GTA 5 100% walkthrough. Diversity in the world of GTA V after completing story missions. Everything according to the instructions

At the very beginning, the player enters a small snowy town. You need to manage in the prologue Michael, who will go through the first task along with Trevor, Brad and the driver. To start the passage of GTA 5 on PC, you need to go into the room and aim at a group of hostages who will get scared and run away to another room. Then prepare explosives and lay them anywhere in the room, get a mobile phone and click on "Explode". After that, you can quickly go for the money hidden in the vault.

The passage of GTA 5 on the PC continues, you just need to be extremely careful, because as soon as Michael runs out of the vault with the money, he will be instantly grabbed by a guard and put a gun to his head. At this moment, you should quickly switch to Trevor (if you don't know how to do this, carefully look at the screen and use the hints) and use a pistol to shoot the guard who grabbed Michael. Then you need to quickly run to the black exit. There will be an ambush from a detachment of cops, so it's better to keep sniper rifles in the wings. Having met with the police, it will be possible to choose the role of the characters: who goes on the attack, and who covers. Shooting back, run to the parked car, in which the driver has been waiting for a long time.

Then there will be a small cut-scene in which the driver is shot and Michael is forced to drive the car himself. As soon as control switches back to Michael, you should carefully monitor the navigator to drive on the right path (experienced players may not use GPS services). At the end of the path there will be a helicopter, but as soon as you get to it, a video will start, from which it will become known that the car with the heroes will not have time to slip through the railway tracks and a train will crash into its back. The heroes will crawl out of the car with great effort, but the Sniper will shoot the driver. The second bullet will hit Michael, who will insist that Trevor run away, but he does not listen to his friend and shoots back.

In the further passage of GTA 5 on the PC, control again passes to the player, who needs to destroy the cops who shot Brad. After several enemies are killed, you will again have to watch a cutscene that shows Trevor taking a woman hostage and running away from the cops, thinking that only he managed to escape. Then another scene will start, showing how Michael's family considers him dead and mourns.

After that, the video will show Michael's appointment with a personal psychoanalyst, in which he complains about life, talks about the past and many other painful things. After talking with a psychologist, Michael will go to the coast and meet with Franklin and Lamar, who will ask to see the hideout of a criminal.

Franklin and Lamar

  • the car must be delivered with minimal damage;
  • in the film studio, not a single alien should suffer;
  • Franklin has a special skill that he must use in 7 seconds;
  • arrive at the final destination ahead of Lamar.

In the further passage of GTA 5 on the PC, you need to control Franklin. He, along with his friend Lamar, find the mansion of the guy whose location was known to Michael. Then they effortlessly enter the yard. The main goal of the heroes is to steal two sports cars of red and white color. The player can choose the car he wants to drive in. It is worth noting that you need to decide as quickly as possible, otherwise Lamar will make a choice on his own.

Once behind the wheel, follow Lamar and try not to graze the rear ones too much, although tips will constantly pop up on the screen, which are a little distracting, but help to quickly get into the game. Once on the territory of the film studio, remember that it is impossible to shoot down actors dressed as aliens, so you should move very carefully until the very exit from its territory. Once in the parking lot, quickly step on the gas and overtake Lamar to get 100% for completing GTA 5. Having overtaken a friend, you will have to leave the police, but they will not pursue for a long time, so they will not cause many problems. Continuing the task, you need to come to the car dealership where Lamar and Franklin work, it is called Premium Deluxe Motorsport. Having driven into it, you will see the head of the heroes - Simon Etaryan, who will be busy selling a car stolen from Jimmy de Santa.

Then the passage of GTA 5 on PC is to approach the white Buffalo and go home on it (although the road will not be long, but you can earn $ 250). After you get the achievement for the mission, a message will come to the mail from Tanisha (Franklin's former lover, for whom he still has feelings).


  • complete a task with more than 70% shooting accuracy;
  • the task must be completed in 6 minutes 30 seconds;
  • destroy 6 enemies with headshots;
  • set fire to the gasoline track by shooting it.

Leaving the house, a call will be heard from Simon (Franklin's boss), who will ask you to come to work because of an urgent job. It turns out that you urgently need to steal one high-speed expensive bike from one of the members of the criminal gang. In order for the further passage of GTA 5 on the PC to be effective, you need to choose the best high-speed car for business. Go outside and look around, there is a car nearby, which, by the way, will be very easy to steal, because the doors will be open.

After stealing the car, head towards the Vespucci beach and, once in place, put the car in such a way that its hood is directed in the direction from which the hero arrived. Only after that you can quickly go to the garages and find the person standing on the right. He will take you to the garage, just be on the lookout, because you will not find a motorcycle in it, but other troubles will be added. Within a few seconds, after you enter the garage, vans will appear and begin dismantling. Lamar will not hesitate and almost immediately remove one of the bandits, and throw the barrel of the murdered Franklin.

In the further passage of GTA 5 on the PC, control will return to the player again and a shootout will begin. I advise you to constantly sit in cover and stick out only to make a shot. You can hide behind walls, containers and other objects, and when shooting, you need to try to aim at the head in order to get gold for the task at the end. Sooner or later, a car will appear, at which you need to shoot in such a way as to pierce the fuel tank. As soon as a trail of gasoline appears, aim and shoot it to blow everything and everyone up. At the same time, quickly jump into cover, because the explosion will be powerful. Continuing the passage of GTA 5 on PC, after the explosion, quickly destroy all the surviving enemies. Then run to the car left on the highway, and as soon as Lamar gets into the salon, get out of here as soon as possible. But suddenly one of the surviving vagos will block the path, which must be shot down. When you see a bike, take it to the car wash. It is worth noting that the stolen motorcycle will be taken by Lamar, so you need to expect trouble from the authorities.


