Teaching geography with children: which games to choose? Educational game “Geographical adventure Games competitions in geography

At school I had a rather strict geography teacher who forced me to memorize the capitals of all the countries of the world, terrifying the whole parallel before the next written test. Over time, the names of many capitals flew out of my head, but some are so firmly entrenched that if you wake me up in the middle of the night, I will definitely tell you the capital, for example, Brunei - Bandar Seri Begawan.
But despite cramming countries and their capitals, I had a rather superficial idea of ​​their location on the world map, not counting European ones, of course. At school, only regions of Russia were forced to show on a map without captions, which we were all afraid of. Africa was a completely dark forest for me; things were better with the rest of the world, but still.

The Internet has brought a worthy solution to the problem! I became interested in geographic games quite a long time ago and infected my friends (or we all infected each other together, I don’t remember). And we have already accumulated quite a decent collection of interesting geographical games, in which we constantly set records and compete in the accuracy of hitting the world capitals with the cursor. Perhaps someday I will need to know where Burundi, Lesotho and Sao Tome and Principe are located and what their capitals are. In addition, this is quite an exciting activity that allows you to spend time usefully, for example, on a boring class at the computer.

I present to you a collection of my favorite geography games. Found together with hurricane_katrin And anstal .

1. TravelPod- the most popular and very interesting game that offers to find capitals and famous places on the world map. I've never completed the game completely - it's very difficult! (Upd. Completed all 12 levels!) There are also games based on regions, UNESCO sites, flags of countries around the world, photographs and a whole bunch of other interesting things.

2. Craziness- It was thanks to these games that I learned the location of all African countries. You simply have no choice - until you learn it, you won’t be able to finish the game.) There is also Europe, the East, South America, the USA, Australia and others. I haven't been able to master the US states yet.

3. Free Poverty- a very interesting and quite complex game of finding world capitals. In addition, each successful hit will bring up to 10 glasses of water to those in need. This action is sponsored by some good person with an unpronounceable name.

4. Sheppard Software- a whole set of educational geographical games for all regions of the Earth. In addition to states and capitals, there are also rivers, mountains, regions, etc.

5. Geographic Tetris- a rather boring and not particularly developing activity, but it will do for a couple of times.

6. Geographic darts- you are invited to hit the European capitals with a dart. It gets boring pretty quickly, but it will be useful for the collection.

7. Quiz Geo-riddle- you need to guess the country using hints. The fewer hints you use, the more points you get. Thank you kibungo for the tip.

There is another not entirely decent game, where two slutty geography teachers undress for every successful trip to the countries of the world. I won’t post it here, but if you really want to, you can look for it yourself.)

The games are arranged from top to bottom, starting from the most favorite. If I were a geography teacher, I would definitely introduce a new method of teaching this subject with flash games in all regions, so that students would not just stupidly cram “Zambabwehakhare”, but would also have an idea of ​​where it is.

Good luck with your geography studies!

summary of other presentations

“An entertaining game on geography” - In which country does the Kitchen Academy exist? What in Africa is called “Negro bread”. Rules of the game. To which city does the ice cream sundae get its name? What do Italians eat porridge from for New Year? Geographer. In which country does the candy tree grow? Where was kvass invented? What syrup is popular in Canada. In Georgia, this most popular butter dish is called mtsvadi. A drink not flavored with milk. Name the birthplace of watermelon.

"Geography Game" - Entertaining geography. In the cold - mountain, in the hut - water. Geographical mysteries. Which ocean least lives up to its name? The famous Russian river and the brand of domestic car. A plant that can be ground into powder. Show us the “colored” seas. Interesting geography. Geography game. "Black box". Guess the continent. The red yoke hung across the river. New Year's geography. What notes can you use to measure distance?

Geography Quiz Game - Name the driest desert in the world. Lakes included in the Great North American system. The largest state in terms of population. State of Africa. What is moraine? The tallest waterfall in the world. What animal cannot be found in African savannas. What place does Eurasia occupy? Traditional dwellings of the indigenous peoples of North America. The largest mammal. Features of the image of rivers and lakes of Australia.

“Geography game “The Smartest”” - Spain. Emblem. Sealed book. What will bring it to Kyiv. From what sources did the expressions come from? Which language consists of 6 consonants and 5 vowels. Section "Prominent Figures". Emotionality, temper, individualism, sociability. Sir Winston Churchill was a multifaceted personality. People and states. Section "Flags and symbols". The most difficult language can be called Chinese. Eskimo language.

“Game for knowledge of geography” - What layers are distinguished in the earth’s crust. Plains in height. Groups of sedimentary rocks. Groups of rocks. Groups of minerals. Types of movements of the earth's crust. The cleverest. Objects of South America. The most famous mountains of Russia. Types of the earth's crust. Famous objects of Asia. Famous objects of North America. Lithosphere. Famous volcano in Africa. What types of mountains are there by age? Types of volcanoes by degree of activity.

