Passage of the game Arkona. Syndicates of Arkon - a virtual world after an environmental disaster. The most impressive things in the game are things and objects

This game is a unique author's project based on Slavic mythology.
A powerful artifact was mysteriously stolen from the sacred city of Arkona, standing on the island of Ruyan. After his loss, evil events began to occur in the surrounding lands. You have to play for an ordinary young man named Kaleda, who wants to find out the reason for what is happening. However, the gods will not allow you to just interfere in your affairs...

Developer: Artifact
It is known that they can have a beneficial effect on the development of children's imagination. by clicking on the link in the block down-load a game in the section, you will give your child many hours of exciting adventure, during which he will be able to use and develop his imaginative thinking and develop reaction speed.
Release year: 1998
Platform: Windows 98, XP
Language: Russian
The size: 191.3Mb

Installation: Unzip the archive to the folder you need, then run the AUTORUN.EXE installation file from it, specifying the installation path to the same folder (by default, the game is installed in C: ARKONA). This must be done in order for the game to save. If a

(Jaromarsburg) - the sacred city of the Slavs and the religious center of the Baltic Polabian Slavs - the Ruyans, who were part of the tribal union of the Lyutichs. The city of Arkona existed until the 12th century, it was located on the island of Ruyan (now: Rügen).

The game was developed and planned for release in 1998, but due to a default it was never released. One of the developers - Vitaly Pustovetov, independently completed the game and shared it with the siteOld-Games.Ru in 2008.

Note. For writing the material, data and links of the site were usedOld-Games.Ru .

Note. The game is strictly linear. Without visiting a certain place, we will not be able to get to or perform actions in another location.


“In ancient times, the gods were ruled by Triglav. God is warlike and mighty. Each of his heads looked into the Past, Present and Future, followed Yavu, Pravya and Naviu. But the time has come, and Triglav was defeated by another God, the cunning Svintovit. By cunning, Svintovit took possession of the egg from which Triglav appeared. They divided the land among themselves, and Svintovit gave the egg for storage to reliable people. These people lived in the glorious city of Arkona, which is located on the island of Ruyan. Five hundred cavalry and three hundred foot soldiers guarded the egg. But one day, a strange clot of darkness enveloped the egg stored in the Temple, and it disappeared.

Control: all control is carried out by pressing the left mouse button on the cursor. When you hover over the active zone, it is highlighted. Clicking on the active zone opens an explanatory inscription.

Menu: Opened by pressing the cursor on the Menu icon at the bottom of the screen. it is a set of standard options.

Inventory: Opened by pressing the cursor on the round window at the bottom of the screen, on the left.

Saves: When installing the game, saves are automatically located in the "ARKONA" folder in the root folder of drive C.

Golden Horn

We enter the game as a young guy named Koleda. We are in our home.

We turn to the mother standing nearby.

“Something went wrong in our lands,” says the mother. - Go, Koleda, to the Rugian sorcerer - he is wise in life, find out what is happening.

Note. It is proposed to make a choice - the mother can give only one thing: “- advice on the road; - part of the map of the Rugian land; - your blessing; - a gift that is intended for the Rugian sorcerer.

The option of choosing items other than the blessing will be considered at the end of the walkthrough.

We ask for a mother's blessing. We take away from the table the amulet that appeared on it. We leave the house.

We see that a log rolled onto the paw of a funny animal and the animal asks for help.

We ask who he is. We learn that the name of the animal is Kudeyar, and he himself is a storekeeper. Protects the treasures that people buried in the ground. We agree to help Kudeyar, and in gratitude, he offers to pick up the mirror he dropped at the Cornerstone. With the help of that mirror, we can read the ancient writings. We select two stone letters, we go into the neighbor's house.

We select part of the map from the floor. We examine the manuscript on the table and the scroll on the shelf - we cannot read them, and remember Kudeyar's words about the mirror. We look into the tub, take away part of the ritual. We leave the house, heading to Belaya Vezha.

Belaya Vezha

We turn to the old man who came out from behind the stone, we listen to his tale about the Kupala da Mavka flower, and about the Perun flower. We try to read the inscription, but it still remains incomprehensible. We select the stone letter, we go to the Cornerstone.

Foundation stone

We select the mirror lying under the spruce.

Kudeyar, who appeared, reminds: “If you see an inscription that is incomprehensible to you, go up to it and get a mirror - the incomprehensible will become clear.”

Open the inventory, click the cursor on the mirror, exit the inventory.

The mirror appears next to the inventory window.

We look at inscription on the stone. We return to Belaya Vezha, read the inscription on the Vedic stone. We return to Zlatorozhye, we pass to the neighbor's house. We carefully look at the manuscript on the table and the scroll on the shelf. We go outside, head to the Cornerstone, follow to the Gray Willow.

gray willow

We select a stone letter, we read the inscription on the stone. We climb into the hollow of a tree. Here we take a stone letter, a sword and a quiver. We get out. We go into the house of the Rugian sorcerer. We turn to the venerable old man.

The sorcerer says that “Sventovit was angry with us. Apparently, the Black God Kashchei stole the Egg of Triglav from the Temple of Arkona.

We ask who can return the Egg. We get the answer that in order to receive the prediction of Svarog, we need the Book of the Vedas. We look into the bowl. Reading scroll. We leave the house, head to Belaya Vezha, from there we move to the Cornerstone. From the stone we go to the village of Shadows.

Note. If we return to Zlatorozhye now, then we won’t be able to get into the mother’s house and the neighbor’s house, because the doors are locked by a conspiracy.

