Truckers 3 hidden road maps. Passage of the plot. “You are not alone”, group DDT

Truckers 3: Story Walkthrough.
(C) Gray Khimki

A) In every place where it is said that a lot of time is given, we assume, however
less so that we do this task right there (this affects the chronology).
b) "Informative " means that nothing needs to be done (more precisely, what to do with
You can’t do anything with this event - just listen).
V) The indicated time allotted for completing quests is real; to find out
game time - you should remember that the time scale in the game is 1:24 (a day of play for
real hour). But the chronology of the game, of course, is a game one.

0) The game starts on March 6, 2014. Nik Perepelov, his American friend
Matthew will help you create a transport company and introduce you to his colleague

1) Koch will meet you on the highway a mile from Oxnard (in either direction) and ask for
balloon Even if you don’t go anywhere further than the motel, he will call and say that
picked it up from the garage. Informative.

2) On the 8th at midnight Matthew will call and ask him to help his friend Dorothy. Having accepted it
task, all others automatically fail. On the other hand, it can be
It's painless to skip it altogether.

3) On the 8th at noon Koch will call and say that Matthew has gone missing. Informative.

4) On the 9th at midnight the police will be called - this is near Oxnard. For this task you are given 2
real hours, but let’s assume that we did it in a minimum of time. In the police
they will say that they found Matthew's burned car.

5) On the 10th at 13:00 someone will call and say that he has information about Matthew. WITH
You can meet him at a bar in Oxnard any NIGHT (from 16:00; wait at the motel,
if you arrived ahead of schedule). Have 1500 bucks with you (information fee).

6) This someone will send you to a bar in Santa Barbara to meet Peter Pan. Is the same
system: catch him any EVENING.

7) On his first visit (let’s say that same evening) Peter won’t be there, but his lessons
They will advise you to come the next day.

8) The next day (let's say, the 11th) a meeting with Peter will take place, Nick will offer him
a race where he will bet his car and Peter will bet information about Matthew. There are two options for developing the plot:
A) We win the race. To do this, you definitely need to have a fast car (you can start it)! Overtake at any cost
(you can hit the car)! After overtaking, drive between the lanes, otherwise almost
impossible to win. However, Peter will not provide valuable information.
b) As hard as it may be to do, we are losing to Pen in the race.
We give Pen the truck. So as not to feel sorry - in advance before the race
change to the worst truck in your fleet in Oxnard or
buy the cheapest one and take it.
We “wake up” in the office, we need to buy ourselves a truck again or
fire one of the mercenaries in order to get on his truck.
Dorothy calls and recommends driving up to John's. Let's go and find out about
Cheetah, we come to Pen's bar and, starting from point 7, we go to the race on
Cheetah (at the same time you’ll try it out, so that at the end of the plot it won’t be a new thing).
Now you have to win the race

9) Now we need to return to Oxnard, go to Topokinaki (office at the junction
west of the city). Two hours to complete.

10) When we get there, it will be the 12th. Topo will be given the task of transporting illegal cargo.
Despite the cutscenes and the inability to save, they cannot kill in this mission, even
if you follow the orders of the bandits and stop - a certain Frank Dakota in any
will save you in case. However, we need to meet the deadline, so either a tractor is needed
fast, or you need to scout out the intricacies of the road to Palmdale in advance (there is a nasty
interchange). Winning will give you 22 thousand bucks, losing will give you bankruptcy and THE END
GAMES. Will be returned to Oxnard automatically. The cargo, by the way, will be taken by Matthew (he is quite
alive) - although they won’t show it clearly.

11) They will immediately call the police again (again two hours to complete). In the police
they will say that Peter Pan was killed by the gunman Nick gave him in step 1, and they will almost arrest
(the key word is “almost” - Dakota will come and screw you over).

12) On the 13th at 20:45 a serious-minded guy will call and summon you to Oxnard.
They will give you enough time to complete a not very long trip, but no more
- so in this period of time there is no point in taking an order for delivery to
long distance. Failure in time results in bankruptcy and END OF GAME.

13) On the 15th at midnight Dakota will call and offer a meeting in Oxnard (at the same time
same situation as in the previous paragraph). You can ignore or be late - he
Will call back again in a few days. The meeting itself is pure

14) On the 16th at 7:00 Matthew will call and also score the arrow - in the mountains between Mojave and
Lone Pine. It will give you plenty of time - about an hour. You can get to Bakersfield
driving with a load, further is fraught with danger (see below).

15) At the approach to the fork on Lone Pine, Koch will call and tell him not to go: they will kill him.
they say If you go anyway, all other tasks will be cancelled, but it’s solid
The rank will increase and a video will be shown where Matthew dies covering Nick. If
don’t go, Matthew will still be killed, but the issued quests (if any)
will remain. It's up to you to decide what is more necessary - "turnip" or "cabbage".

16) On the 17th at 1 am Dakota will call with bad news. Informative.

17) In the evening of the same day, the bandits will call and issue an ultimatum. Informative.

18) On the 18th at 15:00 Monica will call and say that she has found a bandit base. Informative.

19) At 19:30 Dakota will call (which in itself will reset all other tasks) and
will make an appointment in a parking lot north of Bridgeport. If you run out of time, it’s better
drive there in advance, but DO NOT enter the parking lot until you receive the quest (reverse
leads to the inability to complete it). A failure in time is fraught with the fact that
Dakota and Frank will leave, and in the next few hours, anywhere in the state, Nick will be killed (what,
naturally, will cause GAME END).

