GTA san andreas bigfoot. Myths and legends in GTA San Andreas. rusty wheelchair

Secrets of GTA 5 were no exception, harboring, like the previous parts of the Grand Theft Auto, a large number of secret places and surprises from the developers. And since the genre of Easter eggs in games itself was born a very long time ago, a decent amount of secrets has accumulated.

Since the game came out very large, this article will probably not have the status of “one hundred percent completed” very soon, so you can bookmark it and check it once a week as it is filled and new finds.

Version 1.0.3 There are spoilers

1. Luke from Lost.

Under the water there is a hatch that shines with a bright light. If you watched the TV series "Lost", then your heart should respond with sweet languor. If you get close to the hatch, you will die almost instantly.

However, it can be observed from a safe distance. It is located here:

East of the map. You can get there by submarine or boat and with equipment.

2. The skeleton of a giant sea monster (or whale).

It is also under water. What it is? Opinions vary. Some say that this is the skeleton of a huge monster, such as the Loch Ness monster. Others prefer a more reasonable explanation and say that this is the skeleton of a whale.

Located here:

West of the map. You can get there by submarine or boat and with equipment.

3. UFO underwater.

As in, in GTA 5 the cult of UFOs, flying saucers, extraterrestrial life and all that other stuff is very developed. About this, in the future, a separate article will be published on our website. In the meantime, we can see with our own eyes the crash of an unidentified flying object under water.

It is located here:

North of the map. You can get there by submarine or boat and with equipment.

4. The Ghost of Mount Gordo.

Appears at night, from 23:00 to 00:00 on Mount Gordo (Gordo), north of the lighthouse. Disappears if you get too close. Next to the ghost, in blood, is written Jock. Related to letter scraps (GTA 5 collectibles). If you search the internet for "Who Killed Lenora Johnson?" you will find another article called "Blood on the Rocks".

The article tells that this is the ghost of Jolene Cranley-Evans and that her husband is suspected of pushing her into the abyss. The husband's name is Jock Cranley. He later moved to Los Santos, became a famous stuntman, and is currently the governor of the state of San Andreas.

In one of the Strangers and Freaks missions, he works for Nigel, for which he needs to steal the things of celebrities. Nigel mistakes Trevor for Jock and is completely convinced of this until the end of the mission.

5. Bigfoot.

For a long time, Bigfoot (bigfoot) was one of the most, at least in Russia. One way or another, Rockstar Games introduced Bigfoot into GTA 5.

References to games, movies, music:
- In Chamberlain Hills, there is an inscription on the wall "Welcome Back - We missed you last time" ("Welcome - We missed you"), which is a reference to the past of Los Santos in the world.
- If you carefully examine Franklin's house in Vinewood, you can find the book "Red Dead" there, the author of which is a certain D. Marston (the name of the main character of Red Dead Redemption).
- Los Santos Country Club was established in 1992. In the same year, GTA SA takes place.
- All over the city there are billboards from the TV show "Rehab Island", which is a parody of " Dead Island”, only the palm tree is replaced by a marijuana leaf.
- San Andreas Flight School was founded in 2004, the same year GTA SA was released.
- On the east side of Del Perro Pier there is an inscription on the wall: "Nothing to see here - groove along" and a smiling face, which is essentially a reference to similar graffiti in and.
- Floyd's apartment, Trevor's first apartment in Los Santos, is a replica of Melanie's apartment from Quetin Tarantino's Jackie Brown.
- There's a clothing store near Trevor's apartment that sells a jacket that says "Champagne Driver Blouson" and has a crab on the back. This is a reference to the movie "Drive", only there the hero had a jacket with a scorpion.
- In the "Sub Urban" store you can buy a Hawaiian shirt, like Payne in Max Payne 3.
- In the first heist, Lester refers to an Eastern European guy who lives quietly in Liberty City. Perhaps this is a reference to Niko from GTA 4, who apparently retired.
- Jimmy is browsing the LifeInvader page while sitting at the kitchen table in the house.
- You can find the QUB3D arcade machine from GTA 4 in the mission "Willie's Souvenir" if you go down to the basement of the house.
- Lester has a poster with an image of a flying saucer and the words "Accept the truth", which is a reference to " X-Files».
- There are several billboards with a woman Toni, who was a DJ at the radio station in the first three-dimensional parts grand theft Auto, for example, in .
- In the Sandy Desert there are several stones with the number 8. And one of them says “One - it was done, two - it will be fun, three - tried to escape, four - called himself mom again, five - does not live, six - reborn, seven - settled in heaven, eight - we will not wait and we will not ask ”[ GRC note: this is our free translation, in the original "One is done, Two was fun, Three tried to run, Four called mom, Five "s not alive, Six is ​​nix, Seven" s in heaven, 8 won "t wait"]. This is a reference to the Freddy Krueger films, but, among other things, this reveals.

