Forbidden sight for artillery. Module "Useful Expert"

Sight for gunners "Arti (ST)" for WOT


This time we will pay attention to a special type of sights - specially designed modifications for ART-ACS. This type of mod belongs to sight for gunners "Arti (ST)" for WOT

Artillery sights stand out among all the sights that are used as modified ones, and artillery fans prefer these modifications, since they mainly play on ART SPGs. On the one hand, they need a high-quality and detailed art sight, on the other hand, in terms of a sniper sight (for tanks), they have enough of what is installed by default. It is in this case that special ART sights come to the rescue.

Exactly what is needed

It should be noted right away that art sights are not always successful - some authors, in pursuit of originality, try too hard, which ultimately leads to distortions - they either oversaturate the sight with functional innovations, or, in pursuit of originality, make the graphic aspect too ornate and complex . It follows from this that the sight should be both beautiful and functional, but at the same time it should not be too beautiful, that is, there should be exactly as much content as needed and nothing more.

Beautiful, moderate and informative

In principle, this set of preferences acts as a litmus test for choosing the optimal art sight, since such a set of rules is fundamental.

From the point of view of the picture, the sight should be clear, with optimally selected colors and contrast, so that too bright colors do not tire, or too gloomy do not drive the player into depression. All inscriptions and indicators should also be clearly visible, since in battle we do not always have time to look closely, everything should be clear, simple and understandable.

In terms of informativeness, a measure must also be observed - there should be enough information, but only within reason, so that the player does not get lost in the jungle of informational trinkets.

So that you more clearly understand what criteria you should listen to, let's list them:

  • Dynamic and digital recharge indicator;
  • HP indicator and fragmentation circle;
  • Ammo counter;
  • Indicators of the distance to the target and the time of arrival of one projectile;
  • Nickname/type of the tank in the scope.

In my opinion, these are the most important criteria, that is, with them, the modification of art sights has everything you need, everything more than this, such as the angle at which the gun is now raised, is just a nice addition without which your game will not suffer in any way.

Artillery sight "Arti (ST)"

It was not without reason that we listed the most important criteria and described what a good art sight needs, and this is exactly what the Arti (ST) artillery sight is, which is what I liked about it - there is everything you need, and there are no unnecessary “whistle-stars” from which there is no sense, and now let's move on to the debriefing.

Dynamic and digital recharge indicator- these values ​​​​show how much time is needed to reload and how much is left before reloading if you fired a shot a little earlier.

HP indicator- an indicator showing how much HP the tank has or has left for this moment, allows you not to be distracted by the damage panel.

Fragment circle- a slightly different tone area around the center of the sight, it helps to understand what the radius of damage by shrapnel is and to correct the aiming at the desired point.

Ammo counter- like the HP indicator, it duplicates the capabilities of the damage panel, and in this case, the icon panel;

Target Distance Indicators- shows how many meters are left to your opponent, helps to make the right lead, and for those who are too lazy to figure it out in their mind, there is the following indicator%.

Flight time for one projectile- shows how many seconds the projectile will fly to the selected target, which allows you to take a lead (especially effective against slow targets).

Nickname and type of tank in the scope- I would classify this item as the least useful, but for those who are bad at determining what kind of tank they see in the art sight mode, it will do. In any case, you will be able to roughly understand what kind of armor this opponent has and what potential damage he can suffer.

Sight for gunners "Arti (ST)" for WOT is an example of balance, moderation, coupled with a fairly high degree of clarity, graphic design and the availability of the necessary tools. So you can classify it as an art-sau scope, which will appeal to even those who do not like to use modified scopes at all.


  1. Install fonts;
  2. Place the mods folder in the World of Tanks root folder.

Battle Assistant will add to the game completely new mode aiming for artillery and some other features.

What is the benefit of modification?

This is an alternative sight for artillery, the peculiarity of which is that the view during the art mode is completely changed, that is, the standard view from above is replaced by an adapted isometric view and thus it is much more comfortable to fire at enemies. You can literally trace the trajectory of the projectile.

This is especially noticeable when shooting at the city, since you can see whether the projectile will fly through the houses or not, unlike standard mode, where you have to focus only on the changing color of the strip.

The mod works only for self-propelled guns, work in sniper mode for other types of vehicles is not provided.

It was this mod that won (Wargaming Developers Contest - a developer competition from Wargaming). That's why the mod is not prohibited, and moreover, it is approved by the developers.

