Killer Oswald. Lee Oswald, the only suspect in the assassination of John Kennedy: biography and photos. How to access the Nuka-World add-on

After the plan to capture the park has been developed, you will have to go on a “grand tour”. Gage offers to take him with them as an assistant and partner. In order to claim rights to each territory of the park, it is necessary to demonstrate skills of cunning, dexterity and maybe even strength. Other methods of persuasion may be required. In order to continue the game, you need to go beyond the boundaries of Yader Town.

The number of thematic locations exactly corresponds to the number of missions that will need to be completed. In this “grand tour” quest you will have to go through five more missions. You can go through everything in absolutely any order. But it’s still easier to do them in order, so that the already conquered territories remain behind. A flag is planted at a location that has already been captured. After the territory is cleared and belongs to you, it must be given to one or another group of invaders for control. We need to act with caution to avoid internal fights within the gangs.

Star Dispatcher Mission

You need to complete the mission in the Galaxy location. There was a showdown between robots and people. The territory of the location is simply strewn with the bodies of killed people and twisted iron. Among this madness, you will need to find the body of a girl named Tiana Alston. You need to find her diary and read it. Based on the information contained in this diary, it will become clear why the fight occurred. The thing is that the robots, which were under the control of the “star dispatcher” center, got out of control. To fully understand this situation, you will need to find this terminal.

On the way to the control center, the biggest problem will be the robots. A walk to the center will not be an ordinary walk. You will have to kill the robot eye, novotron, protectron - guard and many others. In the “Cosmoport” the number of enemies will increase several times and in addition to all other enemies, you will also have to destroy the turrets.

After you destroy all the obstacles and reach the center, you need to find the main computer in order to find out the story and understand what really happened. All reports and various reports are stored behind the door in the terminal, which is located on the left side. The door will need to be opened. As you study the information, you will understand that at first the territory of the location was given over specifically to robots. This fit perfectly into the theme of the zone itself and everything went according to plan. But the computer that controlled the robots malfunctioned due to their large number. The result of all this was pieces of iron that got out of control.

After you find out all the information, you need to proceed to the room where the “star dispatcher” is located. The computer located there needs to be restarted. But in order to reboot, you will need to collect star cores. In order to repair a computer, you only need twenty of these boards. But there are many more of them in the location. All of them are needed to obtain armor. You can find them on the territory of Yader-Mir and beyond. In order to find them, you first need to walk through the Star Dispatcher room, visit the Vault Tech exhibition, and also walk through RobCo. Some cores can also be found in a movie theater called Starlight. Outside the territory of the “Galaxy” you can also find several more boards.

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While you are collecting all the star cores, be very careful, as out-of-control robots may attack. All of them will have to be destroyed. After some boards have been collected, you need to go back to the center and fix the computer. With its help, you can turn off certain robots and collect the remaining cores without much fear. Having collected all twenty pieces and installed them in the computer, you can turn off the remaining robots. This will clear and occupy the location. There will only be one difficult task left - to whom to give this territory. Thus, you will need to raise the flag of the group of invaders who will own this location.

But besides this, you can also take possession of power armor. It is located in the “dispatcher” terminal and can only be picked up after all thirty-five cores have been found and installed. Now you can move further, towards the “Dry Gorge”.

Mission "Dry Gorge Showdown"

The next location is “Dry Gorge”, which is made in a Western style. The task activates the killing of a bloodworm, which will be waiting for you immediately at the entrance to the zone. The main task of this mission is to destroy the lair of worms, but it is not the only one.

Before entering the location you will have to meet with the Protectron. His name is Sheriff - Eagle. His story will tell about a gang whose lair is in a mine. It's called the Mad Mulligan Mine. But after a careful study of the microcircuits, it will be possible to understand that this is rather not a gang, but an accumulation of many worms. Sheriff Eagle made it clear, therefore, where exactly the enemy’s lair was located. But in order to get there, you need a key. It is located in a locked safe. To get the code, you will have to complete the tasks given by the Sheriff - the eagle. There will be three of them in total and they are quite small.

In order to successfully complete all tasks, you will need to go to the Protectron’s assistants. They are no different from each other in terms of external data, but each of them is different in its own way. This difference is expressed in their names and what they do. A Protectron named Ike will invite you to participate in a duel. A few simple orders will need to be delivered for Doc Phosphate from the saloon. And Scout will ask for help in catching the roboponies. After each task is completed, each of the assistants will give a part of the cipher. When you collect them all, you need to create a code that will open the safe with the key.

