What does "monkey with closed eyes" emoticon mean and in what situations should it be used? Happy Monkey Games Monkey Smiling

Text correspondence is very popular among young people. What can I say, almost any social network has internal mail. With it, you can not only type messages, but also attach images, music or even videos. Mail functionality depends on the resource you are on. An excellent example of messengers is Skype or Viber. These two apps are available for both PC and mobile devices.

The purpose of emoticons

Whatever the text correspondence, it deprives users of one thing - the exact expression of emotions. Of course, you can endlessly use punctuation marks or words with a bright emotional coloring, but it will not work exactly to convey your feelings or joy to your interlocutor. That's what emoticons were invented for. Initially, they were made up of simple printed characters such as colons and brackets, and then they were banal yellow faces, on which this or that emotion was depicted.

Now the emoticon has found its expression in the system as a group of various images of people, animals, food, cars, signs or other that users can insert into text correspondence. Of course, there is no need to explain the meaning of simple "smiling", "crying" or "shouting" emoticons, but often we use this or that icon without even knowing what it means. But some emoticons have a certain meaning and even their own history.

For example, emoticon "monkey with eyes closed". Someone sees here just an image of an animal, and someone notices a secret subtext. What? Let's figure it out together and find out, "monkey with closed eyes."

Varieties of emoticons

In the emoji system, you can find many different emoticons. These are classic yellow cartoon faces, various vehicles with which we can talk about interesting travels, or food emoticons. There are so many of the latter that you can even transfer entire recipes with them. Small pictograms are designed not only to show emotions or share interesting news. Psychologists say that information saturated with such pictures is better remembered and deposited in a person’s memory. The principle is the same as with children's books, which have many illustrations. The child associates the necessary information with the image and remembers it more easily. So if you want someone to remember to go to the store, walk the dog or, for example, water the flowers, remind him of this in a message with the appropriate emoticon.


Animal emoticons represent a separate category. They are needed not only to show the interlocutor the image of the beast. Each animal expresses a certain mood. So, with the help of a "dog" you can express devotion, with the help of a "fox" - cunning, and with the help of a "snail" - slowness. But many of us had to notice three icons depicting monkeys that stand in a row. Why exactly monkeys, and what is the point here? What does the "monkey with closed eyes" emoticon and its "comrades" mean? Read on.

The meaning of "monkey with closed eyes" emoticon

In order to understand the meaning of this emoticon, you need to delve into history. Three smiley monkeys are located together for a reason. Three monkeys, one of which closes his eyes, the other - his ears, and the third - his mouth, symbolize the ancient Buddhist idea. The teaching tells us that we should not commit evil, and was common in ancient India, Japan and China. Primates are instructed to "see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil." Many people have repeatedly wondered: why monkeys? Historians say that these animals were used as an image of the idea of ​​non-evil, because in the Japanese language there is funny game words. "I do not see, I do not hear, I do not speak" in Japanese means "mizaru, ivazaru, kikazaru". And the word "monkey" is translated as "dzaru". Perhaps the ancient Buddhists invested in the image of monkeys and a different meaning, but you and I can only guess about this. And when we already understand what "monkey with closed eyes" (smiley) means, we can discuss how to apply it in correspondence. By the way, in different applications, monkey emoticons may look a little different.

When to Use "Monkey Eyes Closed" Emoji

A cute primate, covering its eyes, promises us "not to see evil." Therefore, the direct purpose of such an icon is to show the interlocutor that what he says or shows you is bad. For example, he tells you a story where you condemn someone or directly him. Perhaps he sent you an image or some material that depicts what you consider "evil" or disgusting.

When to use "monkey eyes closed" emoticon yet? You can show the person with whom you are talking that you absolutely do not like the course of your dialogue. That you simply do not want to see, read and endure what he writes to you.

Another way to apply an emoji is to show that you are hiding from something or have already hidden. Like, they show you something or want something from you, and you, as they said in childhood, are "in the house."

Monkeys on Skype

We figured out what the "monkey with closed eyes" emoticon means. Interestingly, there are several more varieties of such emoticons in the Skype program. A monkey wearing Chinese clothes can symbolize the year of the Monkey in the eastern calendar. There is also a small primate that lies in the snow. You can send to the interlocutor, for example, when the first snow falls, and you are very happy about this. There is also a smiley with the image of a dancing monkey in Skype. It is the most versatile. So you can show that you are so happy that you are ready to start dancing. Some users call it the "victory dance". For example, you can send an emoticon when something worked out for you or what you thought came true.


I would like to note that if you are tired of the built-in "emoji", then there are a lot of applications and add-ons for a computer or gadget that allow you to use other emoticons.

Now you know what the "monkey with closed eyes" emoticon means. Use it wisely.

Tell your friends about the games!

It's not so easy to make a monkey happy

Happiness is a fragile thing. To be convinced of this, it is enough to get to know the main character of numerous games about a happy monkey, which, without exaggeration, can be called the Princess Nesmeyana of the animal world. If our heroine just didn’t smile, otherwise she would also have tears from her eyes almost without ceasing.

And yet you can make the monkey happy, but you will have to try with might and main. The little one is very emotional. Where she cannot find a way out, she begins to cry. And there are plenty of reasons to cry. They may be hidden keys, sweets, delicious bananas, and who knows what else. Sometimes it begins to seem that the hostess of the game Happy Monkey does not intend to give anyone her smile at all. But it seems so only until the joyful red monkey breaks into a smile. By the way, this eccentric person rejoices as emotionally as she cries.