20) After the meeting, you will be given 10 minutes to travel to the secret base in the direction of Mi
Wouk Village. The secret forest road begins where the serpentine ends -
Pay close attention to the right side of the road! After leaving the road there will be
forks and dead ends. At the first (immediately after leaving the road) - sharply to the right,
across the lake, on the second (after the lake) - to the left uphill, going around in this way
the lake counterclockwise (along the right bank). Drive along the far shore
slowly and carefully - a lot of boulders, one collision - and the engine goes out.
Save as soon as Dakota and John's cars come into view.
If you don't meet the time limit, you lose (albeit a video of a rocket fuel explosion)
The cheetah will not be shown - a regular killing video). By the way, you can save in
the beginning of the mission, and for your pleasure ride the legendary Cheetah -
racing tractor (this is, in fact, the only possibility). However, one of his
Emergency repairs can bankrupt...

21) The most difficult place in the plot: we jump over the rocks. We accelerate at the same time
gas and accelerator (S), pressing the latter for a short time (1-1.5s)
3-4 times in a row up to 70mph. Then we maintain this speed with the gas.
The springboard will reduce the speed to 65, which is what needed to be proven. Under no circumstances
press the accelerator on the springboard! This is guaranteed to give an acceleration of 10mph, which
is fraught with smashing against a rock. The speed may even drop to 62-63mph, but still
there will still be a chance to jump over; at a speed of 75mph this chance will not exist.
It is also important to enter the jump straight (not at an angle) and centered. Having flown over,
We immediately press on the brake (but don’t steer - it will skid). Slowing down
we head to the right (barrels in the center - dynamite). If the mission is at night (and
most likely this will happen) - the cables will not be visible. Just drive around
almost collapsed building where the flat gray surface is not water, it is
asphalt. Cables break even at low speed. It’s also a long time to slow down, though.
You can’t - a bandit will come out and shoot you. I think there is no need to explain what happens in
in case of failure of this mission (you will see for yourself many times). Video of Dakota's jump
the collapse of a water pump (like the video of his death; like the rest of the videos in the game) -
it cannot be interrupted, which is a big minus for the developers.

22) We watch the video, find out that Koch is actually the head of the bandits, we go after him
wet. Catching up with a regular tractor (even a Dakota tractor) on a Cheetah is like
take the candy from the pioneer, but the track is winding, so the speed on the turns
Cheetah can play a bad joke. To win, just catch up with Koch's tractor on
distance of 1 building. 5 minutes of racing or turning in the other direction is tantamount to defeat: they will show Nick's office in
Oxnard, but any attempt to move will cause the car to explode. However, using the bug/cheat as in step 13, you can save and reload the save without moving. Then it will be possible to continue the game without the title “Trucker of the Year” and 500 pieces of greenery, but with Cheetah =)

23) We watch another video, we receive a prize and 500 pieces of greenery, Dorothy leaves for
Cheetah (?), Nick is given his car back and teleported to the office. That's it, next
you can live in peace and earn the title of Golden Carrier.

Thus, the entire plot is completed in 12 days of play. How easy it is to notice
the plot consists of only five trips (not counting quests completed in a couple of minutes
within Oxnard) - however, you can complete the story in a couple of real hours by
sitting in motels will not work: some missions, as I understand it, are only issued
upon reaching a certain rank. For example, you can immediately after starting the game
buy one car, hire one driver and go to bed - there will be money
accumulate until you get tired of it, and the plot does not advance beyond the 1st point. All in all,
if story quests are issued later than the specified time, it means it’s not enough
spin quickly.

Third life behind the wheel,

Three centuries without sleep.

“You are not alone”, group DDT

Dawn. Behind are several hundred miles, ahead are pinkish mountains, and behind them is the base where I am taking the crabs. They are very welcome there. And with the money I earn, I can finally hire a new driver, update the suspension and buy myself draft kvass: they now sell it in any bar instead of beer. These guys simply conquered America... This is who we should follow as an example!

On dusty highways in distant states

These are the endings here. At dawn they look especially beautiful.

The last part of the series was released almost ten years ago, and almost all this time the third part was actively developed. The time, frankly speaking, is not short. And it was not wasted.

The new part took us almost to the opposite end of the globe: to California. Moreover all landscapes in the game - real! The developers undertook four expeditions, traveled more than ten thousand kilometers, and then painstakingly transferred everything they saw into the game. Of course, not life-size, but not much changed either. They tried to make the cities smaller, and the long parts of the road - on the contrary, so that we would not get bored with the excessively long journey. But the temporal proportions are completely preserved! That is, if in reality we will travel from point A to point B for 17 hours, then in the game it will take the same 17 hours. The amount of work is truly impressive.

This is interesting: In total, about two thousand kilometers of roads await us.

This step, which initially caused a storm of indignation, should ultimately please both domestic and foreign players. Americans will appreciate the accuracy and will be able to take a ride to their favorite places, and we will learn a little more about the mysterious USA. True, at first they are too mysterious. There is no normal map, you have to navigate by signs. The fact that they are in English does not interfere much, but the system of solutions will often confuse an inexperienced player. You can’t just turn around on the highway - you need to look for a special exit, don’t pass it, don’t go to the side, don’t... In general, at first it’s pure torture. Then, once you learn the basic routes, it will become easier. By the end, you will become an expert on California roads. But this does not mean that there will be no problems on the road.

I am bringing the residents of this quiet town a very important product: beer.

Nothing affects handling more than the weather. Moreover, we are not talking about banal light and dark, no. The territories in the game are very vast, and each zone should have its own surprises. It’s best, of course, when the gentle southern sun is shining. But then a couple of hours passed, you drove deep into the mainland, and the sky became cloudy. Then it started to rain. It's bad, but the order must be completed. An even greater misfortune awaits you in the mountains: snow. But this is not the end of failure. A couple of times you will find yourself in “freezing rain”, when everything first gets wet, and then freezes and becomes covered with a thin but terribly slippery crust of ice. Management, which is already difficult, becomes more complicated to the point of impossibility - you could even sit in a motel! The physics in the game are reliable, so if you brake unsuccessfully on a wet slope, you risk going down much faster than planned. True, without cargo, some parts of the car and self-esteem. Moreover, the damage will also be calculated based on the trajectory of the fall: what hit it is what fell off. We can do anything to our car: from a torn-off running board to premature disassembly for spare parts.

