Agent game from rockstar. Screenshots of the spy action Agent from Rockstar Games have appeared on the Web. Game announcement video

Agent is a stealth action video game developed by Rockstar North. The game was announced in 2009 exclusively for game console PlayStation 3. As of 2020, the game has not been released. In 2012, Eurogamer included Agent in their list of the most famous vaporware games along with games such as The Last Guardian or Half-Life 2: Episode Three.

agent is a stealth video game developed by the studio exclusively for PS3.

In July 2007, Sony announced that Rockstar was making a PS3-only game, although the name of the project and its approximate release date were not revealed at the time. Some time later, in June 2009, at E3, Sony announced the name of the project, it's "Agent" and other small details.

Rockstar did not release any other details other than that the game would be set in the 1970s. The game is related to espionage.

Chronology of events

  • 2007, Sony announced a project with Rockstar.
  • 2009, there are rumors that the project is on the verge of closing.
  • In 2011, Take-Two confirms that Rockstar continues to develop Agent games.
  • In 2013, he registers two trademarks for the game.
  • September 2014, appear on the network.

Game announcement video

According to the announcement published by the developers, the action of the game takes place during the Cold War - the player is immersed in the "world of counterintelligence, espionage and political assassinations", where he is given freedom of action. The events of the game were supposed to develop in the late 1970s. The game was not released in subsequent years, although it was in active development - in 2011 and 2015, images from the game appeared on the network, found by game journalists in the portfolio of former Rockstar North employees. In 2013, Rockstar renewed the rights to the Agent trademark, which could mean that the studio was still looking to release the game in the future, however, on November 23, 2018, it was revealed that the trademark rights had not been renewed.

What happened to the game Agent

Agent was originally developed by Rockstar San Diego. It was known as Angel Studios until 2002 and released Midnight Club: Street Racing and the Smuggler's Run series with publishing support from Rockstar. In 2002, Take-Two Interactive acquired Angel Studios and merged it into the Rockstar Games family of companies under the Rockstar San Diego name.

According to Polygon sources, before the merger with Rockstar, Angel Studios had a family atmosphere: after a successfully completed production stage, employees could be given unscheduled days off for one or two days, and after the launch of the game - a whole vacation for a week or two. The founder of the company, Diego Angel, poured tequila to his subordinates on Fridays.

Possible protagonist of the game Agent

But after the merger, Rockstar's top brass decided to give the newbies a test and pitched them an idea for a game: an open-world spy thriller in the vein of the British crime series The Professionals and the James Bond films. The player had to have unusual types of weapons and gadgets, such as a suitcase that folds out into a racing kart, or a drone camera. Thus began the story of Agent.

Rockstar set San Diego extremely strict conditions and limits. For the sake of the first prototype, the studio had to assemble a full-fledged team, although earlier it worked differently and increased the team of developers as needed. In addition, San Diego has been grunting since the very beginning of production: according to one of Polygon's interlocutors, Rockstar expected San Diego employees to grind every day for as long as possible and work on weekends.

Despite the pressure, the San Diego staff enjoyed working on the game, and it turned out to be more cinematic than anything Rockstar had done before. As a result, a whole level was assembled for the demo, where the player was pursued by a helicopter, buildings exploded, rocket launchers kicked out doors, and a hang glider had to land on the roof of the White House.

According to Polygon's source, the demo turned out to be of extremely high quality and was very similar to the finished level from the game. Rockstar bosses the Houser brothers (Dan Houser, Sam Houser) were impressed by what they saw and gave the go-ahead for the production of the project.

San Diego wanted to develop "at least three locations" for Agent, but managed to work on only two - open world in Washington and the more linear Cairo. A team of developers flew to these cities and collected the necessary materials. The center of Washington was modeled completely.

