Games on the theme of the sea for children. Role-playing game "Sea Pathfinders" for preschool children (4-6 years old). Reading fiction

Simple and very exciting game, great for both kindergarten as well as for students primary school. You will need a piece of fabric from 1.5 meters long, and the width can be as small as 20 cm, but something about a meter is better and preferably blue or blue - this is our sea. If there is no suitable piece of fabric, the sea can replace - a rope. The leader (adult) calls for an assistant, a rescue sailor, it can be either one of the parents or one of the children. The task of the rescuer's motor rope is to hold the fabric tightly and follow the commands of the leader.
Game progress: the leader invites the children to swim in the sea; the children stand in a line; the leader pulls and raises the "sea" so that children can easily run under it. On the command "dive!" children run under the sea to the other side (to the other side). Then the host announces that now they will have to swim in a deeper place and lowers the sea lower so that the children can run crouching. And so over and over again the leader makes the sea deeper (lower) - until the children have to crawl under the sea in order to swim. The facilitator should encourage the children to swim as realistically as possible. You can also add waves to the game - if the size of the fabric allows. While diving, the host announces a storm and covers the children with a cloth, and they must quickly get out of the water. After the game, children are invited to take their seats and dry in the sun.

Hello! Do you know what is important for a child to tell about his Planet? And today we will try to do this in several ways, so that the little one is interested! Let's tell him a story! But one in which he could participate himself: answer questions, think, fantasize and make origami, figurines of the inhabitants of the depths! And the riddle about the sea for children will help us! We will even play. And those figures that we designed with the kids will become the heroes of the game!

Kids, imagine if you had the opportunity to fly to a distant planet and meet its inhabitants! This planet is very unusual. It is completely covered in water. But does this mean that there is no life on it, do you think? ~

To check this, let's take aqualungs on the road. Do you know what scuba diving is? ~

This is a special equipment with which we can breathe underwater. Now we will dive without fear and even sink to the bottom!

Oh! How beautiful it is here! Do you think there are plants here? ~

Yes! GRASS grows here. Sometimes it is called algae. Have you heard this name before? ~

Let's make it with our own hands from paper, or plasticine, or just paint it. And, if the baby likes it, we will do all or some of those we learn about.

Now let's get down to storytelling and applications. All pictures are enlarged by clicking.

Print for application




And instead of earth, we have sand. If you look closely, you can see growing crystals, these are corals. And there are SHELLS. Origami shell scheme - click to enlarge the photo.

Does anyone live underwater? What do you think? ~

Yes! There are many different people here. And almost all of us can get to know each other closely. For example, with FISH, with SHRIMP and SQUID. But there are such huge ones as SKAT and SHARK. It's better for them children do not get close, these "fish" are very dangerous. DOLPHINS are not smaller, but we will make friends with them quickly, they are cheerful and love to play.

Origami schemes increase by clicking. The source of information

And we love to play too. But this is yet to come. In the meantime, tell me, have you heard anything about the inhabitants of this planet? ~

So, there is no need to fly anywhere. We can meet both the ORCA, and the TURTLE on our planet Earth. Have you heard anything about the inhabitants of the sea ? ~

True, no one knows, maybe they flew from that very distant planet? Maybe if we get to know them better and become friends, they will be able to tell us a little about themselves. For example, why do some of them live only in rivers, while others live in the seas, yes and the ocean filled with these unusual animals and fish. Why and how did it happen? Interesting, right? ~

In the meantime, let's solve the riddles!

Marine riddles

The questions will be different. short and a little more authentic for kids different ages. All of them with answers so that both adults and kids are not confused! There will be questions for older little ones. which already 7 years and more. And for the little ones 3 4 years .

Come on! Guess!

Printable coloring pages

I have prepared coloring pages for you.

origami games

Agree, such wonderful toys that we have now made together with the little ones should not lie idle! And now we will come up with a “case” for them! Let's play?

