Tips for passing attila for dans. Total War: Attila - Western Roman Empire Guide. Briefly about the game mechanics of the Total War line

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How to play online

Online play available at licensed version games.

As in , in the multiplayer of the game, both individual battles and a campaign mode are available, taking place on the same map as in single-player mode. Also in multiplayer you can participate in nine historical battles.

Total War: Attila crashes, what should I do?

- If every time you start the game it gets stuck on the loading screen and sometimes returns you to the desktop, update your video card drivers.

- If you get error 53, disable the antivirus firewall and start the game. This error occurs due to the fact that the program does not allow to exchange information with the game server.

- If the game does not launch at all, check the integrity of the game files on Steam.

When will the patch come out

For total war: Attila has already released two patches: one on February 4th and the other on February 25th. If the first patch contains mainly performance improvements, gameplay fixes and patches that treat constant crashes from the game, then the second one adds new content to the game, fixes the balance, improves the interface and optimizes the game. When the next patch will be released is still unknown, however, most likely, it will be released along with the new DLC.

Where are the saves

Example path: C:\Users\*username*\AppData\Roaming\The Creative Assembly\Attila\save_games

What to build

Different factions differ from each other in starting conditions and gameplay in general, so there is no universal development path. The economy of the Romans, for example, is in a bad state at the start, so when playing as them and getting a break between barbarian raids, it is worth considering the construction of trade buildings. It is better for the Huns, who do not have the opportunity to settle down, to divide into hordes and develop them separately.

All factions, however, should think about the construction of buildings that improve sanitation in the regions - this will help prevent the plague.

How to move or change the capital

No way. Even after migration, your capital will be the first settlement you occupy.

How to defeat the Huns

After several victories against Attila, you will receive a message saying that Attila's next defeat will be his last. After defeating him again, another message will appear confirming his death. Such a loss will reduce the ability of the Huns to produce armies and allow you to defeat the nomads.

How to unlock all factions

Only 10 factions are available in the main game. The remaining nine are unlocked through the purchase of three DLC (Culture Pack) sets: Viking Forefathers, Longbeards and Celts.

How to appoint a governor

Only male members of your faction can be appointed to the position of governor. Go to the "Family" tab in the faction window, select the required character and transfer it to the position from the list panel on the right.

How to change religion

Change is possible if 35% of your population are representatives of the religion you need. After that, open the "Factions" window, go to the "Summary" tab and click on the "Convert" button next to a specific religion. The destruction of temples of your current religion, for example, Christian cathedrals in the Western Roman Empire, will help speed up this process.

Why are barricades needed?

Barricades are used in sieges to protect your cities. True, they are placed only in predetermined places and are not very durable.

Where to watch political events

Political events after their first appearance can be re-opened by clicking on them in the upper right corner.

Where to get wood

Barter wood with a faction that has stocks, or capture a city near which it is. Then build the building needed to mine it.

Army Management

The first thing you need to learn on the fields of multiplayer battles is the management of the army. Your army must move as a single unit, observe the formation, it must be ready at any moment to react to any action of the enemy.

You, as a player, must master as much as possible all the arsenal of tools that the game puts at your disposal. In the chaos of combat, seconds matter. This video will show you how to quickly and clearly give orders of any complexity.

Total War School (Attila) - Army Management (#1)

Opening the Simple Box

In the multiplayer battles of Total War: Attila, you will meet a great variety of different combat tactics. Some of them are traditionally condemned by most players, as they abuse the balance of the game or are extremely unpleasant in nature. The fight against some compositions does not bring any pleasure.

One such case is the "box". This is a tactic in which the player takes as many phalanxes as possible and becomes a square. After that, the game on the part of such a person practically stops, since his strength lies precisely in immobility, in the monumentality of construction. In this video, you will see the game against such a lineup and get some recommendations that will help you more effectively counter the "boxes" on the battlefields.

