Call of Pripyat passage kindergarten.  Encyclopedia on S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Call of Pripyat - Walkthrough. Evacuation point "B2"

Well, it's finally daylight. You can at least take a little break from your opponents and the difficult passage of the game Stalker Call of Pripyat. And then the military arrived. The conversation will be long. Speaking of “Debt”, it seems Zulu doesn’t like such arrangements...

And here comes Commander Kovalsky, according to him the situation is not particularly good... It’s okay, we’ll cope. Zulu, in fact, did not leave Pripyat, but heroically holds the defense against snorks in the eastern part of school No. 1. So it will be nice if you look there, help fight off the creatures, and direct you to the Laundry, where the military camp is located.

The school, which is located in Pripyat, can very much remind you of your own... the one where your best years passed or are still passing.

Zulu will help you when you evacuate from Pripyat, but more on that later.


Description: The sooner you make equipment modifications, the easier the remaining passage of Stalker Call of Pripyat will be.

Walkthrough: In Pripyat there are 2 sets of calibration tools.

Set 1: Department Store. Finding this building on the map is not difficult. When entering a department store, you will most likely have to destroy a pack of dogs. Inside the department store you need to find a door leading to the basement. To find her, you need to “follow” the jerboas that are running towards her. If you haven't found it, then open all the doors you find. The room with the yellow table will have the door you need. Going down on the box you will find a calibration kit. If you go lower and don’t die from the fire, you can find an artifact among the anomalies. You can take the stairs near the department store. In principle, this hatch, clogged with boards, can be used as an entrance (do not run inside the department store). The location of the entrance can be seen in the photo.

Set 2: Old BWC. Having reached the place, you will have to make your way through the anomalies on the first floor, go up to the second and there, possibly, kill the burer. On the shelves you will find a calibration kit.

These tools must be given to Azoth or Cardan. The opportunity to travel between locations will appear later, during the passage of the game Stalker Call of Pripyat.


Description: Colonel Kowalski invites you to participate in an operation to find an unknown weapon with which the helicopters were shot down. According to his information, the Monoliths, who have these weapons, are holed up in a hospital in the western building. Their leader has an unknown weapon.

Walkthrough: Your combat position is near the window, 3 opponents are walking in the courtyard in front of you, when they find themselves in the open space - shoot. Further, according to the assignment, you are recommended to search the corpses, but it is better not to do this for now - jump through the window onto the street and into the western (the Monoliths were heading there) building. On the first floor you will meet opponents sitting as if at a matinee. After you "ruin the matinee", go up to the second floor. Here the opponents will no longer be so obedient, but educational work with the help of a shotgun does its job. Opposite the stairs there is an exit to the transition between buildings. On the right there will be a high-rise building on top of which stands a cursed Monolith with the weapon you need. To get a weapon, equip it. It doesn’t matter where you end up, the main thing is that he won’t be able to touch you. When you kill him, he will fall at your feet and you will be able to pick up the weapon, but after a long flight the weapon will be inoperative, and you also need to pick up the yellow key card.

Now you can take a break from playing the game Stalker Call of Pripyat in the ghost town and do business in other locations.

The local technician (in Pripyat) and Azot (technician in Yanov) will not be able to do anything with the weapon, but the charismatic Cardan (technician in Zaton) is very familiar with this weapon... So familiar that the poor fellow will lose consciousness at the sight of it. We'll have to wait (sleep). When he comes to his senses, he will report that this weapon is a gauss cannon (the official name is “Product No. 62”), but while he was working, the project was closed and therefore he cannot repair it without additional information. At one time, Cardan worked in the testing workshop, which is located under the Iron Forest anomaly, I kept the key card to the laboratory for myself. It will be very useful to you

To get to the laboratory on the territory of the iron forest, you need to find a small guardhouse (the position is shown on the map), open the door with the key, and go down... To get through the corridor littered with rubbish, you need to break the wooden box on the right, followed by a “bypass corridor” . Next, in the large hall, you will have a meeting with a pseudo-giant. This creature is very tenacious and dangerous at a distance of about 10 meters. The easiest way to kill him is this: go out of the doorway into the hall, when you see that he is coming at you, retreat back from the hall, shooting back at the creature (preferably something really powerful, but a shotgun will also work). While you are outside the hall, it will not attack you, but you will attack it... After the creature has moved away, repeat the maneuver.

Now you need to get to the laboratory, which is located behind the wall. To do this, you need to climb up the stairs under the left wall. Next you will have 2 stairs - one of them leads to the hiding place (above the doorway through which you entered), the second leads to the floor above. At the top, you need to move to the opposite side of the hall, and through the ventilation (you can get into it through the square opening at the top), get into the testing workshop. There you will find documentation and see a huge prototype of a gauss rifle. Now you can get to the surface.

Take the rifle and documents to Cardan, he will take the documents and weapons, but he needs time to fix everything, but for now you can sleep (an hour). Cardan finally repaired your weapon and now you have a very dangerous sniper weapon, which will be the best for completing Stalker Call of Pripyat.

You can also buy ammunition for weapons from Cardan. If you return the card from the laboratory to him, you will receive 3 scientific first aid kits. It would also be a good idea to inform Kowalski about your successes.


Description: Kowalski asks you to find out what happened to the reconnaissance group, which disappeared after the last strange communication session.

Walkthrough: You need to get to the point indicated on the map. In a small clearing you will find the corpses of soldiers. Your hero will contact Kowalski by radio and report the disastrous results.


Description: Kowalski asks you to destroy the Monoliths who have settled in the Books store, who pose a threat to the military

Walkthrough: If the passage of Stalker Call of Pripyat at the transition between Jupiter and Pripyat was accurate and you saved your allies, then some of them (Vano and Sokolov) will join you at the appointed point near the monument.

