Assembly for Dragon Knight Dota 2. Guide to Dragon Knight: dragon knight, destroyer of thrones, unburnt, king of mid…. Enemies with illusions or purchasing Manta Style

The guide was written for dota allstars v6.78

Dragon knight - Knight davion
Gamers call knight, tin can and DK.


Stands in the lane without any problems due to the rapid regeneration of health.

A good tank due to armor and HP regen.

Well balanced stats.

It can become ranged and much stronger, although for a while.

The ult increases movement speed.


At the beginning of the game he is of little use.

Without an ult it is difficult to catch up with the hero, fortunately there is a stun and AOE magic.

Let's look at the skills (magic) of the hero.

(on keyboard "F")

This magic is effective at the beginning of the game, but at the end 300 damage is not enough. Requires a lot of mana for a tank(.

Dragon Tai l (keyboard "T")

Very useful magic, since the knight has no slowdowns. This skill helps you catch up with heroes and run away from them.


At the beginning of the game it will help you farm with ease, and at the end the knight will be very tanky.

In dota 6.75 armor increases like this: 3/6/9/12

Elder Dragon Form(on the keyboard "R")

The main magic of this hero, with the ult, the speed of movement increases and the knight can slow down, which is very useful for a tank.

In what order to pump up magic:

2 Dragon Tai l
6 Elder Dragon Form
11 Elder Dragon Form
12 Dragon Tai l
13 Dragon Tai l
14 Dragon Tai l
15 +
16 Elder Dragon Form
17 +
18−25 +

It is better to pump up Dragon Tail at the beginning by 1 time, it will help us stun the enemy, which will help us and our allies.

We always upgrade first, since a knight is a tank.

We pump up immediately after Dragon Blood since our damage is still small and we need to hit the enemy with something.


They hit with magical damage, and the knight is famous for his physical defense, which is not against them.

It takes away health by percentage and he doesn’t care about our defense, he also has an avatar.


It will gather all the enemies in a heap, and the knight will merge everyone at once, thanks to his ult, which will hit everyone.

Well, all the heroes who have a stun, 2 stuns are always better than one, and also Venga will increase our useless damage control at the beginning.

An excellent ally, he will slow down all enemies, kidnap, and throw repels at us.

Initial purchase:

We are considering a purchase for a 5x5 game and 603 gold.

Final purchase:

Why are we collecting these items?

It will give you movement speed and attack speed, which wouldn’t hurt, and 8 strength.

Favorite art of any tank.

Attack speed, defense and a very useful aura.

Almost every tank needs it.

Previously, I assembled a butterfly for tanks, for misses, since this makes the tanks even thicker, but in recent pillboxes this wonderful art appeared.

dd (double damage): A tank, and with great physical damage too.

regen: Not needed. There is vampirism and its own more than large HP regen.

acceleration (hast): Tank with haste. It’s better for damage dealers to take Hast, but it won’t hurt a tank either.

illusions: You can take one and launch one before the batch, so that the enemies will use their magic on it.

I’ll tell you the most important advice: this advice is not only for the knight, but for all tanks. Don't chase heroes to finish them off, your task is to tank.

Knight's story

Dragon Knight was born a dragon - half-breed. Dragona's parents abandoned him while he was still an infant. He had to wander the world alone. When he learned that great power was hidden within him, he had to hide from the world and find the strength to master it. Years later, having mastered the powers, the dragon with the great sword learned to transform into a fearless dragon.
If a whole army of enemies comes at the dragon, then it uses its fiery breath, causing great damage to everyone who stands in its way. The shield that Dragon carries in his hand is made from the head of a dragon. Each time the dragon hits an enemy with its shield, it takes damage and is stunned. The dragon also has a good ability to heal wounds.
By transforming into a fire dragon, the hero's movement speed increases. Such a gift did not go unnoticed by the Sentinels, and they gladly accepted him into their ranks.

Knight's skills

Key: F
Dragon Knight breathes fire at enemies, dealing damage.
Manacost 100/110/120/130
Damage 90/170/240/300
Width(start-end) 150-250
Cooldown 12/12/12/12 sec
Application range 500
Damage type Magical
Ability type Active
Key: T
Dragon Knight strikes the enemy hero with the dragon's tail. Stuns the enemy and deals minor damage.
Manacost 100/100/100/100
Damage 25/50/75/100
Mill 2.5/2.75/3/3.25 sec
Cooldown 12/11/10/9 sec
Application range 150(400 in dragon)
Damage type Magical
Ability type Active
Passive skill
The dragon knight's veins contain the ancient blood of dragons, which speeds up the healing of wounds and strengthens armor.
Life regeneration + 2/3/4/5
Increase in armor 3/6/9/12
Duration Constantly
Ability type Passive
Key: R
Dragon Knight transforms into Ancient Dragon.

1 Dragon Level:
Transforms into a Green Dragon with a Poison attack.
A poisonous attack poisons the enemy, dealing 20 damage every second.
Lasts 5 seconds.
The poison attack also works on buildings.

