Where to dig the collection in the "Zombie Farm"? "Zombie Farm": school collection. Zombie Farm: where to dig the sand collection? Get secret treasures

The Sand Collection is a set of five different items found in the game Zombie Farm. The collected sand collection can be exchanged for candy wrappers and sticks, which are required for the construction of a number of exclusive buildings. The sand collection consists of the following items: Secret, Colored Bucket, Spatula, Mold and Rake.

In this article you will learn where to dig sand collection in zombie farm, for this we will consider each item separately.


You can dig up molds under almost any building, but it is better to dig near all kinds of floors.


The location of rakes can be anywhere, but they usually come across often. To quickly find rakes, drip under the sandbox and bucket.


The shovel can be found near the sandbox, duck, grass and fence.


The secrets are much harder to find than the rest of the collection, so you'll have to try hard. It is advisable to look for the secret under the box, train, carriages and railway.

Flower bucket

The bucket can be dug under the sandbox, fence, diamond girl and umbrella.


Now you know, where in the Zombie Farm to dig the sand collection. It is usually quite easy to dig up a sand collection, and for a hundred shovels you can collect all the items no matter where you look. Also, the sand collection can be found in treasures called: Collector 2, Basket of Mimosas, Merry Carousel.

Recently, computer games based on social networks have gained enormous popularity. This means that they do not require downloading the client, but registering on a social network, where later you can install a specific game on your page. And then you can enjoy the gameplay along with millions of other users. Naturally, this segment very quickly became incredibly saturated, since there is such a thing as donation. In fact, these games are free, that is, any user of a particular social network can register and play here. But at the same time, the game becomes much more exciting if you invest real money to buy currency that is practically impossible to obtain in other ways in the game. That is, you decide for yourself whether you will play for free and develop slowly, or decide to invest money and get the most out of such a game.

Of course, the appearance of such games has caused a wave of low-quality projects aimed at making a profit, but among them there are also real masterpieces, such as “Zombie Farm”. Here you take control of a zombie who wants to become human again. To do this, he will have to grow and collect components to create a special potion. And, of course, during this process you will acquire a full-fledged farm with your own zombie workers. One of the most pressing questions regarding this game is: “Where can I dig the collection in Zombie Farm?” Collections are special sets of items that give you a certain bonus if they are put together. Therefore, further we will consider the main collections, their bonuses, as well as the places where they can be dug up.

Pirate Islands Collections

If you want to know where to dig the collection in the Zombie Farm, then you will first need to go to the pirate islands. There you can easily collect the executioner's collection, consisting of an axe, chest, gallows, guillotine and sword, the bad collection, which includes an ashtray, a whip, a bottle of poison, a card of the queen of spades and a toy called Bedomishka. Moreover, you can also find a tropical collection there. Its composition is toucan, chameleon, tarantula, coconut and lily. In the first case, you will receive 1500 experience and five doubloons, in the second - 500 experience and twenty gold pickaxes, and in the third - ten gold axes and a machete. As you can now see, it is very useful to know where to dig the collection in the Zombie Farm, because it brings very good profit in one form or another.

Secret treasures

There are several secret treasures in the game that you need to look for in a special location. Now you know where to dig the collection in the "Zombie Farm", it remains to understand what it contains. The first collection contains five figurines of cats of various breeds. For finding it you will receive 500 experience and a sheet. The second collection is very similar to the first, only instead of cats there are dogs, and as a reward you get a film instead of a sheet. As you can see, a wide variety of sets can be found in the Zombie Farm game. Collections serve two purposes at once - to please the user with their bright appearance and their theme, and also to give him the opportunity to get useful items and gain bonus experience.

Simple collections

It is worth noting that the collections in the game vary in the degree of difficulty of finding them. Some items from the sets can only be found in a certain place and with a low probability, while others can be found almost everywhere and with a fairly high chance. This variety of possibilities greatly attracts players to the Zombie Farm game. Collections that are hard to find intrigue users, while easy ones let them know that there is something for everyone. For example, a sand collection can be excavated at any location where sand is available. However, the reward for it is not so great - one stick and one candy wrapper. However, you must admit that this is already a good incentive to continue digging and try your luck in the hope of finding rarer zombie collections. Where to dig? This question is sometimes much more complicated than it might seem.

Popular military collection

The military collection in the game "Zombie Farm" is very popular. Where to dig for collections like this? Here everything is not as simple as in the case of the sand set - you will have to look for specific places where an item from this set can fall out. For example, if you take a military collection, then you need to go to the admiral, look for the terminator's hand, or look for a tank in a snowy location. You can also dig next to the marathon runner's flag, as well as next to the marathon runner himself. There may also be a rare collection in the “Zombie Farm” - then you can be doubly happy, as this will bring you a much more impressive reward. By the way, for the military kit you will receive 250 experience points and gunpowder, so the search is worth it.

The unexpected location of a pirate collection

It would seem, what place is best suited for a pirate collection? Naturally, pirate islands. But it was not there. You won't find this collection there. You need to look for it in unexpected places, such as a marble cave. The underground lantern and fifteen bone legs should make you happy, as they will be given to you as a reward. Pirate Collection is another example of the unpredictability of this game, which is why it is always a lot of fun to play.