To complete GTA 5 100%, this mission must be completed with several conditions:

  • Franklin's special skill must be used within 7 seconds;
  • complete the mission without seriously damaging Lamar's van;
  • to be in the shoes of Chop and look at the world around you for 7 seconds.

The passage of GTA 5 on PC 4 missions will begin with the fact that Lamar will come up and make one interesting offer. He will want to steal one of the members of the Ballas crime group and cash in on him a little. However, Franklin will doubt for a long time, it hurts him not to like this idea. Lamar will come not alone, but along with his dog Chop, whom the player can get to know. The Rottweiler will also take part in the challenge.

As soon as Frank agrees, control will switch to the player, so you need to move to Lamar's car. Get behind the wheel and drive carefully to get the gold at the end. Once in place, find that the gangster is sitting on a bike and will immediately begin to blow his legs. Do not get lost, quickly follow him, trying not to lag behind and not to hit the car hard. Sooner or later, a ballas will be hit by one bus, but he will not be at a loss, he will have time to hit the road to the railway station and sit in a shelter. In pursuit of the bandit, you need to stay as close to the dog as possible.

Continuing the passage of GTA 5 on the PC, go to the station and go to the railway track, look around and find the freight cars - it is behind one of them that the pursued is hiding. Chop will help in the search, so you need to move into it and look for a trace of the ballos for 10 seconds. After passing a couple of wagons, the Rottweiler will notice another dog and run to satisfy his lust. It is worth noting that you can not let him in until he finds a bandit, the choice is yours. Having kidnapped a person, return to your native land and do not be surprised that the kidnapped person recognized Lamar, so he will definitely have to be released. Then a friend will ask you to look after the dog and, in addition, give him a ride on a green bike stolen from a bandit.


For passing GTA 5 to 100% this mission must be completed with a few conditions:

  • complete the task in 5 minutes;
  • in stealth mode, send the gardener blacked out;
  • in a fight with Simon, take no damage.

The passage of GTA 5 on PC 5 of the mission will begin with the fact that Simon will send Franklin for a car that was sold by Jimmy de Santa a few days ago. The boss himself will be busy with a deal to sell a car, so you won’t be able to ask too many questions, you need to go to Jimmy’s house. On the way, the mobile phone will begin to ring, picking up the phone, it turns out that Simon has already sorted out his affairs and suddenly remembered that his subordinates did not deliver him the bike, which he ordered to steal earlier. He will threaten, but promises to soften the punishment after the execution of this assignment.

Once near de Santa's house, be careful because there are a lot of people there. I advise you to make every effort to remain unnoticed. It is best to go through the main entrance and carefully get close to the gardener, and then stun him to get gold at the end. Continuing the passage of GTA 5 on PC, you need to go around the house and get out in a car in order to jump onto the roof from it. There will be an open window through which you need to climb through and not move, because Tracy will leave the room and go downstairs. Once she's gone, run down the stairs as well and do a half turn to find the door leading to the garage.

Moving towards her, do not be afraid of Tracy and the tennis coach, they will be busy with their own affairs. But still it is better to move very carefully, without making unnecessary sounds. Having made your way into the garage, you need to quickly get into the car and leave the territory, heading for the car wash. Then you need to dial the authorities and report that the car was stolen. As soon as he says this, a cannon will suddenly appear near his head. He will have to say that he is just a performer.

The further passage of GTA 5 on the PC is to get to the salon at gunpoint, accelerate and break the window. After that, you will have to manage Michael, who will immediately get involved in a fight with Simon. I advise you to use Michael's special skill in battle, to slow down time so as not to get damaged. Having properly punished Simon, you can calmly exhale, the task ends on this episode.

Father and son

To complete GTA 5 100%, this mission must be completed with several conditions:

  • you need to spend no more than 10 seconds to save Jimmy;
  • Amanda's car must be delivered undamaged.

The passage of GTA 5 on PC 6 mission will begin with the fact that upon returning to Franklin, it will become known that he and his friend Lamar have been fired. Also, their boss will threaten violence, so you have to be on the alert. You need to manage the task by Michael, so open the map as soon as possible and move to his house. On the way, a bell will ring, it turns out that Jimmy (Michael's son) wanted to sell his yacht, but it was stolen, so he had to sit in one of the cabins, hiding from the criminals.

Quickly get behind the wheel of Michael's wife's car and catch up with the van carrying the yacht. Having got close, you need to give Frank a little time so that he can climb onto the van. Then charge the cannon and shoot one of the bandits that appears. Then, in the passage of GTA 5 on the PC, you need to get to the port side of the submarine, because that's where the mast to which Jimmy is tied will tilt. The car must be adjusted so that the boy gets into the back seat, he is given 10 seconds to do this. Once your son is in the car, pull up close to the van so Franklin gets back in the car too. After a friend lands in the seat, prepare for the car to stall, so the truck with the stolen yacht will soon simply disappear into the horizon. Michael will then ask his friend to call the taxi service and call for transport for him. And Frank and Jimmy will receive an assignment - to go to the service station and repair the car. This should not be a problem, because Frank has a good friend Hao working in the workshop. Having repaired the car, head to Michael's mansion to leave not only the car there, but also his son, who strives to become his best friend.

