The Witch's House - walkthrough. Assignment: Rebellion of the Fourth-Graders

We offer a complete guide to the passage of the game "House of 1000 Doors. Family Secrets" (House of 1000 Doors: Family Secrets Walkthrough).
If you still have questions about how to complete the game "House of 1000 Doors. Family Secrets" - write on the forum.

Part V
*all pictures can be enlarged by clicking on them
In the burnt room we take the portrait (I5).

We go to the second floor corridor.
In the hidden object scene, we find a lamp at the end of the corridor.

Let's go to the library.
Insert portraits into the portrait gallery.
We get the key.

Let's go to the living room.
Use the key (K5) to open the portal.

Let's go to the garden.
Finding the twenty-ninth ghostly object (29/35) .
Cut the scarecrow's chest with a knife (E2).
We take out the eye key (N5) from there.
Take the portrait (L5).
Place the rocket launcher (Z) and light it with the lighter (O).
Take the yoke (M5).
We put the yoke on the bull.
Take the thirtieth ghostly object (30/35) .

We go into the mill.
We take the thirty-first ghostly object (31/35) .
On the table we select the portrait (O5) and acid (P5).
We hang the lamp (J5) on the hook.

We assemble the structure with millstones.

In the hidden object scene, we find a whip in the hatch.

We go into the forest.
We take the thirty-second ghostly object (32/35) .
Take resin (R5) from the tree.
We water the plant that prevents the door from opening with acid (P5).

We go into the hut.
We take the thirty-third ghostly object (33/35) .
Take the scythe blade (S5).
Near the cat we take the portrait (T5) and toad legs (U5).
We give the mouse to the cat (L2).
Take the mirror piece (V5).
Use the eye key (N5) to open the chest, there we take the hair from the comb (W5) and mercury (X5).
In the basement in the hut we take the chain (Y5).
Take the bat wings (Z5) on the table.
In the hidden object scene we find the nut (A6).

Assembling the magic mirror.
We take the thirty-fourth ghostly object (34/35) .
We insert the missing piece of the mirror.

Let's go to the mill.
We put the chain (Y5) on the cart and on the door.
We hit the bull with the whip (Q5).
In the basement under the mill we take the portrait (B6) and the bucket (C6).

Let's go to the kitchen.
Crack the nut (A6).
Take the nut kernel (D6).

Let's go to the mill.
Attach the scythe blade (S5) to the stick, take the scythe (E6).

Let's go to the hut.
Give the squirrel a nut (D6).
In the hollow we take the portrait (F6) and crystals (G6).
We hang the bucket (C6) on the rope.
We cut the grass with a scythe (E6).
Take the portrait (H6) and pitchfork (I6).

We go into the hut.
In the hidden object scene we find a lever.

Let's go to the hut.
Place the lever (J6) and fill the bucket of water (K6).

We are moving to the mill.
We crush the crystals (G6).
In the hidden object scene we find flour (M6).

We leave the mill.
Use the pitchfork (I6) to remove the hay.
We select the poker (N6).

We go into the living room.
We extinguish the fire in the fireplace using a bucket (K6).
We rake the coals with a poker (N6).
Take the flask key (O6).

Let's go to the hut.
Open the chest with the flask key (O6).
Take the portrait (P6) and blood (Q6).
Place resin (R5), toad legs (U5), mercury (X5), bat wings (Z5), crushed crystals (L6), flour (M6) and blood (Q6) into the cauldron.
Take the potion to restore the mirror (R6).

We pour the potion on the mirror (R6).
Place the hair (W5) in your hand.
Light the hair with the lighter (O).

Take the portrait (S6) and videotape (T6).

Let's go to the library.
Insert portraits.

We go into the office.
We find the last, thirty-fifth ghostly object (35/35) .
We insert the videotape into the projector.
Take a hexagon (V6) and garden shears (U6).

Let's go to the hall.
We insert the hexagon into the carpet in front of the stairs.
By rotating the parts, we assemble the drawing.
Take the lantern (W6).

Let's go to the entrance.
We place the lantern (W6), an order of symbols appears above the entrance.
Using garden scissors (U6) we cut off the bushes.
We take the book (X6) from them.

Let's go to the library.
Place the book (X6) on the shelf.
We put the books in the correct order.
The cache opens; take the globe (Y6).

