Games about snakes for children 5 years old. snake games. Varieties of online snake and management

So, the first version of the Snake game was born (just imagine!) In 1979. It was created on the antediluvian computer TRS-80 by the German programmer F. Seger. A version for the Commodore VIC-20 was soon released. It was just called Worms. Numerous variations of the Snake game existed then in the Soviet Union. The most common was launched on the Radio 86RK computer.

The next round of popularity of the game about the snake came at the beginning of the era mobile phones. You have no idea how fun it was for boys and girls of the 2000s (and adults too) to play snake for free on the tiny monochrome displays of the Nokia N70 and its successors.

And what are we seeing now? Some 15-17 years have passed, and a new surge of interest in the rare Snake has captured user minds. And since the field of computer entertainment is developing much faster than any other, the spiral turns in it also repeat more often. The essence of the snake game has not changed, despite the fact that it can now be played online by a large number of users at the same time. But how the graphics have been transformed! Instead of a dull black and gray screen without any extraneous details, today we can watch the legendary Snake in any scenery: from endless outer space to the Garden of Eden or some fantasy world. Our section contains the brightest browser "snakes" of all that exist today on the planet.

How to play

In terms of rules, Snake hasn't changed much since 1979 either. It's still simple, fun and exciting to play. Immediately after launch, a tiny worm appears on the screen, which so far cannot be called a snake. The task of the gamer is to feed the reptile to a decent size. To do this, you need to move it around the screen with the mouse or arrow keys so that it can eat dots of colorful food scattered around the generous hand of the developer. Like any living creature, eating well and regularly, the snake increases in size. Over time, she begins to occupy most of the screen and any movement is given to her with difficulty.

Now her main task (and yours too!) Is not to get confused in her own body. If the game is multiplayer, it's even more difficult to act. It is necessary not only to manage not to touch your own tail with your head, but also not to catch the grown reptiles of other users. If this happens, the game will end for you, and the unfortunate snake will crumble into dozens of pieces of colorful food. In some versions of the puzzle, you can also not touch the borders. playing field, where the reptiles move, so be careful.

Logic game "Snake" (Snake) belongs to the oldest classics computer games. You may have seen "Snake" among the pre-installed games of old Nokia phones, on dandy consoles, and even on slot machines late 70s! Ready to play snake online on Full Screen computer, phone or tablet? Let's check!

The online version of the game "Snake" (Snake) - a remake of the very first snake puzzle for dexterity and attention. Its gameplay is very simple: you need to feed the snake, directing towards food. But at the same time, it is worth considering that the snake grows very quickly. Therefore, manage carefully, stinging yourself in the tail, the pet dies. Happy maneuvering to you and bon appetit to the snake!

Description of the game Snake

A serpent lives on a playing field with protected corners. His food appears in different parts of the screen and serves as a source of reward points. Feed the snake by controlling with arrows. The more you eat, the higher the score and the longer the body.

At the beginning of the game, the snake tail is very small, only three segments and the speed is negligible, so it is very easy to control. But the longer the snake, the faster the movement.

Rules of the game

  • collect as many fruits as possible;
  • you can not avoid hitting the walls, but touching the corners is deadly;
  • The main danger for the snake is its own tail, if the snake bites itself it's game over.

As you can see, the plot of the Snake game is very simple, but more than serious games: Snake Wormix, Slither game - with mouse control and multiple players.

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The reptiles are attacking!

Snake is already a real classic among games. Any person in the world at least once launched this toy on his mobile or computer. You can even say that snake games are the first games that appeared in the public domain and are available to every player. In the recent past, the guys played in the yard and organized competitions, determining who is a real professional and who can score the most points.

Online snake will allow you to control various cartoon or 3D characters. Your main goal is to feed and grow your snake as giant as possible. These games test your skills, reflexes and reaction speed, because at some point you will even have to avoid your own tail, and there will simply be a catastrophic lack of space.

Varieties of online snake and management

Slitherio is the most popular snake toy. In this arcade game you play as a worm in a dark and mysterious world. Slitherio is a multiplayer game, so there are a lot of opponents around you who can easily eat your worm, and you have to start over. The goal is the same as in all the others - to reach unrealistic proportions and show everyone that there is only one winner.

You can play snake online using the arrows on your keyboard: each one determines in which direction your snake will move. You need to always be careful, the slightest wrong move and the tailed character is over. Try to grow your pet the largest in the world and get to the top of the food chain!

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