Stretch on the loose

To complete GTA 5 100%, this mission must be completed with several conditions:

  • complete the quest with at least 60% shooting accuracy;
  • complete the task within 10 minutes 30 seconds;
  • destroy 10 enemies with headshots;
  • complete the mission with minimal damage to armor and health.

The passage of GTA 5 on PC 7 mission will begin with the release of one bandit Stretch, who is well acquainted with Lamar, from prison. They will head to Franklin, but he will not be happy with their visit and will be surprised how quickly they managed to get into trouble already. Once in the equipment store, you need to leave it along with a flashlight, armor and a shotgun - they will come in handy later.

Be careful, because the meeting with acquaintances is just a ploy to drag Franklin into a trap set up by members of the Ballas faction. They have a grudge against the hero due to the recent kidnapping of their member in the Chop mission. As soon as the brawl starts, you need to quickly run into cover and shoot back with a shotgun from there. You shouldn't try to fight back against the ballas in the open area, because Frank has no special combat skills.

Continuing the passage of GTA 5 on the PC, you need to get out into the street and immediately aim at the police helicopter, which managed to nail to the scene. It would be best if you remove the pilot of the turntable from the first shot. After knocking him out, follow Lamar and get into the car. After that, you need to quickly press on the gas and drive in the direction of the tunnels or off-road. But don't try to escape through normal highways, because they are just littered with cops.

Family consultation

To complete GTA 5 100%, this mission must be completed with several conditions:

  • complete the mission in no more than 5 minutes 30 seconds;
  • destroy 3 bandits while in the car;
  • complete the task so that the truck receives a minimum of damage.

The passage of GTA 5 on PC 8 missions can be started, both for Frank and for Michael. After choosing Franklin, watch Michael return home, not reacting to what is happening around him. Near the threshold he will see 2 tennis rackets. Move to the second floor and watch Michael catch his wife in a towel and their bedroom tennis coach in her underwear. A friend will immediately pounce on the athlete, who instantly jumps out the window.

Then switch to Michael and quickly run downstairs, pick up Franklin and drive the tennis player's pickup truck. Try to keep up with the trainer until he hides in one of the huge mansions standing on the hill. Frank will quickly take the winch and tie it to the support of the house, step on the gas to demolish the building.

After the passage of GTA 5 on the PC, a video will start, in which it will be told that the destroyed mansion does not belong to the tennis player, but to the mistress of one of the mafiosi - Martin Madrazo, who instantly comes to visit Michael to sort things out. He will not be alone, he will beat Michael and hang a debt of 2.5 million bucks on him. Leaving, the mafia will also punish Frank, taking away his driver's license.

All story missions (50%)

To complete GTA 5 100%, you do not need to complete all the missions of the game, you only need to complete some of them:

Story missions - missions that develop the plot of the game; directly affect the lives of the main characters of Grand Theft Auto 5 - Franklin, Michael and Trevor. These also include assassination missions issued by Lester to Franklin. Completion of all story missions required for 100% completion of GTA V:

Franklin and Lamar
Father and Son (Father & Son)
Chop (Chop)
Family Counseling (Marriage Counseling)
Daddy's Little Girl (Daddy's Little Girl)
Add to friends (Friend Request)
Jewelery Intelligence (Casing the Jewel Store)
Gas grenades BZ (BZ Gas Granades)
Bugstar Equipment
The Jewel Store Job: Smart Approach
The Jewel Store Job: Loud Approach
Mr. Philips
Nervous Ron (Nervous Ron)
Trevor Philips Industries
Ice maze (Crystal Maze)
Friends Reunited
Shame or glory (Fame or Shame)
Death Man Walking
Did someone say yoga? (Did Somebody Say Yoga)
Stretch on the loose (The Long Stretch)
Assassination - Hotel (Hotel Assassination)
Three is a company (Three "s Company)
Safari in the area (Hood Safari)
Everything according to the instructions (By the Book)
Scouting the Port
Mini Submarine (Minisub)
Merryweather Heist: Sea adventure (Off-Shore)
Merryweather Heist - Freighter
Blitz Play: Intro
Blitz Play: Garbage Truck
Blitz Play: Overalls
Blitz Play: Masks
Blitz Play: Tow Truck
Blitz game (Blitz Play)
Mr. Richards
War on the Law (I Fought the Law)
Black helicopter (Eye in the Sky)
Assassination - Panel (The Vice Assassination)
Assassination - Bus (The Bus Assassination)
Free Fall (Caida Libre)
Deep Implementation (Deep Inside)
Turbulence (Minor Turbulence)
Assassination - Construction (The Construction Assassination)
Paleto Case Plan (The Paleto Score)
Military equipment (Military Hardware)
Robbery in Paleto (The Paleto Score)
Scam (Monkey Business)
Peace and quiet (Hang Ten)
Big Case Intelligence (Surveying Score)
Bury the Hatchet
Hijacker (Pack Man)
Fresh Meat
The Ballad of Rocco
Cleaning Out the Bureau
Family reunification (Reuniting the Family)
Architect's Plans (Architect's Plans)
Legal Trouble
Fire Truck
Getaway vehicle
The Bureau Raid: Fire Crew
The Bureau Raid: Rooftop Entry
The Wrap Up
Lamar Down (Lamar Down)
Get off the coils (Meltdown)
Siding (Sidetracked)
The Driller
Road spikes (Stingers)
Getaway vehicle
The Big Score: Subtle
The Big Score: The Trivial Approach (Obvious)
last push ( The Third way)
Doomsday (The Time's Come)
Reasonable decision (Something Sensible)