- plays "Righteous Slaughter 7", which is a parody of Call of Duty and various zombie shooters.
- The Big Deal mission is a reference to the movie The Italian Job.
- There is a song on the radio "Smoke and Ride", which is a nod to the heroes GTA San Andreas - Big Smoke and Ryder.
- If you go to the Yellow Jack Bar in Sandy Desert, behind the counter you can see several fake bills, which depict a girl who was on the disks with the game Grand Theft Auto San Andreas.
- In the Sandy Desert, there is an electrical panel that says 1.21 GW - that's how many gigawatts it took to power the DeLorean in Back to the Future.
- There are at least two posters of Heisenberg and wanted, which is a nod to Breaking Bad. For example, he hides behind a lampshade.
- If you dial 948-555-0100 on your phone, you will hear the sound of the Internet dialer. Interestingly, we used the same phone in GTA 4 to call ZiT to determine the tune from the radio.
- In Lester's house (and not only), on the bookshelf, there is a book "Surveillance" ("Under observation") with the image of Carl Johnson from GTA San Andreas. It was written by Emily Cross, who apparently is either the wife or relative of OG Loc, since his real name is also Cross.

- Available for PC, PS4 and Xbox One, the main character has the opportunity to visit the skin of any animal. For this you need.

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Myths and legends in GTA San Andreas is one of the most discussed topics of the game. A huge number of people write on special forums about which sacraments have been confirmed, and which have remained fiction.

In this article, we will learn about the most popular and entertaining myths of the game.


The most popular myth of the game is the presence of such a creature as Bigfoot. Those players who came up with this legend, most likely, were impressed by the spacious and deserted beauties of Whetstone. Back in 2005, one of the game's developers confirmed that Bigfoot was not in the game, and never was. After this statement, rumors about bigfoot still did not stop. Avid gamers claimed that Bigfoot was only in the PlayStation 2 version, but there was no evidence of this, so it does not apply to confirmed stories.

By the way, there is an opportunity to download the mod of this sacrament for GTA San Andreas. The purpose of the mod is to hunt Bigfoot.

Ghost inscription

This sacrament has been confirmed. This phenomenon really takes place in the cemetery of Los Santos. If you approach one of the walls at night, the inscription "Families 4 Life" will miraculously appear on it. During the day, the inscription disappears without a trace.

Satanic cross

There is a rumor that if you go into the basement of one of the houses in Los Santos, then at midnight you can see graffiti in the form of a Satanic cross. The rumor was discussed for a long time, as there was even an image proving the presence of graffiti. The myth was debunked when it was revealed that the screenshot was a fake.

TV girl

One of the scariest stories ever. It began in 2006, when a video appeared on the Internet in which a completely black girl crawled out of the TV in CJ's house. There are two versions of the explanation of what is happening:

  • a game crash that miraculously ended up with a pedestrian in the game;
  • additional installed mod.

Until now, it has not been clarified what it really is.

Old woman

The essence of the story is that if you park your car near one of the graves of Los Santos at night and walk from the cemetery, then your own car will overtake you, in which an incomprehensible old woman will sit.


There is a strange version that claims that the real Loch Ness monster lives in Fisherman's Lagoon. With a probability of 99%, this is a fiction, since the Laguna is very small and it is very difficult not to notice a monster in it.


Some players claim to have seen sharks in the game. Certainly in gta files San Andreas meets a shark, but the developers never implemented it. Most likely, this is a lie, or the players confused the shark with the dolphin.

The Ghost of Carl's Mother

There is a legend that in the interval from 20:00 to 03:00, the ghost of CJ's mother walks around Carl's house or the Los Santos cemetery. There is no evidence of this, but some players claim that they have repeatedly seen her ghost.

rusty wheelchair

There is a small pier at the Fisherman's Lagoon Pier. At the end of it is a rusty carriage. If you look closely, you can see "2:30 PM" and "5:30 PM" on wheels. What this time means is still unknown.

These are some of the most interesting and unusual myths and legends. On various sites there are myth cards, using which you can check this or that legend. Many legends have not yet been confirmed or refuted. Who knows, maybe you are the player who will reveal the secret of some myth.

In addition, a huge number of mods have been created based on many legends. Mod developers were simply inspired by the scary stories about the game and brought them to life.

After the game is completed in 100 percent, in the state nature reserve, located at the foot of Mount Chilliad, an icon will appear on the map, marking a bonus task for Franklin (the task is only available to Franklin, since he is the only one who is guaranteed to remain alive after completing the story game campaigns).