Next, you need to “clean out” the store and get to a closed room on the first floor, in the middle of which the Monolithians are sitting in a trance. Having destroyed them, it is necessary to inspect the structure. After inspecting the structure, it is necessary to protect Sokolov and Vano from the local fauna to the laundry. If you save their lives, they will help you in the final passage of Stalker Call of Pripyat.


Description: One of the sentries sent by Kowalski does not get in touch. It is necessary to understand what happened.

Walkthrough: Once in the Grocery Store, which is indicated by the point on the map, you will hear screams and shots. Having approached the sentry, you will no longer be able to help him - his mind has been captured by the controller. The only thing left is to kill the creature. In such a situation, a headshot from a Gauss Rifle will help a lot. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to save the private, since the controller will appear only after his death. After contacting Kowalski, you will learn that the reconnaissance group was most likely killed by the controller.

Additionally: If you go around the building, you can find the entrance to the basement, at the very bottom of which you can find an RPG behind a metal beam.


Description: When you arrive at the territory of the Laundry, Garik will contact you and tell you that he barely escaped the mercenaries who were talking about meeting with the customer on the territory of the hostel.

Walkthrough: There is no point in going there alone, since opponents simply will not appear. First you need to approach Kovalsky, who suggests that you either remove the performers, or remove the customer and the performers... It is better in this case to “kill two birds with one stone.”

In front of you is the dormitory courtyard. In the hands of the SVD, which was issued by the military, but still a Gauss, the gun will be more effective. You will have to wait quite a long time for targets to appear. To avoid “glowing”, it is better not to turn on the flashlight. The mercenaries will appear first, and after a while the customers will come. Your goal is to destroy the main customer and the mercenary - they will have a nice conversation near the main entrance. Two shots at them and the mission is completed. Their comrades-in-arms, frightened by such situations, will fight. The bravest ones can shoot at you a couple of times. After the shootout, go down to the corpses of the leaders and search them. The main customer, Serbin, has a very red key - a card from X8, which will make it easier to complete the game Stalker Call of Pripyat in the X8 laboratory. After completing the quest, go to Kowalski.


Description: After searching for documents in the testing workshop, you must continue searching for documents with information about experiments in the X-8 laboratory.

Walkthrough: Finding a building with a laboratory will not be difficult, but inside the building will be fun... On the ground floor there is what seems like a whole elevator cabin; The only problem is there is no energy, and even zombies get in the way under your feet. Your goal is on the top 6th floor. On each floor there are crowds of zombie opponents and a monolith waiting for you (why the hell they didn’t kill each other without you is unclear), from each floor there is a staircase to the next (although sometimes it’s hard to find). As you progress, you will find a Monolith member, whose PDA entry confirms that the generator is located at the top. He's really there, above the elevator shaft. Turn on the power and calmly go downstairs. Taking the elevator down, you will find yourself in the laboratory itself.

Down the stairs, we use the access card, to the right of the entrance there is a door with the inscription - unauthorized entry - You are there, use the red code card to enter. In the room you will find cartridges and first aid kits - they will be useful to you. Next you need to find 6 sets of documents. First, let's go to the dining room (to the right), going down the stairs you will see 2 stairs. One will be located near the fans - first here, you will see a metal staircase leading up. The passage is blocked with boards, but your head will be stronger... Oh, hello poltergeist, although you'd rather die... There's also a machine gun right there, if you don't have one yet.

Further into the dining room (second staircase), you can hear a child crying. The baby will turn out to be an ugly burer, whose face cannot be corrected even by a surgical operation with a knife performed by you. On the table in the middle of the dining room you will find documents, in the drawers there is a stew (well, you never know, maybe you’re hungry).

Go back to the hole in the floor and down through it. Along the way, adjust the number of snorks, and then jerboas. On the lower floor there are 2 sets of documents. One of them is located near 2 huge tanks (they occupy the entire room, you won’t get confused), the second is near the Rainbow aggression suppressor (isn’t it poetic...).

Now you need to find the elevator shaft and climb up it to the level with the open door. At this level, 2 sets of documents are under the constant supervision of 3 bureaucrats. It won't be easy with the burers, but a knife and a Gauss rifle, and, of course, first aid kits will help you deal with them.

Another document is located on the upper level (the same level as the room with ammunition) in the classroom (there will be an electrical anomaly running nearby). With a clear conscience and pockets full of documents (there should be 6), get to the surface. Now we still need to talk with Kowalski.

Additionally: the story passage of Stalker Call of Pripyat can be interrupted and climb to the roof of the building in order to look for very powerful artifacts among the anomalies and admire the view and sky.


Description: Operation Fairway went down the drain - this is the logical conclusion made by Kowalski. Setting up communications with command comes to the fore. But the radio signal is jammed by interference. Its source must be eliminated.

Walkthrough: Get to the point marked on the map. There you will find the corpse of a soldier who has explosives. Kowalski radios that the source of radio interference is in the kindergarten.

A bloodsucker guard may be on duty near the entrance to the kindergarten territory, but if you notice him from a great distance, the last thing he will see will be his own brains, knocked out by a bullet fired from a Gauss gun. To get inside the kindergarten, you need to blow up the door with the explosives of a dead soldier (move to a safe distance).

The inside of a kindergarten can make a lasting impression, especially for players who spent their childhood in kindergartens with the same layout. There will be a couple of poltergeists running around the building, but the easiest way to kill them is by shooting them closely.
Inside the kindergarten, look for boxes, near which there is a specific drawing on the wall.

Having broken the boxes, you will find a rather useful cache of ammunition for the Gauss rifle, which will be useful for further progress in the game Stalker Call of Pripyat. You must continue searching in the building until you find a huge antenna, which must be destroyed with grenades. After the destruction, a strange sound is heard from the first floor. Open the refrigerator and you will see... a missing military man. You can go with him to Kowalski.

