Development of intellectual games for younger students. Intellectual and educational games for children of primary school age. "Such different words"

Valentina Krutakova
Intellectual game for preschoolers and younger students "I want to know everything!"


Develop students' cognitive interest,

Develop speed of reaction, memory, thinking, logic, speech,

Contribute to the enrichment of vocabulary,

Find out the level of awareness and knowledge of children in different areas,

Expand your horizons, ideas about the world around you,

To promote team building, create a good mood among the children, organize leisure activities, gain knowledge,

Learn to work in teams and pairs.

Equipment: tokens for each participant, the ribbon of the winner of the game « Want to know everything» or a diploma, sweet and consolation prizes for all the children, cards with labyrinths, cards with the image of various shadows and fragments.

The host invites the children to complete various tasks, answer questions, according to the results of each competition - tasks, the child is given 1 token. At the end of the game, each player's tokens are counted and the winner is determined. For junior children are asked simple questions, for older children it is more difficult, the answers need to be substantiated.

Lesson progress:

(leader - educator)

Hello guys. Today we will spend interesting game , it is called « Want to know everything. This the game is called intellectual, requires speed of reaction, attention, memory, brain work and your mental development generally.

You will be given different tasks to complete. We will test your knowledge in different areas, based on the results of their implementation, we will find out connoisseur, the most erudite of you.

So are you ready know the wisest erudite among you? Then let's start! First, let's learn the chant and all loudly, in unison, her let's shout:

We are smart!

We are friendly!

We are attentive!

We are diligent!

We are learning a lot!

And we will succeed!

Exercise 1. Fairy tale connoisseurs

I'll start and you finish

Just answer in rhyme!

In a fairy tale, the horse is not simple:

Miracle - golden mane,

He carries a boy over the mountains,

Yes, it won't drop it.

The horse has a son -

amazing horse,

amazing horse,

By nickname (humpback)

Before the wolf he trembled,

Run away from the bear

And the fox on the tooth

Still got caught (kolobok)

About a cozy house

We'll start a conversation.

There is a rich person

She lived and drank tea.

I drank tea, chewed muffins.

Unfortunately, the person

The whole house burned to the ground.

Well, think a little...

That's right, it's my aunt (cat)

In the rivers of Africa for a long time

Evil floats a log.

Whoever swims to meet

Everyone will be swallowed (crocodile)

Enemy of people and enemy of beasts

Angry robber (Barmaley)

He is kinder than everyone in the world,

He heals sick animals.

And once a hippopotamus

He took it out of the swamp.

Known for kindness

This is the doctor (Aibolit)

His master is the boy Robin,

His friend is Piglet.

He was once like a cloud;

He is simple, but he is not stupid.

For him, a walk is a holiday,

And honey has a special scent.

It's a plush prankster

bear cub (Winnie the Pooh)

He is familiar to all small children,

Everyone loves him

But such in the whole world

You won't find one.

He is not a lion, not an elephant, not a bird,

Not a tiger cub, not a titmouse,

Not a kitten, not a puppy

Not a wolf cub, not a groundhog.

But filmed for film

And known to all for a long time

This cute face

And it's called (Cheburashka).

Well done guys, you did a great job. Everyone who answered the questions receives a token. And now we will find out which of you is the smartest.

Task 2. Questions for ingenuity, ingenuity.

1. Two sausages are boiled for 6 minutes. How long will eight of the same sausages cook? (6 minutes).

2. A woman was going to Moscow and met three men. Each of them carried a sack, in each sack a cat. How many beings went to Moscow? (1 woman).

3. Five light bulbs burned dimly in the chandelier. The doors slammed and two burned out. You need to do the most smallness: say how many lamps are left? (five).

4. How many teeth does an adult have? (32) .

5. How to speak correctly: "Fish don't have teeth", "Fish don't have teeth", "Fish don't have teeth"? (fish have teeth).

6. Which fish has eyes on one side? (at the flounder).

7. Where are endangered animals brought? (to the Red Book).

8. A and B were sitting on a pipe. A fell, B disappeared, what was left on the pipe? (and).

9. How many suns are in the sky? (1) .

10. How many fingers does a person have? (20. 5 on each arm, 5 on each leg).

12. Remember and name proverbs about health. ( "In a healthy body - healthy mind» , "Cleanliness is the key to health", “You can’t buy health, it gives the mind” and etc.).

