Fallout 3 love story. Companions. List of companions available in Operation Anchorage

Plus XP offers to talk about romantic relationships in RPGs: the publication reasonably notes that this contributes to both deeper immersion and additional gaming experience. But do developers always manage to play this card correctly? Today, the concept of choice is very important in both RPGs and other story-based game genres. You choose a character's morals and priorities when creating your hero. The player decides where his protégé looks, what he does, and where he goes. Recently, romance has also crept into our games. Nowadays, the possibility of romantic relationships in the game is no less in demand than the character’s outfit or choice of weapons. Why do many modern games ignore such a fertile theme? The maximum we have is a relationship according to the scheme “just show interest and the chosen partner will follow you to the ends of the earth.” It would seem that everything is fine: a short comment - and she is yours. Or do we want more? Perhaps yes: after all, adding romance is the next step towards complete immersion. In games of the past, romance had no options - it simply could be there or not. Whether the player liked it or not, the main character made his choice, which he had to put up with. Of course, of all story-based game genres, RPGs are the most susceptible to such things. Freedom is very important in RPGs: to go wherever you want, talk to whoever and what you want, to look after whoever you like. But still, the topic of relationships in games has not been addressed. Take Skyrim and Fallout: New Vegas for example. These games from Bethesda greatly helped popularize open world RPGs; Each of them tried to introduce the concept of relationships, but these attempts look somehow unconvincing.

Fallout: New Vegas doesn't offer much in the way of romance. Instead, you can gain followers there. Initially these people are in a difficult situation and you can help them if you want. In return, they will be eternally grateful to you, even if you let them pass before you into the Deathclaw nest. You can show interest in them, but nothing more: no flirting, no dating, not even awkward situations... Apparently, the game encourages people to achieve simple friendly loyalty, not love. In Skyrim, things are a little different. There you also choose your companions, but not everyone can be married to. Besides, most of them aren't reckless enough to follow you into, say, a necromancer's cave. After declaring your liking, if it turns out to be mutual, you can marry your partner or partner and ask her/him to move in with you. Your partner will greet you lovingly every time you return home - and even offer you a warm bowl of soup. The problem is that they all show their love in the same way - be it the fiery, aggressive Eila the hunter or the merchant Isolde.

Romantic relationships are not only an additional way to gain gaming experience, but also an opportunity to delve into the stories of individual characters in more detail. There are too many of them in Skyrim (sixty-two in total), so Bethesda was unable to create a well-developed story for each. The question arises: what is the meaning of romance then? As for companions - yes, they can help in battle, but what does love have to do with it? It's as if Bethesda suddenly realized the popularity of romance and decided to add it to the game at the last minute. Perhaps Bioware has surpassed everyone in this regard: games from this company, starting with Baldur’s Gate, cannot do without romance. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Dragon Age laid the groundwork for the romance that blossomed in the company's latest titles, the Mass Effect series.

Mass Effect 3 boasts eleven characters, each with their own unique, well-developed backstory. Bioware created such interesting characters that players really felt an emotional connection with them. The concept of relationships adds a lot to the game. This is a great way to make the player care about the game's characters, and it seems strange that game developers haven't taken advantage of this feature yet. Characters are vital to any story: if you don't care about them, you don't care about the game. Character development is especially important in games that focus on immersion and realism. Romance contributes to this - what could be more real than dealing with a relationship? However, romance for romance's sake should be avoided. You need to think through a system of relationships with the characters: encourage the player to talk to them, take them on every mission and sing serenades every time he wants to play. Dear developers: next time you decide to add romance to the game, you don't need amulets (approx. translation: meaning the Amulet of Mary) and quick trips to the other end of the map for some item. If you do something, do it right. Stunted dialogues, the same for communicating with any “favorite” character, can hardly be considered a good solution. After all, in the end, the more realistic the better. Is not it? Based on materials from Plus XP Translation: Mare

On the eve of the E3 exhibition, the developers were especially animated, handing out interviews left and right. I bring to your attention an excerpt from a conversation with one of the creators Fallout 3, which is expected to be released this fall on console Xbox360,Playstation3 And PC.

What awaits us in Fallout3: love, sex, homosexuality, nudity, prostitution, slavery, cannibalism, murder of children, drugs? And if something is not included in the final release, can you comment why?

