How to give instructions in combat wot. Teams in world of tanks. Customizable combat menu

A help screen with a list of control keys in the game can be viewed by pressing F1.

In combat mode

Key Action
F1 Calling up the help screen in combat
W, A, S, D Tank management
C Forced reloading of the "French" drum without waiting for it to be completely empty
R, F Turn on cruise control and change the speed of the tank. Double tap to set maximum speed
paintwork Fire
PKM Hold: Stop the turret tracking the gun marker. When aiming at an enemy: turn on auto-aim. When there is no target in the sight: turn off auto-aiming
Scrolling or PgUp/PgDn Camera zoom out/zoom in. In sniper mode: change the scope magnification.
Up/down/left/right keys or mouse movement Turret and/or camera rotation
SHIFT Enable/disable sniper (or howitzer) mode
SPACE Short stop for a shot; if the tank was in cruise control before pressing it, after the shot it will continue to move at the same speed.
Keys 1-3 (top row) Switching between types of tank shells
Keys 4-6 (top row) Use of equipment (first aid kits, repair kits, etc.)
CTRL Hold: Cursor on
CTRL + LMB On the mini-map Message to allies: "Attention to the square!". The specified square will be highlighted on the mini-map.
CTRL + RMB On the minimap (for howitzers) Switch to howitzer mode while aiming at a point on the map
TAB+CTRL Hide/show command lists
ALT Hold: Show tank icons and player names
Z Hold: Order Menu
X Turns on the parking brake when playing tank destroyers, art destroyers or other vehicles without a turret to be able to look around without moving the tank hull.
PrtScr Saving a screenshot in the game folder
ESC Exit to the main menu of the game

#faq - Go to the forum in the topic "FAQ"

#rules - Go to the forum in the topic "Rules"

#plans - "Tasks and plans of developers"

#ranks - Go to the forum in the topic "Ranks"

#clans - Go to the forum in the section "Clans"

#forum - Go to the main page of the forum

#updates - Go to the forum in the "Updates" section

#theft - Go to the forum in the topic "What to do if your account was stolen / hacked"

#nick - Go Home - Help - I want to change my nickname

#news - Jump to "News"

#teams - Go to the forum in the "Teams" section

re: - the nickname of the player who wrote to you last will be substituted in the typing line.

How to add a user to the blacklist?

/ block name -- block receiving messages from the player (valid everywhere). To do this, there are the following commands that must be entered into the chat:

/unblock name -- resume receiving messages from the player (valid everywhere).

/blocklist -- display a list of blocked players (only works in general chat).

/unblockall -- clear the list of blocked players (only works in general chat).

How to write a message in the battle only to the players of your team?

Ctrl+Enter or T.(eng)

How to report an intruder in a battle?

All you need is just to enter the command in the combat chat:

/vote NICKNAME AND press Enter.

What will happen next? So far, nothing. For anything to happen, 25% of the participants in the battle must complain about the intruder. If this happens, then for the moderators the violator's nickname will turn black, and the battle in which he is located will be highlighted in the list of battles, which will be an excellent signal to attract the attention of the moderator.

P.S. Sometimes when there is nothing to do, I send violators to the forum in order to read the rules of the game again, newcomers all the time ask are you an admin #haha# Do not abuse this #haha#

Communication is one of the main components of any online game. Millions of users are fighting in World of Tanks, and often during the battle you need to tell your allies some information, ask them for help, or just ask a question. For these purposes, a special game chat is provided in the game client, but in addition to it, any owner of a game account in the World of Tanks can write messages in the topics of the official game forum, as well as communicate in a private conversation with another player in the hangar. How to write a message in World of Tanks to another player or team?

So, as you understand, any player has three ways of text communication with other users. To write a message in the in-game chat of the game, after the start of the countdown or during the battle, press the Enter button on the keyboard and start typing the text of the message. Press Enter again to send the message.