It is noteworthy that the mission may not become available immediately upon reaching 100 percent in the statistics of passing the game, but some time later, and it is likely that you will have to wait several in-game weeks. However, as a rule, the task appears either immediately or in a day or two.

Even if the mission does not appear immediately, it will not be difficult to find an interesting activity that will brighten up the wait. And as soon as a task marker appears on the map, you can switch to Franklin and go there. If you do not want to wait, you can speed up the receipt of the mission. To do this, you need to go to GTA Online, and then return to the story mode by switching to Franklin directly from the online game mode - the quest marker will already be waiting for him at the southern slope of Mount Chilliad.

"The Remaining" (The Last One)

In the forest near the Raton Canyon, Franklin will meet a hunter resembling the hunter from Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare - an add-on to another game from Rockstar Games, available, unfortunately, exclusively on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles.

The Yeti Hunter will tell you that for the last eight years he has been trying to catch the Yeti in the local forests. More than once he saw the mysterious Bigfoot from afar, but he never succeeded in making a successful shot - the agile Bigfoot was hiding in the thicket. The hunter will tell you that he saw a fresh droppings of Bigfoot in a low place not far from here, and will send Franklin to inspect the heap. The path is not close, so it would be logical to overcome it on a buggy parked nearby, but one of the conditions for obtaining “gold” as a result of this task is to get to the place on foot. Well, on foot so on foot.

After examining the excrement of the yeti, Franklin will notice at the edge of the snowman himself. Sasquatch will jump out of the thickets and immediately hide behind the nearest trees. Bigfoot is marked with a red dot on the mini-map, so it's easy to keep track of it. As soon as he appears again, you need to shoot - to get "gold", you need to hit the yeti at least three times when he runs from bush to bush, trying to hide from the person.

At the same time, we must not forget that the forest is a dangerous place. Hearing the close howls of the cougar, which are found in abundance here, you need to switch to a wild cat - it will instantly kill Franklin if you do not shoot it. And to get the coveted "gold" in this mission, during the chase you need to kill at least four cougars.

It is worth noting that this is not the first time a yeti has appeared in the game - in story mission he could be seen playing as Michael aiming enemies from a helicopter through an infrared scope. However, then the bigfoot appeared only for a second, and then disappeared into the forest thicket, as if it had never existed. If you don’t know in advance, then you can wonder for a long time: “Did it seem or not?”.

After a few runs between bushes and trees, the yeti will finally collapse. The dashes themselves are scripted, and Bigfoot is invulnerable during them, so it doesn’t make sense to fire clip after clip at him - it’s enough to hit him three times, shooting every time the yeti appears again. Having fallen to the ground, the bigfoot will require the hunter to complete what he started and finish him off, the last representative of his species. What? Talking Yeti? No matter how. Another freak! Apparently, San Andres has a special attraction for a variety of eccentrics. How to deal with this unfortunate role-player after the mission is completed is up to you. You can finish it - he himself asked.

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The most common and popular myth about GTA San Andreas is the UFO, of course. To be honest, there are actually no UFOs in San Andreas.

But there are many gaming facts that seem to indicate this. This is the famous zone, and the restaurant at the entrance to it, and incomprehensible corpses in bags in the valley.

When the developers of Rockstar Games were asked directly about the UFOs in San Andreas, they immediately changed the subject. On another occasion, a spokesperson for the company said in an interview that " Initially, there are no UFOs in GTA San Andreas. However, there may be some content that we didn't fully remove from the game at release.».


The legend of Bigfoot in GTA San Andreas is associated with the car of the same name - Bigfoot. In one of the interviews, it was said that the game has Bigfoot (Bigfoot) and the fans took it literally.

For example, if Rockstar Games licensed cars, then the game could have a jaguar or a mustang.

Final status: a complete lie, although using Bigfoot can still be easily seen, but on four wheels

loch ness monster

One of the very first GTA San Andreas myths. It was assumed that the Fisher Lagoon, accessible to the player from the very beginning of the game, was inhabited by a monster similar to Loch Ness.

Rockstar later confirmed that the "Nessie" legend in San Andreas is a fake.

Final status: complete lie


Some people have claimed to have seen sharks in the waters of GTA San Andreas. Some said that the shark immediately attacked and killed Karl, others said that she simply sailed away on her own business.

The shark model actually exists in the game, but it looks more like a dolphin than a shark. And at a rare meeting with her, she, of course, does not touch CJ. This is just a model of the entourage, which can neither be killed nor "touched" like clouds in the sky.