Total War School: Attila - Opening the Simple "Box" (#2)

In this chapter, we'll look at an example of a rush, a tactic where you take the most offensive lineup and play number one. Combat in such a situation is usually fleeting and aggressive. In my opinion, rushing is good for beginners, as you can focus on your actions first, and thinking about one army is always easier than thinking about two. The video shows examples of rush and gives advice on how to act in such a situation.

Total War School: Attila - Rush (#3)

School Total War Attila#7 - Yutami Rush

The Importance of Reps

The first days, and sometimes weeks of playing in multiplayer can be accompanied by a feeling of total misunderstanding of what is happening. The factions seem to be the same, the units merge with each other, the same tactics bring first a confident victory, and then a devastating defeat. In the fourth chapter of the School of Total War: Attila, we will talk about how great the importance of replays in such a situation is.

Total War School: Attila - The Importance of Replays (#4)

Unit Characteristics

In this video, we will talk about the explicit and hidden characteristics of units in Total War: Attila. Not all the necessary information can be seen from the unit card in the game, sometimes you have to go to the encyclopedia, and some data can be obtained exclusively from the database of the game itself. Thanks to this analysis, units can identify a clear specialization, as well as understand which units are the most effective for their money.

Total War School: Attila - Unit Stats (#5)

Unit Stats Visualization

User Vaenson on the official forum of the game uploads a utility with which you can flexibly visualize the characteristics of units. Information is taken from the game database and updated for each patch. This is very useful if you want to quickly know which infantry unit has the highest bonus against cavalry, which archer has the most damage through armor, and so on.
Since the interface there is not very obvious, and everything is in English, in the video I will show you how to use this utility.

Nearly finished on legendary difficulty, aiming to destroy all factions to the ground, all settlements, with the help of fast research technologies. 327 move, only two factions left, east. and app. empire, in the east five provinces, in the west thirty, left for later. Hands do not reach to finish the game, there is already little interest, maybe someone will be interested.

The basis of the passage set the goal of a quick study of technology, and concentrated on this. I replayed a bunch of times until I found the optimal strategy in my opinion, I don’t impose it, I just provide it for review.

Company start

It is advisable to start with 1-2 sages in the family / candidates (sage skill - gives + 5/10% to research speed). First of all, we attack the Sclavinians, making a general of a family member with the sage skill, thereby pumping it to him.
Advice: we first destroy each city, then we destroy it, thereby obtaining more money. And you can destroy it with a weaker horde, thereby gaining additional growth points for it.

We ravage/destroy the city, then disband the army, change the general (thereby obtaining additional movement points, and take us to the side of the Kutigurs, not forgetting to become a camp by 25%.

Tip: when moving armies, use a pinched right button, thus we see on the strip of movements where exactly it will stop, so that there are not enough points in the movement to the camp.

This horde will be an economic base for us, since with 3 full hordes the treasury will go into the red and it will be quite difficult, and development will slow down. Let's take her moves 20 towards the cutigurs (when the treasury has a stable profit of about 4 thousand, to allow the maintenance of the third stack). I don’t advise you longer, because lone stacks of some sort of manholes will begin to come, from which you can’t hide, and losing a horde at an early stage is almost equal to losing.

With the second horde, I advise you to better finish off the Sklavins, so we bring them to them and become a camp. We send the third one to the small city of ants, it will not work to destroy the big one, the full stack is in the garrison. .(which is easy to destroy when he comes to the rescue after our attack on a lone stack with 1-2 units near the city).

Tip: we try to attack a small stack of the enemy, if there are large reinforcements nearby, thereby easily killing the general and finishing off the reinforcements. (The general of all stacks is the one we attacked).

After the destruction of the Sclavins / Antes, it is better to attack the Wends with two hordes. Why do I think it's better to stay in the north, and not move directly to Rome? Firstly, densely populated provinces, with narrow passages, and a bunch of stacks from ZRI, which can pinch you where the thread and destroy you, and it’s difficult to camp, they will constantly attack, you will have to retreat. Yes, all the same, then you have to return to destroy the northern factions. And in connection with the not dense settlement of the north, it is easier not to be ambushed by several stacks of the enemy and lose the horde. Moreover, by destroying the northern factions, our relations with the ZRI are growing, and soon, somewhere when the relations are +600 +800, they will ask us for peace, we will be able to bring down 10 thousand + union / military alliance from them (if necessary), and about 15 thousand more for declaring war on their enemies, and getting 25 thousand money just like that at an early stage of the game is no joke. Yes, and peace proposals from the VRI, it will be possible to bring down about 8 thousand.