Dragon level 2:
Transforms into a Red Dragon.
The red dragon attacks in an area and has a poison attack like the green dragon.
100% of damage is dealt within a radius of 100 units
75% of damage is dealt within a radius of 200 units
50% of damage is dealt within a radius of 250 units.

Dragon level 3:
Transforms into a Blue Dragon.
The blue dragon, like the red one, attacks in an area.
When attacking, the Blue Dragon slows down the attack speed and movement of opponents. Has a poisonous attack like the green dragon.
Attack Speed ​​Reduction: 25%
Movement speed reduction: 30%
Action time: 3 seconds.
The radius of the splash attack (area) is the same as that of the red dragon.

Manacost 50/50/50
Duration 60 sec
Cooldown 115/115/115 sec
Ability type Active

Knight's purchase

Initial purchase
Mid game
End of the game
Depends on a situation

Leveling up skills Knight

With such leveling up we can behave very boldly on the line. Stun once in case of a gank or escape, then maximum fire breath, ult according to availability.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18-25

Knight's tactics

Beginning of the game.
Dragon Knight is a hero who can go to any lane, but usually the team has stronger mid-laners. So we go to the side line, harass the enemies with the first skill. Once we reach level 6, we actively push the tower; the green dragon’s passive damages it very well. We save for items.

Mid game.
From the middle of the game we will be of great use to our allies, we try to gank in the form of a dragon, do not forget about the camp and boldly go to catch up with wounded enemies. After receiving the second level of ultimate, our dragon gets AOE damage, we go into the forest and farm for expensive artefacts.

End of the game.
With proper leveling, we will play one of the main roles in the team, distribute a stun, and use an ult on cooldown. It will be very difficult to compete with us, due to good life regen and additional armor from the passive.

Pros and cons of Knight

pros Long stun
Lots of armor
Good at breaking towers due to his ult
Nice tank
Maybe they're solo
Minuses Lack of mana at the beginning
The range of the stun is small in the form of a knight
In knight form, low movement speed


DK can be very effective against certain types of heroes. Below I would like to draw your attention to some types of such heroes.

Heroes that deal physical damage:

Due to good armor and maximum health, DK is able to absorb a huge amount of damage and this becomes a very big problem for heroes who deal all their damage mainly through physical attacks. Such heroes include:, or. If DK buys artifacts in a timely manner and according to the current situation, then it will be extremely difficult for all these heroes to kill DK or it will take them too much time.

Heroes with melee attacks:

This group of enemies is very similar to the previous one in that they also mostly deal the main damage with physical attacks, but the difference is that they have a melee attack, and in the form of an ice dragon, DK will be able to kite them easily and not give the opportunity to quickly run to him or his allies. Similar heroes include:, and. Of course, some of these heroes can deal good damage with their abilities, but with proper actions this damage can be minimized, since opponents will spend a lot of time getting close and effectively using their skills.

Mobile heroes with low health:

In the world of Dota2, there are a number of heroes who ensure their survivability through various abilities that give them excellent mobility. As a rule, most of these heroes do not have a large supply of health and if controlled, they can die very quickly. Such heroes include:, or. As a rule, one stun, used at the right time, is enough to kill such heroes with the help of your allies while the enemy is unconscious. The most important thing is to look at what artifacts the enemies are buying and make sure that your stun, for example, does not go into the link.

First of all, it is worth noting that DK is, in principle, a very safe choice, since the hero himself is quite tenacious and can be part of various strategies. However, the DK is heavily reliant on artifacts, especially if he's a late-game carry and needs to gain levels in order to get new dragon forms. In this regard, the most optimal choice would be a solo line. In most cases, DK goes to the center, since in this case he will be able to constantly use the courier and refresh the bottle or replenish it using runes. The sideline option is possible, but it will be less effective.

Solo line (center or 1 on 1):

More information about playing in the mid lane can be found in the article "Dota 2 - How to play solo in the mid lane (Solo Mid)".

In principle, in the central lane, DK can farm more or less well due to good damage and the ability to inflict massive damage with his breath. Also, DC will not need the help of his supports even if enemies appear in the center for the purpose of ganking. In this case, the DK can simply move back and gradually restore his health. It is worth understanding that it will be very difficult to kill the enemy DK. At best, DK can constantly harass the enemy with fire and rare strikes. You can only kill with the help of your allies. DK has very good protection against heroes with physical damage, but he is poorly protected against magic, so if, for example, you are standing in the center against, then you need to try to play as carefully as possible and maintain the maximum distance from the enemy. This will allow you to receive as little damage as possible and not once again expose yourself to a poisonous dagger or other abilities of Akasha.

If you compare DK with other heroes, he will be somewhat similar to. Both of these heroes have a long stun and are good initiators. The only difference is that the Beast Master has a more powerful stun, but it does not compare to the damage that a DK in the form of a dragon can inflict with the appropriate artifacts.