We'll get to the trucks soon, but for now a few words about the controls. It's complex. More precisely, “Truckers 3” is a full-fledged simulator in which you will quickly feel the difference between good and bald tires, a powerful and not very powerful engine, a horse van and a tank of beer. But, damn it, you also have to drive according to the rules! Otherwise, the evil police will catch up with you and fine you a very impressive amount. Not the slightest mistake is punishable, but you still need to monitor the situation on the road, don’t drive into oncoming traffic, don’t disturb others, don’t provoke accidents... at least in front of law enforcement officers.

Our second home, friend, faithful horse and pride

The truck, without exaggeration, is the main character of the game. Both in terms of elaboration and in terms of possibilities. The first thing that immediately catches your eye is the drawing. The car really looks like the real thing.

This is interesting: if you are carrying a tank with something, then in the rear flap you can clearly see what is going on behind you, thanks to the reflection.

Doesn't my truck look like a snail?

But not only does it look real, it also contains such a wild amount of detail that any technical reference book would be jealous. And all this variety, from the engine to the last mount, can break down and interfere with life, which it does with pleasure. At a service station, you can spend a very long time delving into all the car’s systems and looking for a breakdown. Well, or just pay the craftsmen a little more, although this does not guarantee proper repairs.

And at the stations you can make your car truly unique. Who wants to drive a rusty, beat-up and old truck for two days?

This is interesting: On our continent it is very rare to see traditional American “bonnet” trucks, because the length of the road train is limited to 24 meters, and in the USA - 28.

Starting with simple painting, we can later add many decorative details - from the wing to the grilles. In addition to the decorations, there are also useful improvements: for example, a device that automatically turns on the wipers when it starts to rain.

On a note: There are a total of 14 trucks available in the game.

In search of happiness

And now about the man who improves his tractor. His name is Nikolai Perepelov. He came to America to earn money, first buying a small office, a truck and leaving a large amount in his account. I prepared well, to say the least!

With the initial funds you can already hire a couple of hard workers (and buy them cars), and then you can go on flights yourself. This is how our transport empire will begin to develop.

This is interesting: There are more than two hundred types of goods in the game, which differ in cost, fragility, weight, delivery routes and, of course, rendering.

Meet Nikolai Perepelov.

In addition to delivering goods, we can take travel companions and participate in races. It is better to combine both with the main task, so the income per unit of time will increase significantly. Also, don't miss the trends you can find in the newspaper at the bar. They pay very well.

This is interesting: Be careful when picking up a fellow traveler on the road - it may turn out to be a robber! Moderately talkative radio DJs will always warn you about this and other dangers.

Initially, we have access to bases in a couple of cities and a small range of goods. The better we fulfill orders, the better the relationship and the more profitable the contracts. After that, you can begin to expand your influence, lengthen routes, purchase new trucks... And then the game smoothly turns into a manager. We need to hire drivers, select cars and tasks for them, and monitor our competitors. You can still drive on the roads yourself, but it will be much less useful.

In addition to the economy, the third part of the series finally has a plot. However, it can be completely ignored. Although it’s better not to do this, because during the story we will make new friends, enemies, employees and even our girlfriend. You will also have to communicate very closely with the local police and the mafia.

The return took place. These are still the same “Truckers”, but much brighter, more interesting and unusual. Traveling through Californian towns at night is very peaceful. Even for a moment you forget that there are two evil competitors hanging on your tail, whom you must at all costs bypass in the speed of delivery of crabs!

you can spend hours exploring authentic Californiamonotonous tasks
Graphic arts
various landscapes, worked out to the smallest detail
cool truck parts, weather effects
the buildings turned out much worse
opportunity to play your own music, radionot marked
Game world
authentically transferred America, a plot appearedsome desolation
management can be both extremely simplified and brought closer to realityit’s impossible to configure the mouse, scroll through videos, difficult to navigate on the road

Getting ready

The first thing to do before playing is to decide what you want: bone-chilling realism or a challenging, but still arcade game? In the first case, it is worth choosing a view from the cockpit and a manual gearbox, as well as memorizing all the hot keys, of which there are quite a few. In the second, select the top view and the machine gun.

I may be second, but the winner will come without any burden!

On a note: Even with an automatic transmission, reverse gear has to be activated with a separate button, rather than by pressing the brake for a long time.

It is also worth considering the choice of difficulty level. It's not just that you have to learn the entire road atlas and drive as if you and the truck are one organism. You will also begin to have problems with repairs, refueling and the police. The amount of fines and the cost of repairs will increase significantly. And it’s better not to even talk about evacuating from the road - we fix it only by driving to the service station under our own power and finding the breakdown with our own hands. So before you start playing, weigh everything carefully.

On a note: If you are in doubt which mode to choose, complete a couple of single orders and decide.


So we're in the game. Where do we start? First of all, you should go to the office. There you need to hire at least one (or better yet two) car - let them work. And also, if you don’t want to travel to the same places, open a representative office further from your hometown. Then we go... to the bar.

A competitor is now rushing from the right, but a photo finish will testify to my victory.

This is interesting: Gaming America is a slightly funny sight. The technology has already reached projected holographic screens - and these are all its achievements. And a certain company captured the entire beer market and supplanted the foamy drink, replacing it with its own kvass, no less foamy. This kvass will crawl into your screen with wild persistence. Spammers...

There we choose a trend that is more profitable and fly to the supplier. Then we take the goods and take them where they need to go. For a long time this scheme will be our main source of income. With the first money you earn, you need to improve the car: tires, suspension, engine, and also buy nitrous oxide for especially important contracts.

On a note: Always keep $20-30 thousand with you. You never know what awaits you on the road!

There is no point in changing the tractor at this stage, unless the current one really offends your taste. We are expanding our zone of influence and increasing the number of drivers to 4-5 people. It is better to develop the plot in parallel with this. You can take travel companions, but you won’t earn much from it, or even lose it altogether. Pick people if you really are on the same path.

It is important: Look carefully at the driver's rough driving indicators. Special reckless drivers should be given only indestructible goods, and they will show themselves even better in “last minute” orders. Racing is generally their thing.

Now everything is easier. We are gradually expanding and shifting more and more responsibility onto the shoulders of mercenaries.

Driving secrets

Everything is politically correct: black and white police. Only African-Americans
The guy was clearly about to shoot something at the malicious intruder, and his partner was trying to calm poor Nick down with friendly pats on the shoulder.

There is one more important parameter that we did not mention at the beginning, because it can be changed at any time. This is the intensity of the movement. High rates make movement very difficult, but the picture looks much more vibrant.

So, our main enemy on the road is the police. But, unfortunately, we can only do one thing with them: avoid them. And if they still decide to catch us, then two things can be done. Stop and pay a fine or not stop and then pay anyway at the first parking lot. If you are carrying out an important order, keep moving, otherwise stop.

It is important: The cops love to cut you off and park their cars in front of yours to force you to stop. Be careful not to hit them, otherwise the amount of the fine will increase significantly.

And if the police are not in sight, we can do the following nice things:

Driving in the opposite direction. Cars in the oncoming lane always get scared at the sight of a huge tractor flying at them, and then clear the lane, out of harm’s way. And we calmly move forward and don’t twitch. Thus, moving against the flow, you can not only easily overtake a competitor who has occupied our lane, but also get ahead thanks to the intelligent cowardice of the AI.

Driving on the lawn. Helps cut corners and turns. It is especially effective when you need to make a detour along the road to get to the base. By cutting across the grass in time, we can snatch victory from under the very nose of the enemy. There is one danger, but a big one: skidding and loss of control. Therefore, plan for yourself in advance straight off-road route.

Turning around in the wrong place. It will just save you a lot of time searching for junctions or intersections.

At least now on the desktop. All that remains is to add the inscription: “Leave your worries behind and go on your way.”

Struggle. Sometimes it happens that you have to be first in the race, but your competitors just don’t give in. And, even if you overtake them, they still take the lead. Then you can drive up to them from behind and carefully push the front of your car from the side into the adversary’s rear. This will cause his trailer to turn around and fly away, and if there is no cargo, it will turn the entire truck around. After this, straighten the course and tear the claws. Just get ready for problems with the law and a fine.

Finally, a few more tips, this time more legal.

If you don't know how to get to your destination, catch up with the race favorite and get behind him, and just before entering the base, overtake him using “dirty” tricks or nitrous oxide.

Listen to the radio. It will warn you about weather vagaries and other dangers, and sometimes it will share an additional task (but to complete it you need to know the map very well).

If all your competitors are traveling to your destination on the same road, that doesn't mean she's the best. Find your own routes!

Now you're prepared for almost any situation on California's still-foreign roads. Good luck with your game! Believe me, soon all these highways and forks will become familiar to you. And what if this ever comes in handy for you?..

Truckers 3: story walkthrough. (C) Gray Khimki Notes. a) In every place where it is said that a lot of time is given, we nevertheless assume that we do this task right there (this affects the chronology). b) “Informative” means that nothing needs to be done (more precisely, that nothing can be done with this event - just listen). c) The indicated time allotted for completing quests is real; To find out the game time, you should remember that the time scale in the game is 1:24 (game day per real hour). But the chronology of the game, of course, is a game one. 0) The game starts on March 6, 2014. His American friend Matthew will help Nik Perepelov create a transport company and introduce him to his colleague Koch. 1) Koch will meet you on the highway a mile from Oxnard (in any direction) and ask for a spray bottle. Even if you don’t go anywhere further than the motel, he will call and say that he picked it up from the garage. Informative. 2) On the 8th at midnight Matthew will call and ask him to help his friend Dorothy. By accepting this task, all others automatically fail. On the other hand, you can safely skip it altogether. 3) On the 8th at noon Koch will call and say that Matthew has disappeared. Informative. 4) On the 9th at midnight the police will be called - this is near Oxnard. This task is given 2 real hours, but let’s assume that we completed it in a minimum of time. The police will say that they found Matthew's burned car. 5) On the 10th at 13:00 someone will call and say that he has information about Matthew. You can meet him at a bar in Oxnard any NIGHT (from 16:00; wait at the motel if you arrive early). Have 1500 bucks with you (information fee). 6) This someone will send you to a bar in Santa Barbara to meet Peter Pan. The same system: catch him any EVENING. 7) On his first visit (let’s say that same evening) Peter will not be there, but his lessons will advise him to come the next day. 8) The next day (let’s say, the 11th) a meeting with Peter will take place, Nick will offer him a race where he will bet his car, and Peter will offer information about Matthew. Be sure to have a fast car (you can start it)! Overtake at any cost (you can beat the car)! After overtaking, drive between the lanes, otherwise it is almost impossible to win. However, Peter will not provide valuable information. 9) Now we need to return to Oxnard, go to Topokinaki (office at the interchange west of the city). Two hours to complete. 10) When we get there, it will be the 12th. Topo will be given the task of transporting illegal cargo. Despite the cutscenes and the inability to save, they cannot kill you in this mission, even if you follow the bandits’ orders and stop - someone Frank Dakota will save you in any case. However, you need to meet the deadline, so either you need a fast tractor, or you need to scout out the intricacies of the road to Palmdale in advance (there is a nasty interchange there). Winning will give you 22 thousand bucks, losing will give you bankruptcy and END OF GAME. Will be returned to Oxnard automatically. The cargo, by the way, will be received by Matthew (he is quite alive) - although this will not be clearly shown. 11) They will immediately call the police again (again two hours to complete). The police will say that Peter Pan was killed by the gunman Nick gave him in step 1, and they will almost arrest you (the key word is “almost” - Dakota will come and get rid of him). 12) On the 13th at 20:45 a serious-minded guy will call and summon you to Oxnard. They will give you enough time to complete a not very long trip, but no more - so in this period of time there is no point in taking an order for delivery over a long distance. Failure in time results in bankruptcy and END OF GAME. 13) On the 15th at midnight, Dakota will call and offer a meeting in Oxnard (the time is the same situation as in the previous paragraph). You can ignore it or be late - he will call you back in a few days. The meeting itself is purely informative. 14) On the 16th at 7:00 Matthew will call and also shoot the arrow - in the mountains between Mojave and Lone Pine. It will give you plenty of time - about an hour. You can drive up to Bakersfield with a load, but further it is fraught (see below). 15) At the approach to the fork on Lone Pine, Koch will call and tell him not to go: they will kill him. If you go anyway, all other tasks will be cancelled, but your rank will increase significantly and a video will be shown where Matthew dies covering Nick. If you don't travel, Matthew will still be killed, but the issued quests (if any) will remain. It's up to you to decide what is more necessary - "turnip" or "cabbage". 16) On the 17th at 1 am Dakota will call with bad news. Informative. 17) In the evening of the same day, the bandits will call and issue an ultimatum. Informative. 18) On the 18th at 15:00 Monica will call and say that she has found a bandit base. Informative. 19) At 7:30 p.m., Dakota will call (which will reset all other tasks) and set up a meeting in a parking lot north of Bridgeport. You'll be running out of time - it's better to get there in advance, but DO NOT drive into the parking lot before receiving the quest (the opposite will lead to the impossibility of completing it). A failure in time is fraught with the fact that Dakota and Frank will leave, and in the next few hours Nick will be killed anywhere in the state (which, naturally, will cause the END OF THE GAME). 20) After the meeting, you will be given 10 minutes to travel to the secret base in the direction of Mi Vuk Village. The secret forest road begins where the serpentine ends - carefully watch the right side of the road! After leaving the road there will be forks and dead ends. On the first (immediately after leaving the road) - sharply to the right, across the lake, on the second (after the lake) - left uphill, thus going around the lake counterclockwise (along the right bank). Drive along the far shore slowly and carefully - there are a lot of boulders, one collision - and the engine will blow out. Save as soon as Dakota and John's cars come into view. If you don't meet the deadline, you lose (although they won't show the video of the Cheetah's rocket fuel exploding - it's just a regular killing video). By the way, you can save at the beginning of the mission and ride the legendary Cheetah, a racing tractor, for your own pleasure (this is, in fact, the only option). However, just repairing it with an emergency gang can bankrupt it... 21) The most difficult place in the plot: we jump over the rocks. We accelerate simultaneously with the gas and the accelerator (S), pressing the latter for a short time (1-1.5s) 3-4 times in a row to a speed of 70mph. Then we maintain this speed with the gas. The springboard will reduce the speed to 65, which is what needed to be proven. Under no circumstances should you press the accelerator on the springboard! This is guaranteed to give an acceleration of 10mph, which is fraught with smashing into a rock. The speed may even drop to 62-63mph, but there will still be a chance to still jump; at a speed of 75mph this chance will not exist. It is also important to enter the jump straight (not at an angle) and centered. Having flown over, we immediately press the brakes (but do not steer - it will skid). Having slowed down, we head to the right (the barrels in the center are dynamite). If the mission is at night (and most likely it will be) - the cables will not be visible. Just drive near an almost collapsed building where the flat gray surface is not water, it’s asphalt. Cables break even at low speed. However, you can’t slow down for too long either - a bandit will come out and shoot you. I think there is no need to explain what happens if this mission fails (you will see for yourself many times). The video of Dakota's jump with the collapse of the water pump (as well as the video of his death; like the rest of the videos in the game) cannot be interrupted, which is a big minus for the developers. 22) We watch the video, find out that Koch is actually the head of the bandits, we go to kill him. Catching up with an ordinary tractor (even a Dakota tractor) on a Cheetah is like taking candy from a pioneer, but the track is winding, so the speed of the Cheetah can play a bad joke on turns. To win, it is enough to catch up with the Koch tractor at a distance of 1 car length. 5 minutes of the race is tantamount to defeat (Nick's office in Oxnard will be shown, but any attempt to move away will cause the car to explode). 23) We watch another video, we receive a prize and 500 pieces of greenery, Dorothy leaves on the Cheetah (?), Nick gets his car back and is teleported to the office. That's it, you can then live in peace and earn the title of Golden Carrier. Thus, the entire plot is completed in 12 days of play. As you can easily see, the plot itself consists of only five trips (not counting quests completed within a couple of minutes within Oxnard) - however, it will not be possible to complete the plot in a couple of hours of real life by sitting in motels: some missions, as I understand it, are only given upon reaching a certain rank. For example, you can immediately after starting the game buy one car, hire one driver and go to bed - the money will accumulate until you get tired of it, and the plot will not advance beyond the 1st point. In general, if story quests are issued later than the specified time, it means you are not turning fast enough. The file was added to the “9 Lives” database:

Third life behind the wheel,

Three centuries without sleep.

“You are not alone”, group DDT

Dawn. Behind are several hundred miles, ahead are pinkish mountains, and behind them is the base where I am taking the crabs. They are very welcome there. And with the money I earn, I can finally hire a new driver, update the suspension and buy myself draft kvass: they now sell it in any bar instead of beer. These guys simply conquered America... This is who we should follow as an example!

On dusty highways in distant states

The last part of the series was released almost ten years ago, and almost all this time the third part was actively developed. The time, frankly speaking, is not short. And it was not wasted.

The new part took us almost to the opposite end of the globe: to California. Moreover all landscapes in the game - real! The developers undertook four expeditions, traveled more than ten thousand kilometers, and then painstakingly transferred everything they saw into the game. Of course, not life-size, but not much changed either. They tried to compress the cities smaller, and the long parts of the road - on the contrary, so that we would not get bored with the excessively long journey. But the temporal proportions are completely preserved! That is, if in reality we will travel from point A to point B for 17 hours, then in the game it will take the same 17 hours. The amount of work is truly impressive.

This is interesting: In total, about two thousand kilometers of roads await us.

This step, which initially caused a storm of indignation, should ultimately please both domestic and foreign players. Americans will appreciate the accuracy and will be able to take a ride to their favorite places, and we will learn a little more about the mysterious USA. True, at first they are too mysterious. There is no normal map, you have to navigate by signs. The fact that they are in English does not interfere much, but the system of solutions will often confuse an inexperienced player. You can’t just turn around on the highway - you need to look for a special exit, don’t pass it, don’t go to the side, don’t... In general, at first it’s pure agony. Then, once you learn the basic routes, it will become easier. By the end, you will become an expert on California roads. But this does not mean that there will be no problems on the road.

Nothing affects handling more than the weather. And we are not talking about banal light and dark, no. The territories in the game are very vast, and each zone should have its own surprises. It’s best, of course, when the gentle southern sun is shining. But then a couple of hours passed, you drove deep into the mainland, and the sky became cloudy. Then it started to rain. It's bad, but the order must be completed. An even greater misfortune awaits you in the mountains: snow. But this is not the end of failure. A couple of times you will find yourself in “freezing rain”, when everything first gets wet, and then freezes and becomes covered with a thin but terribly slippery crust of ice. Management, which is already difficult, becomes more complicated to the point of impossibility - you could even sit in a motel! The physics in the game are reliable, so if you brake unsuccessfully on a wet slope, you risk going down much faster than planned. True, without cargo, some parts of the car and self-esteem. Moreover, the damage will also be calculated based on the trajectory of the fall: what hit it is what fell off. We can do anything to our car: from a torn-off running board to premature disassembly for spare parts.

We'll get to the trucks soon, but for now a few words about the controls. It's complex. More precisely, “Truckers 3” is a full-fledged simulator in which you will quickly feel the difference between good and bald tires, a powerful and not very powerful engine, a horse van and a tank of beer. But, damn it, you also have to drive according to the rules! Otherwise, the evil police will catch up with you and fine you a very impressive amount. Not the slightest mistake is punishable, but you still need to monitor the situation on the road, don’t drive into oncoming traffic, don’t disturb others, don’t provoke accidents... at least in front of law enforcement officers.

Our second home, friend, faithful horse and pride

The truck, without exaggeration, is the main character of the game. Both in terms of elaboration and in terms of possibilities. The first thing that immediately catches your eye is the drawing. The car really looks like the real thing.

This is interesting: if you are carrying a tank with something, then in the rear flap you can clearly see what is going on behind you, thanks to the reflection.

But not only does it look real, it also contains such a wild amount of detail that any technical reference book would be jealous. And all this variety, from the engine to the last mount, can break down and interfere with life, which it does with pleasure. At a service station, you can spend a very long time delving into all the car’s systems and looking for a breakdown. Well, or just pay the craftsmen a little more, although this does not guarantee proper repairs.

And at the stations you can make your car truly unique. Who wants to drive a rusty, beat-up and old truck for two days?

This is interesting: On our continent it is very rare to see traditional American “bonnet” trucks, because the length of the road train is limited to 24 meters, and in the USA - 28.

Starting with simple painting, we can later add many decorative details - from the wing to the grilles. In addition to the decorations, there are also useful improvements: for example, a device that automatically turns on the wipers when it starts to rain.

On a note: There are a total of 14 trucks available in the game.

In search of happiness

And now about the man who improves his tractor. His name is Nikolai Perepelov. He came to America to earn money, first buying a small office, a truck and leaving a large amount in his account. I prepared well, to say the least!

With the initial funds you can already hire a couple of hard workers (and buy them cars), and then go on flights yourself. This is how our transport empire will begin to develop.

This is interesting: There are more than two hundred types of goods in the game, which differ in cost, fragility, weight, delivery routes and, of course, rendering.

In addition to delivering goods, we can take travel companions and participate in races. It is better to combine both with the main task, so the income per unit of time will increase significantly. Also, don't miss the trends you can find in the newspaper at the bar. They pay very well.

This is interesting: Be careful when picking up a fellow traveler on the road - it may turn out to be a robber! Moderately talkative DJs on the radio will always warn you about this and other dangers.

Initially, we have access to bases in a couple of cities and a small range of goods. The better we fulfill orders, the better the relationship and the more profitable the contracts. After that, you can begin to expand your influence, lengthen routes, purchase new trucks... And then the game smoothly turns into a manager. We need to hire drivers, select cars and tasks for them, and monitor our competitors. You can still drive on the roads yourself, but it will be much less useful.

In addition to the economy, the third part of the series finally has a plot. However, it can be completely ignored. Although it’s better not to do this, because during the story we will make new friends, enemies, employees and even our girlfriend. You will also have to communicate very closely with the local police and the mafia.

The return took place. These are still the same “Truckers”, but much brighter, more interesting and unusual. Traveling through Californian towns at night is very peaceful. Even for a moment you forget that there are two evil competitors hanging on your tail, whom you must at all costs bypass in the speed of delivery of crabs!

Getting ready

The first thing to do before playing is to decide what you want: bone-chilling realism or a challenging, but still arcade game? In the first case, it is worth choosing a view from the cockpit and a manual gearbox, as well as memorizing all the hot keys, of which there are quite a few. In the second, select the top view and the machine gun.

On a note: Even with an automatic transmission, reverse gear has to be activated with a separate button, rather than by pressing the brake for a long time.

It is also worth considering the choice of difficulty level. It's not just that you have to learn the entire road atlas and drive as if you and the truck are one organism. You will also begin to have problems with repairs, refueling and the police. The amount of fines and the cost of repairs will increase significantly. And it’s better not to even talk about evacuating from the road - we fix it only by driving to the service station under our own power and finding the breakdown with our own hands. So before you start playing, weigh everything carefully.

On a note: If you are in doubt which mode to choose, complete a couple of single orders and decide.


So we're in the game. Where do we start? First of all, you should go to the office. There you need to hire at least one (or better yet two) car - let them work. And also, if you don’t want to travel to the same places, open a representative office further from your hometown. Then we go... to the bar.

This is interesting: Gaming America is a slightly funny sight. The technology has already reached projected holographic screens - and these are all its achievements. And a certain company captured the entire beer market and supplanted the foamy drink, replacing it with its own kvass, no less foamy. This kvass will crawl into your screen with wild persistence. Spammers...

There we choose a trend that is more profitable and fly to the supplier. Then we take the goods and take them where they need to go. For a long time this scheme will be our main source of income. With the first money you earn, you need to improve the car: tires, suspension, engine, and also buy nitrous oxide for especially important contracts.

On a note: Always keep $20-30 thousand with you. You never know what awaits you on the road!

There is no point in changing the tractor at this stage, unless the current one really offends your taste. We are expanding our zone of influence and increasing the number of drivers to 4-5 people. It is better to develop the plot in parallel with this. You can take travel companions, but you won’t earn much from it, or even lose it altogether. Pick people if you really are on the same path.

It is important: Look carefully at the driver's rough driving indicators. Special reckless drivers should be given only indestructible goods, and they will show themselves even better in “last minute” orders. Racing is generally their element.

Now everything is easier. We are gradually expanding and shifting more and more responsibility onto the shoulders of mercenaries.

Driving secrets

There is one more important parameter that we did not mention at the beginning, because it can be changed at any time. This is the intensity of the movement. High rates make movement very difficult, but the picture looks much more vibrant.

So, our main enemy on the road is the police. But, unfortunately, we can only do one thing with them: avoid them. And if they still decide to catch us, then two things can be done. Stop and pay a fine or not stop and then pay anyway at the first parking lot. If you are carrying out an important order, keep moving, otherwise stop.

It is important: The cops love to cut you off and park their cars in front of yours to force you to stop. Be careful not to hit them, otherwise the amount of the fine will increase significantly.

And if the police are not in sight, we can do the following nice things:

Driving in the opposite direction. Cars in the oncoming lane always get scared at the sight of a huge tractor flying at them, and then clear the lane, out of harm’s way. And we calmly move forward and don’t twitch. Thus, moving against the flow, you can not only easily overtake a competitor who has occupied our lane, but also get ahead thanks to the intelligent cowardice of the AI.

Driving on the lawn. Helps cut corners and turns. It is especially effective when you need to make a detour along the road to get to the base. By cutting across the grass in time, we can snatch victory from under the very nose of the enemy. There is one danger, but a big one: skidding and loss of control. Therefore, plan for yourself in advance straight off-road route.

Turning around in the wrong place. It will just save you a lot of time searching for junctions or intersections.

Struggle. Sometimes it happens that you have to be first in the race, but your competitors just don’t give in. And, even if you overtake them, they still take the lead. Then you can drive up to them from behind and carefully push the front of your car from the side into the adversary’s rear. This will cause his trailer to turn around and fly away, and if there is no cargo, it will turn the entire truck around. After this, straighten the course and tear the claws. Just get ready for problems with the law and a fine.

Finally, a few more tips, this time more legal.

These are the endings here. At dawn they look especially beautiful.

If you don't know how to get to your destination, catch up with the race favorite and get behind him, and just before entering the base, overtake him using “dirty” tricks or nitrous oxide.

Listen to the radio. It will warn you about weather vagaries and other dangers, and sometimes it will share an additional task (but to complete it you need to know the map very well).

If all your competitors are traveling to your destination on the same road, that doesn't mean she's the best. Find your own routes!

Now you're prepared for almost any situation on California's still-foreign roads. Good luck with your game! Believe me, soon all these highways and forks will become familiar to you. And what if this ever comes in handy for you?..

1 2 All

Message from Godwin:

people, is there a save with a 100% completed game but the drivers are not hired??

Look in the topic, there were saves with 100% completion, look

But there is great news!

Message from Hammer:

Patch 5 has been released, but I won’t recommend it to anyone and I won’t post it here either, because G.

But there is great news!
The first large-scale add-on for the game called "Truckers 3: Great Race" is coming out on November 13th! We waited

Codes for the game Truckers 3. Conquest of America
The map size can be changed by pressing Ctrl+Tab
Pause the game.
SLLOTTERY Give money and license
SLROADS Entire map
SLMAP Entire map
SLFILLUP Next level
SLRECOVER Turn around

There are two types of vehicles in the game: trucks and tractors. Trucks carry cargo on themselves, and tractors pull it behind them. When creating your own company, it is most profitable to hire drivers for Russian trucks because they are cheap, they are fast and efficient. If you want to always arrive first, install all the bells and whistles on your car. When you are the first everywhere and always, then it’s time for you to buy a tractor; the best one is if it has three axles; this one will handle the road best. If you are on a tractor and If you delivered the cargo, don’t rush to get rid of the trailer with it, you will be able to take orders in any village. The best thing is to drive large cars so that the mafia and all sorts of cops can crash and the cargo will have more power
hardtruckisthebest money and license
wininalottery money and license
openallroads open all roads
advancedmap see hidden containers on the map
Pause and dial
"slallcheats" - you'll get it
a license, a little money and you can buy cars (BMW, Fiat, Gazelle luxury, etc.). You can only buy a car from a truck (don't try to buy a car from a car). Cars can also transport cargo
Pause the game and type:
Slrepair - repair by pressing the space bar.
Slmar - open all roads.
Slfullup - refuel.
Slturnup - get Turbo.
Slrecover - free "911" by pressing +.
Pause the game and enter:
SLALLCHEATS - all roads and everything on it, license
During the game use:
+ - sharp acceleration forward;
+ - sharp acceleration back
Pause the game and enter:
SLLOTTERY - get 1******0 and a license.
Blow up all the gas pumps and you will get $1******0, then go to one of the bases, where you can buy yourself a helicopter. You can buy a rocket launcher and a machine gun for him from the mafia. Flying on it you can blow up anything and compete with police helicopters :-) Good luck.

1. Hidden Road
When driving on Highway 99, a little before Fresno there is a fork on Highway 41, and a little before that on Highway 99 there is a large interchange with a traffic stop. From this junction you can exit onto Highway 198, which is not marked on the map. The entrance may be fenced with shields, but they are easily knocked down.
2. Income from drivers
Method one:
Uncheck the auto salary box. We change the salary so that loyalty is ~70%. 3. We change the type of trip so that loyalty is minimal. We change the salary so that loyalty is ~70%. We change the fragility of the cargo so that loyalty is minimal. We change the salary so that loyalty is ~70%. We change the travel distance so that loyalty is minimal. We change the salary so that the driver does not leave of his own free will (>40%)
Method two:
Salary for "Auto". We change the parameters “Order type”, “Cargo fragility”, “Flight range” so that the value in the “Changed salaries” field is maximum. Well, after that you can manually change your salary, but loyalty will also change.
3. To improve rain, open the raindrops.ini file and write there:
Method one:
gfade_low = 0.023
minspeed_low = 2.5
maxspeed_low = 8.3
pps_low = 882
dsize_low = 0.63
dfade_low = 4
pc_low = 1
spercent_low = 18
wamp_low = 0.2
gfade_mid = 0.023
minspeed_mid = 2.5
maxspeed_mid = 8.8
pps_mid = 882
dsize_mid = 0.63
dfade_mid = 4
pc_mid = 1
spercent_mid = 19
wamp_mid = 0.2
gfade_high = 0.0
minspeed_high = 2.5
maxspeed_high = 8.3
pps_high = 882
dsize_high = 0.63
dfade_high = 4
pc_high = 1
spercent_high = 17
wamp_high = 0.3
Method two:
Replace the file Data\Weather\dropdudv_splash.t ga with the file from the archive.
4. Ratings and ranks
Rank is a measure of a player's coolness in relation to other drivers. The higher the player's rank, the more experienced (and more profitable) drivers he can hire. Relevant for rank 1000, it doesn’t matter anymore, because There are no hired drivers with a rank of more than 1000. The rank increases by successfully completing cargo transportation tasks.
Rating is a measure of how careful a player is when driving. The maximum possible rating is 100. In case of any accidents along the way (collisions, accidents, etc.), the rating decreases. If the player has driven for some time without an accident, the rating increases again. What benefits a high rating provides and what problems a low rating creates is still unknown.
5. Increase HDR effects
in the file \RigNRoll\Data\Weather\narko_v ision.ini
change the line narkoPower = 0.0 to narkoPower = 1.0.
After this, additional options become available in the game settings.
graphics settings.

Tell us more about the patch, why it g...? And what does it give?

Message from Niuka:

Is this a description of the codes for Truckers 2 or is it still 3?

I found them on the Internet, looked at the contents and at first I also thought that these were codes for D2, but the other points about the hidden route and about ratings and about income from drivers still did not give me 100% confidence that these were codes for D2. I haven’t checked it myself yet, I want to do it this weekend.

It adds a paid store of coloring pages for cars to the game (each ~15 rubles) and slightly fixes the rain on the front window. IMHO, it's nonsense.

As for patch No. 5, it would probably still be worth posting it, after all, everything should be in the theme for the game.

So will anyone post patch number 5?

Message from Hammer:

rnr_ru_update_305.exe 271.41 MB

After installing the patch, all headlights and side lights do not work. I'm warning you

Installed, the lights work! Maybe somewhere in the future “shoals” will come to light, but I haven’t noticed them yet.

Information from the 1C website:

11/12/2010 “Truckers 3: The Great Race”: out of the way!
A new game from the Novosibirsk company SoftLab-Nsk, “Truckers 3: The Great Race,” has gone on sale.
The electronic version can be purchased in the digital store
An addition to the famous car simulator "Truckers 3: Conquest of America" ​​gives players the opportunity to take part in incredibly difficult and dangerous races on powerful tractors on the roads of California. To win all stages of the championship and become the absolute winner is only possible with a persistent and strong spirit!
Starting with simple tracks and improving their driving skills, players will master the art of overcoming the most treacherous roads by the end. Gradually gaining experience, they will learn to accurately determine in which cases only speed is important for victory, in which - maneuverability, in which the special equipment of the machine will play a role. At different stages of the championship, certain conditions will be set. Racing with a load or empty, in heavy traffic or on an empty road and, of course, in different weather conditions - each competition will be a real adventure.

System requirements
Intel Pentium IV processor with a clock frequency of 2.4 GHz;
Video card of the NVIDIA GeForce 5700 or ATI Radeon X800 class with 128 MB of video memory, compatible with DirectX 9.0;

DirectX 9.0c;
DVD reader;
Keyboard and mouse.

Operating system Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7;
3.0 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor;
NVIDIA GeForce 8800 or Radeon HD 3870 class video card with 256 MB of video memory, compatible with DirectX 9.0;
Sound card compatible with DirectX 9.0;
10 GB of free hard disk space;
DirectX 9.0c;
DVD reader;
Keyboard and mouse;
Gaming steering wheel and pedals.

ATTENTION! An Internet connection is required to activate the game.
You must have an installed licensed version of the game "Truckers 3: Conquest of America".