Exciting solitaire games. Fortune telling solitaire - food for thought and a window into the future Types of solitaire games 36 cards

If you look closely at the string of life events of any person, it becomes clear that every significant event is preceded by a moment of difficult choice. Some people determine in which direction to take a step consciously, analyzing their prospects through their own prism of perception; many go with the flow, allowing fate to choose the direction. Card fortune telling solitaire is an exciting game that reflects a person’s inner ability to make the right decision to achieve a goal.

In the article:

What Solitaire Was Originally Like

The history of solitaire as a form of fortune telling with cards began about 300 years ago in France. The era of Louis was quite rich in various magical manifestations, especially attempts to predict the future. Representatives of high society often turned to magicians, fortune tellers, and soothsayers for help. Many had personal consultants.

It was during this period that the French elite mastered an independent method of prediction, giving a simple answer to a question or wish. It was . Several simple options for laying out a regular playing deck according to certain rules gave a positive answer (in the case of a favorable combination of cards) or predicted failure (in the case of an unsolvable combination).

In addition to the classic gypsy solitaire games, the most popular at that time, Indian, Chinese and other layouts gradually appeared, for which special cards with symbolic designs were used. Such cards gave a detailed prediction about future events, material prospects and love forecasts.

Why did solitaire turn into fortune telling?

The goal of each card layout is to collect four suits in a certain order according to a certain pattern. From a mathematical point of view, absolutely all solitaire games play out positively. What is important is only a qualitative analysis of open cards and the right choice.

An individual train of thought, one’s own view of a card situation, different solutions to identical combinations filled each layout with special meaning. It was these parameters that elevated solitaire to the rank of fortune telling, which gained incredible popularity among ordinary people who were far from magic.

Spreads that required special decks were by definition fortune-telling, since such cards were used only for prophecies. But such decks were not available to everyone. Therefore, solitaire games on playing cards are still in demand more than others.

The essence of solitaire, fortune telling with 36 cards

The main task of a person playing solitaire using a regular playing deck is to collect all four suits in rank order. There are an innumerable number of forms and names, involving one or more decks, primitively simple and very complex - all of them provide real pleasure to people who try to get a clue in this way.

Let's consider the ancient gypsy solitaire game of 36 cards - “Empty Space”, known to very few fans of card layouts. Conceiving a wish, carefully shuffle the deck and lay it out in 4 rows of 9 pieces face down. Each row corresponds to a specific suit - clubs, then diamonds, then hearts and finally spades. Ranks from top to bottom, from six to ace. The last card, which is in the bottom row on the right, is revealed. Depending on the denomination, it should be moved to the right place. The vacated card is also turned over and rearranged. This is done until the ace of clubs is revealed. It lies on the free space from which the first one was opened. If all the cards are revealed and fall into place, everything will come true. If the remaining ones are not inverted, we begin to count. The first row corresponds to the years that will pass before the wish is realized. The second is for months, the third is for weeks, and the fourth is for days.

In order for the solitaire result to be most accurate, you should perform several special actions. They pick up the deck and read the plot:

“Thirty-six sisters, godfathers and daughters-in-law, brothers and comrades. Do me faithful service and unfailing friendship. Thirty-six cards of four suits, tell me the whole truth: what to expect, what to expect, what to fear, what business not to take on. I call on you all, name you and reprimand you: my word is strong and fits the cards. Amen."

With the left hand, in the direction of the heart, the deck is shuffled, some of the top cards are transferred to the bottom.
It is best to lay out cards on Fridays, every 13th and during Christmas fortune-telling. The most unfavorable day is Monday.

Coincidence or pattern?

It is impossible to give a specific definition of the results of fortune telling using solitaire. Absolutely all rituals associated with cards have a deep magical component that is beyond the control of the human mind. Strangely, for hundreds of years, familiar pictures have been telling secrets hidden beyond reality.
It is still not possible to explain random combinations using a mathematical pattern. Each person is unique, just like each solitaire game played by him.

