Library project "Literary quest game "Night in the Library"." Board Games Day at the Library Board Games at the Library

Ponomareva T.O.,
Head of the sector of the Youth Library of the Komi Republic
Rakina E.G.,
leading methodologist of the Youth Library of the Komi Republic

Play with me: toy library in the Youth Library

Currently, the professional community is seriously discussing the issue of transforming the library, saturating its traditional functions with new forms that are interesting and in demand by young people.
The youth library is an open space for communication, creativity, and relaxation. This was the idea of ​​the project of the Youth Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Library for Youth in a New Format”, supported by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Year of Youth in the Komi Republic announced in 2012.
Game library “Play with me!” became part of the project. Repairs, repurposing library rooms, choosing a design, purchasing games and technical equipment for them - all this was part of the preparatory stage. To implement the project, a separate structural unit was allocated in the reading and leisure activities hall, which included two halls: a hall for active leisure and a hall for communication and creativity.
And now the renovation is complete, bright creative furniture has been purchased, games have been selected and you can invite us to the game library!

Board games: interesting, educational and very fun

The Communication and Creativity Hall of the Youth Library has become an open playground for young people. The toy library in the library is gaining more and more popularity.
This is facilitated by:

  • skillful advertising (active information about game libraries in the media, social networks and on the library website, announcements in educational institutions, student dormitories);
  • interesting modern games (The Youth Library fruitfully cooperates with the original gift store "Rubik's Cube" and the Syktyvkar board game club. This allows the participants of the game library to be provided with carefully selected, "quality-tested" youth board games. The library purchased some of the games, and some by agreement with the Rubik's Cube store was taken for temporary use).

The organizers of the toy library were the Youth Library, the Rubik's Cube store, and young volunteers of the Heart to Heart volunteer movement.
For the first meeting of board game lovers, the library prepared a collection of 10 games. Subsequently, their repertoire expanded. The games presented are varied and interesting for both adults and children. Family games organized for young families are exciting.
You can come to the game library with friends, relatives, acquaintances and even strangers - after all, at the game library you are likely to meet new exciting games and no less interesting players. Here participants find new friends, have fun with old ones and get a lot of positive emotions. In addition, participants can bring their own games from home.
You can get acquainted with the games in advance: a brief description of most games, as well as their rules, is posted on social networks on the library page.
So, the game premiere took place during the autumn school holidays. The library announcement read: “Come to the library! Now this is a real leisure center, where it is cozy and interesting for the whole family, a group of friends, and if you are alone, you will definitely have a new friend and interlocutor!” The first toy room was attended by an employee of the Rubik's Cube store, who presented the entire range of games and also talked about the rules of board games. Both children and young people came to compete in gaming skills - more than 50 people in total. I must say that the first pancake came out wow! So much fun, joy from communication, new acquaintances and all this in a warm, friendly atmosphere! Anyone could play a wide variety of games completely free of charge. It was cold outside, but in the cozy playroom it was really hot from the intensity of passions, violent emotions and bright victories.
After a successful start, it was decided to make game meetings regular and hold them on Saturdays, at a time convenient for everyone.
Playing “for fun” gets boring. Therefore, at the next meeting, on International Students Day, a youth board games tournament was held. Prizes awaited the winners and the most active player.

