Basic rules of playing billiards. General rules for playing Russian billiards. Balls in contact

Russian billiards is a unique game, and there are many reasons for this. The rules of Russian billiards are quite simple, and the game is so exciting and interesting that women and men of any age, social status and religion play it. The game is quite versatile, it must have a steady hand for accuracy, calculation of several moves ahead and slowness, thus billiards is called chess in motion. It is worth noting the great history of this game.

History of origin

Thanks to Peter I, who “cut a window to Europe,” Russia was able to obtain not only unknown products, fabrics, etc., but at the same time people learned about such a game as billiards. The game became popular quite quickly, in all social circles. The only thing that caused some discomfort was the inability to purchase a table for Russian billiards, but over time, this problem was also solved. Not only the boyars, but Peter himself loved this game. It is necessary to take into account that billiards was most popular among the military; at that time it was impossible to find a headquarters where there was not a table for Russian billiards. The rumor that a new game had appeared in the country, thanks to which it was possible to develop marksmanship and accuracy, spread quickly enough, because of this, neither soldiers nor officers could live without billiards. Since the 19th century, billiards has become even more popular; it can be found in any public place. Now in any hotel or tavern everyone was interested in the presence of a billiard table.

Varieties of Russian billiards

There are several varieties of this game, and the rules of Russian billiards are basically all the same, but there are slight differences based on the specific type:

  1. American.
  2. Moscow pyramid.
  3. Neva Pyramid.
  4. Classic pyramid, or 71 points.

The differences in the games lie not only in the rules, but also in the purpose of the game.

Differences between types of Russian billiards

In the classic pyramid, the winner is the player who scores 71 or more points in total, which are summed up based on the number of balls pocketed. Before performing a strike, the player must order the ball and pocket where the attack will be carried out. If the rules were violated, 5 points are deducted in favor of the opponent.

The Moscow pyramid is played exclusively on the cue ball. Victory is considered when the first eight balls are pocketed, and those balls that were received during a violation of the rules by the opponent are also taken into account.

To be fluent in any type of game, you need to know the rules of Russian billiards. Free pyramid (American) is played until one of the opponents is the first to pocket 8 balls, while the cue ball can be taken by any ball, just like an object ball. For a violation, the opponent withdraws one ball as a penalty in his favor.

The Neva Pyramid has several similarities with the Moscow Pyramid. The entire game is played exclusively by striking the cue ball, but if the opponent breaks the rules, the second player has the right to choose: he can remove the ball from the table in his favor or refuse to do so and place the cue ball anywhere on the table.

In any case, before you start playing one form or another, you must first consider the rules of Russian billiards in more detail.

If you want to play one of the types of Russian billiards, you will need to become more familiar with the rules of each of them. To begin with, the main thing is to study and remember the provisions common to all.

Russian billiards-American

I would like to pay special attention to this particular type of game, since in the modern world, if you do not take into account tournaments, this type of billiards is the most common and popular. I would like to say that amateurs who are going to have a good time in the billiard hall give preference to the American one. The game is more dynamic compared to its counterparts. Many also started with this game, as it develops a lot of skills that will be relevant in the future. Russian billiards “American” allows you to develop “putting”, in other words, the ability to put balls into pockets, “one’s own” and “someone else’s”, that is, from the ball and aiming, respectively. Thanks to this, the player improves the effect (giving the ball rotation). Therefore, as the first game to get acquainted with, it will be the best.

Etiquette rules during the game

Since billiards is an intelligent game, it is necessary to familiarize yourself not only with the rules of the game, but also with some rules of etiquette. At any time, the player must remain polite at all times, and must not interfere with his opponent at the moment when it is his turn to make his approach to the table. You also cannot stand in front of the pocket your opponent is aiming at; firstly, it is indecent, and secondly, it can be dangerous, as the balls sometimes fly off the table. When a player evaluates the location of the balls on the table and walks around it from all sides, and at the same time the opponent is aiming or preparing to make a shot, it is best to wait until he finishes his shot and proceed with his own. Billiards does not like to rush, so rather than making any sudden movements, it is best to act slowly and measuredly.

Rectangular table and round ball

Naturally, this game is impossible without a table. The size of the table for Russian billiards can be of four types: 12, 10, 9 and 8 feet. As for official competitions, they use the largest possible sizes of special cloth with markings, again in the case of tournaments they use exclusively green cloth, but now in the billiard room you can find red, blue and even white covering.

In fact, the size of the table for Russian billiards is not such important information for the player, so it’s worth going directly to the pockets and balls. The balls used for the game are only a few millimeters smaller in diameter than the width of the pocket. They are difficult to score, which makes the game really interesting.

The game consists of a set of 16 balls, 1 of which is a cue ball, differs from the rest in its color, each is numbered, except for the cue ball. The game begins with the fact that, using a triangle, it is necessary to install the pyramid so that its base becomes parallel to the short side, while its top must be at a specially marked point. The cue ball is placed in the “house”, this is a special area marked with a transverse line.


The rules of Russian billiards state that the right to strike first is assigned to the player who wins the game. The bottom line is this: both opponents stand near the short side, thus the table is conditionally divided into two longitudinal halves. After which the players must take a shot from home, and the opponent whose ball, after being reflected from the backboard, is closest to the sky, wins. There are several nuances. If the ball did not touch the board or touched, but it was a side board, rolled onto the opponent’s half, fell into a pocket or behind the Russian billiards table, then such a draw is considered lost.

If both opponents violated the conditions, then it is played again, the same is done in the case of the same removal of the ball after touching the board. When the winner is determined, he has the right to choose whether he will break the pyramid first or give this opportunity to his opponent, then the first blow takes place alternately. As for the drawing, the rules of the Russian pyramid in billiards and all other varieties of the game indicate the absolute identity of all conditions.

First hit

The first hit is carried out exclusively with the cue ball, while it can be moved around the “house”, but cannot be hit from the lowest point, since the rules of Russian billiards (American, Moscow, Neva pyramids) say that in this position the cue ball is considered “outside” areas of the house." The shot is considered completed when the cue stick touches the cue ball. A strike is considered successful if

  • the object ball hits the pocket;
  • if three balls from the pyramid touched the sides;
  • touching two balls on the side and one rolling in the middle of the table.

If these conditions are not met, the opponent has the right to continue the game or transfer the right of move to the opponent.

Cue for the game

It is customary to choose a cue for Russian billiards individually, based on personal preferences and physiological qualities. Amateurs and professionals of this game prefer to have their own cue in their arsenal. It is worth noting that this pleasure is not cheap, but a high-quality cue does not necessarily have to be made of expensive wood.

A good cue for Russian billiards should have optimal weight, length and balance. Also, depending on what type of wood the cue is made of, you should pay attention to its vibration after the strike. It is imperative to evaluate its straightness and absence of defects.


Fines are an integral part of any game, so you need to thoroughly study all the rules of the particular game you are going to play so as not to accidentally commit a violation. But there is a certain set of mandatory rules, for violation of which a fine is imposed.

A strike can only be made when all the balls on the table have stopped moving; rotation in place is also considered movement. The strike must be carried out very clearly, without additional shocks or accidental contact with other balls. In the case where the object ball is located at a distance less than ½ the radius of the ball, it must be struck at a 45-degree angle relative to the central axis of the cue ball. After hitting the object ball, the cue ball must either stop in place or roll back. A ball that falls into a pocket as a result of a targeted attack is considered pocketed if the rules were not violated when pocketing it, otherwise a violation is recorded and the turn goes to the opponent.

Popped up ball

Separately, I would like to talk about a ball that leaves the table during the game, for example, stopping the ball on the board or returning it to the table after being reflected from any foreign object. A ball can be considered in play if it touches the side and returns to the table. The placement of balls that have left the table depends on the specific type of game.

Whatever you say, Russian billiards has been and remains one of the most popular games. The size and scope of some tournaments are simply off the charts. Modern parents prefer to send their children to this sport from childhood, so by the age of 16 they already have a lot of experience behind them and a lot of victories in prestigious competitions. Billiards cannot be called the cheapest sport, but if desired, there are now a large number of schools and private teachers who can provide quality lessons for a reasonable fee and are capable of raising more than one champion. If there is a desire, there will always be an opportunity!

Russian billiards, better known as “Pyramid”, is a collective image of various types of billiard games, in particular pocket billiards. The main rule and requirement is the size of the table and balls established by the Federal Reserve Bank; the arrangement plays no less important:

  • The table should be 3.6 meters long and 1.8 meters wide;
  • The diameter of the billiard ball should be 6.8-7 cm;
  • The size of the pockets located in the corner is 7.3 cm;
  • The size of the pockets located in the middle is 8.1 cm;
  • Billiard balls are placed as closely as possible to each other using a special triangle;
  • The center front ball must be positioned so that it is on the back line. In this case, the pyramidal one has a parallel arrangement in relation to the rear side.
  1. According to the rules of Russian billiards, shots are made longitudinally using a cue stick. It is important that at least one billiard player’s foot is firmly planted on the floor.
  2. Balls must be stationary. If the ball was pocketed illegally, without prior ordering, or simply jumped out of the playing field, then it is put back.
  3. The blow is considered completed only when all the balls stop.
  4. Incorrectly executed strikes will result in a fine. These include a double shot, performed so that the cue sticker touches the breaking ball twice. Pushed - when not only the cue ball is pushed in parallel, but also the object ball, as well as a push or miss.

All billiard players are located near the front side, but on different sides of the longitudinal line. You can choose a place for yourself by discussing it with each other, or by drawing lots. In the “home” area, each participant in the game places a ball, after which a simultaneous blow is struck and sent to the back side. The right to choose goes to the billiard player whose ball, after touching the back side, is closest to the front board. The rules of Russian billiards also provide for losing the game.

A loss in a draw occurs in situations where the ball:

  • Didn't touch the back side;
  • Touched the long side of the table;
  • Went beyond the boundaries of the longitudinal line;
  • Got into a pocket hole, or jumped off the playing field.

Types of balls in Russian billiards

Played- this is a ball that, after a successful shot, ends up in the pocket. Then this participant in the game has the right to take another hit.

Hung– if the ball ends up in the pocket after the billiard player completes his “move” due to the fact that the table has shaken, then this shot does not count, and the ball returns to its original place.