Final Status: Misrepresentation

rusty wheelchair

It is located on the abandoned pier of Lake Fisher's Lagoon. Many believed that this wheelchair is a reference to the movie Texas Chainsaw Massacre, where one of the characters rode a similar wheelchair. But, most likely, the reference goes to Manhunt, Rockstar game Games, where this chair can be seen first.

But such a dialogue can be heard from passers-by in Palomino Creek:

- Have you seen that wheelchair moving?
- No and you?
- Me too. Bye!
- Bye!

The researchers of the rusty wheelchair have done a truly titanic work, trying to understand its essence. Some saw some numbers on the front wheels, deciding that they refer to some important event or time.

But in fact, the wheelchair has no secret, no matter how much one would like to believe in it. This is even evidenced by the fact that Rockstar Games reused a texture for it from another object (a garbage container), that is, without really bothering about it.

ghost car

Ghost Vortex
The myth is based on a game bug. In some rural areas of GTA San Andreas, abandoned cars can be found, whether this was done by accident or specifically for convenience so that the player can get out of the village without problems - unknown.

Something else is important. If the car is "thrown" on a slope or hillock, then it will roll down, as if someone invisible controls it. A ghostly Vortex can also be attributed to the same series, which suddenly appears in San Fierro, covered in a ghostly glow. The reason for this phenomenon is exactly the same - the script transport and it rolls off the coast, raising clouds of dust that can be mistaken for "fog" or radiance.

There is something else. Sometimes, if a driver is killed while driving, he does not fall out, but the car continues to drive, as if there was a living person behind the wheel.

Ghost of Beverly Johnson

This GTA San Andreas legend began with the discovery of "ghostly inscriptions" in a cemetery in Los Santos. These are inscriptions that appear there only at night, and this is not a legend or myth, but a fact.

And after that, a lot of people began to claim that the ghost of Beverly Johnson appears in the kitchen or in the living room of CJ's house in Ganton, exactly at midnight.

In fact, no ghost of Beverly Johnson exists, just as there is not a single video or photo confirmation of this fact. In addition, Rockstar has officially confirmed that there is no ghost in the game.

Final status: the truth, which is overgrown with lies

TV girl

This GTA San Andreas myth began with a video posted in 2006. On it, in the house of Carl Johnson, a completely black girl appears from the TV, who soon disappears. There is no other evidence of her presence in the game.

Therefore, there are two main versions of the girl from the TV - a game crash that spawned a pedestrian in the room, or a mod for the PC version of GTA San Andreas. It is the first version that seems most likely, since the contours of this figure are very similar to the models of the homeless from San Fierro with a sign on their chests “God is playing with us!”.

Final status: bug elevated to legend

Horses in GTA San Andreas

“In 1842, the 66th Cavalry, under the command of Colonel Henry Bolt, was stationed at nearby Fort Carson. They responded to a request for help from settlers who were under bandit fire. Heading to save people, the whole army collapsed into the gorge. They say that now every midnight passing through the city you can hear the sound of hundreds of horses…”.

No confirmation of this legend in the GTA game San Andreas is not.

Final status: a myth invented by the developers


The chainsaw killer is one of the scariest GTA San Andreas myths. It all started with the fact that people began to hear the sounds of a chainsaw in the Panopticon area. This strange sound, resounding in the fog, among abandoned barns and cut down trees, can definitely be heard in the first version of the game.

Further, the legend of the maniac began to be explored more deeply. He is said to live in a village near Shady Cabin, in the Panopticon. The maniac uses a chainsaw or firearms to kill their victims. He appears suddenly, from somewhere behind the house, and kills almost instantly.

Many people claim to have seen a maniac. But there is no evidence of its existence.

Most likely this is not true, returned on the basis of the vivid imagination of the players. With a high degree of probability, the famous maniac is the model from the mission "" ("Meat business"), which the developers decided to use outside. Or they simply did not foresee that a strange character would look ridiculous among the usual mass of residents of San Andreas.

Final status: a lie that could have been true

Phone booth in the desert or unknown call

There is evidence of a sudden meeting with a telephone booth right in the middle of the desert. The phone rings, the player comes up and picks up the phone, but no one is on the other end. And although this is one of the very first GTA San Andreas myths, it is still not clear - is it true?

The thing is that telephone booths are scattered around San Andreas, but they do not ring, they are made just for the entourage. Therefore, most likely, this myth is only partially true.

Final status: the truth, which is overgrown with lies

door to heaven

In fact, the door to the sky is yellow markers that are placed high, almost in the sky of San Andreas. They are created specifically for one of the missions to enter individual interiors.

Almost the same as "".

Final status: bug elevated to legend


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