20 out of 58 Strangers & Weirdos missions (10%)

"Strangers and Weirds" is side missions issued by secondary characters, they do not directly affect either the plot of the game or the fate of the main characters. To complete GTA 5 100%, you need to complete not all, but certain 20 Strangers and Eccentrics missions, which will be issued by different characters:

Pulling Favors
Another Favor (Pulling Another Favor)
Pulling Favors Again
Another Favor (Still Pulling Favors)
Pulling One Last Favor

Paparazzi (Paparazzo)
Paparazzi - Sex Tape (Paparazzo The Sex Tape)
Paparazzi - Breakdown (Paparazzo - Meltdown)
Paparazzi - Princess (Paparazzo - Highness)
Paparazzi - Decoupling (Paparazzo - Reality Check)

Starlet in Vinewood (A Starlet in Vinewood)

Agitator - Michael (Grass Roots - Michael)
Agitator - Trevor (Grass Roots - Trevor)
Agitator - Tovar (Grass Roots - The Pick-up)
Agitator - Traction (Grass Roots - The Drag)

Mary Ann
Running from myself - Franklin (Exercising Demons - Franklin)
Running from myself - Michael (Exercising Demons - Michael)
Running from yourself - Trevor (Exercising Demons - Trevor)

Otpad (Far Out)
The Last Frontier ( The Final frontier)

Death at Sea
What Lies Beneath (What Lies Beneath)

Shift Work

Risk Assessment
Liquidity Risk
Targeted Risk
Uncalculated Risk
Epsilon program:
Seeking the Truth
Accepting the Truth
Assuming the Truth
Chasing the Truth
Face of Truth (Bearing the Truth)
Delivering the Truth
Exercising the Truth
Renouncing the Truth (Unknowing the Truth)

Blood Mist (Rampage: Rednecks)
Ennoblement (Rampage: Vagos)
Bad Place (Rampage: Ballas)
Pain point (Rampage: Military)
Defense Mechanism (Rampage: Hipsters)

Target Practice
Fair Game
Nigel and Mrs Thornhill:
Souvenir: Willy (Vinewood Souvenirs: Willy)
Souvenir: Tyler (Vinewood Souvenirs: Tyler)
Souvenir: Kerry (Vinewood Souvenirs: Kerry)
Souvenir: Mark (Vinewood Souvenirs: Mark)
Souvenir: Al Di Napoli (Vinewood Souvenirs: Al Di Napoli)
Souvenir: Curtain (Vinewood Souvenirs: The Last Act)
Closing the Deal
Hot Deal (Surreal Extate)
Breach of Contract

Fugitive: Ralph Ostrovski (Bail Bonds: Ralf Ostrovski)
Fugitive: Larry Tapper (Bail Bonds: Larry Tapper)
Fugitive: Glen Scoville (Bail Bonds: Glen Scoville)
Fugitive: Curtis Weaver (Bail Bonds: Curtis Weaver)

Joe and Joseph:
Civil Patrol (The Civil Border Patrol)
American Welcome
Minute Man Blues

Mrs Phillips:
Mrs Philips

Bigfoot Hunter:
Remaining (The Last One)

42 out of 52 Hobby and Entertainment missions (10%)

Hobbies and entertainment - off-plot missions in which you will control a character engaged in a certain type of physical activity in grand theft Auto V (various games, yoga, racing, etc.). For 100% completion of the game, you need to complete certain 42 of the 52 Hobby and Entertainment missions:

Shooting range: pistols
Shooting range: submachine guns
Shooting Range: Assault Rifles
Shooting range: shotguns
Tyr: light machine guns
Tyr: heavy guns

Street Racing: South Los Santos
Street Racing: City Lap
Street Racing: Airport
Street Racing: Highway
Street Racing: The Vespucci Canals

Tennis: win

Golf: Play 9 holes and finish with par or better

Darts: win

Strip club: watch a lap dance

Triathlon #1: Vespucci Canals
Triathlon #2: Alamo Sea
Triathlon #3: Coyote Cross County

Off-Road Race #1: Canyon Cliffs
Off-Road Race #2: Over the Ridge
Off-Road Race #3: Underground Spiral
Off-Road Race #4: Valley Trail
Off-Road Race #5: Lakeside
Off-Road Race #6: Nature's Friends

Flight school: all 12 tasks

Sea Race: East Coast
Sea Race: North East Coast
Sea Race: Raton Canyon
Sea Race: Lost Santos

Skydiving: Complete all object jumps

Skydiving: Complete all helicopter jumps

Collect 50 Letter Scraps
Walk with Chop and play with him using the ball
Pick up a stripper
Use the services of a prostitute
Rob a store
Complete 25 out of 50 flights under the bridge
Complete 8 out of 15 knife flights
Complete 25 of 50 unique jumps
Visit the cinema
Go to a bar with a friend
Go to the cinema with a friend
Go to a strip club with a friend
Play darts with a friend

For 100% Walkthrough Grand Theft Auto 5 is given a reward:
Achievement / trophy "Professional criminal" ("Criminal career").
For Franklin, the mission "The Last One" associated with Bigfoot will become available.
UFOs will begin to appear in certain places (more: GTA 5: UFOs and Aliens
A 100% T-shirt will appear in Franklin's wardrobe.

I hope my guide helped you complete the game 100%.
Good luck!