Fisherman collection

Another collection that can be found in the marble cave is the fisherman's set. It includes equipment for fishing and the fish itself, but what is interesting first of all is not this, but what they will give you for finding it. The developers turned out to have a sense of humor, and as a reward you receive 300 experience and a special fish - ide. Anyone aware of the humor that reigns on the Internet will understand the irony. Even if this video is unknown to you, you will still enjoy the bright picture and the benefits that you can get from this gift.

Special treasures for magic wands

There are treasures in the game that cannot be dug up with a regular shovel. You will need special lifesavers - without them you simply will not find what you need. These are the hellish and heavenly collections - the most unusual in the game. You can find them only in the most inaccessible places, in dungeons and so on. But the most important thing is what they give you. With the help of the hellish collection you will receive chocolate and as many as fifteen magic wands, but the heavenly collection will offer you a pillow and an incredible amount of fifty thousand coins. So these collections are worth spending your gaming time on.

School collection

One of the most popular collections that the Zombie Farm game offers is the school collection. You can only find its components in a few locations and in specific places, but the reward is really worth looking for. Essentially, the school collection is a simplified version of the heavenly collection, since you can dig with a shovel rather than with a magic wand. But as a reward you will receive books instead of a pillow, but fifty thousand coins - this amount will remain unchanged. So go in search of this collection, dig in the hope of finding a backpack, school supplies, a chair and the last call, i.e. all the necessary components of the set. And for this you will be rewarded with one of the best prizes in the Zombie Farm game. The school collection, however, is not the only one, so don't forget about it. Don't ignore others, as the reward for them can also bring you a lot of benefits.

Do not rush to build certain buildings.

Make sure you have the required amount of materials.

At the beginning of the game, build a Crypt. This will be your first building that you build. It will be the main source of resources at the initial levels. After this, build a Lighthouse and a Pyramid, they will generate gold and materials.

You will be rewarded for completing tasks zombies. Try not to waste collect this valuable currency to buy really valuable and important things, for example, a watchman. He will protect the territory of your farm from visitors. This way, your friends won’t be able to steal your suitcases and bonuses.

One of the most useful buildings at the beginning of the game will be Bridge. Try to build it and then suitcases will appear every 3 hours. In them you can find materials and plants that you still need to grow and grow into. Drops such as garlic, roses, yellow and red paint, springs, lilies, eye peas, red and blue tiles and many other useful things. To build a bridge you need ropes. You can ask them from friends or get them for Spring collection. Unfortunately, without a guard, they can be opened by anyone who comes to dig your treasures.

At first focus on clearing the area of ​​excess trees, bushes and stones. This will make it possible to plant more. Chests with experience, money and collections appear. It is best to immediately buy a pair of woodcutters and stonemasons; they do everything faster and will quickly pay for themselves.

The main advice here is to attract as many friends as possible to the game and acquaintances. The Zombie Farm game also rewards inviting more people to play. Every day, your friends give you one free gift, which will be extremely useful for a successful game. There is no limit on the number of friends you can invite, so you can invite as many as you need.

Save all collections, which you find, they will still be useful to you. Try to have 15 pieces of each collection in stock. Accumulating collections is often part of a task. Thus, you will be able to collect collections even before the official appearance "Tasks", which means that when you receive the task, you can complete it in just a few seconds. The only exception is when you really need a “prize” for completing a collection (for example, to complete another task).

The most useful activity is growing cherries. This is the most profitable tree of all. It gives the most sought-after collections of all that drop from chests. This is a secret, hellish and hyper collection.

Become a pirate

To become a pirate, you need to complete a pirate quest. After that, you can go on a trip by sea with your friends. You can also make your own ship, recruit a crew and go in search of new islands and treasures. On the new island, with a high probability, you can dig up precious items and collections. The main treasure is the Dead Man's Chest.

Update your list of requests

You can tell your friends what gifts you should give. Perhaps you desperately need some item or ingredient, but your friends don’t give you what you need. They may not be unaware of what to give you, so let them know.

Bury your friends (this applies to the game)

Brains for your employees can be obtained for free by burying a friend or several friends. Near the image of the brain, there is an inscription +1. Click on it to bury a friend. Don't worry, nothing bad will happen to your friend, this is a normal occurrence in the Zombie Farm game.

Dig for treasure

Dig for treasures on the territory of your friends' farm. Come visit them and dig everything they have. Valuable collections and materials can be unearthed under some buildings. For example, under “watchman” you can accumulate a lot of love. For convenience, you can view information about what to look for and in what place you should dig and in what place you shouldn’t.

Free gifts every day.

Give your friends free gifts and they will do the same to you. You are allowed to send one gift to each friend per day. It is advisable to give what they ask for, because the gift should be useful (remember the advice above). This is easy to do - select a free gift, click give, check the “show everyone who is looking for this” checkbox. You can also write a comment and ask for help.

