Generating passwords for the Prince of Persia game series. Cheat codes for Prince of Persia (SNES) Prince of persia sega codes

Secret codes:
While paused, press B, A, C, A, A, C - all bars are open.
If you press C, A, B, B, B, B, then when you fall the prince
won't break.
CACBBACC - recover lost lives
CBAACCBA - recover wasted time
BBAABCCB - add life
CBAACBAB - skip level (only works up to level 16)
BAABCBBB - cause an earthquake
BACCACB - kill an enemy
BACAAC - open all bars
CABBBB - slow down the fall

Passwords for levels:
01 (01) QYZHUW (T60/H3) or QYZEKE (T60/H4)
02 (02) QYZUSR (T60/H3) or QYZRIZ (T60/H4) or MTUQNM (T58/H3)
or TYZLEW (T55/H7)
03 (03) QYZHRM (T60/H3) or QYZEHU (T60/H4) or TYZKRM (T55/H3)
04 (04) QYZUPH (T60/H3) or QYZRFP (T60/H4)
05 (05) QYZHOC (T60/H3) or QYZEEK (T60/H4) or STUJJX (T48/H3)
06 (xx) QYZUMX (T60/H3) or QYZRCF (T60/H4) or ZYZDNX (T45/H3)
or CZZROJ (T40/H8)
07 (xx) QYZHLS (T60/H3) or QYZEBA (T60/H4) or KJKBWC (T44/H3)
08 (06) QYZUJN (T60/H3) or QYZRZU (T60/H4) or CZZGKN (T40/H3)
or CKKUDS (T14/H7)
09 (07) QYZHII (T60/H3) or QYZEYP (T60/H4) or QJKHTS (T34/H3)
10 (08) QYZUGD (T60/H3) or QYZRWK (T60/H4) or APPEXS (T26/H3)
11 (09) QYZHFY (T60/H3) or QYZEVF (T60/H4) or HUUYAT (T23/H3)
or XOPCHS (T31/H7)
12 (xx) QYZUDT (T60/H3) or QYZRTA (T60/H4) or ZJKAFL (T19/H4)
or QYZLZP (T60/H6) or EUUTAA (T28/H8)
13 (10) QYZHCO (T60/H3) or QYZESV (T60/H4) or RZZFTV (T15/H4)
or BJKJIV (T59/H6)
14 (11) code entry is not provided
15 (xx) codes are not entered
16 (12) code entry is not provided
17 (13) code entry is not provided

T - time left
H - health

The correspondence between the levels from this version and the levels is indicated in parentheses
the original Prince of Persia.

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Good afternoon, dear users.
Today I would like to talk about one wonderful series of games. Many became acquainted with it thanks to the version on the NES, some saw the Persian Prince on DOS, someone played Prince of Persia on the Sega Genesis and... it seems like everything, but no! The first part was ported to a large number of different gaming platforms. How many password systems have been invented for this purpose? How many ports did the second part have? What passwords were there?
This is what I would like to tell you about.

Prince of Persia (Sega Master System/Sega Game Gear)


  • level (1-14)
  • time (0-99)
  • life (0-7)
  • random (0-25)
1 position = ((level -1) + random) mod26
2nd position = ((time div10) + random) mod26
3rd position = ((time mod10) + random) mod26
4th position = (lives + random) mod26
5th position = random
6th position = ((sum of positions 1 to 5) + 10) mod26

Password generation example

  • level (12)
  • life (6)
  • time (59)
  • random (18)
We calculate:
1 position = ((12 -1) + 18) mod26
2nd position = ((59 div10) + 18) mod26
3rd position = ((59 mod10) +18) mod26
4th position = (6+18) mod26
5th position = 18
6th position = 10

1 position = 3
2nd position = 23
3rd position = 1
4th position = 24
5th position = 18
6th position = (3+23+1+24+18+10) mod26 = 1


There is a bug in the game that allows you to gain immortality. But before explaining, I would like to discuss the level architecture. Let's conditionally divide the screen into 3 floors.


If the prince has lives from 1 to 7, then when falling from the 2nd floor to the 1st, no lives are wasted. And if you fall from the 3rd floor to the 1st, 1 life is wasted. If there are 0 lives, then the opposite happens. When falling from the 2nd floor to the 1st, the prince dies, and when falling from the 3rd floor to the 1st, a bug occurs: the game will give the prince 8 lives (do not forget that the maximum is seven).

