How to upgrade the Academy in the game Sparta: War of Empires. Sparta: War of Empires - economic development What troops to build in Sparta

In this article I will tell you about a big secret and, so to speak, will burn the topic about how to rob 100,000 one hundred thousand resources in the games Sparta, war of empires, conflict, art of war, war of thrones, pirate code, rules of war, nuclear strategy.

The method of robbing and taking away a large amount of resources works on the game servers mail -, in contact -, classmates -, Facebook -, plarium

In this article, I will not post a video on how to rob 100,000 resources because... rarely anyone watches it. There are a lot of videos about the robbery and they are freely available.

A little preface:

In the games Sparta, war of empires, conflict, art of war, wars of thrones, pirate code, rules of war, nuclear strategy, at the program level, the number of resources that can be looted is limited. Without special tricks, the maximum amount is only 50,000 (fifty thousand) from one robbery of one person. Moreover, this amount is divided into approximately equal shares. The same amount of resources can be transferred to one person once a week from one messir.

I'll give an example using the game War of Thrones, but in other games everything works exactly the same.

And so our goal is to loot one hundred thousand resources from one settlement. To do this, we must have the appropriate number of troops so that they can withstand this amount of res.

Another condition is that the market must be pumped to the maximum so that the caravans carry maximum carrying capacity.

And so is the very method of robbing 100,000 (one hundred thousand) resources from one castle.

1. First you need to carry out reconnaissance so that the specified amount of resources is stored in the castle.

As you can see, there is something to profit from here.

2. Now we send a robbery with wax capable of carrying 100,000 resources. You can send attacking and defensive troops. Check the load capacity.

I sent attacking and defensive troops because... They all have load capacity. The picture shows that warriors can lift 119 thousand.

3. Now open the map and send our troops to plunder.

Do not send several robberies at once, in this case you need to take out one lock at a time. This is very important and you will find out why later.

Our troops have reached the target, now we are carefully watching the robbery icon that appears. You need to look at the remaining time. As soon as there are 30 seconds or less left before the castle is robbed, we send a caravan with meat or other resource to this castle, while the map remains open.

We send caravans to the castle to which our troops are going for robbery.

In the picture you can see at the bottom left the remaining time before the troops arrive at the robbed castle. Now is the time to donate your resources (don’t be afraid you will get them back). The more meat (gold or steel) in the caravan, the more resources will be robbed. It doesn’t matter what you send the caravan with.

Our caravans are on their way to someone else's castle, now we monitor the time of the robbery and hold the mouse pointer on the cross for canceling the delivery of caravans.

As soon as the robbery itself occurs and a square appears with the time for the return of the troops, we cancel the delivery of our goods. Our goods will immediately return to us.

We look at the result of the robbery and rejoice. This time we managed to carry out 70,800 steel, gold and meat. More could have been done, but the meat had to be sent to this castle in advance.

In general, it is not necessary to send your caravans while troops are marching. You can send 50,000 fifty thousand meat in advance, and then rob for 100,000. True, in this case you will lose your meat.

This robbery method was tested on servers games mail -, in contact -, classmates -, Facebook -, plarium

If you play one of the games Sparta, War of Empires, Conflict, Art of War, Wars of Thrones, Pirate Code, Rules of War, Nuclear Strategy, then you can safely use this technique.

In this way, you can collect resources from ten castles per day. In addition, you can buy 50,000 of each type of resource on Agium.

In just one day it is possible to raise 1,100,000 one million one hundred thousand total resources. The most important thing is to spend them on time to buy troops and strengthen the castle. It’s also good to pump up barns and warehouses, banks and storage facilities to the fullest.

Views: 16333
Added: 10/17/2014

How to upgrade the Academy in the game Sparta: War of Empires

There are currently many opportunities for development in the game "Sparta: War of Empires". To be honest, there are so many of them that even an experienced player, let alone a beginner, can get confused. However, this does not make the game any less interesting - you just have to figure it out a little. Well, I’ll help you with this: now we’ll find out how best to upgrade the Academy in the game “Sparta: War of Empires.”

