Alvin gold with money withdrawal. Elven Gold is the best gaming project. The project statistics are not cheated, the project reserve is real, the users of the project are all alive - not bots, the project is open to everyone - who wants to earn money and raise their financial situation

Elven Gold- a game with the withdrawal of money, in which your task is to build up the elven city with various buildings and make a profit from it. In the game you are waiting for: nice design, beautiful graphics, daily bonuses, as well as contests and a 3-level affiliate program. As a gift - 5000 gold for the purchase of the first building. Play and earn with Alvin Gold!

#one. Buying buildings

You should buy buildings in the Shop section. There are several buildings to choose from - from the Elven Manor to the Altar of Fate:

The cost and profitability of Elven Gold buildings are presented in the table.

Structure Building cost Profitability of the building
Elven Manor 5000 gold 36% per month
(18 rubles/month)
Hut 10000 gold 36% per month
(36 rubles/month)
Residence 50000 gold 36% per month
(180 rubles/month)
Elite residence 100000 gold 36% per month
(360 rubles/month)
Elf Academy 300000 gold 36% per month
(1080 rubles/month)
earth spirit 300000 gold 38% per month
(1152 rubles/month)
increased income!
Workshop 500000 gold 36% per month
(1800 rubles/month)
Market 500000 gold 38% per month
(1944 rubles/month)
increased income!
magic tree 700000 gold 40% per month
(2808 rubles/month)
increased income!
Temple of Ages 1000000 gold 40% per month
(3960 rubles/month)
increased income!
Altar of Fate 3000000 gold 40% per month
(12240 rubles/month)
increased income!
Well: 100 gold = 1 ruble

Note: The table contains data for buildings of the 1st level. Each building can be improved (pumped), thereby increasing income in Alvin Gold. Also, for the purchase of some highly profitable buildings, several less profitable buildings are required.

#2. Placement of buildings on the playing field

In order for your buildings in Elven Gold to start earning coins, they must be placed on the playing field. You can do this in the Game section:

Note: To place a building on the playing field, click in the panel on the left (not shown on the screenshot above) on the building icon and install it. If necessary, buildings can be moved.

Here you can collect and sell coins.

  • Distribution of coins when selling– 50% for purchases and 50% for withdrawal;
  • Selling rate - 20 coins = 1 gold;
  • Exchange rate - 100 gold = 1 ruble.

#3. Upgrading buildings in Alvin Gold

3.1. Level up

Each of your buildings can be leveled up (the amount depends on the type of building), thereby increasing the production of coins. By the way, it is recommended to improve buildings of the same type, rather than taking a lot of the same type.

Click on the building icon on the field, the view menu will appear:

And level up by clicking the Upgrade button. Make sure on game balance enough gold to perform this action.

3.2. Erael's Magic

Over time, buildings become overgrown with grass and their profitability drops to 30%–50%. To prevent this from happening every 3 days, apply Erael's magic to your buildings. The procedure is performed from the menu of the building itself (see the screen above) by clicking on the icon:

3.3. Magic Gleveril

Another way to increase the profitability of your buildings is to use the magic Gleveril, which increases the rate of coin growth by 5%.

This action is performed similarly from the building menu by clicking on the icon:

The duration of Gleveril's magic is 7 days.

3.4. mana

Mana is a vessel with a blue liquid that is consumed when magic is applied to buildings. Vessel capacity - 100 units. The vessel is self-replenishing: 1 mana/hour, as well as when building/upgrading a building.

Many will agree that there is no more pleasant income than in online games. We recommend to pay your attention to the game Elven Gold, which not so long ago appeared on the runet. The game features a chic design, an interesting and captivating plot, and profitable marketing. After the registration is successfully completed, the system will give you 5000 gold for shopping.

You will buy buildings that will bring you profit every day. You can do this in the "Shop" section. Residences have a very different cost - from 5000 gold (50 rubles) and above. If you want to earn more, buy more buildings. After you buy the buildings, go to the "Game" section. A playing field will open in front of you, on which you will need to place the purchased buildings. You can do this with the mouse. By placing buildings, you will have your own virtual city which will bring you income.

Come here from time to time to collect profits. To do this, click the button "Collect Coins", and then - "Sell Coins". Half of the profit goes to the account for purchases, half - to the account for withdrawal. From the withdrawal account, you can order a payout, or you can exchange this gold for a purchase account. You can do this in the "Exchange" section.