After the Wends, it will be the turn of the Laz / Turings, etc. Further Vikings, Britain. Well, after personal considerations. The third stack, after we withdraw from the economic rear, I would advise you to send the Greythungs to destroy, it will be impossible to maintain relations with them, and then to the Caucasus / East to destroy weak factions. By the time Attila grew up, I reached the Sassanids, and was just ripe to hire the 4th horde (for Attila and the attack on the Sassanids). We do not need more than four stacks until the end of the passage, where you can only hire to finish the campaign faster. Two hordes in one battle breaks any number of enemies. So we play, two hordes in the northwest, two in the east.

Advice: we definitely try to camp with hordes in different provinces, but next to each other, so that in case of an attack we can come to the rescue. Yes, and we try to end each turn in the camp. The raid is not beneficial to the hordes.

Now all the subtleties of passing in order:


We try not to wage many wars, but to destroy the enemies one by one. Otherwise, at an early stage, agents with Disinformation of the armies can get sick, and vagrant stacks from somewhere in Africa may not come at the right time) We try to declare war in a cunning way, we look at who our enemy is fighting, and we try to knock down the dough from these factions for declaring war. Gifts are a last resort, a small gift gives about 10 to relationships, a medium and a large one makes very little sense to do. Diplomatic marriage gives about 19, but the AI ​​wants to give away its daughters extremely badly, and I strongly advise against marrying our daughters to foreign factions, I will describe in more detail later. The most significant improvement in relations is common enemies. Try to force a politically interesting faction to go to war with your enemy, this will give 50+ relations, depending on your aggression towards it. Sometimes they agree for free, sometimes you have to pay the same amount as in a small gift, but in return we get many times more. Thus, you can not lose guilds and greatngs at the start, when there are positive relations, they will never give up on you, and an extra penny from tributaries will not hurt.

Diplomacy at the start: there are 4 nomadic factions, next to us, Boudins, Roxolans, Kutigurs and Savirs. We try to make friends with everyone. A war with them is not profitable, since they have no cities, and a bunch of cavalry they have will greatly complicate the war. The primary task is to appease the Roxolans, since relations with them are average, and their hordes are nearby, it is dangerous, it may even be spent on a gift on 1 turn. Further Budins/Kutigurs, Savirs are not so important, they are far away, and usually they do not live long. Budins are the most friendly, it will be possible to make an alliance with them and try to set a thread on one of your enemies.

Domestic politics

The most interesting thing is that power must be kept at the Decent level, that is, at the beginning it must be slightly reduced. You can lower it if any political actions are faked, or by hiring candidates from other families, thereby lowering the ratio of their influence to ours. And now about the main task - we need as many members as possible with the Sage skill. To do this, you need to increase the family by marrying all the members so that they are fruitful. And hire all possible candidates from other families. To hire him, you need to change the general to a candidate in any horde, thereby you will hire him, it costs money, depending on the number of candidates already hired, as well as on the number of family members, it ranges from 800 to 16 thousand and more. I brought the number of family members to a huge value, through marriages and adoptions, and because of this, some native descendants began to appear on the list of candidates, apparently the slots were over. We hire all possible candidates, it's 1-3 per turn, if money allows, regardless of their skills. If there are sages, then we pump them over by playing any one battle, the second level will immediately rise, and we get + 10% to research speed. If the candidate does not have such a skill, then after hiring, we need to get rid of it in order to reduce the cost of hiring the next candidates. To do this, we use adoption, murder and marriage to a female family member. Thanks to these manipulations, plus the manipulation of agents (described below), I achieved 225% research speed at about turn 30.