The game begins with a prehistory, the main characters of which are Michael De Santa(Michael De Santa), whose real name is Townley(Townley), and Trevor Philips(Trevor Philips). The town of Ludendorf, North Yankton (USA, near the border with Canada), 2004. The basis of the plot is the state of San Andreas (Los Santos and Blaine County), year 2013. There they are joined by a third hero named Franklin Clinton(Franklin Clinton).

The Russian version of the mission name is taken from the game (the translation was prepared by 1C-Softclub), as is the original English version (authors - Rockstar), which is indicated in brackets. In some cases, a free translation of the author of the article is indicated through a slash (read - translation from GCU). Near the name of each mission there are icons showing which of the heroes takes an active part in it. After each mission, a list of conditions necessary to obtain gold (required for) is presented.

01. Prologue

The snow-covered town, on the one hand, confirmed that there will be snow in the game, but on the other hand, it will be in this and another mission. A group of four people, still young, people: short-haired Michael, Trevor with thick hair and mustache, Brad and the driver.

The penetration was left behind the scenes - we have an already held raid in front of us, and the game puts Michael under control. To begin with, we go into the room and direct the sight at the hostages so that they go to another room. Then the charge will be delivered and you will need to take the phone and dial the only contact "Blow up". We go to the vault for money.

As soon as we get out of there, the guard will grab Michael and put a bullet to his head. You need to switch to another character - Trevor. How?! The game will clearly demonstrate and tell. We carefully aim at the head of the unlucky attacker and shoot. Then we go to the back exit, where the brave policemen are already waiting for us. The weapons of the heroes are suitable - assault rifles. Now you can choose who to manage and fend off the swooping crowd of cops. With a fight we break through to the car, where the driver is waiting for us. All this time, dialogues are heard, during which the protagonists call each other Ti and Mikey.

- He glued flippers.
- He's an asshole!

With these words, they see off the driver - in a small screensaver, a bullet hits him and Michael gets behind the wheel. Now we just rush along the road indicated by the GPS-navigator (later it can be turned off if you do not like "imposing"). At the end of the road, at the very place where the helicopter should be waiting for the fighters. But the scene is loading - the car does not have time to slip at the crossing and its backside is rammed by the train. The heroes barely get out of the wrecked car, but a sniper shoots at Brad. The second bullet hits Michael, who tells Trevor to leave, but the latter stands his ground and takes cover to shoot back. Control is given to the player, but not for long - after killing several cops, the next cutscene is loaded, in which Trevor first takes a woman passing by hostage, and then flees from the feds with the idea that he is the only survivor of a group of raiders.

No matter how long I paint this mission, you need to know that it is not so long - the player takes control for only a few minutes, everything else is screensavers. And now the scene of Michael's funeral is being shown, whom his family is mourning, but he himself is hiding behind a tree not far away, the federal agent, the FIB agent, is hanging around nearby (yes, there is no FBI in the game, there is its own analogue). Apparently, these are the events that immediately followed the failed attack.

The game then shifts to the office of Dr. Isaiah Friedlander, Michael's psychotherapist. The hero complains about his failed life, namely, about his idiot son, who does everything that "smokes weed, jerks off and plays games." He will also talk about his past: by the age of 20 he served in prison twice, traded dope and girls, and also did various other things to match. For sim Mikey, he, by the way, is under the witness protection program, goes to sit on a bench on the coast. They are just passing through Franklin Clinton(Franklin Clinton) and Lamar Davis (Lamar Davis). The latter will ask Michael where the house of one asshole is located. We remember these scenes well.

As in GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony, gta 5 there will be conditions for obtaining 100% for one taken mission and, accordingly, three types of medals: bronze, silver and gold. For 70 gold medals received in the story and side missions, we get the achievement "Solid gold, baby!" When fulfilling the conditions, the developers are urged to remember the following: "The objectives of the task may not be completed if the player uses a checkpoint load, taxi, skip the task or cheat."

  • Complete the mission.

02. Franklin and Lamar

The game puts us in the shoes of Franklin, who, together with Lamar, penetrate the territory of the guy whose cars are to be taken away: white and red sports cars. Probably, this is the first time in the series, when from the first minutes of the game the developers make available such a chic car. The player can choose which one they want to drive, but if they take too long to make a choice, then Lamar will make it.

We leave and go after Lamar, trying to keep up. Hints and tips will introduce you to the game. In the movie studio, don't hook any actor dressed as an alien. Later, after passing the parking lot, you will need to accelerate and overtake Lamar - one of the conditions to get "gold". Now the cops will follow the guys. Getting rid of them won't be a problem. As soon as you do this, the wanted stars will flash and the patrol cars will have a limited view, which must be avoided. Then we just head to our destination, the Premium Deluxe Motorsport showroom where Franklin and Lamar work. Their boss, Simon Etaryan, is waiting for them there. There he "sells" the car of Jimmy De Santa, the son of Michael, the robber from the first mission.

In the meantime, we get the "Welcome to Los Santos" achievement, and move to Frank's car - a white Buffalo. We head home, which is a few hundred meters away. +250$.

  • Deliver the car with minimal damage.
  • Arrive at your destination before Lamar.
  • Don't hurt the aliens in the film studio.

Literally immediately, a letter will come from a certain Tanisha, Franklin's ex-girlfriend, with whom he vainly wants to renew a relationship.