Friendship game

It needs four players. Everyone will take on the role of one of the characters in the fairy tale.

Turtle, Dolphin, Squid and Shark lived in one sea kingdom.

Turtle and Squid were friends. They had fun together, and they looked a little like each other, both wore their houses on their backs: a shell and a shell.

Seeing how interestingly the Turtle and the Squid were spending their time, Dolphin also wanted to communicate with them. Sailed and said:

- Let's be friends together, all three of us!

But Squid did not want anyone else to communicate with the Turtle, play in the sandbox and run a race. What did he say:

- You're so big. Look for comrades among the same huge fish.

Dolphin got upset and sailed away sad.

But when he was just sailing away, he noticed how the Shark was approaching his comrades. So Dolphin decided to see what happens next? What was the predator thinking?

Did you know that sharks are dangerous and they can attack fish and even eat squid when they gape? ~ Do you know who else eats squid? ~ (birds, for example, albatrosses, and also dolphins, but not our Dolphin, he was friendly, and also sperm whales)

The turtle was the first to spot the Shark. And managed to hide. And Squid almost became a dinner for a predator, if ... If Dolphin had not protected her!

Shrimp and whale

Two players. One plays the role of Shrimp, the other plays the role of Fish.

  • Set up 4 baskets. These are the oceans. Let the kids guess which oceans have whales and which ones have shrimp. (in all, one and the other)
  • Let the kids show how whales and shrimp dive from the basket into the Atlantic Ocean, into the Pacific, etc.
  • Let the little ones guess the sizes of one and the other. Let them show the size of crustaceans (from 2 to 30 cm). can they show the size of the whales? What about guessing? (from 2m to 30).
  • Who eats who? ~
  • Ask a joke question. Crustaceans are small, but if they attack in a flock, will they defeat a whale? ~
  • What else, besides size, is the difference between one and the other? ~ (color (pinkish shrimp and dark, black or blue whales), how they swim (how they wag their tails, who is deeper, who floats to the surface), whales can make a fountain, but shrimp?)

Friends, I hope you enjoyed the way you worked with the kids. And therefore. subscribe and come back to visit for a new portion of games! Bring your friends with you, let them tell the kids about the miracles on our planet. And that's all for today! Bye and see you soon!


  • I put a tilde sign "~" where the kids can answer the question, participate in the conversation.
  • Look, everything that can be done in the form of crafts, what schemes are on the site, I wrote in capital letters. (I hope it's convenient)

Origami schemes

Irina Fabrikant
Card file didactic games for the mini-museum "Sea inhabitants"

"The Octopus Family"

Purpose: To improve the grammatical structure of speech (the formation of ordinal numbers).

Develop visual attention, speech hearing. Automation of sounds [c], [s].

Formation of color perception and color difference in children.

Develop correct pronunciation.

Poem for the game:

An octopus lived with his octopus

They had a few octopuses

All of them were different colors:

The first is green, the second is purple,

The third is like a zebra all striped,

Whites are both fourth and fifth,

The sixth is dark blue from nose to toes,

Yellow-preyellow seventh octopus.

The eighth is like a ripe berry, red.

In a word, not children, but tubes of paint.

"Who lives in the sea and who lives in the river?"

Purpose: To clarify and consolidate knowledge about the inhabitants of the sea. Develop resourcefulness, ingenuity, attention, the ability to prove the correctness of one's judgment

Develop cognitive activity, ingenuity;

To cultivate the ability to work in a group, mutual assistance, rivalry skills, a sense of empathy

Game progress:

One team chooses pictures depicting sea animals and fish, and the other - river ones. After completing the task, each team names the fish and animals they have chosen.


Purpose: Generalization of children's knowledge preschool age.

To consolidate the concepts being studied, to activate the knowledge of children, their speech, memory, thinking;

Develop cognitive activity, intelligence, logical thinking skills, speed of reaction, eye, attention, imagination;

To cultivate the ability to work in a group, mutual assistance, rivalry skills, a sense of empathy.

