Computer games as a way of development and education of the younger generation. Do computer games teach anything What do computer games teach

Dance Dance Revolution

What does it teach: sense of rhythm, coordination of movements

The experiment with is far from the first use of a video game in the educational process. For example, in many American schools, in physical education classes, students, along with basketball and ping-pong, are "cut" with might and main in Dance Dance Revolution. According to teachers, this game is able to accustom even the most passive and fat children to sports.


What does it teach: think abstractly
The honor of getting into the school program also fell to LittleBigPlanet. In 2009, one of the New York schools found an interesting application for it: with the help of a local level editor, students recreated Aesop's fables.

Microsoft Flight Simulator

What does it teach: the basic principles of aircraft control

Flight Simulator is not only an object of worship for flight simulator lovers for many years, but also a serious training tool for future pilots, recognized in many flight schools. About how to effectively use the game in civil aviation, even written thick book by former Microsoft employee and avid pilot Bruce Williams.

Gran Turismo 5

What does it teach: drive racing cars

But Gran Turismo is not yet studied in driving schools, but this did not stop Polyphony Digital from cooperating with Nissan and creating their own, called GT Academy. The project allows the winners of virtual competitions to try their hand at the world of real motorsport. The 19-year-old Briton became the triumphant of 2011 Jan Mardenborough, who has been playing Gran Turismo since the second part.


What does it teach: to play guitar

In fact, teaches or not - the question is still relevant on thematic forums. However, for novice guitarist Ryan Hampton, the answer is clear - in two months, using only Rocksmith as a guide, he learned two songs and (already, obviously, through the efforts of managers Ubisoft) performed in front of the public with the American team Better Than Ezra.

Why teach a child to program? Especially if you have a future ballerina or football player? The answer is simple: in order to teach you to think logically and plan your actions. Parents boast that modern children can turn on tablets and computers almost from the cradle. An interest in technology and a craving for entertainment can be combined with learning and development by offering a child games that will teach how to compose algorithms and even write code.

At what age do you think you should start learning programming? The creators of Kodable claim that their game is accessible to two-year-olds. You can learn to code before you learn letters. Even kids can really drive funny faces through the labyrinths, and at the same time master the compilation of programs, indicating the sequence of actions. Hints and recommendations are made using graphics, so the child will not have to read anything.

The website, created by the non-profit organization, the international movement "Hour of Programming", contains several educational courses for children and adults. The age at which you can start is four years. There is no one game that will teach everything at once, but there is step-by-step game training with characters from various cartoons. Going from level to level, you can learn and create your own short programs.

In the game, available on a smartphone or tablet, a small robot, obeying commands, must light bulbs in the right places. The main task that the child will face in this case is to design the path of the toy using simple commands. The task of the parent is to explain to the kids what the pictures mean.

It is not a fact that a child playing Lightbot will grow up to be a brilliant developer, but he will definitely learn how to plan actions and create simple algorithms. This application can also be recommended as one of the starting ones, even for preschoolers 4–6 years old. Developers offer more complex version which is suitable for children over nine years old.

Parents, by the way, can also be happy to spend time compiling routes. The robot is funny enough to appeal to kids and serious enough not to annoy adults.

PiktoMir, developed by NIISI RAS by order of the Russian Academy of Sciences, is our answer to foreign analogues. The NIISI RAS has already developed the KuMir system, in which older students get acquainted with programming, but game element it doesn't. PiktoMir, designed for preschoolers, turned out to be exciting and very accessible.

The robot paints the fields, and the child learns to make algorithms. All tips are made using graphics, so PiktoMir can be safely given to children who cannot read, starting from the age of five: it is noticeable that scientists have tried to make the actions understandable even for kids. If parents don't know of English language and they themselves do not understand anything in the programs, but they really want to develop logical thinking in children, PiktoMir will be a real salvation. Mobile versions available for iOS, Android and Windows phone, but you will have to download the last two from the developer's site.

Complete tasks and create an algorithm for moving the arrow through the puzzle - this is the meaning of the game, which can already be played by younger students. True, an ordinary arrow is unlikely to captivate seven-year-olds for a long time, especially if this is the first of similar games. But it can seriously interest schoolchildren from the age of ten who are already familiar with algorithmization, because the most interesting puzzles, of course, are found on more challenging levels. Robozzle provides almost unlimited opportunities to create and search for new tasks, so it is most suitable not for learning the basics, but for constant repetition and practice.

Cargo Bot

Another easy-to-learn game that preschoolers will feel comfortable at the initial levels. Since there is little text in it, it is enough for children to distinguish between individual letters in order to complete the first tasks and shift the boxes in fewer moves from place to place. Even adults can think about complex combinations for a long time. Among other educational and entertaining applications, Cargo-Bot stands out with a very nice picture. By the way, Cargo-Bot was fully programmed on the iPad.

