Platoons: rewards, penalties and future plans. What is a platoon in world of tanks? How much more experience in a platoon

At the end of 2014, the indefinite promotion "Invite a friend" began, for which you can get T95E2. The T95E2 is a premium tier eight tank with a preferential battle level, a 50% increase in silver and experience income, and the ability to transfer crew from any American medium tank without penalty.

How the Refer a Friend program works:

  1. You invite a friend who hasn't played before.
  2. He registers in the game.
  3. As soon as he buys any level 10 tank you will receive T95E2.

To invite, go to the game website, go to your personal account, click the "Invite a friend" button and fill out the form. You must enter the correct email address in the form.

As you can see, everything is simple, the main thing is to find those who want to. Remember how much you swung to the top ten. So you shouldn't expect that you can get T95E2 quickly in this way.

T95E2 how to get fast

Wait for the invitees to swing for a long time, while getting T95E2 quickly. There are two solutions:

1. Become a recruit yourself

I will write down the steps on how to get the T95E2 tank quickly and without a platoon, short and to the point.

  • We register new mail, for example, on
  • We go to the office and invite this mail.
  • It is advisable to buy an inexpensive invite code or.
  • Open mail and register a new account using an invite.
  • We change the password and get 300 gold.
  • We tie the phone and get 100 gold.
  • Choose your favorite branch of tanks and download only it.
  • We get T95E2, congratulations!

It took me three months to slowly upgrade American heavy tanks. Then he also managed to sell the account for 400 rubles. So I paid off all the costs. As you can see, this method cannot be called fast, but it is free 🙂

2. Find a special person for money

And now a really quick way to get T95E2 without playing in a platoon. We hire a recruit for money.

We have assembled a small team that pumps recruits for a small fee. Small by the standards of other premium tier 8 tanks. But our main advantage is the speed of pumping. Within 9-12 days after payment you will receive T95E2.

To date, we have upgraded 148 recruits. Satisfied customers left 87 positive reviews.

Follow these three simple steps and you will have a tank in 9-12 days.

And so, for starters, for beginners, let's explain what a platoon is in World of Tanks (hereinafter referred to as WoT).
A Platoon in WoT is a team of two or three players who always end up together in the same battle and on the same team. That is, in fact, it is a team within a team.

Pros of playing in a platoon

One of the biggest advantages of playing as a platoon is that you can usually always rely on support from your teammates. That is, you, with your teammates, can, for example, regardless of the actions of your team, or capture the base, thereby bringing a lot of benefits to the whole team and leading it to victory.

How to create a platoon?

For experienced players, playing in a platoon is already quite common, but for players who play WoT for the first time, this can be difficult.
To get started, to create a platoon, you need to open the battle type selection dialog box, which is located at the top of the game interface, under the button "To battle!"

Then, when we have actually created a platoon, we just have to invite the players with whom we want to play (I remind you that their number cannot be more than 2, not counting you).

Ready! We are waiting for the readiness of your teammates and press the button "To battle!"

Competent game by a platoon

As for the competent game with a platoon, then everyone has their own opinion on this matter. In my opinion, first of all, for a competent game in a platoon, one needs literacy and coherence of co-workers. That is, the game in a platoon is not only to ride the whole battle together, sometimes shooting at enemies, it is also competent actions depending on the situation. For example, if on one flank the defense is about to be breached, one of the co-leaders can quickly change location and hold back the enemy forces, while the remaining co-leaders will go behind enemy lines or strike from the flank. But this is only one of the possible scenarios for the development of events, in reality there will be a large number of them, and in each of them the platoon players need to assess the situation and, based on this, make decisions about further actions. As a rule, competent and skillful play by a platoon can bring a lot of benefits to the team, thereby bringing victory to the team in a seemingly hopeless situation. Well, in my opinion, and all you need to know about playing a platoon in WoT. Good luck on the battlefield!

In conclusion, we will add a couple of videos from watermakers

Prepared by: KARTMAN1996

Platoon is a key feature that World of Tanks players can enjoy. Absolutely every user can create a team of 3 people and go to the battlefield to achieve victory. Whether the player is premium or not, they can always take advantage of this feature.