Regularly complete tasks, they are not only on the left, but also at the bottom there are several pages with tasks. For completing them you will be rewarded with useful resources and bonuses.

Use a clicker

Clicker is a special program that simulates mouse clicks, only at a higher speed. A very necessary thing when you have a lot of friends and more than 300 free gifts arrive every day. You can also dig from friends using a clicker. You can find many options for these programs on the Internet.

In order to speed up the rotation of the roulettes press the “start” button and move on to the next roulette. You will still receive your winnings without waiting for the result. By building a Hypersphere using zombie bucks, you can speed up this process several times more.

Accompany your gifts with a signature

This makes it more likely that you will get a response. In the comment you can indicate which item you would like to receive in return.

Visit friends below level 50

On farms with a higher level, there is a chance of encountering a guard. In this case, you will not be able to find suitcases, fishermen's buckets, or treasure hunters' bags.

Use holidays effectively

Collect coins for the holidays to buy as many free holiday buildings as possible.

Build hangars on toll islands

These are the islands you visit least often, so this area can be built up with hangars.

Having removed the mobile phone and tent buildings, you can block your friends' access to the islands Mobile and dense.

Build as many casinos as possible, but play there. Spin Zombie Fortune Roulette for 5 chips. This way you can replenish your glue supplies.

Build a business center

Build a business center where you can sell lilies and roses at a better price.

Get secret treasures

Finding such a treasure on the farm of a friend who has few buildings (for example, the Mayan islands) will not be difficult.

Don't unpack all your gifts at once

When you have a task that requires a collection item, the best way to get this item is to unpack the gift wrapping.

Answers to popular questions

Where to get zombies

  • Zombaxes are given for exchanging collections such as emerald and Halloween.
  • Given as a reward for completing missions.
  • They win at roulette.
  • If you complete gift buildings such as the “House of Fear”, “Emerald Palace” and others.
  • If you catch a pirate and he doesn't have time to sail.
  • Zombaxes can be made from Zombaxide in Babylon.
  • Buy for real money.

How to become a pirate

You need to complete a pirate quest, buy a tavern and win a chest.

Pirate's goal- find a chest in the warehouse and then bury it on Treasure Island, where you can sail by ship. Whether you complete this quest on your own ship or on a commandeered ship, you can collect treasure along the way.

To become a real pirate, you need to take part in a special game roulette, which is held once a week for free and at any time at the player’s request for doubloons. It is here, at roulette, that the pirates win a chest that will need to be buried on the island.

Buried treasures must be protected! A corsair who has lost his vigilance and is caught by 15 or more townspeople has exactly one day to sail away. If he does not have time to do this, the treasures from the chest are divided among the townspeople.

Where to dig for treasures

In almost all cases, the treasure will be located under some special object on the map. It could be a healthy stone, a balloon, or some unusual flower. The likelihood that the treasure will be buried somewhere in a field without any landmarks is extremely small.

How to quickly get a lot of coins

  1. The fastest way to earn coins is sell nails. This business can enrich you by 3000 coins. But it takes a lot of friends.
  2. Use of golden shovels on the territory of friends' farms. This method is very profitable in obtaining coins and experience. By finding secret treasures you can get valuable collections and items.
  3. Growing tangerines and making marmalade. The cost of producing one unit of sweets is 56245, which in turn is the sum of the price of 10 tangerines (55540) and 5 roses (705). Thus, 56245 = 55540 + 705. The cost of selling marmalade is 100842. Subtract the production costs from the resulting amount and we get 44597 net profit coins.
  4. Preparation of Cloverhell and creating red paint from it. To do this, it is necessary that a lighthouse be built. We grow Pumpkinhell and Clover, then from 1 Pumpkinhell (worth 40 coins) and 2 Clover (10 coins each) we cook one portion of Cloverhell and get 210 coins. After this, in the lighthouse we produce red paint from Cleverhell and 1000 coins. We sell the finished paint for 1800, in total we get 740 coins of net profit (60+1000 = 1060. 1800 - 1060 = 740). This option is faster, but you need to be online and monitor the actions of the chefs.
  5. Selling free gifts received from friends. The most precious gift is Love. For 1000 Love gifts sold, you can earn 1 million gold coins. So, the more friends you have, the more you will sell.
  6. Walking through the Christmas trees It's also quite a profitable business. The limit on putting free gingerbread cookies into Christmas trees is 150 per day. For each gingerbread you will receive a reward in the form of 2 units of some material, worth 500 coins. Thus, for each gingerbread you get 1000 coins. If you invest all the gingerbread you can in a day, you get a sum of 150 thousand, out of practically nothing.

You will find more tips and useful information in the file, which you can download from the link below. There you will find the following information:

  • Tips and Tricks for Playing Zombie Farm
  • Treasures and secret treasures in the game Zombie Farm
  • Where to get more brains in Zombie Farm
  • How to get zombies for free in Zombie Farm
  • Popular collections
  • Walkthrough of the game Zombie Farm
  • How to become a human in Zombie Farm
  • Dictionary of Zombie Farm