How to get into the whirlpool from Stormwind. Geography of the Maelstrom - WoW JP. Maps and subzones

Once Kalimdor was a single whole continent, in the middle of which was the Well of Eternity, a powerful source of magic. Then came the War of the Ancients. Sargeras attempted to enter the world through the Well with the help of the Highborne, led by Queen Azshara. The attempt failed. The combined forces of the peoples of Azeroth, led by Malfurion and other powerful wizards, stood in the way of the fallen Titan. But the price of victory was high - the Well of Eternity was destroyed, which led to a global catastrophe. The once single mainland split into three parts - Northrend, the Eastern Kingdoms and the Kalimdor that we know now. And in place of the Well, in the center of the ocean, a giant whirlpool of the Whirlpool formed.

After Deathwing recovered his failing health, he made his return from the Elemental Plane through this place, the Maelstrom. And we adventurers will be able to get into the Underdark by walking a fine line between the physical world and the Elemental Plane right here. But is this the only thing? Maybe there is something else of interest here?

Judging from the map, the Maelstrom Vortex is indeed gigantic. In its center is an area called the Eye, which is quite populated. Brann Bronzebeard, who visited the Eye, said that he had not seen a place more populated than this. A wide variety of creatures inhabit these underwater depths. For example, Nagas, former Highborne, transformed by the Old Gods. Their capital is Nazjatar, a city built on the slopes of The Rift, where the Well of Eternity used to be.

Next, Nagas are not alone. They are adjacent to a race of crab people who are in constant hostility with the Nagas. They live in the city of Mak'aru in the Scintal Reef area. In addition, there are several other locations, such as The Boiling Terrase, which is full of active volcanoes. The Drowned Reaches is located at the northeast end of Terrassa. Fleeing from the catastrophe, hundreds of ships were still sucked into the Maelstrom and then thrown out in this place. The "population" of the location is the restless ghosts of the Elves. Another interesting place- Gishan Caverns. This is a system of caves on the seabed, formed as a result of volcanic activity. There are also enough monsters here that even aggressive Nagas do not risk messing with.

As you can see, places at the bottom of the sea are a whole addition. Vashj "ir, the location that became available in Cataclysm, is not the only busy place. It is quite possible that the theme of the next addition will be the Whirlpool and the underwater-terrestrial territories adjacent to it.

This event is known as Great Schism, which destroyed almost eighty percent of the land of a single continent Kalimdor. As a result of the explosion, the mainland was divided into several parts, and a new ocean formed in the center, called Great Sea. The whirlpool is located in its very center and is a violent mixture of decent and chaotic energy.

This terrible scar on the surface of the planet will never stop its furious twisting and will be an eternal reminder of the catastrophe that happened in ancient times. Ships and airships plying between Kalimdor and Eastern kingdoms, are forced to distort their routes to avoid the Maelstrom. It slowly draws small islands towards itself and eventually destroys them forever.

Around Vodorovot are fragments of rocks left from the former lands. On one of them, called the Storm's Eye cliff, there is Whirlpool Pillar- a mysterious amulet, which, according to shamans, appeared shortly after the Great Schism. The pillar hums with overflowing energy and is a vast source of pristine power.

Third war

At the height of the war with Deathwing's army Aspects were able to take over Dragon Soul, with which they intended to destroy the black dragon. With the help of the heroes, they were able to weaken him enough that Deathwing was forced to collapse into the Maelstrom. It turned into a formless mass of unleashed hatred and immeasurable power, but the Aspects, Thrall and the heroes were able to achieve its complete destruction. After the fall of Deathwing, the shamans continued to heal Whirlpool and completed it only years later.

Heart of Azeroth

The source of information in this section is an addendum Legion to World of Warcraft.

After the crushing defeat of the Alliance and Horde in the Battle of Broken Shore elders Earthen Ring gathered on the rocks at the Whirlpool to consider plans for the future. Bye Rehgar Earthfury and Erunak the Stonespeaker studied the Maelstrom Pillar, Thrall and Nobundo discussed exactly how the shamans would be able to respond to the Legion. Nobundo suggested that the Earthen Ring would need a powerful weapon capable of destroying demons and the like. Hammer Doom, owned by Thrall. A famous hero who fought on the Broken Shore also arrived at the meeting of the shamans.

