3d google maps on the streets. Google Maps is a mapping service that provides satellite interactive maps of the Earth online. Instructions for using the map from Google

I have long wanted to write this post and tell you about Google maps. Surely you will say: “What is special about them? regular cards, with the possibility of laying routes, using with GPS, information about the subway, maps of cities and streets, etc.” All this has long become a familiar tool for us, but not everyone knows that Google maps has an amazing opportunity that it is simply a sin not to know about. This feature sets GoogleMaps apart from its other competitors and gives it a big lead. Intrigued? Then I begin the detailed story ...

So meet… google maps in 3D. Yes, yes ... this means that now you can see three-dimensional buildings, streets, roads, vehicles, etc. It is worth noting that this function has appeared for a very, very long time. In Russia, it is almost never used, since 3D maps are still available only for foreign countries, and even then not for everyone. But as a short sightseeing tour of another country, they are just great.

If your Internet connection speed is below 512 Kbps, then using the service will be problematic ..... of course, if you can wait a long, long time ... In general, you need a more or less high-speed connection channel =) Just in case, update the version of Adobe Flash Player http ://www.adobe.com/en/products/flash/

Where to begin?

To get started, of course, go to the site http://maps.google.ru

I must say that the function of 3D maps is very, very deeply hidden in the functionality of maps. Finding them is not easy. I myself did not understand for a long time what to press and where to look.

So, enter the following into the search box: 3D New York. A similar picture will appear

Next, to enter the 3D mode, for example, click on the letter I. It doesn't matter. Subsequently, you will be able to manage your location using the map. The main thing is to go into 3D mode. So, press I and then on "Street View". By the way, if you still see the phrase “Street View” on Google maps, then you can view it in 3D mode

And so. 3D mode is started and you see a three-dimensional picture.

In the lower right corner there is a "little man" and a map. By moving the little man on the map, you can control your location. Attention, it cannot be placed outside the blue area, since only the marked blue area on the map enters the 3D viewing area. Click on the corner of the mini-map. It will expand half the screen. This makes it much easier to manage

If a location is unavailable in 3D view mode, pictures corresponding to it will be displayed in its place.

To switch to full-screen view mode (it's very, very convenient and the best way to use it), you need to click on the rectangle on the right at the top of the main map.

You can fully move around the city. Zoom in/Zoom out, read various signs, look at photographs, look at diagrams and symbols. What I really liked is that there is transport and people on the street. Even though it doesn't move, it still looks amazing. Very realistic picture, high resolution. Everything is very clear and distinguishable. You can also read various small text on signs and billboards.

Here is a map of New York's famous Times Square.

The only thing I would like is switching between day / night. But this is already nit-picking. Few people will need to look for any street in the middle of the night.

Now let's move from New York to Paris. Specifically to France. Google has also provided a 3D viewing mode for it. Let's introduce: 3D Paris

We click on any street. Our goal is to find the coveted inscription "Street View". So found. Here is what it looks like for me

I think it's interesting. You can see everything here. Let's try to find the famous Eiffel Tower.

There she is. Located on Ave. Gustave Efel. Let's try to see it in full screen. So it's much more interesting.

The next stop will be in Japan. Enter the following: Japonya 3d Tokyo. Let's select some place and expand it to full screen mode.

As you can see, the image quality is so high that you might think that this photo was actually taken in Japan.

Did you like it?

I think that this little walk around the world was interesting for you. I've never been so addicted to looking at maps. But really, you can look at all this beauty for hours. It's so interesting to see another city, almost live, walk along its streets, see the architecture and nature. It's a pity that you can't watch Russian cities in 3D. For example, Moscow, Peter. Well, I think without them you can have fun. The main thing is not to get carried away. Virtual travel is very addictive. You will not even notice how you will lose several hours of your time in search of something new and interesting. In general, forward to GoogleMaps.

Times Square in New York (Times Square) - the main crossroads of the world

Do not forget to write in the comments about your impressions. See you soon!

Why is it that the modern travel model consists solely of visiting the standard attractions described in guidebooks? Why do we willingly queue up at museums and galleries to catch a glimpse of famous paintings, even if we secretly - let's be honest - think art is boring?
The reason, of course, lies in the fact that this is what it means to be a tourist. But it seems to me that there is a more original and exciting way to spend a vacation.
Let's try to find a way for travel to inspire our lives and take them in a new direction. Perhaps this direction will be - a trip to 3D cities. Three-dimensional walks in different cities of the world, which are available thanks to modern technologies. Here are some examples of such cities:

Wait for the photo of Prague to load without clicking on the map. If there is a dark screen instead of an image, reload the page or open it in another browser.

Wait for the London photo to load without clicking on the map. If there is a dark screen instead of an image, reload the page or open it in another browser.

Wait for the photo of Paris to load without clicking on the map. If there is a dark screen instead of an image, reload the page or open it in another browser.

Wait for the photo of Rome to load without clicking on the map. If there is a dark screen instead of an image, reload the page or open it in another browser.

Wait for the photo of New York to load without clicking on the map. If there is a dark screen instead of an image, reload the page or open it in another browser.

Wait for the photo of Milan to load without clicking on the map. If there is a dark screen instead of an image, reload the page or open it in another browser.

Wait for the Barcelona photo to load without clicking on the map. If there is a dark screen instead of an image, reload the page or open it in another browser.