Jumped out– this is what they call a ball that has left the table. If this was an object ball, then it is simply placed on the back mark again, and no penalties are imposed on the participant in the game. In situations where the cue ball has left the table, the billiard player is fined, and previously scored goals are not taken into account.

Unordered balloons - installation rules

According to the rules of Russian billiards: if the balls were pocketed outside the rules or left the table during the game, then they are placed by the referee on the back line of the field. If this position is occupied, then such balls are placed as close and longitudinally as possible, but not close, to the blocking ball, adhering to the direction of the back edge of the table. When these positions are taken, the balls are placed near the central zone of the playing field.

The rules of Russian billiards provide for the imposition of fines in the following cases:

  • If the hit made was made by any part of the cue other than the sticker;
  • If a subsequent strike is made to complete an earlier move;
  • When the cue ball leaves the playing field;
  • During a double blow, pushing, pressing;
  • When extinguishing balls using foreign objects or body parts;
  • If the shot is played on the cue ball which is outside the home court;
  • If the billiard player does not follow the rules of wagering, or misses.

Rules of the American game

This type of Russian billiards is very popular among players. In this case, the cue ball is within the home portion of the playing field, but not on the home line. When breaking the pyramid, the player is allowed to choose any ball that will play the role of a cue ball. If the object ball hits the pocket along with the cue ball, the shot is valid (provided that both balls touch). The billiard player who scores eight balls first wins.

Russian billiards: general rules

Russian billiards has about forty varieties.

In our country, it existed semi-legally for a long time; no competitions were officially held. In every city and in every billiard room they played differently. After the creation of the Billiard Sports Federation in the late 80s, the need arose to unify the rules of the game and develop a unified system for holding tournaments and refereeing. The very rules of the game are generalized: both general ones, characterizing the game aspects characteristic of all types of Russian billiards, and those related to each of the three traditional types - the “Russian” and “Moscow” pyramids, “American”.

The rules of the game and competitions in Russian billiards were officially approved by the National Federation of Billiard Sports in 1994. The cue ball must be struck with the front of the cue stick in the direction of its longitudinal axis, with at least one player's foot touching the floor. Carrying out a kick in any other way is penalized.

Kickoff play

The right to the first strike in a match is determined as a result drawing. Positioned on opposite sides of the longitudinal line of the table, the players simultaneously make shots from their hands from the house, pointing their cue balls towards the back board. The winner is the player whose ball, reflected from him, stops closer to the front one: The rally is considered automatically lost if the cue ball did not touch the back side, went into the opponent's half, fell into a pocket or jumped over the side. If both opponents violated the rules or both cue balls stopped at the same distance from the board, then the rally is repeated.

The winner of the rally has the right to either make the initial kick himself or give it to his opponent. In subsequent games, the order is observed. Before the last decisive game, the game is repeated again.

Ball placement

Before the start of the game, fifteen object balls are placed close to each other using a triangle pyramids with the top at the back mark and the base parallel to the short side.

Kickoff (“from hand and from home”)

When performing this shot, it is prohibited to carry the body beyond the extension of the outer side of the long side, and also to place the cue ball behind the house line.

The cue ball is considered to be in play after it is struck cue sticker. When playing from hand balls played into opposite corners, as well as those that fell into other pockets as a result of this shot, are counted. A shot from the hand is also performed in other cases stipulated by these rules: the cue ball fell into a pocket or jumped over the side (“Russian”, “Moscow” pyramids), while striking is allowed only on balls located outside the house.

If all object balls are located in the house, then the blow is made from the opposite side of the table, which in this case serves as a temporary house, limited by the back line.

Balls played

Balls are considered played (pocketed) if they fall into the pockets as a result of a correct shot. A ball reflected from a pocket onto the playing surface of the table remains in play. Object ball A player that falls into a pocket as a result of being deliberately rolled down the board is not counted and is scored in accordance with the rules of the particular game, and no penalty is imposed.

Popped balls

Jumped overboard Balls that stop after hitting outside the playing surface of the table (on the board, on the floor, etc.) are considered. The ball remains in play if, having hit any stationary billiard accessory (the upper part of the board, pocket bracket, lighting fixture, etc.), it independently returns to the playing surface.

If the ball touches any other object outside the table (cue, chalk, clothing, etc.), then it is considered to have jumped out even if it then returns to the playing surface. Popped object balls are placed after completion of the shot in accordance with the rules of each specific game. In this case, no penalty is imposed, and correctly pocketed balls are counted.

If it jumps overboard cue ball, the player is penalized and pocketed balls are not counted. When playing American, the cue ball is placed on a general basis. When playing “Moscow” and “Russian Pyramid”, the opponent entering the game hits the cue ball from his hand from home.

Fielding balls

All incorrectly pocketed and popped balls are awarded in accordance with the rules of each specific game. All exposed balls are considered object balls.

Ball position

The position of the ball is determined by the position of the center ball. A ball that is exactly on the house line is considered to be outside the house.

Start and end of the kick

The stroke begins from the moment the cue sticker touches the cue ball and ends after all the balls have completely stopped on the playing surface of the table. A ball rotating in place is considered to be moving.

Hit someone nearby

Hit someone nearby object ball(no more than 1/2 the radius of the ball), as well as located close to the cue ball, must be cut at an angle of 45° or more away from the center line, or in such a way that the cue ball stops in place after impact, rolls back or goes into side without crossing the penalty zone lines. A player is penalized for making an illegal kick.

Entering the opponent's game

The opponent enters the game after the previous shot did not play a single ball, or there was a violation of the rules.


Fines are imposed in the following cases:

If the cue ball does not touch any of the object balls upon impact;

If after a hit the cue ball jumps overboard:

If another blow is made before the previous blow is completed;

If, when hitting the cue ball, none of the player’s feet touches the floor;

When touching any ball on the playing surface of the table before, during or after hitting it with a cue, machine, hand, clothing, etc.;

For making an illegal shot on the cue ball;

When hitting a nearby object ball incorrectly;

For performing a push shot on an object ball distant from the cue ball by more than 1/2 of the ball's radius, when the player excessively delays the contact time of the cue sticker with the cue ball and simultaneously pushes the cue ball and the played object ball;

In a double shot, when the cue stick touches the cue ball twice;

For performing a push shot, when the cue ball presses the object ball away from the board;

If, when hitting from the house, the cue ball touches any object ball located in the house;

When striking not with a cue ball (“Russian” and “Moscow” pyramids);

When the cue ball falls into a pocket (“Russian Pyramid”);

If played incorrectly (“American”);

If, when hitting from home, the player, despite the referee’s warning, takes the cue ball beyond the house line, moves the body beyond the extension of the outer side of the long board, or makes a shot from the opposite side of the table;

When interfering with an opponent's game.

If several violations of the rules are committed when performing one blow, then the fine will be charged in a single amount. Balls pocketed in violation of the rules are not counted and are awarded in accordance with the rules of each specific game.

Hanging balls

If a ball, hanging in the pocket in a position of unstable balance, remains motionless for five seconds or more after the completion of the stroke, and then falls into the pocket, then the referee restores it to its original place and the game continues. The same is done in the case when a suspended ball falls into a pocket after a clear push or shake of the billiard table. If the hanging ball falls into the pocket before five seconds have elapsed after the completion of the strike, then it is considered to have fallen into the pocket as a result of the strike and the game continues on a general basis.

If a player hits a suspended object ball with his cue ball, and the latter falls into the pocket before impact, the referee restores the original position and the shot is repeated. In this case, no fine is imposed.

"Blind" position

If the balls are grouped near one of the pockets and the pocket turns out to be blocked, as well as in other cases when, after a long series of “winning back”, the position on the table does not fundamentally change, which leads to unjustified delay of the game, the judge, after warning the players, has the right to place The object balls remaining on the table are in the shape of a pyramid (shortened pyramid) with the apex at the back mark.

The right to next strike is determined by the rally, and play continues from the hand at home.

Outsider intervention

If during play the balls are moved as a result of the intervention of any unauthorized person (either directly or through some influence on the player taking the stroke), the referee will restore the original position and the stroke will be replayed without penalty. The same is done in the event of any other emergency circumstances: a gust of wind, a falling lighting fixture, an accident, etc. If an outsider deliberately interferes with the game, the game is suspended until he leaves the competition venue.

Rival interference

If the player's opponent touches the ball, displaces or stops any ball, he is penalized. The position is restored by the referee and the game continues. If at the same time the opponent stops the ball being played moving towards the pocket, then the ball is considered played and the player makes a subsequent shot.

Interference is considered to be any action by an opponent aimed at distracting the player’s attention and interfering with his strike.

If the opponent interferes with the game intentionally, then the referee acts in accordance with the section “Unsportsmanlike Conduct”.

Deliberately delaying the game

If the player, in the opinion of the referee, is deliberately delaying the game, then the referee, after warning, has the right to impose a one-minute time limit on the preparation and execution of the strike.

"Small Russian Pyramid"

The game is played with 16 balls. Fifteen white balls are numbered from 1 to 15 points. The sixteenth ball - the cue ball can be colored or striped, noticeably different from other balls.

The balls are placed in a pyramid in a strictly defined order. At the top of the pyramid, at the third point of the table there is a “four” (frontal ball), on the sides of the base of the pyramid there are “two” and “three”, and the largest balls - “13”, “14”, “15” - are in the center of the pyramid . With this arrangement, after breaking the pyramid, as a rule, only the outer balls with low numbers will roll out, and the large ones will remain in the middle of the pyramid.

The sum of all numbers marked on the balls is 120 points. 10 is added to the number of the ball with a “one” (“Ace”), and 10 is also added to the last remaining ball, regardless of the number printed on it.

As a result, the total score is 140.

The game is played with only one, “your” ball. The winner is the one who scores 71 points first. If one player scores 70 points (“his own”), then even if the last ball is laid by his partner in the game, a draw is recorded.

Sometimes three or even four people play. This happens in friendly meetings at leisure, when there are many people who want to play, but there are few tables. When playing with three players, 10 points are added to the “2” ball, and then there will be 150 points in the pyramid. To win, one of the partners needs to score 51 points. If all three have played 50 points, it is a draw.