8 lives

After the operation, the prince will be able to jump from the 3rd and 2nd floors without causing damage to himself (if you take the 4th floor, the prince will die). Also, the prince will be invulnerable to enemy attacks (if the weapon is in his hands). After completing the level, the bug disappears and the prince will again have 0 lives. And if you attack a guard with zero lives, he will simply ignore you and it will become impossible to kill him.

Phantom Prince

Just like that.

Prince of Persia (Game Boy/Game Boy Color)


The password consists of 8 positions. These positions save these game parameters:
  • level (2-14)
  • time (1-59)
  • life (3-9)
Note: You cannot create a password for level 7.
1 position = (4 position + 7 position + 8 position) mod10
2nd position = (5th position + 6th position) mod10
3rd position = (7th position + 8th position) mod10
4th position = lives
5th position = time mod10
6th position = time div10
7th position = level mod10
8th position = level div10
The operation is applied to all positions: XOR 5. If after performing this operation the result is a two-digit number, then you need to subtract 4.

Password generation example

Let's create a password that saves these parameters:

  • level (9)
  • life (7)
  • time (35)
We calculate:
1 position = 0
2nd position = 0
3rd position = 0
4th position = 7
5th position = 35 mod10
6th position = 35 div10
7 position = 9 mod10
8 position = 9 div10

1 position = (7+9+0) mod10 = 6
2nd position = (5+3) mod10 = 8
3rd position = (9+0) mod10 = 9
4th position = 7
5th position = 5
6th position = 3
7 position = 9
8 position = 0

Now we encode the resulting values:
6 XOR 5 = 3
8 XOR 5 = 13-4 = 9
9 XOR 5 = 12-4 = 8
7 XOR 5 = 2
5 XOR 5 = 0
3 XOR 5 = 6
9 XOR 5 = 12-4 = 8
0 XOR 5 = 5

Ready password: 39820685

Prince of Persia (Sega Genesis)


The password consists of 6 positions. These positions save these game parameters:

US version:

  • level (1-13)
  • time (0-60)
  • life (1-8)
EU version:
  • level (1-13)
  • time (0-60)
  • life (0-8)
If you play this game, it is better to choose the EU version, because:
  • 4 additional levels were added to the EU version
  • in the EU version there is musical accompaniment at the levels
  • There is an immortality bug in the EU version
Let's conditionally divide the password into two parts (each part consists of three positions).

The first part saves time:
(10545*time)mod 17576

The resulting number from 10 CC is converted into 26 CC (CC is the number system).
Then the resulting value must be mirrored. If the length of the received “password” is less than 3 characters, then the required number of zeros is added to the right.

The second part saves time, number of lives and level:
((10545*time) + (14157*(level-1)) + (5145*life))mod 17576

The resulting number from 10 CC is converted to 26 CC. Then the resulting value must be mirrored. If the length of the received “password” is less than 3 characters, then the required number of zeros is added to the right.

The symbols in the positions take the values ​​“ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ”, where A=0, B=1... Y=24, Z=25.

Password generation example

Let's create a password that saves these parameters:

  • level (12)
  • life (6)
  • time (39)
We calculate:

First part of the password:
(10545*39)mod 17576 = 411255 mod 17576 = 7007
7007 (10 SS) = 10,9,13 (26 SS)

10,9,13 =13,9,10

Second part of the password:
((10545*39) + (14157*(12-1)) + (5145*6))mod 17576 = (411255+155727+30870)mod 17576 = 268
268 (10 SS) = 10.8 (26 SS)
We mirror the resulting value:
10,8 = 8,10
Add a zero to the right:

Now we encode the resulting values:
13,9,10,8,10,0 = NJKIKA

There is a bug in the game that allows you to gain immortality. To activate it, you need to enter a password with zero lives in the EU version. Now the prince is not afraid of enemies (the main thing is not to put away his weapon). But with the activation of the bug, the player gets one problem. If you fall from a great height, which threatens the loss of all lives, then nothing will happen. But if you fall from a height at which the prince would have to spend his life, the game will freeze and the screen will turn red.

Prince of Persia (SNES)

Now the time has come to talk about the best implementation of the first Persian prince (in my humble opinion).

Compared to all previous versions, for SNES they made more colorful locations, improved parrying, partially changed the initial levels and added many new stages (20 in total). And so that the player does not suffer, the time was increased to 120 minutes (play as much as you like).