Equipment: a fishing rod with a magnet, a lake the size of a Whatman sheet, fish, an octopus, a seahorse, frogs.


Purpose: To summarize the knowledge of children about marine life.

To consolidate the studied material about the inhabitants of the seas and oceans;

Activate the attention of children, replenish vocabulary;

Develop thinking, speech

Game progress:

Children sit on chairs arranged in a circle. While the poem sounds, the children pass each other a dolphin toy. Whoever has a toy in the words "He will tell us now." He tells the children everything he knows about any of the marine inhabitants at will.

You swim, sea dolphin,

Fast, fast on the waves.

Who has a dolphin left

He will now tell us...

"Desert, sea, forest"

Purpose: To expand children's ideas about the diversity of the natural world; about animals of different habitats;

Learn to distinguish and name animals, recognize by appearance; name representatives of the class of reptiles;

To form the ability to name the characteristic features of behavior, movement; what they eat, how they adapt to life, what benefits they bring to people;

Cultivate love for nature and respect for it.

"The Fourth Extra"

Purpose: To clarify and consolidate children's knowledge about the classifications of various natural objects. Develop logical thinking, speech.

Material: cards with various objects.

Game progress:

Cards are exposed: three - of one type, and the fourth of another. The task of the children is to identify the extra card, and explain their choice. You can complicate the task and play the game verbally. Naming things and objects.

"Guess the description"

Purpose: To develop and consolidate knowledge about appearance marine life (animals, plants, fish.). Develop memory, speech.

Material: Cards with various types of animals, fish, by the number of participants or more.

Game progress: Cards are distributed to children. Their task is to describe the object without showing, so that others can guess who is shown on their card. You can use riddles.

"Journey Underwater"

Purpose: To develop and consolidate knowledge about fish: sea, lake, river; about marine life, plants, and their habitat.

Material: Large lotto cards with a picture of a body of water. Small cards with fish, aquatic animals, plants, etc.

Game progress:

The teacher offers to go on a water trip to different reservoirs. You can divide the children into teams. Each team goes on a journey to a specific body of water. Next, the children select living objects for their reservoirs from the total number of small cards. The team that knows the inhabitants and plants of its reservoir better wins. Or the game is played like a lotto.

"Where did the fish hide"

Purpose: to develop the ability of children to analyze, fix the names of plants, expand vocabulary.

Material: blue fabric or paper (a pond, several types of plants, a shell, a stick, a snag.

Description: children are shown a small fish (a toy that “wanted to play hide and seek with them.” The teacher asks the children to close their eyes and at this time hides the fish behind a plant or any other object. Children open their eyes.

"Flies, swims, runs"

The teacher shows or names an object of wildlife to the children. Children should depict the way this object moves. For example: at the word “bunny”, children begin to run (or jump) in place; at the word "crucian" - they imitate a swimming fish; at the word "sparrow" - depict the flight of a bird.

"Birds, fish, animals"

The teacher throws the ball to the child and says the word "bird". The child who caught the ball must pick up a specific concept, for example, "sparrow", and throw the ball back. The next child should name the bird, but not repeat.

Similarly, a game is played with the words "animals" and "fish".

"Earth, water, fire, air"

The players stand in a circle, in the middle - the leader. He throws the ball to one of the players, while uttering one of four words: earth, water, fire, air. If the driver said "land", the one who caught the ball must quickly name the one who lives in this environment; the player answers the word “water” with the name of fish, the word air with the name of birds. At the word “fire,” everyone should quickly turn around several times, waving their hands. Then the ball is returned to the driver. The wrong person is out of the game.

"Which word doesn't fit?"

Purpose: to form the ability to distinguish words in meaning and in sound, to find something superfluous in a chain of related words.

Fisherman, market, fish, angler.

Water, underwater, seaweed, led.

Nautical, sea, wrinkle, sailor.

"Find a house"

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about marine life, freshwater and aquarium fish.