03. Requisition (Repossession)

As soon as you leave the house, Simon will call Frank and tell him that he needs to come to the car dealership - there is work. Mr. Etarian demands to take away the heaped Bagger motorcycle from, as it turns out, one "vagos". We take a good, high-speed car. Fortunately, it will be parked and not locked. We are going to Vespucci Beach, and there we first turn the car so that it is in the direction we came from, and then we quietly go to the garages. We need the one on the right hand. The rest may not even come close. Having opened the garage, we won’t find the bike, but three “Vagos” will rush in and start downloading the rights. Here Lamar will reasonably shoot one, and push the cannon of the dead one to Frank - the player will be drawn into the shootout. No problems should arise: hide behind walls, containers or other shelters, and aim as accurately as possible (ideal hit - in the head). This will affect how you get the gold medal for the mission. At the moment when the car jumps out, shoot at it, and then at the gasoline track left from it. Stay away - an explosion is coming. We shoot the remaining bandits and rush to the place where they left the car, get into it, wait for Lamar and press the gas pedal. Now you need not to miss the gangster, and having got close to him, carefully poke him with a bumper. Then we climb on a motorcycle and take it to a car wash, where Lamar will pick it up - Simon will never see the bike.

  • Complete the mission in 06:30.
  • Shoot at the petrol track.
  • Kill 6 enemies with headshots.
  • Complete the mission with at least 70% accuracy.

04. Chop (Chop)

Lamar offers to kidnap one of the "Ballas" in order to demand a ransom for him later. Frank immediately dislikes the idea. Here the player meets Chop, Lamar's Rottweiler, who will help us in this task. We head to Lamar's van, and move to the place where he was last seen. You need to be careful with the van, because its damage affects the receipt of "gold".

Having approached the indicated point, we will see that the bandit is on a bike. It is not surprising that a long chatter will ruin everything - the "Ballas" will try to hit the road. We'll have to chase him, but not for long - very soon the unfortunate fugitive will be hit by a bus. However, he will get up and have time to hide at the railway station, and before that there will be a small chase - keep up with Chop. As a result, the "ballas" will hide in one of the boxcars, and Chop will need to find him. Here we are already moving into the body of a four-legged friend, and within 10 seconds we look around - this is necessary to obtain "gold". After two carriages, Chop will see another dog and go to take care of her natural needs. You can delay it, or you can wait until it finishes. Franklin will note that Chop is not so picky - his chosen one is not a bitch at all. After that, it remains to open three more cars, and it's in the bag. Upon returning to his native quarter, it will be necessary to let go of the "ballas" - he easily recognized Lamar. Hung up, and that's enough. Later, Lamar asks to hold Franklin Chop, and also gives the green motorcycle taken from the "vagos".

  • Complete the mission without causing serious damage to Lamar's van.
  • See the world through Chop's eyes for 10 seconds.
  • Use Franklin's special ability for 7 seconds.

05. Complications

Simon, busy selling the car, sends Franklin to pick up the car that Jimmy De Santa sold a few missions earlier. How, already confiscation? And, in any case, this is the order of the boss.

So, we are heading to the De Santa house, on the way Simon will call, apparently already released, he found out that Lamar and Franklin did not give him the bike. There will be problems. But while it is necessary to cope with the task - to pick up the jeep. There will be a lot of people in the house, and therefore it will be necessary to make your way quietly. We go through the main gate, approach the gardener from behind, and cut him down - this is one of the prerequisites for "gold". Then we go around the house and climb onto the car, then onto the roof. From there, through the window. We are waiting for a couple of seconds - Tracy will leave Jimmy's room, and then we can go downstairs. Having gone down, we turn 180 degrees and go until the door to the garage is visible on the left. In the kitchen, the hostess and her tennis coach are so engrossed in practicing punching and pressing hips together that Franklin won't be noticed. I wonder where the head of the family is looking. And where is he? To hell with it ... We sit in a jeep and drive through the automatically opened gates of the garage, and then the yard. We head to the salon, Frank calls Simon and says that he has a car. Immediately after the call from the rear passenger seats, a revolver points at the hero. Franklin, under pressure, says he's just doing the job given to him. After a short trip to the salon, Michael, the father of the owner of the car, first orders the car to be stopped in front of Simon's place, and then to drive into the window with acceleration. Then control is transferred to Michael - he is our second main character, if you have not forgotten yet. It will be necessary to converge in hand-to-hand combat with Simon. Beating the Armenian will not be a problem, but if they arise, then you can use Michael's special ability to slow down time. We teach Simon good manners, and this mission ends.

  • Complete the task before 05:00.
  • Take no damage while fighting Simon.
  • Knock out the gardener in stealth mode.

06. Father & Son

Returning to Franklin, we catch the scene when Simon says on the phone that Frank and Lamar are no longer working for him, and that they will have to save themselves. After that, we head to Michael's house, marked with the letter M. There, after a conversation between the two heroes, Jimmy will call and tell his father that he wanted to sell him, but she was kidnapped, and he himself is sitting in a cabin, fearing bandits. We'll have to save the day, the yacht, well, Jimmy too.

We get into Amanda's car and move to the place where the yacht should be. Seeing a truck with a yacht being transported, we tie in pursuit of it. First, we drive as close as possible to the target so that Franklin can get over, then we keep our weapons at the ready - one of the thieves will appear, which is worth shooting. Then we are selected from the left side - the mast will move there, on which Jimmy will hang. We hold the car in one position for several seconds so that the son can fall into the back seat. Then we will drive close to the truck - we need to pick up Franklin. After that, the car will start to stall, and the truck will go into a clear gap. Then Michael will ask Franklin to call a taxi for him, and the guy himself, along with Jimmy, will go to repair the car. Just in Los Santos Customs, Frank's acquaintance Hao works. After the repair, we go to Michael's house to return the car and Jimmy, who has already become friends.