13. What can kill a horse? (drop of nicotine).

14. Which is heavier: 1 kg of cotton wool or 1 kg of iron? (same).

15. There were 3 glasses of cherries on the table. Petya ate a cherry from 1 glass and put it back on the table. How many glasses are left? (3) .

16. If a rooster lays an egg, who will get it? (to no one, the rooster does not lay eggs).

17. Name 5 days of the week without calling them by their names (the day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow).

18. In what month does chatty Masha speak the least? (in February, since there are 28 days in February).

19. How many giraffes swim in the Black Sea? (not at all, giraffes don't swim).

20. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (no, the ostrich can't talk).

Well done, guys, tried to answer the questions correctly.

And now I suggest you go through the maze, who is faster.

Task 3. Go through the maze

On the table in front of you are cards with labyrinths, you need to go through them as quickly as possible. Children go through the maze on cards, mark the way to the exit from the maze. Whoever copes with the task faster and better receives a token.

Well done guys, they did a great job. And now let's check how you can solve riddles.

Task 4. Riddles

A board on a rope is no worse than a horse,

Rolls all dexterous on the playground. (swing)

From under the roof

Went out for a walk in the rain. (umbrella)

Round, smooth like a watermelon

Any color, for different tastes,

When you let go of the leash,

He will fly into the clouds. (balloon)

Hit the wall - I'll jump

Throw it to the ground and I'll bounce

I'm flying from palm to palm,

I can't lie still want. (ball)

What master did this on the windows

And castings, and herbs, and thickets of roses? (freezing)

One speaks, two look, two listen. (tongue, eyes, ears).

Sisters grow in the meadows,

They have a golden eye and white cilia. (chamomile)

Under the pines, under the trees

There is a bag of needles. (hedgehog)

multi-colored yoke

It hung across the river. (rainbow)

One hundred clothes and all without fasteners. (cabbage)

Everyone loves him, but if they look at him, everyone frowns. (sun)

Walks in summer, rests in winter. (bear)

Who is in the forest without axes

Building a hut without corners? (ants)

Without hands, without an ax

Hut built. (nest)

Well done guys, you know how to solve riddles, and now take a break. You need to find the corresponding fragment or shadow on the cards, insert the desired fragment into the drawing.

Task 6. Pick up by shadow, fragment

In front of the guys are cards with drawn vessels, various thematic pictures. Some parts of the pictures on each card are missing some details. The task of the guys is to find and insert the necessary details, shadow, fragments into the missing places.

Well done, guys, quickly and correctly coped with the task. Now let's let's play let's have a rest. Do you know what an echo is? Imagine that you are an echo. I will say phrases, and you must repeat these phrases exactly after me, word for word.

Task 7. Synchronous echo

Get ready, kids / ra, ra /,

Continues game /ra, ra/,

Beat your hands more cheerfully / lei, lei /,

Yes, don't feel sorry for the palms /lei, lei/,

What time is it? /hour, hour/,

What is twice two? /two, two/,

The head is spinning / wa, wa /,

Is it an ear or a nose? /nose, nose/, (showing ear)

Or maybe hay? /cart, cart/,

Is it an ear or an eye? /eye, eye/, (showing ear)

But this is what we have? /us, us/, (point to knee)

How does the rooster sing in the village? /uh, uh/,

Are you good, obedient always? /Yes Yes/,

Or only sometimes? /Yes Yes/,

Tired of answering? / chat, chat /,

I allow you to shut up / chat, chat /,

This is the end of our game /re, re/,

And thank you, kids! /re, re/.

Well done guys, they were able to become a real echo, a friendly and close-knit team. In the game, you tried to help each other, support and cheer.

Summary of the lesson:

Here comes our mind game to the end You all tried your best and did a good job. What did you learn new for yourself, what did you learn? Thank you for good game, your knowledge! Try to continue to study well, be attentive in class, observe what is happening around you, the world around you and its changes, and try to become educated, cultural and intellectually advanced people!