More and more difficulties

However, San Diego has never experienced such big world, which was designed for Agent. Required significant changes in the engine. Nevertheless, the top of Rockstar was constantly running out of time, and even pressed on the fact that it was time to come up with a plot. By that point, San Diego had too little understanding of the structure of the game to engage in productive storytelling. The crunches didn't stop.

In the mid-2000s, three people closely associated with Rockstar San Diego died at short intervals: Mike Haynes (Mike Haynes), who at the time of death was listed as an employee of the studio, as well as Carlos Hernandez (Carlos Hernandez) and Bill Purvis (Bill Purvis) - they are not became after parting with San Diego. The blow turned out to be so heavy that some of the studio workers still do not want to talk about this period.

About a year after working on Agent, the game's producer, Luis Gigliotti, left San Diego. He dragged many other important members of the Agent team with him. The mood in San Diego was clearly suffering. (He also suffered for Gigliotti and his comrades: they left to head the Concrete Games studio under the wing of THQ. In its composition, they did not release a single game, because THQ closed Concrete Games in 2008.)

San Diego part ways with Agent

To cope with the difficulties, Rockstar threw leaders on Agent (it was released on May 4, 2004). The next year, the team was mainly engaged in the engine and the creation of the necessary tools, and devoted less time to the game itself. As a result, the new leaders of Agent faced another problem: they simply could not catch what Sam Houser wanted to see in the game.

Cover of the game Agent

Around 2005, the top of Rockstar abruptly threw San Diego from the development of Agent to Red Dead Redemption. There were no smooth transitions: the company simply said, they say, collect assets that might come in handy and start making a western. For some lower-ranking employees, the news was shocking: they believed that Agent would be the next major release from Rockstar Games.

The technologies that Rockstar San Diego designed eventually turned into the RAGE engine and formed the basis - the agony with Agent was not in vain.

San Diego's relationship with Rockstar was strained. In 2006, two former employees on behalf of the entirety of San Diego began litigation with the Rockstar board because it owed the division $2.75 million in overtime wages. Rockstar paid the money only in November 2008. And in January 2010, "the worried wives of Rockstar San Diego employees" wrote a collective blog accusing Rockstar of creating unbearably harsh working conditions. The wives claimed that the fierce crunches in San Diego started in March 2009, that is, already a year and two months before the release of Red Dead Redemption.

Disappearance Agent

Further traces of the Agent in the Polygon investigation are lost. During the announcement in 2009, it was stated that the game was being prepared by Rockstar North - the creator GTA series and Manhunt. However, during the same period, Rockstar began spreading work on the same game across multiple divisions, so it's hard to see just how big North's role was.

Location of the game Agent

According to some reports, North took the San Diego assets and made its Agent prototype on a different engine. And the new demo turned out to be much cooler than the version from San Diego, one of Polygon's interlocutors admits. Another source says that Agent has been handed over to Rockstar Leeds ( , and ), while North is focusing on GTAV. Two other people said that North's Agent locations and missions were eventually integrated into GTAV.

What happened next is unclear. Take-Two and Rockstar have not officially confirmed the cancellation of Agent. For years, Take-Two has been renewing the rights to the Agent trademark, but in November 2018, they gave up and abandoned it. Most likely, Agent has been dead for a long time, only for some reason Rockstar does not want to say this publicly (or cannot?).

A project called Agent from Rockstar Games is a video game that is still in development by the studio. Agent, according to the company's plans, should become an exclusive for the last generation console - Playstation 3.

Agent is the type of game in development that little is known about and it's not clear when it will even come out. Therefore, in this article, we will now begin to analyze the information that is available on this game.

The first mention of this game was 10 years ago, i.e. in 2007, when Rockstar announced that they would be developing a new exclusive project specifically for the Playstation 3 console. No further information was given and the silence around Agent lasted for two years.

A new piece of information appeared during the E3 2009 event at a Sony press conference. Sam Houser himself spoke of it as a game that everyone in the company was incredibly looking forward to. Ben Feder, former president of the corporation, believed in the game so much that he even predicted a success that would be compared with the success of the Grand series of games. Theft Auto, given that brothers Dan and Sam Houser dominate the development.