When playing with four players (each for himself), another 10 are added to the total number of points in the pyramid. This time to the “3” ball. Thus, the total amount of points in the pyramid is equal to 160. The winner is the one who first scores 41 points. A draw is possible if each player has 40 points.

Before the start of the game, you should agree on the terms of the game. One of these conditions is how to order balls: a strict order “for pure purpose” or “ball-pocket”.

When playing “for its intended purpose” before hitting, the player accurately names the number of the ball, the pocket where he wants to put the ball, and also explains how the ball should fall (from such and such a ball, such and such balls, apricot, ball or balls, and which ones, what kind of doublet etc.).

Ball-pocket game provides for the exact assignment of the number of the ball and pocket being played. How the ball approaches the pocket does not matter.

Another condition of the game may be a handicap that a stronger player will give to another. This handicap is usually 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 and even 35 points. At the same time, young athletes are not recommended to get used to reinsurance against loss by demanding points in advance. A handicap reduces the quality of the game, weakens the player’s will and composure, and interferes with concentration. A handicap is justified mainly when teams meet in friendly tournaments or during games of partners of different classes.

Order must be said loudly, clearly and before impact.

If the designated ( custom) ball, all other balls that fell into the pockets as a result of the same shot are counted as played, regardless of the time of their fall in relation to the fall of the “ordered” ball. When there is only one ball left in the billiards, you do not need to call its number.

If the ball hits the inside wall of the pocket and bounces back onto the table, it is not counted and is left where it stopped. Who starts the game in the first game is determined by lot. In the future, the winner of the previous game starts the game. During the game you are allowed to use cues of different lengths, typewriter And ointment.


There are penalties when playing pyramid:

a) 5 points, which are deducted from the offender’s account and added to the partner’s account;

b) placing a ball placed in a pocket on the table.

Errors for which a penalty of 5 points is assigned:

a) the cue ball falls into the pocket;

b) the cue ball jumped out when hit overboard;

c) the strike was made by mistake with a ball other than “yours”;

d) the cue ball did not touch the target ball and did not touch any of the balls on the table (including on the very first hit);

e) the blow is made not with a sticker, but with a turnik or the side of the cue;

c) during the strike, the partner touched (touched) any ball with a cue, clothing, hand, etc.;

g) a blow while the balls are moving from a previous blow;

h) touching the balls by a player who mistakenly considered the game over;

i) direct hit to the ball located in the “house” when playing “from hand”.

In case of errors provided for in paragraphs a) and b), in addition to a fine of 5 points, if the “ordered” balls fall into the pocket at the same time, they are not counted and are placed on the third point of the table. If the point is occupied, then go to the short side on the inside of the pyramid.

Sometimes the errors noted in paragraphs e) and f) are not penalized by prior mutual agreement between the partners. However, in order to develop accuracy among athletes and improve the culture of play, it is advisable to fine these mistakes.

If one of the partners, after a successful hit, considers that he has a game and mixes the remaining balls (point “h”), then the position of the balls is restored, the game continues, the blow goes to the opponent.

Errors after which the played ball is not counted:

a) the ball is placed by an illegal blow (“pushed”, “pressed”);

b) when playing hand-held, part of the player’s body and legs protrude beyond the line of the long board;

c) during the strike, the partner, leaning on the edge of the table, does not touch the floor with his feet.

In all of these cases, the penalty is limited to the fact that the played ball is placed on the table on a general basis. The blow passes to the partner. If all the balls are in the “house”, and you need to play “from your hands”, then the “depth” of the table, located in the area of ​​the third point, becomes the temporary “home”.


The game is played with sixteen balls. You can play with any ball on the table. The first one to place eight balls wins.

Before the game starts, fifteen balls are placed in a pyramid without taking into account their numbers. In general, the rules of the “Small Russian Pyramid” are observed.

The difference is that after the first blow "from the hands" from

“at home” you can play with any ball, any ball, and also

put in the pocket “your” ball from the ball or balls. Order

there is no need to pocket and nominate balls. It doesn't matter how many sha-

the ditch will fall with one hit, unless there is a penalty.

The fine is levied in the form of a ball from the partner's shelf, up to

who made a mistake, or “future” balls, if possible

He has no penalty kicks played.

The ball removed from the shelf is placed on the table tightly

short side where the pyramid is placed.

The fine will be charged:

a) at any touch (with a cue, hand, clothing, etc.) of any ball by a player before, after and during the stroke;

b) when struck with a turnik or the side of a cue;

c) in case of a miss, when “your” ball does not touch any of the balls;

d) when the balls are touched by a player who mistakenly considered the game over;

e) upon impact while the balls are still moving from the previous impact;

c) when “one’s own” or “someone else’s” ball goes overboard and is hit.

If, in violation of the rules under points “a”, “b”, “d”, and “c”, a ball (balls) was pocketed at the same time, then they are also placed on the table.

The partner is not allowed to play with the penalty balls immediately (except for the case when only penalty balls remain on the table). A draw can be recorded with the mutual consent of the partners, provided that both have put in seven balls.

An important thing in “American” is a skillfully executed initial shot, since in the case of placing the first ball with a shot “from the hands” and a successful composition of the rest, an experienced player can either finish the game with a “robbery” or play several balls in a row.

If there is a noticeable difference in the class of play between the partners, a handicap may be established. The stronger player always breaks the pyramid.

The handicap is given in two ways:

a) the partner giving the handicap breaks the pyramid, and after the end of the stroke, removes the agreed number of balls from the table (which he chooses at his own discretion) and gives them to the partner receiving the handicap;

b) partners agree on how many balls to play for each: for example, the one giving a handicap is ten balls, and the one receiving six, etc.

Wagering when playing “American” is more difficult than in “Small Russian Pyramid”, since even a minor mistake when placing the balls in an inconvenient position for play can lead to their partner playing them.

The game of “American” is more lively, compared to “Pyramid”, it develops the ability to perform a variety of types of strikes, making extensive use of the lateral rotation of “one’s own” (effe).

It is not allowed to use a machine, ointment or long cue.

"Moscow Pyramid"

This game appeared in our country in the early 60s and has now become widespread.

Sometimes it is simply called “Moscow”. It simultaneously contains elements of both the “Small Russian Pyramid” and “The American”.

The game is played with sixteen balls. Fifteen balls are placed in a pyramid without taking into account numbers.

The winner is the one who puts eight balls into the pockets first. There is no need to order pockets or assign balls.

The game, as in the “Pyramid”, is played with only one cue ball, which differs from other balls in color or in mutually perpendicular stripes applied to it.

But, unlike the “Pyramid”, the cue ball can be played into pockets from a ball or several balls, including when breaking the pyramid with a blow from the hands.

Each “own” pocketing means that one ball is added to the player’s asset. This ball, of his choice, is removed from the table by his partner and given to the player who pocketed the cue ball. If, when the cue ball is pocketed, other balls fall into the pocket nets, then all of them are counted as fair. The player who has put “his” in the pocket takes the ball out of the net with his hand, places it at any point of the “house” at his discretion and continues the game with a “hand” shot on a general basis.

The penalty is levied by putting one ball out of the shelf of the player who made the mistake or by counting the “future” balls if at the time of this mistake he did not have any balls in his asset. The ball removed from the shelf is placed on the table to the short side on the side of the pyramid.

Fine in the form of one ball is collected:

a) whenever the player touches any ball with his hand, clothing, etc. before, after or while making a strike;

b) when hitting the cue ball with a gournyak or the side of the cue;

c) when striking during an unfinished movement of the balls from the previous strike;

d) in case of a miss, when “one’s own” did not touch any of the balls:

e) when “your” ball goes overboard:

c) when both legs are lifted off the floor during the impact.

If one or more balls are played during a violation under points a), e) and f), then the latter are not counted, are removed from the pockets and placed at the short side in the area of ​​the third point.

Unlike “American”, in this game one of the effective and at the same time relatively safe shots is playing “your own” into the corner pocket on a quiet shot. When playing American, if the cue ball does not fall into the pocket, it is almost certainly substituted for playing by his partner. Here, on the contrary, “your” ball, stuck in a pocket or being close to it, becomes in an inconvenient position for play.

The conditions under which a handicap can be given to equalize the chances of the game are identical to the conditions for playing American.

During the game you are allowed to use cues of different lengths, a machine and a wax. The “Moscow Pyramid” will provide a good opportunity to use both simple and complex strikes in the game, as well as widely use playback, exit and all types of side strikes.

"Yaroslavl Pyramid"

When playing the “Yaroslavl Pyramid” you should be guided by the rules of the “Moscow Pyramid” and the following rules.

Purpose of the game

Shoot 8 balls out of 16, or 5 out of 10.

Balls used

The game begins with a colored cue ball hitting from home. A shot with the white ball to and from the cue ball must be played.

Ball placement

"House" is one. This means that if you need to play from the “home” in a position where all the balls are only at the “home”, a “cue ball” shot is required, in which the “cue ball” must cross the “home” line.


The initial blow is made “from the hand” from the “house”.

Playing the game

The following are considered scored:

Any “foreign” ball that is “cue ball”;

A ball when the cue ball itself is pocketed by any ball;

Any ball pocketed by the “brother-in-law” from the “cue ball”;

A ball played by the cue ball from any ball.

In cases where the cue ball itself is pocketed, the partner removes any ball from the field to the distinguished player, and he continues the game from home.

Fielding balls

From "home" the ball is played:

To the far corner pockets - with any blow;

In the middle ones - from the board, with the ball and from the ball;

Into the corner pockets located in the “house”, with any blow after which the “cue ball” first crosses the “home” line.

Fines for violations

a) if the player does not play the ball when playing on the cue ball and away from the cue ball;

b) misses the ball;

c) when playing “in hand” from “home”, any ball that is pocketed into the middle pocket without the cue ball touching the side before hitting the ball is penalized;

d) hitting a white ball with a white ball.

"Neva Pyramid"

When playing “Neva Pyramid” you should be guided by the “General Rules”, the rules of the game “Moscow Fast Pyramid”, as well as the following rules.

Purpose of the game

Be the first to pot eight balls.

Balls used

Cue ball and fifteen object balls. The cue ball must differ from the object balls in color or special markings.

Ball placement

Fifteen object balls are arranged in a pyramid shape with the apex at the back mark.