So, we start the game in the role of SBU Major Alexander Degtyarev. We have an AKSU in our hands, an award PM proudly sticking out of the holster, and in the backpack there are some medicines, food and ammunition. Not much for a State Security agent. No automatic rifles with an intelligent target guidance system, body armor with life support functions or watches with a laser. But the command explained this by saying that we should not attract the attention of stalkers. Well, if we shouldn’t, then we won’t. Let's put a paper bag on our heads so that no one sees our military face, so hated by any stalker, and we hit the road - very secretly asking everyone about the fallen army helicopters. We immediately receive a ton of quests. We need to investigate the crash sites of five helicopters. The yellow arrow on the compass shows where you need to go. To get a more detailed idea of ​​the upcoming road, let's open the map (by default, the "p" key). Well, using the compass as a guide, we begin our journey. Literally in a minute we will meet a stalker on the way. Why not talk to him? Let's ask him where the nearest stalker camp is located. Having received a mark in the PDA, we are in no hurry to leave. After talking with the interlocutor a little more, we learn that one of the helicopters fell on a plateau in the southern part of Zaton. But according to the stalker, it’s hard to get there, although a certain Noah knows the way. Having received a new quest, we go to Noah. And at the same time you can look into the Skadovsk stalker camp.

Along the way we will meet representatives of the local fauna - dogs. Apparently, they smelled the smell of sausage in our backpack and, cheerfully wagging their stumps of tails, rushed towards us. We immediately open fire on these impudent creatures, since the matter will not be limited to the sausage taken from us, and the dogs will definitely chop off our leg or arm. The Kalash's recoil is not weak, so it is better to shoot in short bursts, aiming for the dogs' heads. Have you taught ill-mannered Sharikov a lesson? Great, let's move on. In principle, it is not necessary to go to Skadovsk, since now we will not find anything interesting there for story quests. But if you need to earn some money, patch up your equipment, or just drink a glass or two of vodka, then we’ll stop for a while at the camp, after which we’ll go to Noah. The owner of the “ark” does not greet us very cordially, immediately opening fire with a shotgun. Thank God, he is not distinguished by accuracy, so we boldly enter the barge, hiding our weapons. Don't shoot at the dog! Noah will be very offended if his pet is killed.


After talking with Noah, we go with him to the plateau. The short video will show how Noah passes between anomalies, after which he jumps headfirst off a cliff (we are not in a hurry to twist our finger to our temple and drink to the repose of the stalker’s soul. We will soon understand why). If you do not remember the safe route between Zharki, then we check the road using bolts. One way or another, we reach the cliff and follow the example of our crazy friend, that is, we jump down, before crossing ourselves, just in case, and writing a letter home. Fortunately, there were no casualties or broken limbs: once we find ourselves in a spatial anomaly, we are teleported to the right place.

Let's check our location on the map. That's right, there is a fallen helicopter very close by. Let's go to him and take a look. After the inspection, we become aware of several possible evacuation points for the helicopter crew that need to be checked. But we can wait a while with this. First, let's go to the crash site of the Skat-2 helicopter. It is now closest to us - in the southwest of Zaton, near the Iron Forest anomaly.


Along the way, let’s take a look at the “Circus” anomaly. There is no need to be afraid of the “Zharok” hovering around in circles: they will not leave their orbits. We quickly pass them and find ourselves almost in the center of the anomaly. We deal with the fiery poltergeist, take out the artifact detector (key "o" by default), find the artifact and move on.

This is appropriate: on the way to "Scat-2" we will stumble upon the "Substation Workshop", where the mercenaries have settled.

In the backyard, on large wooden crates, you will find the fine work tools that mechanics need to modify equipment. If you do not want to conflict with mercenaries, then hide your weapons and approach their main leader. He will ask you to bring food. By showing mercy and feeding the hungry, you will be able to safely move around the workshops. The set of tools can be sold to Cardan, a mechanic from Skadovsk. An electric poltergeist is hovering near the helicopter. It’s not difficult to kill him: we come close and shoot with a machine gun, not forgetting to dodge objects flying at us. After inspecting the helicopter, we find a map in the on-board computer and receive a quest to find people interested in it. The card can be given to the Pilot - the conductor from Skadovsk. For this, he will accompany you to Yanov for only a thousand rubles, instead of the standard three. After searching the corpses of the military, we go to the crash site of Skat-5.

This is appropriate: Not far from the helicopter there is a cluster of “electrification”, among which you can find an artifact.


You will probably get to your destination without any problems. There is an artifact not far from the helicopter, let's find it, because money won't hurt. Now let's examine the turntable. It turns out that all the electronics of the helicopter burned out and we are asked to find the causes of this incident. Looking ahead, I will say that we will only find out the reasons for damage to electronics in Pripyat, so now we don’t even bother with this quest. Well, now you can go to Skadovsk: that’s where one of the possible evacuation points is located. Having thrown out of our heads the thought that stalkers are currently making kebabs out of the military, we set out on the road.

Evacuation point "B2"

Bartender Beard had no kebabs for sale. When asked about the military, he shyly smiled and licked his lips and said that they were not and could not be here. Well, okay, let’s take his word for it, having still read the “Our Father” for our missing colleagues. Well, now it's time to go to Yanov. If you have finished all your business on Zaton and are ready for a further search for the missing military, then we turn to the Pilot and set out on the road.

Evacuation point "B205"

Well, here we are in Yanov. Now you can go to the evacuation point "B205", which is closest to us. Let's check the map and move on. The evacuation point is located at the Volkhov air defense missile system, which is southwest of Yanov.

It is important: It is not necessary to go to the Volkhov air defense system. You can immediately go to the scientists’ bunker and find one of the military there, Sokolov, who will tell you everything about the helicopter crash. As a result, the quest will be completed. However, you can stock up on ammunition and medicine on the air defense system.

