What a tank guard. STG Gvardeets performance characteristics

The creators of the legendary Defender present a novelty - "STG Guardsman". On June 2 this year, this tank was tested at the World Of Tanks supertest. It will be presented in 2 types, in fact, like the similar "": clean and with coloring.

According to preliminary data, this machine will be on sale to Day of the Tankman (September 10) . Despite the fact that the coloring turned out to be far from top, it is worth noting that the tank itself is quite good and worthy of attention. STG Guard (STG Guard) - Soviet Premium Tier VIII MT. It has a 122 mm gun, as well as a rear turret, the main task of the STG is to support the second line of fire. The crew of the combat vehicle consists of 4 people.

Historical Facts STG Guardsman

STG Gvardeets is a modification of a medium tank, which was developed by the Stalin Military Academy of Armored and Mechanized Formations. According to some reports, the project began to be developed in 49-50 years. last century. In theory, the STG was supposed to be radically different from the traditional school of the Soviet tank building industry. The transmission should be located in front of the vehicle, the fighting compartment - in the stern area. Not a single combat-ready STG model was put into production - work stopped at the design documentation stage.

STG Gvardeets performance characteristics

It is logical to assume that a tank with a rear turret will have terrible HPP, but no -6, it’s quite normal. Mobility?

Booking STG Guards

The full booking values ​​are shown below:

Brief summary of STG Guards

Recently, players have been increasingly asking our dear developers “when it will be possible to buy a scorpion, lore or defender” and over and over again get the answer - not soon. In the world of normal game design, this would mean only one thing - the company realized that "bending for the loot" is bad and decided to fix it. But in the world of Murazor and Makarov, this means something completely different, it means that you need to make a new tunk that everyone who can will want to buy for themselves.

STG "Guardsman" - Nerf Stabilization from June. Comparison of performance characteristics from Vspishka

STG Guard ● First look at the New Prem ST USSR from PROTanks

Earn New Imba Prem USSR ● STG from JOVE


Additional photos STG Guards

11-09-2017, 17:24

Hello to all tankers, the site is with you! Friends, today we will talk about a vehicle that has just gone on sale in the World of Tanks premium store, a Tier 8 Soviet medium premium tank - STG guide.

for sale this tank in 2 versions: STG and STG Guard. There is no difference between the cars, except for the presence of a "unique" camouflage. Everything is similar to .

TTX STG Guardsman

What catches the eye first of all is the 122 MM D-25TS gun and the short viewing range of 370 meters. it is also worth noting the rear location of the tower, like in, but the STG has a fully rotating tower. Despite the fact that the tank has rather large dimensions, the STG Guardsman in World of Tanks has rather high camouflage coefficients.

This is not the first premium tank with an alpha of 390 units, the closest analogue with similar gameplay is . The same alpha and non-preferential battle level, but the Frenchman is sold in the client and costs much cheaper, which is his, indisputable advantage.

It is very comfortable to play from an alpha strike, especially on a fast and inconspicuous vehicle with good armor penetration of the STG Guards gun in WoT. 212mm AP is enough for comfortable farming when playing against most tanks, but 248mm AP is not enough for comfortable game against heavily armored targets. Also, the gun has a very good accuracy at 0.33 m. Of the minuses is a long mixing and low speed of the projectile.

Booking STG Guards

As we can see, STG reservations in World of Tanks are not about tanking. The best thing that our ST can beat off is shells from the D-25T, and then, only with a turret and not always. Ricochets from very good armor slopes can also sometimes happen. But it's better not to count on it. Do not forget about the location of the STG MTO - everything is in the front of the tank, which means that it will be very easy for the Guardsman to set fire to and crit the engine, just as the large size and small armor of the hull roof mean that land mines will easily fly there with a bang - with this will have to be careful.

Crew STG Guardsman

Crew leveling for the STG Guardsman in World of Tanks is quite standard, like for other STs:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner - , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Loader - , , , .

Equipment STG Gvardeets

Through right choice and installations additional modules you can significantly improve the performance of the tank in WoT, level out the disadvantages or increase the advantages. In our case, we need to improve existing strengths, so that on tank STG Guardsman equipment put the following:
1. - will increase our already large one-time damage, so that you will send enemies to the hangar even faster.
2. - we are fine with accuracy and stabilization, but with this module the process of dealing damage will reach a qualitatively new level.
3. - an excellent completion of the kit, which will simultaneously affect DPM, accuracy and visibility.