Initial kick (“from the hand” from “home”)

This kick is allowed to be made from any position, including going beyond the outside of the long side, but not going beyond the extension of the front line (the “home” line). With a correct shot, the weight of the ball played into any pocket is counted after the cue ball leaves the “house” or comes into contact with an object ball located outside the “house”.

Playing the game

The game comes with a double order, that is, you can order both “sing” and “alien” balls at the same time; the order is counted if even one ball falls.

During the game, after any ordered ball is played, any accidentally dropped balls are counted as a winner.

After pocketing “his” ball, the player places “his” ball on any place on the table, always under “someone else’s” ball, i.e. plays “from his hand”.

If, when playing “from your hand”, “your” ball falls together with the “foreign” one, then “your” is counted and the next blow is again made from your hand.

If, when playing “from hand”, only “your” ball falls, and not “someone else’s”, then this is not a penalty, but the blow from “hand” goes to the opponent.

Fielding balls

All incorrectly pocketed, popped-out balls, as well as balls removed from the shelf for a penalty, are placed on the back mark (third point). If this place is occupied, then the balls are placed on a longitudinal line as close as possible (but not close) to the interfering ball towards the backboard, and if this line is also occupied, then towards the central mark. If several balls are placed at the same time, they are placed close to each other.

Fines for violations

For each violation of the rules, the player is charged a fine of one ball. If a player has no balls pocketed at the time of the violation, the penalty will be assessed after the first ball he pockets.


When playing “Alager”, you should be guided by the “General Rules”, as well as the rules specially developed for this game.

Balls used

It is played with two balls, one white and one colored - red, striped, etc.

Number of players

An unlimited number of players, but not less than two, can participate in Alager.


To determine who will play with what number, a draw is carried out. To do this, pyramid balls are selected based on the number of players; everyone surrounds the pool table.

One of the players, standing at the short side, mixes the prepared balls and then immediately rolls them all over the billiards. Whoever takes which ball is registered for the game under that number.

The recording is made on the board in the order of the numbers taken, which cannot be changed.


The one who receives the first number takes one of the two balls and places it on any place in the “house”. This is where the first strike is made. The goal is to place your ball as close as possible to the opposite short board, thereby making it difficult for the partner playing next to put this ball in the pocket.

The second partner also places his ball on any place in the “house” and from here has the right to play the opponent’s ball anywhere.

Sequence of hits

Each participant has the right to only one hit, after which the next partner plays. And so on, in order of numbers.

Losing and returning to the game

The player, when his ball is successfully played by the next partner, receives a cross, which is placed on the board opposite his number. The one who receives the agreed number of crosses leaves the party. It is usually agreed to play up to no less than two crosses and no more than four.

The first player to leave the game has the right to join it again after the last partner, that is, to join, but with the condition that he equalizes the number of crosses with the partner who has the largest number.

It is allowed to attribute several eliminated players. The number of the latter depends on the condition, but when three remain, addition is not allowed. Each dropout has the right to be assigned (according to the conditions) only at the moment he received the last cross. Late addition is not permitted.

If the number of players is even, then at the end of the circle each player will play with their own specific ball, but if the number of players is odd, then their balls will change all the time.


If a player misses, puts his ball in a pocket, knocks it overboard, plays with a ball that is not his own, puts out his own ball or the opponent’s ball with a cue, machine, hand, and so on, for all this he will receive a cross.

If the player places the ball and at the same time makes a free kick, then the placed ball does not count, and the player is given a cross. Two crosses cannot be recorded at the same time.

A ball placed by an illegal blow (pushed or pressed) is not counted. The ball that falls into the pocket is placed on the first spot. The ball that was played with remains in its place. The blow passes to the partner.

Strike out of turn

You can offer to put the ball out of turn, committing to play it for sure. In case of failure, the risker is assigned a cross.

A strong player usually does this, seeing that a weaker player may not play an easy ball, and also to avoid one player playing along with another.

If the player does not want to let the other player play out of turn, then he must place the ball himself. If he doesn’t, he gets a cross.

End of the game

The game ends when all participants, with the exception of one, have received the agreed number of crosses and left the game. This one, the last one, is considered the winner.

If, after the end of the first game, the participants wish to play another one, they should definitely cast a second lot in order to increase interest in the game, in particular, to change the disadvantageous order for the weakest, when the strongest play behind them or behind some of them all the time.

It is allowed to play with a machine, mazik, long and short cues.

A game in Alager can end in a win or a loss, there cannot be a draw.

"American Billiards"

Pool, or “American billiards,” differs in many ways from Russian. All American tables are standard. Their length is 3.6 m, width 1.85 m and height 85 cm. Russian craftsmen made tables from 3 to 4 m long, and the length of modern ones is from 1.5 to 3 m.

They also differ in flooring. The flooring of American and our antique tables consists of stone slabs. Today, Americans use metal and plastics for this purpose. The base of our tables is chipboard, or at best concrete. We still use woolen cloth to cover tables, but Americans have long switched to synthetics, on which the ball rolls almost without encountering resistance. The sides of American tables are protected by elastic rubber, which throws the ball over long distances.

Our tires are very hard.

The biggest difference between American tables is the size of the pockets. Our pocket width is 72–76 mm, while the Americans have a standard pocket width of 88.9 mm. (We play mainly with balls with a diameter of 70 mm, and the Americans - 52.5 mm).

On our tables the pocket jaws are sharp, on American tables they are rounded (in addition, Americans cut the rubber by 2–3 mm in depth at a distance of up to 100 mm from the pocket, which helps the ball go into the pocket better).

The Americans also made many innovations in table layout. From our billiards markings, only two points have been preserved - the central one and the point on which the pyramid is placed. The “home” point is located on the longitudinal line of the table and is located at a distance of 73.6 cm from the short side. At this distance, a “house” line is drawn across the billiards. From the “home” point, a semicircle with a radius of 29.2 cm is drawn until it intersects with the “home” line.

The two points formed at the intersection of the line are necessary for playing snooker, and the area of ​​the semicircle is the place where the cue ball is placed when playing in hand. There is also a point located on the central longitudinal line at a distance of 32.4 cm from the short side. A red ball is placed on it when playing American billiards.

The balls are made of plastic. Their diameter is 52.5 mm. Billiards is played with 3 balls: 2 white balls - cue balls (one of them with a dot), and a red one. Snooker is played with 22 balls: 15 red, 6 colored (yellow, green, brown, blue, pink, black) and 1 white cue ball.

The cue is made of wood, most often maple.

The shortest length is 91 cm, the average is 1.5 m. Cue cues are often made folding from two halves. The diameter of the turnip is up to 30 mm, and the thin end is 10 mm. They use different types of stickers and chalk them after each blow. Putting chalk on the table is strictly prohibited - Americans keep it in their pocket.

Basic concepts when playing pool

The beginning of the table is the short side on the home side, as well as the side where the points counter is installed.

The end of the table is a short side opposite the beginning of the table.

The pyramid point is the point located in the center of the line connecting the second diamonds on the long sides from the end of the table.

Line - a line connecting the second diamonds on the long sides from the beginning of the table.

Home is the area located behind the “line” from the beginning of the table. The “home” point is the point located in the center of the “line”.

The cue ball is a white ball with which all shots are made.


Purpose of the game

“Eight” is a custom game played with a cue ball (white ball). One player pockets solid-colored balls (1-7), the other - striped ones (9-15). The winner is the player who potted all the balls in his group and placed ball number 8 according to the order.

Installation of balls

The eighth ball is placed in the center of the pyramid. Colored and striped balls alternate, placing balls of different groups in the corners of the pyramid.

Ball robbery

The cue ball must be pocketed from behind the home line or brought at least 4 balls to the boards. Failure to comply with this condition is an error.

In this case, the partner can: continue the game from this position: do the break again or ask the partner about it. Getting the cue ball into the pocket during a break is a mistake.

The object ball flew overboard during the robbery - a mistake. The partner either continues the game or plays from behind the “house line”.

If during a break the 8th ball falls into the pocket, then the partner places the pyramid again and breaks the balls, or places the 8th ball on the back point and plays from this position. If the 8th ball and cue ball fall at the same time, the partner can re-break the pyramid or place the 8th ball on the back point and play from behind the home line.

Ball selection

After a robbery, the table is always “open”. The choice occurs when the player pockets the ball as ordered.

Correct shot

You need to pocket the ball, bring the cue ball or object ball to the side.

If the cue ball hits the board first and then the object ball, the cue ball or object ball must then touch the boards.

Object balls that pop out are a mistake. They are installed on the back point in ascending order of the ball number along the longitudinal line to the short side.

The cue ball missed the object ball;

When the cue ball hits the object ball, neither one nor the other touches the sides;

The cue ball falls into the pocket;

The cue ball flies overboard;

The partner touches any ball with something;

The player hits the ball when the balls have not yet stopped.

In case of any mistake, the partner plays “from his hand”, that is, he places the cue ball on any place on the table.


A player loses the game if:

Ball No. 8 is pocketed during a shot with violations (exception - during a robbery);

Ball No. 8 fell into the pocket prematurely;

Ball No. 8 is knocked overboard;

Ball No. 8 fell into an unpocketed pocket;

Ball number 8 fell into the pocket at the same time as the last ball of its group.


Purpose of the game

Correctly pocket ball number 9.

Balls used

The game requires 10 balls: a cue ball, eight colored balls with numbers from 1 to 8 and one striped ball number 9.

Ball placement

The nine number balls are set up in a diamond pattern: the lead ball 1 is on the back mark, the 9 ball is in the center of the diamond, and balls 2 and 4 are respectively to the extreme left and right of the breaker.


The player can place his ball on any point of the “home”. The kick-off is considered correct if the cue ball hits ball number 1 first and at least four object balls touch the side or at least one of the object balls hits the pocket. Wagering on the kickoff is not permitted. If the player hits the ball with the lowest number and any of the object balls rolls into the pocket, then he should play further, and again he must aim at the ball with the lowest number. If a player fails to hit the lowest numbered ball and hit it so that at least four balls touch the side or one is pocketed, or he makes any other mistake, then the initial shot is considered a fault and the opponent has the option of:

Place the cue ball on an arbitrary point on the table;

Continue play from the position left by the opponent.