It so happened that many were captivated by Jenga, so on that day a tournament of fans of the Leaning Tower, as this game is called in Russian, was held. The game is designed for a wide range of gamers, and both children and parents, and young people fought at the tournament tables. Jenga is a game of manual dexterity, ingenuity and balance. You need to competently and quickly build a tower from wooden blocks.
Here is what one of its participants, a member of the board games club, wrote about this meeting:
“We were received cordially, the event was organized intelligently and with soul. All questions were resolved by library staff, volunteers and the guys from Rubik's Cube (who, together with the library, organized the meeting). Honor and praise to them.
Our gaming club also decided not to stand aside and a small gaming force landed at the specified coordinates. Literally 15 minutes after the start of the meeting the hall was crowded, fortunately we arrived early...
...There was a Jenga celebration going on all around. Tower after tower rose and collapsed one after another, parts scattered on the floor, triumphant laughter and groans of the vanquished sounded. Considering the size of the room, all this created a fair amount of cacaphony, but, despite all the obstacles, the party began.”
At the following game libraries, the master class was shown by members of the board games club. The head of the club, Kirill Cherednik, presented the board games that were popular this season – the survival game “Boat”, “Stone Age”, etc.
And at the December game library there was the head of another board game club, Alexey Frolov, a long-time friend of the library, who organized a collective game of “Pyramid of the Sun,” which everyone received with a bang.
Members of board game clubs became regular participants in library game libraries. The guys not only show high class, charge the rest of those present with gaming excitement, but also give recommendations on which game to choose and arrange interesting presentations.
Thus, at one of the final game libraries of the outgoing year, the games “Activity”, “Anti-Monopoly” and “Agricola” were presented.
Board game "Agricola" - for intellectuals! This game, which appeared in 2007, blew up the German gaming world. It collected a whole bunch of international prizes and for a long time retained first place in the main world ranking of the best board games, still remaining in the top three. Its creator was Uwe Rosenberg, known for such games as “Bonanza” and “Mamma Mia” (the games are of a distinctly entertaining nature). An extremely complex and varied game with a huge number of game elements: more than 300 wooden parts (including a million animals!), 360 cards, playing fields, tokens...
The word “Agricola” itself means “Farmer” - you have to become a farmer and ensure that the original piece of land and a two-room hut turns into a real prosperous farm - a big house, rich harvests, fat herds of domestic animals... The family is growing, and you need to take care of it food All actions in this game consist of obtaining and rationally distributing resources (for example, by obtaining wood, you can build a pen for livestock or an additional room) - and all areas need to be developed. Thus, almost everything in this game depends on the player’s ability to wisely use available resources at the right time.
Here is how one of its participants describes the course of the game: “From the first minutes Slava began to master the wisdom of animal husbandry, and soon a miracle of design thought called “Pen for Cattle” appeared on his land. An amazing invention made it possible to keep animals outside the home! Struck by the genius of Slava, the rest of the participants lagged behind somewhat, but soon caught up. Stas was the first to complete the room in the estate and soon he magically had an assistant. Maryam could not cope with the food crisis, continuing to feed her workers grain and fish. I, biting my elbows in frustration, tried to catch up with the overly talented newcomers. Soon the situation leveled out, the gaps in the rules were promptly filled in by the “help Alexander Mamontov by phone” function, the players began to understand what was happening on the gaming table, and I finally got a third farmer. From that moment on, chaos began to turn into order. The fields became full of wheat and turned orange with vegetables, all kinds of living creatures grazed in “fenced paddocks,” food ceased to be an urgent need, and thatched-roof huts were gradually rebuilt into luxurious mansions. In a word, life was getting better! But, alas, those who are familiar with Agricola know the property of this game: as soon as you solve your food problems and start developing your economy, turn 14 comes. The flight of Icarus ends at the most interesting point, and the time comes to sum up:
Glory – 9 points
Maryam – 10 points
Stas – 15 points
Kirill – 22 points.”
“Anti-monopoly” is a completely new variation in the development of the economic game. First, players are asked to choose who they will play for: a monopolist or a competitor.
Activists of the youth movement “Otriv!!!”, participants in the game library, chose the game “Activity”. Having split into mini-teams, they competed in guessing words. A word or phrase must be explained in one of three ways: it can be explained in other words, it can be shown in pantomime, or it can be drawn. The game is played against time: the more words the player can successfully show, explain, draw, and the more words the team guesses, the more points will be received. The game has 440 cards (more than 2,500 words and phrases) of varying degrees of difficulty. Despite this, the game is fun, creative, and takes place on an emotional high.
Young members of the toy library speak enthusiastically about the library innovation: “It was really great! Everyone is welcome to join, you are always welcome in the library!”, “Friends, it was a really cool GAME!!! GREAT RESPECT!!!” – and there are many similar reviews.
This is what a member of the toy library Stanislav Kabatskov wrote:
“I liked it, I haven’t sat like this for a long time, I immediately remembered pleasant evenings spent in my not too distant childhood. How pleasantly and passionately we played, memories immediately came flooding back. And the process itself is quite entertaining. Time flew by unnoticed in pleasant company.”

