Everything about farming resources. Where is the best place to farm in Warframe? Where to quickly farm credits in warframe

5 years and 4 months ago Comments: 16

Hello, dear friends, today we will talk about farming. Namely, we will learn: how to farm correctly and what is the best way to do it. We will also talk a little about the term “farm” itself, i.e. We’ll find out what it is, what it’s for, etc.


Farm– a game for the purpose of earning game currency. In our case, the game currency is credits (silver, sulfur). We need loans in order to buy new equipment, shells, equipment, equipment and much, much more. That is, it immediately becomes clear that loans are very important to us.

Previously, about a year and a half ago, earning credits was a problem for many players. Only owners of premium tanks of levels 7-8 received enough credits. Ordinary players who do not have premium tactics suffered a lot and earned an average of 15-20k credits per battle, which is very little. Judge for yourself, you need to earn 6 million credits to buy, for example, an IS-7, and you get 15-20k credits on average per battle, which means we will need about 350-40 battles to fight to accumulate the required amount. This is about a month of play. Now let’s imagine what it’s like for those who have a Tier 8 premium tank. On average he receives 35-45k credits, let’s read 40. So, we divide 6 lyams by 40k, we get about 150 fights. This is approximately two weeks of play, i.e. half a month. And if you play in premium, it will take about 7-10 days, i.e. your efforts and time are reduced by 2-3 times. This is the main advantage.

Now, the developers are carrying out many more promotions than before, and combat missions have been introduced, thanks to which you can receive 1-2 credits per day. And having a premium tank, or a premium account, you will generally be on horseback. Well, let's begin.

How to farm properly

To farm successfully, we need to deal as much as possible. Frags and all other indicators have a greater impact on experience than on credits. Hence the conclusion: fragodrazhestvo will not help in any way.

Next, you should exclude shooting, since their cost is very high, and you will most likely go into the red. Also, it is better not to use large repair kits, first aid kits and fire extinguishers. This is due to the fact that they also cost a lot (20k credits) and if you use them in a battle, for example, using a large first aid kit and a fire extinguisher, you will lose 40k, and your earned credits will be about the same, which means there will be no advantage, which means there will be no farming.

You shouldn’t just shoot, because shells also create a loss, and by simply shooting at bushes and air, the amount of your net profit will decrease.

And lastly, there is no need to shoot at your allies. Now the fines are very high, i.e. If you accidentally hit an ally with 400 damage, it will cost you 10-15k credits, and this is quite a lot of damage.

To farm successfully, you (as I said before) need to deal a lot of damage. This means that you don’t need to merge at the beginning of the battle and push forward. Don't rush anywhere, slowly move along the flank, trying not to lose HP, because... Repairing the tank will also cause quite a bit of damage. If you feel at risk, it is best to stand at long range and attack as a TD, thereby dealing valuable damage.

I would like to note that you should not go into battle and leave the tank in battle. Of course, you will farm a little at a time, and if this is a premium tank, then in each battle you will receive a free 10-15k credits. But it’s still better not to do that. After all, thanks to you, the outcome of the battle may be decided. In addition, in addition to missed opportunities to bend over, you will spoil yourself. And all the players will consider you a noob, judging by your stats, even though you play normally. So, it’s better to farm in good faith, without any imagination or tricks.

Which tank is better to farm on?

What should we farm with? This is a very pressing issue in tanks. It was relevant 3-4 years ago, and is still relevant. Of course, the best option is a Tier 8 premium tank. But several thoughts are created in our heads at once: “Which tank to choose?”, “Where will I get the money?”, “Is there another option?” etc. Naturally, not everyone has the money for a premium tank, which costs 40-50 dollars, or not everyone wants to spend that kind of money for the game. Of course, there are alternative options for this, for example, farming level 5 tanks, or earning gold in various competitions without spending money.