Yes, at first glance it's cool to have your own platoon in combat, but it's worth a little digging into the nuances of this feature, as it immediately becomes clear that a platoon is another multifunctional system that requires special attention. In this article, we will talk about platoons and discuss the main problems that players face every day when logging into .

Yes, it sounds ridiculous, but about 25% of new players who decide to try the game face this problem. Therefore, especially for them, we explain that in order to create a platoon, you need to open the window of the main functions of the beginning of the battle, which is located under the "To battle" button, and select the "Platoon" tab there. Thus, a special window will open in front of you, where interactions with your platoon will take place. You will be able to recruit a team, dissolve a team, communicate and determine the composition.

How to search for derivatives?

World of Tanks is a multiplayer game where hundreds of thousands of players constantly interact with each other, communicate and fight. Finding a partner will not be easy, the main thing is to write about it in battle, or in the main chat of the game. But it's best to play with your friends, it will be more reliable and more fun than fighting with unknown personalities. To assemble a platoon, you need to find the nickname of the desired player through the search, then add him as a friend, then in the platoon creation window, click the INVITE button and send an invitation to the player you would like to see in your roster. Thus, you can recruit a team and go into battle for victory.

How to play in a platoon?

It is impossible to accurately determine the effectiveness of your platoon, do not forget that the whole game is built on the interactions of 15 players. But here you can put all your potential into battle, the main thing is to have a connection with your co-creators. Third-party voice communication programs such as Skype, Raidcall and others are best suited for this.

As soon as you can communicate with each other, you can decide on the tactics that suit you, the main thing is to take into account your composition of combat vehicles, as well as the capabilities of the players in your platoon. A few trial runs will help you decide on a style of play that will improve in the following battles until you start bringing victory to your team.

The main mistakes of the game in a platoon?

The most common problem throughout the game is an ineffective platoon. One player can bring minuses, but when there are three "" in the team, then the game can be considered already lost. Therefore, it is worth considering some points in advance:

never play with strangers, it’s better if you get to know each other better, skate a few training battles and be able to understand how you interact, you shouldn’t take everyone in a row, there are a lot of players in the game who have absolutely no idea how to play and just practice " nonsense";

  • pay attention to the statistics of the players, it can describe the basis of the capabilities of the player you want to take to the platoon, in addition, view the information for each and the tank, not the general one;
  • decide in advance who your commander is, so that there are no disagreements during the battle, if the three of you start making noise during the battle, this will negatively affect your gameplay;
  • do not take into the team violators of the order, players who play to the detriment of your team, and simply behave inappropriately, despite his professionalism in the game, it is better not to take him;
  • always interact in the game within your platoon, and then you play for a team, your platoon, this is the most important thing and it will be better for you if the platoon remains until the end of the battle, so you can drag out any situation;
  • do not scatter around the map, try to stay together so that your platoon is effective, if you are on opposite sides of the map, there will be no sense from your platoon;
  • remember, your combat flight weighs more than any tank, so get ready for the most difficult and high-level battles. Thus, we have considered the problems of playing in a platoon, although our comments look like advice, you can easily understand what problem we are talking about.

Benefits of playing in a platoon

Always take advantage of the opportunity to create a platoon, as a well-assembled small team can always bring victory. Experiment, sort players and choose the best. And now let's look at what advantages the platoon game has:

  • fun gameplay with your friends;
  • a reason to make new friends;
  • effective game;
  • exciting fights;
  • the opportunity to gain experience from experienced players;
  • the ability to have fun in the game;
  • constant support of interest in the game (when you play alone, the game will constantly impose negative emotions on you, and this will negatively play on your impression of World of Tanks).

So, we have covered the main points of the platoon game, and now you understand the whole essence of this feature in World of Tanks. Naturally, it has a huge number of different nuances, undisclosed moments and other things. You can learn absolutely everything about platoons only after you begin to actively participate in platoon rides. We wish you a pleasant game and good allies!

In the game World of tanks creating a platoon of two or three players is quite simple. In earlier versions of the game, there was a restriction on the creation of a platoon, and this feature was present for players with a premium account of the game. World of tanks. Let's look at several ways to invite friends to your platoon for communication and a more comfortable game.

Before that, it is worth highlighting the features of creating a platoon, as well as ways on how to do it:

    Sending an invitation to form a platoon in the hangar, from the list of friends or by searching for a game nickname

    Sending an invitation to a platoon from the battle log

    Sending an invitation to form a platoon directly in battle to break through the flank or otherwise coordinate your game actions

Standard sending an invitation to your platoon from the list of friends.