A person’s life consists of many random encounters, actions, words and emotions. All of them lead to natural consequences. Therefore, fortune-telling solitaire takes its rightful place in this series.

The most original solitaire game for the future

If layouts of 36 and 52 playing cards are known to many people, thanks to the existence of various computer applications and online versions, then solitaire games on special pictures look quite original.

Indian, French, German and Chinese cards are used for such fortune telling. Each deck has its own description and interpretation of the images. According to the rules for performing the layout, such solitaire games are very similar. The meaning of the layout is the coincidence of the pattern, which consists of two parts. The picture combined in the layout is the main one in predicting the future.

A detailed description of the French deck of non-playing cards can be found in the chapter. A large number of original layouts are presented in an online version.


Almost all card solitaire games and their computer analogues have several modifications. However, it is better to start with the simplest and most common options.

The goal of almost all card games of this type is to clear the playing field. As a rule, a deck of 52 sheets is used for solitaire games. Before you need to carefully shuffle the deck of cards.


Lay out the deck into seven piles from left to right so that each subsequent pile contains one more card than the previous one. The leftmost pile should contain one card, the next - two, etc. The cards are laid out face down.

Turn the top card of each pile face over. Set aside the remaining cards.

See if there are aces among the open cards. If there are any, place them in a separate row at the top and reveal the card underneath them. The goal of solitaire is to collect all the cards by suit, ascending to the separately placed aces.

On the table, the cards are stacked in descending order, alternating red and black suits. If you run out of cards in one of the piles, you can put a king in that place.

Make all possible moves with open cards. Start flipping through the deck one card at a time. The deck can be flipped an unlimited number of times.

Pyramid Solitaire

Lay out a pyramid of cards on the table, face up, so that each subsequent row of cards half overlaps the previous one. There should be one card at the top of the pyramid, two in the second row, three in the third, etc. until the last, seventh row. Place the remaining cards in a pile, face down.

Assign numerical values ​​to the cards. ace - one, jack - 11, queen - 12, king - 13. The remaining numerical values ​​of the cards correspond to their face value. Cards are removed starting from the base, in pairs. The sum of the points of each pair must be 13. For example, eight and five, two and queen, etc. The only exception is the king - he does not require a pair, he is removed alone. The suits don't matter. Removed cards are not returned to the deck.

The goal of solitaire is to sort all the cards into pairs. After you have removed all open cards, begin flipping through the deck one card at a time. Make pairs from open cards of the deck and cards laid out on the table. If you managed to find pairs for all initially open cards, the solitaire game is successful.


  • Solitaire rules "Klondike"
  • cards play solitaire

There are days in our lives when we are in low spirits, have nothing to do, or simply have a whole lot of free time. If you can’t find something to do, play solitaire. Here are the solitaire games you can play:


We place them with their shirts down. We take one at a time from the very top and turn it over with a picture. Moreover, they must appear in order, starting with an Ace and a Two and ending with a King. If the card is guessed, we put it aside. She leaves the game.
When the deck runs out, we shuffle all the cards that were named incorrectly and repeat the game again. If, after the third laying out, all the cards do not fall out of the game, our solitaire game has failed.

In this solitaire game, the main cards are aces. We lay out cards on them in ascending order, regardless of suit. We shuffle the deck and place it on the left. From it we lay out four working cards, which are placed in a row under the aces. With each move, we take out four cards from the deck in each row. We do not move cards in rows; we only use free cards for aces. In order for the game of solitaire to be called a success, you need to transfer the entire deck to aces.

We take the deck and lay out four cards face down from the very top. If among them there are cards of the same suit, we place two new ones on top of them, also with the pictures facing up. If three or all four cards have the same suit, cover them with new cards. If our entire deck is laid out like this into four piles, then we can consider the solitaire game a success. And if cards of all stripes are placed in front of us, we have failed at solitaire.

After shuffling the deck, we take four random cards from it. They are the main ones. On them we will move the remaining cards from the deck, which are lower or higher in value by one. If the card is an ace, then you can put a king or two on it. series. We can say that we have succeeded in solitaire if we move all the cards to the main ones.