  • Rescue Jimmy in 10 seconds.
  • Deliver Amanda's car without damage.

07. The Long Stretch

One friend from the gang was released and, together with Lamar, they came to Franklin, who was not as friendly as Stratch, who had been released from prison, wanted. It turns out that they managed to "muddle" the case. Before that, we prudently visit Ammu-nation, where we are introduced to the weapons store. We immediately take a shotgun and a flashlight, as well as armor.

The meeting will turn out to be a trap prepared by the "ballas", because after the meeting of the same guy who was kidnapped in the "Chop" mission, the "purple" will flock and the massacre will begin. Franklin is not as good at shooting as he is at driving and has no special abilities related to weapons, so we use cover and shoot as accurately as possible. Having got out into the street, we will see that the police have joined the action. We shoot at the helicopter circling overhead, ideally - you need to shoot the pilot. Then we run after Lamar, and when they get into the car, we rush away: we can go into the tunnels, we can go off-road. The main thing is to stay away from the roads where patrol cars ply.

  • Complete the mission with at least 60% shooting accuracy.
  • Kill 10 enemies with headshots.
  • Pass with minimal health or armor damage.
  • Complete the task in 10:30.

08. Marriage Counseling

The mission can be started as either Franklin or Michael. But having started it for the first one, we won’t see the splash screen, but we’ll start right away with the chase.

So, Michael returns home, no one answers his calls, but he sees two tennis courts near the entrance. He goes up to the second floor and sees his "beloved" in a towel, and in the room - a tennis coach in some "tiger" shorts and socks. Amanda was obviously not engaged in tennis, but something else, albeit consonant with a sports game. Michael will rush after the coach, who will jump right out the window.

Below we will meet Franklin and together we will jump into the gardener's pickup truck parked at the house. We are chasing a dodgy beetle, which, after the chase, will hide in a chic house on a hill. Franklin will “tie” the pickup truck to the support of the house with a winch, and after a short press on the gas pedal, the building will simply collapse.

After that, curses will fly into the back of a pleased Michael, and soon two cars of bandits. Dealing with them is not a problem. Let's switch to Franklin, and while Michael is turning the steering wheel, we shoot the attackers.

Then the most interesting is shown in the video. As it turns out, the house did not belong to the coach (Michael did not immediately think, he acted in the heat of the moment), but to the girlfriend of the serious Mexican bandit Martin Madrazo. It is he who personally visits Michael's house literally ten minutes after the collapse of the house. With threats, a bat and gangsters behind him, he will drive into Michael's head that he owes the Mexican $ 2.5 million, and in the end he will take away Franklin's driving license.

  • Complete the mission without causing serious damage to the Bison truck.
  • Complete the mission in 05:30.
  • Kill 3 enemies while shooting from a vehicle.

09. Add as Friend / Friend Request

Michael, a former professional bank robber, knows only one way to get a few million - a robbery, and therefore he goes to an old friend Lester, a brilliant computer scientist and the "brain" of all subsequent robberies in the future. Lester, after listening to Michael's problem, suggests that he take a jewelry store in Vinewood or a bank in Paleto Bay, one of the villages north of the city. Mikey chooses the first option. But first, a lame comrade ask for a favor, which we will take up right away.

You need to get into the Lifeinvader building, and introduce a certain chip into the device of the head of the company. First you need to dress up accordingly - let's drop by the store for shorts and a sleeveless jacket. From there, straight to the office. We go to the back entrance, so that later we can enter the building with those who come out for a smoke break. After a short video, we follow the mustachioed guy, along the way watching how IT people have fun at work. We sit down at the computer, where we will need to close all ads and quickly launch the antivirus program. Doing this with a joystick is not so easy - an unprepared person will close advertising windows for a long time. Having dealt with annoying pop-up messages and running the antivirus program, we will head to the room where what we need is located. We insert the chip there, and leave in English. In the future, Michael, watching TV, must call this very head of Lifeinvader, who is at the conference. The call will activate the explosive device, and we will be able to see the colorful death that Lester needed. Later, Michael will receive a call from the same IT guy who took Michael inside. The smart guy understood what was happening, he would ask to call him, as some kind of work turned up. So we will have access to a new team member for robberies.
Heists in the game can be done in two ways. The player himself is free to choose which scenario this or that raid will follow. For the integrity of the mosaic, both approaches are presented in the article. The first will be marked with an A next to the task number, and the second with a B. If you choose the rough approach, then things will turn out to be more prosaic. For example, you won't need to climb on the roof to throw a grenade with BZ gas into the ventilation. However, one more item will appear in the conditions for obtaining a gold medal - you will need to complete the mission in 10 and a half minutes. There will be one training mission. If the smart approach was chosen, you won't have to yell at people, but you will need to accurately throw a gas grenade into the ventilation. There will be two training missions, which is better, because it easy way receive two gold medals.