To do this, while in the hangar, find the tab to the left of the big red button "To Battle" and click on it. As a result, you will have two windows, one of which will be signed "Platoon: (type of battle selected before this, for example - a random battle)". The second window is actually an interface for inviting your friend, acquaintance or random player (the main thing here is to enter the correct game nickname in the search bar and select the required player from the list provided).

It is also worth noting that in the invitation window to the platoon there will already be players you added as friends who have currently accepted the invitation to friends and are online. Then you move the necessary game nicknames to the right side of this window by clicking on the checkmark icon in the center (or in the form of two when selecting all contacts in the mailing list).

In the lower right part of the window for inviting players, you can also write the text of the invitation (for example: “Hi, let's play with a platoon at level 10”) and click invite, after which a new notification about sending will appear in the information line of the game client messages (bottom right). offers to the selected player to join the platoon.

Also, after accidentally closing the “invite to formation” window, you can open it again by clicking on the “invite players” button in the platoon window. After that, having chosen your tank, as well as waiting for your friends, click on the "To battle" button for a joint game.

Sending an invitation to a platoon from the post-game statistics window (post-battle)

So, in order to invite the player you like according to the results of the battle played, you need to be in the hangar in the battle results window, go to the "Team result" tab. Find in the list the nickname of the player we want to invite to the platoon and right-click on it. In the list that appears, select "create a platoon" if we are playing alone or "Invite to formation" if we are already playing with a friend. Here it is worth noting an important feature: at the moment, the maximum number of players in a platoon cannot be more than three players.

Also in the game World of tanks at the moment there is a restriction on the creation of platoons in the hangar by the type of game technology (this applies to a greater difference in the level of technology, as well as such a class as artillery). You should warn your friends about this feature of the game. world of tanks if they don't already know.

Sending an invitation to a platoon during a battle

In battle, it is also possible to invite a player to a platoon - for this you need to find his nickname in the list of allies in the so-called "ears" by holding down the buttonaltmove the cursor over his nickname and click on the plus sign that appears in front of the nickname while playing in one or another mode. As soon as the player confirms the invitation to the platoon, you will see a message about the formation of a platoon in the combat chat at the bottom left. It would also be very useful if you suddenly met a clan member or friends in the allied team and want to fight the enemy team more productively.

Advantages and disadvantages of platoons in comparison with the solo game (single player):

    The widest coverage of the flanks on the battlefield and covering the rear if necessary.

    Focused fire on enemy vehicles, as well as an even distribution of incoming damage between platoons.

    Experience bonus when playing on the same level machines

    Of the minor drawbacks, one can note the lower damage indicators in the post-battle statistics, in contrast to the solo game.

    The overall contribution to the victory will be much more significant than when playing alone, therefore, with skillful play, players will have more winning statistics.

    It will also be important to note the possibility of using in-game voice communication (if you have a microphone) to effectively coordinate the actions of your platoon.

Among other things, it is worth noting the need to set the right goal for inviting a player to your platoon (for example: for a comfortable game, for communication, for performing joint combat missions), since the moment when an unfamiliar player refuses to join the formation will also be natural. It would be useful to remind you of the need to respect your own ally and co-platoon, especially if you were not acquainted before.

Could create a platoon of three players. Moreover, they could invite any players to their platoon, even those who play for free and do not use paid services. That is, the restriction was placed only on the one who creates the platoon. However, why did I add this element of the game history to the article on www .. In the current realities of the world of tanks, anyone can create a platoon, both for two and for three.

Technical part

Let's start with the simplest, with the technique of this process. The technique is very simple and the principle of a platoon is in any computer game. After all, everyone likes to play with friends on the same team, so platoons allow you to do this in wot. It's very easy to create a platoon. First, add your friends to friends, that is, to the list of contacts in the game. After that, we create a platoon with the desired button and invite our comrades there.

The technical limitations are as follows. First, your friends must be in the game and accept the actual invitation to the platoon. Second, you must all be on the same server. That's actually all. There are no restrictions on the level of technology, the skills of players can also differ dramatically. But, despite the fact that there are no formal restrictions on these parameters, it is better to adhere to the rules of an effective platoon.