"Game of World Geography" - Indigenous Peoples. The smallest continent. Natural area. Thaddeus Faddeevich Bellingshausen. Why is Australia often called “The Country in Reverse”. The final. Who inhabits Africa? The continent is covered by a powerful ice sheet. Northern Europe. Baikal. Vegetable world. Antarctica is considered the highest continent. The largest lake. Australia is located in the southern hemisphere. The highest and coldest continent.

Natalia Yakovleva

Educational area: the world

(for classes with children 6-8 years old)

Educational dynamic game intended for children of senior preschool and primary school age. It can be used by teachers of school and preschool institutions, parents and tutors. The tasks contained in the game are aimed at development cognitive functions, on the formation of a child’s creative imagination: verbal and non-verbal. Dynamic a game« Geographic adventure games» will help reveal the level baby development, will expand his knowledge of the world around him, and will contribute to the formation of speech, thinking, attention, memory, and fine motor skills. A game is divided into four parts, which are offered to children one after another as they master the topic.


Ensuring the continuity of preschoolers during the transition to the primary level through intellectual and creative development


Learn to identify plants and animals of different natural zones;

Reveal the age capabilities of a preschool child;

Contribute development phonemic awareness;

Develop the ability to navigate in space;

Strengthen the ability to establish a correspondence between an image and a word, between the number of objects and a number;

Develop skills in solving mathematical riddles;

Develop the skills of self-control and self-esteem;

Develop the ability to understand the game task and perform it independently;

- develop the ability to self-regulate behavior and demonstrate volitional efforts to complete assigned tasks;

Continue to familiarize yourself with concepts "natural area", "mixed forest", "desert", "Arctic" And "steppe";

Foster a love of nature and a tolerant attitude towards classmates.

*Note: IN games with the teacher(to the presenter) From one to six children can participate. The presenter accompanies the players throughout all game plots. To play you will need chips or colored buttons, as well as « Geographical Orders» .


RPG for us, friends, will help

To know the laws of the Earth,

They will show you the difficulties of the road

To any natural areas.

Here you will find the edges

Any parts of the planet.

Our home is the green Earth -

He will reveal secrets to us!

Those who are the first to complete all tasks correctly will turn out to be the smartest travelers!


This is the kingdom of the mixed forests:

Both deciduous and coniferous -

He greets us calmly!

Birch and pine trees grow here,

Oaks, aspens, spruces...

In spring the bushes bloom,

And the strawberries are ripening.

A squirrel, a hare, an elk live here,

Raccoon, beaver, fox...

It's so good that it happened

We'll be born next to each other!

Exercise: Let's take a walk through the mixed forest zone! Hurry up to complete all the tasks correctly to become an EXPERT OF MIXED FOREST!

(photo 1)

When completing this task, for each of you the mixed forest will become a home, and its inhabitants will become friendly neighbors, and you will also check whether you have forgotten how to read and count.

Now we are flying over the steppe,

Where is the kingdom of forbs:

Feather grass, thyme, knotweed, wormwood...

Under our feet.

Jerboas live in the steppe,

Marmots and antelopes.

Here the harrier and the eagle will find food

And there are fox paths everywhere.

We went down over the steppe,

Boys and girls

Where is the paradise for gophers and rats,

And the ringing larks...

During this story, you will not only get to know the inhabitants of the steppe zone, but also practice reading!

(photo 2)

Before you is a steppe zone. But what is this... you can’t get through it so easily! Without knowledge about this natural area, you and I will be stuck in place. To move on, define for each circle "path" names of plants and animals living in these areas. Near them are colored hint rings. Choose words so that the last letter of the first word becomes the first letter of the next one (like a teaword).

Attention! While passing through the steppe, you will come across "extra" drawings that got into something other than their game, in the hope that you will take them on the road. Walk past them, pay attention only to steppe plants and steppe animals.

SuroKleveRoVasilyeoBellsChairOreoFoxAnanaWorfRingsCloudAbout dandelionsCroJerboasRatsAntelope


To roam it's your turn

Over the golden sea.

But it’s not water in it, but sand

Dancing with the fast wind.

Water and greens are in short supply

In an arid desert.

Only a cactus stands in the heat

And saxaul with wormwood.

Camel, jerboa and coyote

Call the desert home

Jackal, hyena, scorpion

And the gopher, familiar to everyone...

Exercise: “Guys, since we have wandered into the desert, help the animals find the path to the water. Determine which animal will be the first to reach the oasis? Count how many days it took for everyone to travel, they are marked on the paths.”

(photo 3)

Answer: camel – 4 days, coyote – 5 days, ground squirrel – 6 days, jerboa – 7, lizard – 8, hedgehog – 9, scorpion – 10.