Material: schemes depicting an aquarium, a pond and the sea, subject pictures of the animal world.

Game progress:

On the easel e are placed diagrams of a pond, sea, aquarium. Then, from the bank of subject pictures, you need to select those that depict marine, aquarium, freshwater inhabitants, and place them under the desired scheme. Children complete the task and explain their actions.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Tasks: Actualization on the theme “Animal world of the seas and oceans”. Improving the grammatical structure of speech (the use of simple and complex sentences). The development of connected speech. Formation of the ability to draw simple conclusions and conclusions. The development of creative imagination, fantasy. Raising a love for nature.

Previous work: Looking at the globe, talking about marine life, doing origami “Fish”, looking at illustrations about the underwater world, reading fiction.

Equipment: A letter from Neptune, on a magnetic board - a picture with the underwater world, on it - a magnetic crab, a ship model, shells, pebbles, starfish, shells, corals. Globe, metal plate and box, T-shirts with the image of a crab, stingray, sturgeon, goby. Neptune costume, aquarium with water, candies “Sea stones”, tape recorder, cassette with sound of waves, screen decorated with algae.

Lesson progress

The teacher invites the children to a group that is designed for a fairy tale. In the group, starfish, corals, sea shells, and pebbles are placed and hung. On a magnetic board there is a picture of the seabed, a magnetic crab is attached to it. There is a model of the ship.

Educator: Look, what do you see around?

Children: Starfish. Sea stones. Sea shells. Corals. Seaweed. Shells. A beautiful ship.

Educator: Why do you think all this turned out to be in our group?

Children: Probably, we are going on a trip to the seas and oceans.

Educator: Yes, indeed, we are going to visit. The king of the seas and oceans, Neptune, has sent us an invitation, calling us to his underwater kingdom. Do you want to go on a trip?

Teacher: That's very good! But first tell me what it is (points to the globe)?

Children: It's a globe. This is our planet Earth, only a small one.

Educator: If you quickly unwind the globe, it will seem as if it is of the same color - blue. And all because there is more of this paint on it than yellow, white, green and brown. What is shown in blue on the globe?

Children: Water is depicted in blue.

Educator: Yes. Water is all the rivers, seas and oceans of our planet. They take up 2 times more space than land. Tell me, what can you travel on water?

Children: On the ship. Motor ship. Steamboat. Yacht. Liner. boat. Sailboat.

Educator: Here is our ship, on which we will sail to the underwater kingdom of Neptune. But the journey can be dangerous, so it's best to sail together.

Children: Will our ship sink?

Educator: No. Let's find out with you: why don't ships sink in water? To do this, we will conduct experiments. Take a metal plate and a closed metal box. They are all made from the same material. From what?

Children: Made of metal.

Educator: And what record?

Children: Flat.

Teacher: What is the box?

Children: Volumetric.

Educator: What are the objects that have a three-dimensional shape?

Children: Ball. Ball. Bank with a cover from under coffee. Closed plastic cup. Yogurt bottle.

Teacher: Let's do an experiment with you. The teacher lowers a metal plate and a closed metal box into the water.

Teacher: What do we see?

Children: The record has sunk. The box was left in the water.

Teacher: Why do you think? And I'll tell you. In the box, inside, there is air. And if there is air in objects, then they do not sink. Now we are not afraid to sail to visit Neptune. We can safely accommodate ourselves on the ship, sit comfortably and do palm gymnastics “Rybka”.

The fish swims in the water.
Fish are fun to play
Fish, fish, naughty,
We want to catch you.
The fish arched its back
I took a crumb of bread
The fish wagged its tail
The fish quickly swam away.

And now our children will tell you about some of the inhabitants of the seas and oceans, which we will be able to see on our journey.

5 kids come out. On their chests they have T-shirts depicting a whale, a dolphin, a jellyfish, a seahorse, a starfish.

