Gdz domestic history contour map. Gdz on history. Atlas. Domestic history from ancient times to the end of the 18th century

  • History of Russia Grade 6. Thematic control Gavrilina, Artasov national education
  • Contour maps on the history of the Middle Ages Grade 6. GEF Chugunova OKF
  • Torop Enlightenment
  • Contour maps on the history of the Middle Ages Grade 6 Vedyushkin Enlightenment
  • Contour maps on the history of Russia Grade 6 Pchelov Russian word
  • Kolpakov, Ponomarev AST-PRESS
  • Kolpakov AST-PRESS
  • Contour maps on the history of the New Age Grade 7. GEF Martynova Bustard
  • Contour maps on the history of Russia Grade 7. GEF Torop Bustard
  • History of Russia Grade 7. Thematic control Akinshina, Artasov national education
  • Contour maps on New History Grade 7. GEF Stoyalova OKF
  • History of the New Age Grade 7 Yudovskaya, Vanyushkina Education
  • Torop Enlightenment
  • Contour maps on the history of Russia Grade 7 Lukin Russian Word
  • Contour maps on the history of Russia Grade 7. To Torkunov's textbook Exam
  • Contour maps on the history of Russia in the 17th-18th centuries Grade 7 Pavlova Exam
  • Kolpakov, Ponomarev AST-PRESS
  • Kolpakov AST-PRESS
  • Contour maps on the history of the New Age Grade 8 Bustard
  • Contour maps on the history of Russia Grade 8. GEF Gushchina, Torop Bustard
  • Contour maps on New History Grade 8 Chugunova OKF
  • Contour maps on national history Grade 8. GEF Chugunova OKF
  • Contour maps on the history of Russia Grade 8 Torop Enlightenment
  • Contour maps on the history of Russia Grade 8. To Torkunov's textbook Exam
  • Kolpakov AST-PRESS
  • Kolpakov AST-PRESS
  • Contour maps on the history of Russia Grade 9. GEF Privalovsky, Volkova Bustard
  • Contour maps on modern history Grade 9 Kurbsky Bustard
  • History of Russia Grade 9. Thematic control Artasov, Wojcik national education
  • Contour maps on national history Grade 9. GEF OKF
  • Contour maps on the history of Russia Grade 9 Torop Enlightenment
  • Contour maps on the history of Russia Grade 10. GEF Kurbsky Bustard
  • Verification and control work on the history of the Ancient World Grade 5 Kryuchkova Enlightenment
  • Test papers on the history of Russia Grade 6. GEF Artasov Enlightenment
  • Verification and control work on the history of the Middle Ages Grade 6 Kryuchkova Enlightenment
  • Examinations on the history of Russia Grade 7. GEF Artasov Enlightenment
  • Verification and control work on the history of the New Age Grade 7 Baranov Enlightenment
  • Test papers on the history of Russia Grade 8. GEF Artasov Enlightenment
  • Verification and control work on the history of the New Age Grade 8 Baranov Enlightenment
  • Examinations on the history of Russia Grade 8 Exam
  • Test papers on the history of Russia Grade 9. GEF Artasov Enlightenment
  • Verification and control work on modern history Grade 9 Baranov Enlightenment
  • Examinations on the history of Russia Grade 9 Solovyov. To Torkunov's textbook Exam
  • Examinations on the history of Russia Grade 10 Artasov Enlightenment
  • Testing work on the history of Russia Grade 8 Solovyov. To Torkunov's textbook Exam
  • Control and measuring materials (KIM) on the history of the Ancient World Grade 5. GEF Volkova Wako
  • Control and measuring materials (KIM) on the history of Russia Grade 6. GEF Volkova (History of Russia) Waco
  • Control and measuring materials (KIM) on the history of the Middle Ages Grade 6 GEF Volkova Wako
  • Control and measuring materials (CMM) on the history of the Middle Ages Grade 6 Chernova Exam
  • Volkova Wako
  • Control and measuring materials (KIM) on the history of Russia Grade 7. GEF Volkova Wako
  • Control and measuring materials (KIM) on the history of the New Age Grade 7 Kalacheva Exam
  • Control and measuring materials (KIM) on the history of Russia Grade 7 Smirnov Exam
  • Volkova Wako
  • Volkova (History of Russia) Waco
  • Control and measuring materials (KIM) on the history of the New Age Grade 8. GEF Kalacheva Exam
  • Control and measuring materials (KIM) on the history of Russia Grade 8. GEF Smirnov Exam
  • Control and measuring materials (KIM) on the history of Russia Grade 9. GEF Volkova Wako
  • Control and measuring materials (CMM) for modern history Grade 9. GEF Volkova Wako
  • Workbooks