Among other resources, the player has at his disposal (both for winning on, gaining levels, or simply for gold) scrolls that can be used at the Academy. Main types of improvements in the academy:

  • increasing the speed of troop movement;
  • increasing the speed of troop construction;
  • increasing the speed of tower repairs;
  • increasing the speed of signing agreements;
  • reduction in grain consumption;
  • increasing the number of caches;
  • reducing the cost of converting the army to the tsarist;
  • increased experience for destroying troops.
It’s quite possible to get confused: what to spend the scrolls on here? Don’t be alarmed, now we will understand all this diversity and resolve this issue.

The first thing I recommend you improve is “lowering your grain intake.” Reach the level to 80 out of 80 - your troops will consume 8% less grain. Will you say little? No, actually it's normal. It’s just that your army is still small.

Next, I personally pushed the speed of tower repair to the maximum. Towers in the game “Sparta: War of Empires” are unique units, it’s a shame that there are only 20 of them. So go ahead and spend 30 scrolls to get your towers repaired twice as fast.

Now, if you are going to develop and participate in tournaments, then look at such an improvement in the academy as “Experience for destroying troops.” After using 40 scrolls, you will have 20% more experience when destroying an enemy unit. A little? It seems so: consider that instead of four killed shield bearers, you will gain experience as if it were five.

The “Speed ​​of signing agreements” improvement is very relevant in connection with the latest changes in the game. I will go over agreements in a separate article, but here I just want to say that they are needed - the faster agreements are signed, the faster the strength of your troops will grow. And we will have to open a lot of agreements.

Well, also important disciplines of training at the academy are the speed of movement and the speed of building troops. It’s difficult to give specific advice here, it all depends on who you like best. However, there is a general rule: movement speed is more important for attacking troops, and construction speed is more important for the main defensive ones. Personally, my priority is the defensive troops - these are the Thracian mercenaries, so the first thing I did was for them, I brought the construction speed to the maximum.

So, in this article, we learned how to effectively distribute scrolls for studying disciplines in the Academy building in the game “Sparta: War of Empires”.

If you attack the Persian positions with enough troops to win, then get more experience than usual. In addition, if you lose some troops, you will receive compensation.

Don't forget about agreements, they are necessary for recruiting new troops, upgrading existing ones and getting other useful things.

Even if you don’t have time to play, try to get into the game. If you are in the game for 5 days in a row, then get bonus coins.

At the very beginning of the game do not rush to attack other players. The fact is that at the beginning, as in most other real-time strategy games, you are protected by a server until you reach a certain level. This is done so that beginners are not “overrun” by more experienced players. So, if you, being under the protection of the “Gods of Olympus,” attack someone, then the same player can take revenge on you and the protection in this case will not work.

If you randomly start constructing or upgrading a building, then you have a chance to cancel this action, within 50 seconds from the start of issuing such a command. If you manage to cancel construction or renovation at the specified time, you will return 80% of the cost.

When attacking another player, you should choose the attacking army, even if you outnumber the enemy. Because you are likely to lose the battle.

First of all it is necessary to build and improve buildings that provide resources as much as possible. This way, you will not feel the need for one resource or another. In addition, resources, as well as other useful things, can be received as rewards for successfully completing tasks.

One of the most important resources is grain. This resource is necessary for recruiting troops. Therefore, monitor the condition of the fields and do not forget to build and improve them.

Resources also need to be stored somewhere, so don't forget to build barns and warehouses.

You can increase the production of bronze and wood by building the Altar of Hermes. This structure is purchased for coins and can be destroyed as a result of an enemy raid. Restoration is free, but takes a certain amount of time. The statue increases the production of bronze and wood by 25%.

There are other statues that increase resource production. Hephaestus statue increases bronze production, and statue of Pan- tree.