Equipment for STG Guardsman

It’s hard to do without consumables even on a premium tank. To save money, you can fight with a set of , , . However, due to the high probability of crits of internal modules, it is better to carry on STG equipment in the form of , , , of course, it costs more. As for replacing the last option with, this is an extremely dangerous undertaking, since the MTO is located in front of the hull, and additional rations should not be installed without pumped fire extinguishing.

Game tactics on STG Guardsman

The developers position the STG as a tank sniper - that's how it should be played. Good accuracy and an alpha strike of 390 units, along with a good penetration, will help us with this. Another thing is that the tank itself will hardly be able to highlight anything for itself, which means that we also have a very good support tank in front of us, which can both support allied CTs by quickly changing position with them, and give fire support to allied TTs thanks to good alpha.


First of all, we list the pros and cons of the STG Guardsman in World of Tanks

- Alpha strike of 390 units;
- full rotation tower;
- good accuracy of the gun for such a caliber;
- high masking factor for such a rather large size of the machine;
- good DPM;
- good armor penetration by AP projectile;
- good dynamics.

- long time information of the gun;
- low projectile speed;
- insufficient armor penetration of the BP projectile;
- low viewing range;
- MTO in front of the hull;
- lack of armor.

It is worth noting that interesting premium tanks have arrived in World of Tanks. STG Guard brings a unique experience from farming credits to World of Tanks, which is very important. Another thing is that it is not so easy to play on it, and besides, the tank has a cheaper and more accessible analogue for farming in the French tank tree.

On Tanker Day, Wargaming released the premium tank STG Guardsman. Now I will tell you what it is.

For clarity, I will give you the performance characteristics of this machine:

In fact, this tank is a mixture of M4A1 Revalorise and Ob. 416.

Among the advantages I can note:

Excellent accuracy - 0.33, with a fan, Battle Brotherhood and additional rations can be overclocked to 0.3;


Alpha at 390, which is quite a lot for ST-8;

Pretty good penetration at 212 (248 gold);

Good stabilization of the gun;

And that's it, that's where the main advantages end.

Cons of this tank:

Long mixing;


The almost complete absence of armor: yes, it can sometimes beat something off, but usually people don’t have any particular problems with breaking through the Guardsman;

Small DPM: 11.5 second cooldown at 390 damage - not much at all. In comparison, the M4A1 has a cooldown of only 10 seconds at the same alpha;

After analyzing all the pros and cons of this tank, I came to the conclusion that you can play this tank on the first line only if you get into the top by levels 6-7. In other battles, you need to play from the bushes, since good accuracy allows you to do this. In terms of gameplay, the Guardsman is very similar to the M4A1 Rev.

In principle, the tank is not bad. If you have an M4A1 Rev., Scorpion G and/or Defender, you don't need a Guardsman. If you have data premium tanks no, then, in principle, I can recommend this tank to you.

That's all, thanks for reading my review.

The work on the supertest does not stand still, and we are in a hurry to please all fans of medium tanks with a new premium representative of this class of vehicles! STG - Soviet Premium Tier VIII STG. It has a 122 mm gun, as well as a rear turret, the main task of the STG is to support the second line of fire. The crew of the combat vehicle consists of 4 people. (author of the article Konstantin Marataev)

Historical facts STG

STG is a modification of a medium tank, which was developed by the Stalin Military Academy of Armored and Mechanized Formations. According to some reports, the project began to be developed in 49-50 years. last century. In theory, the STG was supposed to be radically different from the traditional school of the Soviet tank building industry. The transmission should be located in front of the vehicle, the fighting compartment - in the stern area. Not a single combat-ready STG model was put into production - work stopped at the design documentation stage.

STG performance characteristics

It is logical to assume that a tank with a rear turret will have terrible HPP, but no -6, it’s quite normal. Mobility? Here it is also above average, the disguise is better than many TDs on the level. Perhaps, now the tank has only 3 shortcomings, and all 3 cannot be called serious shortcomings:
- lack of armor - but does armor help against gold?
- low DPM, however, it is a bit higher than that of Leo
- a review of 370 meters, corrected by a good crew and rations.

