Elixir of Water bdo. Black Desert: All Alchemy recipes. Fast leveling alchemy

As the famous Walter White said, "Alchemy is the queen of all sciences." We will not refute this statement: in Black Desert alchemy plays, if not a key, then an essential role.

On the alchemy table with a pumped skill, you can make potions for all occasions: improving combat skills, giving buffs during classes peaceful professions, which increase the speed of movement, the height of the jump, the amount of experience gained by the character or mount, and change many other parameters. And although the increase in characteristics is short-lived, expensive potions, in terms of the magnitude of the advantage acquired, easily outperform any dishes prepared using cooking.

Fast leveling alchemy

Near the location of the Line of the Dead from the side of the Bear Village, namely, not far from the NPC named Becker, a poisonous flycatcher is found in large quantities - a plant, the ingredients from which we will use for the first alchemical experiments. A beginner alchemist knows almost nothing, except for the distillation of healing tinctures and juice from cereals, but the development of professional skills in this way is extremely slow. Even beginners have access to a simple recipe that can help them rise to the rank of Apprentice. You will need carnivorous plant powder, which is obtained from a flycatcher using a hoe.

Another necessary ingredient is the dust of darkness. It drops randomly when swotting iron and lead deposits with a pickaxe. But if you decide to do alchemy "in an adult way", many components of potions and elixirs will be required on an industrial scale. You will have to become a slave owner: hire laborers, and having laid a route to the node of interest, send them to extract resources. Dark Dust is a by-product supplied by workers from iron ore nodes.

An alchemy table is required for making potions and other activities. The simplest and cheapest can be bought in any city from an NPC alichemist. A table is installed in the house, which is rented for influence points. When converting one portion of carnivorous plant powder and one portion of dust of darkness, we will receive a random amount of vegetable gunpowder (depending on the profession level) - a component for crafting bombs used in sieges of nodes and territories. If you are not a member of a guild, not engaged in crafting, or your guild is not engaged in hostilities, bring gunpowder to the auction: this is how alchemy will bring the first income.

Not a bug, but a feature!

Any reputable alchemist's tool kit will certainly include a syringe used to extract animal blood and tree sap. It is on the blood that our interest will be focused when, having made a sufficient amount of vegetable gunpowder, we will pump the alchemy skill to the level of "Apprentice". Please note: the blood of many animals is rare at the auction, so most likely you will have to get it yourself. At the same level, the manufacture of many essences and potions becomes available, but the fastest way to level a profession is to prepare the tinctures described below.

In alchemical recipes Black Desert, which can be found on the Internet, have one drawback: an overestimated amount of ingredients. No, of course, and something useful can be prepared from the indicated amount, but the thrifty alchemist has all the components in the account. It has been experimentally established that when using these recipes, the consumption of ingredients is reduced significantly:

Divine Blood: Magic Leaf, Earth Powder, Powder Reagent, Cold Blood (lizard, bat, worm, or yellow beak);
Tyrant's Blood: Monk Branch, Barbarian Powder, Powder Reagent, Giant Blood (Bear, Troll, Ogre, or Dinosaur);
Fool's Blood: Magic Leaf, Darkness Powder, Liquid Reagent, Dark Blood (wolf, flamingo, wasteland dragon, or buffalo);
Sinner's blood: bloody tree knot, fire dust, liquid reagent, brown blood (deer, sheep, waragon, pig or bison);
Sage's Blood: Monk Branch, Repair Powder, Liquid Reagent, Animal Blood (Fox, Ferret, Raccoon or Monkey).

Important! All components, except animal blood, should be used in one part (rather than two parts, as indicated in most recipes). Use animal blood in two parts, not five.

Alchemy Stones

Having received the level of "Professional", you can start the production of alchemy stones, which give short-term buffs when used. There are 3 types in total:

Stone of Life: Increased Crafting, Cooking, Alchemy, Carrying Capacity, Fishing and Gathering Level, Luck;

Protection Stone: Damage reduction, increased defense, resistance, maximum health;

Stone of Destruction: (increases attack power, accuracy, attack speed and skill casting, ignoring resistances.