Most of what you listed will be present in the game. First of all, slavery, drugs, addictions. But when it comes to nudity and child murder, we say a clear no. We don't have a game in which this element of gameplay could add interest. If you look at Fallout 1, you'll find a lot of similarities to the themes we cover in Fallout 3, and they're in similar proportions. Drugs and addiction play a key role in the gameplay. I think the point of your question is: will the world of Fallout 3 be softer, more restrained than in previous parts of the game? To this I can answer one thing - No, it won’t. The world of Fallout 3 is as cruel and merciless as the world of Fallout 1.2

Will children, as well as quest NPCs, be vulnerable or immune to accidental or targeted (lethal) harm? Please tell us why you decided to do this

No, you cannot become a child killer (a perk from Fallout 1.2). And there are several reasons why. One of the main ones is that we wouldn't be able to sell our game to anyone, anywhere, if children could be killed. We never wanted the player, in one situation or another, to have the desire to kill a child. But, we found a simple solution to the problem: if you attack a child, he runs away, and all child-friendly NPCs turn against you. Feel the harsh real world. In relation to quest NPCs, the principle is applied Oblivion‘a, this means when they “die”, they lose consciousness, and after some time they come to their senses. This worked great in Oblivion and we decided to leave this system. The player is free to attack anyone and sometimes this can be a good idea if an NPC is blocking the path and “killing” him will not make it impossible to end the game.

I would like to hear a few words about the system of choosing decisions and consequences. Will it be non-linear enough, or will it all come down to simple bad/good/neutral? Will there be any other aspects to the solutions? Political? Philosophical? How is the gray (neutral) layer between good and evil developed?

It all depends on the quest, so it's hard to say. There will be quests in which the solution is clearly either bad or good. Whether or not to detonate an atomic bomb that will destroy an entire city and all people. Blowing up is a bad decision and your karma will go down. And helping people is definitely good. Many people want to be terribly bad, while others, on the contrary, want to be very good. And we will provide them with this opportunity. The gray (neutral) layer appears when the situation is bad and there are no visible ideal solutions. And making the right choice will be very difficult. I like these situations the most, honestly, but they still needed to be diluted with simpler good/evil situations.

Will the majority of non-human (mutant) creatures in the game be hostile to the player, or will it still be possible to communicate, negotiate with some of them, and maybe even hire them into the team?

Most creatures will be hostile, but not all. Yes, the player will be able to communicate with some, and even hire some.

Will crimes committed in one place automatically become known everywhere and to everyone? Or is there some limited area to which this knowledge extends?

This is limited to the faction you committed the crime against. Cities are also factions in their own way. Thus, a crime committed in one city will not be known in another, but crimes against a group (for example, the Brotherhood of Steel) will be known to all members of that group around the world.

What can you tell us about how the armor will work? Will she dress as a complete set or in parts? How will armor affect the character's characteristics? Will there be any special interface for different types of armor?

The armor will consist of two parts, the body and the head. And these two parts can be combined in various variations. For example, it will be possible to put not only armor on your head, but also, for example, glasses. Different costumes will have different effects on stats. And not only for resistance to damage. We wanted it to make sense for the player to carry not only combat armor, but also normal clothing. Therefore, we will have, for example, a mechanic's suit, which gives a bonus to the repair skill, or a merchant's suit, which increases the trade skill. Armor will also affect the hero's characteristics. For example, Power Armor will reduce agility. The armor will not change the interface

How will the inventory be sold? Will there be a division by slots? Or will it again be a bottomless bag like before?

There will be a weight limit in inventory. No slots. The Pip-Boy will sort what it finds into categories: weapons, armor, medicine, other, ammo.
The section with medicines will include everything that restores health or changes characteristics, including food and even books, which, as in previous parts, will be used for a one-time permanent increase in characteristics.
Yes, the cartridges will not have weight.

Will the game have the ability to crouch, kneel, lie on the ground, or stretch? And what bonuses will this lead to in a combat situation?

The player will be able to crouch to better hide behind cover or when using an ability to move covertly. You will have an indicator where you can see your level of stealth. The character does not know how to kneel, lies on the ground and climbs walls

Will it be possible to complete the game using only melee weapons? Will new moves be unlocked when you gain a new level, or will everything be limited to increasing the damage dealt by attacks?