Now we will count all your tokens earned by you on our game « Want to know everything, find out which of you has become the most erudite, smart, intellectual(counting tokens). And now we're going to do the awards. became the smartest (became (name, surname of the child - winner). He is awarded a ribbon of the winner, a certificate of honor, all participants - sweet incentive prizes. Thank you all, see you next time games and activities.

For the development of mental abilities in schoolchildren, intellectual games are very effective. There are a lot of such games.

You can invent intellectual games for children and younger schoolchildren yourself, you can use existing games. In any case, there are benefits from such games.

Consider some of the already existing intellectual games.

The game is an intellectual casino AZ and Ya.

This game is remarkable in that it can be interpreted using any country, state, oceans and much more.

Although it will take a little "tinkering" to pick up some names, questions and characteristics. The essence of this game is to consolidate knowledge about the country, the state, in this case about Asia.

This game includes 4 rounds, tasks that are given to all teams. Answers should be written on paper, then voiced after a certain time (for example, 60 seconds).

  • First tour. The bottom line is to correctly answer questions about Asia (A Z AND Z, consists of 4 letters, so there will be 4 questions each). Questions about the country should be those that were studied in the lessons. For each correct answer, the team receives a letter (from the word Asia).
  • Second round. List the names of rivers, sights ..., what was studied in the lessons about this country. For each correct answer - 5 points.
  • The third round is called the "intellectual casino", where you need to ask questions about the country, the answers to which the children should have known from the program. For each correct answer - 5, 10, 15 points (the number of points depends on the complexity of the question, where the complexity is determined by the teacher when compiling questions). Make up 3-4 questions of each difficulty.
  • The fourth round is called "bluff club". Here questions are asked for logic and attentiveness (questions containing the correct or incorrect answer). You need to answer "yes" or "no", while, if necessary, explain. For example, the question - The capital of Asia - Tashkent? The answer is “no”, Asia does not have a capital, it is not a state.

The game is over, knowledge is fixed, there are winners. Rewards are up to you.

Competition, make a word from a phrase, or another word

This game is interesting for students of any age. It is necessary to make as many nouns as possible from the letters of a word or phrase, and each letter can be used only once.

This task can be complicated, for example, to compose English words from an English word. For example, the word parallelepiped.

We compose words: steam, ice, parade, paw, plaid ...

Competition "Anagram"

This is where, having two or more existing words, it is necessary to form one, for example cities.

  1. a hundred and a ditch - the word ROSTOV,
  2. fox and loach - the word VILNIUS,
  3. floor and cotton wool - POLTAVA ...

And if you want to teach your child how to make words from a big word, consider.

Mosaics and constructors

Well develop the logic of the mosaic game.

Various constructors:

  1. lego,
  2. wooden,
  3. iron…

Tasks in magazines

Magazines that develop logic and thinking, in which there are tasks such as:

  1. puzzles,
  2. puzzle,
  3. Crosswords,
  4. draw a picture
  5. Find differences,
  6. and others.

These are just a few of the many games out there. Most of them can be developed by bringing something of your own to them.

You can invent many games yourself, it is not at all difficult, the main thing is to focus on the age of your children (schoolchildren). In any case, you will use the classic existing games, or their invented ones, it doesn't matter.

The effect will definitely be, thanks to many of these games, children not only develop mentally, but also learn to work in a team.
Playing - you can become smarter!

Whatever children play
Whatever they were asked
You only need to learn one thing
All games should be wise.

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Goals: The use of intellectual games in order to create favorable conditions for the development of each individual, capable of achieving results in intellectual work.


  1. Create conditions for self-knowledge and self-realization.
  2. Stimulate the development of intellectual and cognitive abilities of children.
  3. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards each other in a team environment.
  4. To develop the creative activity of children.

Game participants:

The game is played by 4 teams. The members of each team are united by the date of birth. In the first team, guys who were born in the fall, in the second - in the winter, in the third - in the spring, in the fourth - in the summer.

Team members come up with a team name, choose a captain.


  1. multimedia equipment.
  2. Personal Computer.
  3. multimedia presentation.
  4. Signal cards.
  5. Evaluation paper.
  6. Stopwatch.
  7. Gong.
  8. Diplomas and prizes
  9. "Hat of the Wise"

Game description

This game is team play and designed for 3rd grade students. The game has 4 rounds.