Let's go to the office.
Take the crystal (Z6).
We put the chess piece (C4) on the table in the hiding place and take the crystal (A7).
Take the crystal (B7) from the knight's helmet.
We insert the crystals (Z6), (A7), (B7) and the planet (Y6) into the pedestal.

Congratulations! Completed the game House of 1000 Doors: Family Secrets.

The walkthrough is relevant for all versions of the game

Gameplay Features

In this first-person puzzle game, all controls are done using the mouse. More details about the mechanics of the game will be discussed in the text of the walkthrough.

Menu from the game is opened by clicking the left mouse button (LMB) on the X-shaped icon in the upper right corner of the game screen. The menu has a standard set of options.

Inventory located on the left side of the screen and is constantly open for viewing. On the right side of the screen are objects invented by Leonardo, which will be needed to interact with objects in the game.

Preservation the current state of the game occurs automatically when you exit it.

Note. To enlarge the screenshot, click on it in the text of the walkthrough. To view additional screenshots, click on the active links highlighted in the text of the walkthrough in dark red.

Florence, 1506

Prologue. Street

At the beginning of the game we go through detailed training on the gameplay, i.e. execute the commands whose text appears in the upper area of ​​the screen.

We turn to the right of the guard: hold down the LMB and move the mouse to the left.

We approach the guard: double-click LMB on the guard.

We bring our gaze closer to the scroll in the guard’s hand: double-click LMB on the scroll in his hand.

We take the SCROLL in our “hands”: click on the roll of LMB (the scroll is placed in the inventory).

We examine the scroll: click LMB on the SCROLL in the inventory window.

We remove the seal: hold LMB on the ribbon encircling the scroll and pull it to the right.

Expand the scroll: hold down the LMB on the scroll, move the mouse up.

We read the text of Leonardo's letter: hold down the scroll with LMB and pull it up to read it completely.

Exit the approximation: click on the icon in the upper right corner.

Task: get to Leonardo's library

Move away from the guard: click the right mouse button (RMB).

We approach the door on the left: double-click on the door.

We bring our gaze closer to the door bell, to the right of the door: double-click the LMB on the door bell.

We install the groove in the upper part of the bell on the crossbar of the bracket: hold LMB on the upper part of the bell, move it counterclockwise.

We extend the chain: hold LMB on the bottom of the bell and pull it to the left.

We ring the bell: hold the LMB on the extended chain and pull it down.

We bring our gaze closer to the opened stand: double-click on the lowered stand.

Take the KEY PART: LMB click on the object on the stand.

Move away from the bell: click RMB.

Let's look at the mailbox: double-click LMB on the mailbox under the bell.

Open the lid: hold down the LMB on the lid above the mailbox, move the mouse to the right.

Take the second PART OF THE KEY: click LMB on the object on the stand. We click LMB on the first part of the key, on the window of which there is a “+” sign and part of the key slides out in the center of the screen.

Move the second part of the key to its first part: click LMB on the second part of the key.

We connect both parts: hold down the LMB on the second part of the key, move the mouse to the left.

“Screwing” the KEY: hold down the LMB on the key, move the mouse up.

Move away from the top of the mailbox: right-click.

We bring our gaze closer to the rectangular plate on the front side of the box: double-click on the plate.

We open access to the keyhole: hold LMB on the plate, move the mouse to the left.

We insert the key into the keyhole: hold LMB on the KEY in the inventory, drag it to the keyhole.

Turn the key in the lock: hold down the left mouse button, move the mouse to the left.

Open the mailbox door: automatically, moving away from the mailbox, hold down the left mouse button on the slightly opened door, and move the mouse to the right.

We bring our gaze closer to the inner surface of the box: double-click on the inner surface of the box.

We take the “Oculi Infinitum” - a lens invented by Leonardo (it is located on the right side of the screen): click LMB on the object in the box.

Move away from the box: right-click.

Take the lens for use: hold down the LMB on the lens in the objects window on the right, move the mouse up.

The automatically installed lens brings our view closer to the internal structure of the door lock.

Open the lock: hold the LMB on each of the three gears in turn, move the mouse, directing the groove of each gear to the pentagonal axis of the lock in the center. We automatically move away from the lock and the door is open.

The character turns to the guard, who points somewhere to the right. He turns his gaze to the tower, illuminated by emerald light. We see an explosion occur inside the tower. Soon a man with mechanical wings flies out of the opening and falls behind the Teacher's house.