Then you need to go to the theater. But you should be very careful on the way, as there are large and quite dangerous ants there. They can attack at any moment. After you find the safe and take the key, you need to go in the direction where the mine is located. Once inside, everything that gets in the way must be destroyed. Now you just need to decide who will give the cleared zone to. But the Sheriff and his assistants will also remain. There are only two options: report a successfully completed task or simply destroy everyone. The next location on your way is “Safari”.

Safari Mission

Once you find yourself in the “Safari” location, you will immediately become an involuntary witness to the struggle between a crocodile claw and a savage. Previously, this location was an ordinary zoo, where people from all over the world came to see amazing animals. Now everything is destroyed by the apocalypse, and the inhabitants have turned into terrible mutants. You will need to help the savage in a difficult fight, and then clear this zone.

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The savage's name is Cito. He will ask for assistance in dealing with the terrible creature of the crocodile claw, which lives on the territory of the Safari. Zito will tell his story, from which it will be clear that he was born after the apocalypse began. The savage grew up and was raised by gorillas and lives in their house. Cyto also has a halodisk that previously belonged to a scientist named McDermott. It was he who created the crocodile claws. You will have a unique opportunity to read his diary.

The scientist himself was the last remaining employee of the department that was involved in cloning. The department is called “Replications”. In his diary, a brilliant scientist asks to stop a certain device that, for unknown reasons, began cloning terrible mutants. The creatures began to multiply with the help of this device at tremendous speed and destroy everything around. In order to turn off the device, which is called a replicator, you will need the scientist's password. Finding a cloning department is not difficult. It is located in a triangular-shaped house. There you need to find a terminal that contains information about the location of Dr. Hein. It turns out that he is being held hostage by the guardians of nature. They will offer to discuss the fate of the unfortunate scientist in the “evil anaconda”. This is the most ordinary roller coaster. Hein's password can be found in one of the trailers there.

After the password has been found, you need to return to the laboratory. Make your way to the cloning department with caution. Those same crocodile claws are found there, only unusual ones. The replicator must be turned off using a password. Now you just need to clear the territory of the crocodile claws that inhabited it. Cyto will either need to be killed or prepared for the arrival of a gang of invaders on the territory. Now again we have to decide who to give this location to and raise the flag. Then you need to follow to the “World of Freshness”.

Mission "World of Freshness"

Previously, even before the apocalypse, the Yader-Cola location hosted excursions to the plant that produces the most amazing of all existing drinks. Now the location is inhabited by various crabs. But they are not ordinary at all, but real mutants. Among them you can see the hunter crabs, the king of the core crabs, the regular core crabs and the queen of the core crabs. But not only will it be necessary to destroy them, you will even have to deal with the stormtroopers.

After the inside of the World of Freshness premises has been completely cleared, you need to go outside. There you will have to continue the battle, which will end with a fight with the queen of the nuclear crab. It is best not to come close to her and stay at a decent distance from her. In order to kill her, you need to shoot and throw her from a height or from afar. After she is defeated, all that remains is to deal with the remaining crabs and raise the flag of one of the raider gangs. There is only one location left until this big task is completed.

Magic Kingdom Mission

This is the last themed zone, called “Children's Kingdom”. Once upon a time it was created for children. Therefore, in the location you will be surrounded by almost gingerbread houses. But not everything here is as good as it might seem from the very beginning. A ghoul named Oswald the Shocking rules here. He used to be an ordinary actor who entertained children, but the apocalypse turned him into a terrible ghoul. Once you are on his land, he will build obstacles for you in the form of dousing you with radioactive water or a lot of ghouls. He considers all this an animation for the arriving guest. He accompanies all his intrigues with insults and jokes directed at you. For almost the entire time that you are on his territory, he will talk through the loudspeaker.

The mystery surrounding who killed John Kennedy continues to occupy the whole world.

Lee Harvey Oswald has gone down in history as the man who shot the president - but one woman who claims to have been Oswald's lover says he is innocent.

“I will always love Lee. And I will always protect him,” says 74-year-old Judyth Vary Baker in an exclusive interview with Aftonbladet newspaper.

100 years have passed since the day when one of the most mysterious US presidents, John Kennedy, was born in Boston on May 29, 1917.

Kennedy was only 46 years old when he was shot and killed on November 22, 1963, while visiting Dallas, Texas. The question of who did it is often called the greatest mystery in history.

24-year-old Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested for this murder. There was never a trial against him - two days later he was killed by nightclub owner Jack Ruby, which was reported by journalists and shown live. But his guilt was later established during a public inquiry by the Warren Commission.

"Lee was a fantastic lover"

However, the book “Me & Lee - how I came to know, love and lose Lee Harvey Oswald” claims something different. It was written by Judith Vary Baker, who claims to have known Oswald better than anyone else.

According to her, she was Oswald's mistress.

