Applications for joining the clan wot. How to create a clan in World of Tanks and what you need to know. Application to a closed clan

In World of Tanks you can join a clan. This opportunity can bring you not only great gaming experience, but also gold. Consider how to join a World of Tanks clan.

Clan invitation

If you are a good player, you may be noticed by the commander or recruiter of some clan and send an invitation to join. You need to take it within one day.

But know that waiting for manna from heaven is a disastrous thing, because joining a clan is like finding a job: you must look for a clan for yourself, and not for you.

This is how you can accept an invitation to the clan:

  1. Go to the My Profile page.
  2. Open the "Invitations" page, the link to it is on the right in the vertical menu.
  3. Click on the "Accept" button.

Application for joining a clan

By applying to World of Tanks clans, joining one of them is much easier than waiting for someone to notice you. There are a thousand clans, and a million players (in a figurative ratio), so it's easier to make the last choice.

This is how you can apply to join the clan:

  1. Go to the World of Tanks website.
  2. Open the "Community" page (or click on the arrow next to the "Community" button in the horizontal menu).
  3. Click on the Clans button.
  4. Find the clan in the list that has a red button with a plus sign on the right. This means that the clan accepts new recruits. If the button is inactive, you cannot join the clan by request, it is possible only by invitation.
  5. Click on the plus button in the list of clans or go to the page with the clan and click on the "Join Clan" button.
  6. Enter the message that clan officers will receive with your application.
  7. Click on the "Submit" button.

You can submit no more than 100 applications per day.

5 years and 9 months ago Comments: 12

What is a clan?

Many, probably, while playing World of Tanks, read phrases like “a clan is being recruited” and you wondered what a clan is and why it is needed. Clans are permanent military formations of players designed to jointly perform combat missions, geopolitical games and just have fun. Clan fighters are brothers in arms who equally share the bitterness of defeat and together go to the desired victory. Only clans can own provinces on the Global Map (more on that later) and receive regular income from them.

How to create a clan?

So, you have gained skill or consider yourself an experienced player, and decided to create your own clan. We go to the official website, go to your profile, click on the checkmark down under your nickname and see the inscription clans there, click on it.

After the transition, we see such a picture

Click on the tab create a clan (if someone needs more detailed information, click on the tab all about clans). The menu for creating a clan opens. Here we see the Clan Name, Tag, Clan Motto, Description. Enter all the necessary data and click create a clan. The cost of creating a clan is 2500 gold coins. Previously, it was possible to create a promotion for 500 gold, perhaps there will be promotions soon and who knows, maybe they will reduce the cost for creating a clan. After creating a clan, information about your clan will be available on the community page in the clans section. You can view information about your clan and edit it. Let's click on edit. Here we see that you can edit the name and tag (the paid service is 2000 gold coins), the motto is edited absolutely free, the symbolism (the service is paid for 500 gold coins) and everything else is free of charge.

On the main page of the clan, we see the personnel and all the data that was entered when creating the clan. On the right we see the tabs, click on them and figure it out. If you have good players in mind who are not yet in the clan, I advise you to invite them, because in order to win you need to have a good team. How to invite you ask, I answer, click on the community, then the players, enter the player's nickname, search, click on the nickname and a line appears on the left to invite to the clan, invite. I advise you to contact the player to whom the application was sent and inform him about this, since the application is valid for 24 hours. The composition must be recruited 15 people in order to fight on the Global Map, each of the team members can be given a position.

World War.

When choosing the type of battle in the World of Tanks, you probably saw the Special Battle, for some reason it is always unavailable. I will explain now what you need to do to take part in this battle. By going to the World of Tanks website, and clicking on the World War tab, 2 modes appear - this is global map and World in fire.

World War- a game mode in which you can feel like a conqueror of the world. Having united in a clan, take part in the confrontation on the Global Map. Ownership of provinces on the Global Map not only speaks of the success of the clan, but also brings in-game gold for keeping the clan. By going to the site and clicking on the global map, you can read more about it, but I will tell you briefly.

global map- this is the playing field of the World War, on which hostilities are unfolding between clans for the conquest of a province (territory). The Global Map displays information about all provinces and invading clans. If you carefully follow the changes on the map, you can not only assess the overall balance of power in the game, but also develop a reliable plan for your expansion. To fight on the Global Map, you need to have 15 players in the clan, each player is a token, and to capture a claim to capture a province, you need 15 tokens. It is also necessary to have good armored vehicles from level 2 to 10.

World in fire is a large-scale gaming event for clans. It has a logical conclusion and is a set of combat missions, for the completion of which clans and their individual members receive Victory Points and Glory Points. The reward for the winners of the World on Fire event is in-game gold, unique medals, and the T23E3 prize tank. You can also read more details on the official World of Tanks website.

How to join a clan?