We open the door and go inside.

We follow the corridor and go up the steps. We look closer to the door handle, turn it and open the door. We open the door and go inside. Exercise done.

Chapter first. Library

Let's take a closer look at the lighting stand in the center of the room. We remove the seal from the scroll lying on the stand. We receive the SCROLL SEAL. We unfold the scroll and read the text of Leonardo’s message.

Task: find a secret passage


We move away from the counter and look to the right. We approach the stepladder and climb up it. We take it from the shelf drawing .

  • We get achievement "Printing Press" .

We return to the center of the room, look to the left.

Let's take a closer look at the warrior's bust. We move the flap on the stand, opening access to the recess. Click on the SCROLL SEAL, placing it in the center of the screen. Rotate the inside of the seal and pull out the three petals. Insert the THREE-POINTED SEAL into the recess under the bust and turn it counterclockwise.

We automatically move our gaze to the opened eyes of the bust.

Alternately click on both eyes.

The helmet on the warrior’s head opens slightly.

We move the helmet aside and automatically bring our gaze closer to the puzzle.

Rotating the central circle with the groove, we slide the plates with colored stones into it, moving them to the groove in the outer part, where the stones of the same color are located.

A drawer handle appears under the bust.

We pull out the drawer and take the glove.

The glove is automatically put on the character's right hand. The lens is placed in a special compartment on it.

We bring our gaze closer to the inner surface of the warrior’s tilted helmet. We look at the gold plate using the lens (pull up the lens located on the right side of the screen). We lower the gears down, rotate them, pushing the doors apart at the bottom.

A secret compartment opens.

We take out from the recess a PATTERN FROM VALUABLE WOOD and a PIECE OF WIRE.

Move away from the bust (two RMB clicks), look at the box under the bust. Let's look closer to the bottom of the box on the left side. Move the plate aside and insert a PIECE OF WIRE into the groove. With its help, we open the drawer, in which we find a PART OF WOODEN PATTERN. Let's take a closer look at the bust stand in which we opened the drawer. We look at the lower left corner.

Place the WOODEN PATTERN PART on the empty space. Move parts of the pattern to the center,

A panel opens out of a hidden compartment and contains a stand for storing screws.

Rotate the stand and remove it from it. COPPER SCREW. Moving away from the bust.

Light stand

We look closer to the stand on the counter. In the inventory we take the PATTERN FROM VALUABLE WOOD, turn it with the back side, and apply a COPPER SCREW to it. We rotate it, we get a WOODEN ROSE. We install it in groove on the counter.

Panels open on all four sides of the rack. We automatically move to the beginning of the puzzle.

Holding the WOODEN ROSE, which acts as a slider, we move it along the opening grooves so as to guide the rose to the upper part:

→ 5 2← → .

The rose moves to the second panel.

Here we continue to move the rose along the grooves, while moving the squares with them along the guide wires (the square on which the rose is located cannot be moved), we build a road to the bottom of the panel.

    Move the rose down.

    We move the two plates of the second row to the right, and move the rose to the third row. We move the two plates of the fourth row to the left.

    Move the rose down, left and down one square.

    We move the plate of the next row to the left, moving the rose into the hole at the bottom of the panel.

Rose moves to the third panel.

This is where circles with grooves are added (squares with circles do not move) that can be rotated to move the rose towards the top of the panel.

    Move the rose up two rows.

    Rotate the circle of the first row and the circle of the third row.

    Move the rose up to the right, two squares down, and two squares to the left.

    Move the rose up four rows, turn the circle to the right.

    We move the rose to the right column and move it one square up.

    We turn the circle of the top row and bring the rose into the hole.

Rose moves to the fourth panel

In this panel you need to use all the combinations from the previous panels. Move both plates of the top row to the right.

    Move the rose one square down.

    We turn the circle of the bottom row, move the rose to the right, down and left.

    We turn the circle to the right, move the rose to the right and down two squares.

    Turn the circle to the left.

    Move the rose left two squares and up one square.

    Rotate the circle on the right and the circle on the bottom.

    We place the plate of the second row from the bottom in the central column.

    Move the rose to the right and two squares down.

    We turn the circle below, move the rose down and to the left.

    Rotate the circle on the right and the circle on the bottom. We insert the rose into the hole.