“Lee was a fantastic gentle lover. He also danced well and loved to sing. We often sang together, especially stupid songs,” Baker told Aftonbladet in a letter a few days before President Kennedy’s centenary.

Judith Vary Baker claims she met Lee Harvey Oswald at a post office in New Orleans in April 1963. She was 19, he was four years older. Even though Oswald was married and had young children—and even though Judith was planning to marry her then-boyfriend—they fell in love and began a secret relationship.


How Gromyko angered Kennedy 01/06/2017

10 unknown facts about the assassination of John Kennedy

The Telegraph UK 11/24/2013

Lee Harvey Oswald, disillusioned revolutionary

The Wall Street Journal 10/07/2013 In her acclaimed book, Judith Baker claims that Oswald was a CIA agent. She herself was then an ambitious medical student studying cancer. But through Oswald, she claims, she was drawn into a secret conspiracy behind which stood the American intelligence agency CIA and the local New Orleans mafia. The purpose of the plot was to assassinate Cuban President Fidel Castro from an ambush.

“It was shortly after the Cuban Missile Crisis, when everyone was living in constant fear that World War III might break out. We hated Castro for what he did against his own people, for the way he tortured his political opponents,” Baker says.

The CIA ordered the assassination of the President

In the summer of 1963, Baker and her scientific colleagues were tasked with isolating cancer cells that Lee Harvey Oswald would then smuggle into Cuba. But according to Baker, the CIA and Mafia conspirators had another figure in their sights all along: Kennedy.

In the fall of 1963, instead of his previous assignment, Oswald received orders to shoot the president during his visit to Dallas on November 22. At first he refused, but then, according to Judith, he gave in because he was afraid that otherwise his wife Marina and two small children would be killed.

“Lee knew what would happen, he knew he would die. During our last conversation, 37 hours before the murder, we cried and said goodbye,” Baker says.

According to her, Oswald was at the scene of the assassination, but, in all likelihood, missed, because Kennedy's motorcade was moving very quickly. Someone else fired the fatal shot.

The story is dismissed as pure fantasy

The story that Baker tells is, to put it mildly, sensational, and it is not possible to verify how much truth there is in it. There are no photographs of her together with Lee Harvey Oswald, nor any other irrefutable evidence that they even knew each other.

The only thing that can be called proof is a pay stub from the New Orleans coffee factory where she and Oswald worked briefly in 1963; in other words, she can prove that they were at least some time colleagues.

Many have called her story pure fiction, but she is a well-known figure in conspiracy circles, lauded by people like former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura.

Aftonbladet: What do you tell people who don't believe your story?

Judith Vary Baker (in letter): Now this is not such a problem as it used to be, now many people actively defend me. I have had the opportunity to give many lectures, both in Europe and on the other side of the Atlantic. Many people heard me. Critics are no longer such a big problem - too many people know me now and protect me from evil people.

"Me and Lee" will be published in a new, updated version next year, with more evidence and evidence to support my information. I am also the founder and organizer of the annual JFK Assassination Conference, which will be held for the fifth time this year. In 2016, we had 31 speakers from five different countries. So many people came that the firefighters had to turn some of them away.

Persecution after the story was published

Judith Vary Baker did not speak for a long time about the connection she said she had with Oswald. But in 1999, she removed the seal of silence from her lips and began to tell her story. This, she claims, resulted in countless threats and persecution - and as a result, in 2007, she asked for asylum in Sweden.

According to her, she now lives in Sweden for several months a year, and spends the rest of the time in Eastern Europe.

“I live in Sweden as many months a year as I can, but since I am not a citizen of the country, I have to leave it periodically. They say I'm safe in the US, but that's ridiculous."

I asked Judith Vary Baker how she remembers Lee Harvey Oswald today, nearly 54 years after his death ended their supposed relationship.

“Lee and I were a very good fit. We had a lot in common. We deeply loved humanity, which helped me and guided me all these long years that I was forced to live without him. He used to tell me “don’t confuse discomfort with pain. It’s normal to be afraid, it’s how you behave, even if you’re afraid, that matters,” Judith replies.

Lee Harvey Oswald

October 16, 1959: Arrives in Moscow. Oswald had long been interested in Marxism and planned to become a Soviet citizen. He receives a temporary residence permit and settles in Minsk, where he marries Marina Prusakova in April 1961.

June 13, 1962: Abandons plan to become a Soviet citizen and returns to the United States with his wife and newborn daughter June. The family settled in Fort Worth, where he took on a variety of casual jobs.

October 15, 1963: After a period of unemployment, gets a job at a school textbook warehouse in Dallas.