To make one alchemy stone, you will need 10 parts of the following components:

Liquid reagent;
Powder reagent;
The blood of a sinner;
The dust of centuries;
Shiny powder.

The dust of centuries is a by-product of lead ore mining. Shining Powder is one of the wastes that the alchemist obtains during the mass production of potions (by the way, it is very rare, unlike other slag).

Any alchemy stone has 8 levels of improvement (from imperfect to shining) and 4 levels of quality, like many items in the game (gray, green, blue and gold). The level of improvement can be increased by grinding, while in the process the quality level can also be improved randomly. The level of enhancement of the used alchemy stone affects the amount of increase in parameters, and the quality affects the amount of buffed characteristics. So the best stone is
shining, golden quality. Due to the strength and magnitude of the applied buffs, the cost of such a “charm” at the auction is from hundreds of millions of silver.


In order to increase the level of improvement of the stone, it will have to be polished. For this are used:

Stone of life - selected vegetables, fruits and mushrooms;
Protection stone - strong boards;
Destruction Stone - pure ingots metals.

After polishing the stone by 100% (and preferably up to 150%), you can try to strengthen it with the help of the Black Stone (weapon).

Strong boards are obtained by heating plywood and wood hardener using the crafting menu (L button), pure metal ingots are obtained by heating metal ingots and metal solvent. They are also used by crafters in the production of many valuable items. Strong boards are expensive and clean ingots are expensive, but the hardener and solvent are easily boiled on the alchemy table, so almost all crafters are also alchemists.

When using an alchemy stone (U button, if it is equipped in the appropriate slot), its durability is reduced. You can charge the stone by pouring oil, which is produced by alchemists. Like the blood of a jester or a tyrant, when making butter, you can save on ingredients: one part of each is enough, empirically proven. We will not give recipes: any alchemist in the process of learning and completing quests for a profession will learn them on his own. We are alchemists, right?

It turned out that all the bases in Russian are complete crap, but on the Internet you can find such information:

Gamenet excelled as always. Judging by what bugs I found in the crafting system, this was done on purpose. Most likely to correct the economy.

Infa is very useful and it is almost nowhere to be found. And it was obtained empirically + translation from Korean + foreign databases. All domestic BDO Bases copy the same thing from each other.

About Geimnet, I wrote not in vain. When it became clear that the domestic bases were lying, at first I thought that this was an agreement between the TOP clans containing these very databases, but in the end, after checking several recipes according to the descriptions of the quests that were embedded in the Gamenet localization, I realized that everything in these bases was taken from the Russian locale.

So let's take a completely reputable site as an example. http://bdobase.info/alchemy

All alchemy recipes are listed here, but some of the recipes have very nasty errors.

Below I will describe those recipes for which I am crafting now. They contain smaller amounts of some key ingredients.
All recipes give 100% crafting chance!

For simplicity, I will write in this format:
Received item = X(ingredient 1) +Y(ingredient 2) +Z (ingredient 3), where X,Y,Z is the quantity in pieces.

Let's start with the most commonly used

Blood of the Divine= 1(Magic Leaf) + 1(Earth Powder)+1(Reagent Powder) + 2(Lizard Blood)

Blood of the Sinner= 1(Bloodwood Knot) +1(Powder of Fire) +1(Liquid Reagent)+2(Pig's Blood)

Blood of the Sage= 1(Hermit Stick) +1(Accident Powder)+1(Liquid Reagent)+2(Ferret Blood)

Blood of the Tyrant= 1(Hermit Stick)+1(Barbarian Powder)+1(Reagent Powder)+2(Troll Blood)

Jester's Blood= 1(Magic Leaf) +1(Powder of Darkness)+1(Liquid Reagent)+ 2(Wolf Blood)

Of course, blood can be changed to another from the group, I just indicated the cheapest options.