Video on the topic

When preparing for a trip, there may be a situation when you only have parts of the map in scanned form that need to be sewn together. Imagine that your destination is an area in the corner of one of these maps, and you need to move from the corner of another map. To create a route, you will have to constantly “switch” between maps. In such a situation, it is difficult to assess the terrain and path.


Go to the Configure tab, configure the Destination Folder path (folder for creating a glued map).
Launch the program, click Add, select a folder.

Below you should see lists of all cards downloaded from this folder, check that all the boxes are checked. Look at the Pixel Scale parameter, select the arithmetic average value.
Go to the Destination Map tab, enter this average value.

Another method You can also use AutoCad Overlay and Raster Design programs to stitch the map.
Insert a raster image of a map into an AutoCAD drawing.

From the standard tools of the AutoCAD program, select the “Align” command or the match command located in the Raster Design tools. Indicate characteristic points on the register and enter their real coordinates; if you use the align command, then after entering the second point, press enter and confirm scaling of objects. If you run the match command, specify 2 target and 2 source points, then the raster should sit at the required coordinates with a preliminary scale.

To eliminate distortion and achieve greater accuracy for raster fit, use the Rubbersheet command from the Raster Design tools (AutoCad Overlay 2002) in it you can specify more characteristic points for the coordinates that you know. When you have specified all the characteristic points, click "OK". The program itself transforms the raster with precise reference to the specified coordinates.

Call the merge image command from the Raster Design toolkit and specify the rasters to be merged. Specify one of the rasters as the main one, all other rasters will be attached to it. As a result, you should get a single raster, which will be placed on real coordinates.

Video on the topic

Large-scale topographic maps, on which all relief elements are plotted, are necessary not only for land managers, but also for many other people. If you are going on a trip or flying around a territory, then such a map is vital for you. If you have such a card on paper, then in order for it to be convenient to use, it must be folded correctly.

Solitaire is one of the types of fortune telling that is available to anyone. To get an answer to the question asked, you will need to correctly lay out the cards on the table, form a certain group or groups of suitable cards, and correctly interpret the answer. We will look at options for an expanded deck (52 cards), but you can also play with fewer cards.

For the schedule you need:

  • Card deck.
  • Some free time.
  • Smooth and clean surface.

How to play solitaire on cards - handkerchief

Goal: remove all cards from the rows.

  • First of all, carefully shuffle the deck. Next, we lay out five horizontal rows, which consist of ten open cards. We place the remaining two cards in the sixth row under the first two columns.
  • You can only remove two cards of the same value. For example, two queens or two aces. Only the bottom cards are available for forming a pair, the rest are face-down. We remove all pairs from the line. When a pair is formed and removed from the field, access to previous cards opens.
  • Solitaire is considered successful if there are no cards on the surface. If something remains, we start again.

How to play solitaire on cards - Russian

Goal: collect all the cards in the base as they increase.

  • We lay out seven ascending stacks. The first consists of one card, then two, then three, etc. up to six cards face down.
  • In the first column we turn the card up. It remains unchanged. On the others we place five open cards on top, placing them in a ladder.
  • On the side there is a base of four cells. The foundation will be aces, so if there are aces in the layout, feel free to send them to the base. The collection is based on suit, therefore, we place the aces in different cells. Then come the deuces and, in ascending order, the kings close the chain.
  • After manipulating the bases, we consider the resulting cells. Available for movement are the bottom cards or stacks that match the suit and ascending cards. For example, we move the seven to the eight of the same suit, and drag the eight and seven to the same nine.
  • If a column is vacated during the transfer process, then we transfer the king or a group of cards that begins with the king there. It is not allowed to move anything else into an empty space.
  • Solitaire is completed if all cells are filled from Ace to King according to suit. Otherwise, it’s a loss.

How to play solitaire on cards - pyramid

Goal: Remove cards in pairs that add up to thirteen points.