If you have chosen a DC solely for the role of a pusher, then it is worth thinking about what might be more suitable in this situation. This hero can put pressure on enemy towers from the very beginning of the game and he has very good one-time magic damage. If your team does not need a tank, but needs a mage with the ability to push well, then perhaps Pugna will be a more useful hero.

Finally, I would like to draw an analogy with such a hero as. This hero also has a long stun and can be a great solo player in the lane. The difference is that the Alchemist can farm much faster and get artifacts into his arsenal much faster, and acid will allow farming in the lane much safer. DK, in turn, in the form of a dragon, has an excellent ranged attack and this completely eliminates the possibility that enemies can kite him like an Alchemist. In addition, DK still has greater survivability due to a good armor bonus.

DK, like all Dota2 heroes, has his drawbacks and it is difficult for him to line up against some heroes. Below we will look at several groups of heroes that pose a particular danger.

Strong heroes for solo lane:

As mentioned above, DK can easily stand up against most heroes in the solo lane, but there are still a few heroes against whom he will have an extremely difficult time for various reasons. Such problematic characters include:, and. Knowing that the enemy team has one of these heroes and he will definitely go to the center, it is worth thinking about choosing a DK, since it can all come down to the fact that you will farm very poorly, and the enemy will gain an advantage too quickly and begin to use it on other lines.

Enduring heroes:

DK can act as an excellent tank and without the appropriate artifacts he will deal too little damage. This is the reason why it is very difficult for him to counter fat heroes who can soak up huge amounts of damage. Such heroes include:, and. DK will not be able to kill these heroes without artifacts, and even the help of allies in some cases will not be the key to a successful kill. If you see that the enemy team has too many similar heroes, then you should take DK only if your team has good carry heroes.

Enemies with illusions or purchasing Manta Style:

In the DK's arsenal of mass skills there is only fire breath and splash damage from the dragon form, starting from level 11. But this damage is sometimes not enough to kill the enemy’s illusions. It is also worth noting that the splash damage from the dragon form deals 100% damage in a very small radius, and enemy illusions can stand in the distance and receive only part of the damage. All this makes DK incapable of killing enemy illusions, which means they will kill him very quickly. The most dangerous heroes in this sense will be:, and. Of course, DK can kill creeps quickly, but with illusions it will be extremely difficult for him.

Enemies with good magic and pure damage:

DK is very well protected from physical attacks, but there is nothing in his arsenal against magical damage and this becomes a weak point when it comes to heroes with very good magical damage or just high one-time damage. For example, DK will suffer greatly from such heroes as:, and. An artifact can partially solve the problem with magical damage, but you still have to live to see it, and it only lasts for a while. If DK has at least some kind of resistance against magical damage, then nothing will save him against pure damage. If you still took a DK against a team with good magic damage, then you need to strive to buy a BKB as soon as possible.

1 3 5 7
4 13 14 16
2 8 9 10
6 12 18

DK is both a tank who stands on the front line and a carry hero who reveals his potential in the late game. In this regard, items for the DC are purchased simultaneously for both the tank and the carry.

Initial purchase:

DK has an excellent passive in his arsenal: Dragon Blood, which gives him good health regen. But still, this regen does not cover the damage that the hero receives from his enemy, and such healing consumables will simply be necessary. Considering that in most cases the DC starts the game from the center, he practically does not spend the first money, but leaves it in order to buy it in the future as soon as possible. In addition to various healing items, you can take several during the initial purchase. A cheap twig will increase the hero's characteristics, and in the future can be used to improve .

Main subjects:

First of all, I want to draw your attention to the main DK items that are purchased in most cases and which will be most effective for this hero.

One of the problems with DK is weak mass damage, essentially only fire breath. Thanks to this item, DK can significantly increase his farming speed. Also, due to the constantly triggered lightning, he will increase his effectiveness in team battles and will be able to deal with illusions or large concentrations of creeps normally.

This item significantly increases the damage of a DK, but it is worth buying it only if the enemy team has heroes with evasion or who bought, for example, . Otherwise, it is better to use other items to increase damage.

As a rule, Satanic is bought as the final item and only after you have good damage items. Thanks to high damage and lifesteal, DK in dragon form will be able to constantly keep his health at maximum level even in the toughest battle. Considering that it is almost impossible for DK to kite in dragon form, which means he will constantly deal damage, this artifact will be as effective as possible.

Examples of sequential purchasing of items:

Option 1 (standard):

This option is the most popular and most frequently used. DK becomes a good tank and at the same time becomes an excellent carry hero in the late game. He will also be great at pushing lanes and be the most effective hero for his team.

Starting purchase

Beginning of the game

Mid game

End of the game

Option 2 (for gank):

This option will be most effective only if you are going to play as aggressively as possible and constantly look for opportunities to gank. After a successful gank, DK will be able to put pressure on the enemy line and, with the help of his allies, quickly destroy towers and buildings.