10. Exploration in jewelry (Casing the Jewel Store)

Lester gives Michael the task of reconnoitering the situation in the jewelry store. To do this, we get special glasses and blow into the jewelry. On the way, by the way, Leicester will reveal to the player Michael's real name - Townley. The desired angle is located a little to the left immediately after entering: you need to capture the alarm, camera and ventilation in the frame. After that, we will talk nicely with the saleswoman and leave the store. Now we need a photo of the ventilation system from the inside. We go around the block and head to the construction site. Having risen to the roof, we go to the yellow pointer. From there we photograph the ventilation. Then we take our leave and go on our way.

Reminder: After returning to the "base", the game will offer one of two options for approaching the robbery. Choose the one you like best - both versions of the development of the robbery are described below. When choosing a team, you do not need to save money - take people with maximum performance, unless, of course, there are personal preferences. Their share will be larger, but this way the jackpot will remain as large as possible, otherwise there will be losses in the form of dead people and the money left with them. Do not change the team - after successful robberies, their skill level improves, but the share remains the same.

  • Complete the task in 8:00.
  • Catch all 3 required systems in one frame.

Do you have your own version of the mission? , interesting options will be published.

GTA 5 is the latest part of the popular series of games in open world. With each new version, Rockstar improves the existing mechanics and adds new features to its project. By the fifth game, the project had reached the peak of its development. It is not known what will be able to surprise the developers of the fans of the game next time. In this article, you will learn how to complete GTA-5 100%.

Content in the game

Initially, GTA-5 was released on previous generation consoles. The creators were in no hurry with the release on personal computers. In anticipation of the release of the new generation of consoles, the company was creating a full-fledged version for consoles and personal computers.

For the long wait, fans of the series have been richly rewarded. In the transferred game, gamers were waiting for new chips, completely updated graphics, additional content and much more.

Before you go through GTA-5 100 percent, you must find out what elements make up a complete passage. If you go through the entire storyline completely, then this will not be considered a passage of 100%.

Story line

The main characters of the game are 3 characters: Michael, Franklin and Trevor. Each of them manifests itself in a career gradually, revealing new details of the plot. For all three you have to go through unique missions. It is worth noting that if the tasks for one of the characters have ended and no longer appear, then the end of the storyline of this hero is not meant. In most cases, this means that you must complete all the quests for the other two heroes, which will lead to a joint task (for example, robberies in GTA-5 are completed only for three characters).

You can bring the game to its logical conclusion only through storylines for each hero and general tasks. However, we are interested in how to complete GTA-5 100 percent, so let's move on to the next component of the game.

Additional character quests

In addition to the main storyline for each hero will periodically appear Additional tasks. No one will force them to carry out, however, for complete passage it will have to be done. For example, after a certain stage in the plot, Michael will receive a call from his daughter and ask for help in dealing with one of the gentlemen. You can excuse yourself and go about your business or take a task and complete it. In the second case, the passage of the mission is taken into account when calculating percentages in statistics. It is recommended to complete them immediately, since it will not work to complete GTA-5 100%, ignoring the secondary quests. There are a total of 69 quests in the main storyline.

random encounters

In addition to additional quests for each character, there is a certain set of random encounters. You won't be able to complete all the encounters with one hero, as they are tied to a specific character. Based on the name (random encounters), you should not conclude that you will have to drive around Los Santos for a long time in search of strangers with quests. The developers skillfully arranged all the NPCs so that the player could meet them on the way to key places in the story, or be sure to drive past them in a car and notice. Even if you do not set as your goal the passage of GTA-5 by 100 percent, we recommend that you take up the passage of random encounters - among them there are very interesting tasks. There are a total of 58 such missions in the game.

Hobbies and entertainment

After completing all the described tasks, proceed to the entertainment. These include sports, Street racing, sea racing, off-road racing, flight school. Some of them can only be completed as certain characters (for example, street illegal races are only available to Franklin).

Miscellaneous Achievements

Another tip on how to complete the GTA-5 game 100 percent. To do this, you will have to use all the features of the game: collect hidden objects, rob stores, buy all kinds of real estate, have fun with friends in bars, bowling alleys, and so on. For a complete walkthrough, you should not use cheat codes. Because of them, the percentage counter will not reach 100 even if all the described points are completed. That is, the innovations that were added to the version for personal computers and next-generation consoles are not mandatory and do not go into the overall passing statistics. Now you know how to complete GTA-5 100%. When completing all tasks from the first time, the game can be completed in 30-35 hours of real time.

List of required

To get 100% in the game, you need to complete all the items from the list:

Reward for 100%

For each of the listed tasks, individual bonuses are provided. But in addition to them, along with a 100% completion of the game, you will receive:

  • a T-shirt with the words "100%" in Franklin's wardrobe;
  • Career Criminal;
  • an additional mission from the category of eccentrics and strangers "";
  • three UFOs in the sky over San Andreas: at the top of Mount Chiliad, over the military base of Fort Zancudo and near Sandy Shores.

And what's next?

Even after reaching 100% in gta v there is something to have fun. You can replay story and side missions for gold medals and improve your results in most of the other completed tasks. Or devote time to activities that are not required for 100%, for example:


1. The number of preparatory stages for some robberies varies depending on the approach chosen. To save your favorite number as the sum of all the missions in the game, Rockstar was forced to add interest not for all required tasks. Thus, 69 is a conditional value; the actual number of story missions required for 100% varies from 66 to 70. Plus 5 contract killings for Lester.
2. Formally, there are only 20 eccentric tasks in the game, for which interest is given. But to pass these two dozen, avoiding 4 more intermediate missions, will not work, which makes them also mandatory.
3. Only available on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of the game.
4. Only available on the PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One version of the game for those who have played the game before. gta v on Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3.