It is not entirely fair to include Scratch in this list, because it is not a game, but a specially designed environment for teaching children to code, and you can’t leave it out, because it is a great educational tool. The authorship of Scratch belongs to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and in the community most of the information is translated into Russian, so Scratch is available to a very wide audience.

The possibilities of Scratch are really impressive, although there are no tasks and levels in it, but there is a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bimagination and means for its use. Since the child must set the goal in each project on his own, then universal solutions no, but there is room for creativity, which is not enough in games that teach algorithmization. Scratch is perfect for kids ages 8 and up who are tired of chasing robots and monkeys along familiar routes.

We must not forget about the classics, even pretty dusty. CeeBot educational games appeared in 2003 as a special development for educational institutions. Initially, the developers created Colobot - a game about the colonization of a new planet, the main feature of which was that you had to write your own programs to control the characters.

CeeBot is a multi-task gaming tutorial with detailed instructions. The story about programmable robots on a new planet, destroying the local fauna, of course, is not suitable for kids, but for teenagers who have already become interested in computer science and imagine what an algorithm is, it will be a good guide. Looks CeeBot on the background modern games pale, but where else would a child manage characters, creating their own programs, as close as possible to the syntax of C ++?

CodeCombat is already serious, because in this game they learn real code and the winner will turn out to be a ready-made programmer. You choose a programming language in which to write commands for your character (the game offers Python, JavaScript, Lua, or a few experimental ones like CoffeScript), and go on a journey to collect crystals.

Boys and girls from eight years old can be planted for the game. Training and tips in Russian, for $ 9.99 you can get new levels every month to complete (the first 70 are free). The game can be used in schools, there are separate bonuses for teachers.

In the game, before the start of each level, the child will read funny and motivating quotes about programming, reminding that "this code will not learn itself." CodeCombat is more addictive than the usual rpg and shooter games, one of the best combinations of relaxation and learning.

Milutka Anna Alexandrovna

1st year student, Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering, SBEE SPO "NKPiIT", Noyabrsk


Sheveleva Anna Valerievna

scientific adviser, master of industrial training, GBOU SPO "NKPiIT", Noyabrsk

The computer is not a toy or a fashionable topic, but a tool for the development of the younger generation, for its successful adaptation in the modern world.

Karpukova D.

In recent years, electronic media have played an increasingly important role in human life. They are an integral part of our everyday life: they are used as tools, facilitate the problems of everyday life, and are entertainment for us. Electronic media undoubtedly perform a significant function and increasingly occupy a place in our world.

The presence of television, computers, computer games and the Internet in the lives of our children is so great that they are often the object of research. A lot of scientific works indicate, first of all, the opportunities that modern media provide us.

Very often, the study considers only the negative aspects of the impact of television, computers, computer games and the Internet on the upbringing of the younger generation. In this article, we will try to prove reverse side these objects - positive.

A special place in the life of children is occupied by computer games. They expand perception, develop a reflex, arouse interest in knowledge from the school curriculum (history, geography), help develop the ability to draw conclusions and apply the rules of logic.

Games on the computer are the same activities, and it is always easier to attract a child to the game than to force them to learn the alphabet or, say, add numbers. When playing computer games, the child gets into fairy tale where the world exists. This world is so real! When the heroes of the computer game offer the kid to fix the wall of the house (by correctly folding the puzzle) or put the numbers in order to get to the treasure, the children feel their importance. And if at the end of the task they say “well done, you did great”, this causes delight in the child! Beautifully drawn, funny and kind children's computer games carry a lot of interesting, smart, funny and are completely aimed at ensuring that kids develop and improve their knowledge. And convenient and understandable control and voice acting performed by professional actors will make each game a real holiday.

Computer games specially created for children are designed so that the child can imagine a specific situation and get a general idea of ​​all objects and situations. Thus, the child begins to develop the basic operations of thinking, such as generalization and classification.

The child begins to understand that the objects on the screen are not real things. The child begins to develop an understanding that there are several levels of the world around us - real things, pictures, diagrams, words, etc.

Computer games teach children to overcome difficulties, control the implementation of actions, evaluate results. Thanks to the computer, learning to plan, control and evaluate the results of a child's independent activity becomes effective through a combination of play and non-play moments.

The simplest entertainment for a child will be a game from the Smeshariki series - Hedgehog Computer. With the help of this game, a child can master a machine that is difficult at first glance - a computer. The child acquires keyboard and mouse skills, gets acquainted with the main programs and commands. Also, the child is given the opportunity to learn the principles of computer animation, a palette of colors.

