each with a ball and a stick. The one who scores the goal first wins.


You need to quickly tie a scarf to the ball and draw a face.

Relay "Kangaroo"

Children are divided into two teams (from 2 people) The first two "kangaroo" children must jump the distance with a ball sandwiched between their knees. Our kangaroo should have a small fabric bag (pocket) around its neck. Any soft toy can be used as a kangaroo. We jump 5-7 meters, we hand over the “kangaroo in Kindergarten(bag or hoop, go back, pass the ball and bag to the next team member.


Another variant of a similar competition with balloons, but the ball must be clamped between the ankles from below, 10 cm from the floor. There is no need to jump, we go in small steps towards the goal (we shorten the distance to 3 meters, trying not to lose the ball.


Pour a lot of small balls without strings on the floor. You need to keep as many balls on yourself as possible: under the T-shirt, pin with hairpins, hold the “tail” with your teeth, hold the balls with your hands and feet. very funny contest


There are a lot of green balls on the floor - watermelons. Give each team a huge open trash bag (preferably a colored one). The team that collected the most watermelons wins, of course.


Two teams of kids. In a huge trash bag (120 liters for children, 240 for adults), we cut off the bottom corners. These will be the holes for the legs. Have one team member climb into the bag, stick their feet through the holes, and hold the top edge of the bag with their hands and back. Should be a barrel. Now we are collecting watermelons already familiar to us for pickling in a barrel. The main thing is that the one who is inside the package does not fall from laughter. The team that can fit the most watermelons wins.


For the first stage of the relay, you need one yellow balloon for each team. This will be our sun. Team members line up one after another, passing the ball back over their heads (sunrise, and from the last player to the first - between the legs (sunset). The team that succeeds faster wins.

Humpty Dumpty

You need two balls with faces. Each team is given a badminton racket. You need to run 5 meters and return to the beginning of the distance with Humpty Dumpty on a racket so that he does not “fell in your sleep”.


Again a lot of colorful balls on the floor. Divide the balls and all the guests with a line (draw with chalk) into two equal parts. Assign the green colored balls as "harmful flies" that you need to get rid of. On command, the players begin to throw "flies" across the line. The team with the fewest pests left in the half wins.

Thank you for your attention and thanks for your support!

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I am good, I am obedient If you pump up a balloon,
They bought me a balloon. Will he then fly
At first I played with him myself, I need to tie a thread,
And then he gave it to a kitten. To keep the ball
The cat slammed the ball with its paw, Created for kids
Ball - bang! - and immediately burst. colorful balls

Balloon, balloon

Gets out of hand.
Disobedient, disobedient
It suddenly flies up to the ceiling.
I need to catch him
And tie a ponytail.

Compiled by Kravchuk Lyudmila Vladimirovna

instructor for physical education

first qualification category


Outdoor games with inflatable steps for children preschool age


Balloons - between children, the train is moving, the balls should not fall.

Merry ball

The game is played with a balloon. The guys sit in a circle. They say poems about the ball and pass it on. On whom the poem ends, he calls his name, and if the guys are already familiar, then he performs some task at the request of the guys.

You roll, merry ball, or Who has a merry ball,

quickly on hand. He will perform a song (or dance) for us.

Who has a funny ball

He will name us.

Air strongmen

Several people are invited. The host invites them to inflate balloons on a signal. The winner is the one whose balloon bursts the fastest.


The ball is tied to the player's leg. Whoever slaps him faster without the help of arms and legs wins. And then a more difficult task - the ball is tied at the knee.



You need to build a tower of balloons. Whoever has used more balls, and whose tower stood longer, he won.


All participants become in a circle. The host launches four balloons filled with water. Participants pass the balls to each other to the music. The one who has the ball in his hands after the music stops is out of the circle. The competition is repeated and continues until the winner or winners are identified.


This contest requires oblong balls. The task of the participants is to tie the most original knot from the balloons and inflate them.

reactive ball

Participants line up in one line. Their task is to inflate the balloons and, on command, release them. The one whose ball flies the farthest wins.

"Pop the ball, pop!"

They play in pairs. Two balloons are tied to each leg of the player. At the whistle of the leader, the competition begins. Task: step with your foot and slam the opponent's ball, but save your own balls.