Advice: we only marry our daughters to members of other factions as a last resort. Because we are losing influence. Plus, we do all political actions through women, such as murder (after all, if you fail, you can die, but you shouldn’t lose men), gather support, ensure loyalty.

We do not spend influence on men, we save up for adoption. Horde generals are not worth spending influence at all, because we will be promoting them through the ranks. The most important thing will be to appoint Glorious Conquerors (+8 to the growth of all hordes) and an honorary elder (+10% to wealth from buildings) and the rest if possible.

Advice: we try to marry all family members as soon as possible so that they start breeding faster. In third-party factions, women quickly run out, so we are accumulating influence and looking for a wife.

The buildings

Well, the guide has already written everything about this. I will write in order of importance: Weaver's yurt, goat's den, wagons with supplies / yurt of the oldest shaman, cattle pens, tinsmith's camp, craftsmen's camp, cupbearer's abode, archers' camp.


Here, the main thing at the beginning is to teach the first branch of civil technologies for the growth of the horde, and the weaver's yurt 4 lvl. Then it’s worth learning the rest of the civil technologies until we feel the opportunity to learn horse breeding (improves shooters to archers). Please note that you must have a stable income of 7000+. Since the content will double. It is not worth learning all civil technologies until the end, since our research speed will increase with the number of moves, and to save moves, you should learn the second third branch of military technologies, and then take on the last branch of civil ones.

Try to learn paid civil technologies as quickly as possible, they are worth it, and learn in 1 turn in total.


First of all, at the start of the company, you should abandon the base generals. All of them are many years old, which means they will die soon, and we don’t need it, so that only after pumping the general, he dies. Therefore, we choose new ones. I destroyed almost all factions with the same generals chosen at the start. Priority age, younger. Also interested in skills, the best experience for shooters or cavalry. It’s not worth downloading their innate skill to the second level, since we have a max level of 10, and it’s better to spend a free perk on another skill. On 2 we download food and the range of movement. Then we get to the Lord, we also swing by 2, and then quickly to the Beach. Of course, we also study it for 2. Then the commander of archers and cavalry, well, Lightning. This is where the perks end unfortunately)
Tip: we periodically check the environment of the generals for the presence of items to increase the speed of research, and put them on the youngest members of the family.
Tip: if there are too few people in the general’s squad, you can replace him with another one for the turn, and return him the next, this will immediately give a full squad, but reset his experience, but we don’t really need it.


Based on the buildings, we will only be able to hire priests. But we don’t need more, thanks to the dogma skill, we will lure all the other agents from foreign factions. Most importantly, we need priests with the Legend Keeper skill, which increases research speed. Therefore, if there are no such priests available, we choose with any other, but older, so that we die quickly, and new candidates for hiring appear on the list, possibly with the skill we need.

We pump the priests with murder by 2 and dogma by 2, the rest by authority, because it increases the chance of crit by 20%, starting from a value of 6, the rest is not important. Then, having lured the scouts, we try to add him to each horde, with a pumped Pursuit and preferably with a skill for cavalry experience. The main function of the priests is to lure the agent, scouts - misinformation of the troops, and poaching. Warriors, on the other hand, have excellent skills to degrade the characteristics of the enemy stack. So we use it.


Using skills, we quickly go to the Scourge of the World, then Terror, then by 2 we learn Accuracy and nomad cavalry, steppe customs. Well, now about the composition. 19 mounted archers/archers/demons and onagers to capture cities. We don't need other units. The tactics are as follows, we shoot, we retreat, we try to kill the general, we do not let the enemy get closer. We run out of arrows, go around from several sides, and use the onslaught. Use fire arrows against cavalry, normal against lightly armored units, heavy for the rest. And one or two squads put a whistling shot to debuff the enemy. If there are a lot of enemies, then we control the amount of ammunition, by turning on / off shooting, so that they do not shoot at those who run away.

Also, when manually controlling the fire of archers, shoot at units that are not covered on the flanks, their morale is lower, and they will quickly run away. When an enemy general dies, immediately put a fiery / whistling shot on everyone, and watch how they run. Here is a video with the successful use of horse archers. 800 without a general, against 3000, almost without loss. Watch from 20 minutes.