1 child: The largest animal, although it lives in the water. Russian fairy tales sometimes talk about the “miracle-yudo fish-whale”. Such an expression, of course, can be found not only in fairy tales, because a whale is not a fish at all, it breathes not with gills, but with lungs. And, although he can stay under water for a long time, he still needs to rise to the surface in order to breathe air. Whales are mammals, they feed their young with milk.

2 child: This is the most intelligent sea animal. It feeds on fish. Dolphins are extremely friendly. They do not offend the weak, they help the wounded or sick to swim. It happened that dolphins saved people. Dolphins are smart animals, they perform in sea circuses, they are easy to train.

3 child: If you take a jellyfish out of the water, put it on a stone, it will disappear, dry up, because it consists almost entirely of water. She feeds on small fish. A jellyfish touches a fish - a poisonous liquid flows out of the jellyfish - and the fish dies.

4 child: He lives near the coast, in the sea thickets. It hides very well from enemies - it will catch on algae with its tail and change color. Predators swim by. A seahorse is a good dad - dad has a pouch on his stomach like a kangaroo. A little danger - fry once - and they hid in them.

5 child: Looks like a flower. The starfish moves with its rays and slowly crawls along the bottom for prey. She has no eyes, and her mouth is below. It will find a shell, embrace it with rays, close the sashes - and eat everything that is inside.

Educator: However, on the seabed, indeed, there are so many interesting and surprising things that it’s better to look at the fairy tale “How a crab was looking for its home” about it. Sit comfortably on the deck of our ship, the fairy tale begins.

The children and the teacher get up from the tables and sit down on the carpet.

Educator: I lived in the sea ... a crab is not a crab, so-so - a small crab. Himself with a piglet, legs like matches, claws like tweezers.

A child in a T-shirt with the image of a crab comes out from behind the screen, walks, pretends to be looking for something.

Educator: While the crab was small - he lived where he had to, and grew up - he began to look for a home. A crab crawled out in shallow water, sees - a stone, in a stone - a gap. He climbed into the gap, fidgets, fidgets, does not get settled in any way.

The crab climbs between two chairs covered with a dark cloth.

Educator: A bull is swimming past.

I am an old bull
Head with a fist.

Nice crab house you have! It's like it was built for you.

Crab: You understand a lot! A bad house is hard, dark, cramped.

Bull: And what do you need?

Crab: Need light, spacious and soft.

Bull: Stupid! The house must be safe!

Crab: Stop teaching me! Get out of here before anyone eats.

The bull runs behind the screen.

Krabik: I'll look for a home for myself where it's deeper. Here, in loose sand, and soft and light. Here I will live.

Lies on a foam mat.

My name is Sturgeon
The prey is waiting for me here.

Glorious prey, young and stupid crab. Now I will eat them.

Crab: We must take off our feet!

The crab runs behind the screen, the sturgeon follows him.

The crab reappears from behind the screen and crawls under the table.

Krabik: What a spacious and bright cave, I'll hide - I'm here.

They don't call me sea fox for nothing
Nobody can hide from me.

It seems that someone hid in the cave, now I will pull him out.

The stingray tries to pull the crab out, the crab runs away, the stingray follows him. The crab reappears from behind the screen.

Krabik: I can't find a better home than in the rocks in shallow water. That's where it's good! And tough! And dark! And tight! As if for me, a crab, built.

Bull: Well, was I right?

Crab: Right, grandfather. The home must be safe.

Goby: That's the same, listen to your elders!

The story is being discussed. The teacher asks questions, the children answer.

  1. What is the name of the fairy tale that our guys showed?
  2. What house was the crab looking for first?
  3. What kind of home did he find for himself in the end?
  4. Why did the crab understand that the house should be safe?

The teacher sums up the discussion of the tale: Yes, the house must be safe, because the little crab has many enemies: sturgeon, stingray and other marine animals.

Mobile game “At the bottom”

Educator: Stand in a circle, remember the game.

Educator: And now I invite you to solve riddles on the marine theme.