Duel at sea

There is no water in our "sea", but there are flippers! Participants put a flipper on their right foot, and a ball is tied to the left. It is necessary to "drown" the opponent's ball, i.e., slam it.

tightrope walkers

Who will hold the ball on the nose longer.

Who will hold the ball longer on a pencil or pointer.


ball darts

This competition requires optional equipment- a target “bristled” with nails (a circle into which nails are driven with a tip towards the participants, each nail has a number of points). The participant needs to throw the ball at the target. The winner is the one who, after three attempts, scored the most points.

dance marathon

Several pairs of dancers are called. Each pair is given an inflated balloon. The task of each couple is to hold the ball between their foreheads while dancing different dances (slow, rock and roll, cancan, etc.). The originality of the dance is also evaluated. The pair that holds the ball the longest wins.

small ball

Each player must first burst his own balloon, and then inflate small balloons out of it. Which of the players got the most small balls, he won.

Thunder and rain

Couples participate. Between the heads of the participants is a ball. Which couple will pop the ball faster with only their heads. (When you inflate the balloons, add a little water - then a light “rain” will irrigate the players.)

Air bridge

Team members stand one after another. It is necessary to pass the ball over the head from the first to the last participant, and then from the last to the first, but already below - between the legs. The task can be complicated by passing 4-5 balls at once.

The most elegant

Team members need to split into pairs. At the leader's signal, the first couples must run to a predetermined landmark and back, holding the ball between their heads. Pass the ball to the next pair. The team that most elegantly carries the ball wins.


On a signal, the first team member runs to the turning sign and back, while holding the ball on a pencil. Returning back, passes the ball and pencil to the next participant.

Participants are given 3-5 balls of the same color. At the command of the leader, they begin to juggle them. The task of the contestant is to keep his balls in the air as long as possible. If at least one ball touches the floor, then the participant is eliminated from the competition. The winner is the one who keeps his balls in the air longer.

"Hello, ap"

Participants are given three balloons. With the help of assistants, one of the three balls is placed on the nose or forehead of the player, and the other two - on outstretched arms. The one who holds the balls the longest wins.

"Let's clap!"

Team members are divided into pairs. At the leader's signal, they must, holding the ball between their foreheads, run to the leader (or his assistants), who has a pin in his hands, and pop the ball. Returning to the start, pass the baton to the next pair.

You can complicate this relay race if the first pair holds the ball between their foreheads, the second - at chest level, the third - at the level of the abdomen, knees, blue, etc.

air volleyball

On a small platform (6x2 m) at a height of 1.5 m, an impromptu net is stretched. The balloon serves as a ball (a little water is poured into the balloon to make it heavier).

Teams but 3-4 people are located on both sides of the net and start playing volleyball, trying not to let the ball fall on their field, as penalty points are awarded for this. The game lasts 5-7 minutes. The team with the fewest penalty points at the end of the game wins. Or you can play until one of the teams scores 10 points (a point is awarded to the team if the ball fell on the territory of the opposing team).


On a small platform, at a height of about 2 m, a basketball basket or hoop is strengthened. The balloon serves as a ball (a little water is poured into the balloon to make it heavier).

Two teams of 3 people are formed. Dribbling is allowed without rebounding from the floor. The team that wins in 2 halves of 3 minutes. each will score more points. Points are awarded when hitting the basket (1 hit - 1 point).

Lucky ball

During the dance, several balls with notes are launched into the hall. In one balloon there is a prize, in others - just funny wishes.

Mobile game "Balloon - stop"

Chairs are arranged randomly in the room. Each player takes a ball. Under light, live music, the players move around the room. When the music stops, each participant tries to put their ball on a chair. When all players succeed in doing this, the game resumes.


In this game, the room will playing field. In both halves of the room, place two skittles at a distance of 50-60 cm - this is the “gate”.

Place five balls in front of each gate.

Form a pair of players. Each of the members of the pair in their half of the room must score balloons into their own goal as quickly as possible.


Each of the players receives a handkerchief and tucks it into his belt with a narrower end. The leader is selected - he receives a balloon.

As soon as the game begins, the host calls out the name of one of the players and throws the ball into the air. The named person must catch the ball with his handkerchief without taking it out from behind his belt. Then he himself throws the balloon into the air and calls out the name of another participant. The game continues until all the players try to catch the ball.

Volleyball with a balloon

Let the child have fun by tossing balloons up with one or both hands alternately. Having pulled the rope between the backs of two chairs located at some distance from each other, arrange a game of volleyball. Several children can enjoy tossing the ball back and forth at the same time.