Electronic games : friendly, noisy and crowded

Simultaneously with the promotion of board games, a platform for electronic games was organized in the active leisure hall of the library. The game is played through the Nintendo WII game console. Games can be played by one to four people.
Currently, the electronic toy library has more than 40 games for children aged three years and older.
For the little ones - the game "Mariokart" - exciting races with different levels of difficulty: karting and motorsports with the heroes of the game "Super Mario".
The Wii Sports game package offers a choice of sports such as tennis, bowling, boxing, golf, and baseball. "Wii Sports Resort", in addition, allows you to play Frisbee, basketball, table tennis, try your hand at fencing, archery, cycling and air sports, compete in canoeing, and ride a jet ski. The adventure game “Go Vacation” takes place on an island of adventure and introduces 50 sports and other active entertainment.

You can test your accuracy by playing the shooting game “Links crossbow training”, and the game “Wii Fit Plus” will become a fitness training course for participants, and will also invite you into the world of original games.
Particularly popular are the dance games “Just dance 3” and “Hottest party 4”, which are synchronized dances.
The electronic games library opened simultaneously with the board games library. Advertising for electronic games began during the autumn school holidays. During the competition, the guys who participated in library events earned “youns” - the currency of the Youth Library. “Yuns” could be spent on electronic games (one “Yun” – 10 minutes of play). By the way, electronic games are a paid library service. The set price is 50 rubles per 30 minutes of play per person. Discounts are given to teams of players.
Information about the electronic toy library was distributed among schools in Syktyvkar. In addition, participants of the board game library were introduced to electronic games. Some of the children happily plunged into the virtual gaming world.
Currently, the main contingent of the electronic toy library is schoolchildren in the second to sixth grades. The consultants are staff from the Reading and Leisure Activities Department. The electronic toy library is open daily and is always lively here.
Family games have become popular recently: the library runs an electronic game library for young families.

Club "Literary Environment" at the play library

The Youth Library has been running a club for young disabled people “Literary Environment” for several years now. The club members learned about the gaming library and were eager to try themselves as players.

Now they are regular participants in the board game library, in addition, they enthusiastically play electronic games (for members of the Literary Environment club, these games are free). For convenience, there are free play hours for young disabled people - the first and last hours of the library every day.

First results

Not much time has passed since the opening of game library halls. We can draw the first conclusions.

The demand for the gaming library is beyond doubt. Young people lack areas for communication and informal leisure, and the library playroom has become a desirable place for relaxation and fun.

Participants of the library note the friendly atmosphere both on the playgrounds and in the library in general. Comfort is also created by the modern youth design, tastefully decorated rooms.
Another plus is a real opportunity to establish friendly connections between young people during the game.
In addition, some of the visitors to the toy library became readers of the Youth Library.
What needs improvement?
During the game library, it turned out that it was necessary to purchase additional games designed for two players. In addition, some players complain about the complicated game rules, which discourages them from playing the game.
As for electronic games, their repertoire is designed for primary and secondary schoolchildren; there are no games for older children. In the future, it would be advisable to select new youth electronic games with the participation of interested young people.
“A game is a type of activity that involves psychological involvement in a certain process” (from Wikipedia). The joint participation of several people in a game takes the player to a qualitatively new level and plays an important role in the formation of social behavior.
Play is the main activity of a child, because The game process is a multifaceted personality polishing.
However, it is unfair to consider the game only the property of childhood. For adults, the gameplay is an incomparable creative release, an opportunity to actively relax, remember being a child and receive a great positive charge. This is what attracts the city’s youth to the Youth Library. With the opening of the toy library, the Youth Library became a fun and noisy place for youth leisure.