November 22, 1963: President Kennedy's motorcade passes the textbook warehouse. Kennedy was shot at 12:30 p.m. 45 minutes later, an unknown man shot and killed Policeman J.D Tippit. Signs point to Oswald, who was captured at a car dealership at 1:50 p.m. He was first detained for the murder of Tippit, and a day later he was also charged with the murder of the president.

November 24, 1963: A little after 11 a.m., Oswald is scheduled to be transferred from Dallas County Jail. This event is shown live on television. Suddenly, nightclub owner Jack Ruby runs out and shoots Lee Oswald in the stomach. At 1:07 p.m., Lee Oswald's death is announced.

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial staff.

Completing this quest will allow you to capture the Children's Kingdom zone.

For convenience, use content :

Passage of the quest “Magic Kingdom”

Upon entering the Children's Kingdom, from the first minutes the main character will begin to be attacked by various ghouls, he will be sprayed with radioactive water from sprayers located on the walls, on pillars, on railings, and from loudspeakers located throughout the location, the unknown Oswald will make fun of you, insult and irritate you in every possible way. Such an unpleasant walk awaits you.

Oswald is none other than a theater actor located in the Children's Kingdom, he survived the events of the Great War and unfortunately became a ghoul. He calls himself Oswald the Shocker.

Task #1: Search the Pavilion of Laughter.

The Pavilion of Laughter was converted by Oswald into a real obstacle course. First you have to go through the mirror maze, even though the mirrors are dirty, it’s still not pleasant when a ghoul flies out at you from around the corner. After the mirror maze there are spinning pinwheels, and then a hypnosis room. After the tunnels with hypnotic drawings, you will find yourself in a room, the appearance of which can cause headaches, everything here is mixed up, chairs and cabinets, everything is on the wall, and instead of the floor you have another wall, in general it feels like the apartment was placed on its side and now you walk on it.

While you are completing this quest, you will be constantly attacked by ghouls, so be on your guard at all times. Already at the end of the pavilion, the main character will almost overtake Oswald, but that’s the point: almost.

Task #2: Search technical tunnels.

Cursing from Oswald's ridicule, you must reach the entrance to the technical tunnels to search them in search of Oswald. But unexpectedly, together with Oswald, the main character, part of the truth about “Yader Mir” is revealed.

Having reached the end of the tunnels, the main character learns that the ghouls are former employees of the amusement park, they still hope that the girl who promised to get them the antidote will return and then they will drive the raiders out of their territory. This can be found out by overhearing a conversation between Oswald and one of the ghouls. Also in technical tunnels you can turn off the sprayers, which are already quite boring.

Task #3: Search the theater.

The next point in completing the “Magic Kingdom” quest is to search the theater. Once inside, you can search the theater premises in an attempt to find something worthwhile, while Oswald will constantly push you, demanding you to go on stage. Entering the auditorium, you will see the corpses of ghouls and Oswald on the second floor of the scenery; he will come down to you very impressively, dissolving in a cloud of smoke. Finding yourself face to face, Oswald will not attack you right away, first he will demonstrate his magic to you, using his sword to raise the dead ghouls, and after that they will attack you all together.

By killing Oswald, you will complete this task, but you will be surprised to hear his voice from the loudspeakers; it turns out that this ghoul is not so easy to kill. Oswald invites the main character to meet on the roof of the theater and sort things out among themselves there.

Objective #4: Deal with Oswald the Shocker.

To get to the roof of the theater, use the elevator, which, by the way, is perfectly preserved. On the roof, Oswald will demonstrate his sudden appearance trick again. Unlike the first encounter, Oswald already understands your character's strength, so he will start a conversation with him first. You can deal with Oswald either diplomatically, simply by convincing him to leave this zone, or by force, simply by engaging in battle with him and killing him.

Tragically ending attempts on the lives of top officials of states and famous politicians often changed the course of history. Often the killers were never found, and sometimes the blame for such crimes was placed on those who were not involved in them. In particular, to this day there is still controversy over whether Lee Oswald is the “Dallas shooter” or whether he was not involved in the assassination attempt on John Kennedy at all. To understand this issue, hundreds of researchers around the world have carefully studied the biography of this man, which, admittedly, is quite unusual.


Lee Harvey Oswald was born in the USA, in New Orleans, in 1939. The boy's father died shortly before his birth, so the mother was forced to raise three sons alone.

When Oswald was only 2 years old, the woman sent all the children to an orphanage because she did not have the means to support them, but a year later they returned to the family again.

At the age of 16, Harvey left school and went to work first as an office clerk and then as a courier. The young man's mother did everything so that her son would return to school, but in October Oswald left his studies and entered the Corps. Thus, he never received a high school diploma.

Despite this, the young man read a lot and, until the age of 15, liked to tell others that he was a Marxist.

In service in the Marine Corps

As soon as he turned 17, Oswald entered the US Marine Corps.