Oil recipes:

Oil of the Storm= 1(Tyrant's Blood)+1(Old Tree Bark)+1(Fruit of the Storm)+1(Powder of Time)

Oil of harmony=1(Sage's Blood)+1(Bloodwood Knot)+1(Magic Fruit)+1(Gravity Powder)

Oil of Reincarnation=1(God's Blood)+1(Red Mail)+1(Fruit of the Sun)+1(Powder of Destruction)

Oil of Fortitude=1(Jester's Blood)+1(Hermit Stick)+1(Fruit of Nature)+1(Powder of Fire)

Decadence Oil=1(Sinner's Blood)+1(Magic Leaf)+1(Ocean Fruit) +1(Powder of Darkness)

Well, for a snack, some good recipes for greens:

Assassin Potion=1(Reincarnation Oil)+5(Reagent Powder)+4(Ginger)+2(Red Kidney)+2(Memory Powder)

Herald Potion=1(Oil of Fortitude)+6(Powder Reagent)+4(Wave)+3(Hermit's Stick)+3(Powder of Wish)

Wind Potion=1(Blood of the Sage)+5(Boletus)+5(Pine Sap)+2(Powder of Darkness)

Potion of Life=1(Powder Reagent)+3(Azaleas)+5(Fox Blood)+3(Small HP Potion)

Potion of the Marauder=1(Oil of Fortitude)+4(Liquid Reagent)+3(Bushweed)+4(Alder Juice)+2(Forest Powder)

Potion of Wisdom=1(Storm Oil)+6(Powder Reagent)+3(Truffle)+2(Old Tree Bark)+3(Powder of Barbarism)

As you can see, there are key ingredients in oils and blood, the amount of which, relative to the database, is several times less. This significantly affects their cost.

Perhaps some powders are now called differently, localization is constantly changing, names are constantly changing. For this, I gave a link to the database to see what ingredients. The key infa in this message is the amount of these very ingredients))

Add who has what.

Having started my journey in Black Desert, after several hours of pumping, I realized that I was missing various “cans”. It was quite expensive to buy them from NPC alchemists, and with this method of leveling, I would go bankrupt very quickly. But, there was a way out in crafting. More on this in the guide below.

Please note that for the manufacture of items you need such an indicator as energy points:

Energy points are restored slowly, only one point every three minutes, however, by purchasing a bed and placing it in your house, you can speed up this process by half.

Let's try to cook a healing tincture. In order to do this, you need to collect certain herbs and mix them with water. I was able to craft tinctures from the following resources:

Weed. Grows almost everywhere. It can be collected from bushes that grow in cities and on roadsides, and can also be obtained with some chance from certain mobs.

- Calendula. Grows in the forests of Balenos.

Weed needs 10 pieces (for one craft), and marigold - 3. In addition, we buy one unit of water for cooking from the NPC chef (for one craft):

After the window appears, first click on the image of the jar (“Alchemy” function), then right-click on the weed or calendula, and then on the cooking water in the inventory. Then click on the "Make" button. If you did everything right, then from 10 to 12 healing tinctures will be created:

And also, with a certain chance, from 3 to 4 concentrated healing tinctures:

An alchemist's stone or an alchemist's stone is a mysterious element of a character's equipment in Black game Desert. The cell for it is located exactly in the middle of the equipment menu.

At the initial levels, the players of the new MMORPG do not attach importance to this item, because storyline and basic quests do not affect alchemy stones in any way: they are not given as a reward for completing tasks, nor for gaining a new level. Many even upon reaching level 50+ are unaware of the existence of such stones.

At higher levels, however, it is impossible to ignore the lack of this item in the character, because the alchemist stones in Black Desert can significantly increase the player's potential. For fans of PvP, this thing will become especially indispensable, because even the slightest advantage in a duel can decide the outcome of the battle. For those who prefer PvE, such a stone will also serve in good stead, making it easier to farm and giving additional self-confidence.