When the ROSE reaches the end point of movement in the fourth panel, it opens its petals.

We take out the KEY.

The lighting stand is recessed into the floor. There is a polygonal recess at the top of the remaining part of the post


We turn our gaze towards the bust, looking at the top of the box underneath it. Insert the KEY, turn it counterclockwise, remove the SEAL WITH AN EXPENSIVE PATTERN. Let's look at the lighting stand.

Light stand

In the inventory we interact with the SEAL (pull out its top), we get a FITTED PAINTED SEAL. Place the seal in the polygonal recess and turn it.

A niche with crystals opens.

We rotate the crystals, forcing the beam to enter the wide lens.

The top of the rack closes. The beam coming out of the hole in the stand points to the bookshelf.

Book shelf

We move our gaze to the shelf with books. Take the LEATHER BOUND BOOK. We look at it in the inventory, turning the book towards us with the spine.

We move apart the parts of the spine, bringing our gaze closer to the text.

Leonardo writes about his invention "Okuai Tempos", with which you can look into the past and find a secret passage.

Let's take the invention.

"Okuai Tempos" is automatically installed in the compartment on the character's glove.


We move away from the shelf and activate “Okuai Tempos”.

With its help we detect stains on the floor. We bring our gaze closer to them, circle them polyhedron outline(set randomly) and launch the “time machine”.

We move the slider left and right (rewind time “back and forth”) and remember what Leonardo pressed to open the door. Turn off the device, click on the ornament on the stand of the bookcase. Exercise done.

We push the shelving and leave the library.

Leaving the library, the hero manages to notice a figure on the balcony watching him.

We present to you the most disgusting and terrible Android game House of Fear, which is increasingly gaining popularity among mystery and zombie lovers.

The following is a text that describes in sufficient detail Walkthrough of the game House of Fear, please do not confuse it with its sequel Escape and Revenge, the passage of which you can read House of Fear – Escape() And House of Fear Revenge ()

At the very beginning, in the main menu, click the “Play” button. A message appears from our friend that he has found himself in some abandoned house and cannot get out of it.

Let's go to the house. To the right of the porch, in the hole we select the key. We click on the central doors of the house, when the doors are unlocked, we click on the door again and enter. To go further through the door, you need to press and move the barrel.

We enter the corridor, press the lever on the left to open the secret door (ahead). Further behind the columns there will be a door blocked by boards. To remove them, click on the stone at the top. Then we enter the door.

There will be a mountain of bricks, to collapse it, you need to pull out the lower middle brick. Let's go ahead. Again the blocked door, click on it, then enter.

In the room with the wheelchair on the right, take out the key from the battery. Then we enter the far right doorway and go down to the basement. Next, click on the dark opening near the closet and enter.

Next we will see our friend's dead girlfriend. Click on the right arrow and see your dead friend. We click on it, a message appears that he needs to be taken to the hospital. Next, a ghost will attack you and the game will end.

That's all Walkthrough of the game House of Fear for Android.


As soon as you start playing Spooky's House Of Jumpscares, you are greeted by Spooky(as we can learn from the name of the game, this is the owner of the castle in which we find ourselves). Spooky is the ghost of a 12-year-old girl with pale skin and long blue hair. She offers you a dangerous undertaking - to go on an adventure through a mysterious castle with 1000 rooms. We have no choice, and as soon as the ghost disappears, we go to our rooms.
Spooky will appear from time to time throughout the game, but she will not cause any significant harm to us, with the exception of some pranks that will soon have no effect on the progress of the game. The main idea of ​​the game is clear - to stay alive and go through all 1000 rooms, avoiding dangerous monsters that are found on almost every floor and are chasing you. To do this, you will have to stock up on nerves, hot chocolate with marshmallows and patience.

A puzzle with foggy corridors.

“Foggy Corridors” is a kind of labyrinth with a small but fairly simple riddle.
Here, in a brightly lit place, there are no monsters, which makes our task easier to solve.
To find the door to the next room and solve the puzzle, you need to dial the correct combination of 4 short sounds (they play when moving into a particular passage), reminiscent of high notes when pressing a piano key. As soon as you make a mistake, it will also be audible - the sound differs from the notes of the correct move by its low sound.