If you do not have the opportunity to create your own clan, but you want to play on the global map, then do not despair, because you can ask someone to join the clan, whether they are friends, acquaintances or an ordinary player. Let's say you asked for a good clan, what will the clan recruiter look at first of all? Of course, on your statistics! If it satisfies, then you will be sent an invitation to the clan. How to take it? If you were informed that an invitation was sent to you, go to the website, enter your profile, and see 1 new message, open it and accept the invitation (joining a clan is absolutely free, as well as leaving it). If there is no message, click on the notification tab, for sure the invitation is waiting for you there. If not there, then I advise you to wait, soon the invitation will come. However, I do not advise putting it all on the back burner, since the deadline for sending an application for an invitation to the clan is 24 hours.
And that's all for me, thank you for your attention.

Prepared by: Frostninzya163

What is nice, Wargaming fully supports the clan system, giving players the opportunity to officially join clans or create their own and invite people there using a separate service

What is a clan in WoT?

In general, a clan in World of Tanks is an association of players for the purpose of playing together and communicating. In addition, there are separate game modes for them - Fortified Areas and the Global Map. Joining a clan gives the player several benefits:

  • The ability to easily find a teammate - if there are a lot of active players in the community, then just write a request to the clan chat, and someone will definitely respond to you;
  • The opportunity to take part in sorties, the battles in which are already real teamwork - a good team, as a rule, has proven schemes, tactics, as well as competent field commanders. Thus, the level of coordination of the game exceeds that in company and team battles, not to mention random ones.
  • A consequence of the previous paragraph are pleasant bonuses to experience and credits - if the clan has a developed fortified area with a financial part and other buildings, the commander will periodically turn on payments.
  • Access to the Global Map - if the community holds several provinces, this means that there is in-game gold in the treasury, which you can also get if you take an active part in sorties. It is also an opportunity to participate in events and receive unique tanks as a reward. Actually, it is the game on the global map that is the ultimate goal of any clan, at least according to the developers' idea.

How to enter?

To join any clan, you must, of course, find a suitable one. Keep in mind that not every commander will accept you - many communities select players according to several criteria, and you need to make sure that you meet these criteria. As a rule, this is your game rating, the presence of a certain technique, as well as the time of activity. To find out exactly what requirements the command imposes on recruits, click on the "Description" button on the clan's main page:

Or the "Summon Conditions" button, located a little lower:

If everything suits you and you meet the requirements, click the "Submit Application" button. In the window that opens, you can write a small comment to the commander and regular officers - say that you are an active player and will take a full part in clan life.

If you cannot find a team that suits you, you can fill out the Personal File , and the system will give you all possible options, according to the questionnaire.

Entry is completely free.

How to get out?

If the community you have joined does not suit you, you can leave it at any time. To leave the clan, go to the main community page on the World of Tanks website, and in the upper left corner click the "Expand Menu" button:

After that, a menu will pop up on the left, at the bottom you will find the item "Leave the clan":

How to find out who left?

If you are a commander, then most likely you have encountered a situation where the number of people in the clan has decreased, and it is not clear who exactly left your team. If you add all your fighters as friends, then the easiest way is to see which of them no longer have a clan tag next to their name. However, this method is inconvenient if there are a lot of friends and clan members in your contact list.

Therefore, for this purpose, there is a special tool on the Ivanerr website - Player Ownership History It is enough to enter a tag in the field, and you will be able to see all the information about who entered and left the community, starting from its very foundation. You can also see where a player joined by specifying his nickname.

How to earn gold in a clan?

As mentioned above, joining a large, active and well-playing community can become a source of game gold in the long run. The main thing is that it controls at least one province on the Global Map (and the more, the better, of course). However, do not expect that you will ride in random, and the gold itself will drip into your account. The fact is that the income from the provinces is not distributed equally to all players, but goes to the clan treasury, and there the commander and his deputies decide who and how much to pay. It goes without saying that inactive players will not get a penny, so everything here depends on your initiative. Participate in GC sorties as often as possible, play well, pull fights, and then the commander will not leave you without a reward. And yet, you should not think that this will provide you mountains of gold - in addition to you, the team will probably include many more active players, and not so much gold goes to the treasury. However, you will definitely have enough to remove equipment and buy camouflages and slots.

It is worth noting that there is another way to earn gold in the clan - if the clan Stronghold has a level 9-10 "Chancery" building, and the commander periodically activates random tasks from it, then the reward for completing such a task can be gold in the amount of 500 or 1000 Naturally, to complete this combat mission, you will have to sweat a lot.

Thus, in the game World of Tanks there is a highly developed clan system that makes it as easy as possible for players to unite in communities. If you are socially active and like to play in a community of like-minded people, feel free to join a clan, and new opportunities will open up for you that are inaccessible to single players.