Well, we take into account that against large enemy forces, when the detachment begins to tremble, you can send it to flight with an onslaught, so as not to waste arrows in vain.

We use the general only as a last resort, skills to squeeze him, for example. We try to catch the enemy in the field, storming cities with large garrisons is only worth it if we have several stacks, or during the colonization of the destroyed settlement, the city will be completely destroyed, minus morale and holes in the walls. Basically played all the sieges on autobattle. You can do it manually, then it is very important to set fire to as many buildings as possible with the cavalry, for a minus of morale.

We waited, but were not sure what new things would give us new game by Creative Assembly. Some thought that it would be just an addon to Total War: Rome 2 others were counting the days. And now, numerous reviews and broadcasts have pleased the thirsty - a lot of new things have appeared. In general, the innovations have already been presented to the world, and the players have already rushed to study them in more detail and on their own skin, but I will try to tell you about one of them, the most interesting and unusual for Total War connoisseurs. Namely, about the game of hordes. Many of us were familiar with the hordes in Rome: Total War - Barbarian Invasion, but in Attila it's not just a starting or forced flight state - the horde can now really be played.

Leaving others to plunge into the problems of the Eastern and Western Empires, I quickly set about my pressing ones. In short, the situation with the hordes is as follows: in the game, these are primarily the Huns, and secondly the Alans, Ostrogoths, Visigoths and Vandals. When you start to get to know each other closely, you will also notice the existence of minor hordes like the Yazygs, Budins, Kutrigurs and Savirs, and you can turn into a horde quite sedentary peoples, for example, the Franks and Saxons, ousting them from their lands, or rather taking away the settlements, because. they will still need to be "erased" from the earth (I wonder if Rome can be made into a horde? It would be funny - we'll check it sometime). The Huns and similar minor hordes are deprived of the opportunity to occupy the settlements, but the resettling peoples have such an opportunity, which in my opinion is more interesting and corresponds to the target plan for conquering the world.

The position of all four factions of "settlers" obliges them to run away from the Huns. At the start, the Ostrogoths are in the middle, near the borders of the Eastern and Western Roman Empires. The Vandals are located to the north and come into contact with the northern peoples (Jutes, Saxons, Franks, Rugami, etc.). Visigoths to the south on the territory of Thrace, almost at the walls of Constantinople. Alans are on the eastern coast of the Black Sea, and they will have to immediately contact the Huns. After reviewing the bonuses of each faction, I settled on the Ostrogoths. And what? The bonuses of the faction are very good: we are promised the absence of a period of instability when capturing Roman settlements (for a minute), and the ability to hire Roman troops. The position, as they say, is "in the forefront" - in line for Roman property, which is eager to take possession. God, and what do these games only teach us, what lessons to learn!? But everything is much simpler. As long as you just need to learn Total War: Attila . Well, let's get the first to learn.

The first lesson is short.

Having rushed into battle, any old-timer of the series will probably want to capture something as soon as possible, or at least plunder, and will immediately realize that he hastened. It's one thing to quickly defeat the enemy, savor the graphics and try out the fighters in action, and it's quite another to understand the futility of such a hasty decision. Firstly, the amount from the robbery is not so significant, and by setting the first minor faction that comes across against us, we will deprive ourselves of the opportunity to replenish the troops battered in the first battle. And if we capture the settlement, in the hope and out of habit to settle down faster and begin to develop, then there will be a very big "second". The restructuring of the settlement costs fabulous money to start the game, as well as the foundation of the settlement on abandoned lands, we will get a lot of minuses with dilapidated buildings, from the expenses that have appeared in the treasury and unrest. In addition, we will cease to exist as a horde. Further development events are so futile that it is not worth continuing. Here it is - it was not invented for that Total War: Attila to repeat the experience of the first Rome. The Horde itself is thought out as a work. It has a plot, development and ending.

Lesson two. Nomadic cities - a city that is always with me.