Use gold for purchases to purchase new buildings, or raise the level of already purchased ones. The fact that the game "Elven Gold" really pays, you can see by going to the "Payouts" section. All recent payments are displayed here.

In addition to gold, there is another currency in the game - crystals. They can be spent on the purchase of some super-profitable buildings. You can read more about how to get crystals in the "About the game" section.
You can deposit money into the project in the “Deposit” section. It can be done different ways, as with bank card and electronic payment systems.

In addition, after the successful completion of registration, the system will give you 5000 gold for purchases. The game "Elven Gold" also provides bonus program. In the "Bonus" section, you can receive from ten to one hundred units of gold for purchases every 24 hours. For convenience, the section has a timer that counts down the time remaining until the receipt another bonus.It is also very profitable to invite referrals to the project. There are three levels of referral system, which does not happen in all games of this type. Read more about the affiliate program and the percentage of remuneration in the "Referrals" section. You can earn extra money by participating in various contests from the authors of the project. More about this in the "Competitions" section.

The game has high-quality graphics and many different advantages that will not leave you indifferent. You can enjoy the game and earn real money on it.

Each new player after registration is given a bonus of 50r Which is enough to build their first building. The more buildings you can build, the higher your daily income will be.

How to get your first income

After registration, all kinds of buildings for construction and monetization will be available in the "Shop" section. The speed of production of coins depends on the cost of buildings.

After buying a building, we place it on free space its territory.

Each building has a certain number of levels which affect the income and return on investment. Sometimes it is more reasonable to improve the level than to buy several buildings for the same money. Among the expensive ones, there are buildings that are not available and require the purchase of cheaper ones, as well as the presence of diamonds and crystals. Coins are collected and exchanged on the same playing field. For 20 coins, the system gives 1 gold, of which 50% for purchase and 50% for withdrawal.

TAlso, after the building has been built, it can be improved (leveled up) with the required amount of gold.
To do this, click on the constructed building, then on the "Improve" button and confirm the purchase of a new level by clicking on the "Buy" button.
Next, you need to collect the income of the city by clicking on the "Collect Coins" button after any amount of time, as it suits you.

Coins are sold at the rate: (20 coins) = 1 gold for purchases / gold for withdrawal.

P.S. When selling coins, 50% goes to gold for purchases, 50% goes to gold for withdrawal.
After the sale of coins, you can withdraw gold to electronic wallets, at the rate of 100 coins = 1 Ruble.
You can withdraw money from the game every day without a minimum amount for withdrawal, the maximum is 3000 rubles.

In addition to gold, the game has an additional internal currency - Crystals.
Crystals are only needed to purchase super profitable buildings that bring increased income, have a high payback and a progressively increasing percentage of profit with each new level of the building.
You get crystals for replenishing the balance with your 1st level invitees:
1% of the amount in Rubies, 2% of the amount in Emeralds and 3% of the amount in Amethysts (the number is rounded to the nearest integer).
You can also buy crystals in the "Shop" by choosing one of the packages offered.

All in all

Elven gold game with money withdrawal is quite an interesting project with its own troubles. And if you want to earn money by playing, then welcome to Elven gold.

The game has a flexible 3-level referral program:
FROM + 10% of each balance replenishment by your invitees;
+ 5% of replenishment of invited 2nd level;
+ 3% of the replenishment of the 3rd level invitees.
By actively inviting friends, you can increase your referral percentage up to 25%.
Funds are credited to a gold account, from which you can immediately withdraw money!

About the game ELVEN GOLD

BRIEF GAME ALGORITHM (4 simple steps):

2) Build your city of income! Place your buildings on the Playing Field in the "Game" section

3) Collect income in the form of coins and sell them for real money at a convenient time for you.

4) Withdraw money to your electronic wallet, or buy buildings again in the store or improve already built buildings (The higher the level, the greater the profit of the building).

Upon registration, you will receive a gift from our project: 5,000 gold, with which you can buy your first building!

To buy a lot of buildings in the game you need to replenish your balance. one = 100 gold

How to play?

Shop and buy buildings

You can withdraw money from the game every day at any time,
the minimum withdrawal amount is 0.1 , maximum: 3000 at once.