Wait for the photo of Madrid to load without clicking on the map. If there is a dark screen instead of an image, reload the page or open it in another browser.

Excellent rendering in 3D largest cities Europe. In my opinion, it was done better than Google's.
It is not clear why they removed the already finished material? We can only guess:

  1. sold to Google or someone else,
  2. gave development and is still in working order,
  3. could not automate the process and do not have time to update.

Google Maps in Russia

Not so long ago, parts of cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg were drawn in 3D on maps.
And in many, even small towns, one or more skyscrapers in the center were drawn. Why Google abandoned this is not clear.

https://www. bing.ru/maps

Bing Maps Bing Maps also has a 3D feature.
You will also need to install a plugin.
Cons - nothing better Google Maps and does not work with all browsers.
That is, another promotion of Internet Explorer.

https:// maps.google.com

Google Maps In fact, this is the Google Earth program built into Google Maps.
In order to use this effect, you need to switch to photography mode and the 3D button will appear below the compass. The terrain is very well implemented in volume: mountains, valleys...
As for the cities, they remained flat, although the whole picture is tilted. The real effect of 3D up to the trees is only in the major cities of the Western world (Europe, Australia, Canada) and most of the USA. To rotate in a circle, you need to hold down the Ctrl or Shift button and use the mouse.

According to many astronauts, there is nothing more beautiful than the view of our planet from the outside. When the Earth looks like a big Balloon, on which snow-white clouds, gray rocks and the blue expanse of endless ocean waters are located. This article will provide various online maps and 3D Earth globes. To use them, there is no need to download additional software, as is the case with Google Earth. The maps are interactive, so you can view them online right from these pages.

This is a 3D sample globe made up of fairly detailed raster photo textures that were created using a NASA satellite. To rotate the globe, hold down the left mouse button. To change the scale of the map, scroll the mouse wheel - up will zoom in, down - zoom out.

If you scale an area on the globe very close, you will get a not very high-quality image. This is due to the low resolution of most of the pictures taken. This approach to creating a globe ensures fast loading of textures by the browser. If images were used good quality, your browser would take a long time to download them due to the large size.

Virtual 3D Earth Globe Sample Online

On the network you can find many services that offer to view and study the 3D globe map of the Earth in an online browser. This model is a three-dimensional globe on which we can find areas of cities and states, settlements and even streets and buildings. Such an interactive globe is great for zooming. It's all about the vector textures that are used for this model, so you can scale the globe without loss of quality and see different objects on it. Some sites even allow you to see the name of the streets and house numbers.

Globe Giovanni Maria Cassini displays a historical map of the world

A very interesting specimen is a historical globe. It shows us a view of the planet Earth, as people who lived at the end of the 18th century looked. The author of this globe is considered Giovanni Maria Cassini, who created it back in 1790. The globe is interactive, like the previous ones. With it, you can also rotate the globe, zoom in and out. Here you can even find the routes of the expeditions of James Cook. They are marked on the globe in different colors.

Google Maps is a mapping service that provides satellite interactive maps of the Earth online.

For today Google Maps are among the most detailed digital maps in the world. Wherever you are, having a smartphone, tablet or laptop with you, you can find a route to any object on the map, find the nearest cafe, library, bank branch, etc. The map is very similar to any online 3D earth globe.

To create a route anywhere on the map, open Google Maps :

To find any place, country, city, village, open Google Maps again. Enter the desired object in the search bar and press "Enter" or the magnifying glass icon.

The map will immediately display the location you entered. On the left in the block you can find basic information on the found place on the map. Here is the current temperature, local time and other interesting facts.

Yandex Maps - satellite maps of the Earth in 3D online

Yandex, the most famous search engine in Russia, has its own interactive map service - Yandex Maps. They allow you to find the right place, build routes with any points on the map, print any site, view street panoramas, provide Maps API and much more. There is an interesting section - people's maps, where you can independently edit any objects, houses, gardens, streets, wells, etc., after passing moderation, they will be on the Yandex Maps service.

To find any point on the planet:

With the help of Yandex Maps, you can, like a 3D globe model online, find any point on our planet Earth. To do this, you need to enter a name locality in the search bar or point with the mouse directly on the map.

Google Maps and Google Earth are the most famous and popular mapping services in the world. They open up the world to tens and hundreds of millions of people, make it more understandable and close. And now such maps will become more realistic - Google Corporation has announced the transition Google Maps in 3D format.

Google Street View online service for many years allows us to see in three-dimensional mode all the most interesting places world - the streets of cities, the White House in Washington, the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean.

But Google Corporation recently announced an innovation that will be equipped with this mapping service. Thanks to this innovation, it will be possible to see in three-dimensional mode not only the streets of cities, but also these cities as a whole.

This will be done by combining satellite imagery, aerial and ground level photographs. All these frames will be rendered in such a way that a complete 3D model of the cities and buildings on their streets will be obtained.

Google promises that by the end of this year, all more or less large cities in the world, with a total population of more than 300 million people, will receive their three-dimensional models in the Google Maps service. The main cities of Europe, America and Asia are already available in 3D format.

According to representatives of Google Corporation, their main goal in creating a three-dimensional service in Google Maps was the desire to provide users with the opportunity to look at the world from a bird's eye view. After all, every person dreamed of flying over the streets, and now this eternal dream of a person is coming true. Albeit in virtual mode.