At first, he was trained as a radar operator, then was sent first to the Macas El Toro base, and later to the military airfield in Atsugi (Japan).

During this period, he and other Marines underwent sniper training. It is known that Lee Oswald was able to score 1 point less than the value that qualified him as a marksman.

During his service, the young man was repeatedly court-martialed. The first time he shot himself in the hand with a pistol, the second he got into a fight with a sergeant, for which he was imprisoned, and the third time, while on guard duty in the Philippines, he fired a rifle for no reason in the direction of the jungle.

Moving to the USSR

In October 1959, a few days before his 20th birthday, Lee Oswald traveled to the Soviet Union. It is known that he had been preparing for this trip for a long time. In particular, he sent several applications to universities in different countries in order to obtain a student visa. In addition, Oswald spent 2 days with his mother in Fort Worth, and then went from New Orleans to Le Havre, France, from where he crossed to England.

In Southampton, he told customs officials that he intended to stay in England for a week and then leave for Switzerland to study at one of the local universities.

Having thus confused his tracks, on the same day the young man went by plane to Helsinki, where he was given a Soviet visa. A day later he was already in Moscow and declared his desire to obtain Soviet citizenship. It was rejected, which forced Oswald to attempt suicide. He was rescued, but was imprisoned in a psychiatric hospital.

A few days later, the young American was forced to be released, and he appeared at the United States Embassy in Moscow to declare that he intended to renounce his citizenship.

Oswald had a desire to go to study at Moscow State University, but he was sent to Minsk and got a job as a turner at the Minsk Radio Plant. Lenin, who was engaged in the production of household and military space electronics. At the same time, the Soviet state assigned him an allowance and also provided him with a furnished one-room apartment. Moreover, during his entire stay in the USSR, the young man was constantly under KGB surveillance.


Oswald got tired of Soviet “romance” very quickly. He was especially depressed by the “gray work”, as well as the lack of bowling alleys and nightclubs. Soon, the young man, who never officially renounced his American citizenship, wrote to his country’s embassy in Moscow requesting the return of his passport and expressed his desire to return to his homeland if charges were not brought against him.

While Lee Harvey Oswald was waiting for an answer, he wasted no time and met Marina Prusakova. Just a month and a half later, they got married, despite the fact that marriages of Soviet citizens with foreigners were not encouraged. Lee Oswald's wife came from an ordinary family. She was only 19 years old and was studying to become a pharmacist before meeting Harvey.

In February 1962, the couple had a daughter, June, and soon their family received documents from the US Embassy that allowed the couple to emigrate to the United States, which they did immediately.

Life in Dallas

Returning to the United States, the Oswald family settled in Fort Worth, near Harvey's brother and mother. The former Marine soon had the idea of ​​writing a memoir about his life in the USSR. To be more reliable in his descriptions, Oswald began to make acquaintances with emigrants from the Soviet Union. As they later recalled, the young man seemed rude and ill-mannered to his wife’s compatriots, so they sympathized with Marina Oswald.

In New Orleans

In 1963, the Oswalds left Fort Worth. Harvey went to work for the New Orleans company of William Reilly, who was a member of an organization opposing the communist regime of Fidel Castro. However, Oswald did not manage to stay there for long, since he showed little diligence and spent a lot of time reading magazines about hunting and weapons.

In Mexico

On September 23, 1963, Oswald's wife left with her daughter to visit a friend in Texas, and he himself went to Mexico. In Mexico City, the former Marine applied to the Cuban Embassy for a transit visa. At the same time, he indicated that he was going to visit this country before returning to the USSR. Diplomats from Liberty Island demanded to provide a document confirming the consent of the Soviet side to Oswald's arrival.

Going to the USSR Embassy in Mexico City, he asked for asylum. During a conversation with a KGB representative, Oswald behaved extremely nervously and was not even able to finish writing a letter to the Presidium of the Supreme Council, as he became hysterical when he learned that he had to wait about 4 months for an answer. Subsequently, whoever communicated with him expressed doubt that Oswald could even fire a sniper rifle, as he was in a state of extreme nervous excitement.

Having run out of the Soviet embassy, ​​the man again went to the Cuban diplomatic mission, but he was kicked out, saying that his help would only harm the revolution.

Return to Dallas

After returning to the United States, Oswald took a job in a book warehouse. Soon after, his second daughter was born. Lee Harvey Oswald's wife and children lived during this period in Irving, where he visited on weekends.

On the eve of Kennedy's assassination

In November 1963, in the absence of her husband, FBI agents visited Marina Oswald twice, suspecting that she was a KGB agent. Enraged, Harvey went to the Dallas FBI office to meet with special agent J. Hosty. Not catching him on the spot, he left him a note in which he threatened to blow up the bureau office and the police department if any of the feds dared to bother his wife.