Monsters. (rooms 60+)

Sample 2- The first hostile creature encountered in the mansion, starting in room 60.
This humanoid creature is dark green in color, apparently consisting of a slimy substance that hangs down from the monster’s body in clumps, forming a support instead of legs. On the “face” of the monster there are no organs similar to those of humans, with the exception of a wide open mouth, in which two rows of teeth are visible. The sample first appears in room 60, where the player can find a note on the table that says:
"Flow, drip, submerge
Capture the guts, summon,
Grab, don’t stop strangling.”
The enemy appears either after the player reads the note or after leaving the room, and its appearance can be recognized by the unpleasant sound of intermittent breathing accompanying it.
Sample 2 is quite slow compared to other samples. He moves using flight and extends his hand towards the player.
While escaping from the monster, there are puddles on the floor of the same substance as the sample. They slow down.

Sample 4- a hostile creature that the player encounters in the mansion, starting from room 166. The monster is the image of a girl with long, unkempt black hair, dressed in a gray dress. Despite the fact that the monster has pale skin, his hands have a red tint, and the fingers on his hands are turned into claws. Facial features, including eyes, are painted black. The sample moves in slow flight above the ground. The player first encounters the Specimen in an abandoned Japanese school located in the area of ​​room 166. At the end of the room, a loud sound can be heard followed by a gasp, after which Specimen 4 begins his pursuit. According to notes at school, the Specimen is a "ghost that devours children who hang around the school late" and apparently killed a girl named Matsuri before entering Spooky's mansion.
Specimen 4 deals moderate damage upon contact and is also capable of passing through walls. During the pursuit, you can hear him laughing and what sounds like singing. The Specimen also likes to whisper various phrases, such as “come closer” and “stop.” If he kills the player, a death screen appears, showing a girl's face with a wide-open black mouth that engulfs the screen. After this, an image of her belly is shown, which she strokes with her claw hands, and the phrase is visible: “Hush, my child, you are now safe.”

Sample 5- a hostile creature that the player encounters in the mansion, starting from room 210. It is a humanoid and faceless monster with feet that kick hooves. He also has no hands, but somehow carries a huge blade with him. The Specimen's body appears to be that of a woman, with light brown skin and no clothing. According to an article in CAT-DOS, the Sample was found in an abandoned church before the game's story began. It is unknown how he behaved before he was discovered.
The monster moves slowly, but is capable of causing great damage. The fog alerts us to his approach. The main threat is the Specimen's ability to cause hallucinations. During pursuit, the player's vision in the fog will correspondingly reduce visibility, and the environment in the rooms will sometimes appear as streams of dark blood. If the player ends up escaping from the enemy, the fog and currents (hallucinations) disappear.

Sample 6- a hostile creature that can be found in the mansion, starting from room 310. The monster looks like a tall wooden doll wearing brown clothes, gray pants and black moccasins. He holds a needle in his hand, and thin threads run up from his arms and legs, hinting at his puppet nature. His face is drawn, but the pupils are not drawn in his eyes. He usually looks like he is smiling, but in rare moments his facial expression changes to hostile.
Sample 6 is encountered by the player in room 310, where he stands in the middle as if greeting someone. While the monster is being looked at, it stands still, but as soon as the player turns away, the specimen approaches him with monstrous speed and inflicts damage with its needle. It is impossible to escape from a monster if you do not look at it. The strategy for dealing with the monster is simple, but you need to be very careful. Upon entering the room after 310, you need to immediately turn back, because an enemy immediately appears there, and walk with your back to the exit, watching the Merchant. Don't forget that the enemy can pass through walls.
The death scene of Specimen 6 is very brutal by gaming standards - the player's face is shown below with an eye looking up, and a needle is slowly moving towards that eye from above, and at the end the screen fades out, suggesting that the needle has reached its target. After this, the message is displayed on the screen: “To become a doll, you need to rid yourself of pain and the ability to choose. Now you are no longer responsible for what you do... Now I control you..."

Sample 7- a hostile entity that can be found in Spooky's mansion, starting from room 410. This monster is something completely unusual and has not been encountered before in the game. Sample 7 is a moving mass of skeletons and corpses, painted bright red. This mass fills the corridors and rooms with a solid wall that moves behind the victim. The sample appears immediately after the player enters the door and leaves the room with the Cat* (passive characters section). Behind the door is a tunnel immersed in bright red fog. The monster can be seen if you turn back - it will look like a red, changing wall that slowly moves along the corridor. Immediate death occurs upon contact with the Specimen. The player's goal is to escape from the wall, quickly moving through corridors and rooms. While the player is being pursued, he can see various surreal images on the walls of the corridors, which appear to be a hallucination created by the Paragon.