Balls that are pocketed (with the exception of number 9) are not fielded. If a player pockets the number 9 ball on a correct shot, he wins the game. If a player leaves a position with a clearly unbroken diamond with his blow, this is considered an impermissible return, that is, a mistake. When the cue ball hits a pocket, the partner can choose:

a) make the initial kick after placing the balls;

to the starting position;

b) make a shot from the “home” after placing ball 1 on the back mark, if it is in the “home”.

Wagering (Push-Out)

A player who hits immediately after a legal kickoff may play what is called a Push-Out. At the same time, he has the right to hit the cue ball into the ball, onto the board or into the pocket with a ball that then remains there (except for number 9 - this ball is placed back on the back point or on the return line). In a Push-Out, if the cue ball misses the object ball, it is not considered a fault. It is also not a fault when the cue ball hits an object ball but then no balls touch the rails or the object ball is not pocketed. If the Push-Out is not obvious, then the player must declare it, otherwise the hit is considered normal. After a correct Push-Out, the opponent decides whether he will hit or pass the move back to the player who just hit. As long as a rule violation has not occurred, the Push-Out is not considered an error. A Push-Out that violates the rules results in the opponent playing out of hand.

The essence of Push-Out is to move the cue ball to a more advantageous position.

Playing the game

The cue ball must hit the object balls one at a time, that is, the first contact of the cue ball must be on the ball with the lowest number. There is no need to order either a ball or a pocket. As long as the player hits the ball with the lowest number and at the same time the object ball hits the pocket, he has the right to continue playing. Whoever wins the first game starts the next one, unless a different order is announced before the start of the competition.

Violations for which a fault is given:

Miss, the cue ball did not touch a single object ball;

The order of numbers is broken when hitting object balls;

Any ball jumped overboard;

The balls did not touch the boards;

The shot was made by mistake with a ball other than “yours”;

The blow was not made by a sticker;

When hit while the balls are moving;

When touching the balls do not sticker;

If the player does not touch the floor during the shot.

No more than two mistakes in a row are allowed. A player who makes three mistakes in a row is considered a loss. If the player who is in control of the move has already had two faults, then the referee or, if there is no referee, the opponent, must warn him about this. The cue ball that hits the pocket on the initial shot is counted as the first fault.

Ball placement:

The ball return line coincides with the longitudinal line, starts from the back mark and ends with the short side closest to it;

Balls played out of order are placed on the return line;

In case of all the listed errors, the balls that fell into the pockets are not counted and are placed on the ball return line;

After a mistake, the opponent has the right to play “from hand”: with the position of the object balls unchanged, he places the cue ball on any point on the table and hits it in an arbitrary direction.

"Direct pool"

Straight Pool, also called 14.1 Continued, is one of three games that objectively compares the skill of the highest level players.

The other two are “Nine” and “One Pocket” (“Eight” is not the most revealing test).

Purpose of the game

"Direct Pool" is a custom game. Before making a shot, you must order the object ball and the pocket you intend to play it into. The first contact of the cue ball does not always have to be with the ordered ball. It is also not necessary to indicate in the order how and along what trajectory the ball will fall into the pocket. If the game is not official, then obvious balls, as a rule, are not ordered.

Ball numbers are used only to facilitate ordering. For each ordered ball played, the player receives one point. The first one to score a predetermined number of points wins. If, along with the ordered one, other balls fall into the pockets, then they are all counted in favor of the player. The series continues until a miss, violation or victory.

Fielding balls

At the start of the game, 15 numbered balls are arranged in a pyramid shape with the top on the back mark (at point 3) and the cue ball is placed at home. When making a break, at least 2 numbered balls must be brought to the board. Failure to comply with this requirement entails a penalty of two points, after which the opponent has the right to accept the current position and make the kick himself or invite the offender to make the break again. Once broken down, each foul is penalized with one point.

A foul is called in the following cases:

In case of a “penalty touch” (touching the cue ball or any other ball located on the playing field), in case of a double strike;

When the cue ball falls into a pocket; when the cue ball jumps overboard;

When performing a strike until all balls come to a complete stop; when performing a kick with both legs lifted off the floor;

If, when the object ball is not pocketed, none of the balls on the table touches the edge.

It must be emphasized that these rules apply equally to all games described in this chapter.

When only one numbered ball remains on the table, the rest are rearranged in the form of a pyramid, and the place of the first ball at point 3 remains free.

The player who pocketed the previous ball continues his streak. If the last ball stopped at the place where the pyramid was placed, it is placed on the 1st point of the table.

If the cue ball stops at the place where the pyramid is installed, then it is transferred to the “house” and played “from the hand” from the “house”. It happens that both balls interfere with the installation of the pyramid. Then the game ball is placed on point 3 with the other balls and the game continues with a blow from the hand from the “home”. If the cue ball stops at the place where the pyramid is installed, and the fifteenth ball is at the “house”, then the cue ball is placed on the 1st point, and if it is occupied, on the 2nd.

If the player resorts to wagering, then after the collision one of the balls must reach the side. In the case where the object ball is no more than one ball diameter away from the board, you can only win back twice by bringing this ball to the board. When performing the third play, it is considered that this ball touches the board. It is allowed to play against a touching ball, but it is understood that the balls are not touching. The position of the ball is determined by the position of its center. A ball that jumps out of the pocket onto the playing surface remains in play.

"In one pocket"

Some people call this game “Billiard Chess” because the experience of positional play, skill and endurance in it play no less a role than the accurate and straightforward placement of balls.

Rules of the game

Fifteen balls are arranged in a pyramid shape.

Ball numbers don't matter. Before breaking, each player chooses one of two corner pockets at the back board. The first one to pocket any 8 balls wins. If the ball falls into the opponent's pocket, then it is counted in his favor. If at the same time the ball is pocketed, then you both get a ball, after which you continue your streak. If you pocket a ball and at the same time one of the balls falls into one of the “draw” pockets, then it is placed in the area of ​​the 3rd point of the table after the end of the series. The exception is when the last numbered ball falls. It is placed immediately, thereby providing the player with the opportunity to complete his streak or win the game.

Tough defensive tactics are important.

Each player tries to group the balls closer to his pocket, not giving his opponent the opportunity to make a successful shot. Often, instead of hitting your own pocket, it is more advisable to roll the balls away from the opponent’s pocket. If it is impossible to knock the ball out of the pocket, then it is better to pocket it yourself: the opponent is deprived of the opportunity to bring the cue ball to a convenient position for subsequent shots.

Violations of the rules punishable by foul are the same as in the "nine". Here, in addition to playing “from hand”, a foul is also penalized with one of your own balls - it is placed in the position closest to the 3rd point of the table.


The game was invented in India in 1875, and it turned out to be more difficult than the famous “American” and “Pyramid”.

The game arouses interest not so much in winning, but in the complex movements of the balls.

Previously, first-year cadets who had no everyday experience were called snookers. And then one day in the game, one of the officers, Neville Chamberlain, used this word to describe his partner, who found himself in a difficult situation and did not know how to get out of it. He had to play a colored ball covered by others. This position in billiards came to be called “snooker”.

The game then moved to England, but did not gain popularity until 1920, when Joe Davis came along: he introduced cue ball control and grading of balls, which made the game much more difficult. In addition to pocketing the balls, now you also had to keep an eye on the cue ball.

Snooker became especially popular in the 60s.

A big role in this was played by color television and two players - Ray Reardon and John Spencer, who organized exhibition games, traveling throughout England.

Then “snooker” developed as a sport: competitions began to be held, expensive prizes were established for the winners, attracting a new generation of players. In 1980–1981, Steve Davis became the first British champion and, improving the game, he won the world championship after some time. This athlete is still considered one of the strongest billiards players.

Soon the Japanese, Chinese and Americans began to play snooker. New talents have appeared - John Parot, Neil Foulds, Stephen Hendry.

In 1973, the International Billiards and Snooker Organization was created, and since 1985 it has become the governing body.

Rules of the game

Snooker is played on the same table as billiards, with only 22 balls - 15 red, 6 colored and 1 white cue ball. On one snooker table you can play not only two players, but also several players. The principle of the shot order is simple: if the shot does not bring winning points, the next player takes the shot. The balls are colored, scored depending on the color: fifteen red balls - one point each, one yellow - 2 points, one green - 3 points, one brown - 4 points, one blue - 5 points, one pink - 6 points, one black - 7 points. The white ball is the cue ball. Only they can hit the other balls.

The game is played on a regular billiard table, which needs to be prepared for snooker. A thick line is drawn across the middle of one half of the table along a ruler with chalk, then the “home” area for the cue ball is marked in a semicircle. The radius should be one third of the distance from the line to the nearest narrow edge of the table. An even semicircle can be easily drawn using a thin rope: it is folded in half, a piece of chalk is inserted into the loop, and the ends are pressed to the middle of a straight line.

To make it easier to install the pyramid in the middle of the upper part of the table - this is the name of the side opposite the “house” - you can draw three lines with chalk along the sides.

Kickoff kick. The player breaking the pyramid can place the cue ball at any place in the house zone - where it is more convenient to hit from. With the first blow he must play only the red ball, and if he touches any other ball, then he is given a mistake and points are deducted depending on the value of the ball touched. With the very first hit, it is important not only to successfully break the pyramid, but also to drive the cue ball as far away from the ball as possible, creating a more difficult position for the other player.

Balls are placed in any of six pockets. For a placed red ball, one point is counted, after which the billiard player has the right to hit any colored ball (all balls except red ones and the cue ball are called colored). If a novice player is sure of a certain ball, then he can hit a red one - one, another, and then, having adjusted the cue ball to the colored one, put it in one of the pockets.

You need to firmly remember that before each colored ball a red one must be pocketed. Billiard aces sometimes complicate the game with the rule that after the red one, only a colored ball can be played. Such tactics always help to gain “large series”. (The sum of points won during one turn is called a streak.)

If several balls were pocketed, the following series may result: red (1 point), green (3 points), red again (1 point), pink (6 points), red (1 point), blue (5 points) and etc.