With the help of electronic coloring books, a child can be taught to recognize colors, master the variety geometric shapes in the form of electronic puzzles.

Currently, there are many games, the main theme of which is preparation for school. Here you can pay attention to such games that teach writing, reading, counting. Such skills will help to master computer games from the Luntik, Smeshariki, Prostokvashino series.

With the help of computer games, a child can master "adult subjects" at will.

The use of computer games in the daily life of a child has a great developmental and educational effect. They expand the presentation of developmental information.

Consider some of the opportunities that open up thanks to computer games:

· The use of modified graphic editors, such as modifications to the Paint editor, allows children to independently create images of figures of varying complexity and experiment with coloring them. A combination of drawing and computer creativity gives a very great developmental effect. Children first try to depict an object, a phenomenon on a piece of paper, and then transfer it to a computer;

· The use of modified music editors allows the child to learn musical notation, create melodies of varying complexity, i.e. engage in musical creativity;

Many are implemented on the computer didactic games. For example, the game "Learning to play chess" allows you to organize self-study of this game in a fun way;

Many computer games develop spatial thinking, coordination of movements, the ability to predict the situation, the ability to design and lay the foundation for technical creativity. For example, such games include a series of games "Seeker" and others.

·Many computer games, originally focused on a fun, exciting pastime, also have great developmental potential. These games include "Finding Nemo", "Elka", etc.;

Educational games for preschool and toddler school age Allows you to learn reading and numeracy skills in a fun way. The child, getting into entertaining situations, with each success receives powerful emotional reinforcement. At the same time, he develops a stable attitude towards independent search, a critical attitude towards the environment and himself, the desire to learn new things that underlie the orientation towards teaching. Such games include the games of the series “Uncle Fedor goes to school”, “Luntik. Preparing for school, etc.

It is very important that the use of computer games makes it possible to directionally form the high learning ability of children, starting from preschool age.

The novelty of working with a computer, which contributes to an increase in interest in learning and the ability to regulate the tasks set according to the degree of difficulty, encourage the right decisions, increase the child's motivation.

Computer games also help to eliminate the negative attitude towards the development of the child - failure, which is associated with misunderstanding, gaps in knowledge. Playing on the computer, the child gets the opportunity to complete the solution of the task to the end, relying on the help of adults. One of the sources of motivation for the child is the entertaining of the game. The possibilities of computer games are inexhaustible.

Games allow you to change the way you manage educational activities, immersing the child in game situation. They also give the child the opportunity to request some form of assistance.

In addition, the computer allow you to change the control over the activities of the child. The computer has the ability to check all the answers of the child, fixes the error or helps to eliminate the cause of its occurrence in time. The child willingly communicates with the computer. If the computer reports an error, then the child is eager to fix it as soon as possible. If the child does not have time to correct the mistake, then a new task may appear on the screen.

Computer games also contribute to the formation of reflection of the child's activities, which allows you to visualize the result of your actions.

The use of computer technology makes the game attractive and modern. There is an individualization of development and training, control and summing up.

Cognitive activity in the process of playing on a computer develops cognitive processes, such as thinking, memory, attention, imagination. All cognitive processes are interconnected.

The educational value of computer games for the development of the child is very high. The use of computer games creates an emotional mood, has a positive effect on the development of the child. In a child, games arouse interest in new material, increase attention and reinforce previously known material.

It is especially important to use the computer after explaining the new material and or repeating the image method in order to relieve the child of fatigue. It is possible to use various game programs, where, for example, it is proposed to decompose paintings depicting different seasons in a certain sequence or compose an image from individual elements (puzzles).

Firstly, computer games are built on the principle of complicating didactic tasks.

Secondly, the phasing of actions in the game does not allow the child to move on to the next stage. In the "menu" you can select the level of difficulty of the task. But, at the same time, the game adjusts to the level of development of the child and offers subsequent tasks, taking into account his previous answers: more complex or simpler.

It should be borne in mind that computer games should not take up all the personal time of the child. It is better to allocate half an hour - an hour a day for this. This is necessary primarily to avoid computer addiction and mental and health problems. by the most the best option is joint game child with parents. The most painless method of limiting the time spent near the computer can be the use of an alarm clock. The child should know that on a call he must finish the game and turn off the computer. At the same time, this method allows the child to independently control the time spent on the game.

As a result, we can conclude that computer games develop in a child:

・Speed ​​of reactions

fine motor skills of the hands

Visual perception of objects

Memory and attention

· Logical thinking

hand-eye coordination

Computer games teach a child:

categorize and generalize

· Think analytically in a non-standard situation

· Achieve your goal

Improve intellectual skills


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What should the future take into account? What language to start learning? What to strive for? Whom to look up to? And what needs to be done first?