We sat at the table,
Opened the box
We cleverly divided who to walk with,
We opened the field
The chips were placed
And the cars and bunnies galloped,
We fought for a long time
Everyone to victory
The hour flew by as if on a bicycle.
A. Kaykova

On June 8, 2018 at 2:00 p.m., the Lidinsky rural library hosted intellectual and educational educational games for schoolchildren, “Board Games Day in the Library.”
Did you know that board games appeared even before the advent of writing, such as Senet, which is the oldest board game in the world. Today, board games are again at the peak of popularity - new games are appearing, keeping up with the times, and ancient games are being revived.

Play for children is the “main activity”; it is through play that children acquire various useful skills and explore the world; it is through play that they learn to make friends, love and have fun. Therefore, educational games were selected for children.

The librarian invited the children to plunge into the fascinating world of board games! Every Saturday from 13:00 to 15:00 the Lidinsky Rural Library hosts Board Game Day, when you can come with your family, your friends and play!

There are games for people of all ages. Games produced in different countries. Games develop attentiveness and observation, train memory, reveal creative abilities, and teach how to work in a team.
Goal: development of intellectual abilities, creative initiative, activity; nurturing friendships in the game. The kids really enjoyed the event dedicated to board games in the library!
The event was prepared and conducted by: Head of the Lidinsky Library A.V. Kavetskaya

“My child doesn’t like to read at all,” some parents complain. “Does he like to play?” - we ask. Parents are surprised, they say, what is the connection here? Where is the game, and where is the book... Very close, and all the little readers of the Central Children's Library know about it. The youngest, still just babies, together with their mothers, fathers and grandmothers, find themselves for the first time in the library kingdom of games during classes. Loud readings, which are held every Wednesday at 12.00 in the Rastishka game room. The classes are a huge hit with parents, both because they are free and because of the interest they generate in their children. Each lesson begins with a fascinating reading of a short but exciting story, and then the children paint with their fingers, sculpt book characters from plasticine, and make simple crafts. And for those who come to Rastishka on any other day, talking books, baby books, talkers, rustlers are waiting for you, and those who like to actively crawl will be delighted with the tunnel through which you can crawl and meet your mother, waiting with a smile at the exit. There is also a dry pool with a slide and balls for kids. It is worth adding that the game room is open from 10 am to 6 pm, every day except Sunday and Monday.

What about the older guys? Don't they have something to play with? If you think so, then you are mistaken! Frankly speaking, there are so many games in the library for schoolchildren that you just have time to choose! You've probably watched spectacular adventure films with twisted plots and mysterious incidents. If your child is between 10 and 12 years old, we invite him to briefly play the role of a secret agent and try his hand at the difficult task of deciphering. Only with us there is nothing dangerous in this, but only exciting and interesting. A game "Pig in a poke" will help you find out what book you are going to read in the near future; for this you need to decipher the text. After reading the book, you can become the owner of a unique certificate of “Reader-Decipherer”!

Every Wednesday at 15.00 we welcome children to the game "Field of Miracles in Literary Land". Every child has a chance to experience unforgettable moments of their triumph, and who would refuse the opportunity to spin the drum, guess letters, words and receive the coveted prize! Don’t miss the upcoming games; you can look at their topics on the Children’s pages “How to Become Great” on the MBUK CBS website in the Poster section.

Well, if you still think the library is a quiet and boring place, then you probably haven’t heard anything about the game "Literary forfeits", which children play any time they want. It is enough to take out the treasured box, draw out your forfeit and complete the task that has fallen out. We play every day, even if there are only two people playing. We are not hindered by rain, wind and bad weather - after all, we are playing in the Hall of Encyclopedic and Reference Literature! We draw, write, sing and read tongue twisters, jump on one leg and make each other laugh. There will be an unforgettable task for your child and his friends!

Very soon, in July, a new game will start at the Central Children's Library - "Story Factory". Children will be able to try themselves as story writers and assemble sentences from random words, and from them - an incredible, fascinating story, unique, which has never existed before in the world. The game can be played in teams or together, you can compete to see whose story is more interesting, funnier, more unusual, or you can just laugh and enjoy communication.