Starting purchase

Beginning of the game

Mid game

End of the game

Option 3 (DK tank):

This option allows you to get a very durable DC. If enemies are not able to kill you quickly, then you can push lanes very effectively without having to run away every time an enemy approaches. This build option will be very effective if your team has good carry heroes and clearly lacks a good initiator and tenacious hero.

Starting purchase

Beginning of the game

Mid game

End of the game

Option 4 (farm):

This option is suitable if you need to farm in step with the enemy. It is worth noting that in this option there is no , but if you see that at the beginning of the game you will not get it for nothing, then it is better to buy a bottle. In some cases, it is possible that you do not buy a glove, but make do with only one bottle.

Starting purchase

Beginning of the game

Mid game

End of the game

Beginning of the game:

At the beginning of the game, the main task for DK is to farm as best as possible and get it as soon as possible. The bottle will allow you to restore some of your lost health and constantly restore your mana. It is also important for the DC to stay on the lane and constantly gain experience in order to quickly get the dragon form and start actively pushing the lanes. In order to effectively farm on the DK lane, you have to very often use fire breath in order to finish off creeps. This is due to the fact that he does not have the best attack animation and has a melee attack, because of this, the enemy on the line will constantly interfere with you and finish off his creeps, as well as constantly harass. Fire should be used in such a way as to not only finish off creeps, but also at the same time inflict damage on the enemy hero. It is also worth considering that at high levels, the fire breath will push the line very strongly and in some cases it will not be profitable, since you will have to stand too close to the enemy tower. Thus, you need to try to finish off 1-2 creeps with fire, cause damage to the enemy and not hurt other creeps. This way you can keep the creeps around the middle and not push the lane unnecessarily. When a DK reaches level 6 and his first dragon form opens, farming creeps becomes easier. It’s worth noting here that you should try to take the form of a dragon at the moment when you are able to at least partially push the line and cause good damage to the enemy tower

From the very beginning of the game, DK has little potential to harass the enemy. Firstly, he can use his fire breath, which deals good magic damage. Considering that in most cases there are heroes in the center with a small supply of health, the fire will really cause significant damage. Secondly, having received the first form of the dragon, DK will be able to harass the enemy very effectively, since each attack will poison the enemy and cause periodic damage. All you have to do is strike occasionally and watch as the enemy constantly loses health. As a rule, the dragon form forces the enemy to immediately retreat back and stay as close to his tower as possible. If the enemy ignores your attacks, then you have a real chance of killing him. First, you reduce his health reserves with simple attacks, then stun him and use his fiery breath, and then finally pursue the enemy. Sometimes the enemy simply does not expect or forgets that you have a very powerful stun in your arsenal.

Until DK reached level 6 and had at least the first form of a dragon, it was very difficult for him to kill an enemy on the line, or rather, almost impossible. This can only be done with good support from allies. Basically, all DK can do is stun and use fire breath, but this is clearly not enough to kill the enemy. It will also not be possible to chase the enemy, since without the dragon form the DK has a melee attack, and the enemy on the center line needs to run away very close to get into the safe zone. Thus, you should not take another risk and try to kill an enemy up to level 6. It's best to focus on farming and playing more cautiously. Note that in dragon form the stun can be used up to 400 range and the enemy will usually expect you to be able to stun them only at very close range. For example, you can use fire breath a couple of times, and then suddenly turn into a dragon and use a stun. Considering that all of DK's abilities trigger almost instantly, the enemy is unlikely to be able to react quickly.

DK is a very good pusher, and he can destroy enemy towers even without the help of his allies. This is due to the fact that the first form of the dragon gives the DC the ability to inflict poison on the enemy tower, which causes periodic damage. At the same time, fire breath helps to quickly kill creeps and push the line. As soon as the DC reaches level 6, you need to immediately realize your advantage and try to inflict maximum damage to buildings. At the same time, the enemy on the line will not be able to oppose you, since if he tries to defend the tower, he will immediately receive a huge amount of damage and possibly even die. The only thing the enemy can do is take your creeps far behind the tower and kill you there. In this case, the DK should not take risks and try to go behind the enemy structure, since at the initial stage of the game he does not yet have good tank qualities and will not be able to withstand the attack of the enemy tower for long.

Although DK has very good armor and health regen due to his passive, you should not try to play too aggressively at the beginning of the game. Dying at the beginning of the game for a DK can be very critical since you lose a lot of time, and the enemy in the lane gets a good advantage. In order to save your life in a difficult situation (enemy gang), you can use a stun or even quickly turn into a dragon. The dragon form not only provides increased attack range, but also slightly increases movement speed, and even this small bonus can be enough to dodge the enemy’s key ability or quickly reach a safe zone. Excessive heroism at the initial stage usually does not lead to anything good.

At the beginning of the game, DK has two marks where he gets a very good advantage. Firstly, this is level 3, since at this level he already has level 2 fire breath and increased health regen and additional armor. The second mark is level 6-7, since at this level the DK already receives his first dragon form and the maximum level of fire breath.

