Ranks in the clan. Duties of clan members, in addition to the official duties indicated above Headquarters officer in wot

Which anyone can. But not all clans are used for their intended purpose, so every 4th player simply has an inscription attached next to the nickname. Good clans have certain rules that have been created by their leader.

What is a clan in WOT

A clan can have up to 100 members. There are officers, privates and recruits.

All officers are separated for individual purposes.

There is a person who is responsible for recruiting new players, a junior officer, a unit commander, etc.

Each clan has its own area on the map, where the fortified area is being built.

Depending on the activity of the group, the fortified area will grow. Each building is responsible for its resources.

The clan leader distributes players to all buildings as he sees fit.

The importance lies in the fact that the more players are attached to any structure, the greater the coefficient of its value for certain tasks.

The fortified area can be attacked by other clans in order to take valuable resources.

The task of the headquarters is to assemble the tankers at the set time, while the protection regulations will be indicated in advance, where all players will be able to familiarize themselves with the map and develop their own tactics.

There is a so-called global map where a clan can capture provinces. These provinces contain resources, so when they are captured, the clan will receive valuable items.

Clans have a budget that only the commander manages. The most active players are encouraged by all sorts of bonuses, including gold.

Clan battles

All clans have a separate connection between players, experienced clans use external programs to improve the quality of communication.

Often, community players will train on desired maps and practice invented tactics to apply them when they meet a real opponent.

All actions of the players are controlled by the commander. Such battles are much more interesting, since the team is always grouped, and each tanker follows his order.

Being a member of a clan is not only about having an emblem next to your nickname. Clan battles are much more interesting than random due to the fact that all team members can coordinate their actions and listen to hints. At the same time, you can actively participate in the life of the clan, communicate and share your opinion about the game, etc.

The most significant currency in the game is gold.

And this award is regularly received by active members, however, in order to get into a clan with experienced players, you must have good performance yourself, since no one will teach the game to beginners.


This page is required reading for beginners and is recommended for periodic reading by all clan members.

Joining a clan

1.1. Anyone who meets the conditions of the call can join the clan. Any exceptions are considered personally by the Clan Commander.

1.2. Joining a clan means that a fighter is familiar with the Charter of the clan and undertakes to strictly observe it.

The structure of the clan and the responsibilities of its members.

2.1. clan commander- carries out management of the clan, personnel, and also manages the treasury, contacts with the external environment of the clan.

2.2. Deputy clan commander- performs the functions of the Clan Commander at the time of his absence and / or in parallel with him.

2.3. staff officer- an administrative person responsible for the management of personnel, control of the activities of the structural divisions of the clan.

2.4. Unit commander- a player responsible for gathering and commanding a detachment (company) in various types of WoT battles (training and company battles, battles on the global map, sorties, battles for a fortified area, as well as in other events).

2.5. Supply officer - a player who distributes the Clan Treasury at the direction of the Commander. Monitors the implementation of the CLAN CHARTER by all fighters

2.6. Human Resources Officer - in The duties of the Human Resources Officer include replenishing the ranks of the clan with new fighters, as well as monitoring the implementation of the CLAN CHARTER by all fighters. Obliged to report for each recruit in the appropriate topic on the Clan website. The Human Resources Officer must be ready to answer all the recruit's questions about the clan, or seek help from the Staff Officer.

2.7. Recruiter- carries out recruitment and selection of candidates for the personnel of the clan.

2.8. Fighter- a player who has successfully passed the probationary period, takes an active part in clan events: games in platoons, companies, design bureaus and main squadrons, UR, events.

2.9. Rookie- a player recently accepted into the clan and on probation.

2.10. Reservist- an inactive or inactive player of the clan or a player who violated the paragraph (s) of this charter and received a demotion as a punishment.

Duties of clan members, in addition to the official ones mentioned above.