I'm 99 percent sure that this is possible, but it will be incredibly difficult. At new levels you will receive additional damage. There are also various weapons that you can use with the Unarmed skill. Finally there are several perks that add different moves

Why not assume that at the end of the 23rd century, in a world that barely survived a nuclear war, a female courier will only be similar in primary sexual characteristics to the representatives of metropolitan glamor so familiar to you (us?)?
As for thinking about “what will happen in reality”, it’s better not to, by God (C)
you contradict yourself, that is, on the topic of women of the post-apocalypse of the 23rd century, and what they will become, you can fantasize, but not on the topic of the future of all humanity?)

As for thinking about “what will happen in reality,” then it’s better not to, by God. Fortunately for all humanity, the Fallout universe is infinitely far from our reality. Although... It seems to me that people who think with their brains would strongly doubt the advisability of having children after the nuclear Armageddon that happened. If in the conditions of the economic crisis many do not dare, then do not go further to the fortune teller.
fantasies are fantasies, but I’m a practical person, so let’s be logical, if people didn’t want to have children, then in a few decades, when the last people died, humanity would simply cease to exist, logical? Only long-living ghouls would remain, but they are not eternal. funny picture? but this most likely would not have happened, because nature has a powerful mechanism for the survival of the species, the instinct of reproduction, etc., even in the difficult post-war years, people continued to give birth to children, and now, despite crises and difficult living conditions in some countries, population growth, precisely due to these countries, like India, Pakistan, China, African countries, etc., that is, anyway, someone is making up for the lack of population, while others do not want to have children) maybe people live in the listed countries according to your words not thinking with their brains, but they live according to the laws of nature, and nature is stronger than people, because it is the creator of all living things, as the Dutch philosopher Spinoza said: “God is nature.”

Conrad Marburg
And women who don’t want children are already a complete end. Why the hell are we needed at all?
in fact, there are very few women who really don’t want children, because the instinct of motherhood is inherent in them by nature, it’s just that to give birth to a child they also need a man, so most women who say that they don’t want children simply don’t have a suitable man, for various reasons : either a woman considers the men around her unworthy of herself, makes too high demands, or simply no one pays attention to her, because of her plain appearance, bad character, etc.
so it's not all bad)

In general, it’s time to stop talking about philosophy)))

What's going on here? - the Overseer’s voice came from behind me. I was lying on Amata in only my underwear, and she wasn’t even wearing a bra. I covered Amata's chest and got off her to get dressed. “I’m waiting for an explanation,” the Overseer said coldly. “We played,” Amata said timidly. What? Were playing? What is she talking about? - Played naked? - asked the Overseer. And then he walked up to Amata and slapped her in the face. Amata grabbed her cheek and began to quickly get dressed. - Amata, I thought I raised a decent daughter. And you,” he turned to me with anger in his voice, “what were you thinking?” The next second my cheek was burning. - How dare you? - I exclaimed with rage, “Amata, I’m leaving,” and headed towards the door. “Wait for me,” said Amata. -Where are you going? “You are punished,” said the Overseer. - What-o-o-o? I'm leaving too. Amata followed me. - What, has my daughter grown up? - the Warden shouted after us. We quickened our pace. Locking myself in my room, I began to pack the things I needed into my backpack. - Amata, I'm leaving the shelter. - But how can that be? I do not want to leave you. - You can come with me if you want. - Is it true? And I won't be a burden for you? There, in the wasteland. - Of course not. You know how to handle weapons and cook too. Let's find the nearest city and settle there. Dad had an old map somewhere. I reached into the bottom drawer, where notebooks, pens and other stationery were stored. A minute later I spread the yellowed map on the floor. “Here is our shelter,” Amata pointed her finger at the middle of the map, “it’s circled in red.” - Hmm, and it’s not the only one. Megaton. Very close. Do you think this is a residential place since dad allocated it? “Most likely,” Amata responded, “look, Tempenny Tower, Rivet City.” They are also circled in red. These are definitely residential areas. I folded the map and put it in my backpack. - Amata, I'm ready. - Let's go to my place. We need to get together. I looked around the room, wondering if I had forgotten something. On the dresser there was a frame with a photograph of me and dad standing, smiling radiantly at the camera. She took the frame and also put it in her backpack. We went to Amata. We're lucky we haven't met the Overseer yet.