I round

I round contains questions of the 4th category of knowledge, which are evaluated from 1 to 4 points:

MATHS 1 2 3 4
ART 1 2 3 4

Teams are given 15 seconds to discuss the question. The arbiter keeps track of the task completion time.

The first team to answer is the team that raised the signal card the fastest. If a team gives an incorrect answer, the right to answer passes to the team that next raised the signal card. For every correct answer the team receives the number of points that corresponds to the question in the table. For every wrong the answer from the team is deducted the corresponding number of points. The team that correctly answered the previous question gets the right to choose the next question.

The scoring is counting commission consisting of 4 people. Each member of the commission follows one team and counts the number of points scored by this team.

The same rules are used during the second round of the game.

II round

SPORTLAND 10 20 30 40
SHEVELI gyrus 10 20 30 40

Several questions of the I and II rounds belong to the category "Pig in a poke" and to the category "Question-auction". The participants in the game do not know in advance in which field these questions are located.

If during the game the team gets a question from the category "Cat in a bag" then the team gives the right to answer this question to the opponents in the intellectual game.

If during the game the team gets "Question - auction", the team that offers the highest "price" gets the right to answer. Only those teams with a positive number of points can "bargain".

III round

AT 3rd round private traders solve a crossword puzzle. For each correct answer, the team receives 5 points.

Only teams with positive scores advance to the finals.

The final

Before the start of the final every team makes bets, i.e., they write down on the cards the number of points that they set as a bet and hand over to the counting commission.

In the final teams must make new words from the letters of the word SNOW MAIDEN. The time to complete the task is 1 minute. The team with the most words wins. This team receives the number of points that the team declared in the bet. For other teams, the points declared in the bet are deducted from the account.

Game winner the team with the most points left after the final is considered.

According to the results of the game, certificates and prizes are awarded to the participants of the winning team of the game, the best player, who is awarded the "Cap of the Wise"


I. Organizing moment:

1 student:

If you want to build a bridge
Watch the movement of the stars
Drive the machine in the field
Or drive the car up -
do well at school
Study diligently.

2 student:

We don't go to school in vain
It is impossible without science!
You will enter the life of an illiterate
You'll be gone in a minute.
To avoid mistakes
Mind must be developed.
Can you check in the game?
It will be easy or difficult.

II. Dear team members, now you have to come up with a name for your team and choose a captain.

(players come up with a team name)

Sections: Primary School

AT primary school the intellectual development of the child is often neglected. This is due to several reasons. Firstly, the dominant activity is the assimilation of knowledge and skills, which involves solving problems that always have a ready solution. Children get used to solving problems based on the already learned rule; they cannot act on their own to find a new way to solve. Secondly, the constant solution of typical tasks impoverishes the personality of the child. Children get used to evaluate themselves, their capabilities only through successful or unsuccessful solution of typical tasks, the solution of which depends on the degree of assimilation of certain knowledge. This leads to the fact that the child's self-esteem depends only on diligence and diligence in mastering new knowledge and rules, and not on quick wit, originality and invention.

In connection with these reasons, the development and correction of intellectual abilities in children of primary school age is one of the important tasks of the work of the psychological and pedagogical staff of the school.

As an example, several game exercises, which can be carried out on classroom hours, warm-ups before classes, etc.

Exercise “Riddles”

There are chickens on one side and ducklings on the other. Islet in the middle. Who will swim to the island faster?

Mom carries heavy bags. Daughter says:

Mommy, let me help you. I'll carry the bags, and you take me in your arms.

Will the girl help her mother? Why?

The girl Lena was asked:

Do you have a sister?

Does your sister have a sister?

No, Lena replied.

What do you think?

Children in the forest collected cones. The boys had large buckets, red, without a bottom. And the girls are small, green. Who will collect more cones?

A nine-year-old boy had a cat with a short tail. She ate the mouse with the long tail, and the mouse swallowed the straw along with the seed. How old is the boy who had the cat?

The table has four corners. If one corner is cut off, how many corners are left?

Tasks to connect the subject (everyday) experience of children.

Task 1. Name the geometric shapes shown in the figure. Find the extra figure and explain why it is extra.