Sample 3 is a hostile monster found in the first GL Labs building in room 120.
Specimen 3 is a dark brown arachnid creature with thick, shiny skin and small dark green eyes. Its body consists of four segments, each of which has a pair of legs.

Monsters. (rooms 550+)

Sample 8- a hostile creature that the player encounters in the mansion, starting in room 558.
The specimen appears as a creature hovering above the ground with a deer-like head on which long antlers grow, and a body covered with a long cloak. The specimen has two pupilless eyes and is missing its lower jaw, thereby exposing a row of sharp teeth on its upper jaw. Under his cloak there is a “body” consisting of a chest, and below it you can see many human heads, each of which has a screaming grimace of horror frozen on its face.
Specimen 8 first appears after the "forest" area in the mansion, in which the player encounters many aggressive deer. At the end of room 558, the player reaches a room with two doors on opposite sides, as well as a dead end in the dark in front, where Specimen 8 begins his pursuit. In one of the rooms behind the door you can see a record player, pressing which you can hear a frightening recording. Interestingly, while pursuing Specimen 8, the player's screen becomes covered in static and creaking sounds are heard, which may be a hint that the enemy has something to do with the process of playing a record on the gramophone.
During pursuit, the Specimen will sometimes speak various demonic phrases. The ax does him no harm. The enemy can fly through walls and upon contact with the player, will cause moderate damage, during which various frightening images will be shown on the screen. If the player dies from these attacks, the following words will appear on the dying screen:
“And I saw with eyes that did not belong to me
And I felt fear, the reason for which I could not find
They're watching us, they're invading us
And they make you happier by perfecting treason
To the king we don't deserve.
To the son who waits in tears
I learned about this thanks to the knowledge gained in dreams."
Phrases the specimen says during pursuit:
"Join Us"
"Why are you running away, child?"
"Your absorption is inevitable"
"Your flesh will feed my children"

Sample 11- a hostile creature that the player encounters in the mansion, starting in room 710.
Specimen 11 appears to be a demonic creature with red skin hovering above the ground. He has two large horns growing on his head, and instead of eyes, there are two black holes on his face, from which blood flows down his face. He also lacks ears, nose and mouth.
The Specimen first appears in the refrigerated section of the fast food restaurant located in room 710. It appears after the player picks up the exit key. He is able to fly through walls and moves slowly towards the player. If you hit him with an ax, it will stop him for a few seconds. One of its features is that it can cause hallucinations, for example, it makes doors in rooms invisible to the player, making it more difficult for them to escape from being chased.
Upon contact with a player, he deals average damage, and if you die from his attacks, you will be teleported to the “meat corridor”, a special hallucination place. At this point, Specimen 11 is waiting for the player on one side of the corridor, and if the player goes in the opposite direction, he will eventually run into a dead end. There is nothing left but to come close to the Sample, upon close contact with which a death screen immediately appears in this place.
Specimen 11's death screen appears as a series of rapidly changing images, with text that reads:
“With every bite of bone and skin.
The temple groans and sways again.
I neglected his home.
Until it all ends with a bad ending."
Also on the screen you can see strings written in binary code (zeros and ones), which are translated as follows:
“Trust in God, but wonder what humanity is teaching.”

Monsters. (rooms 800+)

Sample 12 is not just an enemy, but a whole complex of rooms with paranormal properties.
The model is an old Victorian mansion (a mansion within a mansion, wow), which, according to the plot, built itself and chose its “owner” - a creature who, under the influence of the mansion, attacks those unlucky enough to find itself in this place. Once the player finds himself in the mansion, he cannot continue his journey until he solves all the mysteries of the mansion.
The mansion is located in room 810, and it has many rooms and corridors filled with various decorative furniture, such as chairs, tables, bookcases and the like. Access to some rooms is closed because the doors leading to them are broken and cannot be opened. Access to the remaining rooms is either open, or the doors are locked, and the player will have to find these keys.
The current "owner" of the mansion is the Taken, also known as the Old Man - a bald, large humanoid with a yellowish skin tone, wearing brown clothing. He has a permanent grin on his face and carries a large scythe that he uses as a weapon. The first few encounters with the Taken may result in death, as he is capable of killing the player in one hit. Subsequently, he begins to cause average damage, but at the same time still remains a very dangerous enemy, because he deals damage very quickly (three times per second).
The player may encounter the Taken while exploring the mansion. This happens when he enters a room containing an important item to pass through (for example, a key). Entering an important room for passage, the player begins to hear threatening music, after which he urgently needs to hide somewhere. In each such room there is a place to hide, and you need to wait there for a while until the music stops playing and it is safe.