Let's try to pay attention to why we did not have all the charms of decay when we were a horde. To do this, the game has many statistical windows. Also, looking at our army, we will find two significant innovations: the laying of a nomadic settlement and the mode of transition of the army to this state. You can view the existing buildings (if you can call them that), but "construction" and some of the bonuses work only in the camp setting mode, indicated by the "yurts" icon. You can hire troops in any mode and in any territory. Technologies are learned regardless of the state of the horde. The camp window is quite roomy and, unlike the provinces, it has the ability to erect as many as ten "buildings" - you must admit there is where to roam. Of course, as is the case with normal settlements, for each expansion and, mind you, improvement, you need an excess of population, in our case, hordes. Each commander and in a number of buildings have bonuses to its growth. And given that you can camp anywhere with all your armies, you get a well-developed faction. The camp can provide us with everything we need, like a whole province. "Roam - I don't want to." To do this, you just need not to occupy the settlements. And what is very good, when the camp is removed, the construction is not canceled, but suspended for the duration of the movement. They fought, advanced - set up camp. Do not forget that for this possibility you need to save 25% of the movement points (we plan a route on the map with the right mouse button pressed and looking at the commander’s movement points we can easily measure the path as much as necessary). Thus, you can gradually move your people from location to location, build up, and pump commanders in battles. By the way, this is an indispensable condition for development. After all, commanders have the necessary skills acquired by increasing experience that can not only increase the spirit and military qualities of the units, but also the very necessary parameters for the growth of the horde, food and solidarity, without which there is a risk of losing the respect of fellow tribesmen and even the army.

Public order, the possibility of rebellion, hunger and other delights leading to collapse are also affected, sorry for the tautology, the influence of the characters and the political influence of the faction as a whole, bonuses from learning technologies, internal strife. The change of these factors falls entirely on the generals and other figures. Get ready for the fact that the horde will not like being in the same region with your other armies, and you will have negative effect"Internal strife" (-20 food, - 20% wealth) for every other horde in the same region. Good or bad, but the effect extends to the next turn. That is, if an undesirable condition was met at the time of the transition, then on the next one you will receive a fine, if not, then no. Thus, you can leave your hordes in neighboring regions, and on the next turn, gather for joint operations and scatter again. Well, or act separately, which requires the presence of a sufficient number of units in each stack and will affect the costs. It is up to you to decide how best to proceed at the beginning, and which path of development to choose. Every wrong decision will pull you to the bottom.

Lesson three. "Our weapon is God's word and kindness. There is wine and women in the city!"

"Plunder the loot!" Well, they robbed... And they left. Left with nothing. The income from robbery is not great. The experience of commanders is much more valuable. And thanks for that. Unlike other games in the series, in Total War: Attila, looting does not necessarily mean capturing a settlement. Everything was somewhat different. Now in the choice of action after defeating the besieged, in addition to the usual "plunder and occupy", there is simply "plunder". And yet, now you can completely destroy the settlement. It makes little sense to destroy, only solely out of the need to deprive the enemy of support bases. Since there will be no one else to rob here, until new tenants come, and the fertility of the land will deteriorate, and you will also receive fines for cohesion. You can rob at least every turn, but do not expect the same amounts as the first time. The settlement should recover. Therefore, if you took 2000 coins, you will take 400 on the next turn. Whether it is worth keeping the army nearby because of this is again up to you. Often you will have to camp near a newly robbed enemy - and deprive yourself of the opportunity to replenish units. You can switch to the usual "Raid" army mode, but it's not beneficial for the horde, because. in the absence of many fines in the camp, we will earn more, we will build and develop. Although pumping commanders, we will increase the percentage of profit from raids with some skills. I think it may come in handy after the transition to a settled state. Thus, a thorny path to a settled life was outlined. This cannot be changed. But you can still tweak and sweeten a little.