Solo line (center):

All the tips described above mainly apply specifically to the center line. There is no point in describing other lines, since DK will be less effective on them and it would be better to choose another hero. Below I would like to draw your attention to some aspects of the game on the center line and, first of all, identify priority tasks.

  • Try to finish off as many creeps as possible and gain experience
  • Periodically harass enemies and push lanes starting at level 6
  • Trying to kill the enemy
  • Help push other lines

Farm definitely comes first. Until DK level 6, it is better to try to play as carefully as possible and try to finish off all the creeps. Of course, this is not easy to do, since DK is far from the best farming hero. Starting from level 6 in the form of a dragon, you should already try to kill the enemy or at least send him to the fountain for treatment. Also, the dragon form should be used effectively to break the structure on the line. Once you manage to destroy the enemy tower on the center lane, it is better to go help your allies on other lanes rather than continue to push the center. The DC does not have any mechanisms to quickly retreat back, so staying on the center line without the support of your own tower is not worth it. Of course, DK is not a good hero for ganking, since he simply lacks mobility, but he has very good control skills and good one-time damage. All this allows you to effectively kill enemies on other lines if they did not notice your approach and you managed to get within range of using a stun. If successful, you will not only significantly help your allies, but you will also be able to push the enemy line and destroy at least the first tower in the line. It is best to try to gank lanes if you manage to pick up an invisibility rune or during night time when enemies have a shorter viewing radius.

For example, let's imagine the following situation: you are standing on the center line, and someone is playing against you. For DC, such a match will be more or less comfortable. If you use fire breath very close to the enemy, then even with the help of the Phase Shift ability, Pak will have an extremely difficult time dodging. He simply won't have time to use it. Pak controls the runes much better, so it is better to ask your allies to also monitor the runes and periodically take them away, without giving them to Pak. You can simply constantly use the courier in order to replenish the bottle and be able to constantly restore health and mana. Although DK has an additional armor bonus, it will not save you from Pak’s constant attacks, so you should always stay at the maximum distance from him and come closer only to finish off a creep or use fire breath. You should not try to kill Pak before reaching level 6, since the enemy has good mobility and the ability to quickly get out of the fight. It is better to just stand and only occasionally harass the enemy with fire. Even after reaching level 6, it’s worth asking for help from your allies so that one of them can pull up to the center line and help you kill Pak. It is best to start an attack with a stun, since Pak will definitely not dodge it. Then you should use fire breath while the enemy is stunned and only then start auto-attacking. If at the same time an ally joins your attack, then most likely you will kill Puck very quickly, since he has a very small supply of health. For even greater efficiency, it is better to launch an attack at night, since in this case your ally will be able to get as close as possible and remain in the fog of war, that is, the enemy will not see him. Even if you fail to kill the enemy, you will force him to run away and you will have the opportunity to quickly destroy the first tower. If successful, it is better to immediately move to one of the neighboring lines or stay on your own and farm a little, and at the same time wait for the ult to roll back and your gank in this case will be more effective. As soon as BKB Pak appears in your arsenal, it will no longer be a threat to you and you will be able to effectively participate in all team battles.

Mid and end game:

DK is a very strong hero at all stages of the game. The potential of this hero is especially revealed at the moment when he begins to buy key artifacts for damage and survivability. At the same time, DK becomes a very important hero in his team and he must take part in the life of his team, that is, participate in ganks under the smoke, push lines or help kill Roshan.

Depending on what artifacts you buy, your mid- and late-game priorities may change slightly. For example, if you play very aggressively and buy very early, then of course your main goal will be ganks. In most cases, the priority tasks will be the following:

  • Farm until you get the main artifacts
  • Participate in all battles and help your team
  • Look for an opportunity to gank

As a rule, the middle of the game for a DK begins at the moment when he buys his first key artifact, for example a BKB. Having received immunity to magic and a good increase in damage in his arsenal, DK can force a fight and this will be beneficial for him. Of course, this needs to be done with the participation of your allies, and in general, it is better for a DC to always act as part of his team. The same BKB will help you push lines and destroy enemy towers much faster. It will be extremely difficult for enemies to kill a DK with immunity to magic, despite the fact that the DK himself will deal good damage and even kill heroes with a small amount of health. Even if the enemies don't focus you first, it will be bad for them since you are able to stun a specific target and deal good damage. In addition, by the middle of the game, DK usually opens his second dragon form and begins to deal area damage, which significantly increases his effectiveness in team battles. It is worth understanding that farming is very important for a DC at all stages of the game, since it is very dependent on items. If you go with your team, then these actions should be as effective as possible, that is, you break a tower or kill enemies. If there is no chance of killing enemies, and you can’t push the line, then it’s better to immediately go farming, since delay in such a situation is very bad for the DK. Of course, you need to buy artifacts specifically for the current situation. For example, if you see that your survivability is sufficient and enemies cannot kill you, then it is better to think about buying artifacts for damage, rather than delving into the tank’s DK unnecessarily.