Sample 13- a hostile creature first encountered in room 910. He is currently the last in the list of Exemplars that the player can meet while traveling through the mansion.
The specimen resembles Siren in appearance, with pale gray hair and blue lips. He is constantly under water. As soon as the player enters the closed part of the underwater complex of room 910, where everything is flooded, he is pursued by Specimen 13. When the enemy gets closer, he makes loud splashes.
There is only one escape strategy from the Specimen - in flooded rooms there are many boxes floating on the surface of the water, and you can climb on them and escape the chase for a while. The enemy attacks very quickly upon close contact, so you need to quickly move from box to box on the way to the exit. It is known that the faster the player tries to run away from the Specimen, the faster he becomes.
Obviously, the Specimen and the flooded room 910 are a reference to similar elements in the game Amnesia The Dark Descent. When an enemy kills a player, the dying screen shows their true face, with empty eye sockets and a row of sharp teeth.

Passive characters.

"Victim-Romantic" - a traveler who found himself in Spooky's mansion in search of romance and ultimately met his death there.
This poor fellow was hopelessly lost in the castle, and after which he began to leave notes where he talked about his “non-romantic adventures.”
In these notes, he talks about how dehydration overtook him, and that out of despair he even began to drink the ink he used to write notes. He later lost consciousness, and when he woke up, he saw a bottle of red liquid near him, which he thought was “red wine,” although in the end it turned out that there was blood in the bottle. In his last note, Romantic says that he found humility in his situation. Although he was unable to escape from the mansion, the mansion gave him the opportunity to escape from “everything else,” and therefore the traveler believed that his death would be truly romantic.
An amusing fact is that with all the dangers that lurk in the mansion, the main cause of Romantic’s death was ordinary dehydration. His skeleton can be seen in one of the elevators, which also contains his last note.

Kitty- a passive character, representing the image of a cute cat with pink fur, who likes to “wag” her tail and greets the player quite friendly (“hello, little one, are you lost?”) She gives you advice in an unusual and mysterious way.

CAT-DOS is a device that can be found randomly in some rooms of Spooky's mansion. It is a terminal consisting of three computer blocks, with a keyboard and screens on the front panel, the middle of which lights up in red. It is the average computer that can be used by the player.

CAT-DOS contains information about many of the Specimens located in the mansion. When the player is using the computer, a red screen appears with two options, "ENTER" and "EXIT_PROGRAM" (exit the program). If the player selects ENTER, a menu appears with three options: ACCESS_SPECIMEN_DATABASE, MODIFY_HOUSE_LAYOUT, and BACK.

When you select the “ACCESS_SPECIMEN_DATABASE” option, another menu appears, in which there are articles about some of the Specimens located in the mansion. If the player accesses this menu in rooms 1 - 499, there will be information about Samples 1-5. If he comes here after room 500, information about samples 6-11 will also appear. Also, it is worth noting that the page about Sample 9 sometimes does not open on some computers, or changes in different ways. Selecting the "MODIFY_HOUSE_LAYOUT" option will result in an error screen.

DLC Karamari Hospital.

Karamari Hospital is the first DLC for Spooky's House Of Jumpscares, which was first shown on November 9, 2015, and was originally scheduled for December 29, 2015. The DLC was published on steam on December 30, 2015. According to this information provided on Steam, players can expect another 45 minutes of new gameplay, with two new monsters and a new explorable area, set inside a hospital.

How to launch DLC?
Option 1. Launch Spooky's House Of Jumpscares and select Karamari Hospital.
Option 2. Steam > steamapps > common > Spooky's House of Jumpscares > Karamari_Hospital.
Option 3. Right-click on the game icon > Properties > Local Files > Select Local Files > Karamari_Hospital.