Let's consider the option of farming on level 5 tanks. 5 levels are the best option, because... tanks of lower levels farm little, while tanks of higher levels have greater losses and low net farming. The yield of 5 levels averages 10-15k credits. When playing with a premium account, the income will be 20-25k. And this is quite normal, although not enough. Of the recommended equipment, I would recommend: KV-1, T-34 (or type T-34), T49, Stug, M4 Sherman. I personally tried these tanks and they frame well. In addition, you can get a lot of fun with these tanks.

As for premium tanks. Here you need to think carefully, since their cost is not small and if you don’t like it, it will be a shame.

There is one very cheap Tier 8 tank, T26E4 (super first). Most of the players bought it as soon as it came out and there were 3-5 of them in random order every battle. This is a very tempting but deceptive option. In fact, Super Perch is very dull and uninteresting. His average farm is very small, i.e. The gun penetration is only 170mm, which is sometimes not enough for level 7 tanks, and I’m generally silent about level 9. So don't get caught into this trick and don't buy it (my advice to you).

The most interesting option for me is T34. His average farm is not the highest among 8 levels, but he is very fun. The highest farm is for the lion and yaga 8.8. But judge for yourself what kind of fun a tank can have that can barely drag itself and has a gun with an average damage of 240 units. You will get tired of it after 50-100 battles and playing on it will be very boring and not interesting. T34, on the other hand, has average mobility, which is quite enough for a heavy weapon. He also has a very powerful cannon (the most powerful among level 8 heavy guns), which has an average damage of 400 and penetration of 248 mm. This penetration is enough even for a level 10 heavyweight! So, the damage on it will be lethal (I was convinced myself). His average farm is 35-40k credits. With premium it’s about 60k. So, I think T34 best farmer at level 8.

Everything about resource farming is described here.


To effectively farm a large number of standard resources, you will need a team of four people (friends or a good clan will help here, you can also submit an application to). It is highly advisable to strive to gather a party from specific warframes, namely (through Stealing Tentacles), , , (Sonar only).

Farming with such a build is a pleasure, Banshee uses Sonar, Trinity fills energy and heals, Hydroid constantly uses ult (4th ability), Nekros defiles. It is important that only Hydroid kills. Knowledgeable people will say that this is not important and the main thing is that the target sticks to the tentacle, and anyone can kill. But! Why complicate things?

If you are Batman and work alone, and you can definitely be him, because you have never been seen together, then the best choice would be Nekros .

I advise you to farm on Dark Sector missions, because... there are always bonuses to resources from 15% to 35%. True, the levels of mobs there are higher, and the opponents are always Infected.

Let's get started:

* - the most profitable planets for resource farming are marked.

Ampoule of Detonite

Found on many planets: Mercury, Earth, Lua, Ceres*, Saturn, Uranus, Sedna, Kuva Fortress.

* I recommend the SEIMENI mission.

Recycled materials

Found on planets: Mars, Jupiter*, Sedna, Kuva Fortress.

* I recommend the SINAI mission.


Found on planets: Mars, Uranus.


Obtained from any Excavation mission. I would recommend excavations on Earth - EVEREST.

Argon Crystal

A beautiful pebble that can only be mined in to the abyss. Sometimes in the form of formations - Argon pegmatite, can be found on missions quests. It is better to farm on endless missions such as survival or defense. I get it on a mission ANI. There is no need to store it for use; at 3:00 Moscow time it disintegrates and will most likely disappear. We farm exactly as much as we can spend right now.


A specific resource that is not needed everywhere and can only be obtained from the Kuva Absorber and survival in Kuva fortresses. You can meet the absorber on missions with an identical icon on different planets near the Fortresses.
To obtain it, you need to destroy the Absorber by intercepting flying red clouds; we intercept them using the operator’s abilities (after Wars Within), namely his jerk Ctrl+Space. Let's take four clouds and it's done, 550-700 Kuva in our pocket. There is an even more profitable way - Kuva Flow, a modification of the standard mission, only with level 100 mobs, you can get about 1200 Kuva. It is also possible to farm for survival in Kuva fortresses. The method is specific, because very hemorrhoidal, I recommend it only when the regular missions are over. The point is that there we will need to pick up red “batteries” from mobs, which we must insert into oxygen towers. Then we need to defend them and from one such tower we get 200 Kuva. Considering that this mission itself is not sugar and the fact that it is of progressive difficulty and the oxygen towers provide much less oxygen than ordinary ones, you understand that you need a strong team, it is almost impossible to do solo.