There shouldn’t be any problems along the way, but an unpleasant surprise awaits us at the air defense system: a dozen or two zombies. They are slow and clumsy, so you can quickly deal with them if you behave correctly. Namely: do not get caught in the crossfire and take out the undead one by one, shooting in the head. After we calm the living dead forever, we go to the building marked on the map with a marker. Upon entering the building, we immediately turn right, then straight and left. In the room there is a table against the wall, and on it there is a note. Let's read it. It turns out that there was still one of the military men at the point, a certain Sokolov, who went to the scientists’ bunker. Well, great, we'll definitely check it out. In the meantime, we are in no hurry to leave. We have the opportunity to encircle a military warehouse, why not take advantage of it? But I warn you in advance, it won’t be entirely easy, so let’s save just in case. And so that you don’t regret the wasted time later, I’ll immediately say that there are interesting things in the warehouse: several Kalashnikovs, cartridges for them, grenades, several Makarovs and (attention!) an RPG with a couple of missiles. RPGs and missiles can be sold for five to six thousand to a merchant from Yanov. Are you happy with this prospect? Then we move out.

We go outside and go down to the underground hangars. At the end of the hangar we see two doorways, we need to go to the right one. At the end of the corridor there is an iron door with a combination lock. The code is on Sokolov’s note, so we boldly open the door and enter, not forgetting to smile sarcastically. The corridor is littered with some kind of junk, but there is a niche in the wall. Let's go around the blockage. We watch our step, otherwise we will be left without toes and without beautiful army boots: the room is full of jerboas. We leave the niche and see another doorway. We are not in a hurry to run into the room, because the burer is waiting for us there. Quite a powerful mutant, so he needs to be taken seriously. If you have a shotgun, arm yourself with it. Well, as they say, with God! Forward! Finding ourselves face to face with the burer, we immediately shoot him in the face. As soon as he creates a telepathic shield around himself, we hide behind the boxes. A few seconds later we come out of cover and again shoot the vile dwarf in the no less vile face. We repeat the procedure several times. Well, did they send the burer to the next world, where the dwarf brothers and Snow White were already waiting for him? Great, now let's go to the warehouse.

At the end of the room there is a room with a staircase leading up. We rise and voila - we are at a weapons depot. We take everything we need and leave. In passing, you can look into the scientists’ bunker and visit Sokolov. Yes, he is there, alive and well. For his note he will give us a first aid kit.


Well, now it’s time to go to the crash site of the Skat-1 helicopter. According to the information we know, he fell on the “Helipads” in the southern part of the location. Let's tighten the belts and go on our way.

This is appropriate: at the "Parking Lot" in the "electr" cluster there is an artifact.

Well, we're almost there. Let's slow down. Do we see the "Mines" sign? Believe me, they exist and we don’t delude ourselves because they are not visible: the geniuses of military thought rolled mines under the asphalt, and now they detonate in some unimaginable way if you step on them. But there is a way out. We take out the bolt and throw it where we intend to go. If you hear a click, there is a mine ahead. If there is silence, it means the path is clear.

We approach the bolt and throw it again. Thus, you can walk to the helicopter while keeping your arms and legs with you. After examining the helicopter, we find a black box. We are offered to take his equipment for decryption. There is nothing else interesting at the turntable, so you can leave. But we're not in a hurry. Do you see a crowd of pigs and wild boars? Don't waste ammo on them, just watch. Do you have popcorn with you? No? Okay, let's chop up the loaf and eat it while watching the pigs explode in the minefield. Hmmm, the special effects are a bit weak. And why the hell did the piglets come here? It’s a pity, of course, but what a lot of free stew! We'll roll up a couple of cans on the spot and hit the road, not forgetting to check the road with bolts, otherwise later they will make stew out of our scraps. Having passed the minefield, you can breathe easy and move on.

Black box from the Skat-1 helicopter

We give the black box to the technician Azot from the Yanov. He asks for three hours to decrypt. Well, let's wait. You can go about your business or take a nap. One way or another, we return to the technician in three hours. Azot completed the task, but demanded three thousand rubles. Let's not be greedy and pay the guy for his efforts. From the recording from the black box we learn that the military was supposed to gather at the evacuation point “B28” in Pripyat. It turns out that we have no choice but to go to the ghost town and check everything on the spot.

The path to Pripyat and "Skat-4"

But it was not there. The guide Pilot does not know the road to Pripyat, and he is not eager to open this route himself. But he tells us that an underground tunnel leads to Pripyat from the Jupiter plant and advises us to look for some documents indicating this. We are no longer used to looking for all sorts of documents from previous games “S.T.A.L.K.E.R.”, so we boldly hit the road.

On a note: If you have already noticed, we have not yet examined the crash site of the Skat-4 helicopter, which crashed on the territory of the plant. We can do this now, and at the same time look for documents about the underground tunnel, and we will not have to wander through the Jupiter twice.

The pilot advised us to start searching for documents from the administrative building (it is marked on the map with a marker), so let's look there first. We go up to the second floor and immediately turn left. Using the arrow on the compass, we find the documents. Now we are invited to explore the laboratory complex. Fortunately, it is marked on the map, and you don’t have to look for it. We don't even need to go outside. From the flight of stairs to the right there is a long corridor leading into the laboratory complex. We turn left and at the end of the room we find a notebook sheet on the shelf of an iron rack. Okay, great, now we need to investigate the shipping department of the plant. After swearing and mentioning whoever needs to be mentioned, we go to this very department.
The compass needle leads us to a small room where papers lie on the table. Let's read them. As you probably already guessed, we need to go somewhere else, namely to the repair shop of the plant. Well, it’s okay, we’re still on our way: very close there is a fallen helicopter that needs to be inspected.

This is appropriate: in the delivery department on the fourth floor in the first room on the left there are administrative documents that will be useful for further quests. Here, in an overturned table with a bedside table, you will find a “Chipper” with cartridges. After you take the documents, mercenaries will attack you, so be careful. Take the PDA from the mercenary leader Black, who is waiting for you on the first floor, it will also be useful in the future.