  • We carefully shuffle the deck and lay it out in the following order horizontally, face down: there is one card in the first row, two in the second, three in the third, four in the fourth, five in the fifth, six in the sixth, seven in the seventh. We get a kind of pyramid.
  • Set the remaining deck aside. You'll need it a little later.
  • We remove cards that give a total of thirteen points. The king gives thirteen points of points, the queen - twelve, the jack - eleven, the ace - only one point. All other cards are ranked according to their value in the deck. If we can’t form the desired combination, then we turn to the deck.
  • We remove the top card from the deck, if it gives a total of thirteen points with another card, then we put it away, if not, we remove the next one. The player has access only to the bottom row, not covered by other cards; taking from the middle is prohibited. The kings are removed one by one.
  • The layout is considered winning if there are no cards on the table, taking into account the reserve deck.

How to play solitaire on cards - three

Goal: collect all cards in ascending order, respecting the suit.

  • We lay out the deck into seventeen stacks of three cards, face down. The eighteenth pile must contain four cards.
  • We drag in all the aces from the laid out cards and place them higher, arranged by suit. They form the base where we will distribute cards in ascending order in the future.
  • Only the outermost cards in the columns are open for collection. They can be moved to other rows, but only to identical cards. For example, a six can only be transferred to a six, and a queen to a queen. When moving, the suit is not taken into account. The only limitation is no more than three cards in a column.
  • If you managed to remove all the cards in ascending order, not forgetting the division by suit, then the solitaire game is considered successful.

Solitaire can be an element of fortune telling or a way to have fun. Please note that some solitaire games do not work out the first time - you will have to practice to remove all the cards. The most important thing is to remember that it is not the result that is important, but the process itself.

For hundreds of years, people have been under the spell of fortune telling. Cards help you look into the future or answer a pressing question. Some layouts give a detailed answer, others simply: “yes” or “no”. To master the art, you need to gain certain knowledge. For example, what do suits and their combinations mean? Fortune telling solitaire will tell you the details and tell you whether you should hope for fulfillment.

The human mind is unable to understand how ordinary maps display data from the future. Even mathematical laws are powerless; After all, every person is unique and has his own destiny. Life is an endless string of random events, meetings, separations, actions, emotions. This contributes to the inevitability of consequences and patterns.


  • Guess alone. This sacrament does not tolerate prying eyes.
  • Take a new deck of 36 cards.
  • Tune in. Before the action begins, warm the deck with the warmth of your hands, think about the secret question.
  • Tell fortunes on a table or other flat surface.
  • Fortune tell in a good mood, believe in what is happening.

How to play solitaire with 36 cards for fortune telling

There are many layout options. Mostly girls resort to solitaire. They are interested in the appearance of the groom in their life. Consider a solitaire game called “fate is not fate.”

Step by step plan

  1. Draw 36 cards.
  2. Make a wish for a guy.
  3. State the name in full. Count the number of letters. For example: Vladimir.
  4. Depending on the number of letters, lay out the same number of cards, with the pictures facing up. In this case there are 8 of them.
  5. If among them there are paired cards, remove them (two eights, two jacks, two queens, etc.). The remaining ones are shifted to the left onto the vacant cells, and the row is reported from the deck. If there are no paired cards, distribute the second one under the first row.
  6. Continue removing pairs. Remove those that stand in the same line next to each other or are located in adjacent rows above or below, just not obliquely. Remove paired aces regardless of their position in the rows (next to each other, diagonally, on top).
  7. If you get several different pairs, first remove those on the left and above. The card to the right is moved to the vacated area in order. Moved to the top row from the bottom row.
  8. When removing the next two cards of the same type, first make all the movements, and then take on the next two.
  9. Do not forget to lay out a new row if there are no paired cards.
  10. When the entire deck is laid out, summarize. If there are six or fewer cards left, it will be your destiny. If more, look for another candidate.

☞ Video story

Popular card solitaire games for fortune telling

Gypsy Solitaire

Take a deck of 36 cards and make a wish. Mix and place 9 cards in 4 rows, face down.