3.1. Comply with the Charter of the clan, the rules of the forum of the clan, the WoT user agreement.

3.1. Take part in clan events (trainings, company battles, battles on the Global Map, sorties, battles for strongholds) during the clan's prime time, as well as at other times, if necessary. If for some reason the player cannot take part in them, he is obliged to notify the commander about this by voice communication, or in a PERSONAL message of the game chat indicating the reasons, while "pumping" tanks in the "random" is not a good reason . Ignoring the invitations of officers is a gross violation of the Charter of the clan.

3.2. He is in Raid Call on-line at the same time as the WoT game, including off-prime time.

3.3. Notify the Clan Commander if he cannot be in the game for more than FIVE days in any way (by voice or in a PRIVATE message in the game chat).

3.4. Avoid actions compromising the Clan: respect the honor and dignity of both clan members and other WoT players.

3.5. Clan members are prohibited from chatting with the enemy on any topic and in any form. Any messages from the opponent in the chat should be ignored, the phrases and words "Hello", "yy, "thank you for the fight", etc. are also not allowed.

3.6. During the battle, the commander of the unit (company commander) is the main one, all higher officers and soldiers carry out the commands of the company commander. During the battle, the company commander is ALWAYS RIGHT. Any fighter can point out mistakes to the company commander, after the battle and in an adequate form, clearly arguing his conclusions.

3.7. In battle, the Clan Player must observe silence on the air (brief reports on the acceptance / execution of the command, or answers at the request of the commander are allowed).

3.8. Profanity is allowed, however, its use should not be offensive to any of the clan members.

3.9. The fighter is obliged to notify the company commander about feeling unwell, or about the presence of conditions associated with the possible use of drugs or alcohol. The decision to allow such a fighter into battle remains with the company commander.

3.10. To prevent disputable situations, a clan member is obliged to exit the game client if he does not plan to play in the near future.

3.11. All clan members are required to view, and if necessary, create and edit intra-clan information resources:

Bulletin board on the official portal.
- Schedule of scheduled clan battles.
- Follow messages in Raid Call. On the right side of the RC, as a rule, in the corresponding room: main - Living room; private - Canals of mouths, fortifications, etc.

3.12. All members of the clan are forbidden to submit for public discussion within the clan information, including internal problems of the clan.
3.13. It is forbidden to discuss and argue on political, economic and religious topics, both by voice communication and in the general chat.

Flood (from the mispronounced English flood - flow) - non-thematic messages in Internet forums and chats, often occupying large volumes.

3.15. Each member of the clan is obliged, in his free time from clan battles, at random, to upgrade equipment, in accordance with the requirements of the clan.

3.16. All fighters in their free time from clan battles, in a random house, are required to improve their gaming skills, increase their personal statistics. A drop in a player's dynamic statistics is unacceptable and may cause exclusion from the clan.

4. Incentives and penalties may be applied to Clan Players based on their contribution to clan life, as well as on the basis of their activities during the battle and outside it.

4.1. Rewards.
- Cash prize (in-game gold or its equivalent);
- Promotion in rank (position).

4.2. Penalties.

Warning, reprimand. It can also be issued to officers in order of subordination (Commander, Deputy Committee, Staff Officer, Commander of the Unit,);
- Penalty to salary, if it is fixed, or penalty to remuneration. (Commander, Deputy Committee, staff officer)
- Demotion (Commander, Deputy Committee, Headquarters Officer);
- Exclusion from the clan (Commander, Deputy Committee, Headquarters Officer).

Exclusion from the clan is an extreme form of influence. The decision to expel a player from the clan can be made by the command as agreed (Commander, Deputy Commander, Headquarters Officer) and after at least one warning in the form of transfer to reservists. In some cases (extremely inadequate behavior), the exclusion of fighters (not reservists) is allowed.

For those who are not new to the World of Tanks game, it is clear that the crew of vehicles is represented not only by privates with equal competence. No, independent positions in the clan are allocated in World of Tanks, I must say that they were renamed a little earlier. So, the commander used to be called the commander, etc. For convenience, in our article, the old job titles are given in brackets.