If you want the enemy team to see your message in addition to the allies, then click the "TAB" button: the inscription "To everyone" will appear to the left of the text input box.

To negotiate within a platoon, double-click TAB until "Platoon" appears.

How to write a message in WoT in a private channel? After authorization in the client, you can communicate with any World of Tanks player. Would you like to start a chat with a friend? Click the first icon below, left-click on a friend's nickname and select "Create a private channel" in the context menu.

In the new window, enter the text and confirm sending the message with the Enter button.

If you want to write a message to a player who is not in the contact list, use the search for contacts in the same menu and create a private channel.

In addition, you can communicate with players on the World of Tanks forum, which is available at . Open the forum address in the browser, click the "Login" button at the top. On the new page, enter the data from your game account: mailbox and password for World of Tanks. After authorization, select a topic and write your question or message to forum users in the quick response window.

Remember that in the game chat and private channel, obscene expressions are not particularly punished, but this is severely punished on the game forum. As a result, observe moral norms and principles, do not insult the players, both on the forum and in battle. No one knows who is on the other side of the screen - an adult, a schoolboy, a student or a child. Good luck and good communication!

→ Teams in world of tanks

All teams in world of tanks are focused on only one thing - the interaction between allies. Each of the fifteen tanks in the team is part of a team, albeit not very close-knit. You must use wot commands in order to help yourself or your allies by calling for help in time or by performing other actions. After you have purchased your second / third / hundredth tank, you must know the commands in game world of tanks. If you don’t know, it doesn’t matter, in this article we will talk about all the commands and think about using the general chat.

F2 - attack! As the name implies, the wot command allows you to give a signal to your allies, which calls for an attack. Use carefully and only when you are sure you can push through the required flank. There are some individuals who, even with a big advantage of the opponent, throw this team into the wot battle chat and go forward, hoping that all the other allies on the team will follow them.

F3 - to the base! In the game, the battle can end for several reasons, and one of them is the capture of the base. Therefore, the developers implemented this command in world of tanks. I often witnessed a heartbreaking drama: more than half of our team goes forward, despite the fact that the firefly captures the base. Everyone thinks that there is a player who will turn back, but since everyone thinks about it, no one is going to break the capture. When this command appears in the world of tanks, I advise you to immediately look at the capture indicator, and if enemies are circling at the base, then immediately turn around and go to shoot down the capture.

F4 - follow me! A useless feature that gets boring in every fight. Of the fifteen players, at least one will imagine himself Napoleon and will convulsively urge to go after him. Whether it is necessary? Doubtful...

F5 - that's right! A rather useful command in wot, with which you can understand where the main allied forces will go. Napoleon shouts "follow me!" - and immediately several answers - "so exactly." They're going to pasture...

F6 - no way! The same as F5, but only the other half of the players do not want Napoleon to be emperor and categorically declare this by clicking “no way” several times.

F7 - need help! In wot, almost all commands are pretty useless, but this one looks different. Look closely, and if someone needs help, it is not in vain. It can be artillery swirling with a firefly or a tank that cannot defend an entire flank alone. You need to pay close attention to this team, because you always need to help, this is the key to team play.

Using Chat in Combat

Combat use wot chat necessary not only for whining and mating other players, as you thought. You can also write meaningless emoticons, command or play Vanga and Nostradamus, speaking in a general chat before the start of the battle: “Drain !!!”. But what am I talking about, we are seriously talking here ... But seriously, the combat chat in wot game can and should be used. Ask the artillery for help, tell me where the enemy artillery tracer came from, warn about the planned light, ask the allies to destroy the light... As you can see, the chat can be used for good purposes. Of course, during a hot fight, the chat is filled with meaningless screams, but if you catch the moment, then your message will be seen. And not only will they see, but, perhaps, they will help or listen to wise advice. Using the wot combat chat is recommended for everyone, but if you continue to clog the channel with rubbish, it will only get worse.