  • A three-story ... (steamboat) floats on the sea.
  • White-winged housewives, fly over the water ... (gulls).
  • A large ship is not afraid of ... (ocean wave).
  • What kind of stars in the depths lie at the bottom?

The question is simple to answer.
On the sand ... (starfish.

  • So what are these fish?

Rumors go across the sea -
Not fish - but pins,
Not fish, but needles? (Fish - needle).

  • A giant swims across the ocean

And releases a fountain (whale).

  • Parents and children have all clothes made of coins (fish).
  • The sun, air and ... (water) always temper us.

Educator: Well, our sea voyage is coming to an end. Let's remember what inhabitants living in the water do you know?

Children: Whale, octopus, dolphin, seahorse, shark, jellyfish, crab, starfish, sturgeon, goby, stingray, sawfish, needlefish, hedgehog fish, swordfish, etc.

Educator: Well done, guys, you learned a lot during the trip, I am very pleased with you. That's just one upset - we never met with Neptune, who wanted to show us his underwater kingdom.

Suddenly Neptune runs in.

Neptune: Hello, my dear guests. I really wanted to see you, but I have so many things to do at sea that I was late, did not have time to show my undersea world. Oh, oh, oh, how tired I am!

Educator: This is the King of the seas and oceans who has come to us. Dear Neptune, we are very glad to see you. Don't worry while we traveled - we learned a lot ourselves. We are going home, we are also very tired and want to rest. Please join us.

Children and Neptune lie down on the carpet.

Sounds like waves.

The rainbow hung like a multi-colored rocker,
Dropping one end into the green ocean.
Imagine a little and
That the wind whistled,
As if over my dream, he dispersed the fog.
I put a solar flashlight in my pocket,
I will open blue sails from the sky,
And from the clouds I will make myself a boat
And I'll dash off somewhere where my eyes look.
Over the bridge, shining, I will rock the boat,
And then, as from a hill, I jump down the rainbow,
I will climb higher than the stars, I will push the moon with my shoulders.
And when you want, I will return to the earth.
And when I open my eyes a little,
I don't believe anyone that this is just a dream.
I will smile at my dream, I will touch it with my palm.
And I'll see a rainbow from my windows.

Educator: So we swam to the shore.

Neptune: How did you like my underwater kingdom?

Children: Very!

Neptune: Tell me, what did you do without me during the trip?

Children: We watched a fairy tale. They solved riddles. Our guys told us about the inhabitants of your kingdom. They did finger exercises. We played a mobile game. They set up experiments. Listened to music.

Neptune: Well done. You did well without me. I just want to ask you: Why is there not a single fish in your picture, but only a crab. He must be bored and sad?

Children: And in the applique class we made a lot of paper fish, and we can decorate the picture.

Neptune: Well, now it's a completely different matter. And it’s time for me to go to sea, I can’t stay on the shore for a long time. Goodbye, guys! Waiting for you next time!

Neptune flees.

Teacher: So our journey ended. I hope you liked it?

Educator: You all did very well today. At home, tell a fairy tale to your loved ones, and then try to depict it in a drawing. Now look what a surprise awaits you in the largest sea shell. This is a gift from Neptune.

Children come up to the sea shell, in which candies “Sea stones” are poured.

Wash their hands and eat.

Used Books

1. Nishcheva N.V., Developing fairy tales: Educational and methodological manual-compendium, 2nd ed., corrected. and additional - St. Petersburg: "Childhood-press", 2004. - 48 p. + color incl.

2. Runova M.A., Butilova A.V., Acquaintance with nature through movement: Integrated lessons. To work with children 5-7 years old. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2006. - 112 p.

3. Ryzhova N.A., Environmental education in kindergarten. – M.: Karapuz, 2001.

4. Sakharnov S., Sea Tales - L., Artist of the RSFSR, 1989.

5. Kondratyeva N.N., Shilenok T.A., Markova T.A., We are programs of environmental education for children. - St. Petersburg: Detstvo-press, 2001.