The password consists of 7 positions, each position consists of 5 bits, a total of 7 * 5 = 35 bits. These bits store these game parameters:
  • level (1-20)
  • time spent on the game (0-7200) (in seconds)
  • life (0-15)
(? (0) ,S (0) ,L (3) ,T (0) ,T (7)) (C1 (0) ,S (1) ,L (2) ,T (1) ,T (6 )) (C2 (0) ,S (2) ,L (1) ,T (2) ,T (5)) (C3 (0) ,S (3) ,L (0) ,T (3) ,T (4))

(C4 (0) ,S (4) ,U (0) ,T (8) ,T (9)) (C4 (1) ,T (10) ,T (11) ,T (12) ,T (13 )) (C4 (2) ,C4 (3) ,C4 (4) ,T (14) ,T (15))

* The bit number is indicated in parentheses.

S - level number ((1-20)-1) in binary C.C.
L - number of lives (0-15) in binary C.C.
U - unused bits.
? - is always equal to zero.
T - time spent on the game (0-7200).
The time is written in the password according to a special formula:

(time*7) + (5, if time mod60≠0) + (5*((time div60)-1)) + random (0-6 + ((5, if time mod60=0) or (14534, if time div 7200=1)))

C1 = S(1) XOR S(4) XOR L(0) XOR L(1) XOR T(0) XOR T(1) XOR T(2) XOR T(5) XOR T(7) XOR T(8 ) XOR T(10) XOR T(13) XOR T(15) XOR U(0) XOR 1

C2 = S(1) XOR S(2) XOR S(3) XOR L(0) XOR L(2) XOR L(3) XOR T(1) XOR T(4) XOR T(5) XOR T(8 ) XOR T(9) XOR T(10) XOR T(12) XOR T(14) XOR T(15)

C3 = S(0) XOR S(1) XOR S(3) XOR L(2) XOR T(2) XOR T(3) XOR T(5) XOR T(6) XOR T(7) XOR T(8 ) XOR T(9) XOR T(11) XOR T(14) XOR U(0)

C4 = S(0),L(3),T(0),T(7)
+ S(1),L(2),T(1),T(6)
+ S(2),L(1),T(2),T(5)
+ S(3),L(0),T(3),T(4)
+ S(4),U(0),T(8),T(9)
+ 0, 0,T(14),T(15)


Password generation example

Let's create a password that saves these parameters:

  • level (15)
  • life (13)
  • time (95.00) or (5700 seconds)
  • unused bit activated
We convert the values ​​to the binary number system:
Level = 15-1 =14 = 01110
Lives = 13 = 1101

Calculate time:
Time = 7200-5700=1500
(1500*7) + (0, because 1500 mod 60 = 0) + (5*(25-1)) + random (since 1500 mod 60 = 0, then random = 0-6+5 = 0-11. I choose random = 11.)
10500 + 120 + 11 = 10631 = 0010100110000111

We calculate checksums:
C1 = 1 XOR 0 XOR 1 XOR 0 XOR 1 XOR 1 XOR 1 XOR 0 XOR 1 XOR 1 XOR 0 XOR 1 XOR 0 XOR 1 XOR 1 = 0
C2 = 1 XOR 1 XOR 1 XOR 1 XOR 1 XOR 1 XOR 1 XOR 0 XOR 0 XOR 1 XOR 0 XOR 0 XOR 0 XOR 0 XOR 0 = 0
C3 = 0 XOR 1 XOR 1 XOR 1 XOR 1 XOR 0 XOR 0 XOR 0 XOR 1 XOR 1 XOR 0 XOR 1 XOR 0 XOR 1 = 0
C4 = 0111 + 1110 + 1010 + 1100 + 0110 +0101 + 0000 = 110110

We write the resulting password in binary S.S.:
(00111) (01110) (01010) (01100) (00110) (10101) (10100)

We write the resulting password in decimal S.S.:
(7) (14) (10) (12) (6) (21) (20)

Now we encode the resulting values:

Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow & The Flame

The first part gained enormous popularity. It was only a matter of time before the sequel came out. And four years later a sequel appeared. But the new part did not receive the stormy applause that was awarded to the first part. And they ported it to a small number of gaming platforms. It's a pity! I think the second part turned out better than the first. Now the prince travels not through monotonous dark locations, but throughout the whole of Persia. But enough of the lyrics, it’s time to get down to business.

The game has two ports that save gameplay using passwords. These ports are terrible (better play the DOS version). The SNES version turned out to be clumsy: the music is rattling, the sounds are nasty, the gameplay is killed and on top of all this, level 14 was cut out of the game, in which the battle with Jaffar should take place.

The Sega Genesis version is no better. Since this game was not officially released, I was only able to see it using a pirated cartridge on Sega. And what a disappointment it turned out to be when I reached level 9 and found out that due to a bug with the horse statue, this level was impassable. The game can be completed, but for this you need a password for level 10... and this game was not in the password book.

Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow & The Flame (SNES)


The password consists of 6 positions, each position consists of 4 bits, a total of 6 * 4 = 24 bits. These bits store these game parameters:

US/EU versions:

  • level (1-13)
  • time (0-164)
  • life (1-15)
Now let's see what the raw password consists of:
(S (3) ,S (2) ,S (1) ,S (0)) (L (3) ,L (2) ,L (1) ,L (0)) (T1 (3) ,T1 ( 2) ,T1 (1) ,T1 (0)) (T2 (3) ,T2 (2) ,T2 (1) ,T2 (0))

(C1 (3) ,C1 (2) ,C1 (1) ,C1 (0)) (C2 (3) ,C2 (2) ,C2 (1) ,C2 (0))

S - (level - 1) in binary S.S.
L - number of lives (1-15) in binary S.S.
T1 - 1 value (0-15) in binary S.S.
T2 - 2 value (0-15) in binary S.S.
1st value - the number of time units (the number of tens from 1st value goes into 2nd value).
2nd value - the number of tens of time (the number of tens from the 2nd value goes into the number of hundreds).
C1 = (sum of positions 1 to 3) mod16
C2 = ((sum of positions 1 to 3) div16) + 4th position
The symbols in the positions take the values ​​“BCDFGHJKLMNPRTVW”, where B=0... W=15.
Features of saving time and password functionality:
If you think about it, everything is simple - one position is responsible for the mod10 time, and the other for the div10 time and the maximum amount of time is 99. But it’s not so simple. The password does not check the maximum values ​​of units and tens. What does it mean? In the password you can set the number of tens and units from 0 to 15. If I create a password where the number of units is 15, then the units will be 5, and 1 will turn into the number of tens, similarly, if I create a password where the number of tens is 15, then tens will be 5, and 1 will turn into hundreds.

It turns out that the maximum amount of time is equal to:


But above, I already described that the maximum value = 164. Why? This happens due to the checksum. If C2≥16, then the password will not work. I will explain this aspect a little later, but now let’s move on to generating a password (to understand the further story, I advise you to read the example of generating a password).

Password generation example

Let's create a password that saves these parameters:

  • level (2)
  • life (1)
  • time (163)
We convert the values ​​to the binary number system:
Level = 2-1 =1 = 0001
Lives = 1= 0001
Calculate time:
163= 150+13
1 value = 13 = 1101
2 value = 15 = 1111
We write down the raw password and calculate 2 checksums:
(0001) (0001) (1101) (1111) (****) (****)

C1 = 0001+0001+1101 = 1111
C2 = (0001+0001+1101)mod16 + 1111 = 0000 + 1111 = 1111

(0001) (0001) (1101) (1111) (1111) (1111)

We write the resulting password in decimal S.S.:
(1) (1) (13) (15) (15) (15)
Now we encode the resulting values:

Bottom line

I created the password CCTWWW. If you increase the level by 1, the password will not work, because C2 will become equal to 16. The broken password will look like: DCTWBB. Now let's check the game for lice. The second level is very short, so you can complete it without wasting time. If I complete a level, what password will the game give me?

What if there is a secret in the password system that I haven’t revealed? What if…


...that's the infection. Not only is the gameplay terrible, but the password system is also unfinished.

Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow & The Flame (Sega Genesis)


The password consists of 5 positions. These positions save these game parameters:
  • level (1-14)
  • time (0-99)
  • life (1-12)
1 position = (level) or (level (1-7) +15)
2nd position = (time mod10) or (time mod10 + 10) or (time mod10 (0-2) + 20)
3rd position = (1st position + 2nd position + 4th position + 5th position) mod23
4th position = (div10 time) or (div10 time + 10) or (div10 time (0-2) + 20)
5th position = (life -1) or (life (1-11) + 11)
The symbols in the positions take the values ​​“HFMGRANBPWTEIZVQDLYSKCX”, where H=0, F=1... C=21, X=22.

Password generation example

Let's create a password that saves these parameters:

  • level (11)
  • life (10)
  • time (92)
We calculate:

First step:
1st position = level is saved according to one of two formulas. Since the level is greater than 7, the data can only be saved using the first formula (11).
2nd position = time is saved according to one of three formulas. 92 mod10 = 2. This value can be encoded using any formula and I choose the third one (2+20 = 22)
3rd position = 0
4th position = time is saved according to one of three formulas. 92 div10 = 9. This value can only be encoded using the first and second formula, and I choose the second one (9+10 = 19)
5th position = lives are saved according to one of two formulas. This value can be encoded using any formula and I choose the second one (10+11 = 21).