And now let’s please teenagers, the most capricious and demanding category of readers. There's nothing you can do to please them. This is boring, this is too childish, we are not little anymore, what else - they offer to play. And we suggest remembering the famous game “Mafia”. Have you heard of this one? If not, Google it. And then come, preferably with a group of friends, to the game "Magic Tournament", which takes place in the library every Friday at 15.00. You have to expose a mysterious enemy, the ruler of dark forces, the villain - the Dragon. Each player will find himself in a world where magic still reigns to this day, and knights fight dragons. Which card will you get? Will you become a cheerful Satyr, a wise Sphinx or a fast Pegasus? Perhaps during the game you will be defeated by the Minotaur or saved by the kind Unicorn... You can play the “Magic Tournament” endlessly, because each game is a new exciting “life” of the character. Let's play and find out what the outcome will be in your game!

How does all this variety of games relate to books and reading? - you ask. Let us remind those who know, and let us tell those who don’t know that attracting reading through a game is a win-win move. The child plays games where he needs to remember literary heroes, and the plot lines and themes of the games are borrowed from works of art. To win, for example, at “Field of Miracles,” you need to know well the work to which the game is dedicated, or at least remember its content in general terms. Games and quizzes are accompanied by unobtrusive book reviews, fascinating stories and cartoons. Events dedicated to the Year of Cinema make it possible to use such a powerful resource as film adaptations of books. A game "Kinorendevu"- a vivid example of this, both children and adults play it, remembering the good old Soviet film classics.

The library's toy library is inexhaustible and diverse. Fans of computer games find themselves in a virtual "The Mysterious Web" in the Mediathek hall. Supporters of adventure games and quests can take part in a real quest “Everything that is unknown is terribly interesting”, complete the most ingenious tasks and find the hidden Chest of Book Treasures. What game do you choose?

One, two, three, four, five - come out and play

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Board games: a new format for promoting reading

In 2016, our country approved the Concept of the National Program for Children and Youth Reading. The program is based on the formation of modern reading competence of children, adolescents and young people.

So how can we ensure that our children not only read good books, but also do so as often as possible?

It's no secret that the shortest way to attract attention to something is through a game. And board games are especially popular now.

Among the innovative game developments of the Reading Center of the Samara Regional Universal Scientific Library and the School of Methodology and Game Technology, three literary board games can be distinguished, designed for readers of primary, middle and high school age. First things first.

“Few people know that in addition to the well-known heroes Dunno and Znayka, there was also... Reader. And he is little known because he spent all his time reading interesting books...”

“Reader” is the hero of the literary board game of the same name, developed for the youngest readers from 6 years old. The game consists of 80 cards with images of literary characters from twenty of the most beloved and popular children's books. Here you can meet Pinocchio and the Tsokotukha Fly, Winnie the Pooh and Mowgli, Moidodyr, Puss in Boots and many other favorite characters. The game includes a series of 5 mini-games for reaction speed, which can be played either in a certain order or randomly. The main thing is to have fun! With the help of the game, you can organize real literary tournaments, both with your family and with your friends.

The game “Pochitayka” is designed for older readers - from 10 years old. The set includes 150 cards with images of literary characters, 25 elements (tiles) of the playing field with 25 all-time favorite works of children's literature. The player must complete certain tasks in accordance with the game plot, and the Mad Hatter, the Shamakhan Queen, the Snow Queen, Gulliver, Dwarf Nose, Thumbelina and many others will help him in this. The fastest and most attentive reader becomes the winner of the game.

Finally, in order to attract the most “difficult” audience to reading - from 14 to 18 years old (and older), the game “Time to Read” was created. It was first presented at the All-Russian Library Congress in Kaliningrad in 2016 and received a lot of positive feedback from specialists from different regions of the country. The game is based on 75 works of world literature, as well as 75 biographies of great writers. On the game cards there are stylized illustrations from the works and portraits of the authors, but no names or titles are indicated. Each player must guess them. The playing field includes zones “Russia 19th century”, “Russia 20th century”, “America”, “Europe” and “Random selection”. To get the correct answer, a mobile application is used to read QR codes. Teams of 3 to 6 people can participate in the game.