Catch the ball.

For this game you will need balloons and adult lungs. Blow up some balloons. Give the task to the players so that the balls always fly and do not fall to the floor. Let them blow on them or throw them up with their hands.

Blow on the ball.

Another game with balloons. Inflates the number of balls how many players there will be. Children stand in a line, and each is given a ball with the name of the player. The task is to blow on the ball to the finish line. The first one wins. This game perfectly develops the lungs of children, so it can be played as often as possible and not only in kindergarten, but also at home.

Playing football"

Such a game can be played both outdoors in summer and indoors, i.e. in the apartment.It is also good because you can play with a large number of kids, for example, on a children's holiday, and together with a child.

A necessary attribute of this game is a balloon and a gate. You need to have several balloons so that there is no grief due to a burst balloon and failed entertainment.

As for the gates, they can be the simplest gates on the site, or improvised (you can build gates from pieces of furniture, or various improvised means).

Well, the most important condition is the good mood of the kids and the desire to play!

The rules of the game are very simple and resemble the game of regular football. The only condition is that the ball cannot be pushed with the feet, hands and other parts of the body, and you can “score goals” only by blowing hard.

If you have a large team of kids, then they should be divided into two and each team should have a separate gate. Also, each of the participants can offer their role in this game. For example, designate who will perform the functions of attackers (children who will try to “score” a goal), defenders and goalkeepers. Explain to each child their responsibilities and that it is only funny game, not rivalry.

Also set the duration of the game, for example up to 3-5 goals. And of course, there are small prizes for the winners and runners-up.

Pushing the "Core"

This game can also be played as a large team or with one child. It takes several to play. balloons into which water is poured, about 1/3 cup. We inflate balloons of the same size. Next, draw circles, about 1 -1.5 meters, or a line. The child must push the balloon as far as possible. But a prerequisite is that the ball should not burst.

Let's play volleyball.

You can also play volleyball with balls. To do this, take a rope and hang it at a low height, depending on the age of the child. Pour a little water into the balloon. Then they will become somewhat heavier, and the flight of the ball will be very peculiar and interesting. Then we play like regular volleyball. We divide the kids into 2 teams, beat off the ball, preventing it from falling to the floor. The dropped ball brings penalty points to the team. The winner is the one with the fewest penalty points.

"Let's dance."

Very funny game for kids. There must be two or more players. To the ankle of the left leg, I tie a balloon to each of the participants. The task of the players is to step with the right foot and burst the opponent's ball. At the same time, define small frames so that the children understand how to play. This may be a small circle where you should not go out, or holding hands in a dance. This game is very interesting, funny and provocative, the child develops dexterity, the concept of right-left.


A game for the youngest participants who are a little familiar with the concepts of primary colors. The task can be made more difficult. It will be more interesting if the balloons filled with helium are under the ceiling, and the children must, on command, collect the balloons of a certain color in a bundle. The ropes of the balls should be somewhat shorter, so that the child, having jumped a little, could reach the ball. Or to simplify the task - provide each child with a box, and offer to collect balls of their color in the box. These balloons are inflated with air. Whoever completes the task first is the winner.

Find a surprise.

This fun entertainment is more suitable for children's holiday. In one of the balloons put a small surprise, a ticket to the circus, cinema, etc. Invite the kids to find a prize by bursting all the balloons (using toothpicks). Better, of course, arrange a win-win lottery so that each child gets a little surprise.

We create a sculpture.

You can offer children fun entertainment. To do this, you need a lot of balloons, preferably of different sizes and colors, and double-sided tape. From the proposed balls, children must create a sculpture on a given topic. You can create it both together and as a team.

Mosquitoes on a balloon

The quietest competition, probably. All children - a ball and a high-quality marker for glass and plastic. You need to paint the ball with insects in the allotted time. You can only use mosquitoes, like Chukovsky’s, and offer children 8-10 years old to remember other representatives of the fauna: butterflies, dragonflies, caterpillars, ladybugs, flies, and so on. At the end, we count and determine the winner.