The entrance to the plant is on the west side. Let's go inside. On the right we see a staircase down, we go down. Do you see the opening in the wall on the left? Let's go there. We pass through the corridors and move on. Fortunately, there are landmarks on the compass, so we won’t get lost. Along the way, we enter a small office where papers with notes lie on a steel table. Let's watch a short video. Great, we don’t need to go to the repair shop anymore, but we need to check the transport gateway and the first department of the plant. But we’re in no hurry to run away: we haven’t inspected the helicopter yet. So let's move on. In a large room with a dilapidated roof we find Skat-4. Let's examine it.

This is spot on: To the right of the large green machine, there are steel tables against the wall, and on one of them there is a piece of paper. Let's take it.

Have you inspected the helicopter? Now you can check the transport gateway. We pass through a small room behind an iron fence to the right of the turntable and find ourselves in the next building of the plant. Having walked a little forward, we see the control room. It is brightly lit by a flashing red lamp, so we won’t miss it. In it we find the log of the duty shift and watch the short video again. Well, now you can leave the plant and check the first department. We go out into the street and move to the northeast of the plant. The first section is marked with a marker, so if you get lost, use the map to find your way. The documents lie on the second floor on the shelf of an iron rack.

So, now we know for sure that an underground overpass to Pripyat exists. But it is filled with gas, and in order to open the gateway leading to the overpass, you need to start the generator. But we, apparently, didn’t study at a vocational school, so we don’t understand a damn thing about generators. So, let's go to the technician to ask for help. There is only one nearby - Azot from the Yanov station. Let's go to him.

This is spot on: To the left of the plant there is an anomaly "Concrete Bath". There you will find an artifact. Be careful: aggressive bandits will be waiting for you on the other side of the canal. In their small camp there is a lot of medicine: bandages, first aid kits, anti-radicals.

Cache: next to the bandits' camp you will see a small pool that looks more like a puddle. Do you see a huge niche? There you will find a cache.

This is appropriate: not far from us there are tools for fine work. Open the map. Do you see an L-shaped pool in the north-west of the plant? To the right of it on the map is a building. You will find the tools there. After entering the building, go up the iron stairs. You will find yourself in a room full of “electrification”. At the other end there is a set of tools in a green iron cabinet. Here you will find an artifact.


After examining the documents, Azoth says that he can revive the generators, but he is not going to go to Jupiter alone and advises us to assemble a team of fighters. He also warns that the underground tunnel is filled with gas and we will need a suit with a closed breathing system. Such a suit can be bought from Hawaiian, a merchant from Yanov, for 25-35 thousand rubles (the price will depend on relations with the Svoboda group), or ordered from Shustroy, a dealer from Skadovsk, for 30 thousand rubles or more (this time the price depends on past transactions with Shustry: if you once set him up and did not buy the ordered item, he will raise the price for subsequent orders). One way or another, we get the suit.

Well, now you can go to Zulu, who lives in a tower not far from Yanov. Azoth said that Zulu would help gather a detachment. Well, let's go. The Zulu guy is sociable and friendly, so he will immediately offer you a drink. Well, we actually don’t drink at work, but it’s somehow rude to refuse... Therefore, exhaling deeply, we swallow a full bottle of vodka in one gulp. During the conversation with our new friend, we will drink another half a box of vodka, so we can say goodbye to the liver right away. The SBU did not teach us how to properly whip vodka in buckets, and therefore by the end of the conversation we tune out, remembering that we promised the Zulu to assemble a detachment. The composition of the squad depends entirely on previously completed quests. You can invite only three to the squad, not counting Zulu himself. This is Vano - a Georgian from Yanov, Tramp - a former Monolith, and Sokolov - a military man from one of the fallen helicopters, who will go to Pripyat in any case. So let's start with it.

"Pripyat-1": Sokolov

As we remember, Sokolov is in the scientists’ bunker, which means we’re heading there. The military man agrees to go with us, but there is only one problem: he does not have a protective suit, so he invites us to talk with one of the scientists - Ozersky, who is also in the bunker, in the laboratory. He gives us the task of exploring the zone of anomalous vegetation and bringing samples of strange plants to him. Only in this case will we receive a suit.

We need to get to the edge of the quarry, which is southeast of Yanov, so let's move out. The sample is located in the very center of the anomalous zone, so if chemical protective equipment is available, we use it. Be careful: in addition to the acid cloud, there are also a lot of anomalies here. Therefore, we either take out the bolt or the Svarog detector, if there is one. Now we need to quickly but carefully get to the center of the anomalous zone and take a strange flower, this is the sample we need, after which we can get out. Did you get out? Great. Now, if you didn't like botany at school, you'll probably dislike it even more.

We return to the scientists' bunker and give the sample to Ozersky. There won't be any problems. Scientists will be pleased and will share one of the official suits. Sokolov alone will not want to go to Yanov, and therefore we go to Zulu with him. In principle, we can now go to Pripyat. But if you want to get one of the single-player achievements (the “Leader” achievement) and have fighters of all specializations in your squad, then you can also invite Vano and the Tramp. Let's start with Vano.

"Pripyat-1": Vano

So, well, our company is becoming more and more fun. There is a boring and pessimistic warrior, the joker Vano in contrast to him, and a long-time hermit who loves to drink and shoot at crows with a machine gun. Not bad. The former Monolith member who has lost his memory is still missing. Let's go after him.

"Pripyat-1": Tramp

We will find the tramp in a small swamp south of the Volkhov air defense system. In order for him to go with us to Pripyat, you need to complete a quest to find a shelter for him (more details in the “Quests” section). If you have already completed this quest, then the Tramp will be in the Yanov station building. The tramp immediately agrees to go with us to Pripyat, and he already has a suit, so we can immediately go to the Zulu. Well, the team is assembled. If you are ready to go to Pripyat, then talk to Zulu.

It is important: before going to Pripyat, do not forget to wear a suit with a closed breathing system or take it with you, because once you enter the overpass you will not be able to return back for it.