What is an alchemical stone and what are they in the game world of Black Desert Online

Let's start by understanding what an alchemist's stone is, how it works and why it is needed. As mentioned above, this is a special item of equipment that, when activated by pressing the "U" key, gives game character various valuable buffs, i.e. temporary enhancements of certain characteristics.

In total, there are three types of alchemy stones in Black Desert, each of which gives its own buff:

  1. The stone of life is loved by "peaceful" players and crafters, because its use increases the speed of alchemy and cooking crafts, and also increases the speed of manufacturing semi-finished products.
  2. The Stone of Protection is a versatile stone that suits almost any playstyle and will provide the wearer with survivability in the form of damage reduction.
  3. Stone of destruction - useful to those who prefer attack to defense; this gem temporarily increases combat stats such as attack power.

By game statistics To date, the Alchemy Stone of Destruction is the most popular in Black Desert. Its price at auction is significantly higher than the price of other alchemist stones.

Creating an alchemy stone in Black Desert

The fact that the alchemist's stone is a necessary item in the game has been proven above. However, the question remains - how to get it? Who is he getting off of? Where to buy it?

It should be noted right away that the alchemy stone does not drop from any monsters, nor can it be obtained from any boss. Apart from the favorite "lazy" way - buying at auction, the only way getting an alchemical stone is crafting, or to be more precise, alchemy.

To create an alchemist stone in BDO yourself, you need to:

  1. Reach Apprentice 1 in Alchemy.
  2. Gather 10 of each of the following ingredients:
  • the blood of a sinner;
  • powder reagent;
  • liquid reagent;
  • the dust of centuries;
  • shining powder.

The blood of the sinner and both reagents are materials known to any game alchemist, which are quite easy to prepare yourself on the alchemy table. If you do not want to engage in their creation, these ingredients can be freely bought in any quantity at the auction.

Getting the dust of centuries will also not be a big problem: it sometimes falls out during the manual extraction of stones and ore, and is also mined by a worker at some nodes (mines and excavations). Also, this material is widely represented at the auction at a very affordable price.

The most mysterious element of the alchemical stone is the shining powder.

Of course, you can buy it at the auction, but for the price that is indicated there today, it will be easier to immediately buy an alchemy stone and not suffer from crafting. If we talk about other ways to get a shining powder in Black Desert, then the same alchemy comes to the rescue. The fact is that this same powder can be obtained during alchemical experiments, one might say, from nothing, as a by-product. However, this is not as easy as it seems.

When creating simple potions and reagents, the chance to get a shining powder is negligible. In order to increase the chance of obtaining it, you need to brew complex potions and elixirs, available only for high-level alchemy, professional, expert and above. Alchemical oils and complex blood (sinner, deity, jester, etc.) are perfect.

When all the ingredients are collected, you can start creating an alchemy stone, which is crafted on the alchemy table. The chance of successful crafting is not 100%; in case of an unfavorable development of events, you can get unnecessary garbage from the most valuable ingredients, which is sold very cheaply to a merchant. However, upon successful manufacture, the player will receive an imperfect alchemist stone (initial quality), and it is impossible to know in advance which one it is, that is, whether the stone of protection, life or destruction will come out - only luck and Korean random will decide.

"Growing" the stone of the alchemist

Finally, the goal is reached - the alchemical stone is received. However, this is still only half the battle, because the stone that is obtained initially is only a blank that gives a very small buff. Such a stone is even called - imperfect. To become the owner of a truly valuable alchemy stone in the Black Desert game world, it needs to be polished and improved several times.

Each stone has its own strength, as well as a parameter called experience.