Try to improve your level. This is primarily necessary for your protection. It is more dangerous to attack a player with a higher level, although, in fact, his army may be clearly weaker. The same goes for the walls around your building. By and large, they simply scare away uninvited guests.

Buy craftsmen whenever possible. Masters are special workers who increase the speed of development of your policy several times. Thus, you will develop several (up to four) times faster than your opponents and without using premium currency.

Before mindlessly attacking a player, it is prudent to conduct reconnaissance first. Send scouts on a mission, upon their return you will find out the number and types of troops in the enemy Polis, as well as information on the resources they have. Agree that this is many times more useful, since you are aware of the enemy’s combat capability, as well as whether he has any resources at all. Everything may have been stolen before you.

In order to be able to hire scouts you need to build Stables, and also sign an agreement with Delphi.

If your Policy is attacked, you can punish the offender. In addition to moral satisfaction, this opportunity also has useful functions. The fact is that the enemy army needs time to return to its Polis. Therefore, if you gather more fast warriors into your squad, you can overtake the enemy army and come to his Polis. There you can safely and practically without any problems return the loot, and also grab extra as compensation. But there is also no need to spontaneously run to “retaliate”; if the enemy is not a fool, then he will not leave his policy without protection, so it is necessary to do reconnaissance, and only then go for revenge.

Build towers. Don't underestimate the defensive capabilities of towers. The cost of their construction is not cheap, but they are restored quite quickly, and they can be restored an infinite number of times. Towers are very useful for protecting your city from enemy raids, so try to leave some space to build them.

Protect your resources. Resources placed in the Acropolis cannot be stolen during a raid. The amount of resources that enemies can steal from your city depends on the amount of unprotected resources and the enemy's carrying capacity. Therefore, when upgrading warehouses and granaries, do not forget to upgrade the Acropolis.

In addition to the resources in Acropolis it is possible - even moreover, it is necessary! — hide yours offensive troops. Since in a possible assault on your city, they are likely to die. Therefore, we keep the defensive ones outside, they are very effective for defense, and we hide the attacking units and take them out when we need to raid the next victim.

Balance your army. As you understood from the previous advice, the army is divided into attacking and defensive. Purely attacking troops are practically useless in defending your city. Defensive, on the other hand, are good at defending, but clumsy for attacking purposes. Poem try to stick to the middle when forming your army and use certain types of troops for those purposes in which they are strong.

Raid weak cities. Since money and other resources cannot be stolen from the Acropolis, cities with a low level are an ideal victim. The fact is that at a low level, the Acropolis is still poorly pumped, and therefore a rather small amount of resources will be hidden in it. This means that in one raid you can get some pretty good loot. True, you should not raid first-level cities. Firstly, they are under the protection of the Olympian Gods, and secondly, there is practically nothing to steal there. Let warehouses and granaries be built and then you can make a raid.

Answers to frequently asked questions

What is Protection of the Gods?

Players who have just started playing Sparta Warriors of the Empire have little understanding of the game and game mechanics. For some time, protection from attacks from other players is introduced for them. During this time, the beginner will get used to the game and improve a little in order to be able to fight off attacks.

Protection of the Gods ensures the player's safety for three days, as well as until he reaches level 30. Therefore, during this time it is recommended to develop as much as possible. Also, if a player begins to show aggression towards other players, the protection will be removed.

Is it possible to start the game over again by deleting the old policy?

No. There is no option to delete the policy and start the game over again. But don’t be discouraged, even if you messed up at the beginning, you can always fix it.

Completion of the task is not counted, although all conditions have been met

First, check the terms of the assignment again and make sure that you have completed exactly what was required of you, for example, or whether you have improved the agreement. Perhaps you confused it with another one that is very similar in name.

If everything is correct, update the game (refresh the page in the browser) using the F5 or Ctrl+R keys.

If this does not help, then contact support.

What are coins and how to get them

Coins are the premium currency in the game Sparta: War of Empires, which are purchased for real money. For them you can speed up the construction or improvement of buildings, buy resources, troops or defensive buildings with them.