Task 2. What digit does the recording of numbers begin with?

14 18 111 19 10 100

Task 3. What is the name of this figure? Why did she get such a name?

Tasks for highlighting the essential features of the concept

Task 1. Read the words in brackets. Underline the words that are most relevant to the subject.

A) HOSPITAL (garden, doctor, room, radio, patients)

B) SCHOOL (building, students, chalk, blackboard, letters)

C) RIVER (water, shore, fish, angler, mud)

D) BOOK (picture, word, paper, reader, library)

E) SPORT (medal, stadium, victory, competition, music)

E) COMPUTER (screen, keyboard, counts, executes commands)

G) PRINTER (prints, white, silent, connected to a computer)

Task 2. Indicate the subject, the characteristic feature of which is:

A) Scale with divisions.

B) Grading and recording comments.

C) listening to music.

D) Watching movies.

Task 3. Draw objects, the essential features of which are the following: round and edible; round and inedible.

Task 4. What is different:

A) Window from the door.

B) Pencil pointer.

C) A circle from an oval.

D) A birch leaf from a maple leaf.

Task 5. How are the words of each group similar? How can you name each of the proposed groups in one word?

A) Highway, road, path.

b) City, village, town.

C) addition, division, subtraction.

Tasks aimed at the formation of skills to perform basic logical operations on concepts: generalization, limitation, division and definition

A) Tasks for establishing patterns.

Task 1. Insert the missing numbers:

A) 5, 15, _______, 35, _______, 55;

B) 14, 24, _______, _________, 54;

C) 2, 12, 22, _______, _______, _______;

D) 1.3, ________, ________, 9, ________;

E) 2, 4, 6, ________, ________, ________;

Task 2. Determine the pattern of repetition of figures and complete the sequence.

Task 3. Which of the figures should be in an empty cell of the table?

Task 4. determine the pattern of repetition of the sequence and draw this sequence: tree, bush, flower, tree, bush, flower ...

B) Tasks for combining and separating objects according to some criteria.

Task 1. Name the following groups of numbers in one word:

A) 2, 4, 6, 8, ...

B) 1, 3, 5, 7, ...

C) 2, 4, 7, 9, 5, 6, ...

D) 18, 25, 33, 48, 56, ...

Task 2. Several items are listed. How can they be called in one word?

A) Soup, goulash, porridge, jelly.

B) Chicken, goose, duck, turkey.

C) Horse, cow, sheep, pig.

D) Wolf, fox, bear, hare.

D) Potatoes, beets, onions, cabbage.

E) Shoes, boots, sneakers, slippers.

Task 3. What is the odd word in each group? Delete it. Name the essential feature of the resulting group. Give a name to each group of words.

A) Spruce, pine, cedar, birch.

B) Onion, cucumber, apple, carrot.

C) Mushroom, lily of the valley, chamomile, cornflower.

Task 4. Divide the following numbers into two groups: even, odd, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

Task 5. Divide these words into groups according to the number of syllables: pencil case, vase, lamp, lampshade, pen, pencil, pumpkin, desk, ruler, notebook, table, floor, pen, hammer, root. How many groups did you get?

Task 6. Write these words in the appropriate columns of the table: doll, shoes, pencil case, felt boots, ball, briefcase, pen, slippers, bear, shoes, notebook, top, pencil, sneakers, pistol.

Task 7. Divide the numbers 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 12, 16, 24, 35, 48 into two groups: one-digit and two-digit. Which row of the table is divided into groups correctly?

1 1,2,3,5,12 8,16,24,35,48
2 1,2,3,5,8,16 12,24,35,48
3 1,2,3,5,8 12,16,24,35,48
4 2,3,5,8 12,6,16,24,35,48

Game developing tasks and exercises for the development of conceptual thinking.

Task 1. Generalization of series of specific concepts using generic definitions. Children are invited to generalize several groups of specific concepts and name the following groups in one word:

plate, glass, mug, saucer;

table, chair, sofa, armchair, wardrobe;

shirt, dress, skirt, trousers;

slippers, felt boots, boots, sandals, shoes;

soup, porridge, cutlet, mashed potatoes;

birch, linden, spruce, pine, aspen;

sparrow, dove, crow, titmouse, goose, duck;

crucian carp, pike, perch, bream.