Suddenly, on the cliff of the Eye of the Storm, where the Earthen Rings settled down, infernals commanded by the treacherous Get "zun. Thrall bravely engaged the commander while the other shamans slew the infernals and felbats. The hero used the power of the Whirlpool Pillar to release a huge amount of energy and threw Get "zun directly into the Whirlpool. But along with the demon, the Hammer of Doom, released by Thrall from his hand, also fell there.

Although the Legion invasion was repelled, Thrall lamented that the forces were unequal. After the events on the alternative Draenor his relationship with the elements has changed, and now he has also lost his weapon. Thrall realized that he needed to think things through, and appointed the hero as the new head of the Earthen Ring. He acknowledged that Nobundo was right that the Legion could not be defeated by conventional means. The hero had to go in search of ancient artifacts, among which were Fist of Ra-den , Sharas "gave and just lost Hammer of Doom.

When the new leader of the shamans returned with the artifact, the Earthen Ring decided to establish their stronghold right on the rocks near the Maelstrom. Behind the cave-in on the bluff of the Eye of the Storm, an easy passage was found to the rocks called the Heart of Azeroth. The shamans immediately set about equipping them and summoning elementals to provide additional protection. They did not forget about the Whirlpool Stop and the Storm's Eye cliff, where a training ground was organized under the supervision of Aggra. The Elementalist Janaya began researching the Pillar and looking for ways to strengthen it.

On one of the rocks was the Ancient Altar of the Elements, and the head of the order with the help of it to get the opportunity to endow their artifacts with new powers. He was assisted by Windspeaker Gorma, who became the keeper of legends, and Gavan Grayfeather, who can change the flow of power within artifacts. Installed nearby tactical map, and Councilor Sevel stood beside her as he assisted the new chapter leader in planning operations in the Broken Isles. The Dalaran mages also set up portals between their city and the Maelstrom.

During the war against the Legion, the Earthen Ring succeeded in getting the elemental lords to side with them. Powerful elementals sent by the overlords and portals to worlds have appeared in the Heart of Azeroth Elemental Realmsheavenly heights , Firelands and Underdark. Neptulon , Therazane , Peploron and Thunderaan were here for the ceremony where they announced an alliance in the face of the threat of the Burning Legion.

positionCenter of the Great Sea

whirlpool- a huge rift that was formed after the explosion of the first Well of Eternity at the end of the War of the Ancients. This event is known as the Great Sundering, which destroyed almost eighty percent of the landmass of the unified continent of Kalimdor. As a result of the explosion, the mainland was divided into several parts, and a new ocean formed in the center, called the Great Sea. The whirlpool is located at its very center and is a violent mixture of decent and chaotic energy.

This terrible scar on the surface of the planet will never stop its furious twisting and will be an eternal reminder of the catastrophe that happened in ancient times. Ships and airships that travel between Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms are forced to deform their routes to avoid the Maelstrom. It slowly draws small islands towards itself and eventually destroys them forever.

Around the Whirlpool are fragments of rocks left from the former lands. One of them, called Storm's Eye, houses the Maelstrom Pillar, a mysterious amulet that shamans say appeared shortly after the Great Sundering. The pillar hums with overflowing energy and is a vast source of pristine power.


Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos

This section contains exclusive information on Warcraft III.

After the destruction, an explosion of powerful force destroyed the continent of Kalimdor and left less than 80% of the land area. The continent itself was torn apart into several large continents, which began to move away from each other in the open ocean. At the site of the explosion of the Well, in the center of the new sea, a scar formed, around which storms of rage and chaos raged. This terrible scar, known as the Whirlpool, will never cease its violent existence... and past utopian ages will never come again.

At the center of the whirlpool is the Eye. The empires of the markrur and the naga live alongside it.

World of Warcraft

The Maelstrom is a large storm in the center of the world map, which lies between Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. Ships and airships always fly around it on their way between the continents for objective reasons. To enter the Underdark, players must pass through the surface of the Maelstrom by completing the Earthen Ring quest, which can be obtained from all your faction capitals.

The Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King

Although the heroes of Azeroth knew about the existence of the Maelstrom from the maps they found in various places, it was not until the onset of the Cataclysm that they had the opportunity to visit here. The monstrous dragon Deathwing used the Maelstrom to return to Azeroth from the Underdark, and caused further destruction. The Earthen Ring, sensing the fury of the elemental spirits, traveled to the Maelstrom and did their best to stabilize it after Deathwing's actions. They participated in the restoration of the Pillar of Peace, located in the Underdark. Had it not been for the intervention of the shamans and heroes, the world from the Elemental Realm could have fallen to Azeroth through its connection to the Maelstrom. Healing the Maelstrom has been practiced by renowned shamans such as Thrall, Aggra, Nobundo, Regar Earthfury, and Muln Earthfury.

At the peak of the war with Deathwing's army, the Aspects were able to take possession of the Dragon Soul, with which they intended to destroy the black dragon. With the help of the heroes, they were able to weaken him enough that Deathwing was forced to collapse into the Maelstrom. It turned into a formless mass of unleashed hatred and immeasurable power, but the Aspects, Thrall and the heroes were able to achieve its complete destruction. After the fall of Deathwing, the shamans continued to heal the Maelstrom and completed it years later.

    Concept art.

    The Maelstrom as seen in World of Warcraft.

    Complete view from an earlier build.

    Entering the Maelstrom.

    Flying into Deepholm from the Maelstrom.

This section contains exclusive information for .

After the devastating defeat of the Alliance and Horde in the Battle of the Broken Shore, the elders of the Earthen Ring gathered on the rocks at the Maelstrom to ponder their plans for the future. As Rehgar Earthfury and Erunak Stonespeaker studied the Maelstrom Pillar, Thrall and Nobundo discussed exactly how the shamans would respond to the Legion. Nobundo surmised that the Earthen Ring would need a powerful weapon capable of destroying demons, similar to the Doomhammer Thrall wielded. A famous hero who fought on the Broken Shore also arrived at the meeting of the shamans.

Suddenly, infernals, commanded by the insidious Get "zun, fell upon the cliff of the Eye of the Storm, where the Earthen Rings were settled. Thrall bravely entered the battle with the commander while other shamans destroyed the infernals and felbats. "Zuna straight into the Whirlpool. But along with the demon, the Hammer of Doom, released by Thrall from his hand, also fell there.

Although the Legion invasion was repelled, Thrall lamented that the forces were unequal. After the events on the alternate Draenor, his relationship with the elements has changed, and now he has also lost his weapons. Thrall realized that he needed to think things through, and appointed the hero as the new head of the Earthen Ring. He acknowledged that Nobundo was right that the Legion could not be defeated by conventional means. The hero had to go in search of ancient artifacts, among which were the Fist of Ra-den, Sharas "gave and the just-lost Hammer of Doom.

When the new leader of the shamans returned with the artifact, the Earthen Ring decided to establish their stronghold right on the rocks near the Maelstrom. Behind the cave-in on the bluff of the Eye of the Storm, an easy passage was found to the rocks called the Heart of Azeroth. The shamans immediately set about equipping them and summoning elementals to provide additional protection. They did not forget about the Maelstrom Pillar and the Storm's Eye cliff, where a training ground was organized under the supervision of Aggra. The Elementalist Janaya began researching the Pillar and looking for ways to strengthen it.

On one of the rocks was the Ancient Altar of the Elements, and the head of the order with the help of it to get the opportunity to endow their artifacts with new powers. He was assisted by Windspeaker Gorma, who became the keeper of legends, and Gavan Grayfeather, who can change the flow of power within artifacts. A tactical map had been set up nearby, and Councilor Sevel stood beside it, assisting the new leader of the Chapter in planning operations in the Broken Isles. The Dalaran mages also set up portals between their city and the Maelstrom.

During the war against the Legion, the Earthen Ring succeeded in getting the elemental lords to side with them. Powerful elementals, sent by the overlords, have appeared in the Heart of Azeroth, and portals to the worlds of the Elemental Realm - Skyhigh, Firelands and Deepholm. Neptulon, Therazane, Peploron, and Thunderaan were here for a ceremony where they announced an alliance against the threat of the Burning Legion.


Maps and subzones

Maelstrom Map

In Game
Warcraft RPG
Boiling Terrace The Drowned Reaches Eye Gishan Caverns Mak'aru