How do you like this turn of events? I'm waiting for your feedback)

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21st century world 4

Fandom: Originals Rating: G- fan fiction that can be read to any audience."> G Genres: Philosophy- philosophical reflections on the meaning of life or some other eternal problem."> Philosophy, Poetry- Poetry is a rhymed text or a text built according to a certain rhythmic pattern."> Poems Size: Drabble- an excerpt that may or may not become a real fanfic. Often just a scene, a sketch, a description of a character.">

The modern world is completely different from the one it was 50 or 100 years ago. He is distorted, like most modern people. This problem tormented me and still torments me, so I wrote a short poem. I really hope that it will touch some thread in your soul, and you will also think about the problem of the 21st century.

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Fandom: Portal, Fallout, Half-Life, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 3, Fallout 2, Fallout 4 (crossover) Rating: NC-17- fan fiction in which erotic scenes, violence or some other difficult moments can be described in detail."> NC-17 Genres: , Friendship- Description of close non-sexual non-romantic relationships between characters."> Friendship, Mythical creatures- the text mentions vampires, elves, werewolves, demons or other mythical creatures."> Mythical creatures, Popadants- The main character, in one way or another, ends up in another world or moves into the body of a character from another world."> Popadantsy, Post-apocalyptic- Stories about a world where some kind of catastrophe occurred that put humanity on the brink of extinction or in very difficult conditions for survival."> Post-apocalyptic, Missing scene- Assumption Story: "> Missing Scene, Romance- a fic about tender and romantic relationships. As a rule, has a happy ending."> Romance, Science Fiction- stories about technical progress, distant planets and other worlds, starships and blasters."> Science Fiction, Fantasy- a story about magic, imaginary worlds, mythical creatures, in other words, “the world of sword and magic.”> Fantasy, Humor- humorous fanfic."> Humor Warnings: OOC- Out Of Character, “Out of character” is a situation where a character in a fic behaves completely differently than one would expect based on his description in the canon."> OOC, Mary Sue (Marty Stu)- an original character, according to general opinion, who is the embodiment of either the author himself or what the author would like to be. Mary Sues are usually easy to spot because they are all stunningly beautiful and indescribably smart. Sometimes the ideal image of a Mary Sue is also embedded in some character from the canon."> Mary Sue (Marty Stu), Violence- description of actions of a violent nature (usually not sexual)."> Violence, Polyamory- Multiple love relationships of one person with several people (as well as between several people) at the same time, with the consent and approval of all participants in these relationships."> Polyamory, Gender switch- Some fanfic characters change gender."> Gender switch, Change of entity- The human character is represented as an animal, thing or phenomenon. Or vice versa."> Change of essence, Geta elements- romantic and/or sexual relationships between a man and a woman."> Elements of geta, Slash elements- romantic and/or sexual relationships between men."> Slash elements Size: Maxi- big fanfic. The size is often larger than the average novel. From approximately 70 typewritten pages."> Maxi, 1 page, 1 part Tags: , Status: frozen

Having died in her world during an experiment, she was reborn in a new one. This is a story about another person who is lucky to be on Equus, in what is not yet a world of friendship and rainbows.

I will remember you. Always. 32

Fandom: Fallout 3 Rating: PG-13- fan fiction that may describe romantic relationships at the level of kisses and/or may contain hints of violence and other difficult moments."> PG-13 Genres: Angst- strong feelings, physical, but more often spiritual suffering of the character; fanfic contains depressive motives and some dramatic events."> Angst, POV- the narration is told from the first person."> POV Warnings: Death of the main character- fan fiction in which one or more main characters die."> Death of a main character, OOC- Out Of Character, “Out of character” is a situation where a character in a fic behaves completely differently from what would be expected based on his description in the canon."> OOC Size: Drabble- an excerpt that may or may not become a real fanfic. Often just a scene, a sketch, a description of a character."> Drabble, 2 pages, part 1 Status: finished

She sacrificed herself for everyone. She never gave up and always came to the aid of anyone who asked. She is Great. And we will always remember You.