Task 2. Concretization of concepts. It is necessary to name objects and phenomena that are included in broader concepts. You can ask children about the following categories: trees, animals, toys, names, furniture, shoes, vegetables, clothes, dishes, birds, fish, fruits, colors, berries, etc.

Task 3. Generalization of a series of concepts of a wider scope. Students are given 5 groups of concepts for generalization, and they must tell what is common between these categories, what are the similarities of those concepts that are included in one group:

birds, animals, fish;

trees, herbs, flowers, shrubs;

furniture, dishes, clothes;

watches, scales, thermometers;

fire, flood, hurricane.

Task 4. Classification. Children are given 16 cards with images of birds, fish, dishes, furniture - 4 for each group and are asked to divide all the cards into groups so that each has drawings that can be called one word. Then the students are asked to combine the resulting groups into two, as similar as possible, and explain why they did so.

Task 5. It is necessary to compare pairs of objects by representation, find signs of difference and similarity: dandelion and chamomile; strawberries and strawberries; spruce and birch; apple tree and maple; rose and bell; cat and dog; chicken and duck; airplane and seagull; animals and plants.

Task 6. Pupils must guess what item is hidden, according to its description. To do this, you need to pick up any object or its image. Without showing the children, you need to describe this object: its shape, color, texture.

Task 7. The game “What is superfluous?”

A group of concepts is given, from which children must choose the odd one and give a common name to the rest. The game is possible in two versions: verbal and visual.

In the verbal version, groups of four words are offered, it is necessary to highlight which word is superfluous and does not fit the others, and how to call the rest in one word (or explain the similarity):

cabbage, potato, tomato, apple;

blue, red, beautiful, green;

mom, man, dad, sister;

old, decrepit, small, dilapidated;

birch, pine, maple, aspen;

boot, leg, boot, shoe;

winter, spring, summer, October;

jelly, compote, lemonade, ice cream, etc.

Task 8. The game "Disputants". Students are encouraged to argue with the teacher. Whatever word he utters, the children should say exactly the opposite and the faster the better: white-black; big small; fast-slow; cheerful-sad; dirty-clean; open-closed; old-new; shout-whisper; break-repair, etc.

Task 9. The game “Bad or good?” Children are offered a certain object (situation), and they must explain what its positive and negative sides are. For example, ice cream is good because it tastes good, bad because it can hurt your throat.

The following words are given: rain, TV, candy, dog, flowers, mosquitoes, run, get sick, bow, wind, cat, computer, music, knife, fire, sun, etc.

Task 10. The game "Words - overlays."

Pupils come up with words - overlays, then choose the funniest or most original word, explaining why they think so.

You can offer the following tasks:

mosquito + brand = mosquito;

zebra + shell = zebrafish;

tree + crow = tree-crow, etc.

Exercises for the development of mental operations of analysis and synthesis

Task 1. “Anagram”

Task 2. “Encrypted word”

Task 3. "Echo"

Compose words by separating the first letters from the given words:

Task 4. “Encrypted word”

Compose a word from the first syllables of the given words:


Task 5. “Anagram” (hidden word)

Make up words by rearranging the letters:



Task 6.

Make up new words by deleting one letter from the given words:


Task 7.

Compose a word from the second syllables of the given words:

Task 8. “Entertaining ladder”

Task 9. “Snake”

Make up words according to this model.

BUT _ _ _ _ _
_ BUT _ _ _ _
_ _ BUT _ _ _
_ _ _ BUT _ _
_ _ _ _ BUT _
_ _ _ _ _ BUT
_ _ _ _ BUT _
_ _ _ BUT _ _
_ _ BUT _ _ _
_ BUT _ _ _ _
BUT _ _ _ _ _

Exercises to find the essential features of objects

Task 1. Select two words that are most significant for the word in front of the brackets:

Forest (leaf, trees, apple tree, hunter, shrub)

River (shore, fish, mud, water, angler)

Task 2. Sports (stadium, orchestra, award, competition, spectators)

Hospital (garden, doctor, radio, patients, room)

War (guns, soldiers, battles, airplane, guns)

Exercises - logical problems

Task 1. Ivan Fedorovich is the father of Marina Ivanovna, Kolya is the son of Marina Ivanovna. Who is Kolya related to Ivan Fedorovich?