Moving and selling buildings

These functions are located in the information window of the building.

(Building for sale)

(Moving a building to another cell playing field)

To move a building, click on the corresponding icon . After that, the selected building will become colorless, and when you hover the mouse cursor over a free cell, you will be able to observe this pointer. After clicking on the selected cell of the playing field, the building will be moved.

An example of moving a building.

Building restoration

As in real life, after a long time, any building structure wears out. Restoration is required for the building after every 130% of the income received from it.

The cost of restoration work is only 30% of the total cost of the building.

After the income ratio of the building reaches 130%, you will see the corresponding icon above the image of the building.

After the building has brought in 130% of the income, you can choose to: Sell the building for a fraction of the cost or spend 30% to get another +130% income.

An example of a building in need of restoration

After restoration, the income statistics of the building are updated.


In addition to gold (and) there is an additional currency in the game - crystals.

Ruby, - Emerald, - Amethyst

Crystals are needed only for the purchase of super-profitable buildings that bring increased income, have a high payback and a progressively increasing percentage of profit with each new level of the building.

You get crystals for replenishing the balance with your 1st level invitees:

1% of the amount in, 2% of the amount in and 3% of the amount in (the number is rounded to the nearest integer).

You can also buy crystals in the "Shop" by choosing one of the proposed packages.

Referral program:

The game has a flexible 3-level referral program:
Invite your friends to Elven Gold and earn on their purchases:

from + 10% of each balance replenishment by your invitees.
+ 5% from replenishment of invited 2nd level
+ 3% from replenishment of invited 3rd level

In our project, a multi-level system for increasing referral percentages is implemented. The more invitees you have, the higher the referral percentage of their deposits.

By actively inviting friends, you can increase your referral percentage up to 25%

Sacred land of the elves. Erael's Magic

Erael- The wise and peaceful head of the night elf druids. It stands on the protection of the settlements of the elves, merging with the dense forest around.

Your buildings are on sacred ground. And the task of a good ruler is to monitor his kingdom of elves, so that order reigns everywhere! After all, you can not build a real elven city, and then just forget about it. Special attention should be given to the territory on which your buildings are built, because these lands are an integral part of your prosperous city.

Over time, the ground under your feet can become heavily overgrown with grass or even dirty, which can adversely affect a structure located in such an area.

On overgrown and polluted land, elven buildings accumulate coins 30% slower (or 50% if you have not used magic for more than 3 days). It is enough to monitor the territory once a day to ensure maximum productivity of the building.

Indicators of the state of the territory adjacent to the building:

The first (green) indicator means that cleanliness and order flourish on the territory of this building! There is no need to improve the area. The second and third indicators indicate the presence of overgrown grass and contamination of the soil, and the need to use magic to ennoble the sacred ground.

You are the real ruler! Keep an eye on your elven city and periodically ennoble the lands with Erael's magic, which you can always use without any difficulty.
Simply select the appropriate building and click on the icon:

Improving building performance. Magic Gleveril

Gleveril- the mistress of sunlight, in which the chaotic energy of a hot star was embodied. Gleveril directs a powerful stream of solar energy to the building to increase its productivity.

Thanks to this magic, the rate of coin growth increases by 5% . The duration of Gleveril's magic is 7 days from the moment it is activated. The cost of its use depends on the chosen building and its level.

To activate magic, just select the appropriate building and click on the icon:

You will not be able to improve the building while it is affected by the aura of Gleveril.

Calculation of cost and effect:

How the cost is calculated.

If the magic costs 100, then within 7 days your building will bring 100 more gold (50 + 50), which is a very profitable action, because. in fact, Magic Gleveril is an exchange office from gold for purchases to gold for withdrawal with a delayed 7-day action and the equivalent
in (1 = 1) which you will not find in any other project!

A sign of Gleveril's aura is a characteristic orange glow.


Mana (), is used to apply various kinds of magic, such as "Magic of Erael", "Magic of Gleveril", etc. The maximum capacity is 100 units.

Self-replenishing: one mana every hour plus an additional 2 mana if you have been active on the site during that hour. Mana is fully restored when building or upgrading any building. Also, an additional 5 mana is restored when your invitee replenishes the balance.