"Pripyat-1": Overpass

After watching the video, we find ourselves in an overpass. Our friends can’t wait to be in Pripyat, so we won’t disappoint them and move forward.

On a note: If you keep your entire squad alive and well when you leave the overpass, you will not receive any bonuses, but they will affect the ending of the game.

In the back of a KAMAZ parked nearby are SPSA-14 and ammunition for it. Very soon there will be a fight with snorks. Let's let Vano forward with a powerful shotgun and Zulu with a machine gun, and we ourselves will cover them. Having dealt with the mutants, we move further along the corridor. Turning right, we’ll shoot the jerboas and look into the interior of the UAZ - there we’ll find a pistol and cartridges.

The path is blocked by massive iron gates. Click on the button to open them. That’s where the suit came in handy: there’s gas outside the gate. And snorkels who jump merrily after inhaling it. Immediately ahead there is a UAZ, there are first aid kits in the cabin. Having walked a little forward we see another one of the same kind, there we will find medicines and vodka. Next is a small anomalous field, if Vano is coming with you, then let him go ahead - he will find a safe path. In the meantime, inspect the cabin of the KAMAZ truck standing nearby, there are cartridges and grenades there. Having passed through the anomalies, we soon again come across a dead end. There is a door on the left, we go there. After going through several flights of stairs, we find ourselves in a large tunnel. As soon as the snorks appear, it is better to retreat back into the corridor, it will be easier to deal with the mutants there. Once we do this, we move on.

The nearest green diesel locomotive has ammo and an AC-92. A little further there is a covered carriage, there are cartridges in a box. Soon the snorks will appear again. Since you are now in an open space, the snorks will be actively jumping, so try to stay away from your comrades, otherwise you will definitely get caught in the crossfire. There is another gate ahead, we open it and kill the snorks as follows: we sit down low and, while the gate opens, we shoot the mutants in the heads, preferably with a shotgun. If you shoot accurately, then not a single monster will even come close to you. Now you can move forward. We deal with the jerboas and move on, where the compass arrow points.

We come across a de-energized door, but nearby, on the iron bridge, there is a switch. Having turned it on, we remain at the top: the Monoliths will soon appear, and the bridge is an advantageous position for shooting. After shooting the infidel, we go down. Not far from the pile of containers lies a ZIL cabin, and there are several grenades in it. Now you can go to the de-energized door again. As it turned out, turning on the current did not solve the problem - now the door is blocked. You need to go up to the control room. We passed by it quite recently; the path there is blocked by a scattering of anomalies.

Safe passage will help you find Vano. Going inside the control room, we go up to the second floor. Having opened the steel door, we find ourselves in the control room. Be careful! Snipers will immediately open fire on you. One of them sits to the left of the wheelhouse, almost under the ceiling, the second - to the right, a little lower. Another one sits in a narrow tunnel, but it is invisible from the control room. There are no more snipers, only attack aircraft remain who shoot from below. Having dealt with the enemy, you can finally head to the ill-fated door. We pass through a narrow corridor, go up the stairs and open the door. Ahead are zombies, jerboas and snorkels, fortunately in small numbers. Having passed the corridors, we find ourselves in a large room, there are many more undead here. The most effective way to kill them is with a shotgun. In the far corner of the room there is a small room with a box of cartridges there. We reach the end of the room and see the stairs to the top - this is the exit to Pripyat. Now you can drink with your comrades to a successful hike. Although Zulu shouldn’t pour it, otherwise he’ll make us drunk again.

Unknown weapon

Having effectively knocked down the door with an army boot, we find ourselves on the street. Here warriors are already waiting for us, who, either out of little need, went into the bushes, or have clairvoyant abilities and therefore set up an ambush. Having taken out a cardboard with the inscription “USB” from a bottomless pocket and shown it to a soldier, we immediately cease to be an object of suspicion. Apparently, the soldier was nevertheless impressed by the spectacular knocking down of the door a la Jackie Chan and therefore he was not alarmed by the strange appearance of the ID of a State Security Service employee. Well, okay, together with the military we go to Kovalsky, the senior group. Let's talk to him. As it turned out, the entire secret operation of the military failed. Kowalski was very offended by the Monoliths, who shot down his helicopters with some powerful weapon. The commander also wants such a toy and sends for it - who do you think? - of course, us. Let's not upset the commander and fulfill his request.

The backup squad is already waiting for us. If it is night outside, then it is advisable to wait until daylight, since with sufficient lighting the quest will be easier to complete. After talking with the squad leader, we move to the ambush site. Having taken a position that is advantageous for you (preferably on the second floor together with the commander), we wait for the signal to attack. Having dealt with the Monoliths, we go down to search the bodies of the killed opponents.

Be careful, the Monoliths have set up an ambush and will soon open fire on you. We run to the last entrance of the house where we were waiting for the enemy along with the detachment commander. Having risen to the second floor, we immediately turn right and go into a small room. From here you can, being in relative safety, kill a Monolith with a gaus gun. Now we need to pick it up. We go down to the first floor and through a long corridor we head to another building of the building, not forgetting to shoot back from opponents. We go up to the second floor again and grab the gausovka.

Great, we have a toy for Kowalski, let's go to him. The weapon was damaged during the operation, so it is impossible to determine whether it was used to shoot down the helicopters. Kowalski asks us to talk to stalker technicians who may know something about these weapons. But as soon as we finish the conversation with him, a strange message will be received from the reconnaissance group, of which nothing is clear. We must find the group and find out what happened, and therefore we will postpone the solution to the unknown weapon for a while.

The missing reconnaissance group and the Monolith cluster

The last time the group made contact was not far from the hostel. Arriving at the place, we find killed soldiers, there are no traces of the enemy. Kovalsky reports that not far from us, in the Books store, Monoliths have settled down. They need to be destroyed; a reinforcement squad is already waiting on the spot.

This is appropriate: very close, in the Department Store, there are calibration tools. You will find them in the basement of the store.