Is it possible to gift coins to another player?

No. There is no such possibility. Or rather, you can top up another player’s account

Why are command buildings needed?

This type of building is responsible for managing the city. If you have them, you can sign Agreements, improve the parameters of warriors, enter into alliances with other players, trade, and also fight. At the beginning of the game, some team buildings will already be built, and some will have to be built independently.

Why are decorative buildings necessary?

Decorative buildings not only decorate your city, but also increase the protection indicators of the Policy.

Resource buildings produce fewer resources than indicated

The fact is that the extracted resources must be transferred to storage independently. In automatic mode, only half of the extracted resources goes to storage facilities, while the rest remains in the buildings extracted resources. Therefore, do not forget to click on buildings and pick up products

What parameters do troops have?

Each warrior has a number of parameters, you can find them out by clicking on the warrior’s image in the troop training window:

Attack- the amount of damage that the selected combat unit causes.

Protection- Value of defense points.

Price- cost of resources for hiring and training

Load capacity- the amount of resources that a combat unit can carry during a raid on enemy positions.

Speed- unit movement speed

Time production- time required to produce a combat unit

Grain consumption- how much grain the selected combat unit consumes.

What type of Hero troops are these and how to get them?

Heroes are a special type of troops; they are more versatile; they can be used both in defense and in attack. They are also capable of carrying away a much larger amount of resources upon a successful raid, and also do not consume grain.

These warriors can be obtained through social interaction between you and your friends. In the Hall of Fame, you can call a chosen friend to serve in the army of Heroes, and the call is absolutely free. You are allowed to summon no more than three soldiers per day, but if you build an Altar, the number of hero-friends available for recruitment increases. In addition, friends can take the initiative and join your army on their own.

How to interact with other players?

While on the map, select someone else's policy. After this, a menu will appear with suggested actions: robbery, sending reinforcements or resources, capture and others.

While inside your city, you can use the panel at the bottom of the screen. People with whom you are friends are displayed there, regardless of your relationship to each other (whether you are at war or allies)

What is a capture and how does it differ from a simple raid?

To besiege an enemy means to place your army in his polis without his consent. By capturing a city you receive a large number of rating points. In addition, the captured city is visually painted in your colors. If you capture three Polis, you can increase the production of wood and bronze by 25%.

The siege of other people's policies allows you to express your superiority over other players and feel like a great invader of foreign lands.

But remember that a captured city does not stop its activities. The population will still go to work, extract resources and train the army.

After a successful raid, my troops return empty-handed

Each player has a robbery limit; up to 10 robbery attempts are allowed per day. After using up this reserve, you can carry out raids, but you will not receive profit from the raids.

How to use reinforcements?

You can help your friend by sending a detachment of your troops to him. At the same time, their maintenance still falls on your shoulders, that is, the grain will be confiscated from you, and not from your friend. These troops are uncontrollable, but can be returned to sender.

In response to this, a friend can also send his troops to help you. This can be useful when you need to repel an enemy attack or when a friend is not in the game and his base is attacked.

“Sparta: War of Empires” is a real-time military-economic strategy. Even if you are not very familiar with games in this genre, you will soon become a real veteran, because your guide will be Leonidas himself, the king of Sparta!

The main goal of the game is to battle with other players and the ruthless King Xerxes for power over the ancient world. To build your own empire, you need to create a powerful army, strengthen the walls of your city and extract the main game resources: grain, bronze and wood.

The best way to succeed in the game is to conquer your neighbor's policy! For this purpose, more than 30 different units are provided: staunch Greek hoplites, brave Myrmidons, swift Macedonian horsemen and even legendary Spartan warriors will form a single formation to bring you victory!


Are you afraid to challenge real players right away? Then concentrate on the Goals - ancient temples, Persian outposts, vineyards and other places where you can cross weapons with computer opponents. Find out from the Oracle where the available Objectives are located, conquer them - and you will receive troops, resources and experience as a reward!