Key features and benefits of this version:

  • switching aiming mode ( G key by default) - standard and " ACS of a healthy person";
  • zoom for art - aka zoom mod, that is, you can move the camera as far as possible from your tank and see almost the entire battlefield;
  • ignoring obstacles - the camera will not jump to obstacles in the path of the projectile (enabled by default);
  • fire spotter- Have you noticed that when an enemy is hiding on a hill, the projectile flies much higher? This is due to the fact that if there is no target, the aiming point is shifted far behind the tank; in such cases, the spotter forces the projectiles to fly along a lower trajectory;
  • "Expert" mode- now the skill is triggered a few seconds after the damage dealt to the enemy, also the perk is now activated after the "support with fire" command.

How to install Battle Assistant?

  1. Download the file.
  2. Run, unpack the insides.
  3. Everything inside needs to be copied to the folder: World_of_Tanks/mods/

How to use the scope in the game?

It doesn't take a lot of brains to figure out how to turn on the Battle Assistant in battle. There are two modes of operation:

  1. standard,
  2. improved (mod).

You can switch between them using the key. G.

How to set up a mod?

In folder World_of_Tanks\res_mods\\scripts\client\gui\mods lies the file mod_battle_assistant.txt. We need it, we open it with a regular notepad. Below is a list of options:

  • enabled: true / false - on, off mod;
  • keys:"" # list of used keys, do not remove quotes! KEY_J - change to a convenient button for you if you want. For G, for example, this would be KEY_G.
  • zoomSpeed: 3.0 - zoom speed;
  • ignoreObstacles: true / false - ignore obstacles
  • expert:
    • enabled: true
  • gunner:
    • enabled: true

What to do if Battle Assistant is not working?

  1. Check the installation is correct, namely:
    1. the folder where you placed the files;
    2. the version number of the folder inside res_mods, should be;
    3. the folder in which the game is located must be written in English.
  2. If you changed the settings of the mod, perhaps you screwed up somewhere, restore the original version.
  3. The mod is guaranteed to work on a clean client, if you build your own mods, it may conflict with other add-ons.

For comparison, let's look at the "before" and "after" screenshots.

Battle Assistant will add a completely new aiming mode for artillery to the game and some other features.

What is the benefit of modification?

This is an alternative sight for artillery, the peculiarity of which is that the view during the art mode is completely changed, that is, the standard view from above is replaced by an adapted isometric view and thus it is much more comfortable to fire at enemies. You can literally trace the trajectory of the projectile.

This is especially noticeable when shooting at the city, since you can see whether the projectile will fly through the houses or not, unlike the standard mode, where you have to focus only on the changing color of the strip.

The mod works only for self-propelled guns, work in sniper mode for other types of vehicles is not provided.

It was this mod that won (Wargaming Developers Contest - a developer competition from Wargaming). That's why the mod is not prohibited, and moreover, it is approved by the developers.

Key features and benefits of this version:

  • switching aiming mode ( G key by default) - standard and " ACS of a healthy person";
  • zoom for art - aka zoom mod, that is, you can move the camera as far as possible from your tank and see almost the entire battlefield;
  • ignoring obstacles - the camera will not jump to obstacles in the path of the projectile (enabled by default);
  • fire spotter- Have you noticed that when an enemy is hiding on a hill, the projectile flies much higher? This is due to the fact that if there is no target, the aiming point is shifted far behind the tank; in such cases, the spotter forces the projectiles to fly along a lower trajectory;
  • "Expert" mode- now the skill is triggered a few seconds after the damage dealt to the enemy, also the perk is now activated after the "support with fire" command.

How to install Battle Assistant?

  1. Download the file.
  2. Run, unpack the insides.
  3. Everything inside needs to be copied to the folder: World_of_Tanks/mods/

How to use the scope in the game?

It doesn't take a lot of brains to figure out how to turn on the Battle Assistant in battle. There are two modes of operation:

  1. standard,
  2. improved (mod).

You can switch between them using the key. G.

How to set up a mod?

In folder World_of_Tanks\res_mods\\scripts\client\gui\mods lies the file mod_battle_assistant.txt. We need it, we open it with a regular notepad. Below is a list of options:

  • enabled: true / false - on, off mod;
  • keys:"" # list of used keys, do not remove quotes! KEY_J - change to a convenient button for you if you want. For G, for example, this would be KEY_G.
  • zoomSpeed: 3.0 - zoom speed;
  • ignoreObstacles: true / false - ignore obstacles
  • expert:
    • enabled: true
  • gunner:
    • enabled: true

What to do if Battle Assistant is not working?