The meeting that changed the world 129

Fandom: Fallout, X-COM, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 3, Fallout 4 (crossover) Pairings and characters: Emily/secret, Emily (OZhP), fem! Lone Wanderer Rating: NC-17- fan fiction in which erotic scenes, violence or some other difficult moments can be described in detail."> NC-17 Genres: Fantasy- a story about magic, imaginary worlds, mythical creatures, in other words, “the world of sword and magic.”> Fantasy, Science Fiction- stories about technical progress, distant planets and other worlds, starships and blasters."> Science Fiction, Action- fan fiction, full of action, battles, chases. Emphasis on actions, not on dialogues and relationships."> Action, Everyday- description of ordinary everyday life or everyday situations."> Everyday life, POV- the narration is told from the first person."> POV, Popadantsy- The main character, in one way or another, ends up in another world or moves into the body of a character from another world."> Popadantsy, Post-apocalyptic- Stories about a world where some kind of catastrophe occurred that put humanity on the brink of extinction or in very difficult conditions for survival."> Post-apocalyptic Warnings: OOC- Out Of Character, “Out of character” is a situation where a character in a fic behaves completely differently than one would expect based on his description in the canon."> OOC, Violence- description of actions of a violent nature (usually not sexual)."> Violence, Rape- sexual interaction without the full and voluntary consent of one of the parties. ">Rape, Incest- sexual interaction between family members."> Incest, Obscene language- the presence of obscene language (swearing) in the fanfic."> Obscene language, Group sex- a description in fanfic of sexual interaction between three or more characters at the same time."> Group sex, Mary Sue (Marty Stu)- an original character, according to general opinion, who is the embodiment of either the author himself or what the author would like to be. Mary Sues are usually easy to spot because they are all stunningly beautiful and indescribably smart. Sometimes the ideal image of a Mary Sue is also embedded in some character from the canon."> Mary Sue (Marty Stu), Ozhp- An original female character appearing in the canon world (most often as one of the main characters)."> OZhP, Sex with foreign objects- the use of a variety of foreign objects to obtain sexual gratification."> Sex with the use of foreign objects, Bestiality- sex with animals or hints of it."> Bestiality, Necrophilia- sex with the dead or hints of it."> Necrophilia, Polyamory- Multiple love relationships of one person with several people (as well as between several people) at the same time, with the consent and approval of all participants in these relationships."> Polyamory, Cannibalism- Eating creatures of the same species as the eater."> Cannibalism, Guro- Descriptions of scenes with dismembered or gutted bodies, bloodshed, cutting off limbs, sophisticated murders, etc."> Guro, Geta elements- romantic and/or sexual relationships between a man and a woman."> Geta elements Size: planned Midi- average fanfic. Approximate size: from 20 to 70 typewritten pages."> Midi, written 25 pages, 2 parts Tags: , Status: in progress

How a meeting in the wasteland can change the world. Or as one interdimensional “bureaucrat” said: “The right person in the wrong place can change the world.” Or in this case a posthuman.

Offered players to play not alone, but with other adventurers in the wasteland. True, not everyone will be ready to be with you all the time - there are companions who travel with you only when completing a certain task. And there are companions with whom you can almost always go on adventures, with whom you can share powerful guns and armor.

Temporary companions

Temporary companions are companions who join you while completing a mission. Most of them travel with you until the quest ends, but not all. Unlike regular companions, they do not restore their health after firefights.

Fallout 3

  • Stumbling- six year old and youngest girl living in Little Lamplight
  • Cherry- a twenty-seven year old woman living with Dukov
  • Novice Peck- novice of the Brotherhood of Steel
  • James- father of the main character
  • Paladin Hoss- is a member of the Brotherhood of Steel
  • Redhead- resident of the Big City
  • Sarah Lyons- leads her squad and is the daughter of Petty Officer Lyons
  • Shorty- one of the residents of the Big City
  • Velcro- at the first meeting - a resident of Little Lamplight, after - a resident of the Big City
  • Sydney- treasure hunter, the player will meet when he is looking for the Declaration of Independence

List of companions available in Operation Anchorage

In this addition, we are offered to call additional troops when storming various bases. Even if these companions die, after a while they will be reborn again to help you.

  • Sergeant Montgomery
  • Grenadier
  • Infantryman
  • Rocketeer
  • Mister Fearless
  • Hourly
  • Sniper

List of companions available in Mothership Zeta

You will revive your companions from the Zeta Cruiser from cryochambers and they will accompany you until the ship is captured.