Most rock music lovers pick up a guitar sooner or later. Sports fans dream passionately about entering the football field, basketball court or tennis court. Well, those who have committed hundreds of hijackings in GTA, spent dozens of hours in computer clubs playing Counter-Strike, or achieved considerable success in MMORPGs, are probably thinking about a career as a game developer.

The problem is that this direction is taught in a few educational institutions. Therefore, most game developers are self-taught, who once compiled curriculum. But what nuances did they take into account? Where did you start and what did you strive for? What language did you learn first? We have tried to answer these and other relevant questions.

What to strive for?

Before going to the store, you make a shopping list (at least in your head). Before traveling to the other end of the city - lay out a route. Well, before learning how to develop games, it is advisable to ask yourself: what exactly do you want to do? Create mobile apps or browser games? Work for a big company or a small one? Do you want to develop games professionally or devote your free time to this? And if the former, what interests you more: creating an interface, polishing the gameplay, or writing scripts?

Having the right goal setting can save you a lot of time and effort. In addition, it will allow you to reach the final destination the shortest way. Without the risk of getting off the road or getting into a swamp.

What language to learn?

In addition, the answer to the burning question depends on the goal: what programming language should I start with?

So, future developers of games like Minecraft and mobile applications under Android, you should pay close attention to Java. To begin with, we advise you to go intensive, especially since it is free. For those who look towards iOS - on Objective-C. For browser games, knowledge of Ruby-On-Rails is sometimes enough. For the very young and simple at times enough HTML. Flash game production uses ActionScript, and to write scripts of any complexity, you need JavaScript or perhaps the less common Lua. To create small console games knowledge of C# is required.

As for the most big-budget games (the so-called AAA class), most of them are equipped with their own or borrowed from colleagues "engine". Often, however, the entire "engine" or most of it is written in C++. It was this language that was used to create many famous "toys" - from Doom 3 and Call Of Duty to FIFA and The Sims. While classics like Quake were written in C.

However, there is a catch in mastering C++ - excessive complexity. No wonder they say that taking on C++ without knowing other languages ​​is the same as starting the study of mathematics with linear equations.

Is one language enough?

One of the beauties of programming is the possibility of constant self-development. In the development of games (especially large ones), self-improvement, including the study of as many languages ​​as possible, is not a whim, but a vital necessity. So, experienced developers working for the benefit of giants gaming industry, often face the need to alternately write in 7-8 languages. At the same time, in addition to the above languages, they have to learn, for example, Python or even SQL (as you understand, to create databases).

Therefore, if you decide to tie your fate to the production of large games, be prepared to become a "polyglot". In addition, the more languages ​​you master, the more interesting and varied tasks you will be faced with. And, of course, the chances of getting a dream job will increase significantly.


Before committing trip around the world need to learn to walk. Well, before serious game project you need to try your hand at something less significant.

Almost all experienced developers, regardless of regalia and talent, started with small applications: board games, variations of famous "toys", simple "flash drives". Then they did not think about major exhibitions like E3, but accumulated invaluable experience. Why not follow their example? In this case, it is not necessary to write complex code. For a debut, it is enough to use special programs for creating games (for example, Game Maker). After all, even with a simple toolkit, you will greatly facilitate your life. Firstly, in miniature you will understand the logic and structure of almost any game application. Secondly, you will fill the bumps that will heal during the transition to serious projects. Finally, third, enrich your portfolio. After all, even a simple "toy" requires a lot of time, patience and creativity to come up with a concept, write code and fix bugs. In addition, it shows that you are familiar with the production of games not only in dry theory.

What to take as a guideline?

Anyone who dreams of becoming a writer will read hundreds of books before writing a single word. Piano masters know by heart the best works of Strauss, Chopin and Beethoven. Well-known artists memorized the history of art before major exhibitions.

The same principle applies to game development. You cannot develop in a vacuum. Therefore, play, be inspired by the masters and, like a sponge, absorb the best. At the same time, try to look at applications not through the eyes of a "gamer", but through the eyes of a developer. In other words: transpose the game. Consider why in this moment time "bot" ran to the left, not back? What factors change the strength and accuracy of a strike in a sports simulator? How to create a "fatigue effect" when a character runs for a long time? How to make it so that during the rain the player hears the sound of drops, and not a pig squeal? Basically, get to the point. Try to recreate in your head the algorithms that you encounter during the game. Believe me, such a constructive approach will help you in your future difficult, but damn exciting career as a game developer.