Now on the Internet you can find many different investment projects in which you can. However, not all of them are honest, reliable and stable. Because of this, many people become disillusioned with the current and stop investing in the future.

But in my opinion, if you have free cash, then they simply need to be invested in some area. In this case, you will not work for money, but vice versa - money will work for you, gradually increasing your capital.

I have seen from personal experience that one of the best ways to invest your money on the Internet is. That's why I decided to do detailed overview stable paying games with money withdrawal. For several years, this project continues stable operation and regular payments of funds. How to make money in it, we will consider in this article.

Basic information about the game Elven Gold (statistics of the game Elven Gold on 10/26/2018):

  • Project start — 17.09.2016;
  • Participants in the project- over 347 thousand registered players (at the time of writing the review);
  • Growth of players (registrations) per day— over 400 new users are registered daily;
  • Paid to players— over 11 million rubles;
  • Project reserve- over 25 million rubles.

What is the essence of earning in the game Elven Gold

— to withdraw money from the game, you need to additionally earn Stardust (we will talk about this below).

How to start making real money playing Elven Gold game

Earnings in the game Elven Gold begins with the standard registration procedure:

  1. Go to the Elven Gold game website and click the "Register" button.
  2. Fill in all registration fields, namely:
  • email address - will be required in case of loss of the password and account security;
  • login - your name in the game;
  • login password;
  • the name of the city is here, what is enough for your imagination.
  1. Confirm (check the appropriate boxes in the registration form) that you are 18 years old and have read the terms of the game. After that, solve a simple example (captcha) and click " Join».

After completing all the above steps, the registration process in the game Elven Gold will be considered completed. Now that you already have an account in the game, you can start figuring out how to make money by playing Elven Gold. As mentioned above, upon registration you get 50 rubles. This money will help you get acquainted with the whole mechanism and features of the game without investment.

The role of money in Elven Gold is played by virtual gold. Its rate is: 10 rubles = 1000 gold. As a result, i.e. after a successful registration, in your profile in the balance column " Gold to buy» 5000 units of virtual currency will be displayed. Please note that below this line there is another balance " Gold for withdrawal» - it will display the funds that you can withdraw from the game to your wallet.

So, to make money in the Elven Gold game with a withdrawal real money, you will need acquire buildings in the "Shop" section. The initial bonus is just enough to buy the Elven Manor. After buying a building, it must be marked in your city in the " Game". On the left you will see a list of buildings at your disposal, which you can place in any place you like.

On the this moment Elven Gold has 11 building types. It is not difficult to guess that the higher its cost, the more gold you will receive from it within an hour and a month.

In addition, each building has a certain set of levels for improvement. With an increase in the level, the building not only becomes more beautiful and ennobled, it also begins to bring more profit. For example, Elf Manor of the first level brings only 50 gold per hour, and at level 13 - already 15,000.

To increase the level of a building, you will need to simply click on the building itself on the playing field, after which such a menu will open:

Looking ahead a little, I note that it is best to improve your buildings, rather than building several of the same type. Firstly, it will positively affect the production of coins. And secondly, it will be much easier and less expensive to take care of the buildings.

Of course, that one " Manor Elf"Will not be enough to provide for themselves good earnings in the Elven Gold game, so go to the section " Replenishment"And top up your balance convenient way. It can be an electronic wallet or a bank card.

Please note that the administration of Elven Gold consistently conducts various promotions. For example, the bonus percentage of the balance increase will depend on the amount of your deposit. If you are a large investor, then replenishing your account from 80,000 rubles, as much as 160,000 rubles will be credited to your balance - such a profitable offer is quite rare.

So, let's say you replenished the balance, as a result of which you received gold for purchases. Go to the "Shop" section of the game and purchase buildings to develop your city.

Many of them will not be available at first - to open them you will need to build and improve certain buildings.

Also, in order to purchase some super profitable buildings in Elven Gold, gems. You can get them in two ways:

The first– purchase in the store for in-game gold.

Second- attract referrals. Each invited player through your link, who makes a deposit, will bring you from the amount:

  • 1% as rubies;
  • 2% as emeralds;
  • 3% as amethyst.

Constructed buildings around the clock will bring you income on a full machine. On the playing field in the window on the left you will see how many coins are available at the moment. By pressing just two buttons, you periodically only need to collect and sell coins.