All positions in a clan in World of Tanks are subject to a strict hierarchy

The positions are assigned by the commander, who has the maximum authority to manage personnel. Among other things, the commander manages the data of the entire clan and has access to secret data. The commander also organizes clan battles on the Global Map and for the Stronghold, he has the right to reject or accept an application to join the clan, organizes reconnaissance, and much more.

As everyone probably understands, the commander is the main organizer in the clan, at the same time he is burdened with a maximum of duties. Of course, there can only be one commander per clan.

In turn, the number of senior officers (deputy commanders) is unlimited, they also manage the personnel and have some other functions of the commander, although they do not have the right to appoint the commander himself.

Deputy can take command in reconnaissance sorties and clan battles

Separately, it is necessary to single out officers, there are several of them. Stand out: staff officers, supply officers (formerly treasurers), personnel officer, junior officer. All officers are part of the squad, they can also manage the personnel (with the exception of assigning higher ranks), they also have access to secret information, provide financial support to the clan, and also control discipline.

The forces of the rank and file of the clan in the world of tanks are distinguished by fighters and recruits. These military are actually the main fighting force, they take part in the battles. Fighters, unlike recruits, have access to secret information, and can also view the history of the clan's treasury (income and expenses).
Reservists can be named among the last (new) ranks in World of Tanks. Reservists can organize reconnaissance operations and take part in them, fight on the Global Map.

In addition, these fighters can view the current and other maps adjacent to buildings in fortified areas.

These are the approximate descriptions of the armed forces of the clansmen. If an ambitious player enters the game who does not want to climb the ranks for a long time and tediously, he can immediately become a commander by creating a new clan.

In Update 9.3, the system of clan positions will be redesigned. In particular, there will be three new posts, and the existing ones will be renamed and partially changed powers.

Renamed positions:
Commander - Commander
Deputy Commander - Senior Officer
Company commander - Combat officer
Diplomat - Intelligence officer
Treasurer - Supply Officer
Recruiter - Recruiting Officer
Soldier - Private

Three new positions are introduced: staff officer, junior officer and reservist. The position of "rookie" retained its name.

Why changes in permissions are needed

1. The old system of positions did not fully meet the needs of the players. Some positions had a limited range of possibilities: for example, only the commander and his deputy could fully manage the clan on the Global Map, which inevitably led to the appointment of insufficiently verified players to the position of deputy, who could embezzle funds from the clan treasury.

2. The second reason for these changes was the introduction of the "Fortified Areas" mode: clan players were required to perform new functions and tasks, and combining them with duties on the Global Map became undesirable. Now, the staff officer assigned by you will not be able to destroy buildings in the Stronghold.

3. There was no social elevator in the clans: it was impossible to assign a certain rank to a player who performed any duties in the clan, since with him the player received unwanted opportunities. For example, a fighter who is engaged in a clan forum or attendance record does not need to be given the right to place chips on the Global Map or distribute the treasury.

What do the new posts mean?
staff officer- in fact, the same as the current deputy commander and future senior officer, but without the ability to distribute the treasury. Now you can give a fighter the ability to control the Global Map without fear that in case of any problems, a person will take the treasury with him - and this happened quite often.

junior officer- a position that emphasizes that a person performs some role in the clan, but at the same time has not yet matured to the castle committee or company commander. This may be a deputy company commander or simply a "field worker" who commands from time to time. Perhaps a junior officer will follow the clan's online or forum.

Reservist is a symbolic position. It often happens that players go on vacation or stop playing all the time, but for one reason or another remain in the clan. Usually they are given the position of a recruit, which is not true. In general, you can make a reservist a veteran who has retired, or a player who is in the clan for the sake of chips.

