Interactive map of tajikistan. Interactive map of tajikistan Geographic map of tajikistan year


Tajikistan is a state located in Central Asia, in the foothills of the Pamirs, which does not have its own access to the sea. Being the smallest Central Asian country in terms of area, the republic occupies about 143 thousand km². According to the information provided by the map of Tajikistan, the state shares its northern and western borders with Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, neighbors China in the east, and Afghanistan in the south.

In accordance with the administrative-territorial division, which is an interactive map of Tajikistan, the state consists of two regions (Sughd, Khatlon) and Gorno-Badakhshan autonomous region. In addition, the city of Dushanbe with a special status and 13 districts with republican subordination are highlighted on the map of Tajikistan.

The capital of the republic is the city of Dushanbe. detailed map Tajikistan shows the location of the city - Dushanbe is located in the western lands of the republic, occupying the Gissar valley. Among the most major cities states include, in addition to the capital, Khujand, Kulyab, Kurgan-Tube and Khorog. In total, there are 17 cities on the territory of the republic, which are indicated on the interactive map of Tajikistan.

Satellite map of Tajikistan. Explore the satellite map of Tajikistan online in real time. A detailed map of Tajikistan was created based on satellite imagery high resolution. As close as possible satellite map Tajikistan allows you to study in detail the streets, individual houses and sights of Tajikistan. The map of Tajikistan from the satellite easily switches to the mode regular card(scheme).

Far from the oceans and seas on the territory of Central Asia is the state Tajikistan with its capital in the city of Dushanbe. Tajikistan is one of the most ancient Asian civilizations with a rich history and culture.

Due to the wide variety of landscapes, the climate in Tajikistan also differs depending on the territory. In general, over most of the country, it is sharply continental with hot, dry summers and cold winters. On the plains, the average temperature in winter is +20, but in mountainous regions, the thermometer can drop to -60 C.

For many centuries of its existence, Tajikistan was inhabited by various peoples. So, for example, the Sogdians and Bactrians, who lived on the territory Tajikistan in 1 thousand BC, they created the states of Bactria and Sogdiana, the sights of which can still be seen today. Until now, if you make a tour of the country, you can visit such ancient cities as Khojent, Penjikent, Ura-Tyube with craft workshops, Kanibadam, etc. Ancient cities are full of ancient buildings, temples, mosques and fortresses.

However, the most famous landmark of Tajikistan can be called the Pamir, which is called the "Roof of the World." From the height of this amazing place you can see the expanses of the whole of Tajikistan. This is not only a paradise for climbers, but also for those who want to see deep gorges and rare representatives of the animal world with their own eyes. Also, according to legends, a snowman lives in the Pamirs.

Despite the huge natural potential and excellent resources, including more than 1000 rivers, lakes and mineral springs, tourism in Tajikistan is poorly developed, since most resort areas are not provided with everything necessary and need to be renovated.

On the page is an interactive map of Dushanbe from a satellite. Read more at +weather. Below satellite imagery and real-time search Google Maps, photo of the city and region in Tajikistan, coordinates

Satellite map of Dushanbe - Tajikistan

We observe on the satellite map of Dushanbe how exactly the buildings are located on Mayakovsky and Fedin streets. Viewing the map of the area, highways and highways, squares and banks, stations and train stations, address search.

Shown here in mode online map of the city of Dushanbe from the satellite contains images of buildings and photos of houses from space. You can find out where they are and how to get to Karabaev and Sherozi streets. Using the Google Maps search service, you will find the desired address in the city and its view from space. We advise you to change the scale of the scheme +/- and move the center of the image in the desired direction.

Squares and shops, roads and borders, buildings and houses, a view of Rahimi and Rokhinav streets. On the page, detailed information and photos of all objects of the area, in order to show in real time the necessary house on the map of the city and the plan of the region in Tajikistan.

Detailed satellite map of Dushanbe (hybrid) and the region provided Google service Maps.

Coordinates - 38.5611,68.7604