Kennedy assassination

According to government commissions investigating the Kennedy assassination, on November 22, at about 12:30 p.m., Harvey fired three times from a rifle from the sixth floor of a school textbook warehouse. As a result, the president was killed and the governor of Texas was wounded.

Immediately after the shots were fired, Oswald allegedly hid his rifle and went down the back stairs. There he encountered a policeman, but he was accompanied by the warehouse owner, who said that he was his employee.

After leaving the building, Oswald drove home and changed clothes. About one o'clock in the afternoon he was stopped by policeman Tippit, whom he killed with four shots.


At about 1:40 p.m., Oswald was seen hiding in the Texas theater. These actions seemed suspicious to the personnel, and a police squad was called and arrested and disarmed him.

At the same time, Oswald told reporters that he did not shoot at anyone. He continued to deny everything during interrogations.

Assassination of Lee Oswald

On November 24, as the prime Kennedy assassination suspect was being prepared for transfer to the Dallas County Jail, Jack Ruby, a nightclub owner, shot him in the stomach. Oswald was taken to the same hospital where Kennedy died two days earlier. There he died at 13:07.

All this happened live, so the whole world saw how and who killed Lee Harvey Oswald. The only thing left to find out was the motive. As Lee Harvey Oswald's killer said, he did this so that Mrs. Kennedy would not be upset by the consideration of this case in court.

Oswald was buried in a cemetery in Fort Worth.

The commission that investigated Kennedy's assassination never established the motive for the crime.

The assassination of Lee Harvey by Oswald is still questioned by many historians. Perhaps someday the world will learn facts that will allow us to say with confidence who committed this crime and why.

We talked about how to start the Nuka World add-on for Fallout 4, and here we will describe its complete walkthrough. So, after discovering the radio station and the appearance of a point with the Yader-Mir transit center on the map, we go to the western border of the map. In the Center we come across several shooters who are unlikely to create problems for you. We deal with them, and then go to the subway.

In the subway you will meet a wounded man who will tell you that he and his family were trapped by raiders. But in the end he managed to escape. He will ask you to free his child and wife. You can try to give him a stimulant, but he will immediately refuse. If you have high charisma (dialogue level is red), then you can easily extract the truth from him. It turns out that he has no family, and this story was invented by him in order to lure travelers directly into the clutches of bandits. You can finish him off right there or agree to help anyway. In principle, this choice will not affect the plot in any way - it will only change the dialogue options with the “victim”.

We take the code from Harvey and turn on the monorail. We climb into the Yader Express and move to the amusement park.


If you were unable to tell the devil, you will only be able to find out that you are heading straight into a trap on the way to the park, as one of the raiders will kindly tell you about this on the radio. Get ready for a big mess. Turrets will be waiting for you in the first room. Hide immediately behind the left wall (indicated in the screenshot).

In the second room there will be a lot of stretch marks on the floor, so you should constantly look under your feet and neutralize all the traps you encounter. Once in a room with 3 doors, you should not open them all indiscriminately - choose the left one. Go forward to a corridor protected by several turrets. There is no need to fight your way through; it’s better to go back a little and use the terminal to disable the deadly cannons.

As a result, you will be able to get to the mobile core arena. On it you will have to fight the leader of one of the gangs. The raider who spoke to you on the radio before your arrival in the park will contact you again - the local “clown” is called Gage. Get to the communicator on the wall and chat with it. You will learn that the local leader has special power armor connected to the power source in the arena, so it will not be possible to destroy him with standard weapons. However, Gage has hidden a special weapon for you: a water pistol... It’s too early to laugh, because with it you can cause a short circuit and the armor protection will be disabled for a few seconds.

With this weapon you can easily deal with the villain. Don't forget to take the power armor from the former leader. We speak again with Gage, who will appoint you as the new boss of the bandits. It is not known whether this is for good or for bad - time will tell. We get out of the arena onto the street and go forward.

In the city

The amusement park consists of six areas. We will get to the first of them - Yader-City. In this zone there are bases of three raider groups: the Pack, the Operators and the Adepts.

The headquarters of the leader we killed is located in the Fizztop Grill Bar. We go to his den to talk with Gage. In this building you will find a multi-purpose workshop, a chest for storing found items, and a bed. Gage will tell us that we need to talk to all the faction leaders and convince them to follow you. If you have high charisma, then you can chat with Gage and he will tell you about the tastes of the leaders.

True, he will not answer you anything original - you can find this information on your own. You can have a conversation with the gang bosses in any order, but the Adepts’ base will be closest to you, so it’s logical to start there. All camps, including the one you are currently in, have terminals and locked rooms. In these rooms you can find interesting data that will help you better understand the current situation.