Restoring the durability of the alchemist's stone

The durability of an alchemy stone is consumed as it is used: each activation of its properties takes away 1 point of strength from the stone. You should not take too much care of the strength of the stone - this parameter is easy to restore by "feeding" certain alchemical potions and reagents to the stone - for example, a powder reagent restores 1 unit of stone strength, and reincarnation oil - 10 units. You can also restore the stone with alchemical blood, while replenishing 4 units of durability per piece.

To open the recovery menu, you must click the "Stone" tab at the bottom of the inventory, and then select the "Charging" item.

Thus, an alchemical stone can be used an infinite number of times.

Gain experience and enhance the alchemy stone

To be able to level up an alchemy stone, you need to "feed" it with suitable materials, increasing its experience. In this sense, the stone resembles a pet. What "loves to eat" each of the alchemical stones is indicated in its description:

  • The life stone prefers herbs (calendula, azalea, weeds), fruits (apples, grapes), cereals (wheat, barley, etc.), and materials made from them. He will not refuse rare fruits - the Fruit of the Ocean, the Sun, Magic, etc.
  • The stone of protection loves wood of any species, various lumber (board, plywood), as well as tree sap extracted with a syringe.
  • The destruction stone "eats" a variety of ore, gems and all their derivatives, that is, ingots and molten pieces of metal.

It should be noted that the higher the quality of the material given to the alchemy stone, the more experience it will receive. That is, if you "feed" the stone of life with selected wheat (blue quality), then the experience bar will fill up much faster than if you use simple wheat (white quality). A similar rule works with other stones.

In the stone menu, the process of “feeding” it is called polishing. To give the stone another portion of experience, you must press the "Stone" button from the inventory, then select the "Grinding" item, and then place the alchemical stone and the material to saturate it into the sockets, respectively. When you press the lower button "Grinding", the stone will absorb the offering, and a message will appear on the screen, how much its experience has grown.

You can increase the level of the alchemist's stone in Black Desert when he gains at least 100% experience.
In order to upgrade a stone, you will need a Black Stone (weapon), such as blades are usually improved with.

It should be noted that the chance of successful "sharpening" of the alchemical stone is not too great. In order to test your luck, you need to select the "Enhancement" tab in the alchemist's stone menu and place a stone (required with 100% experience) and a point (Black stone) in the cell. After pressing the “Enhance” button, the Black Stone will disappear, and 4 different options for changes can occur with the Alchemy Stone:

  • The first and most likely is the loss of 50% of the experience and, as a result, an unsuccessful gain. With this version of the development of events, you need to “feed” the stone up to 100% again and repeat all the steps to strengthen it.
  • The second outcome, happier for the owner of the stone, is an increase in the level of the alchemical stone.
  • A very unlikely, but also possible scenario is an increase in the grade of the stone (without increasing the level). The difference between grade and level will be discussed below.
  • And it’s completely “from the realm of fantasy” - this is the strengthening of the stone in two positions at once, i.e. increasing both grade and level. This is a huge success and if this happens, it is very, very rare.

Now a few words should be said about grades and levels of alchemy stones in BDO.

Grade, or otherwise the quality of the stone, can be of four types (as in weapons / armor): ordinary - white, unusual - green, special - blue, unique - orange.

In addition, each of the alchemical stones has eight levels. In order from least valuable to most expensive, this classification is as follows:

Imperfect - Rough - Crafted - Robust - Pointed - Sparkling - Incredible - Brilliant.

In order to get the stones of the highest level, you need a craft skill "Alchemy" not less than "Master 1". All requirements and additional information to improve / saturate the alchemical stone are indicated in its description.

In conclusion of the article, I would like to say that the creation and pumping of an alchemical stone is not an easy task. However, if you approach this task wisely, you can independently create a unique artifact that will do a very good job in the game world, giving the owner a solid advantage over other players.

An alchemy stone is an item that is placed in a slot specially designated for it in the character's equipment section. By pressing the U key, you can use the stone and get a buff for 3 minutes. Each stone has 100 durability, which is consumed when using it (1 durability per use). It is possible to restore the strength of the stone by "feeding" it any oils and blood created through alchemy (etc.).