After clearing the bookstore, examine the strange structure. It turns out that this is an antenna and with its help someone controls the Monoliths. But we have no time for that now. There are no more urgent tasks, which means you can turn to a strange weapon for the military - a gaus gun, well known to us from previous parts of the game.

Unknown Weapon: The Solution

Cardan, a technician from Skadovsk, will help us solve the mystery of the unknown weapon, so we go there. Guide Garik is waiting for us on the first floor of the Laundry. Cardan, seeing the weapon, mutters something and goes to nirvana. We'll have to wait until he comes to his senses. You can pass the time in bed. In a day the mechanic will come to his senses and you can talk to him. Stalker, it turns out, is not so simple: he developed a gauss gun, but he cannot say for sure whether the helicopters were shot down from it and sends us to the test shop for documents. It's not very far to go - the entrance to the workshop is located next to the Iron Forest anomaly. Having opened the door to the testing workshop using the access card received from Cardan, we go down to the floor below and turn into the corridor.

Be careful: there are zombies ahead, two of which have machine guns. Having shot the zombies, we go to the end of the corridor, looking into the side rooms - there you can find cartridges, after which we go down the stairs. Once in a large room, we immediately go down into the hole between the rails. There is a pseudo-giant very close by, which can become a big problem. But being in a hole or on an iron balcony near the wall, you will be in relative safety, since the mutant will not reach you with its paws and will not make a cutlet out of your bones, meat and boots with laces. However, the sound wave from the monster's kick on the floor will still reach you, no matter where you are. Having dealt with the mutant, we go up to the balcony and climb up the hanging staircase to the very ceiling. Then we cross the small bridge to the other side and jump into the hole in the ventilation pipe. Once in the room with the prototype of the gaus gun, we take the documents and watch the video.

The documents refer to a certain X-8 laboratory. Well, let's go there. But first, let's go to Cardan and give him the documents from the testing workshop and the broken gauss gun. In a day, the mechanic will give us a complete weapon, ready for use. Having taken the weapon, we go to Pripyat to tell Kovalsky about the information found. As soon as we find ourselves in Pripyat, unfortunate commander Kovalsky will again ask us for help: to find another missing sentry. Apparently, the military themselves leave the Laundry only to be a sentry and disappear. Or soldiers who have not yet forgotten their military service go AWOL to hang out with zombie girls and eat ice cream or sit in the local cinema to watch the praying Monoliths knocking holes in the floor with their foreheads. They are having fun, but we have to look for them here. What an injustice! Okay, let’s help our colleagues out, but first we’ll talk to Kovalsky about the documentation found in the testing workshop. After this, you can go in search of the sentry.

The missing sentry

The post of the missing sentry is located near the Gastronome, which means we should go there. Having arrived at the place, we see the object of our search, who screams as if he were being cut and shoots in all directions. As soon as we get closer, the soldier dies for some unknown reason. But the imminent appearance of the controller explains to us both the strange behavior of the military man and his death. Sorry guy. It makes sense to blow the controller's head off with a shotgun, avenging his brother in arms. If you don’t have a shotgun, then it’s better to quickly find cover and shoot at the mutant from there, getting out for a moment and opening fire in short bursts. Otherwise, you will be subject to the monster’s psi attacks, and this will cause some inconvenience. Having dealt with the controller, you can go to the secret laboratory with peace of mind.

Laboratory X-8

The entrance to the laboratory is located in the Yubileiny KBO building. A pleasant surprise awaits us there - a dozen and a half undead and the same number of Monoliths who clearly do not intend to greet us with bread and salt, so let's get ready for battle - it will be a great war. Let's enter the KBO from the western side, turn left and go up the stairs to the second floor. If you're lucky, a crowd of zombies will immediately rush towards you - about half of all those present in the building. Having a good reaction and ammunition, dealing with the undead will not be difficult. Once you do this, go up the stairs higher.

Having risen to the third floor, we turn right and approach the elevator, trying to activate it. The elevator is de-energized, we need to find a generator. It is on the sixth floor. Having started the generator, we open the elevator doors and go down to the laboratory. Here we are in X-8. Let me warn you right away that you will have to wander through dark alleys for a long time and tediously if you want to find all the documents. We go downstairs and open the door using the access card. Do you see the blue signs on the walls? We will use them to navigate so as not to get confused. First, turn left and go to the Training Classroom. Having gone downstairs, we open the first door - there we find the first document. Be careful - the flying electra cannot be killed, and it hits hard, so keep an eye on it. If you no longer like the laboratory, then you can leave it and return to the military. If the nth place still requires adventure, then we will continue the search. Your choice will affect the ending of the game. To those who are leaving us - goodbye, the rest of you are welcome to follow me and continue the tour.

We return to the exit from the laboratory. Now let's go to the Dining Room. We are in no hurry to lick our lips and take out a fork: there is nothing in the dining room, we have already devoured everything. I understand your indignation; unfortunately, the service in the laboratory is not at the highest level. We go down the stairs, go right and go up the other stairs.

We turn into the dining room. When you enter the room, you will hear a child crying. The sound comes from behind the door under the “Toilet” sign. We open the door... But instead of a crying toddler with a rattle and a balloon, we see the impudent face of the burer. The most effective way to kill a mutant is to shoot him in the head with a shotgun. Having dealt with this paradist star of a local scale, we will continue our search. The documents lie at the other end of the room on one of the tables. So, we already have two documents. But that is not all. We go back down the stairs, the same way we came. Do you see a hole in the floor and a corridor behind it? We go there and open the iron door at the end of this corridor. We pass several lattice bridges and go down to the very bottom - to where there are two heating boilers. On the table next to them we find another document.