It is very important for DK to get level 16 as soon as possible, since at this level he has the 3rd form of the dragon. The Ice Dragon allows you to slow down enemies and this is one of the key points of DK. If other heroes only increase damage and reduce the cooldown of their ult, then DK gets a very good advantage. It is worth understanding that every key battle should take place in the form of a dragon, and if, for example, you have just spent an ult and are on cooldown, then it is better to inform your allies about this and try to delay the time a little and wait for the ult. Without DK's ult, he is a completely different hero who is much less effective and you need to pay special attention to this.

If the start of the game did not go well and you were unable to play well in the center, this does not mean that the game is lost. With a good purchase, DK can really change the outcome of each battle, and protracted games are even beneficial for him. From all of the above, you should understand that you should try to play well at all stages of the game and not give up in case of the first mistakes.

If your team begins to actively push one of the lines, then the DK, of course, should stand in front of everyone and actively deal damage to the dragon-shaped tower. Due to good armor and artifacts for protection, in most cases the DC can easily withstand several shots from the tower and at the same time spend a minimum amount of health. This also allows your allies not to approach the tower once again and not take risks. When it comes to split-pushing, DK will no longer be such a good hero for this tactic. Yes, he can quickly kill creeps and deal good damage to the tower, but he has no ability to escape and if the enemy team attacks, he won’t be able to do anything solo. If you decide to split push the enemy lane, then you must constantly keep enemy heroes in sight and be able to quickly teleport from the lane.

If you decide to start ganking heroes in the middle and late game, then it is better to do this with the support of your team, since DK is able to independently kill only heroes with a small supply of health or in the case when he has a clear advantage in artifacts, which happens very rarely . DK is, first of all, a team hero and you need to try to play with your allies, and not be heroic and mindlessly take risks.

During team battles, DK's crucial abilities are Dragon Form and Stun. At the same time, stun can be used not only as an initiating skill, but also to simply remove the most dangerous enemy from the battle for a while. You shouldn't try to pursue a single target with a DK, as in this case he simply won't have enough mobility. In principle, it is important for the DK to be in front and try to protect his allies as much as possible. At the same time, he can distribute damage to different enemies, constantly slowing them down. Of course, the priority targets for DK will still be heroes with a small supply of health and enemy carry heroes. You certainly shouldn't waste your stun on stunning an enemy tank. Even if the DK gets targeted by the enemy team, he must remain in formation and not just run away. Due to its good tank qualities, the DK is able to absorb a lot of damage, which means all this time your allies will be killing enemies. If your allies do not have enough damage to kill someone, then most likely the game will not end in victory for you and perhaps the composition of your team was poorly selected.

In general, the choice of DK is quite safe, since this hero is able to comfortably stand on the center line and at least somehow farm. Moreover, it is not so difficult for them to learn to play.

Dragon Knight can hardly be called a popular hero today, since he does not stand out either for frequent picks or for any high win rate at least on any rating. Despite the fact that the character is extremely easy to control and does not have many features that players need to get used to, his effectiveness is often also limited, which is why many prefer some more universal heroes to him.

In fact, DK has a huge number of advantages that make him much more effective than many other mid laners, and in this Dragon Knight guide we will talk about how to properly use his best aspects and what to do to get rid of the negative ones.

The advantages of Dragon Knight are as follows:

  • a large amount of health;
  • a very large amount of armor and health regeneration;
  • quite high damage to buildings;
  • the presence of effective and lasting control;
  • the presence of abilities that do not lose their relevance at any stage of the game;
  • the absence of any important abilities that could be misused.

The disadvantages of this hero are as follows:

  • farms relatively slowly;
  • Doesn't do much damage to heroes.

Thus, this character does not have many disadvantages, but at the same time they are quite important, since he, being a typical “right clicker” (a hero who attacks more than hits with abilities), is highly dependent on items, and gaining them quickly can not. At the same time, he deals almost all of his damage only with an attack, which is not added to him by any abilities. That is why for this hero you need to be able to correctly eliminate existing shortcomings, compensating for them with various advantages.

Dragon Knight Talents and Abilities

DC talents should be upgraded as follows:

  • At level 10, an increase in strength is taken. This allows you to increase both damage (almost a full-fledged alternative to increasing attack speed) and increase the character’s survivability, which is especially important at early levels.
  • At level 15 it's worth taking the damage increase. This allows you to show yourself more effectively in fights, as well as farm faster. Moreover, the character for the most part depends on the items purchased, and not on his level.
  • At level 20, an increase in gold is taken. For level 20, the increase in health is not too significant, especially considering that the hero already has a lot of it, but a solid increase in GPM will be very useful and will help you gain all the missing items much faster. In addition, this talent will become simply irreplaceable if at the right time a little gold is missing before the redemption.
  • At level 25 you need to choose. If the enemy has a lot of characters with strong physical damage, an excellent solution would be to increase armor and regeneration. Otherwise, it's worth taking a solid increase in movement speed.