Life Stone (Cooking/Alchemy Speed, Successful Crafting Speed, Carrying Capacity, Gathering/Fishing Level, Drop Chance)

Stone of destruction (attack power, accuracy, ignore resistances, attack speed, skill application speed);

Protection Stone (damage reduction, evasion, max HP, all resistances).

stages. As the stage of the stone increases, the positive effects from it increase.

There are 8 stages in total: Imperfect, Rough, Processed, Strong, Sharp, Brilliant, Magnificent and Shining stone.

Stages are raised by grinding the stone and then trying to up, read more about this below. Starting from the "Strong Stone" stage, the alchemy stone increases its maximum durability to 150.

But besides the stages, each stone has a grade, a quality, like, for example, armor or weapons (white, green, blue and yellow quality). The quality of the stone affects the number of positive effects from the stone. Those. the yellow quality gem has the most buff types, even if it's only stage 1. The quality of the stone can increase when trying to upgrade the stone stage, and also the stone can initially turn out to be of a higher quality than white when it is created on the alchemy table.

Those. there is an initial Imperfect Stone of Protection, Imperfect Stone of Protection, Imperfect Stone of Protection and Imperfect Stone of Protection no matter how strange it may look.

What is the recipe for creating such an alchemical stone? Everything is simple and complex at the same time. First you need to upgrade your Alchemy skill to Professional. Recipes with which you can raise the skill of alchemy can be viewed at.

Alchemy. Stone = x10 + x10 + x10 + x10 + Radiant Powder x10

If successful, you will receive one of three types of stones (destruction, protection and life), in case of failure - a useless item worth 5000 silver. The exact chance of success is unknown, it may also depend on the Alchemy skill. In the course of the experiments, out of 8 attempts, only 2 were successful.

Most of the reagents needed to create an alchemy stone in Black Desert are made at the alchemy table. The only exception is Shining Powder. Dust of Ages can be obtained as an additional resource from some nodes, but Radiant Powder is much more difficult to obtain. This is the most difficult ingredient in the recipe. It can be randomly obtained by successfully cooking something using alchemy. One can only guess about the chances of his proc, perhaps he is also affected by the Alchemy skill.

To replenish the strength of an alchemy stone, it must be charged with any oils and blood that can be made using alchemy. All of the items listed below are suitable for charging the stone.

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Alchemy Stones provide beneficial effects that last for 3 minutes. Stones can be used once every three minutes (there is also a setting that allows you to use the stone automatically). The stone is placed in a separate slot for equipment. There are three types of stones - death, life and strength. These stones have different effects, they have a common cooldown, and the character can equip only one stone. The best stones of each type are listed in the corresponding section, while the rest provide minor buffs that are useful mainly when pumping.

Some of the information may not be available on Russian servers at the moment.

Important facts:

  • Each time the stone is used, one charge is lost. At zero charges, the stone does not disappear.
  • Maximum strength depends on the rating (color) of the stone.

1. How to get an alchemy stone?

If you don't have the Alchemy skill, buy a stone from the auction house.

If you are proficient in alchemy, use the following recipe:

  • Reagent liquid
  • Reagent Powder x 10 - Random loot in the manufacture of items according to alchemical recipes;
  • The blood of a sinner x 10 - Crafted using alchemy ();
  • Powder of Time x 10 - Rare drop mined by workers in the development of zinc deposits (and not only);
  • Shining Powder x10 - Random loot when crafting items according to alchemical recipes;

ATTENTION! The minimum skill level for crafting an alchemy stone is Professional.

Some names may change with the release of new patches.

As a result, you will receive one of three stones (randomly determined) or a useless cheap item:

  • death stone
  • life stone
  • Power Stone

2. How to charge an alchemy stone?

Any blood or oil can be used to charge the stone.