  • Elliot Tersorien- participated in Operation Anchorage, was kidnapped along with two colleagues during the great war
  • Sergeant Daniels- also participated in Operation Anchorage
  • Private Beckett- third participant in the operation
  • Paulson- got on a ship from the days of the wild west. He has a hat and a revolver - what more does a western hero need?
  • Toshiro Kago- does not speak English - only Japanese. A samurai with his katana is powerful
  • Soma- was kidnapped around the same time as the player. Helps him escape from his cell

You will find everyone except Sergeant Daniel and Private Beckett according to the plot of the add-on. You will find these two in the cryology laboratory.

Constant companions

Constant companions are companions who can always join the player's company. Some of them join after completing certain tasks, some - depending on the player’s karma. One way or another, they can brighten up a player’s life in the wasteland.

  • High Paladin Cross- is a member of the Brotherhood of Steel, wears heavy armor and is just a good girl who will always be ready to help, but only if you are a good character. Otherwise, this paladin will refuse to work with you. Paladin Cross can be found in the Citadel, and she will be able to join you after attacking the purifier of Enclave soldiers.
  • Butch Deloria- You grew up with him from childhood. Even if not everything worked out between you in childhood, but after everything that happened to you, you can unite. Butch will only join you if you have neutral karma. Butch can be hired upon returning to Vault 101.
  • Clover- slave from Paradise Falls. Will only join you if you are a very evil character. And she herself is not very kind. You can purchase it from undertaker Jones.
  • Sergeant RL-3- the only companion who is not completely alive. You can buy it for 1000 caps and it will be with you until the end of its days. You can purchase it in the Rob-Co complex from Tin Man Joe.
  • Jericho- a resident of Megaton who began to get bored with ordinary life in the city. He wants, as before, to kill, rob korovans and generally have fun. So if you are an evil character, then go ahead and destroy with Jericho. You can call him with you by finding him in Megaton.
  • Fawkes- a super mutant who can speak. However, not only to speak, but also to think, feel and sympathize. Hundreds of years spent in captivity developed him as a mutant. And he knows what is good and what is bad. Therefore, only with positive karma will he be able to join you. You can find it in the Historical Museum.
  • Dogmeet- a cute dog who got lost in the Landfill, south of the Minefield. When you get there, a dog will come running to your scent and will be with you until the end. Some art and screenshots of the game were made with the dog, which created an attachment to this character and most are trying to find him.
  • Charon- a ghoul from the city of ghouls. It's simple - complete Azrukhal's task and receive a contract, which states that the ghoul Charon is obliged to serve you faithfully. It can be purchased for 2000 caps, and when using the Barter skill - 1000.
Companion Armor Weapon Hand to hand S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Skills Cargo
Butch Deloria Neutral Tunnel Snake Armor 10mm pistol Butch's toothpick 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 Light Weapons, Melee, Science 193.5
Charon Absent Leather armor Charon's Shotgun Combat knife 6 7 5 3 3 6 5 Light weapons, Explosives, Stealth 183.5
Clover Evil (buy), absent (hire) Dirty pre-war spring dress Sawed-off shotgun Chinese officer's sword 6 4 4 6 4 6 5 Light weapons, Melee weapons, Barter 194.5
Dogmeet Absent No No Teeth 7 8 7 6 2 8 3 No No
Fawkes good Vault 87 Jumpsuit Laser gun Fawkes' Super Sledgehammer 9 3 8 5 3 5 5 Heavy weapons, Melee weapons, Energy weapons 229.5
Jericho Evil Leather armor Chinese assault rifle Board with nails 6 5 4 3 3 6 5 Light weapons, Heavy weapons, Melee weapons 183.5
Sergeant RL-3 Neutral No Plasma rifle, Flamethrower No 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 No 197.5
High Paladin Cross good Power armor Laser pistol Super sledgehammer 7 7 6 4 3 4 4 Heavy weapons, Energy weapons, Light weapons 168.5

Companion Management

Managing companions is quite simple. All commands are given to companions through a dialog box. You can exchange items with them (they will wear only the best ones), tell them what tactics they should follow, and so on. Also in the same dialogue menu, you can refuse to go out together with one or another companion.

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