Type of project: information and creative

Participants: children middle group"Firefly"

Interaction of teachers: educators, parents

Project implementation period: Week 1

Problem: "What are the inhabitants of the sea"

Game motivation:"Journey to the Underwater World"

Purpose: Creation of conditions for the education of ecological culture and the development of cognitive and creative abilities of children.


  • to expand children's ideas about the inhabitants of the deep sea, to form the ability to think;
  • development of logical thinking, the ability to draw conclusions and conclusions based on a comparison of facts, results, observations;
  • develop an aesthetic perception of the world, the ability to see the beautiful;
  • develop the ability to listen to the sounds of nature;
  • develop cognitive interest, creativity;
  • use various non-traditional artistic and graphic techniques;
  • teach to protect the environment;

Expected results of the project

  • own the concepts of "sea animals", "fish", "molluscs";
  • have the simplest ideas about some features of the structure of the body in connection with their life in water, how they move (floats, crawls), how to disguise, about the uniqueness of each species;
  • be aware of the relationship with other inhabitants;
  • have an idea of ​​the relationship between human activity and the environment;
  • to form the initial skills of environmentally competent behavior in nature;
  • compose a descriptive story about a marine life using a reference diagram.


There is still a lot of unknown and beautiful around us. I would like to introduce children to this mysterious and mysterious world. During the implementation of the project, children will gain knowledge about the inhabitants of the seas and oceans. Feeling of love for nature. The desire to protect and protect it.

Project stages:

Goal setting (problem identification).

Project development.

Implementation of the project (Organization of joint work of children and teachers on the project).

Summing up (Presentation).

Preliminary work:

  • search work on the selection of illustrative material, on the topic "Sea inhabitants", "Sea";
  • acquaintance with literary works: G. Kosova "ABC of the underwater world", S. Sakharnov "Who lives in the sea?", A. S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", G. H. Andersen "The Little Mermaid";
  • learning poems by V. Orlov “Why do I need clothes for the sea?”, “I draw the sea”, Y. Dulepin “Octopus”, S. Baranov “Dolphins”, proverbs and sayings, finger gymnastics “Seagull”, guessing riddles, word creation;
  • viewing reproductions of paintings by I. K. Aivazovsky “Night. Blue Wave”, “Ninth Wave”, “Black Sea”, “Hurricane at Sea”, A. Rylov “Sea. Stones”, “In the Blue Space”, A. Bogolyubov “Sailboat in the Sea”;
  • listening to the song "Dolphins" to the verses of S. Kozlov from the cartoon "In the Port"; Debussy K. "Sea", sketch for symphony orchestra, "Conversation of the wind with the sea"; Ravel M. "The play of water";
  • watching cartoons "The Colorful Family", "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", "The Little Mermaid", "Finding Nemo", "The Underwater Tale".

Family collaboration:

Photo exhibition: "Remember the blue sea ..!", "I'm in the aquarium!" ;

Parents write down, invented by the child, a story about a marine life, help to decorate with drawings;

Resource support:

Illustrations, photographic materials, videos, slides, books, works of art and materials, a camera, a computer, materials for visual and design activities, shells of various sizes and shapes, plasticine, waste material.

Can a person live in water? Why?

What marine animals do you know?

What do you know about the inhabitants of the underwater world?

What special devices do some inhabitants of the deep sea use?

What do sea creatures eat?

Who is Neptune?

What inventions did marine life suggest to man?

What animal is the largest, smartest, fastest, musical?

Project implementation

Joint activities of children and teachers.

Purpose: To activate cognitive interest in the inhabitants of the deep sea. To consolidate children's knowledge about the diversity of the underwater world; encourage search skills; enrich the speech of children; develop respect for nature.