Let's go up a little. Do you see the Laboratory sign? Let's go into this room. We go down to the lower tier, which is filled with water. There is another folder with documents lying on the table against the wall. We leave the laboratory and head into the corridor with the Elevator sign. We go to the second elevator and go up the shaft to the floor above, after which we turn left and go into the next laboratory. Here we deal with three burers. You can either stay in the corridor without entering the laboratory and shoot at the burers from cover, or enter the room and go down several tiers and hide under the bars. One way or another, the main thing is to choose the right moment to attack: when the burer removes his telepathic shield, immediately open fire on him. Immediately opposite the entrance to the laboratory you will see a table near the red turret, and documents on it. Now we go up to the iron balcony and enter a small room. In the cabinets you will find a lot of medicines, and on the floor there is another folder with documents.

That's all, we have found all the documentation, now we can leave. We return to the exit from X-8. If you need a machine gun, then go down the stairs with the Laboratory sign. There is another staircase on the right, we go up. Do you see the hanging staircase against the wall? We go upstairs again. Here we find an electric poltergeist and a machine gun. Now you can leave X-8 and return to the military.

On a note: Attention - point of no return! After completing the "Radio Interference" quest, you will no longer be able to leave Pripyat until you complete the storyline. Keep this in mind when starting the quest.

Radio interference

As soon as we leave the laboratory and find ourselves in Pripyat, we will receive a message from Kovalsky. He asks to come to the military base and talk to him face to face. Well, if he asks, then let's go. Kowalski will tell you that they cannot contact the Center because someone is creating radio interference. The military radio operator managed to figure out where the signal was being jammed, and Kowalski sent his soldiers there. But of course they disappeared. The commander asks us to find the missing soldiers and eliminate the source of radio interference. Well, this is the only way to contact the command and request evacuation, so let’s hurry.

Using the compass as a guide, we head to the mark on the map. Having arrived at the scene, we find the bodies of the dead soldiers and search them. At one you will find explosives. Oh, this is already fun! This means that they will probably let us blow something up to hell. After a short video, we receive the task of going to the Kindergarten and destroying the source of radio interference that the military managed to identify. Well, go ahead and sing! Just don’t drop the explosives, otherwise you’ll be exhausted collecting your arms and legs, and there’s so little time - don’t you want to go home?

When approaching the Children's Garden, take all possible measures to protect yourself from psionic influence, here it is quite noticeable. Approaching the door on the first floor, set the explosives and move aside. The explosion will be beautiful, at least something pleases. Zombies and several electric poltergeists will be waiting for you in the kindergarten building, so get ready for battle. Let's tighten the belts and enter. We go up to the second floor and go to the left wing of the building, then go down to the first floor along the main staircase, turn left and go up to the second floor again along another staircase. In one of the rooms you will find a pile of garbage; this is an antenna that jams radio signals. We throw a couple of grenades into this installation, and we are done with it. After this we will hear strange sounds. Let's check what publishes them. We jump into the hole in the floor and see a green steel door, from where the sounds come. We open it and see the missing soldier. After talking with him, we find ourselves at a military base. Now you need to talk to Kowalski.


Kowalski says that there will be no helicopters to get us out of the Zone yet. We won’t be allowed to burst out with curses and obstinate soldierly abuse: the military signalman will report that not far from the base he detected a strange signal that from time to time disappears and moves. Most likely, these are Monoliths, but we need to check what we will do. Approaching the location of a possible signal source, we receive a message from the signalman that the source has changed its location and is moving. The coordinates will be sent to the PDA. The signal will disappear again in the Dormitory courtyard. Let's go there.

Having arrived at the place, we receive a message from Kowalski to return to the base, since perhaps an attack is being prepared on the military. Let's go to the Laundry. There will be no attack, but Strelok himself will drop by to check on us. He will tell us the secret about the downed helicopters, which simply fell into anomalies. We need to report this to the Center, but first we’ll wait out the release. If you discover Strelok's cache during the game, then give him all the notes. For this you will receive the reward and achievement “Keeper of Secrets”.


After the release, the Center will contact us. Having reported the situation and watched the video, we can go to the evacuation point, from where helicopters will pick us up. After talking with Kowalski, we promise him that we will look after Strelok. Well, here we are at the finish line. As soon as you are ready, inform Kowalski about this and hit the road. The evacuation point is located near the Prometheus cinema, and we are heading there. Don't forget to cover the Strelok along the way. Further everything is very clear.

Follow the evacuation point, focusing on the map and shooting back from enemies. Be prepared for fierce battles: the local undead were probably planning a carnival or some kind of procession and therefore filled the streets of Pripyat. Arriving at the evacuation point, we are faced with a new problem: the helicopters were attacked by the Monoliths. There are many opponents and they will surround you from all sides. We hold the line until the helicopter pilot reports that he is ready to pick us up. A little more - and here it is! Now you have to make a choice... You can leave the Zone and see the results of your wanderings in a slide show. You can stay to finish all your business. You can leave the Zone at any time by talking to the conductor. The choice is yours.

Good luck, stalker!

Description: Find and destroy the source of interference.
The quest gives: Kowalski
Terms of issue: Completed laboratory x8
Reward: --
Walkthrough: We go to the courtyard just south of the school, search the soldier’s corpse, take explosives with a timer. After this, we contact Kovalsky by radio, the Lieutenant Colonel says that they have found the exact location of the signal - it is coming from the kindergarten. We head there, place explosives on the door and quickly retreat to a safe distance. After the explosion, we can already get inside. We go up to the second floor and go to the western wing. There will be a poltergeist there. When we get to the west wing, we will see the installation, this is the source of interference. We receive the task of destroying him. throw a few f1 grenades there. After destruction, we hear some knocking sound coming from below. You need to check the source of the sound. We open the refrigerator and find the missing military man there, after that we go talk to Kowalski

Let me give you a little explanation. There is no need to guess the fourth arc. It will appear on its own if you run a little longer between all the columns. Soon, not three, but four arches with teleporters will appear. We run between them and we are in an oasis.

We take it, fight off the pseudo-dog, and take the artifact to the scientists’ camp.
Tips: Keep the artifact for yourself or give it to scientists, it’s up to you