Everyone is well aware that an experienced player can defeat a beginner even if the first one plays on a much weaker tank than the second. However, it should also be noted that interaction and mutual understanding are even more important parameters, since this project is a team project. Accordingly, two players who understand and know each other well will be able, with a good combination of circumstances, to defeat the whole enemy team. Thus, it is very important that you have a good clan in WoT, because it is within the clan that you will be able to work out all the strategies, decide how to act on the battlefield, and so on. But first, it’s worth understanding how to join the World of Tanks clan, since even at this stage many people have a problem.

clan portal

The first thing you need to understand if you want to understand how to join a World of Tanks clan is that the entry takes place on a separate portal. On the main site there is a special section for clans, in which you need to be able to navigate. Many people start looking for other ways, asking players and so on, but there is no need for this. If you carefully study the process, you will understand that it is extremely simple. So, you are on the right portal - what do you do next? How to join a World of Tanks clan?

Search for a specific clan

You should understand that the portal is just a tool with which you can find and join a clan. But most of the work can be done separately. If you are already wondering how to join a World of Tanks clan, you need to seriously analyze what communities are already on your server. After that, you can contact the leaders of those clans that suit you best and discuss the terms of entry. And then you only need the clan portal to officially become a member of the clan.

Application confirmation

Creating is a huge responsibility, and if you don't have the opportunity to take it upon yourself at the moment, then you can simply join the clan. And if you have already discussed all the details with the management and come to an agreement, then you need to use one of two methods. Firstly, you can enter the name of the clan you need in the search bar, go to its page and apply. Or the clan leader can send you an invitation, which you will only need to confirm. That's all - you are in a clan, and the game World of Tanks becomes both easier and much more interesting for you.

Private bussiness

However, it is not always possible to resolve all issues outside the portal - then you can use its capabilities to the fullest. To do this, you need to fill out your personal file. First of all, you need to note what the minimum percentage of wins for members should be, then the maximum and minimum number of members. Indicate whether it is important for you that the clan has possessions on the Global Map. Tell us important information about yourself - indicate what days of the week you can play and at what time. Naturally, do not forget to indicate which languages ​​you speak, as well as for what purposes (except for the game itself) you join the clan: chat, get the opportunity to participate in company battles, and so on. When you have a personal file ready, you can go to the "Military Commissariat" tab and see what clans will be offered to you in accordance with what you indicated in your personal file. And already from the proposed options you can make a competent choice. Naturally, no one is rushing you. And if you don't like any of the clans - you can wait until other options appear that will also meet your requirements. If they do not appear - perhaps you should change your requirements a little so that they are not so tough.

Since the well-known strategy game World of Tanks (World of Tanks) is a multiplayer online project, players have the opportunity to play in platoons, participate in team, company battles or join a clan formation. A clan is a community of players who have the opportunity to participate in battles on Global Maps, fight in fortified areas, perform various combat missions together.

In addition, some players, having gained enough experience in the game, feel confident to create their own clan community, inviting their friends to it for a common game. Therefore, in this section, we will look at how to create a World of Tanks clan, as well as how to join the clan community.

Detailed instructions for creating your own clan

To create your own clan, the first thing you need to have is a great desire, great organizational skills. You need to come up with a name for your clan community and keep in mind that creating a clan is a paid service. The cost of creating a clan formation is 2500 in-game gold(in-game currency that can be purchased with real money). In addition, you need to spend money on choosing or creating an emblem.

So, if you are firmly confident in your decision, in order to create your own clan, you need to go to the official website of the game at the link and log in to the company's server. Click on the " To come in» and after authorization replenish your game balance by pressing the button « Top up account”, indicating the amount in the column, choose a convenient method of replenishment.

After replenishing the account, return to the WoT game website, click on your nickname in the upper right corner with the mouse button, select the game World of Tanks and click on the " Create a clan". Now you need to enter the name of your clan formation, enter tags, requirements for players, come up with a slogan.

After pressing the button " Create a clan”, in automatic mode, your balance will be deducted 2500 gold and you will become the commander-in-chief of your clan unit. Now you have the opportunity to invite other players to play together in clan battles.

How to join a World of Tanks clan?

Many players sooner or later decide to join some kind of clan formation, especially since quite often in battles you can see short announcements about an invitation to a clan. Accordingly, in order to join the formation, you must apply for membership or receive an invitation. Only the commander-in-chief and his defenders can invite players to the clan.

Recently, the players became available " military registration and enlistment office”, where everyone can choose the most suitable clan for themselves or fill in information about themselves that will help commanders and recruiters when looking for a new player.

To join a clan, you need to go to the official website of the game, find the tab " Clans”, Enter the name of the clan in the search bar. Go to the clan profile and apply to join the formation by clicking on the " apply».

After the commander approves your candidacy, you will be accepted into the formation. If the clan commander sent an invitation earlier, the color of the button will change to green and you will automatically join the personnel. You can also ask to be sent an invitation, which will be displayed in " Personal account» in the tab « Notifications».