Task 2. Mom, dad and I were sitting on a bench. In what order did we sit if it is known that I was sitting to the left of my father, and my mother was to my left?

Task 3. Tolya caught a perch, a ruff, a pike. He caught a pike earlier than a perch, and a ruff later than a pike. What fish did Tolya catch before the others?

Can you tell which fish was caught last?

Task 4. Two fathers and two sons were walking, carrying three oranges. How many oranges did each carry?

Task 5. My name is Tolya. My sister has only one brother. What is the name of my sister's brother?

Problem 6. Kolya is taller than Vasya, but shorter than Seryozha. Who is taller: Vasya or Seryozha?

Task 7. For the holiday, students decorate the school building on four sides with 12 flags. They must be arranged so that there are 4 flags on each side. Draw an answer.

Task 8. The thermometer shows three degrees of frost. How many degrees will two such thermometers show.

Problem 9. The rope was cut in six places. How many parts did it make?

Problem 10. When a goose stands on one leg, it weighs 3 kg. How much will a goose weigh if it stands on two legs?

Games for the development of thinking functions

Game 1. Making proposals.

Children are offered three words that are not related in meaning, for example, “lake”, “pencil”, “bear”. Children need to make as many sentences as possible that would necessarily include these three words (you can change the case and use other words). Answers can be banal (“The bear dropped a pencil into the lake”), complex, with going beyond the situation indicated by the three original words and introducing new objects (“The boy took a pencil and drew a bear swimming in the lake”), and creative, including these objects into non-standard connections (“A boy, thin as a pencil, stood near a lake that roared like a bear”).

Game 2. Exclusion of the superfluous.

Any three words are suggested, for example, “dog”, “tomato”, “sun”. Children should be left with only those words that denote somewhat similar objects, and one word “extra”, which does not have this common feature, should be excluded. It is necessary to find as many options for excluding an extra word as possible, and most importantly, more signs that unite the remaining pair of words and are not inherent in the excluded, superfluous. Without neglecting the options that immediately arise (exclude the “dog”, and leave the “tomato” and “sun” because they are round), it is advisable to look for non-standard and at the same time very well-aimed solutions. The one with the most answers wins.

Game 3. Search for analogues.

An object or phenomenon is called, for example, a “helicopter”.

Children need to write out as many analogues as possible, i.e. other objects similar to it in various essential features. It is also necessary to systematize these analogues into groups, depending on what property of a given object they were selected for. For example, in this case, “bird”, “butterfly” (they fly and sit down) can be called; “bus”, “train” (vehicles); “corkscrew” (important parts rotate), etc. The winner is the one who named the most more analog groups.

Game 4. Ways to use the item.

A well-known object is called, for example, “a book”. You have to name as many as possible. different ways its applications: a book can be used as a stand for a film projector, it can be used to cover papers on the table from prying eyes, etc. A ban should be introduced on naming immoral, barbaric ways of using objects. The winner is the one who indicates the greater number of different functions of objects.

Game 5

The class is divided into two groups. The first group conceives an object. The second group must guess by asking questions. The first group has the right to answer only “yes” or “no” to these questions. Children from two groups stand in two lines opposite each other. First, the first child from the second group asks a question: “Is it alive?”. The first child from the first group answers: “Yes”. Then the second child from the second group asks a question: “Did I see him?”. The second child from the first group answers: “Yes”. Etc. after guessing the subject, the groups switch roles.

Game 6. "Let's define a toy."

Children bring a toy to play. The leader is chosen. He goes out the door. The teacher and the children come up with some kind of story in which the main character is one of the toys. The driver is invited. The guys tell him an invented story, not naming the main character, but replacing him with the pronouns “he” or “she”. The host must show the toy, which is the main character of the story told. If the driver guessed correctly, another leader is selected and the game is repeated.

For children, they develop not only mental abilities and ingenuity, but also give children new knowledge.