Relay "Centipede"

Divide the children into teams (there can be from 2 to infinity in a team). Children stand one after another, the ball is clamped between the back of the previous and the stomach of the next child. Hands down. And now - let's go! You need to walk 5-7 meters to the chair in this way, take the “strawberry” (the first player takes the small red ball), go around the chair and return to the beginning of the distance. The caterpillar that does not crumble along the way has won!

air hockey

There may be options here. You need to drive the balls into the gates you invented in the following ways:

one or two fans (this is obtained in children from 9 years old, not earlier). You don’t need to touch the ball - we drive it into the gate with air currents.

badminton racket, acting like a stick

another inflatable ball (long and thin, they are called "sausage")

This is not a team game. It's just that two players stand side by side on the same line, each with a ball and a stick. The one who scores the goal first wins.

Sister Alyonushka

You need to quickly tie a scarf to the ball and draw a face. To be honest, it turns out more often than Baba Yaga, but these are already formalities. The point is clear. By the way, for example, you can show children funny little men from balloons.

Snow Maiden. Or again Scarecrow garden ....

Here, without the help of adults, nothing will come of it, I say right away. Even 12-year-olds cannot always handle double-sided tape, and it is very necessary to assemble another beauty. Let someone prepare pieces of adhesive tape for the children, and they themselves will assemble a figure of a little man from balls of various sizes and shapes. The nose is a small ball, and the eyes would be better paper. For hair, prepare shaggy wigs.

Relay "Kangaroo"

As old as the world, but children who were born 6-7 years ago do not know about it and will be happy to jump the distance with a ball sandwiched between their knees. Our kangaroo should have a small fabric bag (pocket) around its neck. Any soft toy can be used as a kangaroo. We jump 5-7 meters, hand over the “kangaroo” to kindergarten (bag or hoop), return, pass the ball and bag to the next team member.


Another variant of a similar competition with balloons, but the ball must be clamped between the ankles from below, 10 cm from the floor. There is no need to jump, we go in small steps towards the goal (we shorten the distance to 3 meters), trying not to lose the ball.


There are many balls without strings on the floor. You need to keep as many balls on yourself as possible: under the T-shirt, pin with hairpins, hold the “tail” with your teeth, hold the balls with your hands and feet. Very funny, by the way. Don't forget to take a photo of the winner.


Put the children in a circle. In the center of the circle is a box with a prize. Give each child an inflated, but not tied, balloon. At the command "Search!" children release the balls, directing them to the center of the circle to the gift. The flight path, as you know, is impossible to guess - the balls break out and write out strange figures in the air. The winner is the one whose ball lands closest to the gift.

Air battle

This competition with long balls is more suitable for boys. If you manage to twist a helmet and a sword out of "sausages", honor and praise. If not, let there be long, straight swords. The duel consists in pushing the opponent out of a circle drawn in chalk (diameter 2 meters).


The watermelons are ripe… I mean, there are a lot of balls on the floor. Give each team a huge open trash bag (blue is better, it doesn't smell so bad and looks prettier). The team that collected the most watermelons wins, of course.


Try to imagine… Cut off the bottom corners in a huge garbage bag. These will be the holes for the legs. Have one team member climb into the bag, put their feet through the holes, and hold the top edge of the bag with their hands and back. Should be a barrel. Now we collect watermelons for salting in a barrel. The main thing is that the one who is inside the package does not fall from laughter. The team with the most watermelons wins.


For the first stage of the relay, you need one yellow balloon for each team. This will be our sun. Team members line up one after the other, passing the ball back overhead (sunrise), and from the last player to the first - between the legs (sunset). The team that does it the fastest wins.

For the second round, you can launch several balls at once (3-5 pieces).

Humpty Dumpty

You need two balls with faces. We give each team a tennis racket (or a badminton racket). You need to run 5 meters and return to the beginning of the distance with Humpty Dumpty on a racket so that he does not “fell in your sleep”.

Flies and meatballs

Again a lot of balls on the floor. Divide the balls and all the guests with a line (draw with chalk) into two equal parts. Designate balls of a certain color as "harmful flies" that you need to get rid of. On command, team members begin to throw "flies" across the line. The team with the fewest pests left in the half wins.

53. Notes with desires

A beautiful end to any holiday. Go outside or onto the balcony with helium balloons. In advance, ask guests to write wishes and tie to a ribbon. We launch desires into the sky!!!

It's a pity that mom does not approve if your creative impulses go beyond the boundaries of the album and pour out in a bright stream on the wallpaper and cabinet doors. Good news for all young artists: drawing games are a great opportunity to create new masterpieces without limits! Bright Games drawing games will allow you to develop your creative potential and open up new horizons for your talent. All your art can be saved on a computer or even printed - and mom will not scold a table stained with paints or damaged paper.

I'm not an artist, I'm just learning!

It may seem that nothing is easier than drawing. Composing music or poetry is difficult, because first you need to imagine in your head, come up with a line or motive, and only then think about how to translate your thought into a form understandable to others and amenable to recording. And the artists? What I see is on paper! I saw a tree - I drew it, I saw a cat - I painted it ... What's so tricky here? In extreme cases, if everything changes too quickly, you can take a picture, and then just copy everything from the photo. Nothing complicated!

This myth is instantly dispelled, as soon as you pick up a pencil, a brush or start a drawing game. And it turns out that there is nothing complicated, but still it is impossible to create a masterpiece! It comes out only obscure daub.

This does not mean that such an ungrateful task should be abandoned. No, just the art of creating pictures also needs to be learned, like any other. Spare neither time nor effort on exercises with a brush and canvas, create and create without respite - then soon, if you have talent and determination, and if you don’t become the second Aivazovsky, then at least you can paint a decent picture as a gift to your mother on March 8.

Any genres and styles

Illustrations for drawing games for girls are usually made in a fairly realistic style. Of course, there are no flying horses or cats singing songs into a microphone, but we can be sure: if they were, they would look exactly like that.

Meanwhile, in high art, not all genres are distinguished by a realistic depiction of reality! Modern art is especially “sinful” with this: it is often difficult to make out what is depicted on the canvas without prior preparation. Because of this, abstractionism and other inventions of the creative people of the last century are classified as elite art: “the uninitiated cannot understand.”

There are artists who paint familiar objects in a very unusual way. Only by turning off visual perception and trying to perceive the picture with the help of the analytical part of the mind can one determine where in the picture in the cubist style is a person, where is a goat, and where is a landscape. And sometimes it is not necessary to do this, because it is quite possible that the author, having drawn six yellow circles and one black square, tried to depict not a sunrise over arable land or the complexity of being, but namely six yellow circles and one black square.

One of the most interesting in contemporary art is the genre of surrealism. Paintings, for example, by Salvador Dali are reminiscent of dreams: the objects of the world around us are combined in such bizarre combinations and have such unusual properties that one can look at the fine details of the canvas for a very long time. At the same time, a certain symbolism is embedded in the surrealism: for example, the wings of butterflies on the masts give the sailboat a flying and very airy look, and the wall clock flowing down from the tree branches seems to hint at the frailty of human existence.

Need to start small

Of course, neither Vasnetsov nor Rembrandt began their career immediately with large-scale paintings. And therefore you. if you want to learn how to draw, you need to go to your success gradually. Drawing games for someone can be just entertainment, but if you wish, you can benefit from them and learn a lot.

Perhaps the simplest thing that computer fun with paints can teach is the selection of colors. Drawing with pencils on paper, you can only note that the colors do not match and sadly turn the page. But drawing games for girls already allow you to correct mistakes, work on a picture until it reaches perfection. By the way, you can call for help your mother or an older friend, whose taste you are ready to trust. Let them evaluate your art with an impartial eye of an expert and suggest what needs to be corrected for the best result!

Anyone who really wants to gain knowledge will not neglect any way to get it. And if you dream of becoming a real artist, then free games for girls, drawing games should become a tool for your daily self-improvement! On our website, we have collected all the best young artist simulators to help you succeed.

Drawing games are especially popular with children, but often adults also enthusiastically create in them. The drawing world is completely unique in its possibilities. There are no restrictions on colors, materials, effects that can be combined with each other in the most mysterious and bizarre images.

Drawing online is very easy. Everything that is needed to create a masterpiece picture is offered to gamers by the game itself. In it, paints are laid out on convenient palettes, a huge set of brushes is presented, there are pencils. You can create with "fingers", crayons, in any existing way.

Many online drawing games already have a theme for creativity. Most often these are cartoons programmed for drawing pictures, characters and heroes of fairy tales. But there are game ideas for a more adult audience. Here, for high-quality drawing, you will need logic, the ability to solve quest problems, fantasize and work with complex objects. Young artists are invited to create tattoos, use paintings to animate characters, lay communications, trace routes and cunning schemes. Drawing is more than creativity, and online games are ready to prove it.