  • Liquid Reagent / Powder Reagent- 1 charge;
  • The blood of a sinner / jester's blood / Blood of the sage / Tyrant's blood / Blood of a deity- 4 charges;
  • Oil of Reincarnation / Oil of Fortitude / Decadence Oil / Oil of harmony / Oil of the Storm- 10 charges;

After collecting the necessary reagents, open your inventory and press the alchemy stone button located at the bottom of the character window.

As a result, the alchemy menu will open (by default, the charging tab). Click right click on the stone (it will go to the bottom slot), and then on the material for charging (after choosing the amount, it will go to the top slot). Press the Charge button. It should be remembered that when the button is pressed, the stone absorbs all the materials necessary to restore its full margin of safety. For example, if the stone's durability is 91/100, and you placed 100 units in the top slot. blood, the stone will absorb 3 units, and the rest will return to your inventory.

3. How to improve the alchemy stone?

You can improve your stone by increasing the level of experience with it. The quantity and quality of materials depends on the type of stone. The exact data is collected in the table below.

In order to improve a stone, open its menu and go to the Grinding tab. Place the stone in the bottom slot and the materials in the top slot. If the materials in your bag are not highlighted after you put a stone in the slot, then they cannot be used to gain experience.

Between 80% and 150% of the stone's experience, you can try to improve it with weapon sharpening (the higher the experience percentage, the higher the chance of successful improvement). Each upgrade will require a certain level of alchemy skill. Pivot table:

Level required to attempt improvement

Once you reach the required experience level, use the Black Weapon Stone to upgrade the Alchemist Stone by going to the Growth tab:

There are four possible options outcome of events:

  • The rating of the stone will increase;
  • The quality (grade) of the stone will increase;
  • The rating and quality (grade) of the stone will increase;
  • There will be no improvement;

Common (White) - Uncommon (Green) - Rare (Blue) - Unique (Orange)

Quality (grade):

Imperfect - Rough - Exquisite - Longwearing - Bright - Radiant - Luxurious - Brilliant


The stone loses half of the experience.

It should be noted that when the stone is improved, it is fully charged, and when the rating increases, its durability increases.

Attempting to upgrade a gem of Bright or higher quality may result in its destruction.

4. List of all available alchemy stones

The table shows all the stones that exist in the game at the moment (columns - type of stone, rows - quality, colored text marks the properties that are added in the process of increasing the rating).

Note: The +5% Cooking/Alchemy bonus from Lifestone reduces crafting time, and the Processing Success Chance bonus increases the number of successful processing.

Any player, to the best of his ability, tries to strengthen his character, make him even more resilient and resilient, deadly for his enemies. One way to do this is to use alchemy stones. About what it is and how to get an alchemical stone in Black Desert Online we will tell in our article.

An alchemy stone is an item that is placed in a slot specially designated for it in the character's equipment section. By pressing the U key, you can use the stone and get a buff for 3 minutes. Each stone has 100 durability, which is consumed when using it (1 durability per use). You can restore the strength of the stone by "feeding" it any oils created with the help of alchemy (Storm Oil, etc.), as well as resources.

There are 3 types of stones that give different effects (the effects are indicated on highest level stone qualities, see below):

Stone of life (+ weight limit, chance of success when processing, speed (exp?) of cooking and alchemy, speed of collecting and fishing);

Stone of death (+ attack power, accuracy, ignore resistance, attack speed and cast in%);

Stone of power (+ damage reduction, evasion, HP, resistance).

Alchemy stones have several levels of improvement, let's call them stages. The easiest is White Stone, which can be upgraded to Yellow Stone and then Blue Stone and Green Stone (there will be more stages in the future). Accordingly, the stone will be called the White Stone of Power, the Yellow Stone of Power, etc. But besides the stages, each stone has a grade, a quality, like, for example, armor or weapons.