Gameplay Features

In whatever direction fate throws our monkey, it cannot remain without help. So, it will be useful for players to learn about the moments that exist in the game about the happy monkey. Do not be surprised, but there are several heroes in the game, or rather, during the game, you yourself can choose the one that suits you best.

Even just looking at the individuals of these progenitors of the human race, players will have a lot of fun. After all, eared roaring creatures of all age categories have gathered here. One thing unites them all - the ability to quickly burst into tears. Everyone does this, without exception, from a tiny monkey with a dummy in its teeth to a battered representative of the genus of monkeys who has seen the views, looking at which you can get scared yourself. Having decided on the choice of character, you should appease the monkey by choosing a suitable headdress for it.

Some hints

In numerous games, our monkey has a support group, or rather a nice company, silently watching everything that happens. A lot happens during the game Happy Monkey. Here all the time you need to collect some thematic items. For example, on Valentine's Day they will be glamorous hearts, when meeting with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations - miniature ghosts.

In general, no matter how outwardly those items that need to be collected look, remember well that in order to find them all you will need to click on the screen with the mouse, because these same bonus items can hide in clouds and in pyramids, in the foliage of trees and inside piano, in general, in the most incredible and unexpected places. Remember that the monkey will become happy only if all the conditions are met without exception.

And there are a lot of ways to remove obstacles on the way of a happy monkey to victory in games.
Another interesting point is the picture that can speak, or rather tell all fans of the charismatic monkey about the opportunity to continue communicating with the capricious person you love in numerous games with her participation.

Here you can also get valuable instructions about the search for certain items or about the sequence of actions. Sometimes to go further you need to open the doors, and sometimes appease the guards with ice cream, making them a little happier and kinder. In the games, you will also need to run, jump, dive, blow up, fly, chase and run away - all this in order to achieve a smile of a capricious monkey.

And yet she is happy!

You don't get bored in the company of a monkey. In addition, this restless person expresses her delight so violently that any doubts about the fact that she is happy simply dissipate. In addition, during the game it is possible to feel like a little magician, because giving happiness is so great.

There are a lot of positive things in monkey games. It cannot be otherwise, because they just don’t become happy just like that. By the way, you can learn a lot of things during the game. You will be able to develop logic and memory, learn to concentrate and make decisions, and all this in the pursuit of happiness. And how often the eccentric monkey will become happy depends only on you.

Among other things, moving from one level of the game to another, young gamers are given the opportunity to become not only participants in the most incredible adventures, but also the blacksmith of monkey happiness.

Always remember that in cheerful company being happy is much easier. Move from one level to another, please the tailed prankster and learn to be happy and look at life optimistically.

Before you is not just another toy with the participation of a representative of the animal world, but a series of funny adventures of a monkey that is sad and crying until you find a way to cheer it up. This is an alliance of adventure games with quests where you have to solve puzzles, find secret messages, codes and possible moves. Her mood changes the moment you do what she likes. Here she was sobbing desperately, swallowing bitter crocodile tears, and the next moment she smiles broadly.
Games happy monkey - the most fun project. Such products delight players and are able to captivate virtual world even adult, experienced gamers. Fans of puzzles and adventures in a funny company have already made friends with a cute, albeit a little sad monkey. But anyone who puts in a little effort can cheer her up. The tailed monkey is easy to please. It is worth helping her decorate the Christmas tree for Christmas, and she will be just happy, and when she is happy, she starts jumping and jumping, as befits her mind. Get ready to visit the most fabulous and sinister places. Monkeys are famous for their curiosity and our heroine is no exception. Sometimes, because of this, she gets into unpleasant and dangerous places, from where only you can pull her out.

Adventures in an old castle

In fact, monkeys feel better in nature, but our beauty managed to find herself in the cold dungeons of an ancient fortress. A certain evil scientist experimented on animals in these dungeons, and our character decided to show courage by descending into his lair in order to save those who could. It's a downright creepy place where skeletons are chained to brick walls, bats swoop overhead, and spiders stretch their webs in anticipation of prey. Our monkey is terribly afraid, but he forces himself to move forward to find fifteen monkey gargoyles. In addition, you need to pick up all the available items and combine them in order to get a completely new thing and apply it in a specific place. Only in this way the sad monkey will become happy again, and you can start a new game.

Merry Christmas is the best holiday

This holiday can be considered cheerful only when everything is arranged according to the rules. But our monkey was faced with the fact that someone stole Christmas toys and gifts for her friends. And again, the heroine will have to go through many trials in order to restore her joyful mood during the bright holiday. She bravely overcomes all obstacles, examines objects and picks up what may be useful in the future. In this case, she is an expert, especially since she has such an assistant as you.
Do not forget to check all the hidden corners, because something very important for further manipulations may be hiding there. And remember that each task has a specific time limit, so don't delay completing it.

And many more plots of the game happy monkey

The character of virtual toys has become so famous and popular that a huge number of stories have been invented with him. Together you will discover free games happy monkey and spend exciting minutes searching for old treasures, saving friends, overcoming dangers, avoid toothy predators, declassify codes, meet the monkey's favorite grandfather and street artist. But you always need to follow the main principles of quests:

  • Look for items
  • New paths
  • Note hints
  • Collect new things from parts
  • Apply them in the right place

And all this effort in order to make the monkey smile.