Full list of positions and powers:


  • Editing clan data.
  • Personnel management.
  • Changing the terms of the call.
  • All actions with Stronghold.
  • Clan Dissolution
Senior officer:
  • Editing clan data.
  • Personnel management (except for the appointment of a commander).
  • Changing the terms of the call.
  • Distribution of treasury funds among clan members.
  • All actions on the Global Map.
  • Access to clan secret information on the Global Map.
  • All actions with the Stronghold, except for creating/deleting a Stronghold, managing the defense period, neutrality period and holidays, and choosing a home server.
Staff officer:
  • Personnel management (except for the commander and senior officer).
  • Changing the terms of the call.
  • View treasury statistics.
  • All actions on the Global Map (except leaving the map).
  • Access to clan secret information on the Global Map.
combat officer
  • Changing the position of the player (except for the Commander, senior officer and staff officer).
  • View treasury statistics.
  • Decisions to plunder provinces.
  • Access to clan secret information on the Global Map.
  • All actions on the Global Map (except for leaving the map and actions with agents).
  • Creation of a pre-battle room in the Strongholds and the distribution of players.
  • Editing the composition of players in the pre-battle room.
  • View the current and next maps associated with a structure in the Strongholds.
  • Organization of outings and participation in them
intelligence officer
  • View treasury statistics.
  • Actions with agents on the Global Map.
  • Access to clan secret information on the Global Map.
  • Creation of a pre-battle room in the Strongholds and the distribution of players.
  • View the current and next maps associated with a structure in the Strongholds.
  • Organization of outings and participation in them
Supply officer
  • Distribution of treasury funds among clan members.
  • Access to clan secret information on the Global Map.
  • Participation in battles on the Global Map.
  • Creation of a pre-battle room in the Strongholds and the distribution of players.
  • View the current and next maps associated with a structure in the Strongholds.
  • Organization of outings and participation in them
recruiting officer
  • Editing the call conditions.
  • Sending clan invitations.
  • Consideration of applications for membership in the clan.
  • View treasury statistics.
  • Access to clan secret information on the Global Map.
  • Participation in battles on the Global Map.
  • Creation of a pre-battle room in the Strongholds and the distribution of players.
  • View the current and next maps associated with a structure in the Strongholds.
  • Organization of outings and participation in them
junior officer
  • Access to clan secret information on the Global Map.
  • View treasury statistics.
  • Participation in battles on the Global Map.
  • Creation of a pre-battle room in the Strongholds and the distribution of players.
  • View the current and next maps associated with a structure in the Strongholds.
  • Organization of outings and participation in them
  • Access to clan secret information on the Global Map.
  • View treasury statistics.
  • Selection of players for participation in the battle (battle room).
  • Participation in battles on the Global Map.
  • Creation of a pre-battle room in the Strongholds and the distribution of players.
  • View the current and next maps associated with a structure in the Strongholds.
  • Organization of outings and participation in them
  • Participation in battles on the Global Map.
  • Selection of players for participation in the battle (battle room).
  • Creation of a pre-battle room in the Strongholds and the distribution of players.
  • View the current and next maps associated with a structure in the Strongholds.
  • Organization of outings and participation in them
  • Participation in battles on the Global Map.
  • Creation of a pre-battle room in the Strongholds and the distribution of players.
  • View the current and next maps associated with a structure in the Strongholds.
  • Organization of outings and participation in them

Clan structure example:

Commanding- the leader and the most authoritative player in the clan.
Senior officer- the most trusted and closest to the commander of the clan officers.
staff officer- manages chips on the Global Map, maintains any documentation.
combat officer- company commander, leading in battles.
intelligence officer- an analogue of a diplomat, and also has access to intelligence and counterintelligence.
Supply officer- distributes the clan treasury.
recruiting officer- recruits members to the clan.
junior officer- performs some small tasks or is a deputy company commander.
Private- just a fighter of the clan.
Rookie- a newly arrived fighter on probation.
Reservist- an inactive veteran or a "chip".