    • History workbook Grade 5 Maikov Ventana-Graf
    • Vanina, Danilov Ventana-Count
    • Abramov Bustard
    • Workbook on the history of the ancient world Grade 5. Part 1, 2. GEF Goder Enlightenment
    • History exercise book Grade 5 Ukolova Enlightenment
    • Workbook on the history of the ancient world Grade 5. GEF Zhukov. To Mikhailovsky's textbook Russian word
    • Workbook on the history of the Ancient World Grade 5 Ponomarev, Kolpakov Exam
    • Workbook on the history of the ancient world Grade 5. UUD Chernova Exam
    • Workbook on the history of the ancient world Grade 5. Part 1, 2 Chernova Exam
    • Danilov, Davydova (History of Russia) Balass
    • History workbook Grade 6 Danilov, Davydova (History of the Middle Ages) Balass
    • Baranov Ventana-Count
    • Klokov, Simonova Ventana-Count
    • Baranov Ventana-Count
    • Workbook on the history of the Middle Ages Grade 6. GEF Kolpakov, Ponomarev Bustard
    • Workbook on the history of Russia Grade 6. GEF Artasov Enlightenment
    • Workbook on the history of the Middle Ages Grade 6. GEF Kryuchkova Enlightenment
    • Exercise book on the history of the Middle Ages Grade 6. GEF Vedyushkin Enlightenment
    • Notebook-examiner on the history of the Middle Ages Grade 6 Ukolova Enlightenment
    • Workbook on the history of Russia Grade 6. X Russian word
    • Workbook on the history of the Middle Ages Grade 6. GEF Petrov. To the textbook of Boytsov Russian word
    • Workbook on the history of Russia Grade 6 Simonova Exam
    • Workbook on the history of Russia Grade 6 Gevurkova Exam
    • Workbook on the history of Russia Grade 6. Part 1, 2. GEF Chernov. To Torkunov's textbook Exam
    • Workbook on the history of the Middle Ages Grade 6 Chernova Exam
    • Workbook on the history of the Middle Ages Grade 6. UUD Chernova Exam
    • Malkova, Danilov (General History) Balass
    • Malkova, Danilov Balass
    • Baranov Ventana-Count
    • Workbook on the history of Russia Grade 7 Baranov Ventana-Count
    • Workbook on General History Grade 7 Volkova, Ponomarev Bustard
    • Klokov, Simonova Bustard
    • Workbook on the history of the New Age Grade 7. Part 1, 2. GEF Yudovskaya, Vanyushkina Education
    • Workbook on the history of Russia Grade 7. GEF Danilov, Kosulina Education
    • Notebook-simulator on the history of the New Age Grade 7 Vedyushkin Enlightenment
    • Notebook-simulator on the history of Russia Grade 7 Danilov, Lukutin Education
    • Notebook-examiner on the history of the New Age Grade 7 Ukolova Enlightenment
    • Notebook-examiner on the history of Russia Grade 7 Artasov Enlightenment
    • Workbook on the history of the New Age Grade 7. GEF Stetsyura. To the textbook Dmitrieva Russian word
    • Workbook on the history of Russia Grade 7. X Kochegarov. To the textbook Pchelov, Lukin Russian word
    • Workbook on the history of the New Age Grade 7 Ponomarev Exam
    • Workbook on the history of the New Age Grade 7. Part 1, 2. Rumyantsev Exam
    • Workbook on the history of Russia Grade 7 Gevurkova Exam
    • Workbook on the history of Russia Grade 7 Simonova Exam
    • Workbook on the history of Russia Grade 7. Part 1, 2. GEF Chernova Exam
    • Danilov, Davydova Balass
    • Workbook on the history of Russia Grade 8. GEF Malkova, Danilov Balass
    • Workbook on the history of Russia Grade 8 Simonova, Klokov Ventana-Count
    • Workbook on the history of the New Age Grade 8. GEF Volkova, Ponomarev. To the textbook Burin, Mitrofanov Bustard
    • History workbook Grade 8. Russian history. New story Repin Lyceum
    • Workbook on the history of the New Age Grade 8. Part 1, 2. GEF Yudovskaya, Vanyushkina Education