So, we meet STG, a new premium medium tank 8th level for scoops. There are 390 alphas, 212 breakdowns and an accuracy of 0.33 units, uncharacteristic for destructors. Special details on stabilization, mobility and other parameters while the cat cried. But keeping in mind the Soviets, it will be possible to assume that the niche of this new rear-turret premium will be similar to the Object 416: a medium tank in the role of a fast tank destroyer. So far, it is impossible to say for sure, but in the light of the latest premium tanks, it can be assumed that the release of the STG will make all Soviet premium ST-8s unnecessary, and possibly push the revolver into the background.

The full values ​​of performance characteristics are presented below:

Booking STG

The full booking values ​​are shown below:

Brief conclusion on STG

Recently, players have been increasingly asking our dear developers “when it will be possible to buy a scorpion, lore or defender” and over and over again get the answer - not soon. In the world of normal game design, this would mean only one thing - the company realized that "bending for the loot" is bad and decided to fix it. But in the world of Murazor and Makarov, this means something completely different, it means that you need to make a new tunk that everyone who can will want to buy for themselves.

Earn New Imba Prem USSR ● STG from JOVE


Additional photos STG

The new premium tank of the 8th level STG "Guardsman" has a rear turret, which leaves a certain imprint on the tactics of combat. In addition, the car cannot boast of powerful armor. Therefore, you need to act very carefully, not entering into an open confrontation with equipment of levels 9-10.

How to play on STG "Gvardeets"

So, the vehicle has a squat silhouette, so when getting into high-level battles, you can take a secluded position on the 2nd or 3rd line and support the attack of heavy tanks with fire. As a firefly, the new prem will be ineffective given the rather mediocre viewing radius.
Therefore, we do not stick out and try to maximize the relatively good potential of the weapon. In addition, using the support of teammates, you can turn gaping heavy tanks and PT. When the advantage is on your side, it makes sense to make a deep raid behind enemy lines in order to pick up artillery.
In single-level battles, you can behave more aggressively.

STG "Gvardeets" has a well-armored turret with a ricochet shape, which is practically impenetrable for classmates. On city maps, you can successfully tank with a reverse diamond, taking ricochets and non-penetrations on board. On the open maps it will not be easy for beginners: the rear location of the turret and the traditionally uncomfortable gun depression angles for the “soviets” will not allow you to effectively play from the terrain. In principle, if you “tame” a tank, you can enjoy the game and steadily replenish the game piggy bank with silver credits.

Equipment for STG "Gvardeets"

We note right away that the tank is rather “raw”, therefore it has a bunch of flaws. You can partially eliminate the shortcomings by installing additional modules. In our case, we recommend trying this choice:

  • Clearance - 370 meters view is critically small for level 8 ST, so it needs to be improved.
  • Rammer - DPM "Guardsman" is far from ideal and needs to be upgraded.
  • Stabilization - given that we are talking about a medium tank, the accuracy of shooting on the move will be useful.

As an alternative to the last module, you can try improved ventilation to get a comprehensive bonus to all stats.

Perks for STG Crew "Guardsman"

You can also increase the combat effectiveness of the tank by pumping the crew. Considering that four tankers are placed under the painted armor of the Guardsman, the commander will have to perform the duties of a radio operator. Taking into account this feature, we advise you to upgrade perks in the following sequence:

Should I buy STG Guards?

The tank is rather ambiguous, so it takes some getting used to. To understand the feasibility of acquiring, you need to clearly understand the advantages and disadvantages of this machine.

Positive sides STG "Guardsman":

  • Good speed and maneuverability.
  • Excellent camouflage performance: low silhouette + camouflage bonus.
  • Impressive alpha: 390 units for a level 8 CT is very good.
  • Good accuracy.
  • Frontal turret armor (for single-level battles).

Flaws :

  • Average strength indicators.
  • Weakly protected frontal projection of the hull and sides.
  • Not the best at the DPM level.
  • Rear location of the tower (requires getting used to).
  • Weak viewing radius.

In principle, the car is quite worthy to take a place in the hangar of players, especially fans of rare and collectible cars.

Pros and Cons ● STG Guardsman from PROTanks

STG "Guardsman" - Nerf Stabilization from June. Comparison of performance characteristics from Vspishka

Stream — Big test drive of the new premium STG Guardsman from Amway921WOT

STG Guardsman