A red ball placed in a pocket is out of play. As long as there is at least one red ball on the table, you can pocket the colored balls in any order you choose, but each time the billiard player must pocket a red ball before the colored one. Pocketed colored balls at this stage of the game are placed on those points of the table where they stood at the very beginning. It may also happen that this place is already occupied by some other ball - then the colored ball is placed at the highest point. If a green ball is pocketed, and there is a red one in its place, then this green one is placed in the place of the black one, but if some other ball has rolled there, then the green one is placed on the point of the pink one, and so on.

The first part of the game ends when all the red balls are pocketed. The rules for colored balls become more strict: the balls must be pocketed in order of their value, starting with yellow. Having scored yellow, you can put green, then brown, blue, pink, black. Colored balls placed in pockets in this way no longer participate in the game. However, if an incorrect shot was made - the billiard player made a mistake when hitting - the colored ball is placed in its main position. The game comes to an end when only two balls remain on the table: the last black ball and the cue ball. It happens that partners have approximately the same number of points, so everything is decided by these seven points for the black ball. When the last black is played or a mistake is made, the game ends. A draw happens very rarely. If this does happen, a repeat of the “last black” is played to determine the win: the black ball is placed in its place and played with the cue ball from the “house”.

When billiard experts play a beautiful game, they not only place the balls in the pocket, but also maneuver the cue ball around the entire field. As a result of the maneuver, a snooker can be delivered to the opponent. This is the culmination of the game, its highest meaning, which gave it its name: “snooker” is a trap from which only a careful, cold-blooded player can escape. “Snooker” is a position from where the cue ball cannot reach the ball that, according to the rules, should be played: it is either “covered” or even completely covered. But there is still a chance to do this - a well-aimed side kick will help out. In addition to the shots known in billiards - side kick or slice and others - in snooker it is good to use a quickdraw. It is performed with a blow that gives the ball a rotation exactly proportionate to the force of the blow. A great billiard player can even make the cue ball go not in a straight line, but in an arc.

Common mistakes in snooker

The minimum penalty is four points. It can be obtained by touching the ball with any part of the cue other than the tip. It happens that a player misses the ball, but that’s not so bad: the ball, pushing off from the side, may hit the wrong one that should be played.

If the cue ball falls into the pocket, even after a pocketed ball, this is also a fault with a penalty of 4 points. When assigning a penalty, the score of the ball that should have been played or the score of the ball that was played incorrectly is taken into account. According to the rules, the highest number of points is always taken. Therefore, if a red ball (yellow, green or brown) was played correctly, but the cue ball rolled into a pocket, then the maximum number of points will be deducted - four; if a black ball is in this position, the penalty will be seven points (respectively, six for pink and five for blue). When you need to play, for example, a brown ball, and the player makes a correct hit on it, but some other one is rolled, then the points are not deducted, and the laid ball is scored according to the rules.

If “snooker” was bet, but the billiard player was credited with a mistake, the next player has the right to declare a “free ball”: any ball on the table can replace the one that turned out to be closed. If you were left with a snooker after mis-hitting a yellow ball, you could nominate a blue ball to replace the yellow and try to pocket it, or put the cue ball behind some other ball and make a snooker as well. We must immediately warn you against a blow that is not respected by the aces. If you are given the right to call a free ball, it is not recommended to leave the snooker behind the designated ball. This light hit on the called ball will give players a chance to make it back and may be counted as an error. Thus, if you have assigned a blue or green ball in this position, you cannot leave the “snooker” behind them.

Game time

When experts play, the entire game takes about 20 minutes; amateurs can complete one game in 30 minutes. Great billiard players strive to achieve a streak of 100 points.

Large series work best at the beginning of the game, when there are a lot of red balls, and colored balls are stacked several times. Experienced snooker players have calculated that the limit is a maximum series of 155 points, but it takes considerable skill to score at least 100 points in a series.


Carom is a type of pocketless billiards and the definition of a shot in which the cue ball, after touching one object ball, hits another. Carom games were developed in France. The first mention of a three-ball carom game was in 1775: two white and one red ball (as it is now).

If carom was first played on pocket tables, then with the improvement of cues and stickers, allowing for unimaginable shots (in 1827, the Frenchman Mengo offered his cue and leather sticker), pockets on tables disappeared. The ball could be launched along any trajectory. "French" side kicks (les effets) have become very popular.

General rules

Ball placement

Use 2 white balls (or white and yellow) and one red. Each player has his own white ball as a cue ball. One cue ball has 2 or 3 colored dots to distinguish it. The red ball is placed on the back mark. The opponent's cue ball is on the front mark. The player's cue ball is on the front line within 15 cm of the front mark.


When performing this shot, it is necessary that the cue ball first touches the red ball, and not the opponent's cue ball. On subsequent shots, the cue ball can touch white or red in any order.

Game conditions

Number of players - two or three.

Balls used: white, white with dots (or yellow), red.

The goal of the game is to be the first to score a given number of points - 30–60.

Score - 1 point for each successful shot (successful shot - the cue ball touches two object balls without errors).


When wagering, it is necessary that after the cue ball hits the ball, either the cue ball or the object ball reaches the edge. Failure to comply with the condition is a foul (error).

It is forbidden to win back 2 times in a row. If this happens, an error is also declared.

Fielding balls

The cue ball that has jumped out is placed on the front mark (if it is occupied, then on the back mark; if it is not free, then on the central one). When the white object ball pops up, it is placed on the front dot (if it is occupied, then on the back or central one).

The red ball that pops up is placed on the back mark (if it is occupied, then on the front or central one, depending on which one is free).

If the cue ball and the object ball pop up at the same time, then first, according to the specified rules, the cue ball is set, and then the object ball. If 2 object balls pop up at the same time, they are positioned as above. If the cue ball interferes with the placement of one of the balls, then the object ball, whose place is not occupied, is placed first, and then the other object ball. If 3 balls jump overboard at once, they are placed as during the initial strike. If the cue ball does not jump overboard, then any successful shot is counted and after placing object balls the player continues the series. In all cases, after a violation, the opponent accepts the existing position on the table.

Cue ball close to object ball

In this case, the player has the right:

1. Place the touching balls: red - on the back mark, your cue ball - on the front mark and the opponent's cue ball - on the center mark;

2. Make a shot away from the object ball, i.e. the cue ball must touch the side or free object ball, and then the object ball with which it was standing closely. An incorrectly executed shot away from the ball is a mistake. If step 1 is selected and the corresponding point is occupied, then the ball is placed on the point intended for the interfering object ball.

The cue ball is close to the board

If the cue ball is close to the board, playing from that side is allowed. However, if the rules of the game provide for a certain number of collisions with the boards, the first collision with this board is not taken into account. If the collision occurs a second time, it is counted. Subsequent collisions with the same side are also counted.

"Single breasted carom"

Rules of the game

A targeted effective strike will give the right to continue the series. When making a shot, it is necessary that the cue ball, before or after impact with an object ball, touches one or more sides, and then another object ball. Otherwise - a fine. For each mistake, one point is deducted from the current account.

"Three-breasted carom"

Purpose of the game

Be the first to score a certain number of points (30–60). For each correct successful hit, 1 point is awarded.

Successful hit:

If the cue ball touches an object ball and then three or more beads and hits a second object ball;

If the cue ball touches three or more boards and then two object balls;

If the cue ball touches a board, then an object ball, and then two or more boards and hits another object ball;

If the cue ball touches two or more boards, an object ball, and then one or more boards and hits another object ball.


Performed in accordance with general rules.

For a strike made in violation, a penalty is declared, the right to strike passes to the opponent and no points are counted.

Rules of the game

1. Each successful strike will give the right to continue the series.

2. An error (foul) is declared for jumping balls.

3. If the object ball is close to the board, then when performing a deliberate play, it is necessary that after the cue ball hits the object ball, either the cue ball touches any side, or the object ball reaches another board.

Fine for violations

The series ends and the points are not counted (but not deducted).

"Open Party"

Rules of the game

The game is played up to 400–500 points. When the balls collide, it is not necessary for the cue ball to touch the sides. Each carom is worth 1 point. The red ball is placed on point 3, the opponent's cue ball is placed on point 1. The initial shot is made according to the general rules. The carom can be made from the ball and from the sides.


Triangular zones are outlined in the corners of the table, within which only one carom can be made, and then it is necessary to make a shot, after which the partner’s red ball or cue ball must leave this zone to further continue the series of shots. If the ball does not leave the zone, then the blow goes to the partner, but no penalty is taken.


There are several general rules for Russian billiards.

The game begins with the placement of balls. A set of fifteen white balls, numbered 1-15, are placed on a pool table. Using a triangle, they are placed close to each other, positioned in such a way that the front ball is on a mark located in the center of the back half of the playing field of the table, and the base of the pyramid is parallel to the short board.

Any game of billiards begins with a hit, not surprising, because it is one of the main components of the game. Accordingly, there are several types of strikes and related actions and are classified in terms of correct or incorrect strikes.
The start of the shot is considered to be when the heel of the cue touches the cue ball. Impact – i.e. a strong push of the cue ball and, as a result, the subsequent movement of the ball or balls - the beginning of the game. The contact of the cue ball with the object ball is a prerequisite for any correct shot. The end of the blow should be considered the stopping of all balls over the entire surface of the table, including balls rotating in one place. A cue strike on the cue ball (the ball on which the cue is struck) is performed with the heel of the cue in the direction of its longitudinal axis. In this case, a mandatory condition must be observed in which one of the player’s feet must be on the floor or touching it. If this rule is violated, the player is fined. At the moment of impact, all balls must be motionless. Popped, incorrectly pocketed balls must be placed in random order on the ball line from the back mark towards the back board.

There are also several types of shots in billiards. They are divided into simple and complex:
Simple- these are klapshtos, roll, guy, right and left sideways.
"Klapstoss" - the main blow, a blow to the center of the cue ball. This blow is based on the law of physics: a ball moving on a plane, hitting another, equal to it not only in mass and volume, but also in elasticity, inevitably stops in place, at the point of contact, and he transfers his speed of movement and its direction to another, to the one he hit.
"Roll up" - a shot to the top point strictly above the center of the cue ball; it is considered one of the easiest in the game.
"Guy" - a blow to the lower point strictly below the center of the cue ball. With this type of blow, 2 forces act: this is the force of the blow, forcing the ball to move forward and the force of reverse rotation, acting because the blow is struck at a point of the ball located below the center.
"Right side" - strike to the middle point on the right side of the cue ball.
"Left side" - strike to the middle point on the left side of the cue ball.