Effective Platoon Rules

How does a platoon get advantages in a random battle? Naturally, due to coordinated actions within the platoon. For this reason, the presence of voice communication within the platoon is a must. There is such functionality inside the game client, but it is easier to use TeamSpeak, RaidCall, Skype, etc.

It is worth avoiding taking into the platoon equipment that is very different in level. It is foolish to take a tank of the seventh level or higher into a platoon of a tractor of the first level. A difference of even one level can be very unpleasant. It also makes sense to take the right technique to each other so that you can help each other in combat. For example, two tanks of the same type are a better option than a heavy tank and a nimble firefly.

However, the real effectiveness of a particular platoon and its composition is determined in real battles. Sometimes even dubious combinations turn out to be very interesting and allow you to use various interesting tactics, such as luring greedy tankers to live bait. And in a random house, every second deer likes to chase a frag.

I will only mention platoon interaction. It in itself affects the outcome of the battle very much, but it is also very difficult to develop it. To begin with, personally reach at least an average level of the game, and only then collect a platoon. Believe me, reindeer squads just kill a team's chance of winning, especially if they get to the top of the team's list of high-level fights.

A simple rule along the way is to choose friends in your platoon according to their level or better. In the second case, you will have a hypothetical chance to improve your level of play. However, this training option is not always effective, so I don’t advise anyone to pay gold for training, learn by other methods, I already gave advice on this on the site.

If you have a friend or girlfriend who doesn't know how to play wot, but you can't refuse him a platoon, then ride low-level tanks. So you and your comrade will be able to learn a little, and yourself, in which case, you will be able to pull out the battle. At low levels of technology, there will be no such negative impact from weak platoons, performance is performance, but it's very fun to ride in a random house with friends.

But once again I will warn you that it is not worth creating platoons of weak players on high-level tanks. You won't win even on premium tanks and won't earn credits. The fact is that already at these levels a big responsibility falls on the tanker, it will not be very nice to let the team down. For a platoon of deer in the top is a powerful bid for defeat. Only a miracle or a platoon of a similar level at the red diamonds can save.

Influence of platoons on random

The thing is that the platoon has a very strong influence on the outcome of the battle. World of tanks is a team game, and the result of the battle is very, very dependent on team interaction. Even a wot master with 14 deer as allies will lose to a team of only average players. And in random, there is just no team interaction, it is very difficult to achieve it with random allies.

A platoon greatly reduces the dependence of the result of the battle on chance. A platoon can already really change the outcome of the battle, draw out victories, increase the percentage of victories. One out of 15 tanks is one thing, and 3 out of 15 is already a force. But this strength or quiet horror depends heavily on the quality of the platoon. Both extras and frankly weak players love to ride in platoons, because it's fun and effective. True, this is effective only when creating a strong platoon, weak players will lose even more often than one by one.

The fact is that platoons are distributed to teams approximately equally, if we take into account only the number. That is, if there are two platoons in the allied team, then there will be two platoons in the enemy team. And whether it will be frankly weak players on the tops, who will merge into the enemy in the first two minutes, or experienced players who came out to win randomly, is not known for certain.

Although it's probably quite simple here, because the average level of players is very low, so the average level of platoons will be sad. It will be sad especially in the case when you are unlucky and your team will have a platoon of deer, and the enemy has a platoon of extras. Often, even the fulfillment of the first condition will inevitably lead the team to defeat. The higher such a weak platoon is on the command list, the more deafening the drain will be.

Some manage to very skillfully, and most importantly, quickly merge in the first 60 seconds of the battle, leaving their team even an illusory chance of winning. If you don't want to get into this situation, don't play as a platoon yourself. Platoons are thrown last for solo players, however, the popularity of wot and platoons themselves is very high, so there are a lot of platoons in random in the evenings. There is actually only one way out - do not play at a time when there are a lot of platoons, if you do not like it.


Platoon is a great alternative to a single player game in harsh random and company battles. Platoon play brings together the best aspects of both play options. On the one hand, we are left with a pleasant freedom and unpredictability on the battlefield. On the other hand, we can already fight against chances and really win with our comrades. However, you still have to raise your level of play, a platoon of the weak looks not only sad, but also reduces the efforts of the allies to nothing.