So, after the next capture, in the options for deciding the fate of the prisoners and the entire settlement, the "release" button appears. For example, by capturing Sirmium, we can free Iliria from "centuries of slavery", that is, from the Romans. Iliria is formed right there, becomes friendly and receives several units led by the commander. In the future, the army grows significantly if this faction begins active operations and may well turn out to be viable. And having spread tents on the territory of Iliria, we get the necessary replenishment of the thinned units. When attacking us or our new friends, who are very much indebted to us, we will be able to help each other with reinforcements in battle. Agree, this increases the chances of survival. By the way, you can first plunder, and then liberate. Unfortunately, this cannot be done in every settlement and not even in every province. We advance and liberate the peoples wherever we find.

In addition, it is not at all necessary to destroy the first fractions that come across, one must learn to live with them in peace. There will be no great honor and profit from this. And you can also not destroy it to the end and make yourself extra enemies. Rather, it will be possible to get wives, gold and allies. Watching how the military and political struggle is played out around is a separate pleasure. Your consent or refusal alone can remove a couple of extra factions from the political scene. All of them will bite each other's throats. There is also a chance that they will attack you all in a crowd. Everything is like in life - it is enough to stand on the sidelines, substitute your shoulder or leg, to choose from. New political levers have appeared and the possibilities of diplomacy have grown. You will have to become a fish in the water to maneuver between friends and enemies, and hordes rushing around the map in search of prey.

Lesson four. In the service of Rome.

After going 20 moves, you understand how the horde grows, what is needed for its existence. Not everything will go smoothly and as planned. The Romans are not as harmless as it seems at the beginning, they just haven't had time to pull themselves up yet. And having fallen between them and their allies, one can greatly regret that they were not careful in walking around cities and towns. Having killed three emperors of the VRI, devastated many settlements, freed Macedonia, Dacia and Iliria, I was driven by the Huns into Greece. It was in Corinth that my Ostrogoths had the good fortune to slay two successors of the Emperor. But the truth is inexorable - it takes a little more than I had to stand against the Huns. You will not have time to get stronger troops, because. technology is needed for this, and research cannot be accelerated at the beginning, a certain number of moves is needed. You need a certain level of the horde in order to still build the necessary buildings that give warriors. Money, as shown later, will be added.

The Huns will attack sooner or later. Conquering peoples and turning them into tributaries, they briskly cross the space in search of you and others objectionable. The earth is covered with ashes from cities burned to the ground. I had to swim to new friends who bought their friendship for a bag of gold, the Romans from ZRI. Having won the last victories over the Byzantines, I decided to go looking for a better life in ZRI. But the Huns, having plunged into the boats, or whatever they found there, rushed after me. Fortunately, they got lost somewhere in the fog.

Feel free to get into the role. You quickly get used to the game. It is saturated in its manifestations. Life around you is literally in full swing. In the family and the horde, too. Brother went to brother. The brother-in-law acted as the killer of the bastard, for which he had to be set up. Chatty excessively wives, imperious commanders, literally tear apart your people. Having prevented the assassination attempt and sent the objectionable relative to the forefathers, I breathed more freely. Before the Ostrogoths lay the fertile valleys of Italy. And only somewhere far away, near Ravenna, the barbarians, as the Romans call us all, are tearing the empire apart. We have to go there. Rome itself has no troops and it will still not be possible to sit out in the rear. And the Romans are not stingy with paying for our swords. Their generosity knows no bounds - they pay in advance for the heads of all their opponents. You can choose to fight with old allies and sworn enemies. After bargaining and getting a better price, I repeated the same with their opponents, who immediately decided to pay for peace with the Ostrogoths. The treasury has grown impressively. Moving past Tarentum, Naples, Rome, the Ostrogoths set up camp, retrained soldiers. They made and broke alliances. And now, approaching the front line, I saw numerous enemies of the Empire, now my enemies. "Oh, Marfusha, should we be in sorrow." Drawn out their swords and uttering a furious cry from their throats, the Ostrogoths rushed into battle.

The continuation suggests itself, but is delayed for technical reasons.

The most difficult company is the passage of the Western Roman Empire. When playing this civilization, you immediately encounter a bunch of problems, and the most important thing is that your eyes run wide from their number. Below we have prepared for you a list of the most important rules that will help protect and preserve this state.