Shadow Village

We select a stone letter. We look into the well. We turn to the shadows that have appeared. To the riddle conceived by the shadows, we answer - the mind. We go down into the well.

We speak with Garuda.

Garuda is ready to help Koleda if he gets Garuda for him the color of Kupala da Mavka.

Reading scroll. We extract the key from the pot. Use it to open the drawer in the table. We get a part of the card from the box. We are considering calendar. We open the hole, we get out. We enter the house. After listening to the riddle, we pass or second, or by fifth floor board. Otherwise, we listen to ridicule witches. As a sign of gratitude, we receive zhokhi berries, which feed on a bird that is “close to the Gods”. We leave the house. We follow to the Cornerstone, and from it we head to the spruce forest.

At the fork of the spruce forest we go to the Mines.

The plot of the game revolves around a powerful artifact that was mysteriously and inexplicably stolen from the sacred city of Arkona, standing on the island of Ruyan. After the disappearance of the artifact, bad events began to occur in the surrounding lands. You have to play for an ordinary young man named Kaleda, who wants to find out the reason for what is happening. However, the gods will not allow you to just interfere in your affairs...

This game is a unique amateur project, made on a very high level, all attributes are present here good quest: rich game world, interesting plot, diverse game mechanics and pleasant appearance. However, in addition to all this, Arkona is an excellent opportunity to immerse yourself in a thick and deep atmosphere. Ancient Russia.

Game feature:

  • Game in Old Slavonic!

Publisher: Artifact
Genre: quest, adventure, puzzle, logic
Interface language: Russian
Medicine: not required (full version)
Added 3% information for archive recovery

Attention: To install the game, you need to unzip the archive to the folder you need, then run the AUTORUN.EXE installation file from it, specifying the installation path to the same folder (by default, the game is installed in C: ARKONA). This must be done in order for the game to save.

"Syndicates of Arkon" is an online game with a client, MMORPG in the Sci-fi genre.

Having been in dozens of the same type of multiplayer fantasy games, you often want something new, more modern and not like other projects.

That's why online game"Syndicates of Arkon" - of course, can be considered a new sip fresh air for fans of MMORPG, although the project itself has existed since 2008.

Game world

"Syndicates of Arkon" is a truly unique, unparalleled virtual world where high technology rules.

Game events unfold on the territory of the fantastic and slightly mystical metropolis of Arkon (the center of human civilization), which was formed after the planetary ecological crisis.

The metropolis consists of many districts and territories adjacent to it. Several syndicates are vying with each other for control of Arkon.

Since the game is a client game, in addition to registering on the official website, you need to download and install game client, and then you can go on to the study of races and classes.

Races and classes in the game

We are offered to opt for one of two races.

  1. Neovitals.
  2. Implanters.

Each side is specific and has three playable classes initially available.

Each character develops 5 basic parameters that affect his combat strength.

  1. Will improves the rate of recovery of energy and amount of life.
  2. Strength affects damage dealt and critical strike.
  3. Agility increases the chance to land a critical hit..
  4. Intelligence amplifies psi damage.
  5. Endurance increases the number of hit points.

As in all MMORPGs, it is initially proposed to go through a training program that will introduce you to character control, interface elements and features of interaction with the outside world.

Basically, this is the collection or destruction of some specific NPCs. In addition, it is possible to perform special - daily tasks.

Faction quests or missions in the Arkon Syndicates play an important role and affect the character's authority.

The most impressive things in the game are things and objects

After destroying one of the enemies, you get a small container, rummaging through which you can find nano cigarettes, lighters, mp3 players, CDs and more.

Throughout the game, the character collects various collections, for which he receives valuable prizes, implants, equipment and weapons. The creators of Arkon paid a lot of attention to the system of creating things.

"Syndicates of Arkon" is an unusual online project, not only because of its sci-fi genre. The main idea is PVP battles between the two factions, completing quests, collecting items and crafting.

Release year: 1998
Genre: Quest
Developer: Artifact
Platform: Windows

Game Features:


Release year: 1998
Genre: Quest
Developer: Artifact
Platform: Windows

Will go on any car. How many games do you know about the life and culture of the ancient Slavs? Alas, to list everything more or less serious games on this subject can be on the fingers of one hand. But Slavic culture is no less rich and interesting than Greek or, for example, Egyptian. And direct evidence of this is Arkona's quest. The plot of the game revolves around a powerful artifact that was mysteriously and inexplicably stolen from the sacred city of Arkona, standing on the island of Ruyan. After the disappearance of the artifact, bad events began to occur in the surrounding lands. You have to play for an ordinary young man named Kaleda, who wants to find out the reason for what is happening. However, the gods will not just allow me to interfere in their affairs... The gameplay of the game is very standard, however, it pleases with logic and an abundance of various puzzles that will require the player not only to be attentive and ingenious, but also to have certain knowledge about the culture of Ancient Russia. By the way, one of the features of the game is that absolutely all in-game texts are written in Old Slavonic: it is not easy to read them, but this approach works great to maintain the right atmosphere. Arkona is also saturated with classical Slavic mythology and mysticism: legends, fables, fairy tales and legends are closely woven into the plot and find a real reflection in the game, appearing as separate characters, objects or images.
Game Features:
It is impossible not to mention the technical execution: all locations are drawn and animated with visible diligence and love, thanks to which it is very comfortable to play Arkona. But most importantly, they perfectly recreate the nature and life of those times. The music is also chosen very well, unhurried iridescent motifs enliven the already beautiful landscapes even more.
Unzip the archive to the folder you need, then run the AUTORUN.EXE installation file from it, specifying the installation path to the same folder (by default, the game is installed in C: ARKONA). This must be done in order for the game to save.