    Ready tasks

    The seventh grade becomes another stage in the development of Russian history. In the classroom, the teacher talks about many interesting and exciting moments. All this is conveyed in an entertaining way to young listeners. And doing homework in the atlas is hard work, since not everyone immediately understands the meaning of the information. Invaluable help in solving this problem is provided by the solution to the atlas of national history for seventh graders.

    Mastering the material with the help of a solver

    The history of the Russian state, starting from ancient times, is very informative, includes many important events in which a huge number of outstanding personalities participated, who made an invaluable contribution to the development of Russia. In order to better assimilate the material, which has the most important share in the course of history, one must be able to use auxiliary literature. So, in the solution to the atlas " National history from ancient times to the end of the 181st century” each task belongs to different levels of difficulty. With gdz, you can learn the following things:

    Why do you need gdz

    According to many parents, the use of ready-made answers when teaching at school is ineffective. This can slow down the development in the student of such qualities as attentiveness, logic, creative thinking, and memory. Of course, there is some truth in this. But who, if not adults, should be shown the right way to use the solution book for the atlas "National History from Ancient Times to the End of the 18th Century" for seventh graders? Only a competent approach to its application can give a positive, beneficial result. This requires:

    With the help of the GdzMonster website, in any confusing situation, you should use the electronic version of the gdz to the atlas of national history for seventh graders. For convenience, you can use a personal computer or smartphone. Good luck with your history!

    Atlas. Domestic history from ancient times to the end of the XVIII century.

    M.: 2013. - 30 p.

    Atlas. Patriotic history from ancient times to the end of the 18th century with a set of contour maps.

    Format: pdf

    The size: 10 MB

    Watch, download:

    RUSSIA in the 9th - early 12th centuries.
    Plan of ancient Kyiv
    Fragmentation of RUSSIA in the XII-first quarter of the XIII century.
    TRANSCAUCASUS in the 11th-beginning of the 13th century.
    CENTRAL ASIA AND NEIGHBOR COUNTRIES in the 11th - early 13th centuries.
    Battle on the Ice 5. IV 1242
    BALTICS in the XIII century.
    THE GREAT PRINCIPALITY OF LITHUANIA in the 13th-15th centuries (until 1462)
    Battle of Grunwald 15.VII 1410
    Battle of Kulikovo 8.IX.1380
    RUSSIAN STATE in the second half of the XVI century.
    THE TIME OF TROUBLES IN RUSSIA at the beginning of the 17th century.
    Liberation of Moscow in 1612
    ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF RUSSIA in the 17th century. (European part).
    UPRISINGS IN RUSSIA in the 40-70s of the XVII century.
    RUSSIA since the end of the 17th century. to the 60s of the XVIII century. (European part).
    Battle of Poltava 27.VI 1709
    RUSSIAN EMPIRE in the second half of the XVIII century. (European part).
    Italian and Swiss campaigns of the Russian army in 1799