Cards of the same suit are selected in each row: clubs, diamonds, hearts and the last one - spades. The layout goes from top to bottom in increasing order, from six to ace. The card that is in the last row, from the bottom, to the right, is turned over face down. It is transferred to a place corresponding to its suit and value. From this place another card is picked up and turned over, which is transferred to the place allocated for it. As soon as the ace of clubs is in hand, it is placed in the place where the first card was taken.

If all cards are open before the Ace of Clubs is revealed, the wish will come true. If there are any left unopened, a count is made. The first row means years, the second - months, the third - weeks, the fourth - days.

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"Yes or no"

Another simple layout will answer the question “yes” or “no”. Lay out 36 cards in 9 piles, face down. The top cards are revealed and two paired cards are thrown out. Those under them are turned over and the steam rooms are removed again.

If by the end of the fortune telling you managed to discard all the cards, the answer to your plan is yes. If they remain unopened due to the lack of a pair, the wish will not come true or will come true later.

☞ Video story

Difficult interpretation

Solitaire, where a broader interpretation is possible, using decoding of card symbols.

Take a deck of 36 cards, shuffle, take some of them towards you with your left hand (if a woman, then a queen, if a man, then a king). Then lay out the deck of 9 pieces in 4 rows. Find your card and look at the ones that fell nearby. The interpretation occurs as follows.

AceAn unexpected letterThe wish is not destined to come trueWrong actionSomeone cares about you
KingIllnessPossible deceptionFriendEverything will come true
LadyA dream come trueOffense, insultA worthy rewardDon't show your feelings
JackWaste of effortHassles related to financesThe business started will be successfulGood guest
10 IllnessPleasant surprise, unexpected giftReceipt of a large amountLove
9 Losing a friend or loved oneLetSad newsDeclaration of love
8 Trouble ComingGood newsIllness of someone close to youSomeone will decide your fate
7 ArgumentTreason, betrayalNews from a government institutionDanger is imminent
6 The road in vainJoyful RoadThe journey will be in vainTrouble
  • Take a new deck or one that you have never played on.
  • When making a layout, think about the wish you made.
  • Shoot with your left hand towards your heart.
  • Choose a day when your soul is good and joyful.
  • The best time for fortune telling is Friday, as well as the 13th, Christmastide.
  • A bad day for the schedule is Monday.
  • There is no need to ask about known facts for the purpose of verification.
  • If the answer turns out to be negative, there is no need to repeat the schedule; it is better to do this in a few days.

In what cases will fortune telling not come true?

  • Not a serious approach.
  • In a negative scenario, repeated attempts to achieve the desired result.
  • Lack of faith.

Some play solitaire at home for fun, while others play fortune telling. Despite their simplicity and unpretentiousness, with their help you can get an answer to the most pressing question, a warning about danger and prepare in advance, and maybe even avoid unpleasant moments altogether.

If you don’t believe in solitaire games, their positive aspect is that they help develop attention, logic, and patience, which is also not bad.

There are many ways to find out the future using a 36-card playing deck, but most of them require knowing the meaning of each card. Fortune telling solitaire does not require such knowledge. This method of obtaining a prediction is one of the simplest, but it should not be underestimated. Such fortune telling will answer your question unambiguously, that is, positively if the solitaire game is played out to the end, and negatively if there are cards left on the table.

Preparing for fortune telling

Focus on your question or desire, hold the cards in your hands. You should not ask the cards about obvious facts in order to check the veracity of the prediction, or repeat a question to which you have already received an answer.

Fortune telling method

Shuffle the cards and remove them from the deck with your left hand. Sequentially place all 36 cards face down into 9 piles. Reveal the top card of each pile, then remove two cards of the same value to the side. Turn over the cards that were underneath them, continue to remove paired cards. If in the end there is not a single card left on the table, then solitaire answered your question positively. If the solitaire game is interrupted in the middle due to the lack of paired cards, then your wish will not come true, or the answer to your question is negative.