Intellectual game Kolobok

Everyone knows the fairy tale "Kolobok". There are seven characters in the fairy tale: a woman, a grandfather, a gingerbread man, a hare, a wolf, a bear and a fox. You need to prepare seven pictures or draw them together with your baby. Then tell the child the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man", using pictures as a visual aid. After that, you need to invite the baby to arrange the pictures in chronological order. An older child will be happy to tell a story himself.

Intellectual game Putanka

At least 5 people must participate in this game. Two of them: one confusing, the other unraveling. The unraveler goes into another room so that he can see what the rest of the playing children are doing. The participants of the game join hands, after that the “confusing” begins to do its job - to confuse all the guys: who crawled under the arm, who stepped over the other’s arm, who wrapped his arm around his neck, but you can’t open your arms. In general, it turned out "abracadabra". Now the exit of the “unraveling” is a simple task - to unravel without opening the hands.

Intellectual game Guess

The host asks questions, taking turns gradually bringing the playing children closer to the correct answer. For example.
- They are looking for him
Ivan is looking for him
- This is the hero of a fairy tale.
- He lives in distant kingdom
- They want to defeat him.
- His life is not in him.
- His life is at the end of a needle
The facilitator then offers children make a similar series of questions.

The game Write the word

On a blackboard or on paper, draw a square. Then we draw the cells - 5 by 5 (this is the minimum number of small cells, more can be - 6 by 6, etc.). In the central part we write the word. For example: TRAP. Then, in turn, we enter one letter at a time in neighboring cells so that another word is obtained. If under the word KAPKAN at the bottom under the first letter A we write the letter P, then we get the word FOLDER, and in a separate column drawn for each participant we write the number 5 - since the word FOLDER contains 5 letters. And so on in turn. The winner of the game is the participant who scores the most points.

City Game

The first participant says the name of the city. The next participant must name the city with the letter that the first city ends with. For example: Moscow. The next one says: Astrakhan. The next one is Novosibirsk. You can choose any topic: animals, countries, movie titles, etc.

Game Air, water, earth, fire

This game requires a ball and several players. Children become in a circle. Inside the circle is the leader with the ball. He alternately throws the ball to the participants and at the same time says one word out of four proposed: “air” - you need to catch the ball and say the name of the bird, “water” - catch the ball and name the fish, “land” - name the animal, but if you catch the ball on the word "fire" - you are out of the game. After one of the participants has caught the ball, the host begins to count to "three" and if the catcher does not name anything, then he is out of the game. If he named a fish instead of a bird, he is out of the game.
The winner becomes the leader.

Journey game

The leader throws the ball in a circle in turn to the participants in the game. The one who catches the ball says the following phrase: "I will go to ... for example: Delhi." The participant to his right asks the question: “Why?”, and the next one to his right must quickly answer: why did he need to go to Delhi. For example: "count elephants or study India."
Who could not quickly answer the question out of the game.

The game Crocodile

This game develops imaginative thinking and acting skills. Two teams are playing.
Representatives of one team call a participant from another. They whisper the name of the animal in his ear, and in the future, everything that comes to mind. The task of the rival side is to guess what the called participant will portray without words.

Cartoon Character Winged Expression Game

Snippets of speech are heard famous heroes from cartoons: Hare from “Well, wait a minute!”, Brownie Kuzya, Freken Bock, Bremen Town Musicians, Alice from Looking Glass, etc. Children who named the hero correctly receive a token - a smile, and an image of this hero appears on the screen.

"Fairytale cubes puzzles."

Props: 24 dice with parts of the depicted heroes. The facilitator makes riddles. Those participants who guessed them are invited to the stage. Then, for a while, they collect pictures with heroes.

Intellectual game with the audience.

Sea, window, pie, heart, cocoa, grapes, flower, ocean, blankets, kiss, look, love - these words are called by the presenter. The words, as you can see, are pronounced in the singular. The task of the audience is to name these words in the plural.

intellectual movement game.

This game is complex. It is carried out in several stages:
Stage 1 - the leader lines up the players in one row, then calls the names of adjectives (for example: round, green, large, etc.). After each spoken word, the participant takes a step forward and continues the phrase (for example: round - ball, green - forest, etc.). Drops out of the game, not finding the right noun.
Stage 2 - you need to come up with an original exercise with a hula hoop
Stage 3 - draw a creature consisting of geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle.