Didactic game "Find a couple. Didactic game "Find a Pair" methodological development for the development of speech (preparatory group) on the topic Didactic game "Find a Pair"

Natalia Perepelko

Didactic game"Find a Pair"

Dear colleagues, I want to offer you the autumn didactic game "Find a Pair". The game is designed for children 2 - 3 years old.

Target: Learn to match leaves by color.

Tasks: Develop visual perception, thinking, attention, memory.

The essence of the game: The child finds a pair for a piece of paper. Then you can complicate the task, the child needs to find a pair from memory. Show the leaf, then hide it. The child from memory finds a pair to the leaflet.

Guys, look, I have multi-colored leaves. They, like you, go to kindergarten, play, run, jump. The mother leaves came for them. Let's help mothers find their babies.

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Mazeina Madina Faritovna

Didactic game "Find a Pair"

(according to the method of direct analogies)

Target : to create conditions for the activation of creative thinking, as a means of enriching the active vocabulary of preschool children.

Main goals:

  1. Teach children to identify the basic properties and functions of Objects.
  2. Encourage children to be observant.
  3. Enrich active vocabulary.
  4. Expand the horizons of children.

Working with the manual requires a sufficient stock of knowledge in various fields. Beforehand, you can discuss with the children how children already use direct analogy in story games, using substitute items as attributes (cube-car, bell-skirt, stick-machine, etc.).

This manual is designed for children 6-7 years old.


Target: teach children to identify the basic properties and functions of Objects. Equipment:

Game progress: Children are divided into two groups and sit at tables facing each other. The speech therapist first distributes the pictures to the first group. They arrange the pictures face up. The speech therapist shuffles and distributes the pictures of the second group, turning them upside down. The players of the second group open one picture at a time, show the object and name it. For example, a pump: "What is this?" - "Pump". "What is he doing?" - "Swings." “What or who can do the same?” - “Heart” (the child from the first group answers), etc.

The resulting couple sits side by side.


Target: create conditions for the activation of creative thinking, as a means of enriching the active vocabulary of preschool children and consolidating the skill of analysis.

Equipment: prepare two groups of cards. The names of the pictures of the first group are paired with the names of the pictures of the second group.

Game progress: The children sit around the table. There are pictures on the table. The speech therapist puts a couple of pictures in the middle of the table. Suppose wind and fan and explains the function (properties) of the Objects. The first child selects the sound at the end (at the beginning) of the word, the second child selects a picture whose name begins with a given sound, and puts his picture next to it. The third child finds a pair of this word using the method of direct analogies. The fourth child again highlights the last sound in the word, and so on.

Target: develop memory, the ability to distribute and switch attention.

The teacher lays out the pictures (randomly, in rows) in front of the children. (Figure 5). Children carefully examine them, highlight pairs. The teacher offers to remember the location of each pair and turns the pictures over. Then he opens any picture, asks to find a pair for her.

9. Game "Button".

Target: development of attention, logical thinking and orientation in space

Two people are playing. In front of them are two identical sets of buttons, in each of which not a single button is repeated. Each player has a playing field (Figure 6) - a square divided into cells. The starter of the game puts 3 buttons on his field, the second player must look and remember where which button lies. After that, the first player covers his playing field with a piece of paper, and the second must repeat the same arrangement of buttons on his field. The more cells and buttons are used in the game, the more difficult the game becomes.

10. Game "Little bug".

"Now we will play such a game. You see, in front of you is a field drawn into cells (Fig. 7). A beetle is crawling across this field. The beetle moves on command. It can move up, down, right, left. I will dictate moves to you , and you will move the beetle across the field in the right direction. Do it mentally. You cannot draw or drag your finger across the field! Attention? Let's start. One cell up, one cell to the left. One cell down. One cell to the left. One cell down. Show where the beetle stopped."

If the child finds it difficult to complete the task mentally, then at first you can allow him to show with his finger each movement of the beetle, or make a beetle and move it around the field. It is important that as a result the child learns to mentally navigate in the cell field.

Application (attention)

Picture 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Visual-figurative thinking. The very concept of figurative thinking implies operating with images, carrying out various operations (thinking) based on representations. Therefore, efforts here should be focused on developing in children the ability to create various images in their heads, i.e. visualize. Exercises for the formation of such a skill are described in sufficient detail in the section on memory development. Here we will supplement them with a few more tasks for visualization.

This game - classic game"Memory" or "Find a Pair!" - aimed at the effective development of the ability to memorize and concentrate. The game will also help your child learn to communicate and joint game with adults and other children. Recommended age- from 2 to 99 years old. 40 cards that make up 20 pairs The convenient size of the cards (60 × 80 mm.) and their thickness (all elements are made of cardboard with a thickness of at least 3 millimeters) make it easy for even the smallest participants to play with them, developing coordination of finger movements, and provide long life this game. All cards also have a special protective coating, which will avoid harm even if an inquisitive baby accidentally gets into the mouth. The game is packed in a cardboard box that will easily withstand several years of active handling. Box dimensions: 200x200x35 mm.

Possible game options

The game can be played by 2 or more players. The game consists of 40 cards making up 20 pairs. The goal is to collect as many pairs as possible. Lay the cards face down on the table. The youngest player starts the game. The player turns over any two cards. If they make a pair, the player takes them and turns over the other two cards. If not, the player puts them back in the same places face down, and the turn passes to the next player in the circle. All participants must carefully follow the moves of other players in order to remember the pictures on the cards for their turn. The game ends when all pairs are dealt. The winner is the player who has collected the most pairs. For the youngest children: lay out fewer pairs of cards (for example, 5 or 10 pairs), and then increase their number.

The game is aimed at:

  • memory development,
  • development of communication skills,
  • development of fine motor skills.
  • Toddlers, it is very useful to sort various objects and look for similar signs in them. Good game Find a couple— search for the same pair of things. For example, wardrobe items - mittens, gloves and socks, with similar patterns and textures, are suitable. A child can play such a game every day, dressing or helping mom sort out washed things.

    It's even easier to make a pocket version of the game "Find the second" - we will not use real things, but draw them on paper. Below I offer my pictures for printing with 6 pairs of mittens and 6 pairs of socks. In addition to finding a couple of things, the child is invited to find a whole set consisting of two mittens and two socks.

    What does the game develop?

    The game perfectly develops attention, teaches the child to correlate textures on various subjects. In addition, very young children will visually get acquainted with the concept of “the same” and “different”, learn to count and distinguish between the number of objects “one”, “two”, “none”

    At the end of the article, you can download everything in one file.