During this activity, you will not only get to know the inhabitants of the desert, but also practice some math operations!


Seryozha, Yaroslav and Lida

They want to explore Antarctica,

And climb into the ice in the Arctic,

To understand a lot of things.

They found out on the news

ALL about the polar regions!

And straight from the plane

The guys rushed to work:

Find different animals

Dig them out from under the snow.

The animals were caught in bad weather.

(Nature can be cruel).

Polar wolf, arctic fox with bear

Deer and bull are neighbors.

Walruses, seals and penguins

To the south it fell asleep, near the ice floe.

Friends call everyone for help,

To overcome the polar snow.

(photo 4)

Exercise 1: Determine who is Who: “Seryozha is not in red and not in green, Yaroslav is between Seryozha and Lida, and Lida is not at the beginning and not in the middle.

Task 2: Count which of the travelers dug up the most animals (find the numbers on the flags of each lifeguard and add them up).

Task 3: 8 animals were saved by the winner. All polar inhabitants were saved by him. Which rescuer was afraid to dig up a wolf? (minus one animal). And which of them has not met a musk ox and a deer? (minus two animals).

To become geographers

You'll have to work hard:

And learn a lot!

Gaming technologies in geography lessons as a means of developing cognitive activity in schoolchildren.

Today, much attention has been paid to the development of creative activity and interest in subjects among schoolchildren.

After studying many sections of geography, there is a need to repeat theoretical material, check how students have mastered basic concepts, definitions, and maps.

An ordinary survey is boring and does not arouse sufficient interest, so I use various non-standard forms of training - contests, games, competitions.

Games arouse in students an increased interest in the subject and knowledge. After all, during the game, students can freely express their thoughts without fear of making mistakes and getting unsatisfactory grades.

Play, along with work and study, is one of the main types of human activity. The game, being entertainment and relaxation, can develop into learning and creativity.

The concept of “game pedagogical technologies” includes a fairly extensive group of methods and techniques for organizing the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games.

Unlike games in general, a pedagogical game has an essential feature - a clearly defined learning goal and a corresponding pedagogical result, which can be justified and identified explicitly.

The game form of classes is created in lessons with the help of game techniques and situations that act as a means of inducing and stimulating students to learn.

When using gaming technologies in lessons, the following conditions must be met:

    compliance of the game with the educational goals of the lesson;

    accessibility for students of this age;

    moderation in the use of games in lessons

The technology of game forms of teaching is easy to understand and can be used by any subject teachers.

Each science and educational subject has its own entertaining side; there are a large number of games and game forms.

The technology is universal. Any of the organizational forms is easily reproducible. For example, the enormous popularity of intellectual games born on television like: “What? Where? When?”, “Field of Miracles”, “Brain Ring”, “Wheel of History”, “Happy Accident” can be transferred to the classroom. This is a form that a subject teacher can fill with his own content, using for mental exercises of students, their self-examination, and creative intellectual development. Creativity in teaching begins with the destruction of stereotypes.

I give examples of some games that I have tested in practice; they can be used in the lesson.

"Translator" (suitable for checking homework).

The teacher asks a question, students must “translate” it by naming the term. For example

Noon Line –meridian

Bedspread – mantle

Thick ointment - magma

Bowl - crater

Combination – complex

The main part of the whole iscomponent, etc.

"Homonyms "We remind students that homonyms are words of the same sound or spelling that have several meanings.

For example, Homonyms “River in Siberia”:

    the one who drinks to the bottom(Chara)

    vehicle of the three wise men(pelvis)

    about myself twice with love(Yaya)

    small artiodactyl(Fawn)


"Through the Mouth of a Baby" . Students are given several hints, if the answer from the first hint is 5 points, if from the second - 4 points, etc.

For example “Name these geographical features”:

    The 3rd, 4th, 6th and 7th largest rivers of the continents flow through this territory.

    This territory occupies most of one state.

    This territory is washed by the waters of six seas and two oceans.

    Vasily Surikov has a painting dedicated to the conquest of part of this territory.

    Cities such as Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk, Yakutsk, Magadan and many others are located in this territory.

(Territory Siberia)

"Philatelist" Each team is given a set of stamps; they need to find out the countries in which the stamps were issued and show them on the political map.

"Geographic crossword" . The teacher or students create a crossword puzzle (rebus, chainword) on the topic being studied or its repetition. For example, the geographic crossword "Mixed and broad-leaved forests"

Questions for the crossword

1. Heat-loving trees with small leaves. For example: birch, aspen.

2. Forests formed by heat-loving trees with wide, large leaves.

3. Small-leaved tree.

4. To the south of... there are mixed forests.

5. Small-leaved tree, symbol of Russia.

6. A forest in which both coniferous and deciduous trees are mixed.

7. Heat-loving tree with wide, large leaves.

8. The zone lying between the tundra and the forest zone.

9. Broad-leaved tree.

10. Tree of broad-leaved forest.

11. Tree of broad-leaved forest.

"Geography at 100" .