Another great way to get rich is to build Tholos and start conquering the Colonies. They contain various resources, as well as the main (after military valor) treasure of Sparta - Coins. The longer you control the Colony, the more resources you can collect from it. Of course, many noble military leaders will be ready to fight for such a tasty morsel, so don’t forget to build a large army and sign agreements with other policies to become even more powerful!

As soon as you prove that it was not in vain that you were not thrown off a cliff as a child, begin preparations for the war of the Alliances for the Pantheons! Do you want to create an Alliance or join an existing one? Go to the Embassy and choose what you like best! It makes sense to unite in Alliances in order to capture and defend Pantheons, power over which comes from expanding the zone of influence over the ancient world. To see the Alliance control zones, open the Map of Greece. Capture as many Pantheons as possible, invest resources in their development - and you will become the new King of Sparta!

Developer: Plarium

The tips listed in this article will help you pass and quickly raise the level in the browser strategy from Plarium.

First of all, after registering on the official website, do not rush to immediately attack other players, but concentrate your efforts on building buildings that produce resources. Resource buildings in the game include:

  • field produces grain
  • forge - produces bronze
  • grove - produces tree

Advice! When producing resources in Sparta: War of Empires, it is important to correctly balance consumption and production; everything that is unnecessary or, on the contrary, missing for your daily needs can be adjusted using special statues.

Your army's grain consumption can be reduced with the statue of Demeter, the lack of bronze can be replenished with the help of statues of Hermes and Hephes, and wood can be increased with the same Hermes and the statue of Pan. It is also worth paying attention to opportunities for signing trade agreements that open up over time and immediately using them. They will help you in the future to recruit new troops and upgrade and improve the units you already have.

For completing some production tasks at the very beginning of the game Sparta: War of Empires you can get bonus game coins.

Advice! Once you start playing, find at least a few minutes a day to log into the interface; if you log into the game for 5 days in a row, you will receive bonus gold coins from the creators.

The second important buildings are warehouses for storing your resources. These include:

  • barn - grain is stored in it
  • warehouse - we store bronze and wood here

You can have three rooms of both types.

All statues in the game can be bought for coins, but do not forget, they can easily be destroyed during an enemy raid, buy only those that you definitely need for improvement and which you cannot do without at this stage of development in the game Sparta: Wars of Empires . We hope that this advice will help you reduce unnecessary costs of game gold.

You can read more about building statues in this free browser-based strategy.

  • Don’t miss participating in gaming promotions from developers, this will significantly help you increase bonus funds.
  • Remember, in the game the walls are quite weak defensive means, so level up your level as quickly as possible without engaging in battles against other players until the last minute. Don't forget about the beginner's bonus - at first no one will be able to attack you.
  • before attacking opponents, it is worth conducting reconnaissance - sending one of the units and, after receiving the data, use attack and target calculator for the game Sparta: War of Empires which can be found on our website. There is also a video from the creators on how to properly use intelligence data.
  • After an attack on your settlement, you can take advantage of the lack of troops in your offender’s policy and send fast troops to attack and plunder your offender’s settlement. As a rule, such tactics help to compensate for the damage and obtain a significant profit and increase in resources.
  • No matter how weak the walls are in defense, still do not forget to build and improve defensive towers whenever possible, they help to deter attackers for your preventive countermeasures.
  • The most important and necessary resources should be stored in the Acropolis; during a raid, it does not suffer and cannot be plundered like other buildings. You can also hide your offensive units there, since they are practically ineffective in defense.
  • after you reach level 3, don’t forget to monitor the map, look for weak cities from level 2 and make periodic raids, this will give you a significant increase in raw materials and easy victories will allow you to quickly pump up your skills and level.

Remember that our tips for completing the browser strategy Sparta: War of Empires will help you in the overall passage of the game only if you apply them in a timely manner; do not immediately begin active military operations against your neighbors, do not forget about gradual development and saving coins. Good luck in the vastness of the game.