Samples in Karamari Hospital DLC:
1. Officer - this specimen looks like a person with empty black eyes, huge fused, swollen and mutated fingers on both hands. His police uniform is soaked in blood, and he also wears a tie and cap.
The sample does not move quickly and if it causes damage to the player, it will take away about 1/4 of the player’s health. Appears after turning off the power and initially blocks the stairs.

2. Corpse in a bag (Bodybag) - this sample really represents a pale corpse wrapped in a special bag. Appears for the first time in the morgue, at the end of the corridor. The specimen gets up from the floor and begins to chase the player. Before meeting the dead man, several symbols will flash on the screen with sentences: “why did you leave your soul?”, “the worm feeds from you.” The player gains infinite stamina upon awakening the specimen, and it lasts until the end of the chase. Afterwards, the sample is no longer found.

3. The Humanoid is a transparent humanoid creature that is displayed on the screen for 10 minutes. The player sits down in a chair, background music starts playing, hypothetical particles flying from the ground appear, and the room becomes darker. A trail of blood is visible stretching from the door. After 10 minutes the player will be forced to leave the chair.

4. The Baby face - this pattern looks like the flying head of a crying baby, who opened his mouth wide and closed his eyes. There is some sort of orange square frame around it. The specimen is first encountered in the basement and is slow but can move through walls.

5. The corpse - the sample is a man with long claws and a wide-open toothed mouth. There are bandages wrapped around his head. The monster is present in the room where you can find the key to the isolation area. He is first seen hanging from a noose in the corner of the room. He flickers out of sight like a ghost. After the player picks up the key, the sample disappears from the loop. When the player leaves the room, a chase begins. Always appears on the threshold immediately after the player enters a new room, during a chase.

6. The Endless Hallway Girl - the specimen looks like a very pale-skinned woman with dark hair and empty eyes. She is wearing a long black and red dress. There is a wide smile on her face. This is a secret monster that appears when moving down an endless corridor. When the player is too close to the sample, he kills the player by composing the message "don't get up until Saturday".

7. The Cow - This specimen resembles a bull with wrinkled, hairless skin. The creature has a wide grinning mouth, curved black horns, and unblinking red eyes. The monster is encountered when passing through the labyrinth into the isolation zone. Cannot move through walls, but can teleport short distances.

Endless mode.

Endless Mode is a game mode in Spooky's House Of Jumscares that was released as part of a major update on July 4, 2016.

The player starts in room 0 with an ax in hand, which he receives after completing the storyline. In Endless mode, there are save points every 50 rooms until room 200, then 100 rooms. After 1000 rooms, save points are available after 200 rooms. If the player dies, he will have to start the game in the mode again.
Also in Endless mode there are no transition levels with a foggy corridor.

What's New?
Sample 1 - A number of new designs including Boot, Donut and Sweet Corn, as well as a new sound effect.
Sample 2 - new death screen
Sample 3 - no noticeable changes
Sample 4 -
Sample 5 - death screen has been added, increased walking speed.
Sample 6 - no noticeable changes.
Sample 8 - new death scene on screen.
Pattern 9 - appears if the game is idle for too long.
Sample 10 - no noticeable changes.
Sample 11 - new hallucinations added.
Specimen 12 - can pursue the player in quiet or active mode.

New monsters:

Unknown sample 1 / "white face"- a floating 8-bit white face from the popular indie horror game IMSCARED, looking surprised. Makes a loud noise as soon as it gets close to the player. The screen flashes red at random intervals.

Unknown specimen 2 / "Otto the otter"- animatronic Otter with a deep laugh. It moves very slowly and causes very minimal damage.

Unknown Sample 3 / "Spooper" in the Files - Ghost Child, actually looks like a child with a cloth on his body who plays a prank on the player (“I’m a ghost with a motor!”). The player's health slowly drains in each room. Has the potential to freeze the player.

Unknown sample 4 / "Tirsiak" in the files - forest girl. Shadow creatures block the path, the player must kill them to progress. All numbers turn bright blue. The player can see the girl's shadow from afar.

Unknown Sample 5 / "Lisa" in the files - a girl with pale skin and a mysterious smile, wears a dirty white dress, one eye is missing. The first sign of the girl's presence is that all the usual sounds in Spooky's house will fall silent. From the transition to the rooms, the screen will be colored dark red. The specimen must be kept in sight, otherwise it will end up behind the player and attack.