Guess words that are geographical concepts, names and names that contain the numeral 100.

ONE HUNDRED - side of the world.(East.)

ONE HUNDRED - the beginning of the river.(Source.)

ONE HUNDRED - the main city of the country.(Capital.)

ONE HUNDRED - a state in the Baltic states.(Estonia.)

ONE HUNDRED - the city of the "Golden Ring" of Russia.(Rostov.)

ONE HUNDRED - a heroic city in Crimea, which gave its name to the famous waltz.


ONE HUNDRED - city of the Russian Federation, port on the Pacific Ocean.(Vladivostok.)

ONE HUNDRED - the capital of Jamaica, a port on the Caribbean Sea.(Kingston.)

ONE HUNDRED - US city, port on the Atlantic Ocean.(Boston.)

ONE HUNDRED - a city in Germany, a port on the Baltic Sea.(Rostock.)

"Geology" . Using these definitions, guess the geographical term or concept. Whoever gives the correct answer based on fewer definitions is considered the winner:

    Warm, cold, starry, acidic, blind, mushroom, frequent, lingering, torrential... (rain),

    Meteor, transport, financial, air, human, rain, water, mud, river... (flow),

    Terrestrial, underwater, dormant, extinct, formidable, fire-breathing, erupting... ( volcano),

    Golden, sugar, large, small, sea, river...(sand),

    Living, dead, fiery, hard, soft, cloudy, transparent, flowing, fresh, salty...(water),

    Lush, curly, wadded, feathery, layered, cumulus, rain, thunderstorm...(clouds),

    Starry, cheerful, cold, warm, strong, weak, gusty, southern, northwestern... (wind),

    Sound, light, air, explosive, shock, magnetic, long, mild, seismic, sea, tidal...(wave),

    Warm, friendly, relaxed, intense, healthy, polluted, earthy, sunny... (atmosphere).

"Geographical Domino" . Small rectangles of the same size are cut out of thick paper, divided in half, and text is written on both parts. Rules of the game: the cards are shuffled and distributed equally to the players. The game starts with the one with the “empty-empty” card; its further move is like in an ordinary domino. The winner is the student who is the first to put out all his cards or put down a plate to which none of the players can put others. Consider an example of a text domino on the topic "Earth's atmosphere" (Fig. 3).

Game "Domino" (the number of kits depends on the number of teams)

Air envelope of the Earth

Large volumes of air with the same properties.....

Different thermal zones

Which belt serves as the “armor” of the planet?

Air masses

Why are there different pressure belts on Earth?


Which lines on the climate map show precipitation?

A line that connects areas with the same temperature

Layers of the atmosphere?




Ozone layer


Temperate winds?


What is atmosphere?


Basic elements of weather?


This is the long-term weather regime. ……





Isotherm is……

"Geographical dictation"

1.What is the atmosphere?

2. Climate is -

3. An isotherm is a line...

4.How is the direction of winds shown on a climate map?

5. What explains the uneven distribution of precipitation on Earth?

6. Why did atmospheric pressure belts form?

7. What movement does cold air make?

8.Low or high pressure in the polar regions?

9. What are the names of the winds blowing from the thirtieth latitude to the equator?

10.. How is the word “climate” translated from Greek?

Game "Sea Battle"

Divide the class into two teams, taking into account the learning abilities of the students, each team disguises 10 ships on their sheets, as in the game “Battleship” and turns over duplicates to the teacher.

Teams must find enemy ships and “destroy them”, i.e. answer the question. If the answer is correct, the ship is destroyed and the team continues its move. If the answer is incorrect, then the turn goes to the opponent. The battle process is reflected on the board with ships of different colors. If the target is not hit, the move is transferred to the enemy, and a cross is placed in the cell.

Game “What? Where? When?"

Intellectual game “What? Where? When?" carried out within the framework of a subject decade. This game will be announced in advance. From each class (among grades 9–11), 1 representative is nominated to the team. Teachers of chemistry, biology, geography, ecology prepare questions for students. Students prepare questions for teachers. The game is played in two rounds. First round – students in grades 9–11 are invited to the players’ table, the first 10 questions are played. Second round – teachers are invited to the players’ table. To evaluate the work of the teams, an independent jury is selected to monitor compliance with the rules of the game and take into account the points scored for correct answers to questions. You are given one minute to think about each question. During the game you can arrange musical breaks.

"My own game"

The game involves three teams, which, using the given diagram, choose the topic of the question and its cost.

This is just a small part of the games that can be used in the classroom.

Materials used from the website of info lessons and the magazine “Modern Lesson” No. 5, 8 2009.