We speak with all the leaders and return to our headquarters. Gage will agree to become your partner.


Now it's time to take over the remaining areas of the amusement park. We recommend starting with “Galaxy”. This zone is controlled by a powerful computer called the Star Controller. It must be activated 100 percent and for this you will need to find 35 star cores, although 20 pieces will be enough to complete the task. However, if you want to get your hands on the unique Quantum X-01 Type V power armor, you will have to find all the cores. Our separate guide tells you how to find these items. Note that the terminal has a hint on where to look for kernels.

Using a computer system, you can deactivate the security mechanism. However, you can simply clear the entire location of enemies and security systems. In this case, you will not have to search for nuclei.

This location will have five attractions available to visit, storing the following number of cores:

  • RobCo Arena (six star cores)
  • Vol-tek “Among the Stars” (six star cores)
  • Nuclear galaxy (seven stellar cores)
  • Cinema "Starlight" (four star cores)

Children's Kingdom

This location is dangerous because during the war it was heavily irradiated, so the radiation background on the territory of the children's kingdom is extremely high. If you are going to head here to destroy dissidents and complete story quests, then we advise you to put on power armor and stock up on medications that reduce radiation poisoning.

Here you will be constantly watched by a mysterious commentator who will begin to voice all your character’s actions and irritate him in every possible way.

Spoiler alert: Let's note in advance that this commentator is a ghoul named Oswald, who has been living in the amusement park since the war. The fact is that he and his work colleagues were former employees of Yader-Mir. As a result of the nuclear bombing, they all became ghouls and decided not to leave the park. The enraged ghouls that filled the kingdom also used to work here and entertain the children.

On the territory of the kingdom you will encounter a huge number of ghouls, but they are unlikely to cause you any big problems, especially if your hero is wearing power armor. We follow the marker indicated on the mini-map until the commentator decides to call you to the final battle.

Let us add that you can solve this problem peacefully, but for this you will need a well-leveled Charisma skill. True, Gage will not like such an outcome, because he is still a raider, accustomed to shooting first and thinking later.

Pavilion of Laughter

Your first test will be a labyrinth. Getting through it won't be as difficult as you might think at first. Here you have to fight only one enemy. In the next room you will need to jump on rotating platforms and get to the other side of the room. Next, we hack the terminal so that the tunnels in the hypnotic hall rotate at a lower speed.

We head to the hypnosis room. By the way, here is the magazine “Garbage Man”. We find the door and go into the last tunnel. We move along it as carefully as possible, since in some of its places there are large holes.

We reach a room with a rotating floor. We find the room with Mr. Cap painted on the wall (you can read more about these images here). To do this, open the red door located to the left of the door through which we just passed. We leave the pavilion of laughter through the same passage.


We walk along the railroad tracks and jump over the cars. On the right we find the entrance. In the tunnel you can overhear Oswald's conversations.


As soon as we get inside the building, we find Oswald near the stage. We can listen to what he tells us, or immediately attack him. We go up the elevator and talk with Oswald again. Either we convince him to leave the Children's Kingdom, or we finish off the old ghoul.

Having gained control of the new zone, we hang our banner on a flagpole located not far from the place where you released or dealt with the ghoul. You will need to choose one of the groups.

Dismantling in a dry gorge

We find ourselves in the desired location and talk with the robot cowboy, whose name is Sheriff Hawk. He will give you a task to find three parts of the code that three robots in the park have. If you have the “Robot Expert” skill, you can easily take the elements you need from them, but otherwise you will have to complete their tasks.

The robot, whose name is Scout, will ask you to find Buttercup (let's immediately note that this is the name of the robotic pony). We head to the saloon, go inside and enter into dialogue with Doc Phosphate. He will give you the task of serving alcoholic drinks to the “visitors”. We go upstairs and put one bottle on the table. We go out into the street, move a little forward and leave the bottles in two open buildings with tables. We go back to the robot and take the code.

We stand with our backs to the saloon and turn left. We find the tower in a deplorable state. To the right of her we find the lost pony Buttercup. We take it, return to Scout, stand in an impromptu pen and simply throw out the toy. We talk with the robot again and take the code element you need from him.

The third part of the cipher is owned by One-Eyed Ike. We approach the saloon and walk straight from its entrance, without turning anywhere. Near one of the buildings on the left we find a lone robot. We talk with him about everything and agree to a duel. We take a revolver in our hands, go out into the middle of the street and shoot once at the robot on command. We talk with him again and take the code.

We go to the theater, deal with all the opponents and open the safe inside, using the previously received code. We take the key and head to the mine. We go into it and kill the queen of bloodworms, not forgetting about her babies.