Moreover, in Elven Gold for 20 coins you will receive 1 gold bar, which is evenly distributed between two accounts - 50% each for further purchases and for withdrawal.

On this game process in Elven Gold the game with the withdrawal of real money is not over yet. Over time, your buildings begin to slowly wear out. And when they bring in 130% of the income, they need restore. The cost of these services is 30% of the total price of the building. Or do you have another option - sell the building and get only a fraction of the cost from it.

Another important point is that the territory on which the buildings are located begins to overgrow and needs to be ennobled. To do this, it is enough to enter the game only once a day and use "Magic of Erael".

Otherwise, coins start accumulating 30% slower after a day, and 50% slower after three days.

Also in Elven Gold there is another magic - "Gleveril". By paying a certain amount of gold, you will receive 5% within 7 days more coins. This is a kind of exchange office, with which you can transfer funds from the account for purchases to the account for withdrawal at the rate of 1 to 1.

All magic spells require mana. Get this valuable resource can be done in the following ways:

  • 1 Mana automatically every hour;
  • 2 additional units - for activity on the site for an hour (just log into your account once an hour and get two units of Mana);
  • 5 manna units - for replenishment of the balance by your referral;
  • full restoration - for the construction or improvement of the building.

Build your profitable elven city in Elven Gold, take care of it and improve it. This will allow you to receive a stable passive income and gain financial independence!

Additional ways to earn money in the game Elven Gold

In addition, Elven Gold provides additional earning options, which I will discuss below.

  • affiliate program– by attracting new players to the project, you will receive not only crystals, but also gold from the amount of their deposits. To do this, the game provides a 3-level affiliate program - 10-25/5/3% for each level, respectively.
  • Wheel of Fortune- a game that is on the playing field. Place your bet, spin the wheel and try your luck to get up to 300% on your balance or win the jackpot.
  • Referral contest- gold is regularly raffled off on the project for attracting referrals. The first 3 users who attract the most players over a certain period receive funds on their balance for purchases and withdrawals.
  • Bonuses- The Elven Gold game provides a daily bonus of 10-100 gold for purchases. An additional 10% of gold can be received for transferring funds from the balance for withdrawal to the balance for purchases. And also on the playing field there is a "Golden Abyss", from which you can get up to 200 coins per day.

Withdrawal of money from the game Elven Gold

As mentioned above, you can withdraw funds from Elven Gold only from the “Gold for withdrawal” account and only to. The wallet is linked in the "Profile" section.

In the section " Conclusion"An automatic conversion of gold into rubles will be made. The course is exactly the same as for replenishment - for 1000 gold they give 10 rubles.

You can withdraw funds from 1 ruble daily at any time convenient for you. The maximum withdrawal limit is 3000 rubles at a time.

At the same time, you can withdraw the first ruble without even investing absolutely anything in the game, i.e. without investment. This will allow you to personally verify the honesty and reliability of this game project. For subsequent payments, it is necessary to make an investment in the amount of 100 rubles.

By the way, it has a fairly high-quality and stable paying analogue, which is called. If you like Elvin Gold, then I'm sure Wizard Money will, too.

Stardust in Elven Gold: what it is and how to get it

Stardust in Elven Gold serves as a kind of withdrawal limit. In another way, it can be called payment points or cash points. To withdraw 1 ruble from the game, you must additionally have 1 unit of this very dust on your balance.

There are the following ways to get Stardust in Elven Gold:

  • 30% of the amount of your replenishment is additionally credited to the dust balance;
  • 30% of the amount of replenishment of referrals of the first level;
  • 7% - from referrals of the second level;
  • 3% - from referrals of the third level.

Important! This does not mean that the project is a scam. Almost every economic game. The withdrawal limit was created only to ensure that the project reserve is steadily replenished, which is responsible for stable payments to all players. (in whatever form they are) do not exist for such a long period.

Conclusion: is it worth investing in Elven Gold?

Or not - it's up to you! But I would never recommend to my readers a project that is fraudulent or unreliable. It doesn't work for me and I don't want to do it.

If you are sure that you can invite at least 3-5 active referrals, then feel free to register and take care of your virtual city. Due to a well-thought-out system and a huge reserve, the project will continue to exist for many years to come. Therefore, everyone will be able to recoup their funds and successfully withdraw them into real life!