Rule - 1: Fight Corruption

The Roman Empire has a huge number of problems, therefore, in addition to the hordes of barbarians, it also has such a problem as corruption. This "rot" in the state will take a huge amount of income from you, so if you start fighting it right away, then you can double your income! To solve the problem with corruption: appoint governors for the largest economic cities of the empire, it will also be necessary to develop the appropriate skills from your generals, collect retinue for them and be sure to first study technologies in the civil branch that help fight corruption!

Rule - 2: Clear mind

You will need to immediately come to terms with the fact that you will not be able to hold all the areas of the empire that will be given to you at the very beginning of the game. Hordes of barbarian tribes will break into Gaul and Italy, so they will constantly rob everything that they come across! In order to be prepared for such consequences of attacks, it is necessary to invest your funds in advance in the development of those regions that are located in North Africa and southern Spain. It is there that Rome will have much fewer enemies and much more time to prepare for the fact that the barbarians will soon arrive. Moreover, those lands are the most fertile.

Rule - 3: It is necessary to take risks

Sitting constantly on the defensive is the worst option. Especially when you have a bunch of enemies in a couple of steps that are ready to tear you apart. Moreover, the enemies will be able to restore their strength very quickly, so the attacks will not stop in any way. You need to try to be the first! Inflict preemptive strikes on them, try to burn them and plunder their cities. After repulsing one attack, continue to lead the legions further, but already to their lands! Without any hesitation, attack the barbarians that are in Northern Britain, as they will be very weak on early stages games!

Rule - 4: Battlefield

By default, it is made so that the garrisons of the Roman Empire are powerful troops, therefore they can even beat off stacks of full barbarian armies, so if you see the numerical superiority of the enemy, never retreat and fight to the last legionnaire! Take a deaf defense somewhere in the city square. Always remember that barbarians love to leave settlements destroyed, so such moments will be a critical blow for you.

Rule - 5: Generals

Barbarian hordes have a low morale from the very beginning of the game, so try to eliminate enemy generals by any available means. If the commander dies, then any army at any moment will be ready to go on the run! But also always remember your commanders, because for you it will be no less a loss. The loss of your commander threatens a real disaster for the entire state.

Rule - 6: Native House

At the very beginning of the game, the party that rules over this moment The Western Roman Empire will be very weak. You have to bring it into full order within about ten moves, because if this is not done, various uprisings will begin throughout the country, which will eventually turn into a civil war that will put an end to the Western Roman Empire.

To begin with, you will need to make the party leader your best general and then send him to the front line. This is necessary for two reasons: you will be able to lead your troops more diligently and your emperor will be able to gain experience along with authority faster. As your hero develops, you will need to accept new faces into your family and assign appropriate positions for them (governors are best placed in developed regions, and generals in the strongest). The strongest and most influential members of the opposition should be assigned to the most problematic regions (for example, Belgium and the border that runs with the Eastern Roman Empire).

Rule - 7: Diplomacy

Try to delay the beginning of the war at any cost. If necessary, then even break the alliance with your influential neighbor in the east in order to reduce the number of conflicts. The Eastern Roman Empire will be the first to feel the full power of the Huns, so they will quickly deal with your allies.

Rule - 8: Fleet

In order to more effectively deal with enemies, you will need to have at least two huge fleets: one is best kept in southern Britain, the other somewhere in the Sicily region. It is even better that the fleet has mainly rams, since they can sink any ship at a time.

Rule - 9: Legion

If you have a situation where you need to make a choice: saving the settlement, or the legion, then it is better to make a choice in favor of your troops. The Roman troops take quite a long time to restore the size of the armies, even the usual hiring of heavy infantry will take up to two turns!

Rule - 10: Outposts

After you have come to terms with the fact that you will have to lose a large number of settlements, immediately choose those for which you will fight to the last warrior! All strategically important buildings are best moved to those settlements that have walls. One Big City will be able to block huge stacks of enemy armies.