Conversations: About fishes, about the seas and oceans, about the underwater world;

Examination of illustrations (encyclopedias "The Sea and its World", "Fish that glow";

Viewing videos "Sea World". "Underwater World", "Mammals at the Zoo: Performance of Dolphins, Fur Seals, Beluga Whale". Cartoons: "About the fisherman and the fish" by A. S. Pushkin; "Nemo". Videos: "Nemo Fish", "Zebra Fish" ... "Clown Fish";

Album with the species diversity of the animal, plant world, their habitat;

Examination of paintings by artists depicting the underwater world of the painting by Mark Suzino;

Reading fiction

Purpose: To form interest in works of art of various genres, to reveal the relationship between fabulous and the real world; learn to highlight the main idea of ​​the work;

Explain the importance of drawings in a book; show how many interesting things can be learned by looking at book illustrations.

H.-K. Andersen "The Little Mermaid".

Creative stories: “How I went to the dolphinarium” (selection).

Evening of riddles, poems about the sea world.

Memorizing poems about the inhabitants of the underwater world.

Didactic games

Purpose: To clarify and consolidate knowledge about the inhabitants of the sea. Develop resourcefulness, ingenuity, attention, the ability to prove the correctness of one's judgment.


"The Fourth Extra"

"Whose Silhouette"

"Guess the sound of the animal"

"Whose shadow?"

"Collect the Dolphin"

"Decorate the Aquarium"

"Guess what body of water"

"Who lives here?"

"Whom I'll Tell You About"

Board games

"Paired Pictures"

"Find out what's changed"

"Find the same"

"Connect the Dots"


Target. To develop the ability to describe the reservoir, its inhabitants according to the description.

Expand children's vocabulary: jellyfish, octopus, shrimp, sawfish, crab, seahorse, flounder.

"Describe the animal"

"Guess a riddle"

"Who hears what?"

"Whose kids?"

"Find an item by description"

"Say one word"

“Who will notice the tales more?”

Productive activities:

Exhibition of drawings and handicrafts from natural and waste material "Sea and sea secrets".

Purpose: To teach children various methods of working with various visual means, the ability to follow oral instructions, to operate with concepts denoting spatial characteristics. Develop fine motor skills of hands and eye, artistic taste and creativity. To educate the culture of work, communication skills of children.

Application "At the bottom of the sea"

Collective application "In the depths of the sea"

Plasticine painting "Unusual fish"

Drawing with finger technique "Magic underwater world"

Stone painting "Goldfish"

Modeling from dough "Clown fish"

Paper construction - seabed layout

nautical decorations (pendants and bracelets made of shells)

Origami "Sea fish"

Production of an album with illustrations “How beautiful this underwater world is…”

Musical activities

Purpose: To teach to perceive the character of animals with the help of musical works. Exercise children in creating expressive images of marine life. To instill a love for various musical genres.

  • Listening to songs about the sea;
  • Listening to music: Sounds of the Sea, Sounds of a Dolphin;

Interaction with parents

Photo albums "How we rested at sea";

Consultations for parents: "How to interest children in the secrets of the unusual marine world";

Assistance in organizing leisure activities on the marine theme.

Participation in the exhibition of drawings and crafts "Sea and Sea Secrets" joint work of parents and children, educators.

Registration of a game library of didactic games

Selection of a puzzle on a marine theme;

Split pictures "Sea animals";

Plot - role-playing games:

"Journey by ship", "Underwater expedition"

(experiments and experiments);

"Journey by ship to fairyland"


Goal: Formation of motor skills, development of imagination, attention.

"The Fisherman and the Fishes"

"Ocean is shaking"

"Fish and Pebbles"



Music games

Target: Stability of attention, precise execution of verbal instructions; Motor-auditory coordination; Distribution of attention; Rhythmic speech, diction; auditory attention;

"Funny fish";



Design of the game corner "Sea World"

Quiz "Wonders of the Underwater World"

Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge of the sea and the marine world. To instill in children an interest in the world around them. To develop coherent speech of children. Expand vocabulary. Learn to distinguish fish from mammals.

Equipment and materials: Puzzles, puzzle picture, riddles, map, marine attributes.