Control module

Found on planets: Europa, Neptune, Abyss*.

*Absolutely any mission when you follow Argon will drop Control Modules


Found on planets: Mercury, Mars, Phobos, Europa, Pluto.

* It’s difficult to highlight something specifically here, because... resource drops rarely. There is universal advice, take Smita Kavat with you with the Talisman. She will begin to generate this resource.


Found on planets: Saturn, Neptune, Eris*, Orokin Ruins.


Found on planets: Earth, Lua, Eris, Orokin Ruins.

* It’s difficult to highlight something specifically here, because... resource drops rarely. There is universal advice, take Smita Kavat with you with the Talisman. She will begin to generate this resource.

Neural Sensors

Found on planets: Jupiter, Kuva Fortress.

* It’s difficult to highlight something specifically here, because... resource drops rarely. There is universal advice, take Smita Kavat with you with the Talisman. She will begin to generate this resource.

Mutagen Sample

Found on planets: Eris, Orokin Ruins*.

*Go to Orokin Ruins: defense. This mission will appear on the map when you purchase and create a key. It is sold, like all the others, in the Store.

Fieldron sample

Found on planets: Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Europa, Neptune.


Quite a rare resource. Dropped from Oxium Drones, only the Corps has them.


Found on planets: Phobos, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, Eris*.


There are always not enough of them. Even in the later stages of the game. Found on planets: Mercury, Venus, Uranus*.

* I recommend the OPHELIA mission, although this is not a dark sector, there are more of them falling there.


Found on planets: Earth, Lua, Phobos, Europa, Pluto*, Sedna, Abyss.

*I recommend SECHURA.


Found on planets: Venus, Phobos, Ceres*, Jupiter, Pluto, Sedna.

* I recommend SEIMENI.


Found on planets: Venus, Ceres*, Kuva Fortress.

* I recommend SEIMENI.


Obtained on missions Archwing. Drops on missions with the ability to use Archwing on Uranus And Kuva fortresses(It's not on Eidolon!).

* It’s difficult to highlight something specifically here, because... resource drops rarely. There is universal advice, take Smita Kavat with you with the Talisman. She will begin to generate this resource.


Found on planets: Mercury, Earth, Lua, Neptune, Abyss*.

Nitain Extract

A fierce thing, due to the shortage and difficulty of obtaining it, many chairs were burned through. It is obtained through sabotage, namely from secret drawers (can be neglected, the chance is extremely small) and from Alarms. You can collect up to four pieces per day. I always recommend picking it up, because... if ignored under the pretext of being unnecessary, then when the need arises, he is able to delay the creation of Vauban Prime or Ivara for up to a couple of weeks, or even months. An insidious resource.

As you progress through Warframe, you will need to obtain many different resources. Some will be needed to create weapons or to make a new warframe. Neurodes are a rather rare resource, and at the same time, neither a beginner nor a more experienced player can do without them. Our short guide to the Warframe game will tell you how to get this valuable resource.

Neurodes - what are they?

This type of resource is a neural implant, with the help of which organs are controlled. Neurods were developed and deployed by the Grineer race. Without this resource, it is impossible to create weapons such as Boltor, Hek, Bolto, Kraken, Dark Sword and Dagger. In addition, this material will be needed to craft an operator suit, which is called a warframe in the game. Neurodes are needed to create Ash, Meg, Amber, Excalibur, Frost, Loki, Nyx, Trinity, Volt and Rhino. This resource will also be required when crafting the Orokin reactor, which increases the capacity of mods in warframes. So if you want to develop in the game, then you can’t do without neurons.