The abilities of this character should be taken as follows:

  • Level 1: Dragon Blood. The first ability allows you to effectively finish off creeps from a distance, harass the enemy hero and reduce the damage they deal from your hand, but at the same time at the first level it is not so effective that you need to spend a large amount of mana on it, so it is better to take an additional increase to armor and health regeneration. In addition, you can take Dragon Tail if there is an opportunity to shed “first blood”.
  • Level 2: Breathe Fire. As mentioned above, the ability is used for more active creep farming, as well as dominance in the lane with almost any opponent.
  • Level 3: Breathe Fire. At this level, you can already begin to actively use the ability in order to more effectively put pressure on the enemy mid player. In addition, often at this level the hero already has a Bottle, which allows him to always have the required amount of mana. Also, using this ability, you can press a line towards the enemy in order to pin him under the tower and at this time pick up the rune.
  • Level 4: Dragon Blood or Dragon Tail. Dragon Blood is useful if the game is quite passive, and in the near future it is unlikely that you will be able to pick up enemy heroes together with supports, as it allows you to stand on the line more effectively, not allowing the enemy hero to beat you. Dragon Tail is useful specifically in an aggressive game, when DK, together with his team, actively puts pressure on the enemy and constantly kills enemy heroes.
  • Level 5: Breathe Fire.
  • Level 6: Dragon Form. The form is extremely useful already at early levels, and in principle is the key ability of this character. At the sixth level, its main effectiveness is often manifested in the fact that you can quickly destroy the enemy’s tower on the center line.
  • Level 7: Breathe Fire.
  • Levels 8-9: Dragon Blood. If you haven’t upgraded Dragon Tail at this stage, it’s worth taking it, since after the 10th minute, clashes between teams are already happening much more often.
  • Level 10: talent.
  • Level 11: Dragon Blood.
  • Level 12: Dragon Form.

What to collect on Dragon Knight?

The build for Dragon Knight is the same in almost all cases, since the hero already has natural survivability due to a large amount of health, armor and regeneration, and he mainly needs to develop the rest of his indicators, and this can be done through the following items:

  • 1 artifact: Power Threads. The most optimal option for DK, which allows him to simultaneously strengthen his attack and also increase the amount of health.
  • 2 artifact: Armlet of Mordiggian. A Dragon Knight build must include this artifact. The reason is that such a build on the DK is ideal for this character due to his health regeneration, which allows him to practically not lose it under the influence of the “armlet”. At the same time, this artifact significantly increases the combat effectiveness of any hero whose main attribute is Strength, which allows DC to feel great in fights, as well as farm creeps more effectively.
  • 3 artifact: Blink Dagger or Shadow Blade. In this case, everything will often depend on the enemy’s pick. If it is not possible to break into opponents without Blink Dagger or they have mobile characters, it is worth taking this particular artifact. Otherwise, the optimal solution would be Shadow Blade, which not only allows you to run away or attack from an advantageous position, but also increases the character’s combat characteristics, which is quite important for this hero.
  • 4 artifact: Black King Bar, Heaven’s Halberd or Here everything depends on the enemy’s peak of heroes. If you have the opportunity to quickly finish the game, you should pay attention to the Black King Bar, with which you can constantly fight with opponents, or Heaven’s Halberd, which increases survivability and allows you to more conveniently enter the enemy’s base. Otherwise, you should take Mjolnir, which increases the farming speed and will be an excellent preparation for the DK in the late game.
  • 5 artifact: Black King Bar, Mjolnir or Assault Cuirass. Mjolnir is acquired if BKB was previously purchased, while BKB itself is better taken if a halberd was previously purchased, with which it was not possible to finish the game. If you previously acquired Mjolnir, and there is no need for BKB in the near future, it is worth taking the cuirass, as it will greatly increase the character's survivability, and in addition, it will also significantly affect his combat abilities, increasing attack speed and reducing the armor of surrounding enemies.
  • 6 artifact: Daedalus or Monkey King Bar. The first artifact simply significantly increases the damage from a given character’s hand, allowing him to become a full-fledged damage dealer. ICD is useful if the opponents have some characters with a high evasion rate.

Separately, it is worth noting the fact that, if necessary, instead of Heaven’s Halberd, you can purchase Solar Crest, which is also very effective for this character. Instead of increasing health, the artifact gives additional armor, and also allows, on the contrary, to reduce the amount of armor of the enemy hero, which will allow the DC to deal with opponents faster.

How to play as Dragon Knight?

DK belongs to the category of “tank” carries, whose main goal is not so much to cause damage, but to absorb damage from the enemy and provide the team with the opportunity to always be in a convenient position, giving visibility to all opponents. In this regard, survival is so important for a character at the first levels, but since it becomes less of a priority at a later stage, the damage of this character has to be gradually developed. Moreover, considering that with the development of the dragon form, it begins to cause damage over an area, and also attacks buildings quite well, which makes it an ideal aggressor.

In the center, the main advantage of this character is the ability Breathe Fire, which allows you not only to conveniently push the line when necessary, but also to reduce damage to the enemy hero, preventing him from conveniently finishing off creeps or attacking the dragon itself. Thanks to this, in combination with a high armor and regeneration rate, the character can easily stand against almost any enemy.