At the top of the structure, standing not far from the Sheriff Hawk robot, there is a flagpole for the banner. Getting there is quite simple - we go to the theater, go up the stands, find an inclined staircase, walk forward along it and thereby get to the desired roof.

A world of freshness

We enter the plant where Yader-Cola is bottled and find ourselves in the “World of Freshness”. It is necessary to destroy all enemies on the territory of this industrial enterprise. We go through a tunnel filled with water so as not to miss anyone. We destroy one robot after another until the end of the tunnel. Then we inspect other rooms. Don't forget to shoot the nuclear crabs too. After killing all the opponents inside (your quest will be updated), we deal with all the opponents outside.

We find another exit and find ourselves in the northern part of the enterprise. We kill all the adversaries on the stairs and lower levels. Here we deal with the queen of the Yader-Crabs.

Next we go along the metal stairs to the roof of the building. We follow the marker and find a red rocket. We go into the house and use the lift to get to the very top of the plant. This is where the flagpole is located, where you need to attach your banner.


We head to a new zone and help Cyto fight off the monster. We follow him to the primate house. We talk with a new friend to find out more information about this location. Open your inventory, go to the “Miscellaneous” section and read Dr. McDermott’s diary (entry 47B) to complete the quest.

After this, we talk to Tsito again, and having a high charisma score, we ask the gorillas for help. We follow the marker and reach the center for receiving guests. We deal with the enemy in the lower level, reach one of the corridors and find the door with the terminal. The lock on the door needs to be removed.

We begin the dialogue with Cyto again and learn from him that the Evil Anaconda is actually a roller coaster. We head towards the attraction (located in the far part of the park), destroy several enemies and find a booth with a yellow stripe. We find the key to the door on the roof. Inside we find Hein's body and a case in which the password for removing the lock from the door is hidden.

We return to the reception center and use Hein's password. We remove the blockage and go inside. We kill the crocodile claw and enter the room into which the red door leads. We deal with a couple of opponents and use the panel to deactivate the replicator. We destroy the remaining enemies - their location will be indicated on the mini-map.

We go back to Zito, who is in the primate house. We talk with him again. You need to kill Zito and his cronies, convince him to leave or invite him to join your gang. Then we head to the flagpole located on the roof of the reception center. We stand facing the main entrance, go around the building on the right side and find a ladder leading directly to the desired stick.

Grand Tour

Having gone around all the zones, we return to Gage to turn in his quest called “The Grand Tour”. After that, he will give you a new mission.

Home Sweet Home

We go to the Yader Town market to chat with Shank. After talking with him, we capture one of the outposts in the Commonwealth.

There are two options for capture: we simply kill everyone who can stand on their feet, or we use our eloquence. If you want to avoid wasting caps, then you will need high charisma, otherwise you will have to pay from five hundred to one thousand caps.

You need to carefully approach the choice of settlement, since if you are its owner, you will eventually lose control over it.

Relationship with the Minutemen. Preston will not be delighted with the foundation of a new outpost, but you will not spoil relations with the faction itself. Naturally, this will only work if you took the settlement not by force, but by diplomacy. Then we select a group that will settle in the new territory. Choose responsibly, because the ending of the add-on will depend on this decision. By the way, you can read more about endings in our separate guide.

After capturing the settlement, we use the workshop and create the flag of the desired gang. We install a flagpole on the territory of the outpost and wait for the arrival of a small group of raiders. We talk with the bandits, and then we talk with Shank.

We convince settlers from a neighboring village to supply the raiders with food and water. Here again we can either resolve the issue peacefully (charisma or money), or scare the residents to death, forcing them to carry out your order.

We begin the dialogue with Shank again and decide what to do with the other raiders. We head to the enemy outpost and kill or intimidate the bandits there. We go back, talk to Shank and send him to the settlement.

It is possible that your outpost will not have enough resources and life support systems, so create as many generators, beds and other similar items as possible. Don't forget to install several turrets as well.

We capture two more settlements and create outposts from them. After each capture we communicate with Shank. When you own eight outposts, you will be able to create tribute chests.

Show of force

No matter what you do earlier, the most offended group will still rebel. Chat with Shank about this. By the way, it will be you who will be able to influence which gang will start protesting. After the conversation, we return to Yader-Mir, go to the power plant and talk with the leaders of the other two gangs. We go inside, go up to the top floor and deal with the leader of the group.

Then we search the leader’s corpse and take the key. We approach the control panel and supply electricity to Yader Town.

Now, by the way, you can complete the quest to find stellar cores and increase the performance of the supercomputer by 100 percent. In addition, you will have access to Quantum power armor.

We return to Gage to complete his quest. This ends the story campaign of the Nuka World add-on.