Search methods

Where to look for neurons in Warframe? Despite the fact that this resource is quite rare, there are several ways to find it in the game. The easiest way is to buy neurons in the game store for platinum. But this method is quite expensive, because for one neurod you will have to pay 30 units of platinum. If you need much more of this resource, and you don’t want to pay real money for it, then your path lies on Earth or Eris, because on missions of these planets you can get neurodes. We'll talk about how to farm resources a little later. And then you will learn about several more simple ways to extract resources in Warframe. Neurods can be obtained for logging into the game, but such production brings pleasure only as a bonus. After all, such a prize comes up quite rarely.

Simple but ineffective extraction methods

If you need a small number and you have enough time, you can install extractors on Earth and Eris. independently collect resources from planets every 4-8 hours. At the same time, the distillation extractor, which runs for 8 hours, has a better chance of extracting neurons than its faster brother, the Titan. This method of extraction can be seen as an investment in the future. That is, do not be lazy to place extractors on planets, so that in the future you will have a small supply of neurons.

There is another long-term way to obtain this resource in the Warframe game. Neurodes can be created at the forge. To do this, you will need to get an endless blueprint for crafting, which you can buy in the store for 100 units of platinum, or win for completing the nightmare raid “Law of Retribution.” Please note that this is a very expensive way to obtain neurons, and to create them you will need:

  • 50 thousand alloys.
  • 50 thousand nanospores.
  • 25 thousand recyclable materials.
  • 15 thousand credits.

Moreover, you can find neurodes in hidden boxes during missions to sabotage the reactors of Grineer and Corpus ships, as well as during sabotage of the Orokin Tower. In addition, after the “Silver Grove” update, you can find this resource on any mission and in any location in the Neuro-optical arrays, which are randomly generated on missions.

Neurodes dropping from bosses

Neurodes drop well from Advisor Wei Hek. You can find this boss on planet Earth in the Oro location. But quite often, neurodes also fall out as a result of killing this enemy in a simple or nightmare “Law of Retribution” raid. Additionally, the boss of Orokin Ruins, Lephantis also has an increased drop rate for this resource. There are frequent chances of Neurodes from "Sentients" appearing. Killing these mini-bosses is quite a long and difficult task, but materials from them drop every time you go.

Where to farm Warframe neurons?

All of the above methods are good if you do not have an urgent need for neurodes, and you are in no hurry to obtain them. If you need much more of this resource, then you cannot do without farming. You can get a lot of neurons on any missions on planet Earth or Eris. In the first location, the enemies are quite weak, and killing them will not be difficult. On Eris the enemies are much stronger. If you have enough time, it is better to choose tasks of the “Defense” or “Survival” type. In addition, many neurodes fall from the “Dark Sectors”, for the Earth Coba, on Eris - Zabala and Akkad.

These missions not only increase the chance of resource drops, but also increase the amount of experience when killing an enemy, as well as the number of credits received for completing the task. But the mobs here are much stronger than on regular missions on these planets.

Warframe: builds for farming

In order for resource extraction to be as efficient as possible, you should create a team of players with characters that increase the chance of dropping neurons. Nekros and Hydroid will be excellent helpers in this case - these characters can significantly increase the farming of resources in the Warframe game. Builds for these frames should be created with an emphasis on the affected area. After all, it is very important for Nekros to desecrate every corpse of a defeated enemy in order to extract double loot from him. In addition to the stretch zone, the hydroid also needs to increase the power of its skills. After all, the amount of resources dropped largely depends on how many opponents this warframe kills. Syndicate mods, “Stealing Tentacles” for Hydroid and “Deprivation” for Nekros will be very useful in farming.

The next frame that the team will need to extract neurons is Trinity. In order for the character to be most effective and constantly pour energy into his allies, it is imperative to install the right build in this warframe. The mods shown in the photo above will allow Trinity to continuously pour mana, while its excess will turn into additional shields for all characters.

A Nova with acceleration abilities would be useful in a team for farming. In this case, opponents will run faster and die from Hydroid’s skills, and accordingly, new mobs will begin to appear. More enemies killed means more neurons found. This is the basic rule of farming this resource.