Dragon Knight is a hero who looks great as a late carry, is easy to line up and can forgive you for your mistakes. Dragon Knight is a good option for a beginner. If you haven’t had a chance to play with this hero yet, we recommend that you read the Dragon Knight guide, perhaps it will answer some of your questions.

Dragon Knight skills in Dota 2

Breathe Fire

Fire breath allows you to annoy your lane opponent with good damage and a low cooldown, kill packs of creeps and catch up with enemies who thought they could escape from the dragon knight (the fire reaches the target at a distance of up to 900 units).

Dragon Tail

A very long stun, the range for application is equal to the distance of the auto attack (in the form of a dragon, this parameter increases to 400 units). With this skill you can unpleasantly surprise the enemy hero - in 3.2 seconds of stunning, a dragon knight with a team can kill even the strongest tank.

Dragon Blood

This ability greatly increases the HP regeneration and defense indicator of a dragon knight. HP regen will allow you to not be so distracted by harassment, and armor will help if your opponents focus you. By the way, thanks to this passive, the dragon knight has the highest physical armor in Dota 2.

Elder Dragon Form

Ancient dragon form. Dragon Knight turns into one of three dragons (depending on the level of ult) and each of them has its own characteristics:

  • The green dragon quickly pushes towers thanks to its poison. Poison deals 20 damage. damage per second for five seconds, this ability works on buildings.
  • The red dragon gets a splash attack (like Sven, but we have a range) and has the green dragon's poison attack
  • The blue dragon has all the previous bonuses, and slows down enemies with basic attacks, reducing their movement and attack speed.

Dragon Form takes away the hassle of using Dragon Knight's stun, and adds a bit of movement speed.

The sequence of leveling up skills for Dragon Knight

lvl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
lvl 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Guide on how to play as Dragon Knight in Dota 2

Beginning of the game

To understand when your teammates contact you, you must remember that dragon knight in Dota is also called dragon and DK.

The guide opens with the purchase of a regular carry terpil: 3x Iron Branch, Stout Shield, Healing Salve or Tango. The most suitable place for farming for our guide is mid, but solo farming on the side is also suitable.

Dragon Knight has a very small mana pool at the beginning of the game, so we rush to buy Bottle and control the runes. In the interval between rune spawns (2 minutes), we do not spare mana on Breathe Fire to harass the enemy; a full bottle will still restore mana. Of course, you shouldn’t forget about farming, but a dragon knight should focus on getting exp in order to upgrade your skills as soon as possible and get the best dragon from the Elder Dragon Form.

Dragon Knight is a fairly easy-to-control hero, a “one-button” hero. All you need to do is use your ult, use all your available skills and right-click on the intended victim, so the item build in our guide to dk in Dota 2 will be without any frills. By the 15th minute, your backpack should contain: Bottle, Boots of Speed ​​and Drum of Endurance.


The middle of the game is the most suitable stage for pushing when playing as a dragon knight. We have increased our survivability, now it is even more difficult to kill us, at the same time it is not difficult for us to kill some T1 in the form of a green dragon. If it turns out the other way around, and your team is being pushed, then you need to use split-push tactics - while your teammates are fighting off enemy attacks, you can easily take one or two towers on the side.

Having a dragon form also speeds up our farming, so now Dragon Knight can think about more serious artifacts. First, we transform an ordinary boot into Power Treads, for a dragon knight the best option among other boots, and in the late game we will sell them and buy Travel Boots.

Next, we collect Black King Bar, in some guides this point is omitted, citing the high survivability of the hero, but this cannot be done. Dragon Knight hits from the hand, so under BKB he can do it without problems. When we already have the backbone, we need to choose items to increase damage and attack speed; Maelstorm, an inexpensive and very effective artifact, is best placed in this slot. Dragon Knight is a carry, and in any guide a carry should have vampirism, take Helm of Dominator.

Late game

So, Dragon Knight survived to the late game... or the enemy did. Now any small mistake can be fatal, but not for a dragon knight, this hero needs to fight like a berserker fights on the battlefield: nothing can scare you, on the contrary, the battle only ignites the flame in the heart of the dragon.

The enemy team does not sleep, it constantly replenishes its pockets with new artifacts, so Dragon Knight should also raise his statistics in order to, as before, not pay attention to the enemy’s pathetic attempts to harm us. First, let's upgrade the mainstorm to Mjollnir, the dominator to Satanic and buy Assault Cuirass from scratch. Of course, you will need a lot of money, but by 45-50 minutes the correct dragon knight should have this set.

The sixth slot can be taken by Manta Style, illusions will also splash and we will be able to fight one and a half times better.

Our guide to dragon knight in Dota 2 has come to an end, and your ideal carry is ready. The almost immortal, deadly dragon knight, having transformed into a dragon, can compete even with several enemy carries at the same time.

Hero laning

The following table shows which lane the hero feels better on when leveling up.