  1. Check the installation is correct, namely:
    1. the folder where you placed the files;
    2. the version number of the folder inside res_mods, should be;
    3. the folder in which the game is located must be written in English.
  2. If you changed the settings of the mod, perhaps you screwed up somewhere, restore the original version.
  3. The mod is guaranteed to work on a clean client, if you build your own mods, it may conflict with other add-ons.

For comparison, let's look at the "before" and "after" screenshots.


We present you the best art sight that currently exists in our game World of Tanks. This is a unique mod for artillery called Battle Assistant for WOT, which has a semi-sniper, semi-artillery aiming mode. By enabling this mod, you can throw shells and at the same time look at the enemy tank from the side and see the real trajectory of the shell. That is, with its help, the player can see for sure whether he can hit the enemy tank or not. With it, it is easier to target the enemy behind houses, behind hills, and in general it becomes easier to understand the trajectory of a flying projectile. The sight is just perfect for accurate artillery, which does not have a very large spread (for example, for the Object 261 or any French artillery). It helps not to hit the screens, the harp and anywhere, namely, to target those places where you want to close up the projectile to the enemy. Experienced art guides praise and recommend this mod, they say that they used to bend over, and with him they began to bend even better. This mod is not prohibited, administration World games of Tanks knows about him. Moreover, this mod took first place in the nomination " Best modification games" in a contest held by the developers of Wargaming called "WGDC". This is a completely legal mod for artillery. If you are not aware, then the developers may introduce it into the game in the future. In any case, such conversations are being (or were being) .

To enable the Battle Assistant art sight, go to the artillery sight and press the "J" key or the mouse wheel.


What happens when you press the ALT key during a shot?

Module "Useful Expert"

For his work, you need a crew member with a pumped perk "Expert". As a result, the perk will automatically work within a few seconds after firing or marking the enemy when the command "support fire" is given.

"Fire spotter" module

This is very cool stuff. When playing on artillery, each player had cases when, when the shot button was pressed, the enemy disappeared from the light, as a result, the aim went astray and the projectile flew away where it should not. With this module, you will not have such problems, because it will clearly, automatically, fix the sight after the enemy disappears from the light. This will save you nerves.

Battle Assistant Mod Configuration File

World of Tanks/mods/configs/battle_assistant/mod_battle_assistant.txt

All possible settings are signed in Russian for the convenience of the players.

Is it possible to change the "J" key that activates the mod by default?

Yes. This possibility is provided. Go to the configuration file (World of Tanks/mods/configs/battle_assistant/mod_battle_assistant.txt) using the Notepad++ editor and on line number three (keys: "") you can enter any other key.

How to turn on the command camera?

This can be done in the already mentioned mod settings file (World of Tanks/mods/configs/battle_assistant/mod_battle_assistant.txt). Open it with Notepad++ and on line number eight (activateCommandersCamera: false) change false to true.


Place the mods folder from the archive into the World of Tanks folder.

The mod needs to be activated every 7 days. Activate on site:

  • Update date: 12 Sep 2019
  • Total marks: 27
  • Average rating: 3.96
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Information about the latest update:

Updated 09/12/2019: Updated for Patch World of tanks

Artillery, unlike historical combat vehicles, is deprived of the ability to shoot direct fire over long distances. The mod to enable sniper aiming mode for artillery eliminates this injustice and makes it possible to use the World of Tanks art-sau as anti-tank guns.

The video well illustrates the work of a sniper scope for artillery.

You go into battle, for example, on the German Bison art-sau and you can play both as artillery, throwing it across the entire map, and as a tank destroyer, shooting opponents with direct fire. When playing on art in this mode, you need to take into account that you have a huge spread, a complete lack of armor and poor mobility.

The accuracy of artillery is much worse than that of other classes of vehicles. But, if in art mode a projectile hit not directly on the target, but nearby can also cause damage to the enemy, then in sniper mode the projectile will simply fly past the target. Given the long reload time for artillery, such a mistake could be fatal.

Poor armor and mobility means you can't glow at all. When detected, the chances of driving away or getting armor ricocheted are minimal. If you are playing in art mode and an enemy light tank has broken into your base, then there is still a chance for your allies to destroy it before it destroys you. But if you play on art in pt-mode (sniper), then most likely your combat vehicle is in the line of sight of the enemy. Unsuccessful camouflage and exposure in this case usually means a volley of several barrels at you and sending you to the hangar.


The mod configuration is located in the cammod.cfg file in the scripts\client\mods directory. In it, you can change the buttons that enable various aiming modes, as well as the free camera. The sniper scope mod for art is not a cheat, but the mod on free camera in battle -