Those. there is an initial White Power Stone , White Power Stone, White Stone of Strength and White Power Stone no matter how strange it may look. And if the way to upgrade to the next stage is known, then how to improve the quality of the stone is not yet clear. Perhaps the stone should be of a higher quality already at its creation and cannot be changed later.

With an increase in the stage of an alchemical stone, its positive effect is enhanced, with an increase (if possible, of course) the quality of the stone increases the number of positive effects. Those. the yellow quality gem has the most buff types, even if it's only stage 1. Also at the last stage (the prefix " green stone"), the alchemical stone increases its maximum strength to 150.

How to create an alchemy stone in Black Desert

What is the recipe for creating such an alchemical stone? Everything is simple and complex at the same time. First you need to upgrade your Alchemy skill to Professional.

Having reached the required skill level, you can try to make alchemy stones according to this recipe (using the alchemy table):

Alchemy. Stone = Liquid Reagent x10 + Powder Reagent x10 + Sinner's Blood x10 + Dust of Ages x10 + Radiant Powder x10

If successful, you will receive one of three types of stones (strength, death and life), in case of failure - a useless item worth 5000 silver. The exact chance of success is unknown, it may also depend on the Alchemy skill. In the course of the experiments, out of 8 attempts, only 2 were successful.

Most of the reagents needed to create an alchemy stone in Black Desert are made at the alchemy table. The only exceptions are Dust of Ages and Shining Powder. Powder of Time can be obtained as an additional resource from some nodes, but Radiant Powder is much more difficult to obtain. This is the most difficult ingredient in the recipe. It can be randomly obtained by successfully cooking something using alchemy. It is worth noting that in the course of increasing the Alchemy skill to a Professional, the author did not come across a single Shining Powder. One can only guess about the chances of his proc, perhaps he is also affected by the Alchemy skill.
How to charge an alchemy stone in Black Desert

To replenish the strength of an alchemy stone, it must be charged with any oils that can be made using alchemy. All of the following items are suitable for charging the stone:

Oil of the Storm

Decadence Oil

Oil of Fortitude

Oil of Reincarnation

Oil of harmony

The alchemist stone must be in your inventory (not equipped), click the Alchemist stone button under the inventory slots. You will open the menu of interaction with the stone, the Repair tab will be selected. You select a stone and one of the oils in the bag. You can select several identical items for charging at once. By pressing the Charge button at the bottom of the window, the stone will “eat” the oil and restore strength.

How to improve the alchemy stone in Black Desert

In order to upgrade an Alchemy Stone and move it to the next stage (White Stone to Yellow Stone, etc.), you first need to increase its Work Experience level to 100%. The level of experience can be seen in the description of the stone.

The way to increase the experience of an alchemy stone is similar to charging it. You need to open the menu of alchemical stones and select the Grinding tab, then select a stone and material for gaining experience. Each type of stone (strength, life and death) requires different materials for grinding. A stone of power, for example, "eats" only wood and all its derivatives - logs, planks, procs when cutting trees, and tree sap. Most experience is given by procs (rare materials) that can be obtained when collecting. What materials are needed to increase the experience of a particular type of stone is indicated in its description.

Work experience can be gained and more than 100%, all the "extra" experience will remain after the improvement of the stone. However, not everything is so simple here either - improvement is also not guaranteed to happen the first time. It took the author 7 attempts before the stone was successfully improved. If it fails, the stone loses 50% of its experience and must be recruited again. To try to improve the stone, select the Growth tab in the alchemy menu. stone. Choose prepared stone (with 100% work experience) and black stone (weapon). The black stone also disappears on failure. After each successful upgrade of an alchemy stone in Black Desert, it gains more and more experience while grinding. The higher the stage of the stone being improved, the higher the required Alchemy skill to improve it. For example, to improve the simplest White stone, it is enough to have a Professional 1 skill in Alchemy, and to improve the Yellow stone, you need to be a Master 1. These requirements are also indicated in the description of the stone.

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