Difficult blows are considered:
“Upper right side kick” is a shot to the top point on the right side of the cue ball.
“Upper left side kick” is a shot to the top point on the left side of the cue ball.
“Lower right side kick” is a shot to the low point on the right side of the cue ball.
“Lower left side kick” is a shot to the low point on the left side of the cue ball.

A penalty is imposed for an incorrect shot in billiards. Illegal hits include:
1) Double punch– double contact of the heel of the cue with the ball on which the strike is made;
2) pushed through– occurs when the contact of the cue heel is delayed until the cue ball hits the object ball;
3) pressure– one of the prohibited shots when the player, having placed the end of the cue against the cue ball, which is standing close to another ball near the pocket, gradually presses forward and thereby causes the latter to fall into the pocket;
4) miss called an unsuccessful shot in which the cue ball did not touch any of the object balls.

The second main component in billiards is the position of the ball. The position of the ball is determined by the position of its center relative to the markings of the playing table. A ball that is exactly on the home line (a straight line drawn through the front mark parallel to the front board) is considered to be located outside it relative to the player taking the stroke.

Equipment for playing Russian billiards must strictly comply with certain technical characteristics required by the Federation of Russian Billiards. The basic rules are:
1. table size should be 3600 x 1800 mm;
2. ball size - 68-70 mm;
3. corner pockets measuring 72 + 1 mm;
4. medium pockets - 80 + 1 mm.

In order to start the game, you need to determine which of the players will break the pyramid, so the first strike is drawn. Participants in the game stand at the front board on different sides of the longitudinal line. They determine which place to stand by drawing lots or by agreeing among themselves. Having placed one ball in the house (part of the gaming table), the players simultaneously take a shot and send the balls to the back board. The right to strike first goes to the one whose ball stops closer to the front edge of the playing table.

If both balls stop at an equal distance from the sides, the draw is repeated. The winner can take the shot himself or give his right to his opponent.

The draw is considered lost in several cases:
a) the ball did not touch the tailgate;
b) the ball touched the long side;
c) the ball fell into a pocket or jumped out;
d) the ball crossed the longitudinal line.

If the draw fails, it is repeated again. The player who receives the right to strike first must break the pyramid. This kick is called the kickoff kick. Breaking the pyramid is considered correct under the following conditions: if one of the balls is pocketed, three object balls have touched the side, 2 balls have touched the boards and one of them has crossed the center line.

The ball is considered to be correctly pocketed, i.e. played if it falls into the pocket as a result of a legal shot. Any blow (except for the initial one) is considered correct if none of the provisions of the Rules set forth by the Russian Billiards Federation is violated.

In addition, after the cue ball hits one of the object balls, any of the balls on the playing surface of the table:
1) is pocketed or reflected from any side, and then
a) touches the other side or
b) brings any ball to the other side; or
c) touches any ball that is close to the other side.
2) crosses the center line, and:
a) touches any side;
b) brings any ball to any side;
c) touches any ball that is close to any side.
3) The ball is reflected from any side and then:
a) crosses the center line;
b) rolls any ball over it.

All correctly played balls are removed from the pockets and placed on a special shelf, and the player gets the right to make another shot. A ball that is reflected from the pocket bracket onto the playing surface of the table is not considered played. If from the moment the strike begins until the moment it is completed, at least one rule is violated, then all balls that fall into the pockets as a result of this strike are considered incorrectly pocketed. All illegally pocketed balls are not counted and are put out. Sometimes the ball hangs over the pocket. If a ball hanging over a pocket spontaneously falls into the pocket, in the event that it was hit by one of the balls set in motion, after the end of the strike or the shaking of the table, then all the balls are set with maximum accuracy in their previous positions and the strike is repeated. If a moving ball stops at the edge of a pocket and then falls into the pocket before the end of that stroke, it is considered to have fallen into the pocket due to the stroke being made.

Fines are imposed on a player in the following cases:
in the event that the cue ball did not touch any of the object balls upon impact;
in the event that after a hit the cue ball jumps overboard;
if the next blow is made before the completion of the previous blow;
if, when hitting the cue ball, none of the player’s feet touches the floor;
when touching any ball on the playing surface of the table before, during or after a strike - with a cue, machine, hand, clothing, etc.;
for making an illegal hit on the cue ball;
when hitting a nearby object ball incorrectly;
when making a push hit on an object ball that is more than ½ of the radius of the ball from the cue ball, when the player excessively delays the contact time of the cue sticker with the cue ball and simultaneously pushes the cue ball and the played object ball;
in a double shot, when the cue stick touches the cue ball twice;
for performing a pressure shot, when the cue ball squeezes the object ball away from the board;
in the event that when hitting from the hand from the house, the cue ball touches any object ball located in the house;
when striking not with the cue ball;
when the cue ball falls into a pocket;
if, when hitting from home, the player, despite the referee’s warning, takes the cue ball beyond the house line, moves the body beyond the extension of the outer wall of the long side, or makes a shot from the opposite side of the table;
when interfering with an opponent's game.

The blow assigned by the rules of this game is called a return.
1. Popped up ball
A ball that flies off the playing surface of the table upon impact and does not fall into the pocket is considered to have jumped out.
After the shot, the object ball that pops up is placed on the back mark without imposing a penalty on the player. In this case, all pocketed balls are counted.
According to the rules, a penalty is imposed when the cue ball pops up. Then the played balls are not counted, and the cue ball is placed on the playing surface of the table.
In addition, a penalty is imposed when a released ball touches a cue on the table surface or hits a player. This is a violation of the rules. Such a ball can become popped up, or return to the playing surface of the table and remain in the game.
In this case, the ball bounces off the top of the board, pocket bracket or lighting fixture. In this case, no violation of the rules occurs.

2. Placing balls
Unordered, illegally pocketed and popped object balls are placed on the back mark. When the back mark is occupied, balls are placed in two ways. The first way is on a longitudinal line towards the backboard, next to the interfering ball. The second method is towards the central mark, if the indicated place is already occupied.
When placing several balls, the first one is placed as described, and the rest are placed close together.

4. Prohibition of the use of billiard equipment
To determine the distance (between the balls, the ball and the side) it is forbidden to use billiard equipment (with the exception of a cue).

5. Entry of the opponent into the game
After a violation of the rules, or when the ball was not pocketed by the player, the opponent enters the game.
The opponent may require the player to take another stroke if the player has been penalized.

6. Opponent interference
Opponent interference occurs if the opponent makes a stroke out of turn or touches the ball. The referee fines him, returns the balls to their original position and the game resumes.

7. Intervention by an outsider
The position of the balls may change as a result of the actions of an unauthorized person or any emergency circumstances (falling of a lighting fixture). In this case, the game continues after the referee restores the previous position of the balls.
The game is suspended until the bystander leaves if he interferes with the game intentionally.

8. Unfixed winnings
Occurs when the game continues after one of the opponents has won (for example, played 8 balls). Once this is discovered, he is awarded victory. A fine imposed after an unrecorded win is not taken into account. Victory is awarded even if, after the player’s unfixed win, his opponent also finished the game.

Probably, it’s worth starting with what distinguishes Russian billiards from all other types? First of all, these are cool tables:

The classic table for RB (Russian billiards) is considered to be a table measuring 12 feet, although there are other sizes, but it is not at all the same.

A distinctive feature of Russian billiards from any other billiards is that the ratio of the size of the pocket to the ball is almost 1:1. The diameter of the ball in Russian billiards is 68–68.5 mm, and the width of the corner pocket is 72 mm, the middle pocket is 82 mm. For comparison, in American pool the diameter of the ball is 57mm, and the opening of the average pocket is already ~130mm. And yes, don’t confuse a bar pool with a professional one. On a professional pool table, two balls cannot fit into a pocket.

Of course, putting balls into such pockets is somewhat more difficult than in a pool, although there are some tricks that I will try to tell you about.

First of all, it is the force of impact. This, perhaps, is exactly why I and many others love Russian billiards. It’s hard to put into words the pleasant feeling when someone else’s (a white object ball) flies into the pocket with a pop. However, strong hits in the RB are used to “push” the ball into the pocket, thereby compensating for inaccuracy when hitting. The whole point is that the stronger the blow, the greater the chance of the ball falling into the pocket, although you shouldn’t hit like crazy either, otherwise you will simply tear off the bracket of the pocket with a dozen accurate and strong hits “under the iron”. This, by the way, also has its own special thrill, but the owner of the billiard club clearly will not be happy, although this is not damage to property.

The second feature I personally think is playing the brother-in-law. In pool, snooker, carom, when a brother-in-law ("Brother-in-law" is a cue ball, in RB it is red or yellow) hits the pocket, a fine is taken from the player, and in popular games on RB the ball is counted, moreover, in "Nevskaya" (Dynamic ) pyramid is one of the most important balls.

It seems that we need to talk about what kind of games are played on Russian billiards in most clubs. The goal of popular Russian billiards games is to score 8 balls faster than your opponent does.

Free pyramid "American"

The essence of the game is very simple: opponents play with any ball (both cue ball and white) any ball in any pocket. Those. you can hit everything you see on the table. Usually, this is the game that beginners start playing because... it is the simplest and most understandable. The peculiarity of this game is that there are no “quiet brothers-in-law” and there is a “one-sided approach”. Rolling into one goal is a game in which a player, having pocketed an object ball, rolls the cue ball to the pocket, and then repeats the entire procedure. And so 8 times. You can see what it looks like here:

Dynamic pyramid, also known as "Neva"

The game is played with one ball (cue ball), you can pocket both other people's balls and your own. When playing someone else's ball into a pocket, everything happens like in an American game, the ball is immediately placed on the player's shelf. Everything looks a little more complicated when playing a brother-in-law. If a player pockets his brother-in-law, then the ball is removed from the pocket, the player removes any white ball from the playing field onto his shelf, and he plays “from his hand,” i.e. places the cue ball anywhere on the table that he deems necessary.