Then a lull formed again for two years, and only on May 24, 2011, another mention of Agent appeared. At that time, Take-Two were summing up the financial results for the fiscal year in which it became known that Agent was still in active development.

On August 1, 2012, another piece of information about the mysterious project appeared. During a report on Take-Two's plans for the first quarter of 2013, the question of the fate of the Agent game came up again. Strauss Zelnik answered this question with the answer "we have not yet announced anything on this project."

When the PlayStation 4 was announced on February 20, 2013, there was another buzz about the Agent project, as it was going to be a PlayStation 3 exclusive. Obviously, the game couldn't stay on a dying platform. Shuhei Yoshida, the president of Sony, was even asked about the Agent project, but he said that he could not share such information.

The project was last revealed in December 2016, when Take-Two updated its brand name for the Agent project. From that moment on, nothing more was heard about the game called Agent.

However, although little is known about the project, something is still known. For example, there is information that the game will take place during the Cold War of the 70s, and the players will be waiting for the world of espionage, counterintelligence and political assassinations. At least that's what it said in a press release from Rockstar Games.

That's all that is known about the whole plot and motives of Agent. What about genre affiliation? Again, according to Rockstar Games, Agent will be a stealth-action oriented game that will probably borrow some gameplay elements from the Manhunt games.

Given that espionage was mentioned, the system of hiding in the shadows, stealth kills and dragging the bodies of killed or incapacitated enemies will be borrowed from it. However, this is just guesswork.

One way or another, in the coming years, we will surely hear some details or rumors about this game with you. As soon as there is something new about the Agent project from Rockstar Games, it will immediately appear on this page.

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In 2007, Rockstar Games, which created the Grand Theft Auto series, announced that the stealth action game Agent was being developed exclusively for the PlayStation 3. Although since then, developers told about the game only once - at a Sony press conference at E3 2009 - it is assumed that the project has not yet been discounted. Recently, several new screenshots and concept art from the game have appeared on the web, giving an idea of ​​​​what it might have looked like a few years ago.

The screenshots were posted by Reddit user CaptainThump, who discovered them on the personal website of artist Darren Charles Hatton. The artist indicated that he worked on the project in 2009-10, after which he was transferred to the development team Grant Theft Auto V along with other employees.

The photographs show a mountain settlement - a village or a small town - possibly located in the Middle East or Central Asia. Obviously, the images are from an early period of development, when the game was still being created for Sony consoles seventh generation. Since then, it could have changed significantly, not only in terms of graphics, but also in terms of style and the game world.

Screenshots from the game are in the public domain is not the first time. So, in August 2011, a few shots were shown by former Rockstar Games environment artist Leigh Donoghue, who also worked on Grand Theft Auto IV and Grand Theft Auto V. They can be viewed on Game Informer.

At the time of the announcement, it was reported that Agent was being developed at Rockstar Games' headquarters, Rockstar North Studios, located in Edinburgh. This team played a key role in the creation of Grand Theft Auto III, Grand Theft Auto: vice city, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto IV and Grand Theft Auto V, and also contributed to the development of Manhunt, Manhunt 2 and Red Dead Redemption. It is known that the events of the game unfold in the "darkest period" of the 1970s. The developers promised to immerse gamers in the atmosphere of the Cold War, "the world of counterintelligence, espionage and political assassinations".

It was planned to release the game in 2010, but after the show in Los Angeles in 2009, the game disappeared from the news radar. In March 2011, Ben Feder, then CEO of Take Two Interactive, the parent company of Rockstar Games, confirmed that work on the project was ongoing. A year later, Strauss Zelnick, who replaced him in this position, repeated this statement. AT July 2013 and in May 2014 the company filed petitions to renew the registration of the Agent trademark.

In 2009, talking to reporters