Second step:
1 position = 11
2nd position = 22
3rd position = (11 + 22 + 19 + 21)mod 23 = 4
4th position = 19
5th position = 21

Now we encode the resulting values:


So the list of games has come to an end. Well, good luck, thanks for reading.

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Here is one of the classic adventure games not only for the Sega console, but also a bright representative of the genre as a whole. Prince of Persia is a true classic. This game was on both Dendy and Sega and was simply released on PC. Moreover, it was filmed in several parts, and to this day new parts of Prince of Persia are released on modern consoles.

Your task is to free your beloved from the clutches of the evil vizier Jafar in 60 minutes. You will make your way through dark dungeons throughout 14 levels of this exciting game. You have to solve all sorts of puzzles and fight fierce guards. Let's hit the road!

Screenshots for the game Prince of Persia

Codes, cheats, passwords and secrets of the game Prince of Persia

Opening all the bars

This is done with the following code: B, A, C, A, A, C.

Saving yourself from death by falling

In flight, press: C, A, B, B, B, B.

View final message

A, A, A, A, A.

Passwords for moving through levels

The game has passwords for levels; they can be entered in the game menu itself. Here they are.

The last three passwords do not work on all versions of the game.

About scales

Remember that not all bottles are created equal. Some give +1 life, others take it away. Be careful.

Video walkthrough Prince Of Persia on Sega

Hold Start and press Select during game play.
Press Up and Down to select a sound. Press A
to hear the current selection.

Press Start, then immediately press Select during
game play.

Run to the right when level 20 begins and wait at the window.
An image of the princess will appear in the sky.

Skip to last level:

Begin a new game, drop down two screens and run to the right
to find a guard. Purposely lose to the guard. Press Select to
obtain the current password when the "Press button to continue"
text is displayed. Reset the game, select the continue option
and enter that password. Game play will resume on level 20 with
the previous amount of time and bottles.

Maximum bottles:

There are two sections and two bottles in level 3. After taking
the bottles, display the current password, and restart the level
using that password. You will be able to take the same bottles
once again until the maximum number (15) is accumulated. Note:
Since only two hours of game play is allowed, spending excess
time in this level may prevent successful completion of the game.

LEVEL 11 7F39R1B
LEVEL 20 H8J12+Y or 881QF8M (with no time left)


Hex Codes for Emulator:
DFB7-D46E Start on level 2
D4B7-D46E Start on level 3
D7B7-D46E Start on level 4
D0B7-D46E Start on level 5
D9B7-D46E Start on level 6
D1B7-D46E Start on level 7
D5B7-D46E Start on level 8
D6B7-D46E Start on level 9
DBB7-D46E Start on level 10
DCB7-D46E Start on level 11
D8B7-D46E Start on level 12
DAB7-D46E Start on level 13
D2B7-D46E Start on level 14
D3B7-D46E Start on level 15
DEB7-D46E Start on level 16
FDB7-D46E Start on level 17
FFB7-D46E Start on level 18
F4B7-D46E Start on level 19
F7B7-D46E Start on level 20

D430-04A5 Start with 2 health points instead of 3
D030-04A5 Start with 4 health points
D930-04A5 Start with 5 health points
D130-04A5 Start with 6 health points
D530-04A5 Start with 7 health points
D630-04A5 Start with 8 health points
DB30-04A5 Start with 9 health points
FD30-04A5 Start with 15 health points

BAA6-ADA5 Non-fatal injuries do not damage
43C9-6D61 Non-fatal falls do not damage
D4C1-6701 Non-fatal falls do 2 points of damage instead of 1
6DC0-6701 Falls do no damage, except onto spikes (you can get stuck)
BA69-ADA1 Enemies drop dead immediately (using on certain bosses will prevent you from moving)

7E02-0800 Accelerate game
7E05-0805 Infinite energy
7E05-0B00 Enemies fall deadly by seeing your sword
7E05-44xx Choice of level
7E05-00FF No description

C260-A701 + DF6C-DFA0 All enemies have 1 health point
C260-A701 + D46C-DFA0 All enemies have 2 health points
C260-A701 + D76C-DFA0 All enemies have 3 health points
C260-A701 + D06C-DFA0 All enemies have 4 health points
C260-A701 + D96C-DFA0 All enemies have 5 health points
C260-A701 + DC6C-DFA0 All enemies have 10 health points

6D32-0FA1 + DC32-04D1 Freeze timer