True, after such a trick you can only pocket someone else's ball. That is why this game is most often played according to this system: friend-foe-friend-foe. Quite an interesting game that allows you to simultaneously practice pocketing your own and other people's balls. An example of this game can be seen here:

Combined pyramid "Moscow"

One of the most popular games for money in Russian billiards. The game is played with one ball (cue ball), it is allowed to pocket both your own and other people's balls. It differs from Neva in that when playing against a brother-in-law, the billiard player does not place the ball anywhere on the table, but plays “from home.” "Home" in Russian billiards is the place on the table from where the initial shot is made. Highlighted in red in the picture:

Next there are 2 options for the development of events. If you play according to the “old” rules, then your opponent will take the ball off your shelf. Of course, he will try to remove the most convenient ball for you, thereby complicating the game for you. When playing according to the “new” rules, the player himself removes any object ball from the field, as in the Neva Pyramid.

Another difference from the Neva Pyramid is that a player from home can play any ball. At least someone else's, at least your own. The only condition is that the player can only play balls that are outside the house. You can see how professionals do it here:


Everything is the same as the Moscow pyramid, only the number of players is more than 2 and the game is played until the last ball is pocketed. Collective farm is most often played for money, the rules are the same as in the Moscow pyramid, although there are nuances. I will try to explain with a clear example: 3 people are playing.

We agreed to play for 1000 rubles per ball. After the draw, the order of players was as follows:
1) Peter
2) Ivan
3) Victor

The robbery of the pyramid will be carried out by Peter (as the first player). Peter breaks the pyramid, after which Ivan enters the game. Because the dachshund lover hit poorly, Ivan immediately scored 11 balls, after which he bounced back. Victor was able to finish the game from a difficult position and score 5 balls. Yes, yes, exactly 5, because... The last potted ball on the collective farm counts as two. And now the guys start counting the points. Because Ivan played after Peter, it turns out that he scored balls for him, i.e. Peter's score will be -11. Ivan’s score will be +6 (he scored 11 balls and 5 balls were scored on him), but Victor didn’t score anything, he still had +5. Thus, Peter will put 11,000 rubles (11*1000) on the billiard table, of which Ivan will take 6,000 for himself, and Victor will take the remaining 5,000. The game is extremely interesting, especially if the draw is done anew in each game.

But there are nuances, so we will smoothly move on to the tricks when playing for money and the features in general.

Wagering on Russian billiards

As a rule, before the game, players agree not only on the game they will play, but also on the rules of wagering (Walking is a shot in which the player deliberately does not play the ball into the pocket, but he will not be charged a penalty). Agree, if you left behind a difficult position on the table, from which your opponent could get out by simply rolling the cue ball to the object ball, it would be of little interest to play. The classic way to win back in Russian billiards is to complete one of the points after the cue ball hits the object ball:

  1. Rolling the middle of the table and touching one side
  2. Side touch and middle roll
  3. Touching two sides.

By agreement of the players, there may also be other wagering rules, but this is quite rare. Most often they are guided by the above rules. If the opponent does not comply with the wagering rule, then a fine is taken from him. The fine also depends on the game you are playing, or by prior arrangement. Classic penalties are something like this:

  1. In American, the opponent of the penalized player removes any ball from the field onto his shelf, after which he either takes a position on the table or can force the player to continue playing.
  2. In the Neva pyramid, you have the right to remove the ball to your shelf, then take a position on the table and play, or force your opponent to continue playing. Another option in the Neva Pyramid, when the player can play from his hand. In this case, the player simply takes the cue ball and places it anywhere on the table, after which he can only pocket the object ball. In this case, you cannot give the position to the penalized player.
  3. In the Moscow pyramid, according to the old rules, a fined player places a ball from his shelf onto a point (in the picture above this is point No. 3), according to the new rules, you remove any ball from the field to your shelf, after which you can take a position on the table, or you can force opponent to play further.

Commercial billiards

In fact, this is nothing more than a game for money. They play different games, with different conditions, for example, playing on a handicap. If the players’ playing levels are different, then they can agree on a handicap. There are 16 balls in total on the table, but at the end of the game there will always be 1 ball left, so there are 15 balls in the game. Handicap conditions are usually made multiples of 15. For example, 9:7. There are exceptions, for example 9:6 or even 9:5. The maximum handicap is 14:1. But with such a game, even with specific bags it is extremely difficult to win games.

You can also play with a cash handicap (this is extremely rare). For example, a weak player bets 500 rubles, and a strong player 1000. If a strong player wins, then he will receive only 500 rubles from the weak one, but if the weak player wins the game, the strong one will have to give 1000.

Handicap "different games". Everything is simple here. For example, one player plays according to the American rules, the second according to the rules of the Neva pyramid. It practically never occurs when playing for money.

Handicap "deck cue". A player with obviously better technique may agree to play not with his cue, but with a deck cue (this is a public cue in any billiard room).
Well, there are many other options, it all depends on your imagination.

Impact mechanics

Strictly speaking, the mechanics and calculation of an impact consists of several parts.

The first, main part is to decide what and where we will play. for starters, these are someone else’s and your own balls, abrekoli and other pseudo-fools only later.

For other people's balls, the shorter the distance from the ball to the pocket, and the smaller the angle, the greater the likelihood of hitting the pocket.

In general, the main thing in a strike is its maximum probability of implementation.
this probability increases:
a) on the convenience of the location of the resulting ball
b) from the convenience of the cue ball location
c) from the convenience of placing your hands (usually follows from the previous paragraph)

Having chosen the easiest and most promising shot, a good billiard player allows one ball to end up in the pocket, and gives the other a conscious movement. For wagering or withdrawal on the next strike.

So, the shot is chosen (let’s say it’s someone else’s ball into the middle pocket at a slight angle), the beginning for someone else’s shot is very standard for shots that do not require rotation of the hit ball: we combine the centers of the cue ball and the hit ball, make sure that the cue goes straight and parallel to the table at the moment releasing the impulse, after which we seem to perform a blow.

No, it’s too simple, my friends and I call these games “the elephants ran.” when opponents hit you head on, trying to knock out the arc of the pocket :) after combining the centers, the moment of complete control of the cue ball after the hit comes. if you hit the ball higher, it goes into a roll. below the ball - into a rollback (the cue is parallel to the table, this is very important!). We move to the left of the center - the ball rotates to the left, to the right - to the right. The rebound angle also helps to impart forward rotation; if we do not hit the balls head-on, the cue ball will move to the rear half-plane of the impact.

What to play

Before telling “how to play”, it would probably be appropriate to talk about what to play with. You can try to play Russian billiards with a pool cue, but it is difficult to get pleasure from such a game. As a rule, general cues are curved in themselves, and even a curved sphere on a sticker is often found. This is what a general cue looks like:

In the right hands, in principle, he can play. But it's complete shit.

Choosing a cue for a beginner. First of all, cues for Russian billiards come from different types of wood. There is no point in talking about expensive and elite breeds; when your level of play comes to the point where you need an expensive cue, you yourself will understand these breeds better than me.

Personally, in my opinion, Wenge wood is extremely suitable for beginners. This is a cheap material, quite dense and easy to maintain. This is what I recommend, because... it suits most players.

Now about the drinking. The most common cuts on cues are “Classic” (Viennese), tulip, infinity and crown. It’s the same here as with a tree. For example, classic is the cheapest, and infinity is considered elite (though not for everyone). The cue may have no grooves at all, but these are, as a rule, the cheapest and most shitty examples.

Composition of the cue. The cue can be non-separable, two-piece or three-piece. For a beginner, a two-part one is more than enough; I personally don’t like the three-part one in any variant.

Why two-part? Everything is simple here: ease of transportation. I untwisted it, put it in a case and went home with it. A non-separable cue will not fit into every bowl.

Masters making cues. The question is very complex, there are many of them in Russia, they all have their own characteristics. Probably each region has its own masters, it’s better to contact them, they will also select individual cue parameters to suit your height and style of play.

How to learn to play billiards

If you just come to the club, it’s unlikely that someone there will show you the stance, the technique of striking, and tell you secrets. According to this, there are only 2 options: learn on your own, or go to a trainer.

I followed the first option and came to Russian billiards through the pool. The first time I got my hands on a cue was at a friend’s birthday party, we got very drunk and went to play pool, not even knowing the rules of the game. I became extremely interested in billiards and it started. What I can recommend from myself:

1. Video tutorials. I watched a lot of different video lessons not only on RB but also on pool. For example, I can recommend watching lessons with Ralph Eckert. Everything is told in detail and in an accessible way, although the technique is Pulovsky. But if you put your head to it, everything is quite simply transferred to Russian billiards.

When you more or less learn to hit the balls, and then these balls begin to fall into pockets, you need to learn to play smart billiards: correctly assess the position, recoup, make an exit. Recovering (i.e. placing the cue ball/object ball into a specific area on the table after pocketing) is one of the most important skills. If you make a quality exit, you have every chance of winning. Watch the game of any professionals, how they control the balls on the table. Notice that 90% of their shots are simple straight and obvious balls. The player himself plays out a simple position by exiting. It is because of the exit that the parties are taken away from the cue. I watched videos of different matches, you can often see how and in what way the player placed the ball at one point or another. What kind of screw was it, the impact force, and so on. Then I just came to the club and practiced a certain shot until it started to work out. Gradually, everything will work out for everyone, I assure you.

Another important point in RB is role-playing. Giving your opponent a difficult board position is important for many reasons. Firstly, you will be able to observe his behavior, how he will get out of an ambush. Will the brother-in-law attack a single ball across the entire table, or will his brother-in-law prefer to roll it quietly? Will he consider crazy shots in principle? In my practice, it is in roleplaying that one learns the entire level of the opponent’s play. Secondly, it’s difficult to score anything from a difficult position; it’s like additional insurance. Try to pick the ball out of the pocket at least 2-3 times in a row, it will fuck anyone up. Thirdly, sooner or later, by outplaying your opponent, you will probably force him to make a mistake, after which you can spin some good series.

To practice positional play and role-playing, I recommend watching Evgeniy Stalev play. For spying on the masonry: Yaroslav Tarnovetsky, Alexander Palamar, Artur Pivchenko, etc.

I advise all newbies to watch the first four minutes. At 3 minutes 52 seconds, supposedly the best Russian billiards player, Stalev, demonstrates what the meaning of playing Russian billiards is.